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Host: Before we begin the show let me tell you a description about the big bang

theory.The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning
of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a
reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment
there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe.
The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that

Host : And I invited some alien guests to let them share their knowledge about the
beginning of the universe until the present. And we have an interpreter for the aliens.

Alien 1: biriribupbap biriribup bap biriribupbapbup

Interpreter: He/ she said that from zero to approximately 10-43 seconds the universe
went through a phase inflation it is when cosmos goes through superfast inflation
expanding from the size of an atom to the size of a grapefruit in a tiny fraction of a

Alien 2: chikuri chikuri shapopo chikuri chikuri shapopo

Interpreter: The alien said that from 10–43 seconds to 10–36 seconds, the universe was
still too hot for even protons and neutrons to form, but the particles that make them up
do exist by now. So the universe is now a seething hot soup made of these particles –
electrons and quarks.

Alien 3:bipbapbipbapbipbapbipbap

Interpreter: it is said that Around a thousandth of a second (10-6 seconds) the universe
has cooled enough to allow protons and neutrons to form. At this point, with all these
charged particles flying around, the light can’t shine, leaving the universe as a super hot

Alien 4:ningnong ning nong ning nang ning

Interpreter: After about 3 minutes, these protons and neutrons are cool enough to form
atomic nuclei.

Alien 5: biriribupbap biriribup bap biriribupbapbup

Interpreter: It then takes a much longer jump, about 380,000 years, for the universe to
cool enough for the electrons to settle down with the nuclei to form atoms – about 75%
of the stuff in the whole universe is now hydrogen and about 25% is helium. Light can
finally shine.

Alien 6: chikuri chikuri shapopo chikuri chikuri shapopo

Interpreter : We then enter the much longer time period on our universe’s history about
1 billion years where slightly denser gas clouds begin to collapse and eventually lead to
the first stars and galaxies.

Alien 7: chikuri chikuri shapopo chikuri chikuri shapopo

Interpreter : 15 billion years or our present day as galaxies cluster together under the
gravity, the first stars die and spew heavy elements into space; those will eventually turn
into new stars and planets.


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