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Annisa Ika Oktavianti

Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris


Curriculum Vitae of Source

Name : Susana Widyastuti, S.S,. M.A.

NIP : 19780228 200501 2 001
Gender : Female
Religion : Kristen
Statue : Lecture
Masterliness : Linguistics

Educational History :
1. S1 English Literature at UGM (2001)
2. S2 Linguistics at UGM (2009)

Unit of Labor :
Major : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Category : III/B
Chair/Position : Asisten Ahli

Contact :
Email : Susana.widyastuti@uny.ac.id
Yahoo ID : bless_jogja
Facebook : bless_jogja@yahoo.com

Masterpiece :
“Introduction to Linguistics” (2001)
Being an Accomplished Millenials Student
(The Role of Technology and The Impact of Literature)

My name is Annisa Ika Oktavianti (Nisa). I am majoring in English Literature 2019.

College student must be balance between her knowledge and her sofskills. Campus life is more
complex and hard, so a great college student should be adapted nicely in her biosphere. Her
diversity is more complex than her life before. Related with theme of English for Freshmen 2019,
“Re-energizing patriotism in Indonesian Rising Youth for Magnificent Pluralism”,I’d like to
dwelling with comparing among being an accomplished and potential millennials student
involving thecnology, literature, and pluralism. This repot was created by myself-opinion and the
result of interviewing with Mrs. Susana, S.S,.M.A.
There are some point to being a good college student who has a good habit. Hard to be
college student, there are so many factorial that you need to know. There are discipline, good time
management, Having a good communication with our friend, civitas academic, our lecturer, other
student, staff, and also listening carefully to your lecturer what would you need to do next. Big
couragement to finish your study because when you have been commitment to your study so you
have finished it as much you can.
Being student is not just about academic problem. There are a lot skills that we should have
in our life, especially in the work world. There are social, organization, teamwork, and also
knowledge always put in number one. But that is not easy to having those skills for example we
might have been some reason absent. We should have a great time management skill. Got high
IPK is good but nt enough if you just have academic skill. You have to be able to survive in your
life and always have a good attitude.
Another thing that important to being a potential college student is literature. Literature is
important for millennials college student. Mrs. Susana said that it is a good question and good to
college student know it. Literature important for us because you can do anything about life from
literature. It can be about story, biography, or another. Literature also give us more lessons, so you
can learn about whole life. You can study about character in some stories. Literature is part of our
life, give us pleasure as well as. “When you enjoy reading, have good reading habit, you can reach
your happy life” Mrs. Susana said.
How about playing phone during the coure? That is imposible to prevent millennials people
to playing gadget. Gadget is special. The thing that you need is TO BE WISE TO YOUR PHONE.
Use it to academic reasons. You have to use your gadget correctly reason.
College student should have a attitude that it is care to maintain the harmony of pluralism
in the college’s sphere. The important point is RESPECT EACH OTHERS. Otherwise, pluralism
is our one of identity. Hence, no matter what is the ethnic, the religion, the skin, or somebody’s
background. The key is respect each other is a must.
The conclusion is homely. When you want to be a great, a potential, and an accomplished
millennial college student, your life should be balance among knowledge, social, and organization.
Thus, you have some point to get this life structured. There are having a good time management,
be wise when using phone, have possession of literature, have a good attitude, and respect each
other to keep our harmony of diversity.

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