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First of all, the writer would like to thank for Jesus Christ for His amazing

Grace. His wonderful love, the strength and the health which have been given so

the writer could finish this thesis entitled “Student’s Ability in Using Past Forms

in Writing News Item Text on The Tenth Grade at SMA Parulian 2 Medan”.

This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department. Indeed various difficulties has been

faced by the writer but she always believes that the Almighty God always helps

her to finish this thesis. Therefore the writer would like to express her infinite

gratitude to God for the blessing and help, so the finally has completed this thesis

in time.

In the process of finishing this thesis, some people have granted their

academic support and the writer also received a lot of assistance. Therefore, she

would like to express her sincere gratitude and very special thanks to:

1. Sahlan Tampubolon, M.Hum as the first consultant for his worthy

guidance, encouragement, constructive, comment, and advice; and for

all generous time given as long as the process of finishing this thesis

and as the Head of English Department; for his management and

valuable guidance in the arragement of this thesis.

2. Fenty Napitupulu, M.Pd as the second consultant for her as the

consultant Thanks for all her suggestion, recommendation and support

for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end.

3. All lectures who taught and educated the writer as long as studying in

University of HKBP Nommensen. The writter thanks for their

dedication, patience, and support.

4. Dra. Binur Panjaitan, M.Pd as the Dean of Teaching and Education

Faculty for his management.

5. Drs. Nababan as the headmaster of SMA PARULIAN 2 MEDAN

and all teachers for allowing the writer to conduct the research at the

school; especially to the students of X-A for their participation for the

research. The writer expresses her great thanks for them.

6. P. Sitorus and N. Situmorang as her parents thanks for

everythingfor their prayer, love, spirit, great, motivation, support,

advice and financial supports, so she can pass so many challenges. No

one better than both of you. The writer never forget to thank and

express the deepest gratitude for them. May God bless them all the

time. She also thanks to all of her beloved family for their love,

supports, prayer and mutual understanding also which made the writer

enthusiastic during the completion of this thesis.

7. Especially thanks for her best friends Desi Maknasari Sitompul, Elia

Tobing, Martha Uli Sitompul and Sarmalina Sirait always accompany

me in every time, support, togetherness, kindness as long as we are


8. Daud Tampubolon, ST as her boyfriend thanks for giving me

motivation, support, time and love.

9. All her friends in English Department ’12, especially in A class 2012

thanks for the cheerfulness and your togetherness.

10. Piano Tiles, thanks for becoming one of game that can entertain the

writer as long as doing this research.

11. Last but not least, to all whose named can not be mentioned one by

one. She would like to say “Thank you so much and I hope that

God always bless you all”

Medan, May 2015

The Writer

Letisia Sitorus

Reg. No 12120239


Sitorus, Letisia, 2016. Student’s Ability in Using Past Forms in Writing News
Item Text on the Tenth Grade at SMA Parulian 2 Medan. A Thesis

This study is about student’s ability in using past forms in writing news item text
on the tenth grade at SMA Parulian 2 Medan. The objective of the study is to
know whether students are able in using Past Forms in writing news item text or
not. The study uses descriptive quantitaive as the research design. The population
of this study is the tenth grade at SMA Parulian 2 Medan which consist of three
classes. There are thirty students used as sample from class X-A in this research.
To get the result of students’ work, the writer asked students to write a news item
text that use past forms. After that, the writer collected and checked it. The result
of this study showed that the students are able to use past forms in writing news
item text. It can be seen from the median of students’ score which is higher than
KKM that is determined in the school ( 79,9 > 75 ). Therefore, the Positive
Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

Keywords: the ability, past forms, news item text


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