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A Rocky Series of Events Climax: As they start to hike again a pack of mountain lions

By: Addie Schlegel approaches. The mountain lions charge towards Kane but his mom
9. As they are packing up, they find a snake and the girl tries to stomp on it but jumps in between them. The lions ae yanking at her clothes, arms and
accidentally gets bitten by it. They later discover it was a cobra and was legs without any sign of release. She screams for a while until she stops
venomous. screaming. They have to leave her there, they can’t take her.
8. They wave up from a terrible night’s sleep and find that bears had taken the
rest of the food they have left the night before. Their dad also wakes up with a 10. Dad started feeling worse and he developed a fever, chills,
terrible headache and crippling nausea. muscle aches, worse nausea and a severe headache
7. That night they find a campsite but there is no cell reception and not 11. He wasn’t able to move much anymore and was
enough food to last them another day. They eat a quick and small complaining of pain so they decided to head down the
dinner. mountain. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to make it and
6. They eat a little food and hike for a few more hours. died. The kids were devastated.
12. Nightfall came and the kids found a small
5. They all start getting hungry and thirst so they stop to eat and cave-type-thing to sleep in. In the middle of
realize they left most of their water canteens at the last stop. the night, the daughter woke up in agonizing
4. They sleep and then wake up the next morning, eat a pain, only to die later that morning from the
quick breakfast, hike again for about 6 hours.
Falling Action venom of the snake.
3. They hike for a few hours until nightfall and Resolution: Kane is so grief-stricken that he
then find a campground and eat dinner. Rising Action can’t get up from underneath his now-dead
2. They begin hiking. sister. He stays there for a few hours but by
1. They are in the car talking about nightfall of the following night, he dies of
their plans for the trip. hypothermia.

Protagonist: Kane Homruen Internal Conflict: How do you forgive yourself when
Antagonist: The copperhead, the Colorado Tick Exposition someone died to save you? Fear, loneliness, death, grief.
Fever, the mountain lions, the hypothermia Losing everyone you love. Do you save yourself or your kid?
Characters: Kane Homruen (8), Thi Homruen External Conflict: They have no cell reception, minimal food
(13), Russell Homruen and Elaine Homruen and water. Dad gets sick, daughter gets bitten by copperhead,
Setting Time: February, modern day mountain lions try to attack the son but the mother gets in the
Setting Place: The Rocky Mountains in Colorado way of them, the son gets hypothermia

Listed on the back are the six HTRLLAP elements I am using

Story Diagram
Geography Matters - The environment they are in is new and unfamiliar and causes tension and a sense of unknowingness.
They don't know what will happen next.

Nice to Eat with You: Acts of Communion - They end up only having four meals together in total. As time progresses, these
meals get shorter and shorter. The point of the meals is to symbolize their shrinking hope, family, and their lives quickly
falling apart. The meals also bring them together because they all understand that they are experiencing the worst moment
of their lives together.

Never Stand Next to the Hero - Everyone dies, everyone including Kane dies. His whole family is all that he’s got and they
die right before his eyes.

Yes, She’s a Christ Figure Too - The mother, Elaine, is a Christ figure. She sacrifices herself for her son and her family. If
she doesn’t who will? She dies in a gruesome and awful way because otherwise, her son would have died. She is also an
optimistic person so no matter what is happening, she tries to keep everyone positive and tries to fix everything.

It’s More than Just Rain or Snow - The fact that they are in the mountains with snow and freezing temperatures is going to
be the first sign or clue that they are all going to feel tense and that the characters are going to act cold and hard because
they have a choice to either be that way and toughen up so they can get through it or to sit and cry until they die.

More than it’s Going to Hurt You: Concerning Violence - They all experience, witness and die from violent acts. Elaine dies
from the most physically violent attack. Russell dies because the ticks are his body are attacking him. Thi dies because the
venom in her body attacks her and Kane dies because the cold attacks him.

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