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Name: Datiles, Rimma B. Yr./Sec.

: Second/PCED-02-301A

Dear Teacher

A Reflection Paper

It was a long way run, a life-long learning, a

profession over all profession and an eternal commitment. It was not a job for money doesn’t
matter, it was a mission, perhaps, for some, it was life. Touching the students heart and mind,
and let them be able to dream and reach their goals in life. That was the reason of my existence.

I always keep wondering what my future will be, what kind of teacher am I going to be with my
students. Is this the right path for me to take? Do I deserve to mold and help students to dream
and achieve their goals? What If I was wrong, what if I’m not suited to this profession? What if I
can’t teach my students to become more human? Am I going to be an effective teacher? I’m
afraid, confused, and hesitant to pursue this thing, but one thing I know for sure, is that I want
to prove I can. Decades had passed and I am here taking the path on becoming a teacher. It was
full of paperwork’s, major exams are hard, there were different activities, research papers
needed to be defended, sometimes, cramming to meet the deadline, lots of sleepless nights,
disappointments, a far distance from parents or loved ones. These are some of the things I have
been through and sacrifices. Above all of this, I will never run away, and decided to pursue
teaching. Maybe, it’s hard, because it was a big responsibility unless you are committed to it. I
will mold a students equipped with knowledge, and ethical values. For being a teacher does not
only mean teaching the learners on how to read, count and write. It doesn’t only mean giving
them enough knowledge for them to be ready in the real happenings in the world. Teaching is
also about educating the learners to be good, to be kind and to care for human beings and the

Creating a knowledge driven future engineers, physician, nurses, architect, and other profession
was easy. What’s really hard and challenging are for teachers to produce better students and
teach them on how to become a human with profession. Behind all of this, it was on the
teachers hand to make this world a better place to live in.

Name: Datiles, Rimma B. Yr./Sec: Second/PCED-02-301A

It was Tuesday
morning, while I was waiting for my friend at 7-Eleven store, I
decided to read the books(memoir) that I borrowed from her. The book's title was "Tuesday
with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. As I continue reading the memoir one quotation in the book
caught my attention. It says that "A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his
influence stops". For me, it was indeed a great quotation, where Teachers can relate.

Teacher! This is the profession I've choose to take. Many people will asky why I want to become
an educator, when in fact, there are still lots of profession suited for me considering its high
salary. I never hesitate to answer that this is what I love to do. For me, being an educator was
not about money or the salary on whom many are looking for. Teaching was my mission. It was
my passion to help students, create and achieve their goals in life. If us, teachers, will not guide
them, then who will?. To educate future professionals would be an honor and happiness. I want
to see how the students whom I handle would act and make this world a better place to live. If
the time will come that I will be given a chance to handle an advisory class, I want to let them
know and understand how important it is to make their life worth living for. I will always impart
and remind them that each of them have a certain purpose on why they exist.

With so many reasons and ideas that I learned and adopt as my study goes on, I can say that
"Teaching" and "Being a Teacher" for me, was a vocation, a mission, and a profession. It is a
vocation for I know that I was been called for doing it and I respond. At the same time, it was
my mission for I am aware for all the things needed to be sacrifice or give up, but still, I pursue
this. In depth understanding, it was also profession for me, for I know that I will study and give
more time in this field. There were many reasons and answer to the question, why I want to be
a teacher. I am dreaming that someday, with all the things I learned and experience from my
parents, friends, professors, and family, I can be an effective teacher to influence my students to
dream and reach what they think was impossible.

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