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Recurrent Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Women:

AUA/CUA/SUFU Guideline
Jennifer Anger, Una Lee, A. Lenore Ackerman, Roger Chou, Bilal Chughtai, J. Quentin Clemens,
Duane Hickling, Anil Kapoor, Kimberly S. Kenton, Melissa R. Kaufman, Mary Ann Rondanina,
Ann Stapleton, Lynn Stothers and Toby C. Chai
From the American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc., Linthicum, Maryland

Purpose: This document seeks to establish guidance for the evaluation and
management of women with recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTI) to prevent
and Acronyms
inappropriate use of antibiotics, decrease the risk of antibiotic resistance, reduce
AMR [ antimicrobial resistance adverse effects of antibiotic use, provide guidance on antibiotic and non-
ASB [ asymptomatic bacteriuria antibiotic strategies for prevention, and improve clinical outcomes and quality
AUA [ American Urological of life by reducing recurrence of urinary tract infection (UTI) events.
Association Materials and Methods: The systematic review utilized to inform this guideline
CUA [ Canadian Urological was conducted by a methodology team at the Pacific Northwest Evidence-based
Association Practice Center. A research librarian conducted searches in Ovid MEDLINE
IDSA [ Infectious Diseases So- (1946 to January Week 1 2018), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
ciety of America (through December 2017) and Embase (through January 16, 2018). An update
PAC [ proanthocyanidins literature search was conducted on September 20, 2018.
rUTI [ recurrent urinary tract Results: When sufficient evidence existed, the body of evidence was assigned a
infection strength rating of A (high), B (moderate), or C (low). Such evidence-based
SUFU [ Society of Urodynamics, statements are provided as Strong, Moderate, or Conditional Recommenda-
Female Pelvic Medicine & Uro- tions. In instances of insufficient evidence, additional guidance is provided as
genital Reconstruction Clinical Principles and Expert Opinions.
TMP [ trimethoprim Conclusions: Our ability to diagnose, treat, and manage rUTI long-term has
TMP-SMX [ trimethoprim- evolved due to additional insights into the pathophysiology of rUTI, a new
sulfamethoxazole appreciation for the adverse effects of repetitive antimicrobial therapy, rising
UTI [ urinary tract infection rates of bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and better reporting of the
natural history and clinical outcomes of acute cystitis and rUTI. As new data
Accepted for publication April 17, 2019. continue to emerge in this space, this document will undergo review to ensure
The complete unabridged version of the continued accuracy.
guideline is available at
This document is being printed as submitted
independent of editorial or peer review by the Key Words: urinary bladder, urinary tract infections, women, recurrence
editors of The Journal of UrologyÒ.

INTRODUCTION bacterial cystitis in their lifetime,

rUTI is a highly prevalent, costly, and which is frequently denoted as a
burdensome condition affecting women UTI.2 An estimated 20-40% of
of all ages, races, and ethnicities women who have had one previous
without regard for socioeconomic cystitis episode are likely to experi-
status, or educational level.1 The ence an additional episode, 25-50% of
incidence and prevalence of rUTI whom will experience multiple recur-
depend on the definition used. rent episodes.3,4 The evaluation and
Approximately 60% of women will treatment of UTI costs several billion
experience symptomatic acute dollars globally per year, reaching

THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY® Vol. 202, 282-289, August 2019

282 j
Copyright © 2019 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

approximately $2 billion per year in the United cephalosporin resistance.10 Also, as AMR patterns
States.5 vary regionally, the specific treatment recommenda-
tions for acute cystitis episodes and rUTI prophylaxis
Terminology and Definitions
may not be appropriate in every community. Pro-
In this guideline, the term UTI will refer to culture-
viders should combine knowledge of the local anti-
proven acute bacterial cystitis and associated symp-
biogram with selection of antimicrobial agents with
toms unless otherwise specified. Based on strong
the least impact on normal vaginal and fecal flora.
evidence, the diagnosis of acute cystitis should
include the combination of laboratory confirmation of
significant bacteriuria with endorsement of acute- Patient Education
onset symptoms referable to the urinary tract.6,7 Substantial effort should be made to avoid unnec-
Without symptoms, bacteriuria of any magnitude is essary treatment unless there is a high suspicion of
considered asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB). The UTI. Antibiotic treatment of suspected UTI remains
definitions used in this guideline can be found in common practice, but expectant management with
table 1 of the supplementary unabridged guideline analgesics is likely underutilized. Indeed, evidence
( suggests that supportive care can be reasonably
attempted while awaiting urine cultures.
Index Patient The Panel supports discussion with patients
The Index Patient for this guideline is an otherwise regarding certain modifiable behaviors, including
healthy adult female with uncomplicated rUTIs. changing mode of contraception and increasing
This guideline does not apply to pregnant women, water intake. Unfortunately, there are many
patients who are immunocompromised, those with commonly held myths surrounding lifestyle modifi-
anatomic or functional abnormalities of the urinary cation. Case-control studies clearly demonstrate
tract, women with rUTIs due to self-catheterization that changes in hygiene practices (front to back
or indwelling catheters, or those exhibiting signs or wiping), pre- and post-coital voiding, avoidance of
symptoms of systemic bacteremia (e.g., fever, flank hot tubs, tampon use, and douching, do not play a
pain).3 This guideline also excludes those with role in rUTI prevention.11,12
neurological disease or illness relevant to the lower
urinary tract, including peripheral neuropathy,
diabetes, and spinal cord injury. Further, this METHODOLOGY
guideline does not discuss prevention of UTI in A research librarian conducted searches in Ovid MED-
operative or procedural settings. LINE (1946 to January Week 1 2018), Cochrane Central
Register of Controlled Trials (through December 2017)
Symptoms and Embase (through January 16, 2018). Searches of
When evaluating UTI, acute-onset symptoms electronic databases were supplemented by reviewing
reference lists of relevant articles. An update search was
attributable to the urinary tract typically include
conducted for additional publications on September 20,
dysuria in conjunction with variable degrees of 2018. Database searches resulted in 6,153 potentially
increased urinary urgency and frequency, hematu- relevant articles. After dual review of abstracts and titles,
ria, and new or worsening incontinence. Dysuria is 214 systematic reviews and individual studies were
central in the diagnosis of UTI; other symptoms selected for full-text dual review, and 65 studies in 67
may be variably present. Acute-onset dysuria is a publications were determined to meet inclusion criteria
highly specific symptom, with more than 90% ac- and were included in this review. An additional 10 pub-
curacy for UTI in young women in the absence of lications were identified in the updated literature search
concomitant vaginal irritation or increased vaginal and added to the review.
discharge.8,9 In older adults, the symptoms of UTI A full description of the AUA methodology system and
may be less clear. Given the subjective nature of an overview of the AUA nomenclature system (table 2)
can be found in the supplementary unabridged guideline
these symptoms, careful evaluation of their chro-
nicity becomes an important consideration when the
diagnosis of UTI is in doubt.
Antimicrobial Stewardship
The statements provided herein should be used in
In the past 20 years, AMR among uropathogens has
conjunction with the associated algorithm (see
increased dramatically. Adhering to a program of
antimicrobial stewardship with attempts to reduce
inappropriate treatment, decrease broad-spectrum Evaluation
antibiotic use, and appropriately tailor necessary 1. Clinicians should obtain a complete patient history
treatment to the shortest effective duration, will and perform a pelvic examination in women presenting
significantly mitigate increasing fluoroquinolone and with rUTIs. (Clinical Principle)

Copyright © 2019 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

2. To make a diagnosis of rUTI, clinicians must docu- Additionally, a physical examination including an
ment positive urine cultures associated with prior symp- abdominal exam and a detailed pelvic examination
tomatic episodes. (Clinical Principle) should be performed to look for any structural or
3. Clinicians should obtain repeat urine studies when an functional abnormalities, specifically vaginal atrophy
initial urine specimen is suspect for contamination, with and pelvic organ prolapse.
consideration for obtaining a catheterized specimen.
(Clinical Principle)
5. Clinicians should obtain urinalysis, urine culture
4. Cystoscopy and upper tract imaging should not be
and sensitivity with each symptomatic acute cystitis
routinely obtained in the index patient presenting with
episode prior to initiating treatment in patients with
rUTI. (Expert Opinion)
Patients with rUTIs should have a complete his- rUTIs. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level:
tory obtained, including an assessment of lower uri- Grade C)
nary tract symptoms such as dysuria, frequency, 6. Clinicians may offer patient-initiated treatment (self-start
urgency, nocturia, incontinence, hematuria, pneuma- treatment) to select rUTI patients with acute episodes
turia, and fecaluria. Baseline genitourinary symp- while awaiting urine cultures. (Moderate Recommenda-
toms between infections may also be illuminative. UTI tion; Evidence Level: Grade C)
history includes frequency of UTI, antimicrobial Microbial confirmation at the time of acute-onset
usage, and documentation of positive cultures and urinary tract-associated symptoms and signs is an
the type of cultured microorganisms. Risk factors important element in establishing a diagnosis of
for complicated UTI should also be elucidated. rUTI. Continued documentation of cultures during

Copyright © 2019 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

symptomatic periods (obtained prior to instituting should be performed only when acute cystitis
antimicrobial therapy) helps to provide a baseline symptoms are present.
against which interventions can be evaluated, al-
lows for determination of the appropriate pathway
within the treatment algorithm, and provides Antibiotic Treatment
tailoring of therapy based on bacterial antimicrobial 9. Clinicians should use first-line therapy (i.e., nitrofur-
sensitivities. A lack of correlation between microbi- antoin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole [TMP-SMX],
ological data and symptomatic episodes should fosfomycin) dependent on the local antibiogram for
prompt a diligent consideration of alternative or the treatment of symptomatic UTIs in women.
comorbid diagnoses. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B)
Although no studies were identified specifically 10. Clinicians should treat rUTI patients experiencing
designed to document direct effects of procuring acute cystitis episodes with as short a duration of anti-
urinalysis and urine culture with antibiotic sen- biotics as reasonable, generally no longer than seven
sitivities prior to initiating treatment, the Panel days. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level:
determined each episode should be clinically Grade B)
evaluated as a unique event. Urinalysis can 11. In patients with rUTIs experiencing acute cystitis ep-
determine the presence of epithelial cells sug- isodes associated with urine cultures resistant to oral
gesting contamination. 13 Such information from antibiotics, clinicians may treat with culture-directed
a urinalysis may indicate obtaining a cathe- parenteral antibiotics for as short a course as reason-
terized specimen is reasonable to accurately able, generally no longer than seven days. (Expert
evaluate the patient’s culture results; however, Opinion)
urinalysis provides little increase in diagnostic The AUA systematic review highlights a key
accuracy.14,15 concept discussed in the Infectious Diseases So-
The Panel does not advocate use of either point ciety of America (IDSA) 2011 guidelines for
of care dipstick or home dipstick analysis to di- treatment of acute uncomplicated UTI, namely,
agnose rUTI and guide treatment decisions due to that if antimicrobial therapies for UTI are
the poor sensitivity and specificity of these mo- compared based upon efficacy in achieving clinical
dalities. The Panel does recognize that in select and/or bacteriological cure, there is relatively lit-
patients with rUTIs with symptoms of recurrence, tle to distinguish one agent from another. How-
presumptive treatment with antibiotics can be ever, the IDSA guidelines introduced the concepts
initiated prior to finalization of the culture results of resistance prevalence and collateral damage as
based on prior speciation, susceptibilities, and key considerations in choosing UTI treatments.16
local antibiogram. Although the original concept The three first-line agents available in the United
behind self-start therapy allowed for women to States (i.e., nitrofurantoin, TMP-SMX, fosfomy-
treat their UTIs without the need for a culture, cin) are effective in treating UTI but are less likely
the Panel recommends obtaining culture data for to produce collateral damage than are second-line
symptomatic recurrences when feasible to reduce agents.16 Table 3 in the supplementary un-
overuse of antibiotics and the development of abridged guideline (
antibiotic resistance. shows first-line agents recommended by the IDSA
guidelines. Second-line or alternate therapies are
generally chosen because of resistance patterns
Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and/or allergy considerations.
7. Clinicians should omit surveillance urine testing, There is limited high quality up-to-date evidence
including urine culture, in asymptomatic patients with of comparative trials on the length of antibiotic
rUTIs. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: therapies for complete resolution of UTI symptoms.
Grade C) Generally, all antibiotics have risks, irrespective of
8. Clinicians should not treat ASB in patients. (Strong class, and, as such, stewardship should be exercised
Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) to balance symptom resolution with reducing risk of
Without symptoms, bacteriuria of any magni- recurrence. There are two systematic reviews that
tude is considered “ASB.” While pregnant women compared shorter versus longer courses of antibiotics
and patients scheduled to undergo invasive urinary for UTI.17e19 Single-dose antibiotics were associated
tract procedures do benefit from treatment, sub- with increased risk of short-term (<2 weeks after
stantial evidence supports that other populations, treatment) bacteriological persistence versus short
including women with diabetes mellitus and long- course (3 to 6 days; 5 studies, RR 2.01, 95% CI
term care facility residents, do not require or 1.05e3.84, I2[36%) or long course (7-14 days; 6
benefit from additional evaluation or antimicrobial studies, RR 1.93, 95% CI 1.01e3.70, I2[31%) anti-
treatment. Evaluation and treatment of rUTIs biotic therapy.

Copyright © 2019 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Antibiotic Prophylaxis Antibiotic prophylaxis dosing

12. Following discussion of the risks, benefits, and alter- Continuous prophylaxis:
natives, clinicians may prescribe antibiotic prophylaxis TMP 100 mg once daily
to decrease the risk of future UTIs in women of all TMP-SMX 40 mg/200 mg once daily, 40 mg/200 mg thrice
ages previously diagnosed with UTIs. (Moderate Recom- Nitrofurantoin 50 mg daily, 100 mg daily
mendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) Cephalexin 125 mg once daily, 250 mg once daily
The results of trials on prophylactic antibiotics Fosfomycin 3 gm every 10 days
Intermittent prophylaxis:
consistently demonstrate the positive effect of this TMP-SMX 40 mg/200 mg, 80 mg/400 mg
preventive treatment, while acknowledging the in- Nitrofurantoin 50e100 mg
crease in mild, moderate, and severe adverse events Cephalexin 250 mg
associated with antibiotic use. The effects of anti-
biotic prophylaxis have been shown to last during
World Health Organization increased awareness of the
the active intake time period, with UTI recurrence
issue of the growing world-wide phenomenon of AMR
equaling that of the placebo arm following cessation
through its publication Global Action Plan on Antimi-
of prophylaxis.
crobial Resistance,27 which has led to an increasing
Adverse Events. All antibiotics have potential risks. interest in the scientific community to study non-
These risks should be discussed with patients prior antibiotic modalities in the prevention of rUTI.
to prescribing for short-, medium-, or long-term
Cranberry. Recently cranberry has been the subject
prophylaxis. Nitrofurantoin is commonly prescribed
of an increasing number of randomized clinical tri-
in women of all ages and has potentially serious
als. These studies have used cranberry in a variety
risks of pulmonary and hepatic toxicity.20e23 The
of formulations including juice, cocktail, and tablets.
rates of possible serious pulmonary or hepatic
The proposed mechanism of action is thought to be
adverse events are extremely low, and are reported
related to proanthocyanidins (PACs) present in
to be 0.001% and 0.0003%, respectively.24 Potential
cranberries and the ability of PACs to prevent the
adverse effects of gastrointestinal disturbances and
adhesion of bacteria to the urothelium. It must be
skin rash are commonly associated with antibiotics,
noted that PACs are found in varying concentra-
including trimethoprim (TMP), TMP-SMX,
tions dependent on the formulation used, and many
cephalexin, and fosfomycin.25,26
of the cranberry products used in scientific study
Dosing and Duration. The most tested schedule are explicitly formulated for research purposes. The
of antibiotic prophylaxis (TMP, TMP-SMX, availability of such products to the public is a severe
nitrofurantoin, cephalexin) was daily dosing. limitation to the use of cranberries for rUTI pro-
However, fosfomycin used prophylactically is dosed phylaxis outside the research setting and must be
every 10 days. The duration of antibiotic prophylaxis discussed with patients.
in the literature ranged from 6 to 12 months. In Cranberry, in a formulation that is available and
clinical practice, the duration of prophylaxis can be tolerable to the patient, may be offered as prophy-
variable, from three to six months to one year, with laxis, including oral juice and tablet formulations, as
periodic assessment and monitoring. Some women there is not sufficient evidence to support one
stay on continuous or post-coital prophylaxis for formulation over another when considering this food-
years to maintain the benefit without adverse based supplement. In addition, there is little risk to
events. However, it should be noted that continuing cranberry supplements, further increasing their ap-
prophylaxis for years is not evidence-based. peal to patients. However, it must be noted that fruit
In women who experience UTIs temporally juices can be high in sugar content, which is a
related to sexual activity, antibiotic prophylaxis consideration that may limit use in diabetic patients.
taken before or after sexual intercourse has been
Alternative Non-Antibiotic Prophylaxis. A number of
shown to be effective and safe. This use of antibi-
other options are also available for use; however, the
otics is associated with a significant reduction in
Panel was unable to find sufficient evidence to support
recurrence rates. Additionally, intermittent dosing
their efficacy as prophylactic agents. Such other agents
is associated with decreased risk of adverse events
include lactobacillus, D-mannose, methenamine,
including gastrointestinal symptoms and vaginitis.
herbs/supplements, intravesical hyaluronic acid/
Common dosing regimens can be found in the table.
chondroitin, biofeedback, and immunoactive
Non-Antibiotic Prophylaxis
13. Clinicians may offer cranberry prophylaxis for rUTIs. Follow-up Evaluation
(Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 14. Clinicians should not perform a post-treatment
There has been a growing concern regarding anti- test of cure urinalysis or urine culture in asymptom-
biotic resistance in the setting of rUTI. In 2015 the atic patients. (Expert Opinion)

Copyright © 2019 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

15. Clinicians should repeat urine cultures to guide to increase risk of cancer recurrence in women un-
further management when UTI symptoms persist dergoing treatment for or with a personal history of
following antimicrobial therapy. (Expert Opinion) breast cancer.28e30 Therefore, vaginal estrogen
Extrapolating from the ASB literature, the Panel therapy should be considered in prevention of UTI
does not endorse microbiological reassessment (i.e. for women with a personal history of breast cancer
repeat urine culture) after successful UTI treatment in coordination with the patient’s oncologist.
as this may lead to overtreatment. It should again
be emphasized that symptom clearance is sufficient.
In patients with rapid recurrence (particularly with FUTURE DIRECTIONS
the same organism), clinicians may consider evalu- A worldwide crisis has emerged due to rapid
ation on and off therapy to help identify those pa- expansion of multi-drug resistant bacteria, fore-
tients who warrant further urologic evaluation. shadowing the devastating implications of the
Additionally, repeated infection with bacteria asso- eventual inefficacy of many of our broad-spectrum
ciated with struvite stone formation (e.g., P. mir- antimicrobial agents.27 Current concepts of anti-
abilis) may prompt consideration of imaging to rule biotic stewardship have provoked a further initia-
out calculus. tive to develop agents outside the traditional
After initiating antimicrobial therapy for UTI, pipeline of antibiotics. Critical to these agendas on
clinical cure (i.e. UTI symptom resolution) is ex- a more immediate time frame is the need for
pected within three to seven days. Although there comprehensive randomized controlled trials for
is no evidence, the Panel felt it reasonable to repeat non-antibiotic prevention therapies. Implementation
a urine culture if UTI symptoms persist beyond of novel technologies, such as vaccines for urinary
seven days. Although a second antibiotic can be pathogens, may represent a fertile future direction.
given empirically, this should only be done after a Use of mannosides as therapeutic entities to pre-
urine sample is obtained for culture. This will vent bacterial adhesion to the urothelium may
minimize unnecessary treatment of patients with target a narrow-spectrum treatment strategy asso-
persistent UTI/pain symptoms who are culture- ciated with few systemic manifestations.31 Modu-
negative. lation of host responses, such as the use of
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, have been
Estrogen suggested as a useful adjunct in both preclinical and
16. In peri- and post-menopausal women with rUTIs, cli-
clinical studies.32,33
nicians should recommend vaginal estrogen therapy to
We must also expand our perspective of rUTI to
reduce the risk of future UTIs if there is no contraindication
include prevention. There currently exists an NIH-
to estrogen therapy. (Moderate Recommendation; Evi-
funded research consortium addressing this mission-
dence Level: Grade B)
the Prevention of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Clinicians should recommend vaginal estrogen (PLUS) Research Consortium.34 This consortium is
therapy to all peri- and post-menopausal women dedicated to promoting prevention of lower urinary
with rUTIs to reduce the risk of future UTIs. This tract symptoms (including UTIs) across the woman’s
is in contrast to oral or other formulations of life spectrum, utilizing a socioecologic construct.35
systemic estrogen therapy, which have not been Critical to these investigative efforts is discovery of
shown to reduce UTI risk and are associated with methods to suppress symptoms without use of anti-
different risks and benefits. Patients who present biotics and direct studies that support a broader view
with rUTIs and are already on systemic estrogen of rUTI from the host-pathogen perspective. Through
therapy can and should still be placed on vaginal multiple efforts, which include identifying modifiable
estrogen therapy. There is no substantially socioecological risk factors, understanding host re-
increased risk of adverse events. However, sys- sponses in UTI and understanding pathogen viru-
temic estrogen therapy should not be recom- lence factors, we will discover new methods in the
mended for treatment of rUTI. Table 5 in the diagnosis and treatment of rUTI.
supplementary unabridged guideline (https:// shows the formulations and
dosing of several commonly used types of vaginal DISCLAIMER
estrogen therapy. This document was written by the Recurrent Uri-
As part of shared decision-making, the clinician nary Tract Infection Guideline Panel of the American
should weigh the risks associated with vaginal es- Urological Association Education and Research, Inc.,
trogen therapy with its benefits in reducing UTI which was created in 2017. The Practice Guidelines
risk. Given low systemic absorption, systemic risks Committee (PGC) of the AUA selected the committee
association with vaginal estrogen therapy are min- chair. Panel members were selected by the chair
imal. Vaginal estrogen therapy has not been shown in coordination with the Canadian Urological

Copyright © 2019 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Association (CUA) and the Society of Urodynamics, technologies with sufficient data as of close of the
Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Reconstruction literature review, they are necessarily time-
(SUFU). Membership of the panel included special- limited. Guidelines cannot include evaluation of
ists with specific expertise on this disorder. The all data on emerging technologies or management,
mission of the panel was to develop recommenda- including those that are FDA-approved, which
tions that are analysis-based or consensus-based, may immediately come to represent accepted
depending on panel processes and available data, clinical practices.
for optimal clinical practices in the diagnosis and For this reason, the AUA does not regard tech-
treatment of recurrent urinary tract infection. nologies or management which are too new to be
Funding of the panel was provided by the AUA addressed by this guideline as necessarily experi-
with contributions from CUA and SUFU. Panel mental or investigational.
members received no remuneration for their work.
Each member of the panel provides an ongoing
conflict of interest disclosure to the AUA. DISCLOSURES
While these guidelines do not necessarily establish All panel members completed COI disclosures.
the standard of care, AUA seeks to recommend and to Disclosures listed include both topice and non-
encourage compliance by practitioners with current topic-related relationships.
best practices related to the condition being treated. As
Consultant/Advisor: Toby Chai, Avadel; A. Lenore
medical knowledge expands and technology advances,
Ackerman, Aquinox Pharmaceuticals; Bilal
the guidelines will change. Today these evidence-
Chughtai, Boston Scientific; J. Quentin Clemens,
based guidelines statements represent not absolute
Aquinox, Medtronic; Duane Hickling, Astellas,
mandates but provisional proposals for treatment
Pfizer, Allergan; Anil Kapoor, Pfizer, Bayer Oncology,
under the specific conditions described in each docu-
Novartis Oncology; Melissa Kaufman, Boston Scien-
ment. For all these reasons, the guidelines do not pre-
tific; Kimberly Kenton, Boston Scientific; Ann Sta-
empt physician judgment in individual cases.
pleton, Paratek.
Treating physicians must take into account vari-
ations in resources, and patient tolerances, needs, Meeting Participant or Lecturer: Bilal Chughtai,
and preferences. Conformance with any clinical Allergan; J. Quentin Clemens, Allergan; Duane
guideline does not guarantee a successful outcome. Hickling, Astellas, Pfizer, Allergan; Anil Kapoor,
The guideline text may include information or rec- Pfizer, Bayer Oncology, Novartis Oncology; Una
ommendations about certain drug uses (‘off label’) Lee, Medtronic.
that are not approved by the Food and Drug
Scientific Study or Trial: Jennifer Anger, Boston
Administration (FDA), or about medications or sub-
Scientific, AMS; Bilal Chughtai, American Uro-
stances not subject to the FDA approval process.
logical Association, Boston Scientific; Duane
AUA urges strict compliance with all government
Hickling, Astellas; Anil Kapoor, Pfizer, Novartis
regulations and protocols for prescription and use of
Oncology; Kimberly Kenton, Boston Scientific;
these substances. The physician is encouraged to
Lynn Stothers, IPSEN.
carefully follow all available prescribing information
about indications, contraindications, precautions and Investment Interest: J. Quentin Clemens, Merck.
warnings. These guidelines and best practice state-
Health Publishing: J. Quentin Clemens, UpToDate.
ments are not intended to provide legal advice about
use and misuse of these substances. Other: Jennifer Anger, Boston Scientific; Melissa
Although guidelines are intended to encourage Kaufman, Boston Scientific, Cook Myosite; Mary
best practices and potentially encompass available Ann Rondanina, Theravance Biopharma.

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