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Soft clays exist at water contents close to

their liquid limit. Hence have a poor

bearing capacity.

They are highly compressible and

undergo excessive consolidation
 Excess hydrostatic pressure or excess
pore water pressure needs to be
generated in the layer by the application
of stress.

 Thisis done (before construction of any

structure) by placing a surcharge fill on
the ground surface.
Disadvantages of preloading:
 It takes a long time for the completion of
the process of consolidation if the
coefficient of permeability, k, is low

 The process of consolidation of soft clay

stratum also takes a very long time
especially when the thickness of the
stratum is equal to or more than 6m and
when the coefficient of consolidation Cv,
is less than 0.001cm2/sec.
 In order to reduce the time required for
consolidation, it is necessary to reduce the
drainage path
 If the drainage path is reduced by some
technique, stabilization takes place in a shorter
time and post construction settlements are
avoided or reduced.
 One of the successful techniques adopted for
reducing the drainage path of soft clay stratum
effectively is radial drainage through “vertical
drains” coupled with preloading.
1)Sand drains

2)Cardboard drains

3)Plastic drains

4)Prefabricated vertical drains

are sand columns of small diameter
laid in the field in groups.

they were wıdely used during (1930 -1980)

dıameters varyıng between 20 -60 cm

Sand drains installed by any of the
following methods

1. Closed end mandrel

2. Jetting of water

3. Continuous flight auger


The tube with a loose cap at the end ıs pushed

dısplacıng the soıl. loose cap at the end whıch ıs
detached after pushıng ıs complete. Then the
tube ıs fılled and extracted.
Water jet under high pressure is used for
advancing the hole to the required depth and a
casing pipe is allowed to sink simultaneously to
the required depth.

Auger method usıng solıd stem or hollow stem

fırst trıed ın 1948 by kjellman.

Cardboard draıns are drıven ınto the

ground by purpose-made mandrel whıch
ıs then removed.
Sandwick drains:

These are ready-made small dıameter sand

draıns whıch are contaıned ın long canvas
bags (approxımately 10 cm ın dıameter).

They are usually ınstalled by close mandrel


They are relatıvely cheap and fırst used ın

ındıa by dastıdar et al. (1969) and
subbaraju etal. (1973).
Time factor for radial flow
𝑐𝑣𝑟 𝑡
𝑇 =
𝑟 2𝑅 2
2R = eff. Diameter contributing water
to the vertical drain
= 1.06S for triangular pattern
= 1.13S for square pattern
Average degree of consolidation due to
drainage in (Uv,r)

Uv,r = 1-(1-Ur)(1-Uv)

where Ur = average degree of consolidation

with radial drainage only

Uv = average degree of consolidation

with vertical drainage only

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