Draft Example 3

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Port Broughton Area School: 9/10 HPE | SHINE

Humans as Complex Systems.

Individual Assignment: Report
PART 1: Health (approx. 150)
1.1 What is safe sex?
Safe sex is were precautions are taken to protect themselves against STIs like AIDS or Commented [hf1]: Good word
unwanted pregnancy’s.
Commented [hf2]: AIDS is not an STI.
1.2 What does safe sex involve? HIV is the sexually transmitted infection, once you have the
Safe sex involves using mechanical barriers like condoms and caps (Author, year). Safe sex virus without treatment you could develop AIDS which is a
can also be practised by taking hormonal pills (Author, year). Mechanical barriers can stop chronic (lifelong) syndrome. Although it can be managed
with medication, so you still live a long and relatively
most STIs and sperm from coming in contact with the egg. Hormonal pills will only stop the
healthy life.
sperm from coming in contact with the egg. The condom is the most effective and easy way
to protect against STIs (Author, year). Commented [hf3]: yes
Commented [hf4]: Yes!
PART 2: Relationships (approx. 200)
2.1 In your own words describe why/why isn’t sex needed in a relationship?
In my opinion it depends on what type of relationship the person is talking about. There are a
lot of different relationships a person can be in from friends to being married. In an intimate
interment relationship there are many ways to be intimate interment without any type of sex. Commented [hf5]: Can you please give me three
2.2 Explore two reasons why people are recommended to practice safe sex. examples?
The main two reasons that safe sex is practised is to prevent unplanned pregnancies, if you
have sex as a young adult you might not be thinking about the long term impacts like having a Commented [hf6]: Good
kid. Safe sex also prevents STIs such as genital herpes (Author, year).
Commented [hf7]: What is genital herpes? How does It
transfer from person to person? What are the symptoms?
PART 3: Social (approx. 120)
How can you reduce the risk of getting genital herpes? Use
3.1 Is the need for safe sex the same for everyone? (Those in the LGBTQI+ community or those this website: https://au.reachout.com/articles/stis.

who cannot get pregnant) Also do this for another STI.

???? Commented [hf8]: What do you know about same sex
intercourse? Do they still need to worry about STIs?
3.2 List the reasons someone might refuse or be against using any form of contraception.

 Uncomfortable
 Religious reasons
 Uneducated
 Too much effort
 Side effects
 People want to have kids
3.3 Select one of your reasons and conduct a ‘myth bust’ find information to support or help
someone who might feel this way. Be mindful of emotions and use evidence.
In my opinion condoms might be uncomfortable but having a STI for the rest of your life would
be a lot more uncomfortable. Some STIs have side effects which can be painful and on going.
Being uncomfortable for a short amount of time is better than being uncomfortable for the rest of
your life. Commented [hf9]: Find three examples of STIS which are
life long, so once you get it the symptoms might leave but
the infection does not. Look at this table;
https://smartsexresource.com/about-stis/types-stis. In the
***** I like your use of original thoughts, but you can’t just pull information from the sky. You last column, find those that may stay or will stay in the
must be able to show me that you have sourced this health information from an official website. body.
Give me the author and the year of what resource you have used to get the facts from. The
Port Broughton Area School: 9/10 HPE | SHINE

author and the year are above the links on the resources page. I have indicated where you should
do this within the writing. There is another aim behind safe sex, it is not all just physical, it’s
something mental and emotional. List it in your first question. Also spread the first answer out,
give me at least three sentences.

For question 3.1, think about what same sex intercourse involves, is there still the chance of
bodily fluids exchanging between partners? What can happen as a result from this? What
resources are under this question on the resources page?... tell me what could happen, how it
could happen and how to stop it from happening?

Over all you have provided some good writing, your opinions show me that you can think critically
about sexual health but now I just need you to talk more and provide evidence.

You cannot have the same answer as another student. You will both fail that section.

- You must use three different STIs in your responses.
- To highlight the validity of a point (how true it is), include a reference. Back your ideas with
evidence. Include more than one reference when possible.
- Use appropriate referencing including intext referencing and a reference list, (guide given).
- Use appropriate and inclusive language.
- Write your responses under each numbered question.

Due Date:
- You will be given one draft. This is due Friday morning 17/8.
- You will have Mondays lesson to alter any suggestions and complete the work before handing
it in that day 20/8.
- If deadlines are not met you will be spending your lunch times catching up.
Word count:
- Approximately 400-500 words.

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