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Injeksi IV Role Play

P :Perawat
Q :Pasien
R : Keluarga Pasien

P : Good morning, miss widya

Q&R : Good morning Nurse
P : My name is Heru and I’ll be looking after you for this morning.
Q&R : Oh yes
P : How are you feeling today?
Q : I’m feeling good. but I’m a bit weak.
P : OK, we have tested for antibiotics, and you don't have any symptoms of allergic
antibiotics to be given today
Q : Okay
P : I will do the injection of antibiotics through this infusion, miss
Q : Okay
P : the drugs that come in are Ceftriaxone antibiotics. which has the function to treat
infections from inside your body here antibiotics have been diluted with sterile water so
that it will not hurt when entered in a vein
Q : Are there any side effects?
P : the possibility of nausea, dizziness and excessive sweating
Q : Okay
P : I understand ? anymore question
Q&R : yes I understand
P : please check the medicine mother, right ceftriaxone?
R : Okay Right
P : the dose 3 x daily 1 ampoule, now the first dose in the morning
R : Okay right
P : the patient's identity is correct? widya neng gelis rahmatanlill alamin, born September
24, 1997 in i amsterdam, netherlands. ID number 123456
R : okay right
P : I want to sign here, ma'am, for the correctness of medicine and information
R : oh yes
P : Okay, thank you, I will need the medicine, Miss, hold on for a while, maybe a little hot
and painful. take a breath .. bismilah
Q :…………..
P :finish.. I ask for more signatures for action
R :okay
P : I just need to stay, miss, if you have a complaint, please press the bell, then I will come.
Good morning
R : okay thanks nurse
Injeksi IM Role Play

P :Perawat
Q :Pasien
R : Keluarga Pasien

P : Good morning, miss widya

Q&R : Good morning Nurse
P : My name is Herin and I’ll be looking after you for this morning.
Q&R : Oh yes
P : How are you feeling today?
Q : I’m feeling good. but I’m a bit weak.
P : I will do the injection of antipiretik miss because now you have a fever miss
Q : Okay
P : the drugs that come in are aminofenazon. The fungtion is to reduce body temperature. I
will give the injection via bouttocks.
Q : Are there any side effects?
P : the possibility of pain at the injection site, drowsiness, decreased appetite
Q : Okay
P : I understand ? anymore question
Q&R : yes I understand
P : please check the medicine mother, right aminofenazone?
R : Okay Right
P : the dose 1 ampoule via intramuscular
R : Okay right
P : the patient's identity is correct? widya neng gelis rahmatanlill alamin, born September
24, 1997 in i amsterdam, netherlands. ID number 123456
R : okay right
P : I want to sign here, ma'am, for the correctness of medicine and information
R : oh yes
P : Okay, thank you, I will need the medicine, Miss, hold on for a while, maybe a little hot
and painful. take a breath .. bismilah
Q :…………..
P :finish.. I ask for more signatures for action
R :okay
P : I just need to stay, miss, if you have a complaint, please press the bell, then I will come.
Good morning
R : okay thanks nurse

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