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Criminologist Licensure Examination

LECTURE with Q and A
arranged by Sub-Subjects


Raymart S. Paimalan
Charlemagne James P. Ramos
About the Contributor
RAYMART SIANO PAIMALAN obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 86.15. He is
currently committed in the Lecture Sessions at What
Criminologist Knows? and focuses on the field of

Sir Raymart S. Paimalan

Registered Criminologist / Physical Scientist / Writer
About the Contributor
CHARLEMAGNE JAMES P. RAMOS obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2013 and
subsequently passed the October 2013 Criminologist Licensure
Examination with the rating of 88.05. At the young age he
became a former professor at the same school and a national
lecturer to various review centers in the Philippines. His passion
in teaching lead him to do writings and a vast of opus and
treatise that would help the candidates of the Licensure
Examination. Aside from writing and teaching at his own
coaching sessions he is also currently completing his degree in
Juris Doctor at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Law. The experience he gained for being a lecturer and
striker in every session of the Criminologist Licensure
Examination makes him specialized in training candidates of the
Criminology Licensure Examination evidence are the Registered
Criminologist of various schools he had produced in the first row
of years in the practice as a Criminologist.

Sir Charlemagne James P. Ramos

Criminologist / Review Director / Writer / Author
Criminal Law and Jurisprudence 20%
Law Enforcement and Administration 20%
Criminalistics 20%
Crime Detection and Investigation 15%
Crim Socio 15%
Correctional Administration 10%
“He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work.”

Registered Criminologist
• Fingerprints pattern:
• Rules in selecting two or more 
• three Dogmatic Principles deltas:
• The skin and the Characteristics  • Rules in selecting the delta on a 
of Ridges ridge
• The ridge characteristics • Rules in selecting the core;
• Printing of fingers having 
• The fingerprint Pattern disabilities
• Types of Fingerprint impression • Ridge Counting and Tracing
• Branches of Dactyloscopy: • Formula for Fingerprint 
“The fingerprint of man is GOD architectural design and no 
expert in the world could equal the making our GOD the Cre
The following are early methods of
identification except;
A.Rouges Gallery
B.Descriptive Clothing
C.Photographic eye
The following are early methods of
identification except;
A.Rouges Gallery
B.Descriptive Clothing
C.Photographic eye
Why Fingerprint Identification?
• Fingerprints offer an infallible means of
personal identification. That is the essential
explanation for having supplanted other
methods of establishing the identities of
criminals reluctant to admit previous arrests
• China has been recognized by many
authorities as the first country that uses
• But, such usage was not aimed to identify the
identity of individuals, but rather it was used
for their “Rituals”, and “Trade and Commerce”.
• Ironically, there has been no scientific
historical data that will support that the
Chinese has studied the use of fingerprint.
• In China, fingerprint is called Hua Chi
• Emperor Teín Shi- first Chinese ruler
who devised a seal carved from white jade; on
one side of it was the name of the owner, and
on the other side the thumb mark of the
Scientific and explorative studies of fingerprint
A significant person in the history of
fingerprint, who classified nine principal
configuration groups of fingerprint and
assigned each a name which he was known to be
as the “Father of Dactyloscopy”.
A. Edward Richard Henry
B. Dr. Henry Faulds
C. Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
D. Dr. Alphonse Bertillon
A significant person in the history of
fingerprint, who classified nine principal
configuration groups of fingerprint and
assigned each a name which he was known to be
as the “Father of Dactyloscopy”.
A. Edward Richard Henry
B. Dr. Henry Faulds
C. Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
D. Dr. Alphonse Bertillon
• Dr. Nehemiah Grew of Oxford
University was the first
individual who published a study
“Philosophical Transaction”, a
study of the ridges and pores of
the hands and feet in 1684.
• Govard Bidloo in his study in titled
“Anatomia Humanis Corporis” he
showed that there are Sweat Pores
and arranged Ridges in the Fingers,
in 1685.
• He emphasize the appearance and
arrangement of the ridges of the
thumb due to their importance
• In 1686, Dr. Marcello Malpighi published his
study in titled “De Externo Tactus Organo”.
Wherein his study reveals that the ridges found
on the palmar surface of the hand have diverse
formations and designs.ORGANS OF FEELING
• He was able to recognize the existence and
function of the pores in the ridges which is
serving as a mouth of the sweat glands.
• He was also instrumental in discovering the
inner and outer layer of the skin, which is now
better known as dermis and epidermis.
• Known as the “GRANDFATHER OF
DACTYLOSCOPY” according to DR. Edmond
• A layer of the skin was named after him;
“MALPHIGI LAYER” which is approximately
1.8mm thicks
• A certain Hintze and Albinus
presented their writings on
the anatomy of the ridge
formations, in 1751.
• J.C.A. Mayer published his study in
1788, stating that the arrangement
of the ridges of the skin would
never be duplicated in two
persons, only closer similarities
among individual fingerprints.
• His categorical statement that
prints of two different individuals
are never alike, was supported by
the findings of Herman Welcker, in
1856 that, fingerprint would never
• Prof. Johannes E. Purkinje(FATHER OF DACTYLOSCOPY) 1823
of University of Breslau in 1823 published his study on the
different pattern of fingerprint describing its ridges and giving its names. He
was able to identify nine types of fingerprint patterns;
• Commentary of the physiological Examination of the Organ of Vision
and the Coetaneous System
(1.) the transverse curves (today known as plain arch)
(2.) the central longitudinal strain (today known as tented arch)
(3.) the oblique stripe (today known as ulnar/radial loop)
(4.) the oblique loop (today know as ulnar/radial loop)
(5.) the almond (today known as whorl)
(6.) the spiral (today known as central pocket loop)
(7.) the ellipse‐elliptical whorl (today known as whorl)
(8.) the circle circular whorl (today known as whorl)
(9.) the double whorl (today known as double loop).

`Although he was able to identify the different fingerprint patterns

however, no use for identification was made.
The beginning of fingerprint as a method of 
An Scottish Missionary Doctor which concluded
that fingerprint patterns are unchangeable.
A. Henry Faulds
B. Edward Richard Henry
C. Juan Vucetich
D. William Herschel
An Scottish Missionary Doctor which concluded
that fingerprint patterns are unchangeable.
A. Henry Faulds
B. Edward Richard Henry
C. Juan Vucetich
D. William Herschel
A person who contributed the system of
classification which up to date were applied
most for criminal investigation and personal
identification through fingerprint examination
by most of the law enforcement agencies around
the world. This system was called the “Henry
System” of Fingerprint Identification?
A. Sir Edward Richard Henry
B. Sir Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
C. Sir Francis Galton
D. Sir Marcelo Malpighi
A person who contributed the system of
classification which up to date were applied
most for criminal investigation and personal
identification through fingerprint examination
by most of the law enforcement agencies around
the world. This system was called the “Henry
System” of Fingerprint Identification?
A. Sir Edward Richard Henry
B. Sir Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
C. Sir Francis Galton
D. Sir Marcelo Malpighi
In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he
used fingerprints to prevent fraudulent
collection of army pay account and for
identification of other documents. He was
known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
A.William Herschel
B.Francis Galton
C.Gilbert Thompson
D.Alphose Bertillon
In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he
used fingerprints to prevent fraudulent
collection of army pay account and for
identification of other documents. He was
known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
A.William Herschel
B.Francis Galton
C.Gilbert Thompson
D.Alphose Bertillon
A noted British anthropologist who began
observation which led to the publication
in 1882 of his book “Fingerprints.” That
established the individuality of
classifying fingerprint patterns.
A.Francis Galton
B.Gilbert Thompson
C.Wayne Kate
D.Alphonse Bertillon
A noted British anthropologist who began
observation which led to the publication
in 1882 of his book “Fingerprints.” That
established the individuality of
classifying fingerprint patterns.
A.Francis Galton
B.Gilbert Thompson
C.Wayne Kate
D.Alphonse Bertillon

He took the prints of his 
own palms and after 41 
years(1879) he printed the same 
palms to prove that the prints do 
not change except for some 
scratches due to old age.
• Sir William Herschel published a
book in titled “The Origin of
Fingerprinting” in 1858 in which he
encourages the fingerprinting of the
laborers to avoid impersonation.
• And later he used fingerprint system
in all jails in India and was
recognized as the first European to
practice fingerprint identification.
He was known as the Father
of Chiroscopy.
• Dr. Henry Faulds was a doctor of medicine
stationed in Tokyo Japan in 1880 he published an
article in titled “the Skin Furrows of the Hands”
which he points out that chance prints or latent
print left at the crime scene would provide a
positive identification of offenders.
• Faulds forwarded an explanation of his
classification system and a sample of the forms he
had designed for recording ink impression, to SIR
Charles Darwin . Darwin, in advance age and ill
health, informed DR. faulds that he could be of no
assistance to him, but promised to pass the
materials on to his cousin, FRANCIS GALTON
• He then recommended the use of thin film of
printers ink as a transfer medium which is known
used today. He also initiated the development and
enhancement of latent prints.

Gilbert Thompson of the U.S
geological survey in New Mexico, used
his owned thumb print on a
document to prevent forgery
This is the first known use of
fingerprint in the united states .
• GALTON 1888
• Sir Francis Galton, a British anthropologist
and a Cousin of Charles Darwin, began his
observations of fingerprints as a means of
identification in the 1880’s
• He devised a practical system of filing
based on the ridge patterns.
• He was able to discover the three families
of fingerprint patterns(arch, loop, whorl)
• Credited for being the first scientist of
friction skin identification who established
the first Civil Bureau of Personal
Identification in London, England
• Juan Vucetich, 1891
• An Argentinian police official,
began the first fingerprint files
based on Galton pattern types.
• he was able to develop his own
system of classification in 1891 and
was adopted by Argentina and
other Spanish speaking countries

• Haque and Bose are two
Indian fingerprint experts credited
with the primary development of
the Henry System of fingerprint
• The Henry classification
system is still used in all English‐
Speaking countries (primarily as
the manual filing system for
accessing paper archive files that
have not been scanned and
• Sir Edward Richard Henry 1900
• the successor of Sir William Herschel
was able to develop his own system of
fingerprint classification in 1880 and
was adopted by the British Association
for advancement of science in 1889.
• His system of identification finally
replaces the Bertillionage system of
• He was considered as the father of
fingerprint due to his system of

The first American Instructress in Dactyloscopy
• 1902
The New York Civil Service
Commission required all
applicants to be fingerprinted
• Henry P. Forest
Chief medical examiner of the 
New  York Civil Service 
American Preacher in fingerprint 
science in the US for the New York 
Civil Service to prevent applicants 
from having better‐qualified 
persons to take the test for them
• 1903

The New York State Prison 
system began the first systematic 
use of fingerprints in U.S for 
• 1905
U.S Army begins using fingerprints.
U.S Department of Justice forms the 
Bureau of Criminal Identification in 
Washington, DC to provide a 
centralized reference collection of 
fingerprint cards.
U.S. Navy begins using fingerprints. 
U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of 
Criminal Identification moves to 
Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary where 
it is
staffed at least partially by inmates
U.S. Marine Corps begins using 

First Criminal Conviction was based 
solely upon fingerprint evidence.
Illinois USA (People vs. Jennings) 
note: 14 points
Inspector Harry H. Caldwell of the Oakland. California  Police
Department's Bureau of Identification wrote numerous letters to "Criminal
Identification Operators" in August 1915, asking them to meet in Oakland for the
purpose of forming an organization to further the aims of the identification
profession. In October 1915. A group of twenty‐two identification personnel met
and initiated the "lntemational Association for Criminal Identification" In 1918.
the organization was renamed the lnternational Association for Identification
(lAI) due to the volume of non‐criminal identification work performed by
members. Sir francis Galton's right index finger appears in the IAI logo. The 
IAI’s official publication is the Jornal of Forensic Identification.
First organized school for teaching fingerprint
(Institute of Applied Science Chicago).

Edmond Locard wrote that if 12 points (Galton's Details) were the same
between two fingerprints. it would suffice as a positive identification. Locard's
12 points.seems to have been based on an unscientific "improvement" over the
eleven anthropometric measurements (arm length, height. etc ) used to “identify"
Criminals before the adoption of Fingerprints.
the Identification Division of the FBI was established after J. Edgar 
Hoover was appointed Director
In 1924. an act of congress established the Identification Division of the 
FBI. The IACP's National Bureau of Criminal Identification and the US 
Justice Department's Bureau of Criminal Identification consolidated to 
form the nucleus of the FBI fingerprint files.
By 1946, the FBI had processed 100 million fingerprint cards in 
manually maintained files: and by 1971. 200 million cards
In 1974. four employees of the Hertfordshire (United Kingdom)
Fingerprint Bureau contacted fingerprint experts throughout the UK and began
organization of that country's first professional fingerprint organization. the
National Society of Fingerprint Officers. the organization initially consisted of
only UK experts. but quickly expanded to international scope and was renamed
the Fingerprint Society in 1977. F.F.S. used behind a fingerprint expert's name
indicates they arc recognized as a Fellow of the Fingerprint Society. the Society
hosts annual educational conferences with speakers and delegates attending from
many countries.
At New Orleans. Louisiana on 1 August 1977. delegates to the 62nd
Annual Conference of the international Association for Identification (IAI) voted
to establish the world's first certification program for fingerprint experts. Since
1977. the IAI’s Latent Print Certification Board has proficiency tested thousands
of applicants, and periodically proficiency tests all lAl Certified Latent Print
Examiners (CLPEs). IAI CLPE status is considered by many identification
professionals to be a measurement of excellence. During the past three decades.
CLPE status has become a pre‐requisite for journeyman fingerprint expert
positions in many US state and federal government forensic laboratories
• Mr. jones 1900
• One who first taught 
fingerprint in the Philippine 
• Bureau of Prison 1918

• Records show that CARPETA
(Commitment and Conviction 
Records) already used fingerprint
• Lt. Asa and N. Darby

• Established the modern and 
complete fingerprint files for 
Philippine Commonwealth 
during the reoccupation of the 
Philippines by the American 
Generoso Reyes – First Filipino Fingerprint technician employed by the
Philippine Constabulary .
Isabel Bernales – first Filipina Fingerprint Technician.
Capt. Thomas Dugan, New York Police Department and Flaviano
Guerrero FBI Washington ‐ gave the first examination in fingerprinting
in 1927 and Agustin Patricio of the Philippines Top the Examination.
People of the Philippines vs. Medina ‐ first conviction based on
fingerprint leading judicial decision in the Philippine Jurisprudence.
Plaridel Education Institution ‐now known as the Philippine College of
Criminology. the first government recognized school to teach the
Science of Fingerprint and other Police Sciences.
(Former Supreme Court Justice Felix Angelo Bautista founded the
Philippine College of Criminology or PCCr)

The First National Bureau of Identification (1924) ‐ was created by the

act of Congress. The bureau was established with the U.S. DOJ
(Washington D.C.)
A. Legality of Fingerprinting
People vs. Jennings (1911, Illinois) ‐ pass upon the admissibility of fingerprint
State vs. Cerciello (New Jersey) ‐ fingerprint evidence was permitted to be
State vs. Conners ‐ it was held competent to show by a photograph the
fingerprints upon a balcony post of a house entered, without producing that post in
People vs. Coral (California) ‐ it is completely settled law that
fingerprints are the strongest evidence of the identity ,of a person. It was
reasserted in another California case. People v. Riser‐ fingerprint evidence
is the strongest evidence of identity and is ordinarily sufficient aid to identify
the defendant.
Bilangawa vs. Amador (Philippines) ‐ a fingerprint expert and 
constabulary sergeant testified and successfully defended fingerprint 
evidence based on eight identical ridge points
People vs. Medina ‐ the first leading judicial decision in the Philippine
jurisprudence on the science of fingerprinting.
• Tattoo marks
• Scar marks
• Anthropometry‐ the first scientific method of identification done by 
measuring various bony structure of the human body devised by 
Alphonse Bertillion .
• Alphonse Bertillon  (Father of Scientific Identification)
• for identifying suspects for investigation purposes
• to provide identity for unidentified dead person
• identification of missing person
• detecting a criminal identity through fingerprints collected at the 
scene and determining recidivism or habitual delinquency
• means of verification or confirmation of public documents for the 
purpose of issuing clearance
• use in opening volts or doors leading to confidential matters
• means in checking or verifying entry of authorized personnel on 
certain establishment.
DACTYLOSCOPY‐ the science which deals with study of fingerprints as a
means of personal identification.

2 Greek Words:
Dactyl ‐ a finger
Skopein ‐ to examine
DACTYLOGRAPHY ‐ the study of fingerprints for the purpose of
DACTYLOMANCY‐ an attempt at character reading through the pattern
of fingerprints .
DERMATOGLYPHICS ‐ are the lines. tracings and designs on the skin of
fingers, palms and soles.
POLYDACTYL ‐a hand having more than the required numbers of fingers
• CHIROSCOPY‐ scientific examination of the palm of the hand Greek 
words: Cheir‐ palm/hand skopein‐ to examine

• PODOSCOPY‐ scientific examination of the sole of the foot.
Greek word: Podo‐ sole/fool  skopein ‐ to examine

• POROSCOPY ‐ scientific examination of sweat pores/glands. 
Greek words: Poros ‐ a pare  skopein ‐ to examine
When fingerprint of every individual will remain
unchangeable until one losses his life and
decomposed, then it prevails a fingerprint
dogmatic principle called?
A. Principle of permanency
B. Principle of individuality
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Principle of fingerprint
When fingerprint of every individual will remain
unchangeable until one losses his life and
decomposed, then it prevails a fingerprint
dogmatic principle called?
A. Principle of permanency
B. Principle of individuality
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Principle of fingerprint
If there exist to identify no two person have
the same fingerprint patterns, then it denotes
a fingerprint dogmatic principle called?
A. Individuality C. Permanency
B. Infallibility D. Reliability
If there exist to identify no two person have
the same fingerprint patterns, then it denotes
a fingerprint dogmatic principle called?
A. Individuality C. Permanency
B. Infallibility D. Reliability
• FINGERPRINT is a positive and
absolute means of identification.
• The use of fingerprints as an
infallible means of identification
is based on three Dogmatic

• ‐ the papillary ridges are immutable,

perennial, and individual from the
third month of the embryonic period
of a person until decomposition sets
in after death.
• The fingerprints of a, man has
been noted by scientist to appear the
beginning of the 3rd embryonic while
child is still in mother’s womb period
and it never change until
decomposition sets in after death.
• Man, not knowing carries with
him identification from his cradle up
to his graves.
Some attempts of destroying Ridges and 
JOHN DILLENGER ‐ US notorious public enemy No. 1, who tried to
remove his fingerprints with acid but failed . Post‐mortem fingerprints
was taken when he was shot by FBI agents proved that he was
ROBERT JAMES PITTS ‐ gained fame as the man without fingerprints 
knowing from an inmate of a possible destruction Of fingerprints . He 
contacted a doctor. He removed the skin up to the generative layer and 
served thin into incisions on each side of Pitts chest. Scar tissue was 
developed. Almost a year later, he was picked up and police amazed to 
find that he had no fingerprints . The Texas Department of Public Safety 
was able to affect identification out of the second joints of his fingers. 
He is also known by the Name Roscoe Pitts.
LOCARD AND WITKOWSJI of Lyons‐ who performed rather painful
experiments on themselves by burning their fingerprints with boiling
water, hot oil and hot metal had shown that after the healing of the
epidermis , the original pattern of fingerprints reappeared
Fingerprint experts are convinced that “no two
persons shall have the same fingerprint
characteristics”. But according to some
mathematicians, there might be a possibility of
two persons having the same fingerprint to the
ratio of _____ ?
A. 1:64 billion C. 1:6 million
B. 1:64 million D. 1:6 billion
Fingerprint experts are convinced that “no two
persons shall have the same fingerprint
characteristics”. But according to some
mathematicians, there might be a possibility of
two persons having the same fingerprint to the
ratio of _____ ?
A. 1:64 billion C. 1:6 million
B. 1:64 million D. 1:6 billion
• ‐ no two fingerprints of different
person or the neighboring finger of
the same person have ever been
found to be identical or exactly alike
in all respects,
• it has been studied and proven
that ridges appearing in a
fingerprints of man wherein it has
been used as an infallible means of
• Sir Francis Galton in 1892. He
concluded the theory that the
chance of two people to possess
identical fingerprints is 1:64 billion
A man who was considered as a man without
fingerprint who was surgically removed the
fingerprint of the first joint of his fingers
and covered it with another skin from his chest
but somehow, his efforts however, turn futile?
A. Robert James Pitt C. John Dillinger
B. Thomas Taylor D. Herman Welcker
A man who was considered as a man without
fingerprint who was surgically removed the
fingerprint of the first joint of his fingers
and covered it with another skin from his chest
but somehow, his efforts however, turn futile?
A. Robert James Pitt C. John Dillinger
B. Thomas Taylor D. Herman Welcker
A known criminal who tried to efface his
fingerprint by burning them with acid, but not
to no avail.
A. John Dillinger C. Roscoe James Pitt
B. Robert Phillips D. James Bond
A known criminal who tried to efface his
fingerprint by burning them with acid, but not
to no avail.
A. John Dillinger C. Roscoe James Pitt
B. Robert Phillips D. James Bond
• PRINCIPLES OF INFALLIBILITY – • “The fingerprint of man is GOD 
man’s fingerprints cannot be architectural design and no 
expert in the world could equal 
• Criminals have tried to the making our GOD the 
destroy their fingerprints in an Creator.”
effort to fool Justice, even if they
cut his finger with a razor, or
knife, time brought new ridge to
the surface.
• True, there were scars in the
lower layer of the skin, but the
patterns were so distinct that
when classifying will show
positive identification of the
It is an epidermal hairless skin usually found
in the palms and soles and it is where
fingerprints are formed?
A. Friction ridge C. Friction skin
B. Fingerprint D. Latent print
It is an epidermal hairless skin usually found
in the palms and soles and it is where
fingerprints are formed?
A. Friction ridge C. Friction skin
B. Fingerprint D. Latent print
The Skin and the Characteristics of Ridges

• Friction Skin ‐ is the skin covering

the bulb of the fingers and
thumbs, the palm of the hands,
and the soles of the feet
• ‐is the epidermal hairless skin
found on the ventral or the lower
surface of the hands and feet
covered with minute ridges and
furrows, and without pigment or
coloring matter.
• Bulb of Fingers ‐is the portion on
the inside of the tips of the fingers
and thumbs in the first phalange
and from one nail joint to the
opposite nail joint.
Phalange –the skeletal finger
covered by the friction skin is made
up of three distinct bones namely;
1.) basal or proximal phalange,
which is located at the base of the
finger nearest to the palm;
2.) middle phalange, is the next
above the basal bone,
3.) the end or terminal phalange, the
bone that is covered with friction skin
having different types of pattern and
located near the tip of the finger.
• Epidermis – is the scientific term of the
outer layer of the skin. It has two
1.) stratum corneum which covers the
surface on which the ridges is visible.
2.) stratum mucosum is the layer beneath
the stratum corneum and forms the ridges
that run length twice and corresponds to
the surface ridge.
• Dermis – is the scientific term of the skin.
Its components are;
1.) sweat glands‐ are below the entire
dermis which is not visible.
2.) sweat pores‐ is the mouth of the sweat
gland which is running in a single row along
the ridges.
3.) dermal papillae‐ the nerve endings
located between the dermis and the
epidermis, they control the course of flow
of the subsequent ridges and mold the
outer surface of the skin.
These are tiny holes of the skin where sweats
and other secretion may come out?
A. Pores C. Sweat gland
B. Dermis D. Epidermis
These are tiny holes of the skin where sweats
and other secretion may come out?
A. Pores C. Sweat gland
B. Dermis D. Epidermis
• Ridges – are tiny elevations or
hill like structure found on the
epidermis of the skin containing
the sweat pores
• Furrows – are the canals or
depression found between the
ridges they appear as white
liners in an ink finger impression
• Pores – are the mouth of the
sweat glands ducts located on
the summit of the ridges
arranged in a longitudinal row
is a small opening anymore
across the ridge surface but is
usually found near the center.
• Duct – serves as a passage way
for the watery substance or the
sweat that exists at its mouth,
the pore
is a branch of the science of fingerprint based on specialized study of 
the pore structure found on the epidermal ridges of the skin as a 
means of identification.
Who is the father of Poroscopy?
A. Robert James Pitt C. John Dillinger
B. Thomas Taylor D. Edmund Locard
Who is the father of Poroscopy?
A. Robert James Pitt C. John Dillinger
B. Thomas Taylor D. Edmund Locard
• Dr. Edmund Locard (FATHER OF

• was a pioneer in forensic 
science who became known as the 
"Sherlock Holmes of France”

• He formulated the basic principle 
of forensic science: "Every contact 
leaves a trace". This became 
known as Locard's exchange 
• of France was the first person who conducted a study on pores and 
came‐up with a findings on the pores on the following bases:
• 1. Size – the size of each pore on the ridge vary in diameter from 88 to 
220 micro.
• 2. Shape – pores varies in its shape it could be elliptical, oval, square, 
rhomboid or triangular.
3. Position on ridge – the position of 4. Number of frequency – the
the pores may differ in their relative average number of pores that
position to each other. A few may
appear grouped together or spread occur in one centimeter of ridges
apart. Occasionally, two pores may from 9 to 18.
appear to be abreast on the ridge or
they may be so close together that
they appear to form a triangle. Such
points are valuable as point of
identification and are also valuable in
locating a fragment of a print in the
complete known impression.
When a characteristic of the ridge edge has been
dealt with for comparison purposes, then it
denotes a study called?
A. Edgeoscopy C. Ridgeology
B. Polydactylism D. Dactyloscopy
When a characteristic of the ridge edge has been
dealt with for comparison purposes, then it
denotes a study called?
A. Edgeoscopy C. Ridgeology
B. Polydactylism D. Dactyloscopy
– is the study of the characteristics formed by the sides or edges 
of papillary ridges as a means of identification.
• Prof. Harris Wilder ‐ an American
scientist discovered that first
emerge in the fetus at around 5
to 6 month old.
• These pore pods fuse together to
form ridges. Each pore pod has its
own unique characteristics.
• The pore pods are the ridge
edges which acquire the bases for
• In 1963, Salil Kumar Chatterjee 
discovered that the ridge edge has the 
following characteristics.
1. Straight
2. Concave
3. Convex
4. Peak
5. Pocket
6. Angle
7. Other Shape found on the ridge edge
• Appendage – is a short ridge at the 
top or summit of a recurving ridge.
• Angle – is the result of two ridges 
meeting each other and forms an 
• Bifurcation – is a single ridge which 
splits into two ridges.
• Converging – are two ridges tending 
to approach each other at one 
point, they may continue to form a 
single ridge.
A ridge formed by a bifurcation but which does
not remain open, after running along side by
side for a short distance, the splitting ridge
meet again to form a single ridge is a
characteristic of ridge called?
A. Ridge enclosure C. Island/dot
B. Ridge bridge D. Ridge hook
A ridge formed by a bifurcation but which does
not remain open, after running along side by
side for a short distance, the splitting ridge
meet again to form a single ridge is a
characteristic of ridge called?
A. Ridge enclosure C. Island/dot
B. Ridge bridge D. Ridge hook
• Divergence – these are two ridges
which after running parallel,
suddenly separate and to be
parallel to each other.
• Dot – is a ridge which forms a dot.
• Enclosure – is formed by a
bifurcation when the branches
which separate meet again and
become a single ridge.
• Island – is a ridge which resembles
as a circle, or a dot. An island and
enclosure is often referred to be
the same. However, an island is
always smaller than an enclosure.
They are considered as the two innermost ridges
that start parallel, diverge, surround or tend
to surround the pattern area?
A. Type lines C. Diverging lines
B. Pattern area D. Delta and core
They are considered as the two innermost ridges
that start parallel, diverge, surround or tend
to surround the pattern area?
A. Type lines C. Diverging lines
B. Pattern area D. Delta and core
• Recurving Ridge – is a ridge which at
certain point of its flow goes back to
its direction.
• Short Ridge – is a ridge which is
shorter in its size as compared to
other ridges.

• Type Lines – are the two innermost

ridges that are frequently broken
and may both be continuous, which
established a boundaries of a
fingerprint pattern, which tend to
surround the pattern area.
• Beginning & Ridge Ending – is the
entrance and exist of the flow of the
Rules governing the darkness or clarity of the 
• Ridges of males tend to be clearer or darker than the ridges of 
• Ridges of an adult tend to be clearer or darker than those of infants.
• Ridges of the very aged to be less clearer or darker than younger 
• Ridges of the right hand of both males tend to be clearer or darker 
than those of the left hand.
The fingerprint Pattern
Fingerprint –is a
reproduction of some smooth
surface of the pattern of design
formed by the ridges on the inside
of the first joint of a finger or a
thumb or at the terminal

Types of Fingerprint impression:

1. Rolled impression
2. Plain impression
To have a good impression of the inked
fingerprint pattern, it is necessary that the
finger be rolled from one side to the other
side forming an angle of
A. 180 degrees C. 160 degrees
B. 100 degrees D. 140 degrees
To have a good impression of the inked
fingerprint pattern, it is necessary that the
finger be rolled from one side to the other
side forming an angle of
A. 180 degrees C. 160 degrees
B. 100 degrees D. 140 degrees
• Plain method
The bulb of the last
phalanges of the fingers and
thumb are pressed on the surface
of the paper after pressing them
on an ink pad or ink plate with
printing ink.
• Rolled method
The bulb of the thumb and
other fingers are rolled on the
surface of the paper after being
rolled on an ink pad or ink plate
with printing ink.
• Real impression
Impression of the finger
bulbs with the use of printing ink
on the surface of the paper. Other
coloring materials may be used but
they are less visible and indelible.
• Chance impression
Fingerprint which are
impressed by mere chance without
any intention to produce it.
may be:
Visible print
• Impression made by chance and is
visible without previous treatment
• Impression made by the finger
smeared with some colored
substances, like black ink,
vegetables juice, may be visible
immediately after impression.
Plastic print
• Impression made by chance by
pressing the finger tips on the
melted paraffin, resin,
cellophane, plastic tape, butter,
soap, etc.
Latent print
• Prints which are not visible after
impression but made visible by
the addition of some substances.
• Latent prints develop because the
fingers are always covered with
colorless residue of oil and
perspiration which when pressed
on smooth and non‐absorbent
material will cause the production
of the prints.
1. Application of fine powders
• The choice of substance to be
used to make the latent prints
visible depends upon the texture
and color of the materials where
the suspicion prints are located
• The color of the substance to be
used must be in contrast with
that material
• It should be adhesive to the
extent that is clings readily to
the edges of the fingerprint
• It should not absorb water
• It should provide good contrast
to the place where the latent
print is impressed.
The following substance are commonly used 
to make latent prints visible:
• Graphite for spray
• Aluminum powder
• Plaster of paris
• Copper powder for latent prints
on leather
• metallic antimony
2. chemical development by 
fuming and immersion
• Fuming by iodine or arsenic
acid or
• immersion in a solution of silver
nitrate may develop latent
• Is chemical that bonds with the 
amino acids in fingerprints and 
will produce a blue or purple 
• It is used to lift prints from 
surfaces such as paper and 
What do fingerprint contains
• 98‐99% water

Remaining fluids contain

• Oils (lipids), salt, and amino acid
• Dactyloscopy‐ is the science of
fingerprint as means of
• Dactyl – is originating from a Latin
word which means finger or toe.
• Skopelin – is a Latin term which
means to examine.
• Dactylography‐ is the study of
fingerprints for the purpose of
• Dactylomancy – is an attempt to
know one`s character by reading
through the patterns of the
• Dermatoglyphics‐ are the lines,
tracings, and designs on the skin
of the fingers, palms and soles of
the feet.
• Polydactyl – is a hand having more
than the normal numbers of
• Pattern Area‐ is the portion of the
fingerprint that is rounded by the
type lines and wherein includes
the vital elements or
characteristics necessary for the
interpretation and classification of
the type of pattern.
Branches of Dactyloscopy

which is the scientific examination of the
palm of the hand.The palm print may be
divided into four areas or zones. The flow
and configuration of the ridges found on
the different pattern areas the basis for
• Thenar Zone – is the large cushion area
at the base of the thumb. Latent
impression on this area is usually found
on objects such as beer, bottles, pipes
used as weapon.
• Hypothenar zone‐ this zone contains
the large cushion area just below the
base of the little finger. Latent
impression of this area is common on
question documents or papers involved
in handwriting.
• Palmar Zone‐ this is the area at the
base of the fingers .Usually a broad
delta is noticed at the base of each
• Carpal Delta zone – this is the area
about the center of the palm, down
near the wrist where the delta is
frequently present. Latent
impression may appear on
windowsills and counter or
tabletops when the suspect
requires support for climbing.
Some terms used in the study of the palm
• Distal – in palm prints means
toward the fingertips.
• Proximal‐ in the palm prints means
toward the wrist.
• Radial – in the study of fingerprint
pattern where a loop is shown
having ridges flowing toward the
radius bone or thumb side.
• Ulnar‐ is when the flow of the ridges
is toward the side of the ulnar bone
where the little finger rest.
is the scientific study of the
sole of the foot. The footprint
pattern zones are found on the sole
of the foot on the following areas;
• Ball zone ‐this area is found
below the base of the big toe.
• Plantar Zones ‐is the space just
below the base of the four little
toes besides the ball zone.
• Calcar Zone ‐is the area located
at the hell.
• Tibial Zone ‐is the area on the
side of the foot where the big toe
is located.
• Fibular zone ‐is situated on the
little toe side of the foot just below
the plantar zone.
• Tread Area ‐is an area which
includes that portion of the foot
lying between the ball‐plantar
zones and calcar zone.
The fibular and tibial zones
are found within the tread area.
In support to the study of fingerprint for
personal identification purposes, the study of
the functions and contribution of the sweat
glands and pores is anchored on the field of
___ ?
A.Poroscopy C. Podoscopy
B.Chiroscopy D. Dactyloscopy
In support to the study of fingerprint for
personal identification purposes, the study of
the functions and contribution of the sweat
glands and pores is anchored on the field of
___ ?
A.Poroscopy C. Podoscopy
B.Chiroscopy D. Dactyloscopy

is the scientific examination of the sweat pores
The basis of the fingerprint system 
of identification:

• The peculiarity of their formations

into various patterns.
• The formation of two fixed points
known as the core and delta.
How many fingerprint classification are used

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
How many fingerprint classification are used

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
The Three (3) fingerprint classifications are;
Arch, Loops, and ________.

a. Tented Arch
b. Accidental Whorl
c. Whorls
d. Ulnar Loop
The Three (3) fingerprint classifications are;
Arch, Loops, and ________.

a. Tented Arch
b. Accidental Whorl
c. Whorls
d. Ulnar Loop
Fingerprints pattern

Ulnar 60% plain 4% plain 20%

Radial 5% tented 1% other 10%
65% 5% 30%
In the absence of the delta and core where
ridges flow from one side to the other side
without recurving, it best described a pattern
A. Arch C. Loop
B. Whorl D. Ridges
In the absence of the delta and core where
ridges flow from one side to the other side
without recurving, it best described a pattern
A. Arch C. Loop
B. Whorl D. Ridges
Fingerprints pattern
• Plain Arch‐ is a pattern in which the
ridges flow one side to the other,
without re‐curving usually having a
slight upward curve in the center,
making the pattern appear like arch.
There is no core and delta.
• Tented Arch‐ is a pattern in which the
ridges flow from one side to the other
without re‐curving, but the ridges
rises higher in the center, giving the
pattern the appearance of a tent.
A tented Arch must have a core
but no delta, or a delta without a core.
When the ridges start at one side of the pattern
and goes towards the upper corner of the
opposite side, the side from which they come
originally with core in the center and delta at
the edge of the pattern area?
A. Loop C. Whorl
B. Arch D. Pattern area
When the ridges start at one side of the pattern
and goes towards the upper corner of the
opposite side, the side from which they come
originally with core in the center and delta at
the edge of the pattern area?
A. Loop C. Whorl
B. Arch D. Pattern area
• Exceptional Arch‐ is a type of
tented arch which its impression
has re‐curving ridge/s but no
delta or with a delta but without
a curving or looping ridge/s, or
having both a looping ridge/s
and a delta but no ridge count.
• Loop‐ is a pattern in which one
or more ridges enter on either
side of the impression and
making a re‐curve which pass
out or terminate on the same
side as the ridges entered.
• It has a core and delta and a
ridge count of at least one.
Divisions of Loop:
Radial Loop‐ is when the
downward slope of the
ridges is toward the
direction of the thumb.

Ulnar Loop‐ is when the

downward slope of the ridges is
toward the direction of the
little finger.
Essential requisites of a Loop
• A sufficient re‐curve of a ridge 
which passes on the side of the 
delta and core.
• It must have a delta and a core.
• It must have a ridge count of at 
least one
• Plain Whorl‐ is a pattern in which the
ridges forms a series of circles or spirals
around the core or axis.
An imaginary line drawn between
the two deltas must touch or cross at
least one of the re‐curving ridges within
the pattern area.
The whorl has a core and two
• Central pocket loop‐ is a pattern in
which most of the ridges the pattern
known as loop,or more of ridge loop or
those surrounding the core re‐curve
forming somewhat like a spiral, oval,
circuit, or any variant of a circle;
where one or more re‐curving
ridges having an obstruction of a right
angle to the inner flow.
It must have two unbalance
deltas, in which an imaginary line would
not touch the recurving ridge within the
inner pattern area.
• Double Loop – is a pattern
which consists of two
separate loop formations
with two separate and
distinct sets of shoulders
and two deltas.

• Lateral Pocket loop‐ is a

pattern which consist two
loops formations on the
same side where they
A fingerprint pattern with a single loop but
possessed two deltas?
A. Central pocket loop C. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop D. Accidental Whorl
A fingerprint pattern with a single loop but
possessed two deltas?
A. Central pocket loop C. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop D. Accidental Whorl
• Accidental Whorl‐ is a pattern 
with two or more deltas and a 
combination of two or more 
types of patterns
Possible combination of patterns in accidental 
• A loop and tented arch;
• A loop and a plain whorl;
• A loop and a central pocket loop;
• And other possible combinations, except plain arch 
because is excluded in the absence of the pattern
The very first obstruction and/or center of the
type lines within the pattern area must be
recognized being one of the focal points in
fingerprint identification. This focal point of
fingerprint can be identified as___?
A. Delta C. Core
B. Pattern area D. Type lines
The very first obstruction and/or center of the
type lines within the pattern area must be
recognized being one of the focal points in
fingerprint identification. This focal point of
fingerprint can be identified as___?
A. Delta C. Core
B. Pattern area D. Type lines
Identifying the Delta 
Delta‐ is the first of the two focal points.
It is the first obstruction of any nature at
the point of divergence of the type lines
in front of, or nearest to the center of the
divergence. It is the outside terminus.

Types of delta
• Open delta‐ the one that display any
ridge formation, excluding the
bifurcation ridge, located midway
where the two type lines separate and
not joined to any of the neighboring
• Closed Delta‐ a ridge formation, as the
bifurcation ridge that obstruct or block
the space or opening where the type
lines separate
Under the rule, when there is a choice between a
bifurcation and another type of delta, the
bifurcation is selected as the delta?
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
Under the rule, when there is a choice between a
bifurcation and another type of delta, the
bifurcation is selected as the delta?
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
Rules in selecting two or more deltas:
• When two or more possible deltas which conforms to the definition,
the delta nearest the core is chosen.
• When there is a choice between a bifurcation and another type of
delta, the bifurcation is selected as the delta.
• When there is a choice between two possible deltas, neither of which
is a bifurcation, and when both are in the vicinity of the divergence of
the type lines, the delta nearest the center of the divergence is
• When a single ridge enter a pattern area with two or more bifurcation
which is closers to the core becomes delta
Rules in selecting the delta on a ridge

• When a ridge runs half way between the type lines and the pattern
area, the delta is placed on the end of the ridge nearest the core.
• When a ridge runs entirely within the pattern area, the delta is placed
on the end nearest the point of divergence of the type lines.
• When a ridge enters the pattern area from a point below the
divergence of the type lines the delta is placed on the end nearest the
• Core‐ is the second of the two focal
points. It is the approximate center of the
fingerprint impression. It is the inner

Types of Core:
• Staple Core‐ where a single loop appears,
the recurving ridge of said loop farther
from the delta is used as the inner
terminus or core at a point near the top,
just before the recurving ridge or its
• Bar Core‐ is innermost ridge forming a
rod, where the core is located at the top
most of the rod. If there are even rod the
one farther from the delta is located.
• Fragmented Core‐ a very short ridge not
more than three millimeters ( 3mm)
found inside a recurving ridge located on
or above the shoulder line of such ridge.
When the innermost sufficient recurve contains
an even number of rods rising as high as the
shoulders, the core is placed upon the end of
the center rod where it touches the looping
ridge or not?
A. True C. Maybe true
B. False D. Maybe false
When the innermost sufficient recurve contains
an even number of rods rising as high as the
shoulders, the core is placed upon the end of
the center rod where it touches the looping
ridge or not?
A. True C. Maybe true
B. False D. Maybe false
Rules in selecting the core
1. When the innermost loop contains no ending ridge or rod rising as
high the shoulder of the loop, the core is placed on the shoulder of the
loop farther from the delta.
2. If there is one rod within the recurving ridge is a s high as the
shoulder the core is placed on the tip of the rod.
3. If there are two rods within the recurving ridge which rise to the
shoulders at the different heights, the core is placed on the higher tip.
4. If the two rods within the innermost recurving ridge have the same
heights, the core is placed on the tip of the rod farther from the delta
5. If there are three or uneven number of the rods within the recurving
ridge, the core is placed on the center rod even if it does not rise as
high as the shoulders of the recurving ridge and whether it touches the
looping ridge or not;
6. If there are four or even number of rods within the recurving ridge
the two innermost rods are considered as one, as if an imaginary curve
joined the tips of the rods and the core is placed on the two imaginary
shoulders farther from the delta.
7. Any appendages abutting upon the outside of the recurve at a right
angle automatically destroys the ridge for the used as a core or ridge
8. When two loops, side by side are present within one recurving ridge,
the two loops are considered as one and the core is placed on the inner
shoulder of the loop farthest from the delta.
9. When two loops are interlocking the loops are considered as one, if
an imaginary line is drawn between the shoulders of both loops
crossers the point of interlocking, the core is placed at this point.
10. The core cannot be placed on a recurving ridge having an
appendage. If the innermost loop has an appendage on the outside of
the recurve, at a right angle between the shoulders the next outside is
considered for the placing of the core.
Printing of fingers having disabilities
1.If fingers are cut, amputated, bandage, or missing at birth should be
noted in the fingerprint card.
2. If hands are damage due to its occupation the use of softening
agents such as oil and creams are recommended to obtain legible ink
impression. A very small amount of ink should be used on taking plate
3. If hands excessively perspire, wipe the fingers with cloth and
immediately ink the finger and roll it on the fingerprint card. The use of
some drying agents is also recommended such as alcohol, benzene or
other similar fluid
4. If the first joint of the fingers were amputated, the finger’s second or
third joint must be printed with proper notation.
5. If all fingers are amputated, the footprints should be obtain.
6. If fingers are crippled, bent or having deformities in which it is not
possible to take the fingerprint, make a proper notation. But, if it is
possible, the bent, or cripple fingers should be printed individually
using the same equipment of fingerprinting dead person, such as;
spatula, roller and a curve holder for the individual finger.
7. If the fingers are already faint because of old age, a small of ink is
applied and a slight pressure is required in rolling the fingers
8. If the subject has more than 10 fingers, the extra finger is printed on
the side of the card with proper notations.
9. If the subject’s fingers webbed or grown together, making it possible
to roll, the inside
10. finger must be printed completely and a proper notation must be
11. If the thumbs are split, having two nail joint, the joint outside the
hand is considered not present, only the inner joint is used.
When the emanating ridge from the left delta to
the right delta goes below from its location.
It denotes a tracing called?
A. Outer whorl C. Inner whorl
B. Meeting whorl D. Whorl
When the emanating ridge from the left delta to
the right delta goes below from its location.
It denotes a tracing called?
A. Outer whorl C. Inner whorl
B. Meeting whorl D. Whorl
Ridge Counting and Tracing
Classification of Tracing
• Inner – following the tracing if the ridge from the left delta to the
right delta, a count of three or more ridges intervening on the inside
of the right delta is Inner.
• Outer – following the tracing of the ridge from the left delta to the
right delta, a count of three or more ridges intervening the outside of
the right delta is Outer.
• Meeting – following the tracing of the ridge from the left delta to the
right delta, a count of two intervening ridges on either of the right
delta is Meeting.
When the tracing ridge abruptly terminates, the
next lower ridge shall be the continuation.
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
When the tracing ridge abruptly terminates, the
next lower ridge shall be the continuation.
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
Basic Rules for Ridge Tracing in Whorls
• Tracing always begins at the left delta and goes towards the right
• An uninterrupted ridge can be traced from the left delta to the right
• When the tracing ridge suddenly ends, the tracing is continued on the
ridge immediately below it.
• A ridge must definitely end before the tracing may be continued on
the ridges below.
• When a ridge bifurcates, the tracing is continued on the lower branch
of the bifurcation.
• When the delta is a dot, the tracing begins on the type line, which is
the ridge immediately below the “delta”. ( this is the only time the
type line is used as a tracing line.)
Rules for Beginning and Ending Ridge Tracing
1. Ridge tracing begins at the extreme left delta and stops at the point
directly in front of the right delta.
2. In an accidental whorl having three deltas, the tracing begins at the
extreme left delta and goes towards the extreme right delta. Any
other delta encountered is ignored.
3. In a double loop whorl, the tracing begins at the extreme left delta.
When the tracing passes inside of the right delta, one stops at the
nearest point to the right delta on an up thrust.
4. If no up thrust is present, one continues the tracing until a point of
opposite the delta, or the delta itself, is reached.
Tracing of Patterns
1. In the plain whorl, the tracing begins at the delta and goes to the right
2. In a double loop, the tracing begins at the left delta and follows on the
up thrust loop. When tracing on an up thrust ridge, one tops at the point
on the up thrust which is nearest to the right delta. If no up thrust loop is
present, one continues tracing until a point opposite the right delta, or
the right delta itself, is reached.
3. Accidental whorl often posses three deltas. In tracing, only the extreme
deltas are considered. Therefore, tracing begins at the extreme left delta
and continues towards the extreme right delta; the intervening delta is
ignored. An intervening delta is considered only when it appears in
whorls on either or both little fingers. The intervening delta is not
considered for the purpose of tracing, but rather for the purpose of ridge
counting when a final classification is being made.
4. When two loops are in juxtaposition, the deltas are generally vertical
to each other one direct above the other. The tracing starts from the
bottom delta and continues upward, thus indicating a “Meet” tracing.
When an imaginary line is drawn between the core
and the delta where ridges touched or crosses,
the ridges must be count and put under the
process called?
A. Ridge counting C. Ridge tracing
B. Core tracing D. Delta tracing
When an imaginary line is drawn between the core
and the delta where ridges touched or crosses,
the ridges must be count and put under the
process called?
A. Ridge counting C. Ridge tracing
B. Core tracing D. Delta tracing
Ridges Counting

Ridges Counting‐ means the enumeration of the number of 
ridge characters touching or passing the line count (imaginary line) 
which is drawn between the core and delta, excluding the two 
terminals points in the count.
Rules in Ridge Counting
1. Located the exact points of the core and delta.
2. Count all ridges which touch or cross an imaginary line drawn
between the core and delta. ( In actual use of a fingerprint card for
classification, the lens is guided by red line shown on the disk.)
3. Never include the core and delta in the count. Count only those
ridges which intervene or pass between the core and delta.
4. Incipient ridges are never counted, no matter where they appear.
The general is that in order to be counted, the width of a ridge must
be equal to the width of the other ridges in the pattern under
Values of Ridges in Ridge Counting
1. A ridge island or dot is given‐ one ridge count.
2. A short ridge is given‐ one ridge count.
3. A long ridge is given‐ one ridge count.
4. An abrupt‐ending ridge is given‐ one ridge count.
5. A bifurcating ridge‐ if a ridge bifurcates or branches into two across
the imaginary line, then—the count given is two. Should the point
of forking of falls short of touching it, it crosses only one ridge
and—the count given is one.
6. Ridge enclosures are counted as—two ridges.
7. Two bifurcations or meeting of two ridges is counted as—two
Rules for Ridge counting in the Little Fingers for 
Whorl Family
1. When counting the ridges of the whorl on the little finger of the
right hand, the count is from the left delta to the core.
2. When counting the ridges of the whorl on the little finger of the left
hand, the count is from the right delta to the core.
3. If there is more than one core, the ridge count on an accidental
whorl as is follows:
A. On the right hand the ridge count goes from the left delta to the
core which is the least number of ridges distant from that delta.
B. On the left hand the ridge count goes from the right delta to the
core which is the least number of ridges distant from the delta.
4. The double loop count is made from the delta to the core of the
upright loop.
5. If the loops of the double are horizontal, the count is from left delta
to the nearest core.
Rule for the Count for key Classification

When counting the ridges of the whorl on the thumb of the right
hand, the count is from the left delta to the core. This count is to obtain
the key classification
The complete representation of formula derived
from the arrangement of ten fingerprint records
into groups or subgroups for filing purposes is
referred to as
A. Fingerprint Classification
B. Fingerprint comparison
C. Fingerprint examination
D. Fingerprint record system
The complete representation of formula derived
from the arrangement of ten fingerprint records
into groups or subgroups for filing purposes is
referred to as
A. Fingerprint Classification
B. Fingerprint comparison
C. Fingerprint examination
D. Fingerprint record system
Formula for Fingerprint Classification
Classification ‐the classification of fingerprints is the method by
which filing and searching for the purpose of comparing prints are
Classification Formula ‐the classification formula is the result of
combining all the patterns of the fingerprints and recording them, in a
specific order and manner, at the top right of the fingerprint card.
Components of Classification
The classification formula is composed of six possible divisions;
1. Primary
2. Secondary
3. Sub‐secondary
4. Major
5. Final; and
6. Key
Order of Designation



The symbols used in blocking print are as follows:
Pattern  Index Finger Other Fingers
Arches A a

Tented Arches T t

Radial Loop R r

Ulnar Loop U /or\

Plain Whor W,C,D,X w
In other bureaus they used the following symbols:

Pattern Index Finger Other Fingers

Arch A a

Tented Arch T t

Radial Loop R r

Ulnar Loop U /or\

Plain Whorl Loop W w

Central Pocket loop C C

Double Loop D d

Accidental X X
Primary Classification means‐ the sum of all numerical values  of 
theories and composites in a set of fingerprints plus the fraction of one 
over one.

Steps in obtaining the primary classification
1. Get to know the natural sequence of the fingers in the fingerprint 
Thumb Index Middle Ring Little Finger
Right  Hand  1         2         3 4        5
Left hand   6        7          8     9       10
2. Identify the odd fingers and even fingers

Odd fingers ‐ 1 ( right thumb);3 ( right middle finger);5 ( right little

finger)7 ( left index finger ) ; and 9 ( left ring finger);

1 2 3 4 5

thumb index middle ring little

6 7 8 9 10

thumb index middle ring little

• Even fingers ‐ 2 ( right index finger);4 ( right ring finger)6 ( left
thumb finger);8 ( left middle finger); and 10 ( left little finger)

1 2 3 4 5

Thumb index middle ring little

6 7 8 9 10

thumb index middle ring little

• 3. Get to know the group of patterns that has the numerical value and 
the patterns that don`t have numerical value. Generally, patterns of 
whorl family has the numerical and the non‐ whorl don`t have any 
Patterns that don`t have numerical value:
1. A‐ Plain Arch
2. T‐ Tented Arch
3. R‐ Radial Loop
4. U‐ Ulnar Loop

Patterns that have numerical value
1. W – plain Whorl
2. C  ‐ Central Pocket Loop
3. D – Double Loop
4. X—Accidental Whorl
4. If any patterns of the whorl family appears on the designated pairs
of fingers, it is given the corresponding value.

• 1st pair; right thumb and right index ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐VALUE IS 16

• 2nd pair ; right middle and right finger ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐VALUE IS 8
• 3rd pair; right little finger and left thumb ‐‐‐‐‐VALUE IS 4
• 4th pair; left index finger and left middle finger ‐‐VALUE IS 2
• 5th pair; left ring finger and left little finger‐‐‐ VALUE IS 1
16 16 8 8 4

4 2 2 1 1

The fingers appear in number 1,3,5,7 and 9 under
the primary classification shall treated and
represented as ___ in the classification
A. Denominators C. Numerators
B. Below the line D. Above the line
The fingers appear in number 1,3,5,7 and 9 under
the primary classification shall treated and
represented as ___ in the classification
A. Denominators C. Numerators
B. Below the line D. Above the line
5. Get the value of the whorl patterns that appears on the odd fingers
and even fingers, get the sum, then add the fraction of 1/1. The Odd
fingers is the denominator and the Even is the numerator.

• Numerator ‐‐‐ Even Fingers ‐‐2, + 4, + 6,+ 8, + 10

• Denominator ‐‐‐‐‐‐ Odd fingers ‐‐1, + 3, + 5, + 7, + 9
6. Put the result at the bottom of the primary classification following
its classification line of the classification components.


Secondary Classification means‐ it represents the type of patterns
appearing in the index fingers of each hand. The right hand serves as
numerator and the hand serves as the denominator.

Capital Letters Group
There are five basic types of patterns that would appear in the index
finger which must be capital on the classification line
• A  ‐ Plain Arch
•T ‐ Tented Arch
•R ‐ Radial Arch
• U ‐ UlnarLoop
• W ‐ for all whorl family patterns
Small Letters Group
These are three patterns which constitute the small letter group,
and such presence of the pattern on the fingers excluding the index, is
given the designation of small letter, which is placed in sequence
before or after the designation of the index on the classification line as
the case may be. The absence of a small letter in the classification line
is given the designation of a dash(‐).

•a ‐ plain arch
•t ‐Tented arch
•r ‐ radial loop
The small letters group is vital not only on the classification
system. But also in the sequence of filing.
In case of amputation or missing at birth, the value and pattern
of the opposite finger is copied.
A classification formula that is concerned only
with the index, middle and ring fingers of both
hands is called __ ?
A. Sub-secondary Classification
B. Secondary Classificatio
C. Major Classification
D. Final Classification
A classification formula that is concerned only
with the index, middle and ring fingers of both
hands is called __ ?
A. Sub-secondary Classification
B. Secondary Classificatio
C. Major Classification
D. Final Classification
Sub‐secondary Classification – is the grouping of prints 
according to ridge counts of loops and ridge tracings of whorl on the 
index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.

Sub‐divisions of sub‐secondary classification
1. Ridge counting or loop division.
2. Ridge tracing or whorl division;
3. Combination of ridge counting and ridge tracing.
The Ridge Counting Division
When all patterns appearing in the index, middle, and ring 
fingers in both hands are loop, ridge counting is resorted and 
represented by symbols “I” and “O” but the key varies on the ridge 
count of each finger. The following serves as the table for its ridge on 
the respective fingers.

• Index Finger         / ridge count 1 to 9          ‐ symbol is I (Inner)  \ ridge count 10 or more        ‐ symbol is O (outer)

• Middle Finger      / ridge count 1 to 10       ‐ symbol is I (inner)  \ ridge count 11 to more                ‐ symbol is O (outer)
• Ring Finger           / ridge count 1 to 13                ‐ symbol is I (inner \ ridge count 14 or more         ‐ symbol is O (outer)
The ridge Tracing Division 
when all patterns appearing in the index, middle, and ring fingers
in both hands are whorl, ridge tracing is resorted and represented by
“I” for inner, “M” for meeting, “O” for outer.
Combination of Ridge Count and Ridge Tracing 
When the index, middle, and ring fingers in both hands are 
having a mixed pattern of whorls, loops, and arch, its respective 
symbols is indicated in sequence. The dash (‐) represent the arch 
The opposite fingers in case of amputation or missing at birth the 
value and pattern of the opposite fingers is copied.
The type of the classification formula which are
concerned only with the thumbs of both fingers,
finger number 1 and 6 and is placed at the left
of the primary classification?
A. Major classification
B. Final Classification
C. Key Classification
D. Primary Classification
The type of the classification formula which are
concerned only with the thumbs of both fingers,
finger number 1 and 6 and is placed at the left
of the primary classification?
A. Major classification
B. Final Classification
C. Key Classification
D. Primary Classification
Major Division – this classification represents only the thumb of
each hand. It is the ridge count of the loop and/or tracing of the whorl
appearing in the thumb of each hand.

Sub‐division of Major Classification

1. Loop Division
2. Whorl Division
3. Loop and Whorl Division
The Loop Division
If both thumbs are loop, the ridge count of the left thumb governs the symbols used to designate the
symbol for the right thumb. The right thumb is the numerator and the left thumb is denominator.

LEFT HAND denominator RIGHT THUMB numerator

1 to 11, inclusive S (small)
11, inclusive , S (small) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 12 to 16, inclusive M (medium)
17 or more ridges L (large)

16,inclusive, M (medium)‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 1 to 11, inclusive S (small)

12 to 16, inclusive M (medium)
17 or more ridges L (large)

17 0r more ridges, L (large)‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 1 to 17, inclusive S (small)

18 to 22, inclusive M (medium)
23 or more ridges L (large)
The whorl Division 
If both thumbs are whorl, it is indicated as I (inner), M (meeting),
and O, (outer)
The loop and whorl Division
When a whorl appears in one thumb and loop in the other, its 
value or symbols is indicated respectively
The first loop appearing on the ten fingers at
the fingerprint card shall be treated its ridge
count and shall be brought into the
classification line under the ____, in the
classification formula?
A. Key Classification
B. Final Classification
C. Major Classification
D. Primary Classification
The first loop appearing on the ten fingers at
the fingerprint card shall be treated its ridge
count and shall be brought into the
classification line under the ____, in the
classification formula?
A. Key Classification
B. Final Classification
C. Major Classification
D. Primary Classification
Key Classification – represents the ridge count of the first loop
appearing in a set of prints, beginning with the thumb of the right hand
to the left hand, excluding the little fingers. No matter where it is
found, it is always writer at the extreme left of the numerator.
If the set of patterns are all whorls in all fingers, the key is
obtained by making a ridge count of the whorl appearing in the right
Final Classification ‐ is the ridge count of the loop appearing in
the right little finger. If the loop does not appear in the right little
finger, the loop in the left little finger may be used. If both line fingers
are loop, it could be considered and record both. But, the right little
fingers governs in the filing.
If the patterns appearing are whorls, a ridge count of whorl must
be obtain in either or both fingers.
Amputations‐Missing at Birth
Rules to follow in this classification
• When an impression is so scarred that either the general type of
pattern nor ridge tracing or count can be determined with reasonable
accuracy, the impression should be given both the general type value and
the sub‐classification value of the corresponding finger of the other hand.
• When the impression is partially scarred, i.e., large scars above the
core so that the general type cannot be determined with reasonable
accuracy, but the ridges allow reasonably accurate sub‐classifications by
ridges tracing or counting, the impression should be given the primary
value of the pattern of the corresponding finger and the sub‐classification
values as indicated by the ridges of partially scarred impressions.
• When an impression is partially scarred and the general type of
pattern can be determined with reasonable accuracy, but the ridges
cannot be traced or counted so as to fall within the proper sub‐
secondary classification, the impression should be given the ridge
count or tracing value of the corresponding finger of the other hand,
if the corresponding finger is of the general type, if the corresponding
finger is not of the same general type, the scarred impression should
be given the probable value and referred to all other possibilities
• When an impression is so scarred that neither the general type
of the pattern nor the ridge tracing or count can be determined with
reasonable accuracy, and it so happens that the corresponding finger
of the other hand is similarly scarred, both patterns are given the
arbitrary value of whorls with meeting tracings.
The state of the art computer based
identification system which includes the
process of automatically matching one or many
unknown fingerprints against a database of
known and unknown prints.
A. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
B. Fingerprint Comparison
C. Fingerprint classification
D. Personal Identification
The state of the art computer based
identification system which includes the
process of automatically matching one or many
unknown fingerprints against a database of
known and unknown prints.
A. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
B. Fingerprint Comparison
C. Fingerprint classification
D. Personal Identification
• ACCIDENTALS – refers to relatively small number ofpatterns too irregular in 
outline to be grouped with central pocket loops and double loops. They have two 
or more deltas and a combination or fusion of two or more types of patterns not 
including the plain, radial or ulnar arch. This category also includes any freak 
pattern or accidental formation that does not conform to any conventional type.
• ACCIDENTAL WHORL – refers to a pattern which consist of a combination of two 
different types of patterns with the exception of the plain arch, with two or more 
deltas, or a pattern which posses some of the requirements for two or more 
different types.
• AFIS – the Automated Fingerprint Identification System is a biometric 
identification (ID) methodology that uses digital imaging technology to obtain, 
store, and analyze fingerprint data. The AFIS was originally used by the U.S. 
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in criminal cases. Lately, it has gained favor 
for general identification and fraud prevention.
• ANKYLOSIS – refers to a bone condition wherein the finger joints cannot be bent
• APPENDAGE – a short ridge at the peak or top of a recurve usually at 
right angle. 
• APPROXIMATING PATTERNS – refers to patterns, which, because of 
extreme complexities in their formations, cannot be assigned definite, 
specific interpretations. These usually results in disagreements on the 
interpretation among fingerprint experts.
• ARCHES – arches represents only about 5 per cent of the fingerprint 
patterns encountered. In arch patterns, the ridges run from one side 
to the other of the pattern, making no backward turn. There is 
ordinarily no delta, but where there is the appearance of a delta, no 
recurving ridge must intervene between the core and delta points.
• BALL ZONE – it is the large cushion below the base of the big toe. It 
also corresponds to the thenar zone in palm rights.
• BAR OR ROD – refers to a single ending ridge in the center of a 
recurving ridge of a loop.
• BATTLEY SINGLE FINGERPRINT METHOD – refers to a system of 
classifying and organizing fingerprints devised by Harry Battley, 
London, England.
• BIFURCATING RIDGE – it is a single ridge, which divides or folks into 
two ridges.
• BLOCKING OUT – refers to the insertion on a fingerprint card the 
results of the interpretation of all ten patterns. Represented by 
letters, symbols or numbers on the card required for each of the 
rolled prints.
• CALCAR ZONE – it refers to the area at the hee; Very rarely do 
patterns show in this zone, its ridge formation consisting of latitudinal 
• CARPAL DENTAL ZONE – area about the center of the palm, down 
near the wrist. It is seldom expected to find a pattern in this zone, but 
when a delta does appear there, comparison is easier.
• CENTRAL POCKET LOOP WHORL – refers to a pattern which consist of 
at least one recurving ridge, or an obstruction at right angles to the 
line of flow, with two deltas, between which, when an imaginary line 
is drawn, no recurving ridge within the inner pattern area is touched 
or cut.
• CHAIN OF EVIDENCE – in court a person must be able to account 
every minute of time the evidence has been in his or someone else’s 
hands or custody from the time it was found at the scene of the crime 
until it is offered as an exhibit in court
• CHEILOSCOPY – refers to the examination of lip prints which may 
serve to identify an individualize persons.
• CHIROSCOPY – is the scene or personal identification by means of 
friction ridge characteristics existing on the palmar surface of the 
human hand.
• CLASS CHARACTERISTIC – refers to those characteristics that can be 
possessed by more than one print. The class characteristics of friction 
ridge skin extend to many factors other than digit or palm, or toe or 
sole, and the definable pattern type. Patterns of the same type, by 
definition, may appear quite diverse.
• CLASSIFICATION – refers to the display of fingerprint records into 
groups or subgroups for filing purposes. It is a formula derivative from 
a complete set of ten fingerprint patterns
inscription of all the probable categorization for a set of prints, which 
contains one or more uncertain patterns.
• CLEANER’S MARK (LAUNDRY TAG) – means of identifying that is 
solely based on a laundry tag, laundry or cleaner’s mark on the 
person’s clothing.
• COMBINATION – it is the acceptance of all the possible variations of 
classification, which a set of fingerprints nay bring into being.
• COMPOSITES – refers to fingerprint patterns in which combinations 
of the tented arch, loop and whorl are found in the same print, also 
patterns where the majority of ridges are loops and a few ridges at 
the center or side are whorls. These are subdivided into central 
pocket loops, double loops and accidentals.
• CONVERGING RIDGE – refers to a ridge whose closed end is angular 
and serves as a point of convergence; it is sharp and abrupt.
• CORE – the heat or the innermost center of a pattern.
• CRIME SCENE PROCEDURES – refers to sound, lawful or proper 
approach in the manner of crime scene searches.
• DACTYLOSCOPY – also referred to as Fingerprint Identification it is the 
process of comparing questioned and known friction skin ridge 
impressions from fingers.
• DELTA – point on the first ridge formation at or exactly in front of the 
divergence of the type lines.
applying powder to the print in such a way that the fine particles will 
adhere to the moisture left by the ridges of the finger. 
• DISSOCIATED RIDGES – refers to those odd ridge structures having no 
well‐defined patterns; the ridges are never fused, extremely short and 
are series of “patches” caused by a disturbance of developmental 
process at the pre‐natal life of an individual. 
• DISTAL – it is manifested when the exist of a loop formation points 
toward the fingertips.
• DIVERGING RIDGES – are two ridges running side by side and 
abruptly separating.
• DOT RIDGE – a ridge which resembles a point.
• DOUBLE LOOP WHORL – refers to a pattern consisting of two distinct 
and separate loop formations of different sizes, having two deltas and 
two sets of shoulders. 
• EDGEOSCOPY – the study of the morphological characteristics of 
friction ridges; shape or contour of the edges of friction ridges.
• ENCLOSURE – refers to a split which does not stay open but in which 
the legs of the bifurcation, after running along side by side for a short 
distance, come together again to form a single ridge once more. It 
completely surrounds a section of a furrow.
• ENDING RIDGE – terminus of a long or short ridge.
• ENVELOP – occurs when a staple encircles one or more rods.
• FIBULAR ZONE – situated on the little toe side of the foot, just under 
the plantar zone. It is on the side of the foot, which the fibula runs 
and patterns are seldom located in this area. It corresponds to the 
ulna bone of the arm.
• FILING – refers to the process of finding the proper place in the 
fingerprint file where a certain set of print belong and placing it there.
• FILLING OUT – refers to entering on a fingerprint record card of all 
known indispensable dat about a subject, except the fingerprints 
• FINAL CLASSIFICATION – refers to the ridges count of the loop on the 
right little finger.
• FINGERPRINT – refers to the reproduction on some smooth surface of 
the design or pattern formed by the ridges on the inside of the end 
joint of a thumb or finger
• FINGERPRINT CLASSIFICATION INDEX – refers to succession of  guide 
cards having tabs on which are lettered the numerous fingerprint 
classification combination.
• FOOTPRINT PATTERN ZONES – areas in the sole of the human foot 
containing friction ridge characteristics where footprint identification 
is based.
• FRICTION RIDGES – also referred to as epidermal or papillary ridges. 
They are strips of skin on the inside  end joints of our thumbs and 
fingers by which fingerprints are created.
• FURROWS – they are canals or depressions between the ridges, 
which may be compared with the low area in a tire tread.
• HYPOTHENAR ZONE – this area comprises the large cushion below the 
base of the little finger. It may contain whorls, loops, or combinations of 
both or no pattern at all.
• IDENT OR CATCH – refers to locating or finding of a previously filed 
duplicate record card of the subject.
• INCIPIENT RIDGES – refers to those abnormal type of ridges found in a 
small percentage of patterns. They are found in the furrows between two 
well‐formed ridges. They are narrow, short and badly ridge.
• INNER WHORL – a ridge whose course being traced from the left delta to 
the right delta passes inside the right delta with three or more ridges 
intervening between the right delta and the traced ridge.
• ISLAND RIDGE – a single ridge which splits into two branches flowing side 
by side toward the same direction at a certain point meets forming the 
original ridge
• KEY – refers to the ridge count on the first loop in a set of prints, 
beginning with the right thumb. The key is placed at the extreme left 
end of the classification line. It is at all times shown in the numerator, 
no matter whether it is obtained from a right or a left‐hand finger.
• LATENT PRINT – hidden or concealed fingerprints found at the scene 
of a crime. The latent finger mark, deposited by the fingertip pattern, 
is a intricate mixture of natural secretions and contaminations from 
the environment. 
• LATERAL POCKET LOOP – Henry described lateral pocket loops as 
patterns whose core points have their exists on the same side of one 
of the deltas.
• LINE OF FLOW – visible in a central pocket loop, determined by 
drawing an imaginary line between the inner delta and the center of 
the innermost recurving ridge.
• LOOP – refers to a pattern in which one or more of the ridges at one of the 
pattern, run toward the upper corner on the opposite side, then recurve 
and start back toward the side from which they came originally, forming a 
delta at the end of the pattern area and a loop with a core in the center. 
Loops constitute or make up between 60 to 70 percent of the patterns 
• MAJOR DIVISIONS – they are produced by the counting of loops and the 
tracing of whorl type patterns emerging on the left and right thumbs. 
These divisions are used to subdivide large collections of sets that the 
primary, secondary, do not divide into adequately small groups to allow 
easy filing and searching.
• MAKE – refers to the fact that identification has been made.
• MEETING – is one in which the ridge whose course being traced from the 
left delta toward the right delta exactly meets the right delta with not more 
than two deltas superseding between them.
• MINUTIAE – refers to the endings and the branching of the finger lines.
• NON‐NUMERICAL PATTERNS – refers to patterns mainly used in 
making up primary classifications that are not given numerical values.
• NUMERICAL PATTERNS – these are patterns, which are assigned 
number values depending on which fingers they appear when making 
up the primary classification.
• OUTER WHORL – it is the ridge whose course being traced from the 
left delta toward the right delta passes outside the right delta with 
three or more ridges intervening.
• PAIRING OFF – method of arranging a set of fingerprints so that all 
numerator fingers or values are above the line and that all 
denominator fingers or values are below the line.
• PALM PATTERN ZONES – basis of palm print identification by means 
of the parts of the human palms containing friction ridge 
• PALMAR ZONE – this is the area that is situated at the bases of the 
index, middle, ring, and little fingers.
• PAPILLARY OR FRICTION RIDGES – refers to common term given to 
the ridges on the fingers, palms and soles of the feet. 
• PATTERN AREA – part of a fingerprint which rests within the area 
surrounded by type lines. 
• PATTERN INTERPRETATION – it is the process of designation of names 
of fingerprint patterns.
• PLAIN ARCH – a pattern in which the ridges come in on one side of 
the pattern and flow towards the other side, with a rise in a center, 
with no upward thrust, no recurving ridge and no angular formation.
• PLAIN IMPRESSION – the method of recording the center of the friction 
ridge pattern. It is made by pressing an inked finger directly down upon a 
fingerprint card without any rolling motion.
• PLAIN WHORL – a pattern which consists of one or more ridges which 
make or tend to make a complete circuit, with two deltas, between which, 
when an imaginary line is drawn, at least one recurving ridge within the 
inner pattern area is touched or cut. 
• PLANTAR ZONE – is an area occupying all the “ball” of the foot not 
occupied by the ball pattern zone.
• PODOSCOPY – science of identification through friction ridge 
characteristics existing on sole of the human foot.
• POLYDACTYLISM – refers to the appearance of extra fingers as anatomically 
• PORELON PAD – a special inking pad which requires no ink supply or roller
• POROSCOPY – it refers to the science of identification using the 
• POST MORTEM FINGERPRINT – it is the process of taking fingerprints 
of a dead person for identification purposes.
• PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION – derived through the use of numbers 
assigned to certain types of fingerprint patterns. It is the foremost 
classification which means the initial “sorting” of sets fingerprints and 
acts as the keys to all fingerprint classification and filing.
• RADIAL LOOP – occurs when the downward slope of the ridges about 
the core is from the direction of the little finger toward the thumb.
• RECURVING RIDGE – refers to the ridge that bends back in the 
direction from which it started
• REFERENCE CLASSIFICATION – a second choice classification from a set of 
points having approximating or disputed patterns.
• RIDGE BIFURCATION – refers to the forking of a single ridge into two or 
more brances.
• RIDGE CHARACTERISTICS – minute or tiny details in the ridges of 
fingerprint patterns which are used in comparing and identifying 
fingerprints. (“Minutiae” or “Galton” details)
• RIDGE COUNTER – refers to a petite pointed instrument used for counting 
• RIDGE COUNTING – it is the process of counting ridges that cross or touch 
an imaginary line drawn between the delta and core of a loop. The core 
and delta are not counted, only the ridges that go across or touch the 
imaginary line are counted.
• RIDGE ENDING – an abrupt end of a ridge formation; it either ends 
pointing up or down in a fingerprint pattern.
• RIDGE TRACING – refers to the process of charting the ridge that 
originates from the lower side of the left delta toward the right delta 
to see where it flows in relation to the right delta.
• ROLLED IMPRESSION – the process of recording the entire ridge 
pattern of the nail joint by rolling an inked finger from one side of the 
fingernail to the other.
• SHORT RIDGE – a ridge of limited length.
each side of a loop, just where the ridge positively begins and stops 
its recurve.
• SUBSECONDARY CLASSIFICATION – the ridge trace or ridge count 
symbols of the patterns on the index, middle and ring fingers of both 
hands, whether all three patterns are of they same type or not.
• SUFFICIENT RECURVE – consists of the space between the shoulders 
of a loop, free of appendages which lie a long side upon it at a right 
angle on the outside of the recurve.
• TENTED ARCHES – are a variety of the arch family which is a 
transitional pattern, because it bear a resemblance to a plain arch and 
a loop pattern.
• THENAR ZONE – refers to the large cushion at the base of the thumb. 
On this vicinity may appear whorls, loops or combinations of both.
• TIBIAL ZONE – this area is on the big toe of the foot in which patterns 
are almost never found; but there are exceptional cases when they 
appear here.
• TWIN LOOPS – the ridges containing the core points have their exist 
on different sides.
• TYPE LINES – they refer to the two innermost ridges which start or go 
parallel, diverge, and surround or tend to surround the pattern area. 
• ULNAR LOOP – manifested when the downward slope of the ridges 
about the core is from the direction of the thumb toward the little 
• UPTHRUST – refers to an ending ridge of any distance end to end 
rising at a sufficient degree from the horizontal plane.
• WHORLS – between 25 and 35 per cent of the patterns encountered 
consist of whorls. In a whorl, some of the ridges make a turn through 
at least one circuit. Any fingerprint pattern which contains 2 or more 
delta’s will be a whorl pattern.
• What is AKRASIA?

A Greek word which

means, the lack of will
that prevents us from
doing something that
we know is GOOD for
Fingerprint Identification
(Forensic Dactyloscopy)

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Refers to the means of recognizing the characteristics
of persons so as to differentiate him from others
A. Dactyloscopy
B. Identification
C. Personal
D. Comparison
Refers to the means of recognizing the characteristics
of persons so as to differentiate him from others
A. Dactyloscopy
B. Identification
C. Personal
D. Comparison
Considered to be first scientific method of
Identification in person done by measuring various bony
structure of the human body.
A. Portrait-Parle
B. Photography
C. Antropometry
D. Anthropometry
Considered to be first scientific method of
Identification in person done by measuring various bony
structure of the human body.
A. Portrait-Parle
B. Photography
C. Antropometry
D. Anthropometry
Is the principle involve in personal Identification.
A. Law of individuality
B. Law of multiplicity of evidence
C. Law of infallibility
D. Law of constancy
Is the principle involve in personal Identification.
A. Law of individuality
B. Law of multiplicity of evidence
C. Law of infallibility
D. Law of constancy
Which of the following personal Identification is not
easy to change?
A. Hair
B. Speech
C. Dress
D. personal pharapernalia
Which of the following personal Identification is not
easy to change?
A. Hair
B. Speech
C. Dress
D. personal pharapernalia
Considered to be one of the most infallible means of
A. DNA fingerprinting
B. Dactyloscopy
C. Fingerprint Identification
D. Photography
Considered to be one of the most infallible means of
A. DNA fingerprinting
B. Dactyloscopy
C. Fingerprint Identification
D. Photography
Identification of person can be done either by
Comparison or by____?
A. Exclusion
B. Examination
C. Experimentation
D. Inclusion
Identification of person can be done either by
Comparison or by____?
A. Exclusion
B. Examination
C. Experimentation
D. Inclusion
The person credited for the discovery of the two main
layers of the friction skin.
A. Alphonse Bertillion
B. Marcelo Malpighi
C. Herman Welcker
D. J.C.A. Mayer
The person credited for the discovery of the two main
layers of the friction skin.
A. Alphonse Bertillion
B. Marcelo Malpighi
C. Herman Welcker
D. J.C.A. Mayer
The first Chinese Ruler who devised a seal carved from
white jade containing the name and the thumb print of
the owner.
A. Tien Chi
B. Tein Chi
C. Tein Shi
D. Tien Shi
The first Chinese Ruler who devised a seal carved from
white jade containing the name and the thumb print of
the owner.
A. Tien Chi
B. Tein Chi
C. Tein Shi
D. Tien Shi
He is known to be the father of personal Identification
having devised the first scientific method of personal
A. John Dellinger
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. John F. W. Herschel
D. Alphonse Bertillion
He is known to be the father of personal Identification
having devised the first scientific method of personal
A. John Dellinger
B. Cesare Lombroso
C. John F. W. Herschel
D. Alphonse Bertillion
He took prints of his own palm twice with the lapse of
forty-one years just to prove that prints do not change,
except for some scratches due to old age.
A. Herman Welcker
B. Marcelo Malpighi
C. J.C.A. Mayer
D. Johnnes E. Purkenji
He took prints of his own palm twice with the lapse of
forty-one years just to prove that prints do not change,
except for some scratches due to old age.
A. Herman Welcker
B. Marcelo Malpighi
C. J.C.A. Mayer
D. Johnnes E. Purkenji
The person who used fingerprints in replacement for
signature to avoid impersonation among Indian native.
A. William Herschel
B. Dr. Henry Faulds
C. Dr. Francis Galton
D. Sir Edward Henry
The person who used fingerprints in replacement for
signature to avoid impersonation among Indian native.
A. William Herschel
B. Dr. Henry Faulds
C. Dr. Francis Galton
D. Sir Edward Henry
Is person considered to be the father of modern
fingerprint. His system of classification was accepted
in almost all English speaking country.
A. Sir Edward Richard Henry
B. Juan Vucetich
C. Alphonse Bertillion
D. Dr. Hans Gross
Is person considered to be the father of modern
fingerprint. His system of classification was accepted
in almost all English speaking country.
A. Sir Edward Richard Henry
B. Juan Vucetich
C. Alphonse Bertillion
D. Dr. Hans Gross
Makes a publication of a report describing the ridges
and pores of the hand and feet which was read before the
Royal Society of London.
A. Nehemiah Grew
B. G. Bidloo
C. Hintze
D. Albinus
Makes a publication of a report describing the ridges
and pores of the hand and feet which was read before the
Royal Society of London.
A. Nehemiah Grew
B. G. Bidloo
C. Hintze
D. Albinus
system of Identification best used in case of burned
A. Fingerprint
B. Skeletal Identification
C. Odontology
D. Photography
system of Identification best used in case of burned
A. Fingerprint
B. Skeletal Identification
C. Odontology
D. Photography
The following are characteristics of man which can
easily be changed EXCEPT?
A. Hair Growth
B. Body Ornamentation
C. Speech
D. Clothing
The following are characteristics of man which can
easily be changed EXCEPT?
A. Hair Growth
B. Body Ornamentation
C. Speech
D. Clothing
Is the distance of recognition in broad daylight of a
person who is almost a stranger?
A. 100 yrds
B. 25 yrds
C. 16-17 yrds
D. 10-13 yrds
Is the distance of recognition in broad daylight of a
person who is almost a stranger?
A. 100 yrds
B. 25 yrds
C. 16-17 yrds
D. 10-13 yrds
The first conviction in the Philippine Case which gives
recognition to the science of fingerprint?
A. People Vs. Medina
B. People Vs. Jennings (U.S.)
C. Miranda Vs. Arizona
D. West Case
The first conviction in the Philippine Case which gives
recognition to the science of fingerprint?
A. People Vs. Medina
B. People Vs. Jennings (U.S.)
C. Miranda Vs. Arizona
D. West Case
Anew Mexico Geologist who adopted the first individual
use of fingerprints in August 8, 1882, by using his own
thumb mark as a protection to prevent tampering with the
pay order he issued.
A. Sgt John Kenneth Ferrier
B. Gilbert Thompson
C. Capt James Parke
D. Dr. Henry P. De Fores
Anew Mexico Geologist who adopted the first individual
use of fingerprints in August 8, 1882, by using his own
thumb mark as a protection to prevent tampering with the
pay order he issued.
A. Sgt John Kenneth Ferrier
B. Gilbert Thompson
C. Capt James Parke
D. Dr. Henry P. De Fores
The Filipino who top the first comprehensive examination
in fingerprint which was initiated by New York Police
Dept. and FBI.
A. Generoso Reyes
B. Isabela Bernales
C. Patricio Agustin
D. Marcelo Bonifacio
The Filipino who top the first comprehensive examination
in fingerprint which was initiated by New York Police
Dept. and FBI.
A. Generoso Reyes
B. Isabela Bernales
C. Patricio Agustin
D. Marcelo Bonifacio
Father of fingerprint patters who said that is there is
possibility for two prints to be the same it is
A. Francis Bacon
B. Francis Galton
C. J.C.A. Mayer
D. Herman Welker
Father of fingerprint patters who said that is there is
possibility for two prints to be the same it is
A. Francis Bacon
B. Francis Galton
C. J.C.A. Mayer
D. Herman Welker
The person who used the system of identification which
was accepted by Spanish countries.
A. Juan Vucetich
B. Henry Faulds
C. Sir Edward Richard Henry
D. William Herschel
The person who used the system of identification which
was accepted by Spanish countries.
A. Juan Vucetich
B. Henry Faulds
C. Sir Edward Richard Henry
D. William Herschel
Is the law which states that the greater the number of
the similarity or differences the more probability for
the conclusion to be correct..
A. Law of Infallability
B. Law of Multiplicity of evidence
C. Law of Permenancy
D. Law of Barcelinity
Is the law which states that the greater the number of
the similarity or differences the more probability for
the conclusion to be correct..
A. Law of Infallability
B. Law of Multiplicity of evidence
C. Law of Permenancy
D. Law of Barcelinity
The word Dactyloscopy was derived from what word?
A. Greek word
B. French word
C. Latin word
D. English word
The word Dactyloscopy was derived from what word?
A. Greek word
B. French word
C. Latin word
D. English word
Is the science of fingerprint study, which deals with
the interpretation of one’s personality?
A. Dactyloscopy
B. Dactylomancy
C. Dactylography
D. Dactylo-analysis
Is the science of fingerprint study, which deals with
the interpretation of one’s personality?
A. Dactyloscopy
B. Dactylomancy
C. Dactylography
D. Dactylo-analysis
Is an impression designed by the ridges on the inside of
the last joint of the fingers and thumb on some smooth
surface with the aid of sweet or ink?
A. Dactyloscopy
B. Dactyloanalysis
C. Latent Print
D. Fingerprint
Is an impression designed by the ridges on the inside of
the last joint of the fingers and thumb on some smooth
surface with the aid of sweet or ink?
A. Dactyloscopy
B. Dactyloanalysis
C. Latent Print
D. Fingerprint
Which of the following serves the importance of
A. For determination of whether the prints belong to a
young or adult person.
B. For Identification of person
C. For determination of whether the prints was taken
during the lifetime or after death of a person
D. B and C only
Which of the following serves the importance of
A. For determination of whether the prints belong to a
young or adult person.
B. For Identification of person
C. For determination of whether the prints was taken
during the lifetime or after death of a person
D. B and C only
Is that parts of the friction skin which if damage will
constitute a permanent scar.
A. Epidermis
B. Stratum corneum
C. Dermis
D. Stratum mucosum
Is that parts of the friction skin which if damage will
constitute a permanent scar.
A. Epidermis
B. Stratum corneum
C. Dermis
D. Stratum mucosum
Considered to be the Father of Poroscopy.
A. Francis Galton
B. Marcelo Malpighe
C. John Herschel
D. Edmond Locard
Considered to be the Father of Poroscopy.
A. Francis Galton
B. Marcelo Malpighe
C. John Herschel
D. Edmond Locard
Is the scientific study of the tiny opening across the
A. Podoscopy
B. Poroscopy
C. Chiroscopy
D. Edgeoscopy
Is the scientific study of the tiny opening across the
A. Podoscopy
B. Poroscopy
C. Chiroscopy
D. Edgeoscopy
Up to what deep a cut or injury will constitute a
permanent scar in a normal friction skin?
A. less than 1cm
B. less than 1 mm
C. more than 1cm
D. more than 1mm
Up to what deep a cut or injury will constitute a
permanent scar in a normal friction skin?
A. less than 1cm
B. less than 1 mm
C. more than 1cm
D. more than 1mm
Considered to be one of the most notorious criminal in
U.S who attempt to destroy his friction skin with the
use of corrosive acid.
A. John Derenger
B. John Dillenger
C. Robert James Pitts
D. Robert Joworski
Considered to be one of the most notorious criminal in
U.S who attempt to destroy his friction skin with the
use of corrosive acid.
A. John Derenger
B. John Dillenger
C. Robert James Pitts
D. Robert Joworski
Are the strips of skin without coloring pigment and
without hair found on the palm of the hand and soles of
the feet?
A. Epidermal skin
B. Papillary skin
C. Friction
D. All of these
Are the strips of skin without coloring pigment and
without hair found on the palm of the hand and soles of
the feet?
A. Epidermal skin
B. Papillary skin
C. Friction
D. All of these
Is the outer layer of the Epidermis layer which covers
the skin?
A. Epidermis
B. Stratum corneum
C. Stratum Sangum
D. Stratum musocum
Is the outer layer of the Epidermis layer which covers
the skin?
A. Epidermis
B. Stratum corneum
C. Stratum Sangum
D. Stratum musocum
Is the scientific study of the prints of the palm of the
A. Podoscopy
B. Chiroscopy
C. Poroscopy
D. Chiroscopy
Is the scientific study of the prints of the palm of the
A. Podoscopy
B. Chiroscopy
C. Poroscopy
D. Chiroscopy
Is that appears as tiny black line with white dots
(called pores) in an inked finger impression?
A. sweat pores
B. furrows
C. ridges
D. sweat duct
Is that appears as tiny black line with white dots
(called pores) in an inked finger impression?
A. sweat pores
B. furrows
C. ridges
D. sweat duct
What are the depressed portions or canal structure of
the friction skin (found between ridges).
A. pores
B. indentions
C. furrows
D. duct
What are the depressed portions or canal structure of
the friction skin (found between ridges).
A. pores
B. indentions
C. furrows
D. duct
What is the tiny openings on the skin from where sweat
is excreted?
A. duct
B. furrows
C. pores
D. sweat glands
What is the tiny openings on the skin from where sweat
is excreted?
A. duct
B. furrows
C. pores
D. sweat glands
How many standard fingerprint patterns are there?
A. three
B. two
C. eight
D. nine( galton and Henry system)
How many standard fingerprint patterns are there?
A. three
B. two
C. eight
D. nine( galton and Henry system)
That part of the friction skin between the epidermis and
dermis layer which responsible for the ridge formation
A. Generating layer
B. Dermal papillae
C. Sweat glands
D. Dermis Papillary
That part of the friction skin between the epidermis and
dermis layer which responsible for the ridge formation
A. Generating layer
B. Dermal papillae
C. Sweat glands
D. Dermis Papillary
During what stage of the fetus life the ridges starts to
A. 5th to 6th months before birth
B. 7th to 8th months
C. 3rd to 4th months
D. 3rd to 4th months before birth
During what stage of the fetus life the ridges starts to
A. 5th to 6th months before birth
B. 7th to 8th months
C. 3rd to 4th months
D. 3rd to 4th months before birth
The person who attempt to destroy his fingerprint
through surgery. Also known as the man without
A. John Augustus
B. Robert James Pitts
C. John Dillenger (U.S. Public Enemy No. 1)
D. Roscoe Pitts
The person who attempt to destroy his fingerprint
through surgery. Also known as the man without
A. John Augustus
B. Robert James Pitts
C. John Dillenger (U.S. Public Enemy No. 1)
D. Roscoe Pitts
Is the principle in the study of fingerprint which
states that fingerprint is a reliable and positive means
of Identification?
A. Principle of Individuality
B. Principle of Infallibility
C. Principle of Constancy (unchangeable) Principle of
Is the principle in the study of fingerprint which
states that fingerprint is a reliable and positive means
of Identification?
A. Principle of Individuality
B. Principle of Infallibility
C. Principle of Constancy (unchangeable) Principle of
What pattern type has the ridges that enter on one side
of the pattern and flow to the other side with a rise in
the center?
A. aloop
B. tented arch
C. plain arch
D. exceptional arch
What pattern type has the ridges that enter on one side
of the pattern and flow to the other side with a rise in
the center?
A. aloop
B. tented arch
C. plain arch
D. exceptional arch
In order for a pattern to be considered as loop it
should have _______ridge count.
A. 1
B. 2
C. at least 1
D. 3
In order for a pattern to be considered as loop it
should have _______ridge count.
A. 1
B. 2
C. at least 1
D. 3
What type of a pattern has two deltas in which at least
one ridges makes a turn through one complete circuit?
A. arch
B. loop
C. accidental whorl
D. whorl
What type of a pattern has two deltas in which at least
one ridges makes a turn through one complete circuit?
A. arch
B. loop
C. accidental whorl
D. whorl
What type of a pattern possesses an angle, an uptrust,
or two of the three basic characteristics of the loop?
A. Plain arch
B. central pocket loop
C. tented arch
D. accidental whorl
What type of a pattern possesses an angle, an uptrust,
or two of the three basic characteristics of the loop?
A. Plain arch
B. central pocket loop
C. tented arch
D. accidental whorl
What is the type of a pattern in which the looping or
slanting ridges flows towards the little finger?
A. loop b. radial loop (thumb)
B. ulnar loop
C. tented
D. arc
What is the type of a pattern in which the looping or
slanting ridges flows towards the little finger?
A. loop b. radial loop (thumb)
B. ulnar loop
C. tented
D. arc
The diagonal sign / means ________.
A. right hand ulnar
B. left hand radial
C. left hand ulnar
D. none
The diagonal sign / means ________.
A. right hand ulnar
B. left hand radial
C. left hand ulnar
D. none
A type of a pattern consisting of a core, delta,
recurving ridge and a ridge count of at least one.
A. radial loop
B. ulnar loop
C. loop
D. Tented arch
A type of a pattern consisting of a core, delta,
recurving ridge and a ridge count of at least one.
A. radial loop
B. ulnar loop
C. loop
D. Tented arch
What type of a pattern consisting of two ore more
deltas, one or more ridge forming complete circuitry and
when an imaginary line is drawn from left delta to right
delta it touches or cross the circuiting ridge/s
considered as the most common type of whorl.
A. plain whorl
B. central pocket loop whorl
C. double loop whorl
D. accidental whorl
What type of a pattern consisting of two ore more
deltas, one or more ridge forming complete circuitry and
when an imaginary line is drawn from left delta to right
delta it touches or cross the circuiting ridge/s
considered as the most common type of whorl.
A. plain whorl
B. central pocket loop whorl
C. double loop whorl
D. accidental whorl
In an accidental whorl type of pattern, what pattern is
not included in the combination?
A. ulnar loop
B. plain whorl
C. tented arch
D. plain arch
In an accidental whorl type of pattern, what pattern is
not included in the combination?
A. ulnar loop
B. plain whorl
C. tented arch
D. plain arch
The core and delta are also termed as _____?
A. inner terminus (core)
B. outer terminus (delta)
C. focal point
D. pattern area
The core and delta are also termed as _____?
A. inner terminus (core)
B. outer terminus (delta)
C. focal point
D. pattern area
A point along a ridge formation, which is found in front
or near the center of the diverging typelines.
A. core
B. island ridge
C. delta
D. convergence
A point along a ridge formation, which is found in front
or near the center of the diverging typelines.
A. core
B. island ridge
C. delta
D. convergence
What is the rule where there are two or more possible
bifurcation deltas which conform to the definition of
A. the one nearest the core should be chosen
B. the one away from the core should be counted
C. the one which does not open towards the core is
D. the one towards the core should be counted
What is the rule where there are two or more possible
bifurcation deltas which conform to the definition of
A. the one nearest the core should be chosen
B. the one away from the core should be counted
C. the one which does not open towards the core is
D. the one towards the core should be counted
When a ridge bifurcates, sending two ridges across the
imaginary line, how is it counted?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. six
When a ridge bifurcates, sending two ridges across the
imaginary line, how is it counted?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. six
What is that spreading of two ridges that previously
running side by side?
A. bifurcation
B. convergence
C. divergence
D. enclosure
What is that spreading of two ridges that previously
running side by side?
A. bifurcation
B. convergence
C. divergence
D. enclosure
What kind of a ridge resembles a dot, fragment or a
A. lake
B. ending ridge
C. island ridge
D. incipient ridge
What kind of a ridge resembles a dot, fragment or a
A. lake
B. ending ridge
C. island ridge
D. incipient ridge
What ridge divides itself into or more branches that
meets to form the original figure?
A. bifurcation
B. island ridge
C. lake ridge
D. convergence
What ridge divides itself into or more branches that
meets to form the original figure?
A. bifurcation
B. island ridge
C. lake ridge
D. convergence
What type of a ridge is that which curves back to the
direction from which it started?
A. diverging ridge
B. recurving ridge
C. converging ridge
D. bifurcation
What type of a ridge is that which curves back to the
direction from which it started?
A. diverging ridge
B. recurving ridge
C. converging ridge
D. bifurcation
Is a point along the recurving ridge in which the ridge
curves inward?
A. sufficient recurve
B. appendage
C. obstruction ridge
D. shoulder of loop
Is a point along the recurving ridge in which the ridge
curves inward?
A. sufficient recurve
B. appendage
C. obstruction ridge
D. shoulder of loop
Is a short horizontal ridge found inside a recurving
ridge which has spoiled the inner line of flow from the
inner delta to the center of the pattern. This is also
found in the second type of central pocket loop.
A. bar
B. Appendage
C. uptrust
D. obstruction
Is a short horizontal ridge found inside a recurving
ridge which has spoiled the inner line of flow from the
inner delta to the center of the pattern. This is also
found in the second type of central pocket loop.
A. bar
B. Appendage
C. uptrust
D. obstruction
Is the type of pattern in which the course is traced the
line flow above the right delta and there are three
intervening ridge.
A. meeting whorl
B. outer whorl
C. inner whorl
D. central pocket loop whorl
Is the type of pattern in which the course is traced the
line flow above the right delta and there are three
intervening ridge.
A. meeting whorl
B. outer whorl
C. inner whorl
D. central pocket loop whorl
A ridge that is so thin or fine compare to other regular
ridge which is not included as ridge count even if it
has been cross by the imaginary line.
A. ending ridge
B. incipient ridge
C. intervening ridge
D. enclosure
A ridge that is so thin or fine compare to other regular
ridge which is not included as ridge count even if it
has been cross by the imaginary line.
A. ending ridge
B. incipient ridge
C. intervening ridge
D. enclosure
What is that ridge that divides into two ridges and
which resembles a fork structure
A. divergence
B. convergence
C. bifurcation
D. enclosure
What is that ridge that divides into two ridges and
which resembles a fork structure
A. divergence
B. convergence
C. bifurcation
D. enclosure
Ridge forms in the person’s fingers and feet during its
infants stage which usually starts:
A. 3rd to 4th months of the fetus life
B. 4th to 5th months of the fetus life
C. 5th to 6th months of the fetus life
D. 5th to 6th months before birth
Ridge forms in the person’s fingers and feet during its
infants stage which usually starts:
A. 3rd to 4th months of the fetus life
B. 4th to 5th months of the fetus life
C. 5th to 6th months of the fetus life
D. 5th to 6th months before birth
Is the symbol used to represent a plain arch.
A. T
B. A
C. P
D. W
Is the symbol used to represent a plain arch.
A. T
B. A
C. P
D. W
Is the process of counting the ridges which intervene
between the delta and core of loop?
A. ridge tracing
B. ridge counting
C. ridge tracking
D. ridge summing
Is the process of counting the ridges which intervene
between the delta and core of loop?
A. ridge tracing
B. ridge counting
C. ridge tracking
D. ridge summing
Is an instrument used for the spreading of the
fingerprint ink to the slab?
A. Fingerprint brush
B. Fingerprint lifting tapes
C. Fingerprint roller
D. fingerprint card
Is an instrument used for the spreading of the
fingerprint ink to the slab?
A. Fingerprint brush
B. Fingerprint lifting tapes
C. Fingerprint roller
D. fingerprint card
The fingerprint card used in recording the subject print
has a size of:
A. 8 1/2” x 8 ½”
B. 8” x 8”
C. 9” x 9”
D. 10” x 10”
The fingerprint card used in recording the subject print
has a size of:
A. 8 1/2” x 8 ½”
B. 8” x 8”
C. 9” x 9”
D. 10” x 10”
Is a piece of plane glass or metal where the fingerprint
ink is distributed for fingerprinting.
A. Card Holder
B. Fingerprint roller
C. Fingerprint transfer card
D. ink slab
Is a piece of plane glass or metal where the fingerprint
ink is distributed for fingerprinting.
A. Card Holder
B. Fingerprint roller
C. Fingerprint transfer card
D. ink slab
A chemical compound used in conventional developing of
latent prints being one of the best methods that can be
utilized by a fingerprint technician.
A. Fingerprint powder
B. Fingerprint Brush
C. Fingerprint Fuming Device
D. Inkless Inking Device
A chemical compound used in conventional developing of
latent prints being one of the best methods that can be
utilized by a fingerprint technician.
A. Fingerprint powder
B. Fingerprint Brush
C. Fingerprint Fuming Device
D. Inkless Inking Device
Is an instrument used for clipping the fingerprint card
to avoid movement of the card during printing?
A. Card Holder
B. Forceps
C. Carrying Case
D. Fingerprint card clip
Is an instrument used for clipping the fingerprint card
to avoid movement of the card during printing?
A. Card Holder
B. Forceps
C. Carrying Case
D. Fingerprint card clip
Is a card used in recording and preserving developed
latent print?
A. Fingerprint lifting tapes
B. Fingerprint transfer card
C. Evidence Identification tags
D. Post-mortem fingerprint Equipment
Is a card used in recording and preserving developed
latent print?
A. Fingerprint lifting tapes
B. Fingerprint transfer card
C. Evidence Identification tags
D. Post-mortem fingerprint Equipment
Is the type of an impression made or printed on the card
by individually rolling the ten fingers of the subject.
A. Latent Prints
B. Rolled Impression
C. Plain Impression
D. Molded Impression
Is the type of an impression made or printed on the card
by individually rolling the ten fingers of the subject.
A. Latent Prints
B. Rolled Impression
C. Plain Impression
D. Molded Impression
Is the type of impression taken simultaneously and
serves as a guide in checking the proper rolling of the
finger in the card?
A. Rolled Impression
B. Plain Impression
C. Contaminated with colored substance
D. Molded Prints
Is the type of impression taken simultaneously and
serves as a guide in checking the proper rolling of the
finger in the card?
A. Rolled Impression
B. Plain Impression
C. Contaminated with colored substance
D. Molded Prints
In taking prints of the subject the technician always
instruct the subject to:
A. Stand straight
B. Cooperate
C. Relax
D. Help the technician rolling
In taking prints of the subject the technician always
instruct the subject to:
A. Stand straight
B. Cooperate
C. Relax
D. Help the technician rolling
One of the cardinal rule in taking of fingerprints of
the subject is that fingers must be:
A. Healthy
B. Dry
C. Moisten
D. Oily
One of the cardinal rule in taking of fingerprints of
the subject is that fingers must be:
A. Healthy
B. Dry
C. Moisten
D. Oily
In taking prints of the subject what fingers are rolled
away from the body of the subjects
A. Both thumbs
B. All eight fingers
C. All fingers including thumbs
D. All fingers except the thumbs
In taking prints of the subject what fingers are rolled
away from the body of the subjects
A. Both thumbs
B. All eight fingers
C. All fingers including thumbs
D. All fingers except the thumbs
An instrument used to hold or secure fingerprint cards
in taking fingerprint of a dead person
A. Card holder
B. Spatula
C. Strip holder
D. Forceps
An instrument used to hold or secure fingerprint cards
in taking fingerprint of a dead person
A. Card holder
B. Spatula
C. Strip holder
D. Forceps
When taking fingers for the purpose of taking rolled
impression the fingers must be inked from______ to base
of the first joint.
A. Base
B. Tip
C. second joint
D. third joint
When taking fingers for the purpose of taking rolled
impression the fingers must be inked from______ to base
of the first joint.
A. Base
B. Tip
C. second joint
D. third joint
Occupational problems such as acid works, plasters,
cement mixer usually causes weak friction skin and such
is known as:
A. Permanent Disabilities
B. Temporary Deformities
C. Permanent Destructions
D. Deformities
Occupational problems such as acid works, plasters,
cement mixer usually causes weak friction skin and such
is known as:
A. Permanent Disabilities
B. Temporary Deformities
C. Permanent Destructions
D. Deformities
Is the term applied to a person whose fingers are more
than the usual number in both hands?
A. Polyfinger
B. Deformities
C. Polydactyl
D. Bidactyl
Is the term applied to a person whose fingers are more
than the usual number in both hands?
A. Polyfinger
B. Deformities
C. Polydactyl
D. Bidactyl
Is the process of placing under each pattern the letter
symbols as a result of the interpretation?
A. Checking
B. Identification
C. Classification
D. Blocking
Is the process of placing under each pattern the letter
symbols as a result of the interpretation?
A. Checking
B. Identification
C. Classification
D. Blocking
Before classifying any given fingerprint card it is
necessary to check first the rolled prints to determine
proper placement of the prints using______ as the guide.
A. The hand of the subjects
B. The ink slab
C. The plain impression
D. the record
Before classifying any given fingerprint card it is
necessary to check first the rolled prints to determine
proper placement of the prints using______ as the guide.
A. The hand of the subjects
B. The ink slab
C. The plain impression
D. the record
Three blocks after finger number 4 is what finger.
A. left thumb
B. index finger
C. left index
D. left middle
Three blocks after finger number 4 is what finger.
A. left thumb
B. index finger
C. left index
D. left middle
It is the division in the fingerprint classification
which is always represented by a numerical value
depending upon a whorl pattern appearing on each finger.
A. key division
B. major division
C. primary division
D. final division
It is the division in the fingerprint classification
which is always represented by a numerical value
depending upon a whorl pattern appearing on each finger.
A. key division
B. major division
C. primary division
D. final division
In getting the Secondary Division of a given fingerprint
from what finger does the apital letter is derived.
A. thumb
B. index
C. little finger
D. middle finger
In getting the Secondary Division of a given fingerprint
from what finger does the apital letter is derived.
A. thumb
B. index
C. little finger
D. middle finger
The purpose of adding 1/1 to the sum of the numerator
and the denominator in the primary division is ____.
A. so that there will be an equal value
B. to complete the primary div.
C. to have a complete 32 numerical value
D. for formality
The purpose of adding 1/1 to the sum of the numerator
and the denominator in the primary division is ____.
A. so that there will be an equal value
B. to complete the primary div.
C. to have a complete 32 numerical value
D. for formality
What patterns are included in the small letter
classification under the secondary division.
A. Radial loop, plain arch and Tented arch
B. Rdial loop, Unar loop and Arch
C. Radial loop, Plain Arch and Ulnar loop
D. Radial Loop, Arch, and Tented Arch
What patterns are included in the small letter
classification under the secondary division.
A. Radial loop, plain arch and Tented arch
B. Rdial loop, Unar loop and Arch
C. Radial loop, Plain Arch and Ulnar loop
D. Radial Loop, Arch, and Tented Arch
In ridge counting a loop on the middle finger what is
the classification of 12 ridge count.
A. Inner Loop
B. Outer Loop
C. Medium
D. Small
In ridge counting a loop on the middle finger what is
the classification of 12 ridge count.
A. Inner Loop
B. Outer Loop
C. Medium
D. Small
What patterns are almost always represented by a dash in
the classification formula except in the secondary
A. Ulnar loop and Plain Arch
B. Whorl and Arch
C. Plain and Tented Arch
D. Ulnar and Whorl
What patterns are almost always represented by a dash in
the classification formula except in the secondary
A. Ulnar loop and Plain Arch
B. Whorl and Arch
C. Plain and Tented Arch
D. Ulnar and Whorl
It is a type of a whorl pattern in which when course was
traced the tracing ridge flows below the right delta and
there are three intervening ridges.
A. Outer Whorl
B. Meeting Whorl
C. Inner Whorl
D. Accidental Whorl
It is a type of a whorl pattern in which when course was
traced the tracing ridge flows below the right delta and
there are three intervening ridges.
A. Outer Whorl
B. Meeting Whorl
C. Inner Whorl
D. Accidental Whorl
Ridges that lie between the delta and the core of a loop
pattern cross by the line.
A. Ridge counting
B. Ridge count
C. Intervening ridge
D. Tracing ridge
Ridges that lie between the delta and the core of a loop
pattern cross by the line.
A. Ridge counting
B. Ridge count
C. Intervening ridge
D. Tracing ridge
In the course of the tracing of a whorl pattern, once
the tracing splits into two branches the tracing will
proceed on the
A. The next ridge counting below the bifurcation ridge
B. The upper line of the bifurcation
C. on the lower line of the lower line of the splits
D. The next ridge just below
In the course of the tracing of a whorl pattern, once
the tracing splits into two branches the tracing will
proceed on the
A. The next ridge counting below the bifurcation ridge
B. The upper line of the bifurcation
C. on the lower line of the lower line of the splits
D. The next ridge just below
It refers to the number of ridges that appears between
the tracing ridge and the right delta of a whorl
A. Ridge Count
B. Intervening Ridge
C. Incipient ridge
D. Ridge tracing
It refers to the number of ridges that appears between
the tracing ridge and the right delta of a whorl
A. Ridge Count
B. Intervening Ridge
C. Incipient ridge
D. Ridge tracing
In getting the delta for the purpose of ridge counting
there should be a between the delta and the 1st ridge
A. wide space
B. imaginary line
C. Inner
D. Outer
In getting the delta for the purpose of ridge counting
there should be a between the delta and the 1st ridge
A. wide space
B. imaginary line
C. Inner
D. Outer
A Loop with ridge count of 16 in the right is
interpreted as ____ , if the left thumb has 17 ridge
A. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
D. Exceptional
A Loop with ridge count of 16 in the right is
interpreted as ____ , if the left thumb has 17 ridge
A. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
D. Exceptional
A ridge count of 17 in the left thumb is interpreted as
____ when the right thumb reach 17.
A. Small
B. Large
C. Medium
D. Exceptional
A ridge count of 17 in the left thumb is interpreted as
____ when the right thumb reach 17.
A. Small
B. Large
C. Medium
D. Exceptional
What do you call a loop in the left thumb having a ridge
count of 17 or more.
A. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
D. Exceptional
What do you call a loop in the left thumb having a ridge
count of 17 or more.
A. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
D. Exceptional
What division in the fingerprint classification is
derived by ridge counting a loop and tracing a whorl on
the thumb.
A. Key Division
B. Final Division
C. Major Division
D. Secondary Division
What division in the fingerprint classification is
derived by ridge counting a loop and tracing a whorl on
the thumb.
A. Key Division
B. Final Division
C. Major Division
D. Secondary Division
What division in the classification is place at extreme
right of the fingerprint card represented by a numerical
A. Key
B. final
C. major
D. primary
What division in the classification is place at extreme
right of the fingerprint card represented by a numerical
A. Key
B. final
C. major
D. primary
In ridge counting a plain whorl or a central pocket loop
whorl it should be treated as ___.
A. Loop
B. Ulnar Loop
C. Radial Loop
D. The least number of count
In ridge counting a plain whorl or a central pocket loop
whorl it should be treated as ___.
A. Loop
B. Ulnar Loop
C. Radial Loop
D. The least number of count
Final Division is derived by getting the ridge count of
a loop or a whorl appearing on the;
A. Little Finger
B. Thumb Finger
C. Index Finger
D. Middle Finger
Final Division is derived by getting the ridge count of
a loop or a whorl appearing on the;
A. Little Finger
B. Thumb Finger
C. Index Finger
D. Middle Finger
The key Division is derived by getting the ridge count
of the
A. ulnar Loop
B. Radial Loop
C. First Loop
D. First Radial Loop
The key Division is derived by getting the ridge count
of the
A. ulnar Loop
B. Radial Loop
C. First Loop
D. First Radial Loop
What Fingers are not included in looking for a loop in
the key division.
A. Both Index
B. Both little
C. Both thumb
D. Both middle
What Fingers are not included in looking for a loop in
the key division.
A. Both Index
B. Both little
C. Both thumb
D. Both middle
In the case of a missing one digit in the fingerprint
card of a subject, said missing finger will be
interpreted as.
A. Amputated finger
B. Same as the corresponding digit of the other hand
C. Meeting whorl
D. All of the above
In the case of a missing one digit in the fingerprint
card of a subject, said missing finger will be
interpreted as.
A. Amputated finger
B. Same as the corresponding digit of the other hand
C. Meeting whorl
D. All of the above
If in case that there were no loop among patterns, how
will the key be derived.
A. Ridge count the first plain whorl
B. Ridge count the first whorl
C. No key division to derived
D. Write Dash
If in case that there were no loop among patterns, how
will the key be derived.
A. Ridge count the first plain whorl
B. Ridge count the first whorl
C. No key division to derived
D. Write Dash
In the event that same fingers of both hand is missing
what will be the pattern interpretation of the two
missing fingers.
A. Plain Whorl
B. Plain Whorl With Meeting Tracing
C. Dash
D. Same as the pattern of the next fingers
In the event that same fingers of both hand is missing
what will be the pattern interpretation of the two
missing fingers.
A. Plain Whorl
B. Plain Whorl With Meeting Tracing
C. Dash
D. Same as the pattern of the next fingers
Is the term applied to cases of missing or cut finger.
A. Mutilated finger
B. Amputated finger
C. Fragmentary finger
D. Deformities
Is the term applied to cases of missing or cut finger.
A. Mutilated finger
B. Amputated finger
C. Fragmentary finger
D. Deformities
What will be the primary Division if all fingers are
missing or cut.
A. 1/1
B. 31/31
C. 32/32
D. 16/16
What will be the primary Division if all fingers are
missing or cut.
A. 1/1
B. 31/31
C. 32/32
D. 16/16
What division will be left blank in the classification
formula if all fingers are missing.
A. Major and Final Division
B. Key and Major Division
C. Major and sub-secondary
D. key and final Division
What division will be left blank in the classification
formula if all fingers are missing.
A. Major and Final Division
B. Key and Major Division
C. Major and sub-secondary
D. key and final Division
It refers to additional fingerprint classification
written at the bottom of the classification formula.
A. Secondary Classification
B. Reference Classification
C. Guide Classification
D. Alternative Classification
It refers to additional fingerprint classification
written at the bottom of the classification formula.
A. Secondary Classification
B. Reference Classification
C. Guide Classification
D. Alternative Classification
In case of double thumb of the same size what should be
the course of action in classifying them.
A. Take both pattern and classify.
B. Classify only the outer thumb
C. Classify only the inner thumb
D. Print them together on the block and classify.
In case of double thumb of the same size what should be
the course of action in classifying them.
A. Take both pattern and classify.
B. Classify only the outer thumb
C. Classify only the inner thumb
D. Print them together on the block and classify.
In Ridge counting an Accidental Whorl It should be:
A. Ridge count the top loop
B. Treat it as ulnar loop
C. Get the least number of ridge count
D. Treat it as Radial loop
In Ridge counting an Accidental Whorl It should be:
A. Ridge count the top loop
B. Treat it as ulnar loop
C. Get the least number of ridge count
D. Treat it as Radial loop
What is the Fingers represent the numerator in the
primary Division
A. Even Number of fingers
B. Right Fingers
C. Left Fingers
D. Odd number of Fingers
What is the Fingers represent the numerator in the
primary Division
A. Even Number of fingers
B. Right Fingers
C. Left Fingers
D. Odd number of Fingers
Prints found at the scene of the crime.
A. suspected prints
B. latent prints
C. molded prints
D. prints made by contamination with colored substance
Prints found at the scene of the crime.
A. suspected prints
B. latent prints
C. molded prints
D. prints made by contamination with colored substance
What method of developing latent prints in paper is best
to be used being easy to apply and less destructive to
the paper.
A. iodine fuming
B. ninhydrin method
C. silver nitrate method
D. dusting method (use in crime scene)
What method of developing latent prints in paper is best
to be used being easy to apply and less destructive to
the paper.
A. iodine fuming
B. ninhydrin method
C. silver nitrate method
D. dusting method (use in crime scene)
What kind of a filter should a photographer use to
improve the contrast of a latent fingerprint impression
dusted with black powder on a green background?
A. yellow filter
B. red filter
C. green filter
D. blue filter
What kind of a filter should a photographer use to
improve the contrast of a latent fingerprint impression
dusted with black powder on a green background?
A. yellow filter
B. red filter
C. green filter
D. blue filter
What kind of a filter should a photographer use to
improve the contrast of a latent fingerprint impression
dusted with gray powder on a yellow background?
A. violet filter
B. red filter
C. green filter
D. blue filter
What kind of a filter should a photographer use to
improve the contrast of a latent fingerprint impression
dusted with gray powder on a yellow background?
A. violet filter
B. red filter
C. green filter
D. blue filter
What modern method of developing print is best use when
all conventional methods becomes ineffective?
A. iodine fuming
B. ninhydrin method
C. laser method
D. dusting method
What modern method of developing print is best use when
all conventional methods becomes ineffective?
A. iodine fuming
B. ninhydrin method
C. laser method
D. dusting method
Prints made by blood, dust or dirt or other coloring
A. visible prints
B. invisible prints
C. chance prints
D. fragmentary prints
Prints made by blood, dust or dirt or other coloring
A. visible prints
B. invisible prints
C. chance prints
D. fragmentary prints
Prints left in a place unconsciously by the subject:
A. smudged prints
B. invisible prints
C. chance prints
D. fragmentary prints
Prints left in a place unconsciously by the subject:
A. smudged prints
B. invisible prints
C. chance prints
D. fragmentary prints
In filing classified fingerprint card what should be the
first attempt to be made:
A. primary numerator
B. primary denominator
C. secondary numerator
D. secondary denominator
In filing classified fingerprint card what should be the
first attempt to be made:
A. primary numerator
B. primary denominator
C. secondary numerator
D. secondary denominator
The identification of two impression can be established
primarily through:
A. formation of different types of pattern
B. formation of the two terminus
C. unexplained similarity of ridges
D. similarity of ridge characteristics in their relative
The identification of two impression can be established
primarily through:
A. formation of different types of pattern
B. formation of the two terminus
C. unexplained similarity of ridges
D. similarity of ridge characteristics in their relative
A short ridge found on top or summit of the recurve:
A. obstruction
B. appendage
C. bar
D. rod
A short ridge found on top or summit of the recurve:
A. obstruction
B. appendage
C. bar
D. rod
A system of classification used in the Philippines:
A. Galton System Henry System
B. Vucetich System
C. Galton-Henry System with FBI Modification and
A system of classification used in the Philippines:
A. Galton System Henry System
B. Vucetich System
C. Galton-Henry System with FBI Modification and
Fingerprint Identification
(Forensic Dactyloscopy)

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
1. In fingerprint identification, the pattern which
conforms to one of the definition but is not a plain
arch is what?
A. Accidental whorl
B. Tented arch
C. None of these
D. Ulnar whorl
1. In fingerprint identification, the pattern which
conforms to one of the definition but is not a plain
arch is what?
A. Accidental whorl
B. Tented arch
C. None of these
D. Ulnar whorl
2. Which of the following government issued I.D. cards
on documents had an edge over the others with respect to
the authenticity, acceptability and legality? The
document with:
A. Signature and thumbmark
B. Signature only
C. Thumbmark only
D. Photo and signature
2. Which of the following government issued I.D. cards
on documents had an edge over the others with respect to
the authenticity, acceptability and legality? The
document with:
A. Signature and thumbmark
B. Signature only
C. Thumbmark only
D. Photo and signature
3. In key classification, no matter where the impression
is found, is always placed to the extreme left of the
numerator of the classification, is it correct?
A. Yes
B. Possible
C. No
D. Sometimes
3. In key classification, no matter where the impression
is found, is always placed to the extreme left of the
numerator of the classification, is it correct?
A. Yes
B. Possible
C. No
D. Sometimes
4. The sum total of all numerical values of whorls in a
set of fingers plus the fraction of one (1) over one (1)
is what kind of classification?
A. Minor
B. Primary
C. Secondary
D. Multiple
4. The sum total of all numerical values of whorls in a
set of fingers plus the fraction of one (1) over one (1)
is what kind of classification?
A. Minor
B. Primary
C. Secondary
D. Multiple
5. The fingerprint pattern usually found in loops and
whorls is what?
A. Insufficient recurve
B. Core
C. Delta
D. Type lines
5. The fingerprint pattern usually found in loops and
whorls is what?
A. Insufficient recurve
B. Core
C. Delta
D. Type lines
6. In dactyloscopy, the lifting of fingerprints in the
crime scene is necessary in cases of?
A. Rape
B. Crimes against persons
C. All of these
D. Kidnapping with ransom
6. In dactyloscopy, the lifting of fingerprints in the
crime scene is necessary in cases of?
A. Rape
B. Crimes against persons
C. All of these
D. Kidnapping with ransom
7. In fingerprint study, the pattern that has two deltas
and with at least one ridge that make a turn through one
complete circuit is called what?
A. Accidental
B. Loop
C. Whorl
D. Arch
7. In fingerprint study, the pattern that has two deltas
and with at least one ridge that make a turn through one
complete circuit is called what?
A. Accidental
B. Loop
C. Whorl
D. Arch
8. The main purpose of the fingerprint system is to
confirm the identity and the criminal history of the?
A. Relatives of the suspect
B. Suspect
C. Victims
D. Gangmates
8. The main purpose of the fingerprint system is to
confirm the identity and the criminal history of the?
A. Relatives of the suspect
B. Suspect
C. Victims
D. Gangmates
9. Can there be an accidental whorl even if there is
only one (1) delta?
A. It depends
B. Yes
C. No
D. Sometimes
9. Can there be an accidental whorl even if there is
only one (1) delta?
A. It depends
B. Yes
C. No
D. Sometimes
10. Like fingerprints, no two (2) sets of fingernails
A. Alike in their markings
B. Easy to analyze
C. None of these
D. The same color and texture
10. Like fingerprints, no two (2) sets of fingernails
A. Alike in their markings
B. Easy to analyze
C. None of these
D. The same color and texture
11. The approximate center of a fingerprint pattern,
usually found in loops and whorls is?
A. middle ridge
B. Core
C. Central ridge
D. Slope
11. The approximate center of a fingerprint pattern,
usually found in loops and whorls is?
A. middle ridge
B. Core
C. Central ridge
D. Slope
12. Can a strong acid burn completely and never to recur
A. None of these
B. It depends
C. No
D. Always
12. Can a strong acid burn completely and never to recur
A. None of these
B. It depends
C. No
D. Always
13. In dactyloscopy particularly fingerprint patterns,
the symbol of tented arch is?
B. A
C. U
D. T
13. In dactyloscopy particularly fingerprint patterns,
the symbol of tented arch is?
B. A
C. U
D. T
14. In the study of dactyloscopy, the approximate center
of a fingerprint pattern which is usually found in loops
and whorls is called?
A. Core
B. Middle ridge
C. Central ridge
D. Delta
14. In the study of dactyloscopy, the approximate center
of a fingerprint pattern which is usually found in loops
and whorls is called?
A. Core
B. Middle ridge
C. Central ridge
D. Delta
15. In searching for latent prints on a crime with
forcible entry, look for: crowbars, screw driver,
electrical systems, etc. because those are the possible
sources of scene fingerprints, correct?
A. Not true
B. Maybe
C. Possibly true
D. Yes
15. In searching for latent prints on a crime with
forcible entry, look for: crowbars, screw driver,
electrical systems, etc. because those are the possible
sources of scene fingerprints, correct?
A. Not true
B. Maybe
C. Possibly true
D. Yes
16. The process of writing the symbols of the
corresponding patterns on the space provided in the
fingerprint card is called:
A. Blocking
B. Pairing
C. Fingers system
D. Spacing
16. The process of writing the symbols of the
corresponding patterns on the space provided in the
fingerprint card is called:
A. Blocking
B. Pairing
C. Fingers system
D. Spacing
17. What do you call of the innermost ridges running
parallel or nearly parallel to each other which diverge
and surround or tend to surround the pattern area?
A. Delta lines
B. Diverging lines
C. Type lines
D. Eyelet lines
17. What do you call of the innermost ridges running
parallel or nearly parallel to each other which diverge
and surround or tend to surround the pattern area?
A. Delta lines
B. Diverging lines
C. Type lines
D. Eyelet lines
18. In dactyloscopy, when we speak of polydactyl hands,
it refer to person with?
A. Abnormalities in the fingers
B. Less than five fingers on one hand
C. More than normal number of fingers
D. Exceedingly long fingers
18. In dactyloscopy, when we speak of polydactyl hands,
it refer to person with?
A. Abnormalities in the fingers
B. Less than five fingers on one hand
C. More than normal number of fingers
D. Exceedingly long fingers
19. Along with fingerprints, which of the following is a
mandatory requirement in securing NBI clearance to
ensure one’s identity?
A. None of these
B. Photograph
C. Thumbmark
D. Signature
19. Along with fingerprints, which of the following is a
mandatory requirement in securing NBI clearance to
ensure one’s identity?
A. None of these
B. Photograph
C. Thumbmark
D. Signature
20. Considered one of the most infallible means of
personal identification which is formed when still inside
mother’s womb and remain unchanged throughout life until
decomposition is what kind of ridges?
A. auxillary C. friction
B. papillary D. poroscopic
20. Considered one of the most infallible means of
personal identification which is formed when still inside
mother’s womb and remain unchanged throughout life until
decomposition is what kind of ridges?
A. auxillary C. friction
B. papillary D. poroscopic
21. Who was the one who said “Let no one despise the ridges
on account of their smallness, for they are in some
respect, the most important of all anthropological data”?
A. Francis Galton C. Ridge Cook
B. Cesare Lombroso D. John Howard
21. Who was the one who said “Let no one despise the ridges
on account of their smallness, for they are in some
respect, the most important of all anthropological data”?
A. Francis Galton C. Ridge Cook
B. Cesare Lombroso D. John Howard
22. Fingerprint is one of the most infallible means of
personal identification because the ridges and other
characteristics never?
A. change throughout life
B. appear dissimilar
C. add ridges when closely examined
D. be substituted
22. Fingerprint is one of the most infallible means of
personal identification because the ridges and other
characteristics never?
A. change throughout life
B. appear dissimilar
C. add ridges when closely examined
D. be substituted
23. The ridge that divides itself into two (2) ridges and
which resembles a fork-like structure is called?
A. island C. bifurcation
B. enclosure D. convergence
23. The ridge that divides itself into two (2) ridges and
which resembles a fork-like structure is called?
A. island C. bifurcation
B. enclosure D. convergence
24. It is in windows, tables and doors that we can usually
find them. In dactyloscopy it is called?
A. latent prints C. tool marker
B. shoe prints D. birth marks
24. It is in windows, tables and doors that we can usually
find them. In dactyloscopy it is called?
A. latent prints C. tool marker
B. shoe prints D. birth marks
25. In fingerprint identification, what is a single ridge
which divide into two or more ridge?
A. Island ending C. None of these
B. Bifurcation D. Anular ridge
25. In fingerprint identification, what is a single ridge
which divide into two or more ridge?
A. Island ending C. None of these
B. Bifurcation D. Anular ridge
26. In fingerprint patterns, what is the symbol of
A. A C. R
B. W D. X
26. In fingerprint patterns, what is the symbol of
A. A C. R
B. W D. X
27. What is this means of identification which occurs when
the original tissues have been injured or destroyed
noticeable marks?
A. deformities C. scars
B. bitten marks D. tattoos
27. What is this means of identification which occurs when
the original tissues have been injured or destroyed
noticeable marks?
A. deformities C. scars
B. bitten marks D. tattoos
28. No attempt should ever be made to develop fingerprints
on any wet surface or to use dusting techniques during rain
because it will what?
A. result to nothing but wastage;
B. serve as maturity in the profession;
C. show one’s desire to solve a case;
D. be highly commendable if successful;
28. No attempt should ever be made to develop fingerprints
on any wet surface or to use dusting techniques during rain
because it will what?
A. result to nothing but wastage;
B. serve as maturity in the profession;
C. show one’s desire to solve a case;
D. be highly commendable if successful;
29. The principle of individuality in dactyloscopy is based
on statistical probability that it would be impossible for
any two persons to have similar what?
A. structures C. signature
B. style D. fingerprints
29. The principle of individuality in dactyloscopy is based
on statistical probability that it would be impossible for
any two persons to have similar what?
A. structures C. signature
B. style D. fingerprints
30. Impressions which are taken at the same time on the
fingerprint card is known as what kind of impressions?
A. plain C. visible
B. rolled D. direct
30. Impressions which are taken at the same time on the
fingerprint card is known as what kind of impressions?
A. plain C. visible
B. rolled D. direct
31. In fingerprints study, it refers to the canal-like
impression found between the ridges. It is called?
A. furrows C. ridges
B. dust D. arch
31. In fingerprints study, it refers to the canal-like
impression found between the ridges. It is called?
A. furrows C. ridges
B. dust D. arch
32. Considered to be the most expensive but reliable and
acceptable means preserving evidence and in the
identification of persons is by means of what?
A. DNA fingerprinting C. photography
B. sketching D. illustration
32. Considered to be the most expensive but reliable and
acceptable means preserving evidence and in the
identification of persons is by means of what?
A. DNA fingerprinting C. photography
B. sketching D. illustration
33. In dactyloscopy, the reproduction of some smooth
surfaces of the pattern or design formed by the ridges on
the inside of the joint of the finger or thumb is called?
A. blueprint C. patented print
B. none of these D. fingerprint
33. In dactyloscopy, the reproduction of some smooth
surfaces of the pattern or design formed by the ridges on
the inside of the joint of the finger or thumb is called?
A. blueprint C. patented print
B. none of these D. fingerprint
34. Can fingerprint identification be resorted to by
probers in order to establish the identity of headless
victims or persons who are already in the advance state of
A. no C. yes
B. never D. probably no
34. Can fingerprint identification be resorted to by
probers in order to establish the identity of headless
victims or persons who are already in the advance state of
A. no C. yes
B. never D. probably no
35. A noted British anthropologist who began observation
which led to the publication in 1882 of his book
“Fingerprints.” That established the individuality of
classifying fingerprint patterns.
A. Francis Galton
B. Gilbert Thompson
C. Wayne Kate
D. Alphonse Bertillon
35. A noted British anthropologist who began observation
which led to the publication in 1882 of his book
“Fingerprints.” That established the individuality of
classifying fingerprint patterns.
A. Francis Galton
B. Gilbert Thompson
C. Wayne Kate
D. Alphonse Bertillon
36. The delta is also known as the
A. Lower ridge
B. Outer terminus
C. Upper rod
D. Stump
36. The delta is also known as the
A. Lower ridge
B. Outer terminus
C. Upper rod
D. Stump
37. The location of the core is mainly of importance in
determining the _____
A. Ridge count of a loop
B. Position of the upper radiant
C. Position of the lower radiant
D. Neither a core Nor delta
37. The location of the core is mainly of importance in
determining the _____
A. Ridge count of a loop
B. Position of the upper radiant
C. Position of the lower radiant
D. Neither a core Nor delta
38. In the study of fingerprint patterns, the symbol of
plain whorl is?
A. T C. P
B. W D. PW
38. In the study of fingerprint patterns, the symbol of
plain whorl is?
A. T C. P
B. W D. PW
39. The area surrounded by typeline is called?
A. Type area C. baselines
B. Typelines D. pattern area
39. The area surrounded by typeline is called?
A. Type area C. baselines
B. Typelines D. pattern area
40. The loops with slanting ridges that slope towards the
little fingers are what kind of loops?
A. Ulnar C. radial
B. Slanted D. sloping
40. The loops with slanting ridges that slope towards the
little fingers are what kind of loops?
A. Ulnar C. radial
B. Slanted D. sloping
41. In dactyloscopy, plaster of paris is mainly used in?
A. Moulage
B. Developing alkaline
C. casting test
D. house construction
41. In dactyloscopy, plaster of paris is mainly used in?
A. Moulage
B. Developing alkaline
C. casting test
D. house construction
42. In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he used
fingerprints to prevent fraudulent collection of army pay
account and for identification of other documents. He was
known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
A. William Herschel
B. Francis Galton
C. Gilbert Thompson
D. Alphose Bertillon
42. In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he used
fingerprints to prevent fraudulent collection of army pay
account and for identification of other documents. He was
known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
A. William Herschel
B. Francis Galton
C. Gilbert Thompson
D. Alphose Bertillon
43. The science of fingerprints identification is called?
A. Dactyloscopy C. dactylography
B. Dactylomany D. dactylosophy
43. The science of fingerprints identification is called?
A. Dactyloscopy C. dactylography
B. Dactylomany D. dactylosophy
44. How many fingerprint classification are used
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
44. How many fingerprint classification are used
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
45. Between birth and death, there is _______ change in
the numerous characteristics of the fingerprints
A. Considerable
B. Almost complete
C. Practically none
D. Some
45. Between birth and death, there is _______ change in
the numerous characteristics of the fingerprints
A. Considerable
B. Almost complete
C. Practically none
D. Some
46. The terms natural, Junction, dots, enclosures,
forked, abrupt ending and beginnings and fractional
refer most frequently to _______
A. Delta
B. Core
C. Ridges
D. Envelop
46. The terms natural, Junction, dots, enclosures,
forked, abrupt ending and beginnings and fractional
refer most frequently to _______
A. Delta
B. Core
C. Ridges
D. Envelop
47. The Three (3) fingerprint classifications are; Arch,
Loops, and ________.
A. Tented Arch
B. Accidental Whorl
C. Whorls
D. Ulnar Loop
47. The Three (3) fingerprint classifications are; Arch,
Loops, and ________.
A. Tented Arch
B. Accidental Whorl
C. Whorls
D. Ulnar Loop
48. A single ridge which splits into two ridges forming a
“Y” shape formation or structure is commonly known as
A. Diverging ridges
B. Bifurcating ridges
C. Loop
D. Delta
48. A single ridge which splits into two ridges forming a
“Y” shape formation or structure is commonly known as
A. Diverging ridges
B. Bifurcating ridges
C. Loop
D. Delta
49. Covers the surface of the dermis with blunt peg-like
A. Epidermis
B. Sweat pores
C. Dermal papillae
D. Sweat gland
49. Covers the surface of the dermis with blunt peg-like
A. Epidermis
B. Sweat pores
C. Dermal papillae
D. Sweat gland
50. A principle in fingerprint which states that the
ridge patterns on the digits never change during the
life of an individual.
A. Principle of Permanency
B. Principle of Individuality
C. Principle of Infallibility
D. Principle of Lividity
50. A principle in fingerprint which states that the
ridge patterns on the digits never change during the
life of an individual.
A. Principle of Permanency
B. Principle of Individuality
C. Principle of Infallibility
D. Principle of Lividity
51. The identity of two impressions is established
primarily through _______.
A. Dimensions of pattern
B. Similarity of traces
C. Unexplained similarity of patterns
D. Ridge characteristics and the relative position of
these ridge characteristics
51. The identity of two impressions is established
primarily through _______.
A. Dimensions of pattern
B. Similarity of traces
C. Unexplained similarity of patterns
D. Ridge characteristics and the relative position of
these ridge characteristics
52. All fingers are rolled AWAY from the subject’s body
A. Both Index fingers
B. Both Little fingers
C. Both Middle fingers
D. Both Thumbs
52. All fingers are rolled AWAY from the subject’s body
A. Both Index fingers
B. Both Little fingers
C. Both Middle fingers
D. Both Thumbs
53. There are always two deltas in what fingerprint
A. Ach
B. Loop
C. Whorls
D. Accidental whorl
53. There are always two deltas in what fingerprint
A. Ach
B. Loop
C. Whorls
D. Accidental whorl
54. It is the ridge count of the first loop pattern
appearing on the fingerprint card except the two little
A. Primary classification
B. Secondary classification
C. Final Classification
D. Key classification
54. It is the ridge count of the first loop pattern
appearing on the fingerprint card except the two little
A. Primary classification
B. Secondary classification
C. Final Classification
D. Key classification
55. Symbolized by letter W in the fingerprint
classification. It is a fingerprint pattern which there are
two deltas and in which at least one ridge makes a turn
through one complete circuit.
A. Plain whorl
B. Central pocket loop whorl
C. Accidental loop
D. Ulnar loop
55. Symbolized by letter W in the fingerprint
classification. It is a fingerprint pattern which there are
two deltas and in which at least one ridge makes a turn
through one complete circuit.
A. Plain whorl
B. Central pocket loop whorl
C. Accidental loop
D. Ulnar loop
56. In tented arches, the ridges _________
A. Make a complete circuit
B. Makes an obstruction
C. Run from one side to another with rise at the center
D. Make a backward turn
56. In tented arches, the ridges _________
A. Make a complete circuit
B. Makes an obstruction
C. Run from one side to another with rise at the center
D. Make a backward turn
57. If a subject has more than ten (10) fingers, the
extra finger is printed on the_______ of the
fingerprint chart with notation to the effect that
same is an extra finger.
A. Face
B. Other side
C. Face, upper corner
D. Face, lower corner
57. If a subject has more than ten (10) fingers, the
extra finger is printed on the_______ of the
fingerprint chart with notation to the effect that
same is an extra finger.
A. Face
B. Other side
C. Face, upper corner
D. Face, lower corner
58. In taking fingerprints, __________ are rolled towards
the body of the subject.
A. All fingers
B. Both thumbs
C. Little fingers
D. All fingers except thumb
58. In taking fingerprints, __________ are rolled towards
the body of the subject.
A. All fingers
B. Both thumbs
C. Little fingers
D. All fingers except thumb
59. In case of minor injury affecting only the layer of
the friction skin, the injury will not permanently
deface the ridge formation provided that the ______
is not affected.
A. Dermis
B. Epidermis
C. Bone of the finger
D. Ulna bone
59. In case of minor injury affecting only the layer of
the friction skin, the injury will not permanently
deface the ridge formation provided that the ______
is not affected.
A. Dermis
B. Epidermis
C. Bone of the finger
D. Ulna bone
60. When inking fingers for the purpose of taking rolled
impressions, the fingers must be inked from ______ to
base of the joint.
A. Base
B. Tip
C. Second joint
D. Third joint
60. When inking fingers for the purpose of taking rolled
impressions, the fingers must be inked from ______ to
base of the joint.
A. Base
B. Tip
C. Second joint
D. Third joint
61. If the same digits of both hands are missing, the
impressions are held to be __________.
A. Dependent on the classification of the print of the
other finger
B. Dependent on the ridge tracing
C. Loops
D. Plain whorl, Meeting
61. If the same digits of both hands are missing, the
impressions are held to be __________.
A. Dependent on the classification of the print of the
other finger
B. Dependent on the ridge tracing
C. Loops
D. Plain whorl, Meeting
62. Is a kind of fingerprint pattern in which one or
more ridges enter on either side of the impression by
a recurve, pass out or terminate on the same side as
the ridges enter.
A. Loop
B. Ulnar loop
C. Radial loop
D. Tented arch
62. Is a kind of fingerprint pattern in which one or
more ridges enter on either side of the impression by
a recurve, pass out or terminate on the same side as
the ridges enter.
A. Loop
B. Ulnar loop
C. Radial loop
D. Tented arch
63. DNA is a chemical substance found in all cells and
individuals has a unique DNA and only ________ share
the same DNA pattern.
A. Mother and child
B. Father and child
C. Mother and father
D. Identical twins
63. DNA is a chemical substance found in all cells and
individuals has a unique DNA and only ________ share
the same DNA pattern.
A. Mother and child
B. Father and child
C. Mother and father
D. Identical twins
64. In ridge tracing, 3 or more ridges below the right
delta is considered whorl type of pattern with
A. Inner tracing
B. Outer tracing
C. Meeting Tracing
D. IMO tracing
64. In ridge tracing, 3 or more ridges below the right
delta is considered whorl type of pattern with
A. Inner tracing
B. Outer tracing
C. Meeting Tracing
D. IMO tracing
65. The simplest of all fingerprint patterns is the –
A. Plain arch
B. Loop
C. Whorl
D. Plain whorl
65. The simplest of all fingerprint patterns is the –
A. Plain arch
B. Loop
C. Whorl
D. Plain whorl
66. It was found out by the authorities in Dactyloscopy
that 65% of fingerprint patterns are classified as –
A. Whorl
B. Loops
C. Arches
D. Combination of loop and whorl
66. It was found out by the authorities in Dactyloscopy
that 65% of fingerprint patterns are classified as –
A. Whorl
B. Loops
C. Arches
D. Combination of loop and whorl
67. The fingerprint of a person appears on fetus between
_________ after conception.
A. 100-200 days
B. 100-120 days
C. 100-220 days
D. 100-150 days
67. The fingerprint of a person appears on fetus between
_________ after conception.
A. 100-200 days
B. 100-120 days
C. 100-220 days
D. 100-150 days
68. A type of fingerprint pattern in which the slope or
downward flow of the innermost sufficient recurve is
towards the thumb of radius bone of the hand of origin.
A. ulnar loop
B. tented arch
C. accidental whorl
D. radial loop
68. A type of fingerprint pattern in which the slope or
downward flow of the innermost sufficient recurve is
towards the thumb of radius bone of the hand of origin.
A. ulnar loop
B. tented arch
C. accidental whorl
D. radial loop
69. The following are considerations used for the
identification of a loop except one:
A. Delta
B. Core
C. a sufficient recurve
D. a ridge count across a looping bridge
69. The following are considerations used for the
identification of a loop except one:
A. Delta
B. Core
C. a sufficient recurve
D. a ridge count across a looping bridge
70. In dactyloscopy, after so many years of studies and the
researches, it was confirmed that “No two person have
exactly the same:
A. Size and color
B. Origin and traits
C. Loops and details
D. Fingerprint patterns and characteristics
70. In dactyloscopy, after so many years of studies and the
researches, it was confirmed that “No two person have
exactly the same:
A. Size and color
B. Origin and traits
C. Loops and details
D. Fingerprint patterns and characteristics
71. The process of recording fingerprint through the use of
fingerprint ink.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
71. The process of recording fingerprint through the use of
fingerprint ink.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
72.The fingerprint method of identification.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
72.The fingerprint method of identification.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
73. Two lines that run parallel or nearly parallel, diverge
and surround the pattern area.
A. Ridges
B. Delta
C. Type line
D. Bifurcation
73. Two lines that run parallel or nearly parallel, diverge
and surround the pattern area.
A. Ridges
B. Delta
C. Type line
D. Bifurcation
74.The art of identification by comparison of fingerprint
is called:
A. Dactylography
B. All of the these
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Palmistry
74.The art of identification by comparison of fingerprint
is called:
A. Dactylography
B. All of the these
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Palmistry
75. Fingerprints left on various surfaces at the crime
scene which are not clearly visible.
A. plane impressions
B. visible fingerprints
C. rolled impressions
D. latent fingerprints
75. Fingerprints left on various surfaces at the crime
scene which are not clearly visible.
A. plane impressions
B. visible fingerprints
C. rolled impressions
D. latent fingerprints
76. The impressions left by the patterns of ridges and
depressions on various surfaces.
A. kiss marks
B. finger rolls
C. thumb marks
D. fingerprints
76. The impressions left by the patterns of ridges and
depressions on various surfaces.
A. kiss marks
B. finger rolls
C. thumb marks
D. fingerprints
77. A part of the whorl or loop in which appear the cores,
deltas and ridges.
A. type line
B. bifurcation
C. pattern area
D. furrow
77. A part of the whorl or loop in which appear the cores,
deltas and ridges.
A. type line
B. bifurcation
C. pattern area
D. furrow
78. The minimum identical characteristics to justify the
identity between two points.
A. Eighteen
B. Fifteen
C. Twelve
D. Nine
78. The minimum identical characteristics to justify the
identity between two points.
A. Eighteen
B. Fifteen
C. Twelve
D. Nine
79. Which among the following is not considered as a basic
fingerprint pattern?
A. Arch
B. Accidental
C. Loop
D. Whorl
79. Which among the following is not considered as a basic
fingerprint pattern?
A. Arch
B. Accidental
C. Loop
D. Whorl
80. The depression between the ridges which maybe
compared with the low areas in a tire tread.
A. Core
B. Delta
C. Furrows
D. Sweat pores
80. The depression between the ridges which maybe
compared with the low areas in a tire tread.
A. Core
B. Delta
C. Furrows
D. Sweat pores
81. Under the management of Lt. Darby during the American
occupation in the Philippines, a modern and complete
fingerprint file has been established for the Philippine
commonwealth. In 1937, the first Filipino fingerprint
technician employed by the Phil. Constabulary was
A. Mr. Generoso Reyes
B. Mr. Amado Delos Santos
C. Mr. Calixto Solis
D. None of these
81. Under the management of Lt. Darby during the American
occupation in the Philippines, a modern and complete
fingerprint file has been established for the Philippine
commonwealth. In 1937, the first Filipino fingerprint
technician employed by the Phil. Constabulary was
A. Mr. Generoso Reyes
B. Mr. Amado Delos Santos
C. Mr. Calixto Solis
D. None of these
Note: Isabela Bernales (first female)
82. A fingerprint pattern in which the ridges form a
sequence of spirals around core axes.
A. whorl
B. double loop
C. central pocket loop
D. accidental
82. A fingerprint pattern in which the ridges form a
sequence of spirals around core axes.
A. whorl
B. double loop
C. central pocket loop
D. accidental
83. The point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the
center of the divergence of the type lines.
A. Divergence
B. Island
C. Delta
D. Bifurcation
83. The point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the
center of the divergence of the type lines.
A. Divergence
B. Island
C. Delta
D. Bifurcation
84. In fingerprinting, the space between shoulders of a
loop, free of any appendage, and a butting at right angle.
A. Complete curve
B. Sufficient Recurve
C. Straight arrow
D. Core
84. In fingerprinting, the space between shoulders of a
loop, free of any appendage, and a butting at right angle.
A. Complete curve
B. Sufficient Recurve
C. Straight arrow
D. Core
85. The forking or dividing of one line to two or more
A. Ridge
B. Island
C. Delta
D. Bifurcation
85. The forking or dividing of one line to two or more
A. Ridge
B. Island
C. Delta
D. Bifurcation
86. What is the science of palm print identification?
A. Chiroscopy
B. Poroscopy
C. Podoscopy
D. Astrology
86. What is the science of palm print identification?
A. Chiroscopy
B. Poroscopy
C. Podoscopy
D. Astrology
87. These are depressions or canals between the ridges of a
fingerprint which maybe compared with the low area in a
tire tread.
A. None of these
B. Envelope
C. Furrows
D. Bifurcation
87. These are depressions or canals between the ridges of a
fingerprint which maybe compared with the low area in a
tire tread.
A. None of these
B. Envelope
C. Furrows
D. Bifurcation
88. Types of fingerprint patterns, except:
A. Arches
B. Ordinary
C. Loop
D. Whorl
88. Types of fingerprint patterns, except:
A. Arches
B. Ordinary
C. Loop
D. Whorl
89. Who has given the fame title as “Father of
A. Johannes Purkinje
B. Leonard Keeler
C. Charles Darwin
D. Sir Francis Galton
89. Who has given the fame title as “Father of
A. Johannes Purkinje
B. Leonard Keeler
C. Charles Darwin
D. Sir Francis Galton
90. The first leading judicial decision in the Philippine
jurisprudence on the science of fingerprinting was the case
A. People vs Medina
B. People vs Pineda
C. People vs Amador
D. People vs. Rosas
90. The first leading judicial decision in the Philippine
jurisprudence on the science of fingerprinting was the case
A. People vs Medina
B. People vs Pineda
C. People vs Amador
D. People vs. Rosas
91. They are considered as the focal points in
fingerprint identification.
A. Appendage and Upthrust
B. Core and Delta
C. Recurving ridge and Coverging ridge
D. Pattern area and Typelines
91. They are considered as the focal points in
fingerprint identification.
A. Appendage and Upthrust
B. Core and Delta
C. Recurving ridge and Coverging ridge
D. Pattern area and Typelines
92. The notorious gangster and a police character, who
attempted to erase his fingerprints by burning them with
acid but as time went by the ridges were again restored to
their “natural” feature.
A. John Feilding
B. Johanes Curie
C. John Dellinger
D. Billy the Kid
92. The notorious gangster and a police character, who
attempted to erase his fingerprints by burning them with
acid but as time went by the ridges were again restored to
their “natural” feature.
A. John Feilding
B. Johanes Curie
C. John Dellinger
D. Billy the Kid
93. In fingerprinting, it refers to the process of counting
the intervening ridges that touch or cross an imaginary
line drawn between the core and the delta.
A. Ridge counting
B. Ridge tracing
C. Delta tracing
D. All of these
93. In fingerprinting, it refers to the process of counting
the intervening ridges that touch or cross an imaginary
line drawn between the core and the delta.
A. Ridge counting
B. Ridge tracing
C. Delta tracing
D. All of these
94. In writing out formula for the left hand act as
A. The denominator
B. The numerator
C. The numerator in in whorls and the denominator in
D. The denominator in in whorls and the numerator in
94. In writing out formula for the left hand act as
A. The denominator
B. The numerator
C. The numerator in in whorls and the denominator in
D. The denominator in in whorls and the numerator in
95. When there is a choice between several deltas and one
of which is a bifurcation, the one to be selected should
be the ________.
A. Arch
B. Core
C. Bifurcation
D. Eyelet
95. When there is a choice between several deltas and one
of which is a bifurcation, the one to be selected should
be the ________.
A. Arch
B. Core
C. Bifurcation
D. Eyelet
96. In a part, the ridges are shown as ________ lines.
A. White
B. Thickened
C. Black
D. Thinned
96. In a part, the ridges are shown as ________ lines.
A. White
B. Thickened
C. Black
D. Thinned
97. A fingerprint pattern which one or more ridges enter on
either side of the impression by a recurve, and terminate
on the same side where the ridge has entered.
A. Loop
B. radial loop
C. ulnar loop
D. tented arch
97. A fingerprint pattern which one or more ridges enter on
either side of the impression by a recurve, and terminate
on the same side where the ridge has entered.
A. Loop
B. radial loop
C. ulnar loop
D. tented arch
98. Two (2) persons who tried to destroy there
A. John Dillenger and Robert James Pitt
B. Tom Dillenger and Brad Pitt
C. John Denver and Robert James Pitt
D. John Denver and Brad Pitt
98. Two (2) persons who tried to destroy there
A. John Dillenger and Robert James Pitt
B. Tom Dillenger and Brad Pitt
C. John Denver and Robert James Pitt
D. John Denver and Brad Pitt
99. In China, fingerprint is called ___. It was valued for
purposes of identification since time immemorial as found
on a Chinese clay seal made not later than the 3rd Century
A. Hua Chi
B. Mah Whang
C. Wong Cho
D. Tiang Hin
99. In China, fingerprint is called ___. It was valued for
purposes of identification since time immemorial as found
on a Chinese clay seal made not later than the 3rd Century
A. Hua Chi
B. Mah Whang
C. Wong Cho
D. Tiang Hin
100. The fingerprint of a person appears on fetus
between _________ after conception.
A. 7-9 months C. 3-4 months
B. 5-6 months D. 12 months
100. The fingerprint of a person appears on fetus
between _________ after conception.
A. 7-9 months C. 3-4 months
B. 5-6 months D. 12 months
Personal Identification
(Forensic Dactyloscopy)

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
1. To classify fingerprints, deltas are very essential
in whorl type fingerprint pattern exact _____ may not be
determined without these focal points.
A. Core
B. Primary
C. Identification
D. Ridge tracing
1. To classify fingerprints, deltas are very essential
in whorl type fingerprint pattern exact _____ may not be
determined without these focal points.
A. Core
B. Primary
C. Identification
D. Ridge tracing
2. Three blocks or a space before finger no. 9 in the
fingerprint card is the _______finger.
A. Left thumb
B. Left index
C. Left ring
D. Left middle
2. Three blocks or a space before finger no. 9 in the
fingerprint card is the _______finger.
A. Left thumb
B. Left index
C. Left ring
D. Left middle
3. There are several kinds of inked impressions which
are taken simultaneously in the third lower portion of
the finger chart are called impressions.
A. Plain
B. Dust
C. Rolled
D. Visible
3. There are several kinds of inked impressions which
are taken simultaneously in the third lower portion of
the finger chart are called impressions.
A. Plain
B. Dust
C. Rolled
D. Visible
4. If the same digits of both hands are missing the
impression are held to be_______.
A. Dependents on the classification of the finger
B. Plain whorl meeting
C. Dependents on ridges tracing
D. Loops
4. If the same digits of both hands are missing the
impression are held to be_______.
A. Dependents on the classification of the finger
B. Plain whorl meeting
C. Dependents on ridges tracing
D. Loops
5. Plain arches unlike other types of fingerprint
pattern have_______.
A. Core but no delta
B. Neither core and delta
C. Delta but no core
D. Both core and delta
5. Plain arches unlike other types of fingerprint
pattern have_______.
A. Core but no delta
B. Neither core and delta
C. Delta but no core
D. Both core and delta
6. In tented arches, the ridges_______.
A. Run from one side to another with some of the ridges
B. Make a complete circuit
C. Make a backward circuit
D. Form of obstruction
6. In tented arches, the ridges_______.
A. Run from one side to another with some of the ridges
B. Make a complete circuit
C. Make a backward circuit
D. Form of obstruction
7. When a ridge bifurcates, tracing proceeds________.
A. Run from one side to another with some of the ridges
B. Along the upper line of bifurcation
C. Along the lower line of bifurcation
D. Along neither line of bifurcation
7. When a ridge bifurcates, tracing proceeds________.
A. Run from one side to another with some of the ridges
B. Along the upper line of bifurcation
C. Along the lower line of bifurcation
D. Along neither line of bifurcation
8. To determine whether a loop is radial, it is
important that we should know in what ______ the finger
came from.
A. Fingerprint
B. Hand
C. Pattern
D. Person
8. To determine whether a loop is radial, it is
important that we should know in what ______ the finger
came from.
A. Fingerprint
B. Hand
C. Pattern
D. Person
9. Principles of constancy in fingerprint science mean
that finger is________.
A. Unchanging
B. Constancy
C. Infallibility
D. Phalange
9. Principles of constancy in fingerprint science mean
that finger is________.
A. Unchanging
B. Constancy
C. Infallibility
D. Phalange
10. When one digit is missing, classification is made
according to the ______ of the other hand.
A. Palm
B. Phalange
C. Joint
D. Corresponding digits
10. When one digit is missing, classification is made
according to the ______ of the other hand.
A. Palm
B. Phalange
C. Joint
D. Corresponding digits
11. _____ is the summation of all numerical value
assigned to whorl pattern.
A. Secondary classification
B. Sub-secondary classification
C. Primary classification
D. Final classification
11. _____ is the summation of all numerical value
assigned to whorl pattern.
A. Secondary classification
B. Sub-secondary classification
C. Primary classification
D. Final classification
12. The purpose of adding the fraction of ONE OVER ONE
in the primary classification is_______.
A. To give the non-value group a place in the file
B. To exhibit a capital letter
C. To determine the numerator and denominator
D. To place at the filing cabinet
12. The purpose of adding the fraction of ONE OVER ONE
in the primary classification is_______.
A. To give the non-value group a place in the file
B. To exhibit a capital letter
C. To determine the numerator and denominator
D. To place at the filing cabinet
13.______ It refers to a long line usually placed on the
right upper corner of the fingerprint chart where
classification formula of the given 10 rolled
fingerprint is exhibited.
A. Horizontal line
B. Classification line
C. Numerator and denominator
D. Vertical line
13.______ It refers to a long line usually placed on the
right upper corner of the fingerprint chart where
classification formula of the given 10 rolled
fingerprint is exhibited.
A. Horizontal line
B. Classification line
C. Numerator and denominator
D. Vertical line
14. _____ consists of two separate loop formation with
two separate distinct sets of shoulder and two deltas.
A. Accidental whorl
B. Double loop whorl
C. Line of flow
D. Central pocket loop whorl
14. _____ consists of two separate loop formation with
two separate distinct sets of shoulder and two deltas.
A. Accidental whorl
B. Double loop whorl
C. Line of flow
D. Central pocket loop whorl
15.______ is the point in a ridge at or nearest to the
point divergence of two type lines and located at or
directly in front of the point of divergence.
A. Type lines
B. Loop
C. Delta
D. Core
15.______ is the point in a ridge at or nearest to the
point divergence of two type lines and located at or
directly in front of the point of divergence.
A. Type lines
B. Loop
C. Delta
D. Core
16. That no two prints of different person nor have the
neighboring finger of the same person ever been found to
be identical in all aspects.
A. Principle of constancy
B. Principle of variation
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Unchanging
16. That no two prints of different person nor have the
neighboring finger of the same person ever been found to
be identical in all aspects.
A. Principle of constancy
B. Principle of variation
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Unchanging
17. It is an allied science of fingerprints which
embraces the four studies of fingerprints.
A. Chiroscopy
B. Dactylography
C. Podoscopy
D. Dactyloscopy
17. It is an allied science of fingerprints which
embraces the four studies of fingerprints.
A. Chiroscopy
B. Dactylography
C. Podoscopy
D. Dactyloscopy
18.______ are rolled away from the body of the subject.
A. All fingers
B. All fingers except the thumb
C. Both thumbs and ring fingers
D. All eight fingers
18.______ are rolled away from the body of the subject.
A. All fingers
B. All fingers except the thumb
C. Both thumbs and ring fingers
D. All eight fingers
19. Fingerprint ink can be spread evenly on the class by
means of.
A. Fingerprint card holder
B. Fingerprint brush
C. Spatula
D. Fingerprint roller
19. Fingerprint ink can be spread evenly on the class by
means of.
A. Fingerprint card holder
B. Fingerprint brush
C. Spatula
D. Fingerprint roller
20. Impressions which are taken simultaneously on the
finger card are known as ______.
A. Plain impression
B. Fragmentary impression
C. Rolled impression
D. Visible impression
20. Impressions which are taken simultaneously on the
finger card are known as ______.
A. Plain impression
B. Fragmentary impression
C. Rolled impression
D. Visible impression
21. One of the cardinal rules in taking fingerprints is
that fingers must be completely _______.
A. Healthy
B. Moist
C. Healed from previous injury
D. Dry
21. One of the cardinal rules in taking fingerprints is
that fingers must be completely _______.
A. Healthy
B. Moist
C. Healed from previous injury
D. Dry
22. There are _____ kinds of tented arches.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
22. There are _____ kinds of tented arches.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
23. Delta is also known as _______.
A. Lower ridges
B. Outer terminus
C. Inner terminus
D. Focal points
23. Delta is also known as _______.
A. Lower ridges
B. Outer terminus
C. Inner terminus
D. Focal points
24. In tented arches, the ridges ______.
A. Run from one side to another with some of the ridges
B. Make a complete circuit
C. Make a backward turn
D. Form an obstruction
24. In tented arches, the ridges ______.
A. Run from one side to another with some of the ridges
B. Make a complete circuit
C. Make a backward turn
D. Form an obstruction
25. When a ridge bifurcates tracing proceeds ______.
A. Along the upper line of bifurcation
B. Along the lower line of bifurcation
C. Along either line of bifurcation
D. Along neither line of bifurcation
25. When a ridge bifurcates tracing proceeds ______.
A. Along the upper line of bifurcation
B. Along the lower line of bifurcation
C. Along either line of bifurcation
D. Along neither line of bifurcation
26. To determine whether a loop is radial, it is
important that we should know in what ______ the
fingerprint came from.
A. Finger
B. Hand
C. Pattern
D. Person
26. To determine whether a loop is radial, it is
important that we should know in what ______ the
fingerprint came from.
A. Finger
B. Hand
C. Pattern
D. Person
27. Principles of constancy in fingerprint science mean
that finger is _______.
A. Unchanging
B. Not possible of forgery
C. Not conclusive
D. Fallible
27. Principles of constancy in fingerprint science mean
that finger is _______.
A. Unchanging
B. Not possible of forgery
C. Not conclusive
D. Fallible
28. ______consists of one or more ridges which make or
tend to make a complete circuit with two deltas, between
which an imaginary line is drawn. At least one re-
curving ridge within the inner pattern area is cut or
A. A plain whorl
B. Accidental whorl
C. A double loop whorl
D. A central pocket loop
28. ______consists of one or more ridges which make or
tend to make a complete circuit with two deltas, between
which an imaginary line is drawn. At least one re-
curving ridge within the inner pattern area is cut or
A. A plain whorl
B. Accidental whorl
C. A double loop whorl
D. A central pocket loop
29. _____ are the two innermost ridges which start or go
parallel, diverge and surround or tend to surround the
pattern area.
A. The delta
B. Sufficient curve
C. Type line
D. A loop
29. _____ are the two innermost ridges which start or go
parallel, diverge and surround or tend to surround the
pattern area.
A. The delta
B. Sufficient curve
C. Type line
D. A loop
30. _____ consists of the space between the shoulders of
a loop, free of any appendages which about upon it at a
right angle on the outside of the curve.
A. The delta
B. Sufficient curve
C. Type line
D. A loop
30. _____ consists of the space between the shoulders of
a loop, free of any appendages which about upon it at a
right angle on the outside of the curve.
A. The delta
B. Sufficient curve
C. Type line
D. A loop
31. _____ is that type of pattern which possesses an
angle, an up thrust, or two of the three basic
characteristics of the loop.
A. Plain arch
B. Tented arch
C. A loop
D. A type lines
31. _____ is that type of pattern which possesses an
angle, an up thrust, or two of the three basic
characteristics of the loop.
A. Plain arch
B. Tented arch
C. A loop
D. A type lines
32. _____ is the type of pattern in which the ridges
enter upon one side, make a rise or wave in the center,
and flow or tend to flow out upon the opposite side.
A. Plain arch
B. Tented arch
C. A loop
D. Type lines
32. _____ is the type of pattern in which the ridges
enter upon one side, make a rise or wave in the center,
and flow or tend to flow out upon the opposite side.
A. Plain arch
B. Tented arch
C. A loop
D. Type lines
33. If the same digits of both hands are missing the
impressions are held to be _______.
A. Dependents on the classification of the finger
B. Plain whorl, meeting
C. Dependents on ridges tracing
D. Loops
33. If the same digits of both hands are missing the
impressions are held to be _______.
A. Dependents on the classification of the finger
B. Plain whorl, meeting
C. Dependents on ridges tracing
D. Loops
34. The identity of two impressions is established
primarily through ______.
A. Dimensions of the patterns
B. Ridge characteristics and the relative position of
these ridge characteristics
C. Similarity of creases
D. Unexplained similarity of patterns
34. The identity of two impressions is established
primarily through ______.
A. Dimensions of the patterns
B. Ridge characteristics and the relative position of
these ridge characteristics
C. Similarity of creases
D. Unexplained similarity of patterns
35. In case of minor injury affecting only the first
layer of the friction skin, the injury will not
permanently deface the ridges formation provided the
______ is not affected.
A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Bone of the finer
D. Ulna bone
35. In case of minor injury affecting only the first
layer of the friction skin, the injury will not
permanently deface the ridges formation provided the
______ is not affected.
A. Epidermis
B. Dermis
C. Bone of the finer
D. Ulna bone
36. There are several kinds of inked impressions which
are taken simultaneously in the third lower portions of
the fingerprint chart are called _______ impressions.
A. Plain
B. Dust
C. Visible
D. Rolled
36. There are several kinds of inked impressions which
are taken simultaneously in the third lower portions of
the fingerprint chart are called _______ impressions.
A. Plain
B. Dust
C. Visible
D. Rolled
37. Fingerprint should be taken on an ____ ink card, as
the size have been generally adopted because of facility
in filling and the desirability or uniformity.
A. 8x8 1/3
B. 8x8
C. 8x8 ½
D. 8 ½ X8 ½
37. Fingerprint should be taken on an ____ ink card, as
the size have been generally adopted because of facility
in filling and the desirability or uniformity.
A. 8x8 1/3
B. 8x8
C. 8x8 ½
D. 8 ½ X8 ½
38. Twenty four (24) hours after death, the cadaver
becomes hard or stiff. Stiffening muscles in post mortem
cases is known as _____.
A. Occupation diseases
B. Rigor mortis
C. Mortis causa
D. Temporary stiffening of muscles
38. Twenty four (24) hours after death, the cadaver
becomes hard or stiff. Stiffening muscles in post mortem
cases is known as _____.
A. Occupation diseases
B. Rigor mortis
C. Mortis causa
D. Temporary stiffening of muscles
39. Published a book entitled “De Externo Tactus Organo”
A. J. C Mayer
B. Nehemiah Grew
C. Marcelo Malpighi
D. Alphonse Bertillion
39. Published a book entitled “De Externo Tactus Organo”
A. J. C Mayer
B. Nehemiah Grew
C. Marcelo Malpighi
D. Alphonse Bertillion
40. An Anthropologist who wrote his book on ridges and
pores but still never had been associated with
A. Collman
B. Cullman
C. Kollman
D. Kullman
40. An Anthropologist who wrote his book on ridges and
pores but still never had been associated with
A. Collman
B. Cullman
C. Kollman
D. Kullman
41. Records show that in 1918, CARPETAS (Commitment and
Conviction Records) fingerprint is already in used.
A. Bureau of Prison
B. Bureau Deputy
C. Bureau of Justice
D. Bureau of Jail
41. Records show that in 1918, CARPETAS (Commitment and
Conviction Records) fingerprint is already in used.
A. Bureau of Prison
B. Bureau Deputy
C. Bureau of Justice
D. Bureau of Jail
42. The papillary ridges are immutable, perennial or
individual for the third month of the embryonic period
till decomposition sets in after death.
A. Principle of constancy
B. Principle of variation
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Principle of law
42. The papillary ridges are immutable, perennial or
individual for the third month of the embryonic period
till decomposition sets in after death.
A. Principle of constancy
B. Principle of variation
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Principle of law
43. ______ is bone condition in which the finger joints
cannot be bent.
A. Sicatriz
B. Ankylosis
C. Appendage
D. Furrows
43. ______ is bone condition in which the finger joints
cannot be bent.
A. Sicatriz
B. Ankylosis
C. Appendage
D. Furrows
44. It is an appearance of extra finger as anatomically
A. Polydactylism
B. Macrodactylism
C. Extradactylism
D. Incipent ridge
44. It is an appearance of extra finger as anatomically
A. Polydactylism
B. Macrodactylism
C. Extradactylism
D. Incipent ridge
45. It is the application of the principles of various
sciences in solving problem in correction with the
administration of justice.
A. Criminalities
B. Forensic
C. Scientific
D. All of them
45. It is the application of the principles of various
sciences in solving problem in correction with the
administration of justice.
A. Criminalities
B. Forensic
C. Scientific
D. All of them
46. It is an allied science of fingerprints which
embraces the four studies of fingerprints.
A. Chiroscopy
B. Dactylography
C. Podoscopy
D. Dactyloscopy
46. It is an allied science of fingerprints which
embraces the four studies of fingerprints.
A. Chiroscopy
B. Dactylography
C. Podoscopy
D. Dactyloscopy
47. In crime scene procedure upon arriving of the
fingerprint expert should focus his attention in two
focal points.
A. Door and windows
B. Entrance and backyard
C. Entry and Exit
D. All of the above
47. In crime scene procedure upon arriving of the
fingerprint expert should focus his attention in two
focal points.
A. Door and windows
B. Entrance and backyard
C. Entry and Exit
D. All of the above
48. ______ unusual type of ridges found in a small
percentage of patterns.
A. Latent print
B. Incipient ridge
C. Pattern area
D. Type lines
48. ______ unusual type of ridges found in a small
percentage of patterns.
A. Latent print
B. Incipient ridge
C. Pattern area
D. Type lines
49. These fingers are those ones being examined in sub-
secondary classification.
A. Thumb, index and middle
B. Middle, ring and little
C. Index, middle and ring
D. Thumb, middle and little
49. These fingers are those ones being examined in sub-
secondary classification.
A. Thumb, index and middle
B. Middle, ring and little
C. Index, middle and ring
D. Thumb, middle and little
50. It is a single ridge that divides itself two or more
A. Bifurcation
B. Island
C. Dot
D. Convergence
50. It is a single ridge that divides itself two or more
A. Bifurcation
B. Island
C. Dot
D. Convergence
51. In key classification, what pattern is being
considered in the absence of a loop?
A. Tented arch
B. Whorl
C. Plain arch
D. Loop
51. In key classification, what pattern is being
considered in the absence of a loop?
A. Tented arch
B. Whorl
C. Plain arch
D. Loop
52. In taking the fingerprints of the subject, which
finger are rolled away from the body?
A. All fingers except two thumbs
B. Both thumbs only
C. Fingers from left hand only
D. Both thumbs and other fingers
52. In taking the fingerprints of the subject, which
finger are rolled away from the body?
A. All fingers except two thumbs
B. Both thumbs only
C. Fingers from left hand only
D. Both thumbs and other fingers
53. What shall be the symbol of the loop pattern
appearing on the right thumb with a ridge count of 17 if
the left thumb has a ridge count of 17?
A. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
D. Meeting
53. What shall be the symbol of the loop pattern
appearing on the right thumb with a ridge count of 17 if
the left thumb has a ridge count of 17?
A. Small
B. Medium
C. Large
D. Meeting
54. It is a fingerprint pattern in which the downward
slope or the slanting ridges run towards the thumb.
A. Loop
B. Radial loop
C. Ulnar loop
D. Tented arch
54. It is a fingerprint pattern in which the downward
slope or the slanting ridges run towards the thumb.
A. Loop
B. Radial loop
C. Ulnar loop
D. Tented arch
55. It is a division in fingerprint classification,
which derived only from two thumbs.
A. Final
B. Key
C. Major
D. Primary
55. It is a division in fingerprint classification,
which derived only from two thumbs.
A. Final
B. Key
C. Major
D. Primary
56. It refers to the process of counting the ridges that
touch or cross by an imaginary line drawn between the
delta and the core of the loop.
A. Ridge tracing
B. Ridge Counting
C. Blockings
D. Reference
56. It refers to the process of counting the ridges that
touch or cross by an imaginary line drawn between the
delta and the core of the loop.
A. Ridge tracing
B. Ridge Counting
C. Blockings
D. Reference
57. It refers to the focal terminus of fingerprint
A. Delta and core
B. Delta and first ridge count
C. Type line and core
D. Delta and type line
57. It refers to the focal terminus of fingerprint
A. Delta and core
B. Delta and first ridge count
C. Type line and core
D. Delta and type line
58. In deriving the key division, what fingers are
A. Both thumbs
B. Both little fingers
C. Both middle fingers
D. Both index finger
58. In deriving the key division, what fingers are
A. Both thumbs
B. Both little fingers
C. Both middle fingers
D. Both index finger
59. Accidental whorl is a combination of two different
types of pattern, EXCEPT:
A. Tented arch
B. Plain arch
C. Ulnar loop
D. Radial loop
59. Accidental whorl is a combination of two different
types of pattern, EXCEPT:
A. Tented arch
B. Plain arch
C. Ulnar loop
D. Radial loop
60. It is an outer terminus of fingerprint pattern.
A. Delta
B. Core
C. Delta and core
D. Sufficient recurve
60. It is an outer terminus of fingerprint pattern.
A. Delta
B. Core
C. Delta and core
D. Sufficient recurve
61. It is a fingerprint pattern in which the slanting
ridges run towards the direction of little finger.
A. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop
C. Double loop whorl
D. Plain whorl
61. It is a fingerprint pattern in which the slanting
ridges run towards the direction of little finger.
A. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop
C. Double loop whorl
D. Plain whorl
62. It is a division in fingerprint classification,
which represented only by numerator.
A. Final
B. Major
C. Key
D. Primary
62. It is a division in fingerprint classification,
which represented only by numerator.
A. Final
B. Major
C. Key
D. Primary
63. When a subject has no left little finger since
birth, what should be the proper notation in the
fingerprint card?
A. Amputated
B. Born without finger
C. Missing at birth
D. Either A or C
63. When a subject has no left little finger since
birth, what should be the proper notation in the
fingerprint card?
A. Amputated
B. Born without finger
C. Missing at birth
D. Either A or C
64. If the subject has an extra finger, what should be
done by the examiner?
A. Disregard the extra finger
B. Record the extra finger at the back of the
fingerprint card
C. Neither B and C
D. Neither C and B
64. If the subject has an extra finger, what should be
done by the examiner?
A. Disregard the extra finger
B. Record the extra finger at the back of the
fingerprint card
C. Neither B and C
D. Neither C and B
65. It is a division in fingerprint classification which
is placed at the extreme right corner of the
classification line.
A. Key
B. Final
C. Major
D. Primary
65. It is a division in fingerprint classification which
is placed at the extreme right corner of the
classification line.
A. Key
B. Final
C. Major
D. Primary
66. Before fingerprint, the subject hands must be.
A. Clean and wet
B. Clean and dry
C. Dry and large
D. Neither of the choices
66. Before fingerprint, the subject hands must be.
A. Clean and wet
B. Clean and dry
C. Dry and large
D. Neither of the choices
67. In taking fingerprint of the subject, each subject’s
finger should be rolled for how many degrees?
A. 360
B. 45
C. 180
D. 190
67. In taking fingerprint of the subject, each subject’s
finger should be rolled for how many degrees?
A. 360
B. 45
C. 180
D. 190
68. In blocking the fingerprint pattern, what should be
the symbol of an accidental whorl pattern appearing at
index fingers?
A. X
B. W
C. D
D. C
68. In blocking the fingerprint pattern, what should be
the symbol of an accidental whorl pattern appearing at
index fingers?
A. X
B. W
C. D
D. C
69. It is a process of writing below each pattern of the
corresponding symbol of the fingerprint pattern in the
spaces provided in the card conspicuously of in capital
letters purposely.
A. Blocking
B. Primary
C. Secondary
D. Final
69. It is a process of writing below each pattern of the
corresponding symbol of the fingerprint pattern in the
spaces provided in the card conspicuously of in capital
letters purposely.
A. Blocking
B. Primary
C. Secondary
D. Final
70. This is the maximum answer of primary division if
all fingers are whorl pattern.
A. 1/1
B. 33/33
C. 32/32
D. 34/32
70. This is the maximum answer of primary division if
all fingers are whorl pattern.
A. 1/1
B. 33/33
C. 32/32
D. 34/32
71. When a loop pattern has an even number of bars (2
bars) inside the looping ridge, which of these will be
selected as core?
A. The one that nearest to the delta
B. The one that is farthest from the delta
C. Either A and B
D. Neither A or B
71. When a loop pattern has an even number of bars (2
bars) inside the looping ridge, which of these will be
selected as core?
A. The one that nearest to the delta
B. The one that is farthest from the delta
C. Either A and B
D. Neither A or B
72. In deriving the key division, which fingers are
A. Both thumbs
B. Both middle fingers
C. Both little fingers
D. None of them
72. In deriving the key division, which fingers are
A. Both thumbs
B. Both middle fingers
C. Both little fingers
D. None of them
73. In deriving major division, these fingers are not
A. All fingers except thumbs
B. Both thumbs except other fingers
C. Both middle fingers only
D. Both little fingers only
73. In deriving major division, these fingers are not
A. All fingers except thumbs
B. Both thumbs except other fingers
C. Both middle fingers only
D. Both little fingers only
74. In deriving sub-secondary division wherein an index
finger has a ridge count of 9, what should be the
correct interpretation?
A. Inner
B. Outer
C. Meeting
D. Dash
74. In deriving sub-secondary division wherein an index
finger has a ridge count of 9, what should be the
correct interpretation?
A. Inner
B. Outer
C. Meeting
D. Dash
75. In the absence of a loop in deriving the key
division, what should be done?
A. Ridge count the whorl pattern appearing on little
B. Ridge count the 1st whorl pattern appearing on any
fingers except two little fingers
C. Ridge count the whorl the pattern appearing on two
middle fingers only
D. None of these
75. In the absence of a loop in deriving the key
division, what should be done?
A. Ridge count the whorl pattern appearing on little
B. Ridge count the 1st whorl pattern appearing on any
fingers except two little fingers
C. Ridge count the whorl the pattern appearing on two
middle fingers only
D. None of these
76. These are divisions in fingerprint classification
wherein whorls and loop pattern are both counted.
A. Final
B. Key
C. Major
D. Key and Primary
76. These are divisions in fingerprint classification
wherein whorls and loop pattern are both counted.
A. Final
B. Key
C. Major
D. Key and Primary
77. The division in fingerprint classification wherein
whorls and loops pattern are both counted.
A. Secondary and final
B. Final and major
C. Final and key
D. Key and primary
77. The division in fingerprint classification wherein
whorls and loops pattern are both counted.
A. Secondary and final
B. Final and major
C. Final and key
D. Key and primary
78. For the purpose of deriving the final division the
accidental whorls should.
A. Be counted as to its least ridge count
B. Be treated as ulnar loop
C. Be counted as to its top loop
D. Should be given an interpretation of dash
78. For the purpose of deriving the final division the
accidental whorls should.
A. Be counted as to its least ridge count
B. Be treated as ulnar loop
C. Be counted as to its top loop
D. Should be given an interpretation of dash
79. Rules governing the choice between two or more
possible deltas. The delta may not be located at a point
of a bifurcation which does not open towards the core.
A. Rule no. 2
B. Rule no. 3
C. Rule no. 1
D. Rule no. 5
79. Rules governing the choice between two or more
possible deltas. The delta may not be located at a point
of a bifurcation which does not open towards the core.
A. Rule no. 2
B. Rule no. 3
C. Rule no. 1
D. Rule no. 5
80. A bifurcation is always selected as a delta there is
another type of delta formation just equally close to
the point of divergence of the type lines.
A. Rule no. 2
B. Rule No. 3
C. Rule No. 1
D. Rule no. 5
80. A bifurcation is always selected as a delta there is
another type of delta formation just equally close to
the point of divergence of the type lines.
A. Rule no. 2
B. Rule No. 3
C. Rule No. 1
D. Rule no. 5
81. Rules in core location are the process of
determining on numerous ridge formations. In what rule
under these statement: core in loop pattern are formed
in a variety of ways, but are always found on or within
the innermost looping or re-curving ridge.
A. Rule no. 4
B. Rule no. 5
C. Rule no. 1
D. Rule no. 2
81. Rules in core location are the process of
determining on numerous ridge formations. In what rule
under these statement: core in loop pattern are formed
in a variety of ways, but are always found on or within
the innermost looping or re-curving ridge.
A. Rule no. 4
B. Rule no. 5
C. Rule no. 1
D. Rule no. 2
82. When the inner most re-curving ridge contains or rod
rising as high as the shoulder of the loop, the core is
place on the shoulder of the farthest from the delta.
A. Rule no. 1
B. Rule no. 3
C. Rule no. 2
D. Rule no. 4
82. When the inner most re-curving ridge contains or rod
rising as high as the shoulder of the loop, the core is
place on the shoulder of the farthest from the delta.
A. Rule no. 1
B. Rule no. 3
C. Rule no. 2
D. Rule no. 4
83. When the inner most re-curving ridge contains an
uneven number or rods rising as high as the shoulder of
said re-curving ridge, the core is placed upon the end
of the center rod, whether it touches the looping ridge
or not.
A. Rule no. 5
B. Rule no. 3
C. Rule no. 2
D. Rule no. 1
83. When the inner most re-curving ridge contains an
uneven number or rods rising as high as the shoulder of
said re-curving ridge, the core is placed upon the end
of the center rod, whether it touches the looping ridge
or not.
A. Rule no. 5
B. Rule no. 3
C. Rule no. 2
D. Rule no. 1
84. To classify the ten (10) fingers, if the fingers
nos. 1 to 5 are radial loop and the rest of fingers are
whorl pattern, what is your primary and secondary
A. 4/8 W/R
B. 6/8 R/W
C. 8/4 R/W
D. 10/4 R/2
84. To classify the ten (10) fingers, if the fingers
nos. 1 to 5 are radial loop and the rest of fingers are
whorl pattern, what is your primary and secondary
A. 4/8 W/R
B. 6/8 R/W
C. 8/4 R/W
D. 10/4 R/2
85. If fingers no. 1 to 5 Central pocket loop, 6 to 8
plain arches, 9 and 10 are radial loop. What is your
primary and second classification?
A. 24/26 A/C
B. 25/29 C/A
C. 29/25 W/A
D. 27/24 A/D
85. If fingers no. 1 to 5 Central pocket loop, 6 to 8
plain arches, 9 and 10 are radial loop. What is your
primary and second classification?
A. 24/26 A/C
B. 25/29 C/A
C. 29/25 W/A
D. 27/24 A/D
86. If 5 fingers from the right hand and 5 fingers from the
left hand are S- type pattern. What is your primary and
secondary classification?
A. 31 S
31 S
B. 32 S
32 S
C. 32 W
32 W
D. 32 W
32 S
86. If 5 fingers from the right hand and 5 fingers from the
left hand are S- type pattern. What is your primary and
secondary classification?
A. 31 S
31 S
B. 32 S
32 S
C. 32 W
32 W
D. 32 W
32 S
87. In taking of rolled impression. The fingers should
be inked.
A. On the last joint only
B. Up to the second joint
C. Up to the first joint
D. Up to the fourth
87. In taking of rolled impression. The fingers should
be inked.
A. On the last joint only
B. Up to the second joint
C. Up to the first joint
D. Up to the fourth
88. In taking rolled impressions, the index finger
should be rolled.
A. Towards the body of the subject
B. Away from the body of the subject
C. To the left side
D. To the right side
88. In taking rolled impressions, the index finger
should be rolled.
A. Towards the body of the subject
B. Away from the body of the subject
C. To the left side
D. To the right side
89. In primary division, all whorls from pair no. 2
shall be given a value of.
A. 16
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2
89. In primary division, all whorls from pair no. 2
shall be given a value of.
A. 16
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2
90. If the loop pattern is located in the middle finger
and it has 10 ridge counts, how shall be write this in
the sub-secondary division?
A. I (inner)
B. M (meeting)
C. O (outer)
D. S (small)
90. If the loop pattern is located in the middle finger
and it has 10 ridge counts, how shall be write this in
the sub-secondary division?
A. I (inner)
B. M (meeting)
C. O (outer)
D. S (small)
91. In taking right hand impression of the subject, the
technician should stand at the.
A. Left side of the subject
B. Right side of the subject
C. In front of the subject
D. At the back of the subject
91. In taking right hand impression of the subject, the
technician should stand at the.
A. Left side of the subject
B. Right side of the subject
C. In front of the subject
D. At the back of the subject
92. It is the only division in fingerprint card that
does not have denominator.
A. Major division
B. Secondary division
C. Final division
D. Key division
92. It is the only division in fingerprint card that
does not have denominator.
A. Major division
B. Secondary division
C. Final division
D. Key division
93. In ridge, tracing, if the tracing ridge goes above
the right delta and there are five intervening ridges,
it is a _____whorl.
A. Meeting
B. Outer
C. Exceptional
D. Inner
93. In ridge, tracing, if the tracing ridge goes above
the right delta and there are five intervening ridges,
it is a _____whorl.
A. Meeting
B. Outer
C. Exceptional
D. Inner
94. For the purpose of final classification the central
pocket loop whorl and the plain whorl shall be
considered as _______.
A. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop
C. Tented loop
D. Plain arch
94. For the purpose of final classification the central
pocket loop whorl and the plain whorl shall be
considered as _______.
A. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop
C. Tented loop
D. Plain arch
95. It refers to the focal terminus of the fingerprint
A. Delta and core
B. Type lines and core
C. Delta and first ridge count
D. Delta type lines
95. It refers to the focal terminus of the fingerprint
A. Delta and core
B. Type lines and core
C. Delta and first ridge count
D. Delta type lines
96. It refers to the size of short ridge.
A. 1mm
B. 2mm
C. 1cm
D. 2cm
96. It refers to the size of short ridge.
A. 1mm
B. 2mm
C. 1cm
D. 2cm
97. It refers to the process of counting the ridges that
touch or cross by an imaginary line drawn between delta
and the core loop?
A. Ridge tracing
B. Blockings
C. Ridge counting
D. Reference
97. It refers to the process of counting the ridges that
touch or cross by an imaginary line drawn between delta
and the core loop?
A. Ridge tracing
B. Blockings
C. Ridge counting
D. Reference
98. When the subject has no left little finger since
birth, what should be the proper notation in the
fingerprint card?
A. Amputated
B. Missing at birth
C. Both without finger
D. Either A or C
98. When the subject has no left little finger since
birth, what should be the proper notation in the
fingerprint card?
A. Amputated
B. Missing at birth
C. Both without finger
D. Either A or C
99. If the subject has an extra finger, what should be
done by the examiner?
A. Disregard the extra finger
B. Record the extra finger at the back of the
fingerprint card
C. Either A or C
D. None of them
99. If the subject has an extra finger, what should be
done by the examiner?
A. Disregard the extra finger
B. Record the extra finger at the back of the
fingerprint card
C. Either A or C
D. None of them
100. It is a meeting of two ridges that were previously
meeting side by side?
A. Type lines
B. Diverging ridge
C. Pattern area
D. Converging ridge
100. It is a meeting of two ridges that were previously
meeting side by side?
A. Type lines
B. Diverging ridge
C. Pattern area
D. Converging ridge
Personal Identification
(Forensic Dactyloscopy)

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
1. When two different specimens put under a process of a
careful and a thorough examination relative to its
characteristics and patterns present so as to produce
conclusion of whether the said specimens are identical
or not, in personal identification technique, it is
called ___
A. Fingerprint Comparison
B. Fingerprint Classification
C. Fingerprint Identification
D. Personal Identification
1. When two different specimens put under a process of a
careful and a thorough examination relative to its
characteristics and patterns present so as to produce
conclusion of whether the said specimens are identical
or not, in personal identification technique, it is
called ___
A. Fingerprint Comparison
B. Fingerprint Classification
C. Fingerprint Identification
D. Personal Identification
2. The state of the art computer based identification system
which includes the process of automatically matching one or
many unknown fingerprints against a database of known and
unknown prints.
A. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
B. Fingerprint Comparison
C. Fingerprint classification
D. Personal Identification
2. The state of the art computer based identification system
which includes the process of automatically matching one or
many unknown fingerprints against a database of known and
unknown prints.
A. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
B. Fingerprint Comparison
C. Fingerprint classification
D. Personal Identification
3. After the latent print has been processed and
developed from the crime scene, the next responsibility
of the fingerprint technician is to look for a possible
match of such questioned print with those available
standard prints on file.
A. True C. Possibly True
B. False D. Possibly False
3. After the latent print has been processed and
developed from the crime scene, the next responsibility
of the fingerprint technician is to look for a possible
match of such questioned print with those available
standard prints on file.
A. True C. Possibly True
B. False D. Possibly False
4. All the process of comparison are govern by the
number of identical characteristics of the ridges in
which most courts consider _____ points of identity is
sufficient for a convincing identification?

A. 8 to 12 C. 10 to 15
B. 5 to 7 D. 8 to 10
4. All the process of comparison are govern by the
number of identical characteristics of the ridges in
which most courts consider _____ points of identity is
sufficient for a convincing identification?

A. 8 to 12 C. 10 to 15
B. 5 to 7 D. 8 to 10
5. When a person under arrest who refuses to be
fingerprinted may be prosecuted by disobedience to the
agent of the person in authority, defined in, and
penalized by ___
A. Article 151 of Revised Penal Code
B. Article 251 of Revised Penal Code
C. Article 171 of revised Penal Code
D. SC Opinion No. 204 series of 1939
5. When a person under arrest who refuses to be
fingerprinted may be prosecuted by disobedience to the
agent of the person in authority, defined in, and
penalized by ___
A. Article 151 of Revised Penal Code
B. Article 251 of Revised Penal Code
C. Article 171 of revised Penal Code
D. SC Opinion No. 204 series of 1939
6.An Scottish Missionary Doctor which concluded that
fingerprint patterns are unchangeable.
A. Henry Faulds
B. Edward Richard Henry
C. Juan Vucetich
D. William Herschel
6.An Scottish Missionary Doctor which concluded that
fingerprint patterns are unchangeable.
A. Henry Faulds
B. Edward Richard Henry
C. Juan Vucetich
D. William Herschel
7. Fingerprint experts are convinced that “no two
persons shall have the same fingerprint
characteristics”. But according to some mathematicians,
there might be a possibility of two persons having the
same fingerprint to the ratio of _____ ?
A. 1:64 billion C. 1:6 million
B. 1:64 million D. 1:6 billion
7. Fingerprint experts are convinced that “no two
persons shall have the same fingerprint
characteristics”. But according to some mathematicians,
there might be a possibility of two persons having the
same fingerprint to the ratio of _____ ?
A. 1:64 billion C. 1:6 million
B. 1:64 million D. 1:6 billion
8. To have a good impression of the inked fingerprint
pattern, it is necessary that the finger be rolled from
one side to the other side forming an angle of
A. 180 degrees C. 160 degrees
B. 100 degrees D. 140 degrees
8. To have a good impression of the inked fingerprint
pattern, it is necessary that the finger be rolled from
one side to the other side forming an angle of
A. 180 degrees C. 160 degrees
B. 100 degrees D. 140 degrees
9. When one finger is amputated or missing, it is given
the classification of?
A. As the opposite finger
B. Whorl with ridge tracing of M (meeting)
C. Loop with a ridge count of 12
D. Plain or tented arch
9. When one finger is amputated or missing, it is given
the classification of?
A. As the opposite finger
B. Whorl with ridge tracing of M (meeting)
C. Loop with a ridge count of 12
D. Plain or tented arch
10. A fingerprint pattern with a single loop but possessed
two deltas?
A. Central pocket loop C. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop D. Accidental Whorl
10. A fingerprint pattern with a single loop but possessed
two deltas?
A. Central pocket loop C. Radial loop
B. Ulnar loop D. Accidental Whorl
11. In support to the study of fingerprint for personal
identification purposes, the study of the functions and
contribution of the sweat glands and pores is anchored
on the field of ___ ?
A.Poroscopy C. Podoscopy
B.Chiroscopy D. Dactyloscopy
11. In support to the study of fingerprint for personal
identification purposes, the study of the functions and
contribution of the sweat glands and pores is anchored
on the field of ___ ?
A.Poroscopy C. Podoscopy
B.Chiroscopy D. Dactyloscopy
12. The very first obstruction and/or center of the type
lines within the pattern area must be recognized being
one of the focal points in fingerprint identification.
This focal point of fingerprint can be identified
A. Delta C. Core
B. Pattern area D. Type lines
12. The very first obstruction and/or center of the type
lines within the pattern area must be recognized being
one of the focal points in fingerprint identification.
This focal point of fingerprint can be identified
A. Delta C. Core
B. Pattern area D. Type lines
13. The method of identifying a person through
measurement of length and width of the head and left
ear, the length of left hand and middle finger
including the elbow is called ___ ?

A.Anthropometric system C.Photographic eye

B.Tattoing D. Branding
13. The method of identifying a person through
measurement of length and width of the head and left
ear, the length of left hand and middle finger
including the elbow is called ___ ?

A.Anthropometric system C.Photographic eye

B.Tattoing D. Branding
14. When fingerprint of every individual will remain
unchangeable until one losses his life and decomposed,
then it prevails a fingerprint dogmatic principle
A. Principle of permanency
B. Principle of individuality
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Principle of fingerprint
14. When fingerprint of every individual will remain
unchangeable until one losses his life and decomposed,
then it prevails a fingerprint dogmatic principle
A. Principle of permanency
B. Principle of individuality
C. Principle of infallibility
D. Principle of fingerprint
15. It is an epidermal hairless skin usually found in
the palms and soles and it is where fingerprints are
A. Friction ridge C. Friction skin
B. Fingerprint D. Latent print
15. It is an epidermal hairless skin usually found in
the palms and soles and it is where fingerprints are
A. Friction ridge C. Friction skin
B. Fingerprint D. Latent print
16. They are considered as the two innermost ridges that
start parallel, diverge, surround or tend to surround
the pattern area?
A. Type lines C. Diverging lines
B. Pattern area D. Delta and core
16. They are considered as the two innermost ridges that
start parallel, diverge, surround or tend to surround
the pattern area?
A. Type lines C. Diverging lines
B. Pattern area D. Delta and core
17. A man who was considered as a man without
fingerprint who was surgically removed the fingerprint
of the first joint of his fingers and covered it with
another skin from his chest but somehow, his efforts
however, turn futile?
A. Robert James Pitt C. John Dillinger
B. Thomas Taylor D. Herman Welcker
17. A man who was considered as a man without
fingerprint who was surgically removed the fingerprint
of the first joint of his fingers and covered it with
another skin from his chest but somehow, his efforts
however, turn futile?
A. Robert James Pitt C. John Dillinger
B. Thomas Taylor D. Herman Welcker
18. When the ridges start at one side of the pattern and
goes towards the upper corner of the opposite side, the
side from which they come originally with core in the
center and delta at the edge of the pattern area?
A. Loop C. Whorl
B. Arch D. Pattern area
18. When the ridges start at one side of the pattern and
goes towards the upper corner of the opposite side, the
side from which they come originally with core in the
center and delta at the edge of the pattern area?
A. Loop C. Whorl
B. Arch D. Pattern area
19. If there exist to identify no two person have the
same fingerprint patterns, then it denotes a
fingerprint dogmatic principle called?
A. Individuality C. Permanency
B. Infallibility D. Reliability
19. If there exist to identify no two person have the
same fingerprint patterns, then it denotes a
fingerprint dogmatic principle called?
A. Individuality C. Permanency
B. Infallibility D. Reliability
20. A person who concluded after due examinations that
fingerprint patterns are unchangeable and that the
superficial injury of the fingers did not after them,
they returned to their former design as the injury
A. Dr. Henry Faulds
B. Juan Vucetich
C. William James Herschel
D. Johanes Purkenji
20. A person who concluded after due examinations that
fingerprint patterns are unchangeable and that the
superficial injury of the fingers did not after them,
they returned to their former design as the injury
A. Dr. Henry Faulds
B. Juan Vucetich
C. William James Herschel
D. Johanes Purkenji
21. A ridge formed by a bifurcation but which does not
remain open, after running along side by side for a
short distance, the splitting ridge meet again to form
a single ridge is a characteristic of ridge called?
A. Ridge enclosure C. Island/dot
B. Ridge bridge D. Ridge hook
21. A ridge formed by a bifurcation but which does not
remain open, after running along side by side for a
short distance, the splitting ridge meet again to form
a single ridge is a characteristic of ridge called?
A. Ridge enclosure C. Island/dot
B. Ridge bridge D. Ridge hook
22. In the absence of the delta and core where ridges
flow from one side to the other side without recurving,
it best described a pattern called?
A. Arch C. Loop
B. Whorl D. Ridges
22. In the absence of the delta and core where ridges
flow from one side to the other side without recurving,
it best described a pattern called?
A. Arch C. Loop
B. Whorl D. Ridges
23. In the Philippines setting of fingerprint
development, he was the first Filipino Fingerprint
Technician and was employed in the Philippine
A. Generoso Reyes C. Generoso Perez
B. Flaviano heneroso D. Heneruso Reyes
23. In the Philippines setting of fingerprint
development, he was the first Filipino Fingerprint
Technician and was employed in the Philippine
A. Generoso Reyes C. Generoso Perez
B. Flaviano heneroso D. Heneruso Reyes
24. A fingerprint principle which explains the
configuration and details of individual ridges remain
constant and unchanging?
A. Permanency C. Individuality
B. Infallibility D. Reliability
24. A fingerprint principle which explains the
configuration and details of individual ridges remain
constant and unchanging?
A. Permanency C. Individuality
B. Infallibility D. Reliability
25. When an imaginary line is drawn between the core and
the delta where ridges touched or crosses, the ridges
must be count and put under the process called?
A. Ridge counting C. Ridge tracing
B. Core tracing D. Delta tracing
25. When an imaginary line is drawn between the core and
the delta where ridges touched or crosses, the ridges
must be count and put under the process called?
A. Ridge counting C. Ridge tracing
B. Core tracing D. Delta tracing
26. Under the rule, when there is a choice between a
bifurcation and another type of delta, the bifurcation
is selected as the delta?
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
26. Under the rule, when there is a choice between a
bifurcation and another type of delta, the bifurcation
is selected as the delta?
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
27. These are tiny holes of the skin where sweats and
other secretion may come out?
A. Pores C. Sweat gland
B. Dermis D. Epidermis
27. These are tiny holes of the skin where sweats and
other secretion may come out?
A. Pores C. Sweat gland
B. Dermis D. Epidermis
28. A significant person in the history of fingerprint,
who classified nine principal configuration groups of
fingerprint and assigned each a name which he was known
to be as the “Father of Dactyloscopy”.
A. Edward Richard Henry
B. Dr. Henry Faulds
C. Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
D. Dr. Alphonse Bertillon
28. A significant person in the history of fingerprint,
who classified nine principal configuration groups of
fingerprint and assigned each a name which he was known
to be as the “Father of Dactyloscopy”.
A. Edward Richard Henry
B. Dr. Henry Faulds
C. Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
D. Dr. Alphonse Bertillon
29. They are sometimes called as the skeleton of pattern
which serves as basic boundaries of a fingerprint
pattern where two innermost ridges start, Diverge and
surround or tends to surround the pattern area?
A. Type lines C. Pattern area
B. Fingerprint pattern D. Ridges
29. They are sometimes called as the skeleton of pattern
which serves as basic boundaries of a fingerprint
pattern where two innermost ridges start, Diverge and
surround or tends to surround the pattern area?
A. Type lines C. Pattern area
B. Fingerprint pattern D. Ridges
30. When the innermost sufficient recurve contains an
even number of rods rising as high as the shoulders,
the core is placed upon the end of the center rod where
it touches the looping ridge or not?
A. True C. Maybe true
B. False D. Maybe false
30. When the innermost sufficient recurve contains an
even number of rods rising as high as the shoulders,
the core is placed upon the end of the center rod where
it touches the looping ridge or not?
A. True C. Maybe true
B. False D. Maybe false
31. A known criminal who tried to efface his fingerprint
by burning them with acid, but not to no avail.
A. John Dillinger C. Roscoe James Pitt
B. Robert Phillips D. James Bond
31. A known criminal who tried to efface his fingerprint
by burning them with acid, but not to no avail.
A. John Dillinger C. Roscoe James Pitt
B. Robert Phillips D. James Bond
32. The following are early methods of identification
A. Rouges Gallery
B. Descriptive Clothing
C. Photographic eye
D. Mutilation
32. The following are early methods of identification
A. Rouges Gallery
B. Descriptive Clothing
C. Photographic eye
D. Mutilation
33. It is the very first obstruction at or in front of
and nearest the center of the point of divergence of the
A. Delta
B. Appendage
C. Core
D. Ridge
33. It is the very first obstruction at or in front of
and nearest the center of the point of divergence of the
A. Delta
B. Appendage
C. Core
D. Ridge
34. When reproduction has made to some smooth surface of
the hard formed by the ridges and furrows, it denotes
the so called?
A. Fingerprint C. Friction ridge
B. Impression D. Friction skin
34. When reproduction has made to some smooth surface of
the hard formed by the ridges and furrows, it denotes
the so called?
A. Fingerprint C. Friction ridge
B. Impression D. Friction skin
35. When a characteristic of the ridge edge has been
dealt with for comparison purposes, then it denotes a
study called?
A. Edgeoscopy C. Ridgeology
B. Polydactylism D. Dactyloscopy
35. When a characteristic of the ridge edge has been
dealt with for comparison purposes, then it denotes a
study called?
A. Edgeoscopy C. Ridgeology
B. Polydactylism D. Dactyloscopy
36. When the emanating ridge from the left delta to the
right delta goes below from its location. It denotes a
tracing called?
A. Outer whorl C. Inner whorl
B. Meeting whorl D. Whorl
36. When the emanating ridge from the left delta to the
right delta goes below from its location. It denotes a
tracing called?
A. Outer whorl C. Inner whorl
B. Meeting whorl D. Whorl
37. Basically, fingerprint are divided into different
fingerprint patterns except;
A. Accidental C. Loops
B. Archs D. Whorls
37. Basically, fingerprint are divided into different
fingerprint patterns except;
A. Accidental C. Loops
B. Archs D. Whorls
38. They are found in all parts of the body and are the
only sweat gland found on the palms of the hands and
the soles of the feet?
A. Eccrine Glands C. Apocrine Glands
B. Sebaceous Glands D. Sweat Glands
38. They are found in all parts of the body and are the
only sweat gland found on the palms of the hands and
the soles of the feet?
A. Eccrine Glands C. Apocrine Glands
B. Sebaceous Glands D. Sweat Glands
39. A person who contributed the system of
classification which up to date were applied most for
criminal investigation and personal identification
through fingerprint examination by most of the law
enforcement agencies around the world. This system was
called the “Henry System” of Fingerprint
A. Sir Edward Richard Henry
B. Sir Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
C. Sir Francis Galton
D. Sir Marcelo Malpighi
39. A person who contributed the system of
classification which up to date were applied most for
criminal investigation and personal identification
through fingerprint examination by most of the law
enforcement agencies around the world. This system was
called the “Henry System” of Fingerprint
A. Sir Edward Richard Henry
B. Sir Johanes Evangelist Purkenji
C. Sir Francis Galton
D. Sir Marcelo Malpighi
40. The complete representation of formula derived from
the arrangement of ten fingerprint records into groups
or subgroups for filing purposes is referred to as
A. Fingerprint Classification
B. Fingerprint comparison
C. Fingerprint examination
D. Fingerprint record system
40. The complete representation of formula derived from
the arrangement of ten fingerprint records into groups
or subgroups for filing purposes is referred to as
A. Fingerprint Classification
B. Fingerprint comparison
C. Fingerprint examination
D. Fingerprint record system
41. The first loop appearing on the ten fingers at the
fingerprint card shall be treated its ridge count and
shall be brought into the classification line under the
____, in the classification formula?
A. Key Classification
B. Final Classification
C. Major Classification
D. Primary Classification
41. The first loop appearing on the ten fingers at the
fingerprint card shall be treated its ridge count and
shall be brought into the classification line under the
____, in the classification formula?
A. Key Classification
B. Final Classification
C. Major Classification
D. Primary Classification
42. Considering the ridge count of the first loop
appearing in the ten fingerprints, the treated number
of ridge shall be recorded in the classification
formula at the ___ side of the line?
A. Numerator or above the classification line
B. Denominator
C. At any side where it was get
D. Either b or c
42. Considering the ridge count of the first loop
appearing in the ten fingerprints, the treated number
of ridge shall be recorded in the classification
formula at the ___ side of the line?
A. Numerator or above the classification line
B. Denominator
C. At any side where it was get
D. Either b or c
43. The fingers appear in number 1,3,5,7 and 9 under the
primary classification shall treated and represented as
___ in the classification formula.
A. Denominators C. Numerators
B. Below the line D. Above the line
43. The fingers appear in number 1,3,5,7 and 9 under the
primary classification shall treated and represented as
___ in the classification formula.
A. Denominators C. Numerators
B. Below the line D. Above the line
44. When two or more fingers are amputated, they are
given classification ___ with no additional reference?
A. Identical with fingers opposite
B. Identical with the general pattern of the opposite
C. Identical with ridges only
D. Identical with the patterns at the left side finger
44. When two or more fingers are amputated, they are
given classification ___ with no additional reference?
A. Identical with fingers opposite
B. Identical with the general pattern of the opposite
C. Identical with ridges only
D. Identical with the patterns at the left side finger
45. When the tracing ridge abruptly terminates, the next
lower ridge shall be the continuation.
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
45. When the tracing ridge abruptly terminates, the next
lower ridge shall be the continuation.
A. True C. Maybe yes
B. False D. Maybe not
46. The type of the classification formula which are
concerned only with the thumbs of both fingers, finger
number 1 and 6 and is placed at the left of the primary
A. Major classification
B. Final Classification
C. Key Classification
D. Primary Classification
46. The type of the classification formula which are
concerned only with the thumbs of both fingers, finger
number 1 and 6 and is placed at the left of the primary
A. Major classification
B. Final Classification
C. Key Classification
D. Primary Classification
47. A pattern which consist of two or more type in a
single pattern area with the exception to plain arch,
or a pattern which possess some of the requirements for
two or more different types?
A. Accidental whorl
B. Double loop whorl
C.Plain whorl
D.Central pocket loop
47. A pattern which consist of two or more type in a
single pattern area with the exception to plain arch,
or a pattern which possess some of the requirements for
two or more different types?
A. Accidental whorl
B. Double loop whorl
C.Plain whorl
D.Central pocket loop
48. While those patters which consist of at least one
recurving ridge, or an obstruction at right angles to
the line flow, with two deltas between which when an
imaginary line is drawn, no recurving ridge within the
pattern area is cut or touched?
A. Central Pocket Loop
B. Double Loop whorl
C.Plain whorl
D.Accidental whorl
48. While those patters which consist of at least one
recurving ridge, or an obstruction at right angles to
the line flow, with two deltas between which when an
imaginary line is drawn, no recurving ridge within the
pattern area is cut or touched?
A. Central Pocket Loop
B. Double Loop whorl
C.Plain whorl
D.Accidental whorl
49. A classification formula that is concerned only with
the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands is
called __ ?
A. Sub-secondary Classification
B. Secondary Classificatio
C. Major Classification
D. Final Classification
49. A classification formula that is concerned only with
the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands is
called __ ?
A. Sub-secondary Classification
B. Secondary Classificatio
C. Major Classification
D. Final Classification
50. A French Police Clerk who introduced and established
the first systematic identification system based on
anthropmetrical Signalment and became the founder of
criminal identification.
A. Fox Talbot
B. Thomas Byrnes
C. Alphonse Bertillon
D. Francis Galton
50. A French Police Clerk who introduced and established
the first systematic identification system based on
anthropmetrical Signalment and became the founder of
criminal identification.
A. Fox Talbot
B. Thomas Byrnes
C. Alphonse Bertillon
D. Francis Galton
51. The following except one, are composites of whorl;
A. Ulnar loop
B. Double loop
C. Accidental whorl
D. Pocket loop
51. The following except one, are composites of whorl;
A. Ulnar loop
B. Double loop
C. Accidental whorl
D. Pocket loop
52. A type of fingerprint pattern in which the slope or
downward flow of the innermost sufficient recurve is
towards the thumb of radius bone of the hand of origin.
A. ulnar loop
B. tented arch
C. accidental whorl
D. radial loop
52. A type of fingerprint pattern in which the slope or
downward flow of the innermost sufficient recurve is
towards the thumb of radius bone of the hand of origin.
A. ulnar loop
B. tented arch
C. accidental whorl
D. radial loop
53.The point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the
center of the divergence of the type lines.
A. Divergence
B. Island
C. Delta
D. Bifurcation
53.The point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the
center of the divergence of the type lines.
A. Divergence
B. Island
C. Delta
D. Bifurcation
54.The process of recording fingerprint through the use of
fingerprint ink.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
54.The process of recording fingerprint through the use of
fingerprint ink.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
55.The fingerprint method of identification.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
55.The fingerprint method of identification.
A. Pathology
B. Fingerprinting
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Printing press
56.Two lines that run parallel or nearly parallel, diverge
and surround the pattern area.
A. Ridges
B. Delta
C. Type line
D. Bifurcation
56.Two lines that run parallel or nearly parallel, diverge
and surround the pattern area.
A. Ridges
B. Delta
C. Type line
D. Bifurcation
57.A part of the whorl or loop in which appear the cores,
deltas and ridges.
A. type line
B. bifurcation
C. pattern area
D. furrow
57.A part of the whorl or loop in which appear the cores,
deltas and ridges.
A. type line
B. bifurcation
C. pattern area
D. furrow
58.Fingerprints left on various surfaces at the crime scene
which are not clearly visible.
A. plane impressions
B. visible fingerprints
C. rolled impressions
D. latent fingerprints
58.Fingerprints left on various surfaces at the crime scene
which are not clearly visible.
A. plane impressions
B. visible fingerprints
C. rolled impressions
D. latent fingerprints
59.The impressions left by the patterns of ridges and
depressions on various surfaces.
A. kiss marks
B. finger rolls
C. thumb marks
D. fingerprints
59.The impressions left by the patterns of ridges and
depressions on various surfaces.
A. kiss marks
B. finger rolls
C. thumb marks
D. fingerprints
60.The minimum identical characteristics to justify the
identity between two points.
A. Eighteen
B. Fifteen
C. Twelve
D. Nine
60.The minimum identical characteristics to justify the
identity between two points.
A. Eighteen
B. Fifteen
C. Twelve
D. Nine
61.A fingerprint pattern in which the ridges form a
sequence of spirals around core axes.
A. whorl
B. double loop
C. central pocket loop
D. accidental
61.A fingerprint pattern in which the ridges form a
sequence of spirals around core axes.
A. whorl
B. double loop
C. central pocket loop
D. accidental
62.A fingerprint pattern which one or more ridges enter on
either side of the impression by a recurve, and terminate
on the same side where the ridge has entered.
A. Loop
B. radial loop
C. ulnar loop
D. tented arch
62.A fingerprint pattern which one or more ridges enter on
either side of the impression by a recurve, and terminate
on the same side where the ridge has entered.
A. Loop
B. radial loop
C. ulnar loop
D. tented arch
63.In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he used
fingerprints to prevent fraudulent collection of army pay
account and for identification of other documents. He was
known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
A. William Herschel
B. Francis Galton
C. Gilbert Thompson
D. Alphose Bertillon
63.In Hoogly, district of Bengal, India, he used
fingerprints to prevent fraudulent collection of army pay
account and for identification of other documents. He was
known as the Father of Chiroscopy.
A. William Herschel
B. Francis Galton
C. Gilbert Thompson
D. Alphose Bertillon
64.The art of identification by comparison of fingerprint
is called:
A. Dactylography
B. All of the these
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Palmistry
64.The art of identification by comparison of fingerprint
is called:
A. Dactylography
B. All of the these
C. Dactyloscopy
D. Palmistry
65.Among the following, which has the greatest value in
scientific examination/identification?
A. Dental examination
B. Fingerprinting
C. Photography
D. Pictures Parle
65.Among the following, which has the greatest value in
scientific examination/identification?
A. Dental examination
B. Fingerprinting
C. Photography
D. Pictures Parle
66.A noted British anthropologist who began observation
which led to the publication in 1882 of his book
“Fingerprints.” That established the individuality of
classifying fingerprint patterns.
A. Francis Galton
B. Gilbert Thompson
C. Wayne Kate
D. Alphonse Bertillon
66.A noted British anthropologist who began observation
which led to the publication in 1882 of his book
“Fingerprints.” That established the individuality of
classifying fingerprint patterns.
A. Francis Galton
B. Gilbert Thompson
C. Wayne Kate
D. Alphonse Bertillon
67.The term use to refer to a single recurving ridge
enclosing one or more rods or bars of a fingerprint.
A. None of these
B. Envelope
C. Furrows
D. Bifurcation
67.The term use to refer to a single recurving ridge
enclosing one or more rods or bars of a fingerprint.
A. None of these
B. Envelope
C. Furrows
D. Bifurcation
68.These are depressions or canals between the ridges of a
fingerprint which maybe compared with the low area in a
tire tread.
A. None of these
B. Envelope
C. Furrows
D. Bifurcation
68.These are depressions or canals between the ridges of a
fingerprint which maybe compared with the low area in a
tire tread.
A. None of these
B. Envelope
C. Furrows
D. Bifurcation
70.In China, fingerprint is called ___. It was valued for
purposes of identification since time immemorial as found
on a Chinese clay seal made not later than the 3rd Century
A. Hua Chi
B. Mah Whang
C. Wong Cho
D. Tiang Hin
70.In China, fingerprint is called ___. It was valued for
purposes of identification since time immemorial as found
on a Chinese clay seal made not later than the 3rd Century
A. Hua Chi
B. Mah Whang
C. Wong Cho
D. Tiang Hin
71.Who has given the fame title as “Father of
A. Johannes Purkinje
B. Leonard Keeler
C. Charles Darwin
D. Sir Francis Galton
71.Who has given the fame title as “Father of
A. Johannes Purkinje
B. Leonard Keeler
C. Charles Darwin
D. Sir Francis Galton
72.What is the science of palm print identification?
A. Chiroscopy
B. Poroscopy
C. Podoscopy
D. Astrology
72.What is the science of palm print identification?
A. Chiroscopy
B. Poroscopy
C. Podoscopy
D. Astrology
73.Symbolized by letter W in the fingerprint
classification. It is a fingerprint pattern which there are
two deltas and in which at least one ridge makes a turn
through one complete circuit.
A. Plain whorl
B. Central pocket loop whorl
C. Accidental loop
D. Ulnar loop
73.Symbolized by letter W in the fingerprint
classification. It is a fingerprint pattern which there are
two deltas and in which at least one ridge makes a turn
through one complete circuit.
A. Plain whorl
B. Central pocket loop whorl
C. Accidental loop
D. Ulnar loop
74.A single ridge which splits into two ridges forming a
“Y” shape formation or structure is commonly known as
A. Diverging ridges
B. Bifurcating ridges
C. Loop
D. Delta
74.A single ridge which splits into two ridges forming a
“Y” shape formation or structure is commonly known as
A. Diverging ridges
B. Bifurcating ridges
C. Loop
D. Delta
75.In fingerprinting, it refers to the process of counting
the intervening ridges that touch or cross an imaginary
line drawn between the core and the delta.
A. Ridge counting
B. Ridge tracing
C. Delta tracing
D. All of these
75.In fingerprinting, it refers to the process of counting
the intervening ridges that touch or cross an imaginary
line drawn between the core and the delta.
A. Ridge counting
B. Ridge tracing
C. Delta tracing
D. All of these
76.The first leading judicial decision in the Philippine
jurisprudence on the science of fingerprinting was the case
A. People vs Medina
B. People vs Pineda
C. People vs Amador
D. People vs. Rosas
76.The first leading judicial decision in the Philippine
jurisprudence on the science of fingerprinting was the case
A. People vs Medina
B. People vs Pineda
C. People vs Amador
D. People vs. Rosas
77.The notorious gangster and a police character, who
attempted to erase his fingerprints by burning them with
acid but as time went by the ridges were again restored to
their “natural” feature.
A. John Feilding
B. Johanes Curie
C. John Dellinger
D. Billy the Kid
77.The notorious gangster and a police character, who
attempted to erase his fingerprints by burning them with
acid but as time went by the ridges were again restored to
their “natural” feature.
A. John Feilding
B. Johanes Curie
C. John Dellinger
D. Billy the Kid
78. Two (2) persons who tried to destroy there

a. John Dillenger and Robert James Pitt

b. Tom Dillenger and Brad Pitt
c. John Denver and Robert James Pitt
d. John Denver and Brad Pitt
78. Two (2) persons who tried to destroy there

a. John Dillenger and Robert James Pitt

b. Tom Dillenger and Brad Pitt
c. John Denver and Robert James Pitt
d. John Denver and Brad Pitt
79. How many fingerprint classification are used

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
79. How many fingerprint classification are used

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
80. The Three (3) fingerprint classifications are; Arch,
Loops, and ________.

a. Tented Arch
b. Accidental Whorl
c. Whorls
d. Ulnar Loop
80. The Three (3) fingerprint classifications are; Arch,
Loops, and ________.

a. Tented Arch
b. Accidental Whorl
c. Whorls
d. Ulnar Loop
81. The depression between the ridges which maybe
compared with the low areas in a tire tread.

a. Core
b. Delta
c. Furrows
d. Sweat pores
81. The depression between the ridges which maybe
compared with the low areas in a tire tread.

a. Core
b. Delta
c. Furrows
d. Sweat pores
82. They are considered as the focal points in
fingerprint identification.

a. Appendage and Upthrust

b. Core and Delta
c. Recurving ridge and Coverging ridge
d. Pattern area and Typelines
82. They are considered as the focal points in
fingerprint identification.

a. Appendage and Upthrust

b. Core and Delta
c. Recurving ridge and Coverging ridge
d. Pattern area and Typelines
83. A principle in fingerprint which states that the
ridge patterns on the digits never change during the
life of an individual.

a. Principle of Permanency
b. Principle of Individuality
c. Principle of Infallibility
d. Principle of Lividity
83. A principle in fingerprint which states that the
ridge patterns on the digits never change during the
life of an individual.

a. Principle of Permanency
b. Principle of Individuality
c. Principle of Infallibility
d. Principle of Lividity
84. All fingers are rolled AWAY from the subject’s body

a. Both Index fingers

b. Both Little fingers
c. Both Middle fingers
d. Both Thumbs
84. All fingers are rolled AWAY from the subject’s body

a. Both Index fingers

b. Both Little fingers
c. Both Middle fingers
d. Both Thumbs
85. A fingerprint characteristics which is free from any

a. Sufficient recurve/ Recurving ridge

b. Insufficient recurve
c. Insipient ridge
d. diverging ridge
85. A fingerprint characteristics which is free from any

a. Sufficient recurve/ Recurving ridge

b. Insufficient recurve
c. Insipient ridge
d. diverging ridge
86. It is the ridge count of the first loop pattern
appearing on the fingerprint card except the two little

a. Primary classification
b. Secondary classification
c. Final Classification
d. Key classification
86. It is the ridge count of the first loop pattern
appearing on the fingerprint card except the two little

a. Primary classification
b. Secondary classification
c. Final Classification
d. Key classification
87. In tented arches, the ridges _________

a. Make a complete circuit

b. Makes an obstruction
c. Run from one side to another with rise at the center
d. Make a backward turn
87. In tented arches, the ridges _________

a. Make a complete circuit

b. Makes an obstruction
c. Run from one side to another with rise at the center
d. Make a backward turn
88. If a subject has more than ten (10) fingers, the
extra finger is printed on the_______ of the
fingerprint chart with notation to the effect that
same is an extra finger.
a. Face
b. Other side
c. Face, upper corner
d. Face, lower corner
88. If a subject has more than ten (10) fingers, the
extra finger is printed on the_______ of the
fingerprint chart with notation to the effect that
same is an extra finger.
a. Face
b. Other side
c. Face, upper corner
d. Face, lower corner
89. In case of minor injury affecting only the layer of
the friction skin, the injury will not permanently
deface the ridge formation provided that the ______
is not affected.

a. Dermis
b. Epidermis
c. Bone of the finger
d. Ulna bone
89. In case of minor injury affecting only the layer of
the friction skin, the injury will not permanently
deface the ridge formation provided that the ______
is not affected.

a. Dermis
b. Epidermis
c. Bone of the finger
d. Ulna bone
90. The identity of two impressions is established
primarily through _______.

a. Dimensions of pattern
b. Similarity of traces
c. Unexplained similarity of patterns
d. Ridge characteristics and the relative position of
these ridge characteristics
90. The identity of two impressions is established
primarily through _______.

a. Dimensions of pattern
b. Similarity of traces
c. Unexplained similarity of patterns
d. Ridge characteristics and the relative position of
these ridge characteristics
91. When inking fingers for the purpose of taking rolled
impressions, the fingers must be inked from ______ to
base of the joint.

a. Base
b. Tip
c. Second joint
d. Third joint
91. When inking fingers for the purpose of taking rolled
impressions, the fingers must be inked from ______ to
base of the joint.

a. Base
b. Tip
c. Second joint
d. Third joint
92. DNA is a chemical substance found in all cells and
individuals has a unique DNA and only ________ share
the same DNA pattern.

a. Mother and child

b. Father and child
c. Mother and father
d. Identical twins
92. DNA is a chemical substance found in all cells and
individuals has a unique DNA and only ________ share
the same DNA pattern.

a. Mother and child

b. Father and child
c. Mother and father
d. Identical twins
93. The simplest of all fingerprint patterns is the –

a. Plain arch
b. Loop
c. Whorl
d. Plain whorl
93. The simplest of all fingerprint patterns is the –

a. Plain arch
b. Loop
c. Whorl
d. Plain whorl
94. It was found out by the authorities in Dactyloscopy
that 65% of fingerprint patterns are classified as –

a. Whorl
b. Loops
c. Arches
d. Combination of loop and whorl
94. It was found out by the authorities in Dactyloscopy
that 65% of fingerprint patterns are classified as –

a. Whorl
b. Loops
c. Arches
d. Combination of loop and whorl
95. The fingerprint of a person appears on fetus between
_________ after conception.

a. 100-200 days
b. 100-120 days
c. 100-220 days
d. 100-150 days
95. The fingerprint of a person appears on fetus between
_________ after conception.

a. 100-200 days
b. 100-120 days
c. 100-220 days
d. 100-150 days
96. A principle involved in fingerprinting which states
that there are no two fingerprints that are exactly
alike unless taken from the same finger.
A. Permanency
B. Individuality
C. Infallability
D. Generality
96. A principle involved in fingerprinting which states
that there are no two fingerprints that are exactly
alike unless taken from the same finger.
A. Permanency
B. Individuality
C. Infallability
D. Generality
97. The biggest percentage of fingerprint pattern is
A. Arches
B. Loops
C. Whorls
D. Accidentals
97. The biggest percentage of fingerprint pattern is
A. Arches
B. Loops
C. Whorls
D. Accidentals
98. It symbolized by letter X in the fingerprint
A. Ulnar Loop
B. Plain arch
C. Accidental whorl
D. Tented arch
98. It symbolized by letter X in the fingerprint
A. Ulnar Loop
B. Plain arch
C. Accidental whorl
D. Tented arch
99. These are fingerprints which are imprinted by mere
chance or without any intention to produce the print.
A. Chance print
B. Chance impression
C. Visible print
D. Latent print
99. These are fingerprints which are imprinted by mere
chance or without any intention to produce the print.
A. Chance print
B. Chance impression
C. Visible print
D. Latent print
100. If a finger appears to be amputated (cut off) just
place the symbol or simple abbreviation as __ and the
date of amputation on the box of the finger actually
100. If a finger appears to be amputated (cut off) just
place the symbol or simple abbreviation as __ and the
date of amputation on the box of the finger actually

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