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Addie Schlegel

Mrs. Overton
AP Seminar - 4A
8 May 2019
CBPT2 Reflection
1. (0:26-0:28) Improvement Priorities: I didn’t make eye contact with the audience and just
read or stared off to the side when I talked.
2. (0:31; 0:47; 0:53) Growth Opportunities: I stumbled over my words a lot instead of
speaking slowly and actually focusing on what I was saying.
3. (1:08-1:20) Powerful Practices: Instead of listing facts, I gave examples to help convey
my point to the audience and help them understand and connect what I was talking about.
4. (0:26-2:10) Powerful Practices: Instead of just reading off the screen for all of my points,
I actually turned away from the board after reading the point and I explained it more in
depth using words that flowed naturally.
5. (3:01-3:08) Powerful Practices: I made my slides organized, easy to follow, and
presentable. This made the audience more encouraged to pay attention and engage with
my presentation.
6. (3:08-4:01) Improvement Priorities: I read all the definitions off my cards which made
that part of my presentation very boring, unenjoyable, and disengaging.
7. (6:09) Growth Opportunities: When I said “cool phenomenon” I kind of slurred my
words and needed to speak more clearly.
8. (6:33) Improvement Priorities: I started one sentence and then immediately ended it and
started another one which could have been confusing to listen to.
9. (7:50-8:07) Growth Opportunities: I said “now more than ever” three times in only a few
seconds. Being repetitive can get annoying to watch.
10. (8:26) Improvement Priorities: I ran over time by like two minutes which is ridiculous. I
didn’t stay within the time guidelines.
1. 4/6 I connected it to two different stimulus sources but I could have done a much better
job at connecting them as well as talking about the context of my research question.
2. 6/6 My presentation was specifically organized the way I did it. I categorized the
illnesses that I talked about and broke them up into different categories. I tried to make it
easy to follow and understand.
3. 6/6 I used perspectives from 6 different conditions and people living with those
conditions. I also provided examples for all of the conditions and perspectives I used.
Lastly, I used both the technological and health lenses.
4. 4/6 I included solutions and conclusions but they were not included in the time limit and
the limitations and solutions were also not very detailed.
5. 6/6 My presentation was colorful and engaging and very thoughtfully organized to
convey my points effectively.
6. 6/6 I made eye contact and used facial expressions and body movement to effectively
communicate my points and get the audience to want to pay attention.
a. I feel like I did very well at organizing my sub-topics. I also did a good job at providing
examples that the audience could relate to. It was important for me to do that because I
knew the audience would connect more and be more willing to listen if instead of always
hearing facts, they heard examples and scenarios they had experienced.
b. I need to work on time management with presenting. I tend to talk a lot and that caused
me to go significantly over time. I also need to work on not reading off the slides
because, while I was better this time than I have ever been, it wasn’t perfect.
c. I was effective at explaining my different perspectives to the audience. I was ineffective
at explaining why exactly it mattered or should matter to them.

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