Que Es Un Zoológico Ingles

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Zoológico: Pronunciación en Ingles

¿Qué es un Zoológico?

Es una Institución donde se mantienen una variedad de animales silvestres, para que el
público visitante tenga la oportunidad de aprender y tener contacto directo con los
mismos, ayudando así a enriquecer su pensamiento y a estimular su imaginación y

¿Que animales contienen los zoológicos?

Tigres, leones, cocodrilos, monos, serpientes, jabalíes, elefantes, osos, hipopótamos,
rinocerontes, distintas variedades de pájaros, tortugas, pumas, chivos, panteras,
camellos, jirafas entre otros.

What is a Zoo?

It is an institution where you hold a variety of wild animals, so that visitors have the
opportunity to learn and have direct contact with them, helping to enrich their thinking and
stimulate their imagination and observation.

What zoo animals contain?

Tigers, lions, crocodiles, monkeys, snakes, wild boars, elephants, bears, hippos, rhinos,
different varieties of birds, turtles, cougars, goats, panthers, camels, giraffes and more.

¿Guat is e soo?

It is an institutión juer iu jol e verieti of guail animals, sou dat visitors jaff de oportuniti tu ler
an jaff direc contat gui den, jelpin tu enrrich deiar zinquin an estimulei deiar imagineition an

¿Guat soo animals contein?

Taigers, láions, krokadails, mánquis, esneics, guails bors, élifants, beers, aipas, rinos,
diferents verietis of bers, torters, cugars, gouts, panders, kamls, yiráfs an mor.

what guat rhinos rinos

zoo soo differents diferents
animals animals varieties verietis
contain contein of of
tigers taigers birds bers
lions láions turtles torters
crocodiles krokadails cougars cugars
monkeys mánquis goats gouts
snakes esneics panthers panders
wild guails camels kamls
boars bors giraffes yiráfs
elephants élifants and an
bears beers more mor
hippos aipas
what guat what guat
is is zoo soo
a e animals animals
zoo soo contain contein
it it tigers taigers
is is lions láions
an an crocodiles krokadails
institution institutión monkeys mánquis
where juer snakes esneic
you iu wild guails
hold jol boars bors
a e elephants élifants
variety verieti bears beers
of of hippos aipas
wild guail rhinos rinos
animals animals differents diferents
so sou varieties verietis
that dat of of
visitors visitors birds bers
have jaff turtles torters
the de cougars cugars
opportunity oportuniti goats gouts
to tu panthers panders
learn ler camels kamls
and an giraffe yiráf
have jaff and an
direct direc more mor
contact contat
with gui
them den
helping jelpin
to tu
enrich enrrich
their deiar
thinking zinquin
and an
stimulate estimulei
their deiar
imagination imagineition
and an
observation observeition

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