29 CFR Ch. XVII (7-1-12 Edition) 1910.23: Protection For Wall Openings and Holes. (1) Every Wall Opening From

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§ 1910.23 29 CFR Ch.

XVII (7–1–12 Edition)

guarded at both top and intermediate (10) Where doors or gates open di-
positions by removable standard rail- rectly on a stairway, a platform shall
ings. be provided, and the swing of the door
(ii) A removable railing with shall not reduce the effective width to
toeboard on not more than two sides of less than 20 inches.
the opening and fixed standard railings (b) Protection for wall openings and
with toeboards on all other exposed holes. (1) Every wall opening from
sides. The removable railings shall be which there is a drop of more than 4
kept in place when the opening is not feet shall be guarded by one of the fol-
in use. lowing:
(i) Rail, roller, picket fence, half
Where operating conditions necessitate door, or equivalent barrier. Where
the feeding of material into any hatch- there is exposure below to falling ma-
way or chute opening, protection shall terials, a removable toe board or the
be provided to prevent a person from equivalent shall also be provided. When
falling through the opening. the opening is not in use for handling
(4) Every skylight floor opening and materials, the guard shall be kept in
hole shall be guarded by a standard position regardless of a door on the
skylight screen or a fixed standard opening. In addition, a grab handle
railing on all exposed sides. shall be provided on each side of the
(5) Every pit and trapdoor floor open- opening with its center approximately
ing, infrequently used, shall be guarded 4 feet above floor level and of standard
by a floor opening cover of standard strength and mounting.
strength and construction. While the (ii) Extension platform onto which
cover is not in place, the pit or trap materials can be hoisted for handling,
opening shall be constantly attended and which shall have side rails or
by someone or shall be protected on all equivalent guards of standard speci-
exposed sides by removable standard fications.
railings. (2) Every chute wall opening from
(6) Every manhole floor opening shall which there is a drop of more than 4
be guarded by a standard manhole feet shall be guarded by one or more of
cover which need not be hinged in the barriers specified in paragraph
place. While the cover is not in place, (b)(1) of this section or as required by
the manhole opening shall be con- the conditions.
stantly attended by someone or shall (3) Every window wall opening at a
be protected by removable standard stairway landing, floor, platform, or
railings. balcony, from which there is a drop of
(7) Every temporary floor opening more than 4 feet, and where the bottom
shall have standard railings, or shall be of the opening is less than 3 feet above
constantly attended by someone. the platform or landing, shall be guard-
(8) Every floor hole into which per- ed by standard slats, standard grill
sons can accidentally walk shall be work (as specified in paragraph (e)(11)
guarded by either: of this section), or standard railing.
(i) A standard railing with standard Where the window opening is below the
toeboard on all exposed sides, or landing, or platform, a standard toe
(ii) A floor hole cover of standard board shall be provided.
strength and construction. While the (4) Every temporary wall opening
cover is not in place, the floor hole shall have adequate guards but these
shall be constantly attended by some- need not be of standard construction.
one or shall be protected by a remov- (5) Where there is a hazard of mate-
able standard railing. rials falling through a wall hole, and
(9) Every floor hole into which per- the lower edge of the near side of the
sons cannot accidentally walk (on ac- hole is less than 4 inches above the
count of fixed machinery, equipment, floor, and the far side of the hole more
or walls) shall be protected by a cover than 5 feet above the next lower level,
that leaves no openings more than 1 the hole shall be protected by a stand-
inch wide. The cover shall be securely ard toeboard, or an enclosing screen ei-
held in place to prevent tools or mate- ther of solid construction, or as speci-
rials from falling through. fied in paragraph (e)(11) of this section.


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