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Selection from Verdis Opera La Forza del Destino “ + The Force of Destiny” Arranged by V.F. Safranek + nil This opera, the plot of which was taken froma Sp drama by the Duke of Rivas, was first performed at Petrograd on November 10th, 1862. Seven years later Verdi had the libretto modified, and after various alterations in the music, the opera was again produced at the La Scale Theatre, in Milan, on the 20th of February, 1869.Verdis limited, melodic and dramatic resources commenced to develop with this opera along new and less conventional lines. Although not performed as frequently nowadays as his more popular works, such as Rigoletto, Trovatore, ete. many of the solo and en- semble numbers of its score are imbued with all the sparkle and glowing impetuosity of the “younger Verdi”and have retained considerable popularity. un- The present arrangement contains many of the best numbers of the seore in an ar- rangement of musicianly and practical merit. * * * * * * * * In the first bar of the % Allo. agitato presto and other similar bars the conductor should caution the performers that the first note in the melody (having a line drawnabove or below it) must be fully sustained. At(B) and similar places before, the two slurred eighth notes should not be hurried or slighted ,(a common fault) but held full length and well rounded. At(B)the Alto and ‘Tenor Saxophones have been given small notes which will strengthen the Clarinets in the octave below, but these small notes should aot be played unless both an Alto and Tenor Saxophone are represented. ‘The two bars before the Tarantella may be slightly and gradually increased in tempo if desired, in order to make a better connection of movements. In the second repeat strain after (C) the dotted quarter notes should not be played short and snappy, but sustained full length. In the 174 bar after(D) and succeeding bars the Clarinets should not play triplets instead of sixteenths, and the Horus should not play before the second and fourth beats are actually given. SELECTION 7 from Verdi's Opera The Foreg.of Destiny Conductor 50¢ V.F, SAFRANEK Alle dz 108) All® agitato presto (J.- 60) ot ° Cl. Bar. Sy a All Sapte es HSE Sa = S Brass 2p Conductor Conductor oh = (GS p> = 1 Bs ses 76) SS 19587-7 Conductor 5 9. Tarantella Gee ed ¢ —— V I sis A | [| \ Conductor st t= eee 7 1 "2 Pit mosso tgs tr hb tte! ir a ay J ADD =a Conductor +] Lodi ina | eae aa Conductor Saas fq gal, 0h, fepetin fit tefl a Rea ae Tae ‘a , + Nae tie ee ree ee ee ee ss SoS , _—— meee BEES =a maar = Pree i x peg hptelepanb Marcia id= 112) c (O° taetise Te ba ssbb epee Ee Tromb, 1951 a Conductor 10 Conductor eee fap ee ba ee Alda yl Fae ee | verte, ao lee Etist EE it FF AIS (= 120) Cor, ia =| Conductor 7 oeeee: nll y ae = Pitt mosso(d= 1: ~ reset SELECTION from Verdi's Opera Diz iccold The Force of Destiny Arr, by V.F. SAFRANEK Gnitet States AMO All® agitato presto 215 Z Allo modto 19567-97 Cart Fischer, New York 2 D’Piccolo 9367-97 D>Piccolo Ef eeeeeteese eee ia otk Siuawrepnipecsooe sipenanesittt $022 Sitee, ft e = SS = ~~ tls Se ~ bi Peientecithe Ete e = a = = = . 19567-97 SELECTION from Verdi Opera Flutes in The Force of Destiny Enited States Mit. Band dh All? agitato presto a 15 Arr, by V.F. SAFRANEK 19567 -97 Gart Fiseher, Sian York 2 Flutes inC Tarantella ee 2 Flutes in C 3 Grandioso “te “_#s £ aa 7 Piizmosso oy 20> é 19567-97 SELECTION 1 from Verdis Opera Oboes The Force of Destiny ———_ é afr 6 reer fags : a >> at eh ed jor SRS Da —~, a ge oop fee Tee es Oe pi ae ees rege Pr Gre Gir ets se di TE “adds ee Allg ghd Bhs peppy Goede Feri PEPER EUS PRE OPS BI Pi epetierd of aepriper ess Oe ee be leita whadu Pate rein i: “| SELECTION from Verdi's Opera Solo B>Clarinets. “The Force of Destiny Arr. by VE SAFRANEK > Fo ppp, oo Ete tte, (ip p eta All? modl? 19567 - 97 Solo B> Clarinets Solo Bb Clarinets Sippel ae ep eee e ry 7 1 2 yget eel fe. ott Ett een eee ep Sl TT Guigereet fererroueeretlitteeetteeiissalt yer S 1 oo: ; pes Eteustet fe te, =; 7 gece so 4 Solo Bb Clarinets Gt gstsalegstomanty Jai ta! ae Pacaterttrenrtitye F : = dntsteest nce Fe] 2 SELECTION from Verdis Opera 11 B) Clarinets The Force of Destiny r. by V. F. SAFRANEK 3m Alldagitato presto of es Sates pa = Ee Allo modto ee Gas 19567-97 Cort Biseher, Nein York ee 1st BS Clarinets Gane Ss 7 anate Ag ore Fae hPa Sey Saas fee] 4 3 phere es hr ia? hae Jaa aa he pty % pa GH pre yolk pot geld got pole oe ye pr Tg 19567-97 4 S35 Sas 1st Bb Clarinets Se PS es él Se @® 1) a= pte aS eae sary otra oa] = i z pat + gape -Ssonae 195619 ae Marcia = ie te 1 Pee eet ie Ist Bb Clarinets as ae The ter pd J br SOP tha pla ep Fee ipe et erie treteiep titttt ips ae septa deted | een iat pf tee Derr eepiet tty Ot ES faa a ierinet al ed 1567-97 SELECTION from Verdi Opera and¢ 3rd B,Clarinets The Force of Destiny Alla Arr. by V. FE. SAFRANEK United States All2 agitato presto 7 ry a 2 Gl 3 Sa Qn sls Ae aTE re > A ALI2 Modt? eieet et = dapat bee 6ts 1 yphs Jp ot ee 44 ; tgp yl delll pp pl dele 65 Sapp LS pes L re ; a TARAS Pd — aS Par mips an. aad ge — Fa A e zee oe 1lTy == ie ma, a > sy as fern ae 2nd ¢ 3rd B) Clarinets Bi papupapenpe Bt ors Py _— Pe pay ‘pshpee SSS say Ss CSA! }: de Ss anes oh barr at pry + 7S Marcia 1 apt pip + Se gap Pt i 2nd ¢ 3rd B} Clarinets pga ar ee (am gms amie aes GP tert Pedleh tpetteee Sate araloolie ean plana sipeieepet (irre hetrstit sete epetett eft E> Clarinet SELECTION from Verdi's Opera The Force of Destiny A. by V.K SAFRANEK Alle agitato prest 19567-07 E> Clarinet Pipe fe: E> Clarinet 2 SELECTION from Verdis Opera Alto Clarinets The Force of Destiny at Allg All agitato presto Arr. by V. F. SAFRANEK 21 5¢ oe em — é 19567-97 Cart Rischern, Now York Alto Clarinets ples fey ie f= Tarantella apa 5 # —= a Alto Clarinets ® Ghia ieee aie eee . Marcia a : 4 ; Pp 19587-07 : SELECTION Bass Clarinets from Verdis Opera The Force of Destiny V. F, SAFRANEK United States Alla Mil. Band Ji. 215 Ba 3m _Allagitato presto ie Pp crese. sempre pit St Andte Pp Po ” —— > 19567-07 Cart Fischers New York Bass Clarinets Tarantella =a alesse apenas Pin mosso 28 Modto Se eS ss Bass Clarinets Marcia 1 fang 19567-97 ° SELECTION from Verdi’s Opera Bassoons The Force of Destiny Cate States Alle All® agitato presto BoA 8B oA Mit. Band J, Arr by V. F SAFRANEK 215) DBRS Se ga PP Gari Fischer, New York 19567-07 3 Bassoons Tarantella, 5: Beat 4 RS Bassoons ea Cab SEG oa ot Sara 6 Pile mosso dE DES wien th. pepe ft eee = a Hea Ps) Lily * 19567 - 97 SELECTION from Verdi's Opera Soprano Saxophone The Force of Destiny Arr hy VE SAFRANEK Ete Sates 9 Alle agitato presto ME Sind Ft 2 215 Cart Reseher, New York 19567-97 Soprano Saxophone - oeeer ee fa eee tee pt ———— rapt beg Ep aoe see a eet Got ees Modto 19867 - 9T pe Soprano Saxophone Marcia _4& GPs SS Beha = Lene are Allo 19507 -97 SELECTION 1 oo from Verdis Opera Saxophones . me The Force of Destiny Cited states AUIS Allo agitato presto Mil Band St = - V. F. SAFRANEK 215 : : Play, when there Is tenor sax. 19567-97 Cart Fischer, Netw York 2 Alto Saxophones ——. ce SS Tarantella 1 \ _ a2 ok ee Saar e Spa agit: oe eee FA aa Fe E ges te ru: Pit mosgo ® Marcia a 54 2 W507 97 Lo Alto Saxophones 3 ee ftp 1567-97 ee SELECTION : from Verdi's Opera Tenor Saxophones The Force of Destiny Arr. by V. FR. SAFRANEK Tenor Saxophones Andte _ —S ® . Magcia = ee ae SS esesake SS ar to atin oe petieyy aS = Tenor Saxophones Getto 4 Grandioso a SELECTION from Verdis Opera Baritone Saxophone The Porce of Des tiny Arr. by V. F. SAFRANEK trite sues AQ All? agitato presto Mit Band dh 3 eee cae ee 215 ov 19567-97 Girt Fischer, New York Baritone Saxophone 3 ye 7S "7 rue Pile mosso 19567 -97 4 Baritone Saxophone Grandioso Glee wo Pica oe —o St Pits mosso SELECTION Small Band 8 from Verdis Opera Fill Band Solo B>Cornets Saxophone Quartet (extra (Contecton The Force of Destiny ttintstsecs® Arr. by V.E SAFRANEK Cnited Sites Allo agitato presto'd =u») Mi Band 215 ie AlIQ¢d = 108) AN9 modtord = 108) pare seeeet hg es = Sa . fofttt Copyright MOMKVITby Cart Fischer, Sean York Znternational Copyright Secnred 567-97 Solo BbCornets Andterd)=76) == oS Tarantellacd: 1s) ae + t= bes st SS ° 19567 -97 Solo Bb Cornets 3 Modto «J - 92) (as Eran wa67 <7 4 . Solo Bb Cornets SELECTION 1 from Verdis Opera 11 Bb Cornet. ~—- The Force of aan Arr, by V.F, SAFRANEK 3 gaat {Sees pS Se : ® 6p se Bo 6 iets SSS aS | C2 see ee == AL& Modt? epics penne | Andte SS a 18t Bb Cornet Tarantella Sas nf 18 Bb Cornet : PE massa erp dai te Dp SSS Sa are reer uu zs wAiptet eee ed 19587-97 SELECTION from Verdi's Opera The Force of Destiny 2nd ¢ 3rd B Cornets V. F, SAFRANEK Cited States Mil, Band Ji. Alo 215 ort All? agitato presto eit z ote ae Cart Fischer, New York 2nd « 3rd Bb Cornets Modto + Grandioso_ ——~ ApEeeS==b =e E gs ges ides tees SELECTION i 1st ¢ 20d Horns in Eb from Verdi's Opera The Force of Destiny Arrby V. F, SAFRANEK All? agitato presto = = Allo Onited States Mil Band Jt 215 Lj a All2 modte ete =i eS ee . P 19567-87 Curt Fischers New York > 1st @ 2nd Horns in Eb Tarantella 4 ¥ fe eaceisers ieee RREER |Z Sor eee selges tf vf iepFvtss igre 1st @ 2nd Horns in Eb : apps ; _ SELECTION ' 3rd @ 4th Horns in Eb from Verdi's Opera The Force of Destiny V. F. SAFRANEK Pee a A _ All? agitato presto 25 & Eee eo pp Es % eet rz All2 mod? 1 > aft Beare of 4 Tarantella gee Ceipiaaaaeree 19567-97 Carl Fischer, New York » 3rd ¢ 4th Horns in Eb Qed a ga ee Marcia 1 Qa ee 19567-97 3rd « 4th Horns in ES SELECTION pol from Verdi’s Opera st 3. . 1a 2udTenors$ The Force of Destiny United States Mit Bond Tt_Q) 215 Ar. by V. F S\FRANEK a All? agitato presto = == Ty ay Fe PP (ceamea_eeEeeae Allo a 7 Se i 19567-97 Cart Fischer, NewYork 1st @ 204 Tenors Pid mosso 19567- 97 1st ¢ Qnd Tenors$ Marcia. (ApS Se Sf Sam Se rire eRe ppyenp ey pet 19567 - 97 D SELECTION from Verdi Opera 1st 204 Trombones 9, The Force of Destiny... «5 sarnanme Onited States Ala @ agitato presto “eR este Pare eS apt ep ee grap bas pia ae Madde ip gig e oigpe tpg ih ee 5 priate co pin Pea P tear ee foots met EASE ITE aes Eich id see pe a fy fats a setet temp hers gt wari FP gop g Pas eerP Ep er cet ee eee P sepeetey | Pada free | eeeretet a PHD bese pie I itt be ‘se Tn 19507-97 1 Bivehery dew Fark 3 SP pide Tarantella ai fofabrt sp hiattsteetet arty tf intstsy gttettaptetas yet Tihs = : a BSS a aE Pet ad vs Be Patt tta Piet Piste Moat? = Tey eeieest tests ae “ Pubopaltates 4 1st@ 2nd Trombones 9: oe Pieris LD Sp pai ATP poy yi we ATeapegepie te eppep ee ote peESE tibiiat htstites on Ghia dsdniaaae te tatep ep REED Ee voc FT (EEPOEE PRED ore Pepe? ts Fs near ziEse pogo REF Sate tp ES ada ae tte ed 2 SELECTION from Verdis Opera The Force of Destiny Bass Trombones Arr. by V.F, SAFRANEK Gntted States Mil, Bind Jt. Allo 215 5 a ___p_All? agitato presto PP AIO modto 1 Carl Brseher, New York Bass Trombones 3 useT- or > SELECTION from Verdi’s Opera Baritoneg The Force of Destiny Allo 2 agitate cone Am by V. E SAFRANEK + ag ig Ale modto Ferrer ee Perea ore pear ope a Ia Z Baritone$ Tarantella et Pia mosso 19507 - 97 Baritone ape eee a aA Soto oo ea ,Grandioso GPs oe > at Pil nosso PEE nee aS ek pe pea ipa ae ee a : SELECTION from Verdi's Opera Baritones: The Force of Destiny Allo agitato presto “7? VB SAPRANSE FT United States Mitton Jt ANe 215 Sap ere Cari Fischen Sew York 19567-97 ee Baritone af == Mogto Solojetegante srt piace tee, pee 19567 - 97 a Baritone> -- # ee eee ee yer Sips Ete Sf Coeel oper rreree = ot C te oe RS gee go - “pee heh tate iherer reir —— tele 2 = A _ © WO Les a reel ile Ea SEpae| Pare a eer a re Te SE Grandioso pa » SELECTION from Verdis Opera ee The Force of Destiny Arr. by V. F. SAFRANEK Allo a >_ All? agitato presto ‘ = a 33a Fie Allo modto a ST aa ISR Tr ee ee eee 19567-97 Cart Kischer, New York Basses ae Seah =a Tarantella 9567-67 4 Basses as re eee tre za, Gh soe ee eee St 23 epee Marcia 3 Sp SSeS DP sane aye sae eye Pit mosso ene Teeter , SELECTION Bb Bass 6 from Verdis Opera .ne Force of Destiny Arr by V, F. SAFRANEK United States Mil.Band Jt. 215 Alle A All? agitato presto 19567-97 Bb Bass $6 RR pated Lai Bek pope Marcia Ge of 19567-07 SELECTION from Verdi's Opera Drums The Force of Destiny Arr, by V.F SAFRANEK All? agitato presto a a mosse Cart Fischer, New York 1967-97 ———— i tae d ©g pier tert “ee ST ao TF ge. 1A dy fb he 9 Bd Bayt A Ad i i en a a a phot Abr fid yp Aidat fds Aida batt SELECTION : from Verdi's Opera TympaniinFeO The Force of Destiny ‘Ar. by V. E SAFRANEK hited States 0 agi GE SineG, AMO a AML? agitato presto , 215 t @® q inFand ab t "gf ChangetoR and A My Wey re J ®_ Ht "Change to Fand © Cart Fischer, Neco York 19567 - 97 Tympani in FeO Grandioso All w Se 10567 - 97

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