Aurat Foundation: History

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Aurat foundation

Established in 1986, as a national, non-profit, non-governmental organization under the
Societies' Registration Act 1860, Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation (Aurat
Foundation/AF) is committed to create widespread awareness and commitment for a just,
democratic and caring society in Pakistan, where women and men are recognized as equals,
with the right to lead their lives with self-respect and dignity. Over the last 28 years, Aurat
Foundation has come to be recognized nationally and internationally as one of the leading
institutions creating, facilitating and strengthening civil society groups and networks for
promoting trust and collaboration among citizens to mobilize public pressure for women’s
empowerment in the country.

Aurat Foundation has its Head Office in Islamabad, and five regional offices in the provincial
capitals in Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Gilgit, and 37 Field Offices. Further, it has a
countrywide network of voluntary citizens' groups and individual activists in 128 districts in the
country. These groups include Citizens Action Committees (CACs), Resource Groups and
Aurat Foundation Resource Centres (AF-RCs) and Information Network Centres (INCs). The
Foundation has also emerged as a major support institution for civil society organizations
working for social change at the community level.

Creating Spaces project is the continuation of mutual trust and cooperation between
Aurat Foundation and OXFAM in Pakistan with the financial support of Global Affairs
Canada. It is a multi-country project seeks to reduce violence against women and girls,
and reduce the prevalence of child, early and force marriages in Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Philippines.

Project Outcomes are:

1) Active engagement of community leaders (including religious, private sector, and
political leaders) and youth (both girls and boys) in advancing women’s rights, women’s
leadership and the elimination of violence against women and girls by building their

2 )Ensure that women and girls who have been affected by violence and child, early and
forced marriage are able to ensure their long-term well-being by accessing support
services, such as safe spaces (shelters), and psycho-social support, as well as economic
3) Support strategic linkages, national and regional alliances and innovative knowledge
and accountability systems that advance the rights of women and girls.


 Assist women to acquire greater control over knowledge, resources and institutions.
 Influence social attitudes and behaviour for a sensitive and responsive social environment
to address women's concerns and development.
 Develop a strong network of civil society organizations to support women at the
community and district level.
 Undertake advocacy with public servants and public representatives for development
policies and planning as well as supportive legislation that increases women's access to
development opportunities and resources.
 Facilitate women's greater participation in political processes and governance.
 Develop and strengthen networks of citizens' organizations for strengthening citizens'
struggle for accountable and transparent governance and participatory democracy in


Mumkin Alliance is an alliance of 18 NGOs, since 2008 Work for elimination of violence against
women. A strategic planning meeting was held to analyses the situation of violence against
women and girls in province of Punjab. In order to make EVAW/G alliance an active and
effective body and to give it a strategic direction towards achievement of its goal, UN Women
facilitated EVAW/G alliances in all four provinces in formulating their own provincial strategy
with action plan for next 5 years. The strategy in Punjab is developed through a consultative
process involving bilateral and multilateral consultation with members of the alliance. The
Mumkin alliance strategy (2019-2023) held with the members in October 2018. The
performance review and recommendations from these consultations and review helped in the
identification of strategic focus areas and action plan for the next 5 years.


AF has an outreach extending to all of Pakistan's districts with one of the largest
advocacy and rights-based network of community-based organizations and committed
activists. These networks and groups at the grassroots level of the community, the
intermediary level and the macro decision-making level. These are:
Legislative Watch Groups (LWGs) at the Federal and Provincial Level: volunteer groups
at the macro decision-making level, comprising well-known members of CSOs, media,
judiciary, political parties and legislatures; LWGs were established under the LWP-WE
programme and currently operate under the same programme.
Citizens' Action Committees (CACs) at the community level: volunteer committees,
currently organized in 70 districts of Pakistan and 3 districts of Azad Jammu and
Kashmir. The CACs comprise local CBOs and activists who have an interest in the
development of their community and joint initiatives for women's development; there are
District Coordination Committees (DCCs) in all 110 districts working as campaign-
specific volunteer groups; the CACs also manage District Resource Centres for Women
Councilors, which provide the information and support for women local councilors in
these districts and; District Resource Persons Groups in 56 districts who are volunteers
and include CAC members, government extension agencies (e.g. health, agriculture,
social welfare), lawyers, police officers, professors, doctors etc. providing information
and training to community level women.
Women's Leaders Groups (WLGs): These are all-women leaders' volunteer groups,
formed three years ago in 30 districts of Pakistan. Each group comprise 50 women
having some leadership skills, recognition and say at community level.
Information Network Centres (INCs) at the grassroots level: Currently there are 2,600
INCs, organized by volunteer female 'INC coordinators' serving women in cities, villages
and neighborhoods across Pakistan.



Submitted by

Arsalan Ahmad

Bs Pakistan studies

Semester 3rd
Submitted to

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