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A Research
Presented to the Faculty of
Justice Cecilia Muńoz Palma Senior High School

In Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements of the Subject

Practical Research II

Besmano, Hannah Libong
Dimal, Eldrix
Grajo, Elaine Labrador
Ligutan, Vincent
Local, Angel Joy Valasote
Painaga, Jonathan Mumog
Piamonte, Joseph Jr. Telebangco
Tipdas, Jeah Mae Malana
Submitted to:

Jimm C. Mira

Research Adviser

Jonniel M. Caadan

English Critic

Jude Mappala


October 2019
Table of Contents

Content Page Number

Title Page



Table of Contents

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background


Background of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Statement of the Problem
Statistical Treatment
Hypothesis of the Study

Chapter II: Reviews of Related Literature and Studies

Chapter III: Research Methodology

A. Research Design
B. Population Sampling
C. Research Instrument
D. Subject of the Study
E. Setting of the Study
F. Research Process
G. Theoretical Framework

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion

Chapter V: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and


The researcher would like to thank the following that help the researchers

to finish and expound knowledge and understanding of the study;

•The participants/respondents who make the research possible, effective and


•Teachers; Advisers and the school who guided the researchers to make the

study happen.

•To the families that contribute and participate to the study.

•The authors, writers and other person/previous studies/online portals that the

researchers used and allowed to use to interrelate and connect the study.

•And to the researchers adviser, Sir Jimm Mira who is behind every step of the

research, and guide in every single day. We thank all of you God bless.

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our parents, who have been our
source of inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who
continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial support.

To our brothers, sisters, friends, and classmates who shared their words of
advice and encouragement to finish this study.

For the future generation, this study might serve as an eye opener and a

And lastly, we dedicated this book to the Almighty God, thank you for the
guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a
healthy life. All of these, we offer to you.

The Problem and Its Background

This chapter includes the introduction, theoretical framework and

conceptual framework, statement of the problem, scope and limitations,

significance of the study and the definition of terms.


The “Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program” also known as 4p's is the

susceptible program to support the necessity of every poor Filipino families the

researchers execution of these program is to recognize that the 4p's program is

credible to help young Filipinos to attain universal primary education prior to one

of the millennium development goals. it was then stated that ,the learning ability

of poor Filipino children is highly affected by hunger and also the malnutrition.

both problems must be solve to overcome poverty and illiteracy .4p's, its one of

the situation that the government see to give help and resolve poverty, by

providing financial assistance. According to Bongon (2015), on becoming a 4p's

scholar it was as if the chance had found a deserving student who desired to

make a difference in her life, in her family and her society eventually I become a

lucky grantee. I consider that a significant gift that drew me closer to achieving

my aspirations.

Parent wants the best for their children, like to finish their studies

however there are a lot of poor families that are not capable to send their children

to school. Other families can attain to eat only me meal every day. a youth

should have a decent education for a brighter future. This would be impossible if
the illiteracy rate among Filipino children continuously increase. That`s why

based on the millennium development Goal2 (MDG2) there must be renewed

attention to have a successful outcome in pursuing this goal, such as

government assistance in the sense of 4p's. This is because most of the poor

families are a dwelling weather they must work or they should go to school. But

then, for them working to support their daily needs is a must than going to school.

This is because studying requires a lot of time and it is a long-term goal to

achieve wealth for the future.

The program also serves as a big help to attain success on its

commitments to the millennium development goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary

Education (MDG2) which is to give educate all the citizens of a nation.

Furthermore to educate Filipino children at a young age and become productive

in the near future. It is for every aspiring youth, to have a chance to have a better

environment for their education, which also the main focus of this research. The

research will give information about the impact of being part of 4p's specifically

for the education of the youth, its impact to the community in decreasing the

number of out of school youth and the help that it can give to the children to

pursue education, and no any other else.


The study shows the significant impact of 4p`s that may help the society to

develop a community without illiterate citizens. This focuses on the impact of

4p`s upon achieving universal education which means, no illiteracy rate.

The researchers are determined to finish the study to analyze the efficiency of

4p`s towards its beneficiaries. It will show us the impact of 4p`s and what

indicates a good progress. Moreover it`s benefits aside from educational

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The present research is focused on the impact of 4p's on decreasing out

of school youth in Payatas B- Uno Quezon City.This study may determine the

importance of 4p's and how this program give a support for those who dropped

out due to poverty and how this can also help their family. This study involves

youth of Payatas-Uno as the respondents selected through simple random

sampling technique and aims to get their response through survey question

areas. This study will also be concluded on 3rd week of July and to be

accomplished on October 2019. Any other areas of study, sampling techniques,

etc. aside from the aforementioned will not be part of the present study.

Its coverage are the 4P`s beneficiary currently studying as elementary or

secondary students. If not living at Payatas B- Uno Quezon City they cannot be

part of the study.

Statement of the Problem

The present study is focused on the impact of Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4P’s) on decreasing the out of school youth in Payatas B- Uno

Quezon City and aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of respondents in terms of:

a) Name
b) Age
c) Grade level

2. What are the impact of 4p's towards its beneficiaries in terms of:

a) Education
b) Feeding Program/nutrition

3. What are the impact of 4p's on the education of the youth in terms of:

a) Number of days present in a week

b) Academic performances(Average/Grade)

4. Is there any significant different between the average grade of the

student respondents before and after becoming 4P`s beneficiary?
a.) Average before becoming part of the 4P`s
b.) Average after they became part of 4P`s

This study was designed to assess the following hypothesis:

Ho– 4P’s has no significant impact to its beneficiaries in terms of their educational

status (if they are out of school youth or not)

Ha– After the beneficiaries joined the 4p's program the researcher got a sponsor

to support them in pursuing their education. The beneficiaries improved their

nutritional status from underweight to normal since they received feeding

program and since the beneficiaries joined the 4p's program, their average

grades were increased because of cash assistance. The beneficiaries also

increased their number of days present because of the transformation allowance

that the 4p's provide

Significance of the Study

The study of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino program or 4p's can be a

platform to the 4p's members to identity what will be true usual benefits they will

get on becoming a member 4p's.its impact on decreasing the Out of school youth

is essential in terms of giving a hope to the poor Filipinos to have a chance to

attend school by seeing their chance to become part of the 4p's .one of its

benefits or contributions is to sustain their money for unimportant and school

supplies they can just save it for their food; etc. if it happened ,poor families will

grain their chance on becoming one of the 4p's beneficiaries to lessen the

number of out of school youth.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually defined for better understanding of

the present study.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino a program of the government that aims

Program (4p’s). to reduce and educate extreme poverty
in the Philippines

Cash Transfer Program. Financial assistance to people which

belong to 4p's that can help to
eliminate insufficiency.

Illiteracy. Describes the lack of knowledge of a

person in a situation.

Malnutrition. Lack of nutrition of a person. Not in a

healthy state.

Outcome. Result of government action to every

family in a society to decrease poverty
and lack of youth education.

Poverty. A family, community and country that is

lacking of government assistance and
social needs.

Program. An assessment or aid to solve the

problem within the community.

Renewed Attention. A certain action that is needed to make

an improvement.

Universal. it refers to a problem that every human

living with poverty can understand and
relate to.

Review of Related Literatures and Studies

This chapter provides information on the ideas, studies, summaries and

conclusions published by different foreign and local authors. Each study

contributes materially and theoretically to each in order to form a compelling

interdisciplinary intersection which helped and kept the researchers informed on

the concepts that are relevant to the present study.

Elemia C. Senate approves bill institutionalizing 4p`s (2019)

The bill tends to give conditional can transfers for poor families for 7 years

longest to better health, nutrition and to education. Manila Philippines- the senate

on Monday, 4th of February, already approve the 3rd and last reading of the bill

that would institutionalize the governments conditional cash transfer program

also known as the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino program (4p's).

According to De Lima (2019) cutting the cycle of poverty and giving the poor the

ability to improve their lives would enable them to contribute to the country's

development." Trillanes for his part said "The 4p's act can be a transformative

program that will improve the lives of not only 4.4 million beneficiaries across the

country to currently serves but the remaining fraction of poor families we wish to

be covered in the coming years. The article provided are found relevant because

it also tackles the 4p's which is also the main focus of the study. This article

supports the aims of the research the poverty affects the youth not to continue

their study, also, the fact that the gradual increase of poverty is alarming but by

the help of 4P`s poor families may have the chance to overcome it with the
benefits they will provide such as financial assistance, feeding program and

support for the education of their children. The main target of this research is to

show the impact of 4p's toward the education of youth and also its benefits on

poor Filipino families which can be seen on the above articles.


Research Methodology

This chapter provides information on how the researchers conducted the

study. It also gives an idea on what are the materials and methods that have

been used and how the data were analyzed and correlated transforming it to a

form of comprehensive and unified idea.

Research Design

Researchers of the study are ought to use descriptive research

design. The study is expected to discuss the status of the 4P'S beneficiaries in

terms of: education, nutrition, academic performance and school attendance. The

effect of programs implemented by 4P'S must be clear after the process.

Researchers will also assess the gathered data to know if the 4P'S

program helped in education of an individual in poor families, how many are

studying because of 4P'S. Moreover is to evaluate if there is such program

implemented by 4P'S to keep it beneficiaries healthy like feeding program, going

back to the education the researchers will also evaluate the attendance and

academic performance of the student beneficiary.

Population Sampling

The study aims to evaluate the impact of 4P'S towards decreasing out

of school youth in other words, how it will help poor Filipino families in sending

their children on school. Since the study will use Non-proportional quota

sampling there is less restriction in the number of respondents but the

respondents must be a beneficiary of 4P'S that is currently studying. The said

characteristics must be seen as a legit evidence of correct respondents.

Respondents for elementary students and high school students will be selected

through random sampling technique with the total of 36 students.

Research Instruments

The instrument that we created in research study is the survey

questionnaire (See Figure 2.0 below). The study requires data from the members

of 4P'S and who are currently studying with the help of this program. Afterwards,

the researchers will get enough data to expound as well as to evaluate the

answers to content validity by giving the survey questionnaires.

Subject of the Study

The researchers will conduct a survey among the 4P'S students. They

might be elementary or high school students. The subjects must also be living in

Barangay Payatas B-Uno Quezon City to justify whether the impact of 4P'S had

been decreased the quantity of out of school youth. Since the sampling

technique that will be used is non-probability as long as they meet the set of

characteristics the person can become a respondent. The numbers of

respondents are 36. Moreover, the study is about education that 4P'S can

provide that makes the students the main study of the research.
Setting of the study

Figure 1.0 Setting Of The Study

Figure 2.0 Sample Questionnaire


-Article •Descriptive
-Book •survey
•Respondents •Simple Random •Impact of 4p`s on
-4p`s beneficiaries sampling Technique decreasing the out
• Data Analysis of school youth


Figure 3.0 The Conceptual framework of the study.


United Nations Development Programme, Millenium Development Goals (2019)

The united nations organization identified and implement goals .The Millenium

Development Goals opens the window to the real situations we might not see but

actually exist in our daily life. Prior to one of its goals is the aim of this study,

Achieve Universal Primary Education, who among the youth of Brgy. Payatas

Uno Quezon City are experiencing problems regarding education in terms of;

financial problem, malnutrition, and intellectual.

It encourages to give solutions to one of the biggest problem in the world, in

Philippines the government supports 4p`s as it is one of the solutions to decrease

the number of children striving to support their education.



This chapter presents the discussion, analysis and interpretation about statistical

Percentage of the respondents from different grade levels

f = frequency of respondents per grade level

p = percentage of respondents per grade level

𝑥̅ = mean PERCENTAGE

f p 𝑥̅ 25% 33%
25% 0.25
9 42%
JUNIOR HIGH 15 42% 0.42
SENIOR HIGH 12 33% 0.33
36 100%

Table no. 1 grade level of respondents. Figure no. 1 grade level of respondents.

The researchers were able to collect data with the respondents of different grade

level. The non-proportional quota sampling enables the researchers to choose

their respondents more freely, no more requirements as long as the respondents

guarantee that they are part of 4p`s program. Also, answering the first question

on how many of their family are part o 4p`s leads at one conclusion, as if they are

part of the said program.

The first and foremost goal of why this survey is conducted is to supply

data essential for statements of the problem, firstly;

The impact of 4p's towards its beneficiaries in terms of education

Number of Family 𝑥̅ Number of Family Members

Studying by 4P's
Members Studying by 4P's f P

2 or more 31 86% 0.86 14%

only 1 5 14% 0.14

TOTAL 36 100% 1

Table no. 2

Range = 26

Most of the respondents have 2 or more family member which are part o 4p`s.

one family can have 2 or more 4p`s beneficiaries that poor seen as an

opportunity to make their children go to school.

Impact of 4P's on 𝑥̅
Education f P

With impact 4 11% 0.11

Negative 32 89% 0.89


TOTAL 36 100% 1
Impact of 4P's on Education
Table no. 3
Range = 28

The positive rates shows that 4p`s still have an impact in decreasing out of

school youth, 11% will not continue their study If they are not part of 4p`s while

89% will continue even without 4p`s.

The 4P’s Program has been the major part in education by the respondents.

Since they can’t go to school due to the lacking of financial support, the 4P’s

Program became their weapon on how to surpass the challenges for getting an

education. However, some students can study without the major help of 4P’s

Program by being a working student and by the hard work of their parents.
Secondly, the next target of this research is to analyze what other benefits

we can get from 4p`s considering that education is free nowadays.

The impact of 4p's towards its beneficiaries in terms of education

Involvement of the 4P's to the 𝑥̅ Involvement of the 4P's to the

health of its Beneficiaries by f p health of its Beneficiaries by
Feeding Program Feeding Program
With 15 42% 0.42

Without 21 58% 0.58


Total 36 100% 1 58%

Table no. 4
Range = 15

Even though all of our respondents are members of 4P’s Program, not all of them

are experiencing feeding program. They tend to stay at home and use the excess

money of their allowance to buy their favorite nutritious food. On the other hand,

some students who are experiencing the feeding program are much healthier

and active at school due to the nutritious food that they getting in feeding


the impact of 4p`s feeding program to its beneficiaries.

Program 4P’s With 𝑥̅ Program 4P’s With Feeding

Feeding Program f P Program
Normal 10 77% 0.77
Abnormal 3 23% 0.23

Total 13 100% 1
Table no. 5
Range = 7

Normal Abnormal
Beneficiaries without feeding program

4P's Without Feeding Program

Program 4P’s Without 𝑥̅
Feeding Program f p
Normal 20 87% 23%
Abnormal 3 13% 0.13

Total 23 100% 1

Table no. 6

Range =17 Normal Abnormal

Health status of 4P's Beneficiaries




One of the objectives of 4P’s Program is to make their members’ health in a

normal state. Therefore, most of our respondents has a normal Body Mass Index

(BMI). 4P’s Program monitors their healthy lifestyle and giving them advices on

how to choose what kind of foods are the best for them to maintain their normal

BMI. However, some of our respondents’ health are above normal (underweight,

overweight & obese) due to being lazy for eating nutritious foods and also due to

their genes.
The comparison between the two grades will determine either there are

significant changes about the academic grades performance of the 4p`s


To get the variance of the scores: ∂=∑ 𝑓(x-𝑥̅ )²

∑𝑓 − 1

Where : f= frequency of scores

x= midpoint

𝑥̅ = mean of scores

To get the standard deviation of the scores: SD= √∑𝑓|𝑥 − 𝑥̅ |²

Where: x= midpoint

𝑥 = mean of scores

n = population size

(x) (f) X 𝑓𝑥 𝑥̅ 𝑥 − 𝑥̅ (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )² f(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )²

86-88 2 87 174 81 6 36 72

83-85 7 84 588 81 3 9 63

80-82 16 81 1296 81 0 0 0

77-79 11 78 858 81 -3 9 99

∑ 𝑓 = 36 ∑ 𝑓𝑥 =2916 234


Mean: 𝑥̅ =2916/36=81

Variance=∑ 𝑓(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )² = 234/36-1 = 234/35 = 6.69 VARIANCE FOR AVERAGE BEFORE

∑𝑓 −1

Standard Deviation = √∑(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )² √54 = 1.22

n 3

(x) (f) X 𝑓𝑥 𝑥̅ 𝑥 − 𝑥̅ (𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )² f(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )²

90-92 1 91 91 83.16 7.84 61.47 61

87-89 5 88 440 83.16 4.84 23.43 115

84-86 11 85 935 83.16 1.84 3.39 33

81-83 9 82 738 83.16 -1.16 1.35 -9

78-80 10 79 790 83.16 -4.16 17.3 -170

=36 =2994 =30

Variance=∑ 𝑓(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )² = 30/35 = 0.86 VARIANCE FOR AVERAGE

∑𝑓 −1

Standard Deviation = √∑(𝑥 − 𝑥̅ )² √106.94 = 1.72

n 36
How often does a student attend school with the help of 4p`s (financially,

material and etc.)



REGULARLY 36 100% 1


total 36 100% 1

The results indicates that all of the beneficiaries of 4p`s can attend school




1. Based on the data gathered, there is a high percentage of families that relies

the education of their children on the benefits from 4P’s and thus include 2 or

more members of 4p’s. As we all know in commonly families, their daily or

monthly salary are only enough for their daily needs. Wherein parents can’t

afford the costs of the projects of their children. Their primary source of income is

not sufficient to sustain their child/children’s education.

2. The data gathered shows that there are still instances that a child cannot go to

school if not of 4P’s. So basically, 4P’s has a major impact in terms of schooling

due to its cash assistance or monthly allowance that they are providing to their

beneficiaries. The free tuition in government program primarily benefiting the

poorer families. This is a big help to students even if many of these public

schools already charge low tuition compared to private colleges and universities.

3. The percent of beneficiaries receiving feeding program shows that 4P’s can

also help in terms of health and thus, produce productive learners. 4P’s feeding

program offers nutritious foods that can make the beneficiaries active physically

and mentally, to boost their immune system and to make them healthier.
6. The significance of 4P’s in terms of health is not really for nutritional status but

to help in daily living, to let them eat and not experience hunger. Another purpose

of 4P’s is to support the families’ needs and give them knowledge on how their

gonna use their money properly for their daily necessities.

7-8. The 4P’s program also offers education to the poor beneficiaries. Also,

helping the students in understanding that coming to school daily may be a

guarantee that they will also have a good academic performance. And may the

result give them the overview of how the government is supporting their students

and that they must do their part by studying well.

9. With or without allowance, students are able to go to school. All of our

beneficiaries can affored the daily fare in going to their school. They can also

sustain their daily fare by gathering their excess money to their allowance.

The researchers believe that the survey created was most difficult and

challenging, yet timely relevant. It will realize to the person/s who will read the

study that the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's) will help the students

to improve and have stable and bright future. This will lead them to the following


To the readers: The readers must evaluate the study for better understanding

of relevant detail of the study where they may relate their experience or others

life situation.

To the school: The researchers hoping that the study created will open the new

door of opportunity to the out-of-school youth to take a new chance to start

learning and to progress and have a new flight for the new generation to have a

better and bright future.

To the society: The researchers hoping to the community especially to the

government that they must open their eyes to the reality of the youth. As of the

researcher's study, the 4P's program is one of the solution to lessen the out-of-

school youth and to assist and help to the issues and needs of every Filipino

To the students; they must take full responsibility for the free education that they

have, it must serve as an inspiration to work harder as they study.

To the 4p`s beneficiaries they must continue to make a progress and never look

at poverty as an hindrance.

To the poor Filipino families; they can go to different institutions and ask for a

scholarship program such as 4p`s.

To the researchers of same topic; they must continue the researcher's study to
have more comprehensive and relevant detail of the study to expound
knowledge and understanding. They can use the data gathered and use it as a
basis or their study.

R. Bongon, I am a 4p's Scholar, June 2019, Retrieved from https//:www.dswd.'s-scholar/

United Nations, MDG2 Achieve Universal Primary Education, June 2019,

Retrieved from

Elemia, senate approves bill institutionalizing 4p's (2019), Retrieved from

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