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Pile No. 14(1}2016 /tnfo/Ent/FSSAL Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Rgulatory Compliance Division) FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi - 110002 Dated the J March, 2018 ‘Subject: Implementation of Revised Food Safety Inspection checklists reg. Sir/Madam, Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (PSSAD has revised the inspection checklist for facilitating Food Safety Officers to efficiently inspect the Food Businesses. The revised inspection checldists wete placed for comments in the 20% CAC meeting held on ‘22% August 2017 and was also uploaded on PSSAVs website for comments 2, The existing inspection checklist Is very general in nature and is not specific to the Kind ‘of businesses. The revised inspection checklists are objective In nature, linked with marks ‘with each point and shall be used to identiy the level of compliance with each requirement that i set out inthe FSS Act, 2006, Rules and Regulations made thereunder. These inspection cheekists are based on revised Schedule 4 of Food Safety & Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Husinesses) Regulation, 2011 and have been developed for following Kind of Businesses - General Manufacturing Mik Processing Meat Processing Slaughter house Catering Retail “Transport Storage & warehouse 2. You are therefore requested to direct the Designated Oiicors/Food Safety Officers to adopt and implement these revised inspection checklists in thelr respective area of jurisdiction Eels: As Above Yours sincerely ae vet Director (RCD) Tol-011-23220994 To (9) Commissioners of Food Safety of al States/UTS. (i) Al) Contral Licensing Authorities Copy to: 1. CITO, FSSAL-for uploading on the website, incorporating in FLRS FOOD SAFETY INSPECTION CHECKLISTS Food Saley& Standards Authority of nda (FSAI has developed inspection checlstforfctatng Fo Safety cers tm ecenty ape the Pood Basle» Opeatrs FBO. he hypetion checklsts are sel to Keni the level of Compliance with each requirement hat set out in the regulon These inspeeUon checklists are based on revs Schedule 4 of Food Safety Standards (cesing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011 and have been developed for fllowingsecors Genera Mantaetring skProcessing Meat Processing Slaughterhouse Gaerne Reta ‘Transport Storage warehouse Marking & grading system - “re inspection checks has end nt fve jr sections mame Design & ates Control of Operation Maintenance & sanitation ‘Persona ylene ‘ring complaint handing ‘The Food Safety Ofer wil inspect the fat of the 0 aeconing to the requirements as lid down Inthe inspection checklist and acnringly will mark the Bag 3s cmplance(C), non-compliance (NC), partial complance (PC) & Not ‘pplicabe/Not observed (NA, Al the reqirements are alloted 2 marks and there are few equrements which are asterisk Imarked (') which ae alloted 4 marks. Non obeerance to any ofthe asterisk marked (*) nding wil lead wo Nom Compliance (HC) hey are cried wo food safely. Bach nding wl e awarded marks as mentioned below ~ ‘Complisnee(6) Now-compilanco (NC) 2 1 _| Para compliance) 4 | Notappeable/Not obser (A Compliance - Yes the requlemert sly documented and plemented. Adherence withthe requirement with no major forilnor conformance isobserved. Non-compliance - Na, therequcement not documented and implemented. Non adherence with he requirement with ‘moje non cnformances observed Partial Compliance ~ Requirement i parslly implemented but not documented or parally documented but not Implemented Anon conformity tht bated onthe judgement and experience ofthe SO, is ot eye resut in the fore fol the fod sty management sysem or rede sally assure canto processes or products. It may be ether 3 fare in some port to specified requirement ra single observed apse. aril Compiance i ot applcale to asterisk mare (requirements thy te erica! o fends. "Not Aplicable/Not observed (NA) - Requirements ae not applicable tb FBD hence canvot be observed Sub-sequetaly awarding the mare sper the nding agains the requirements, otal marks are calculated & based onthe ‘inal marks, grading ofthe FHOs sdoneThe graclnghas been divided nto evel, Le rade Status ae ‘a: | compince Brempar 9004 above ‘A | Compliance Stsatory ‘04 2096 5 | Meads improvement 50%: 79% No grade | Non Compliance — Below 0% (GENERAL MANUFACTURING Inco te fling ~Compfonce i), Noneamptonce (NC, Portal ‘ua Question Food establishment has 2 updoed FSAI ierse ands dsplayed ts prominent cation. Design & facilities “he design of food prenzes provides adequate wong spate; permit maintenance & caning 0 revert the entry of et ut & pete. ‘Theinaal suucure ngs are mode of anode and inpemeable materi ls, etings doors ate om Maing paint aster, condensation & shedding parties. Floors ar on sppery &sloped appropriate Windows re ep closed ted with insect proof screen when opening oan eternal eminent Doors are se ita ovoid etry a pets quent and container ate made of ran tog, impeus, nn evo mater whieh 35710 ‘leon snot Prem es suicent igh ‘Adequate entation proved within he premises a aca trae oy fod pctage mates denial, pasomel ms et avaiable sort hypene fais are axalabe.(Adeqvtenunber of hand washing ais, toes, change ‘ms rest etreshmert oar et ae ‘Potoble water meting snd 0f 0500) lured «proce ingredient on conta! with ond food canta suace tested for quality sem anual. Check for rer’ “ Food mater s tested eter trough neal lboralay ar ough an acceded Tb, Check for ‘score Control of operation Tncoming maa preared a per temaby lal down speciation & Fram an apraved vendo Check for rear Ike apoeatos, name and asso he spp, batch ra ua proce et Raw ates sinepeted a th ne of ein or food ty asad v7 Tncoming materi semi or fal praducls ae red eccrding {othe Tempeatre and humidy Feqdroment na hyancemurorment. FOB PFO practised ‘eaute tine ond tenvervtare & bana achieves. maintained, motored & recorded while ‘anujecturingprecesing, Check for recor. Food manctatred/cocistdis packed ina hypenicmannt Packatng materials fod grade & in sound condition, ening ees ote hazardous substance ae aryl tore separate from fo ‘Tansportng hier od ate ate ep dea and maine good rep sn | tae pecs hl nd sipeson & dered or repecstrwered in 3 mane | tre ete tha cd ii [Maintenance & sanitation 25 [ening eqdpmar, foo mis done pe ening cede & deanna aT 2 Treetie aaa of ben nd mady we rid ot sty pr ict | “ ‘of the manufacturer. 27 | tessving mong ise bd pede 2 est a ona vai pet on! cir TT ty Wad end TET # ‘personnel, Check for records. 4 2 | ost of st avy ornfeaton pre om roe se 2 30 | Pras deseo oe oectow nding htop ater connie 22 [Fed wae andthe reise a ened ely om fod ending weston coat |? sa | af ews ade ore cooky wi ts ld dow ner root |» Presto | Personal Hygiene 2 sp | oa meal natn Biocon ood ands path rec roo eae ae | ‘commended sted tewee done Ch rer ° sa | eres ling om a ease ores or wth nen wend or busied in ring of | Iori otc [ed oes mon pron! kann kon Vind Par wate nde = ‘and personal behoviour {hand washing, no loase jewellery, no smoking, no spitting etc). . 36 [Food hndes asipedwin ste pone ves rr tes cor claire msn | 2 V___| Training & Complaint Handling 37 [nr enor a of yt i done peda Cho rer 2 38 [Fed bins hus anteroseptal mec > Teo fonds hoe treet news ad sl & aed ani fod wi eck or] tina ear Feri dane tin Baa RODE Sd TOR i a TRA Oe * ile of the product, whichever it more, * Total points on /90 asters mark) questions may spiny impact fod fey & heaora must be adeased a prion. ale any fhe ster math questions wil lead tNo-companca "50-90. compliance amor A amnion CO vee Sas oncom [MILK & MILK PRODUCT PROCESSING —— yon Food fe 0 eset cotter | = Inacate the folowing = Complonce (2, Nneomplanc (NC), Pra Compltance (Plo Not Applicable (A iS.n ‘Audit Question Scoring Fo estab has an updated FSSAIcese and dlpayed a prominent lotion. Design & facilities Design of food promises provide adequate working poe; permit maintananc, cleaning & preven ny ote dst pet “he interna structure & ther re made of won oan inpemesble mara Ws celings & doors or ie rom king intr pater, condensation B shedding parts ors are nonsipper &sleped appropri ‘Windows are kept lose ite with insect prot sereen when ening. an enteral envionment Door else td at lends aid enty of pests Taupment and containers we made of non tou, imperious non-corrosive mari which 357 ‘lean sect preferabh $536 for equipment 8304 for tanksankr) Premise as sfsenightg 1 Adequate venation rode within the promises, pn adequate storage fay fr food patapng materia, chemi, personneitens livable, Personnel hylene faci: are avaiable (Adequate numberof hand wating aes, tolls, change ‘oma et 8 rfrerhment oom et we ‘Potable water esting standards of 10500) Is usd as product ngredent rn cont wth fod or fod {onac urce eted ora semi annual. Check or reco. aw Mik Reception Dock (RD) oy slcenty aod with sides & opt prevent containatan le ntoaang of raw atti ‘seprae processing faites avlatle for eat wena ik & lk rout to avid rss contain Food materi tesed ete though internal borat through nacre ib, check oreo, 0 Control of operation Incoming materials proc printer int dws specication & om approved vendors, Cheek or ‘Reva ine Speietinomncand wef Se spor, bth any presrod ) a thes aw materia ae inspected atthe time of een fr food safety hana, 3|e ‘aw ill ecived rough bulking cents, the temperature of is mana at 5° or owe. Tw milk when brought ey pnt by farmers, soul ech the pn within hous fom miking 1s {oles SC ower as uy a pose ‘ncomir mater, semi or final produce are sored aecoraing to tar temperature and unity ‘eerie a hypeniendonnent FRO & FTO spats [MILK & MILK PRODUCT PROCESSING "Mik is brought to the colton cnt within 4 hours and neatly cil 08 temperature of Pastewiation temperature hoi tne daly °C or 5 sean or TS) ne wane an | {ate pasterizatian (3° for 30 minutes, UN 25°C or 32 ee). Fost pastourstion proces, milk soled immediately to tenperaure of Co ower. Rewuste tine end temperature being echeved, oiniined, monitored & recorded whle 25° | mmnufocturinayprocesing. 26 | rocking or iting heat trate ia ik products ar cai out yea Packaging materia fond rade & in sound condition, ‘ing ceil other haariussubstance ale erie tore separate fr fod, “Tansporing vehi Fer food vere kept dean ae aiaine ned ep 30 | transport vehicles or caging rare capable of resting aque temperature (where applkabe si_ | Resale products ae eld ure supervion& ae destoyd or repracisted/reworkd na manne to esr thi safety. Check orc I | Maintenance & sanitation 2 | Geaning of equipment (prefentiy GP, ood premises Is done as per eaing schedule & cling programme. roperarangemens rata for caning, iting rad ramets as et 53_ | Preventive maintenance of equpwent and machinery carried ov regular the instruction ofthe rmanfacre, sa | Messing monitoring devas we caltated pray Ger | Pest ent roam is onl pest conta ether or card out by Wained end emeienced enone. check orcas. 36 | noses of pes activity or nfstaon in premises eps, larvae, feces) 37_| brains re designed to meet epee Now als nd eaurped wth rap to capture contains | rood waste and cereus ar moved peredaly om fod handing aes to avd acurtion. Euan reament Plant [Ee place, ‘spol of sewage and efuents is dene in conformity with standards ld down under Environment Protection et 1988, Personal Hygiene ‘anual medal examination & oeuation of food handles agi the enteric group of AScases as per No person sufering fam 3 deamon oF wth open wound or burs vale n hang of ood mater whieh come in conta th od, Food handles martin eon cannes (eon cates, tried nae & wot pro bande ee) and 43° _| pesone behaviour (hand washing nolo ewer, no sing 0 sting ee 46 | Foasnanas ae equippes wth table pons, ove, eager shoe caver ee wherever ness v ‘Training & records keeping (MILK & MILK PRODUCT PROCESSING cer | iernal Eternal aut of be stom s done evil. Check for records, “ot nds have easy awe nd i waned ano lay. Gt va |? “| Pot can a TSE ORT PORE ara We DPT | the product, hireer more. Total pols nef ‘stork mark") questions may sna pact food safety &theofre must be adress asa rity Flare nan othe teri mark questions, willed Mon compliance. 100-110 complaneefxempt 88-89. Complance— Stsfactony B 55-87 Neds nrovement Noade <35 Non Complance (MEAT PROCESSING Footer No ‘dws | ndcte the otowing~ Compliance, Noncompance (NC, Prt Compliance (PC) or Nt Appice (NA) S.No} ‘Audit Question Scoring | 1 | Foodsablahment hasan pated SSA lense and spayed at prominent lation 2 1 | Design & facilities 2 [Penis seated nares ate rom obnconable odour smote, dst Gate contaminants | 2 | eden af food premise proves adequate working sue; permit maintenance & dang 2 “1 [leat tore &itgsare made a none permeable mater whieh preven the ny of | aust pest * " |_| the premise swe ecuped wth ding ron, fewing room, eee sore or eset a per the | erations and te with tompertare measuring recording dvi | Foo rs non-sppery oro pervious & ped poroprately 2 7 | Wt are no-seorbent, norton preferably ght coloured, smooth & without eves 2 18 | ceingsare re ram accurate it, mould development & aking paint or laste, 2 | Windows & ther opening ae ie fom acunuited dt, tose wich open are ted wih ect proof sereen 1a | Doors are smooth, an absorbent rae, ose fite se cong where appropriate 2 va Ee Rave stn’ tng e540 arse pos) 20x workroom) & 120 fer | wes 12 | Adequite ventilation prose within the promis a vg | Ptoblewoter meeting tend of 1050 & esd se ray wth rts maltied wa |g ‘used os prodet ingredient ori contac with food ie & stom) o fod contac soc. “ar [ eis o cei nection of imlenent ae made a an crv terol EHH wi stable ments of tppynghot water insulin que va | Eavionert, urs and capes made of mater ht nono, peu, orev, | faite Seaning do nokprowde hrbourageto pst 16 | Food materi tested eter trough ntralboratry oan eee nb. chek for ert 2 Fersonel gene facies are aalabie iu equate umber of tolets hand washing cies 7 | bd change rooms. Hand! wating faites wth warm ov hat and cal water, adequate reas to | 2 Irlnial dry hand re rove ajacent otal ana ater to processing a3 sg | Premise hs fay for rage of wate Keble rater such at cantamination wih ood ‘olde naa ef ay pest acy. | Control of operation - so [nea teal procure neal dawn pcan rom aproved vedo. Check or | ‘eer ie Specs nme an ares fhe spp, teh, gow procured etch 20 | Raw matrlinspacted the tine of reccing or food stetyhaars 2 sa ening me seni ar Thal predicts sored acodg to he terpratue ad Hani | ‘erent, na fgenicenannert FFD & FO practise, spe The tomperte noon bring ot & tring contd & ed satay ues ann | feaumen ates cored ut at eas ee) fur hous aon ied for debonha, preparing, packing or ater Ronn of meat equlbped with odeqoote 12a | futtis or cening cafecting tptement sch os ves, tea cleaves, ss etc& these fects | lorena sed foray other pu (MEAT PROCESSING 21 _| Meat stall be processed and packed ui snd od rade atria ele manne 2 Contains used for tring neil substaoes,deanng chemi & other Hazardous sbstance ae | leary Mette stored separately rm fo 26 _| transporting vehicle fr oad use ie kept dean aed sini ood epi 2 27 _| respon vehicle capable of sing requ temperature wher ppb 2 eal produts ae hel unr soparvson& destoyed or rerocsted/rewoked In # manne 2 | ensure snot ene for recass 2 | Maintenance & sanitation ‘Alleupmens, implement, ols, wens nung ies, coves tile pouches, ww, mecha age_|stument ond containers oe ceaned and infected a fequent eno and immediate when |g ‘they come in contact with infected meteor tere Become cantuminaed. hey areas ened and dshfected a the end of och ring doy 1a Pevensie of easpment and machinery are ced ou emda par th rns | tthe manufacture 31__[ Measuring & monitoring deen a calbates pare 2 ae | Pes conte program aval 8 pes contol eves ae cared out iy waned ond ence | personel. Che for econ. 33 | Nosigs of pest ctv onestatonin premises 2 Waste removed fom mest Rarding ara at rgu vena at last ai & We reptile are 2% | hemes fees 2 [| Dred o mee peed lowlands and cupped wih Wapato tue tans | 9 se | Dbl afwage neuen done contra wh Hanae down une Enormest | > Precton A 86 (80 es tn " Iv _| Personal Hygiene <7 Ha meta enunation Xtand hand agate ean Tae wp] tec chee ofthe acne s de, Che rc sa [Nobeson sufi tom eno ines or wi) open wound or burs Fvohed ang] Isomers cnc mew th sor_| Fed toners nanan pena cents (kon tes, vine as wer prof andes) and |g enor chavou ond eshng onsen sma spt et). | ean eae wth aa oer owes head sos cr 2 V | training & records keeping [a Ee ud oft yt done peo ek frre 2 12 [Fad Bases na neve enue amps eres mech 2 1a | feel als have the neces twee nd & rine ohne od wy. Check | wang cr “ar | Aeroeree docamenain & rend re aainbie and reained fora pido ne year ore Sra Ie the produce whichever mae “Toten 100 ‘stork mart ("requirements may scanty mpat ood safety & shoul be addesed a 2 pray Fallen any of the stork mah" questo, wea to Nan Compliance 1K 90100. Compliance Exemplar 8099) CamplnceSetctony Nograde | er recommended schedule of he vaccine dane. Check or reads ‘No peson sufering om a diseases or with open wound or Burn sven handing a 2 34 | teotecmateals wien come manta wh 0d B [Sgr | fea Banders mein personal ceoniness (ean cites, med nals voter proof bandage) | ‘and person! beavou hand weshing. no es jelly, 0 shing, noting te) 36 | road hanaors are equiped with uate aprons, doves, hebdgear, shoe cover ete 2 V__ | Training & records keeping 57__| ternal external au of hese done pve. Chea or vcore. 2 [| Food usines hasan fective corumer complaint redrestal mechanism 2 59 _| Fd handlers have the necesiar frewle ane sks & Wane to handle aod sae. check or | tring cre zor | Aoomiat docrentaion & eras ovale and etaed foro periadof on eo te shee | fey the produc, whichever mee Tot points. /90 oer mace (*)quntons may secant pact food safety & erfore ust be adres at a ray Fla inary ofthe Sask mark questions, ited 19 Nr cemplance "80-80. Complanee —emelar A om Comper soy tom etme meade “ts tocar RETAIL PFooasatery [SSC EB regres | otic | 0 cae Wo. aos nace the folosing ~Conpance(), Noncomplonce (NO, Patil Comphance (FC or Not Appa (NA) 5.No. Audit Question Scoring 1 [ita strap A emseadincpiyedatarominetoion | 2 [1 [Design & facies : >| te dsp of rea sve prods aeons working ser wrt ean o| 2 Drove ty ot st et. | rie ts ci ping.Utine rreevrd To wie Fad om | @ ‘Snr 4 | Adequate ventitition is provided within the premises. 2 |) [adequate sone folly m pe fo fo produc: ema & ater | 2 trou susan peor ter ce | aac of ecing & ncinating tenoertre fr ang tnpere | Sense pobtsch perce, ht ody eure ete 7 | There is adequete facility for waste dispasal ‘ 1 | Control of aperation Trang TTT EGE ep A Ta dow speaiaon Bam se | Spor vr es rei pec, ae i aro he Stipe, bath aear peel " 9 | naw materias se inspected at the time of receiving fr food safety hazards. 2 inning Tod aio ae dg To Ther tae dni tequreat, eh enone. empresa pets ee ered 10% | and alsplayed et appropriate temperatures. o 1 torte Scolar ole Sat A fnen®-10 teen ete fe “| eek ton sac ough FO/FFO anno eed owe vaalean | 2 Seton

‘wanted materials sg | Sst taton acted ough WOUFFO anda eapred root awteon-taion | 2 se it | Maintenance & sanitation Jp | he reine denanatee re no espa ebwebs , dsean 2 prom ond ay chek For ear sg” | Bening of org einen opal ond eri doe per denne z ‘Shed 8 ening rogeame, = Asterisk mack ("questions may spiny pact fod safety & thereere must be adreste rity, Falrein any fhe 1» _| feed reise ndequoment minted nan pape sate of eps and ondion. Gach or rece or | Peston ears SB Ory appod er cnr emia oui cose of pala reine Cc foro 21 | steel aves re cate ou y tan nd eptencd peromel Check for er. [a_|fentaps en soien nmber and ar apd sectors sed ae fn nd hand lr : 23 | noses pet cv oinextonin pres om ava, faces etc) 2 Fed wate and ater fe rerenare peal om ed ogee toad v_ | Personal Hygiene 2 _| Amu el earinton& olen fod hands pt the etre grupo | 2 _| eater ar per recommended sdf he cane sone Geko eco 2g _ | Neeson sera om deen wth pen wounds or burs invavedin aig fod or ater whch cme coma wt oo fond handlers mama enor eons (ean teed 8 ater prof 27° | bndepe ec and gesanalberevur hand wating, no bse ely, osc mo sprung. 2 | Fed hands equppe wth sulable aprons goes bad, hon ove wher vet Training & records keeping Ineral/ ternal auth pei done peal Check or cod 20 | reotbusessnenetleave tomer cpl ees mechanism {i _| Feed andershaw th ncesion Inoue nd lle aid to handle ood safely Check foruring reco 2° | Aerie decent rears ar vate nto ge prod “ota polt 4 mark questions, lead Non-conplance rating R865. Compan Sattactny 827-59. Needs improves

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