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Nour Abou Younes 201706634

COM 203

Assignment 1: YouTube Self-Evaluation

After extensive researching, I chose to address the social issue of cyber bullying

specifically among young children and teenagers. The general purpose of this speech is to

inform. The specific purpose is to make the audience aware of the dangerous effects of

technology and cyber bullying on the health and the psychological state of young children and


My main goal was to begin with an engaging and clear introduction, introducing the

definition of cyberbullying on every level, even more I specifically highlighted how serious

cyberbullying has become nowadays. However, the main target of my speech is to inform about

the harmful effect of this type of bullying. A clear and well-organized sentence following the

introduction explained the main target of my speech with is the social, psychological and health

impact of the issue on the individual. After introducing the issue, I divided the body of my

speech into four clear parts each of them discussing a different impact and targeting different

levels including substance abuse, health state, psychological state and suicidal rates. In fact, the

figures I mentioned as supporting material to my main argument were extracted from different

sources including a research program, and a study for actuality and other credible and reliable

institutional and academic websites. These numbers will clearly demonstrate the importance of

the issue raised and shed the light on the severity of the issue as well. In other words, for each
different subpoint a supporting material including number, statistics, recent and previous study

were added to show credibility.

After establishing a contextual background of the problem, I moved on to demonstrate the

solutions that should be done and taken into consideration in the face of cyberbullying.

Important measures should be done by the parents in order to prevent and terminate online


At last, I ended my speech with a wakeup call that this issue can and should be solved to

prevent this miserable state that we find our children in. Finally, I tried to convey a feeling of

closure by stressing on the point that bullying is as severe as any other social issue and is not to

be neglected.

I believe that the organization of my speech followed a logical order which made it flow

smoothly. I made sure to achieve correct grammar however I felt that I did not pause long

enough after important points were said, and my grammar was not flawless I did a lot of

mistakes that should be prevented. In addition, I was a little nervous at first which might have

lasted to whole time and led to mispronouncing some words or tripping on some sentences.

Not to forget that I did not memorize my speech very well which led to the fact that I kept on

looking at the computer screen in order to read which is somehow distracting.

I tried to stay as enthusiastic and passionate as I am about this topic and did achieve a good

tone and avoided a monotonous voice to maintain the desired vibes but in some parts I over

did it which was slightly annoying to the viewers. Additionally, I felt that my articulation

sounded slightly heavy, partly because I was too concerned and overexcited with getting the
message across. My body language was good nevertheless I believe that my gestures could’ve

been stronger and more professional especially when tackling such an issue Lastly, during a

speech one should be standing up although I was sitting down due to technical issue concerning

the placing of the camera , not the forget that my body was moving and shivering which can be


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