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Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 1

Tardiness Survey

A survey on the behaviors, preferences,

and opinions in terms of tardiness of

UP, Diliman undergraduates

Blas, Lanz Eric Filoteo

University of the Philippines, Diliman

Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 2


I chose this topic because I personally get annoyed at people that get late. I live in Pasig right at
the borders of Cainta, Rizal but due to the heavier traffic nowadays I’m already considered “far” from
everything else like to UP Diliman. It’s only 20 kilometers away but takes an hour to an hour and a half
for me to get to my class. And still given how far I am from UP, I still manage to on time and rarely
coming to class late. The probably only reason why I get late is because traffic suddenly becomes
heavier like when major car accidents happen in certain major roads in Metro Manila such as on C5 or
on Katipunan which makes my travel from an hour to two hours. It simply bothers me why certain
people, sometimes my friends, sometimes my groupmates in some of my classes often arrive late even if
they leave within Quezon City. Some even live only 10-15 minutes away from UP and they still arrive
late. This made me curious how tardiness is seen by other students if they have the same opinions as
me, and if certain behaviors and opinions on tardiness are gender specific or age specific.

In Farar’s (2010) dissertation about the tardiness of middle school students, Too Late to Learn,
tardiness in a school setting is defined as missing school for a part of the day as opposed to truancy
which means missing school at all. It was said that tardiness could lead to a bigger risk for academic
failure and could lead to affect the whole educational system and society. As cited in Farar’s study, Reid
(2002) stated that curriculum demands, poor teaching, unsatisfactory student-teacher relationships,
peer group relationships, social demands, emotional difficulties, and nutrition are the major factors that
might cause a student to miss part or all his classes for the day. He also said that tardiness is a “major
concern that school systems across the country are dealing with.”

In the context of the Philippines, the concept of filipino time may be familiar to most if not all
filipinos. According to Miguel A. Bernad (2002), the phrase “filipino time” was coined by annoyed
Americans that noticed that filipinos often have the inability to meet at the scheduled time. Based from
personal experiences with meetings, family gettogethers, events, and other activities, there will always
be a person that will be late and this is based from the concept of filipino time.

This survey is an attempt to discover the different behaviors, opinions, and preferences of UP
Diliman students in the context of tardiness.


The sample of participants consists of 41 undergraduate students from UP, Diliman with ages
ranging from 19 to 29 with an average age of 20.07 (M = 20.07). Within the 41 undergraduate students,
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 3

22 are male and 19 are female. The sample consists of 22 Psychology majors, 17 Engineering majors, 2
BA majors, 2 Sociology majors, an Anthropology major, a Biology major, an Economics major, a
Geography major, a History major, an MBB major, a Philo major, and a Physics major. The sample was
obtained using convenience sampling by asking people at the Lagmay Hall lobby if they were available to
answer a quick 7 question survey.


The physical questionnaire used in the survey asked the personal information of the participant
such as their name, age, and course, it also consisted of a total of 7 questions. Five of which are simple
yes or no questions concerning their behaviors and opinions about tardiness such as whether one is
fearful of being late, if one thinks another should be punished if he is late, if the 15-minute grace period
is too short, if one intentionally went to class late, and if one made someone else sign his name on the
attendance sheet. The sixth question is about approximation concerning the percentage of how often
one gets late in a semester or within 90 school days. And the last question contains a list of possible
reasons for one being late, and is simply asking which among the given reasons does one use as the
reason for being late. Check [Appendix I] for the sample questionnaire.


Conducting a frequency analysis and descriptive analysis on the data collected from our sample
provided the following results.

Question Yes f No f Yes % No %

Question 1. I fear being late in class 25 16 61% 39%
Question 2. I think late students should be 10 31 24% 76%
Question 3. The 15-minute grace period is too 10 31 24% 76%
Question 4. I have been late to class 29 12 71% 29%
Question 5. I have made someone sign my 13 28 32% 68%
name on the attendance sheet
Figure 1.1 Result of Yes and No Questions
Question Mean
I get late approximately ____ of the sem 14.85%
Figure 1.2 Result of Tardiness Approximation Question----------
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 4

To summarize the general results of the survey, UP students are generally more fearful than not
in terms arriving late to class. Majority believe that there is no need for punishment for tardy students.
Majority also believe that 15 minutes already enough for anyone to arrive to class in tame. At least 70%
of the whole population has arrived late to class intentionally and at least 32% of the whole population
made someone else sign their name on the attendance sheet. It was also found that UP students on
average arrive late in ~15% of their classes in one semester [M = 0.1485] which is around 13 or 14 times
in a semester of 90 school days.

Reason for being late Number of times

Traffic 25
Previous class extended 22
Lenient Prof 18
Friends 16
Prof is always late 14
Lunch 12
Organization Activities 11
Oversleeping 2
Class is far 1
Negligence 1
Self-Issues 1
Preference 1
Figure 1.3 Result of reasons for being late

It was also observed that the tardiness of UP students is greatly influenced by the traffic of
Metro Manila and by the professors of their classes with Traffic being mentioned ~61% in the survey,
Extension of previous class at ~54% and Leniency of Prof at ~44%. According to the results, oversleeping,
distance of the next class, negligence, self-issues, and preference all fall under the least used reasons for
tardiness with less than 5% of the UP population affected by these reasons.

However, looking at our data we can still further analyze it for more results. Conducting a
Pearson Correlation analysis on gender and the 5 yes or no questions it was seen that there are
significant relationships between Gender and being fearful in terms of tardiness [r = 0.443, p < 0.05] and
between Gender and Making someone sign your name in the attendance sheet [r = -0.423, p < 0.05].
Performing crosstabs on gender and fearfulness in terms of tardiness, and gender and making someone
else sign confirms that there are significant correlations.
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 5

I fear being late in class Male Female

No 13 3
Yes 9 16
Figure 1.4 Crosstab on gender and fearfulness in terms of tardiness

Someone sign attendance sheet Male Fame

No 11 17
Yes 11 2
Figure 1.5 Crosstab on gender and Someone sign attendance sheet

Males are less fearful than females in terms of arriving to class late and males are more likely to
have someone sign their name on the attendance sheet. There were no significant relationships
between the remaining pairing of the 6 variables.

Conducting a Univariate test on Gender and Tardiness Approximation, it was seen that Males do
not significantly differ to Females in terms of tardiness approximation [F = 0.827, p > 0.05]. Also
conducting a univariate test on Age and Approximation while considering students with ages 23 and 29
as out-liars due to the lack of sample, it was seen that students with ages of 21 are significantly higher in
terms of Tardiness Approximation [F = 6.940, p < 0.05] then any of the age in the sample.

Figure 1.6 Age and Tardiness Approximation Graph

Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 6


Generally UP Diliman students are fearful of arriving to class late. This can be attributed to the
highly diverse kinds of professors that UP Diliman houses. One couldn’t be too sure to what extent a
professor could do to tardy students. For example, certain GE classes would have professors lock their
doors after the given 15-minute grace period. Some professors would even schedule their quizzes at the
start of each session while preventing late comers from taking the quiz or making up for their quiz,
eventually resulting to tardy students receiving a zero for the day’s quiz. A professor can even begin
ignoring the questions of students who are always tardy and simply mark them as absent. UP students
not only fear being late to class but they also fear the effects of their tardiness which include their
personal image to their professor and their academic performance in each class.

These students are generally fearful of tardiness but majority do not see the need for tardy
students to be punished with the methods that were previously mentioned. This is because majority of
these students may feel sympathy towards tardy students most especially if these students do have
valid reason for their late coming but is still punished by the professor. As an example, an observer may
feel bad for a student who came in late because of a car accident but still gets a zero for the day’s quiz.

According to majority of UP Diliman students, the given 15-minute grace period at the start and
at the end of each class is already enough for one to travel from one part of the campus to the other.
This is highly attributed to the fact that UP Diliman is known to have multiple Jeeps within campus with
five different routes, IKOT, TOKI, Philcoa, SM North, and Katipunan to make it easy for everyone to
travel around campus. Given that these jeeps make it an ease to travel around campus, 15 minutes is
more than enough for students to reach their next classrooms from their previous classrooms.

Given that some students may have strong bonds with their friends and org-mates most
especially during college, one may think that not missing out is worth missing a few minutes of missed
lectures. Organization activities such as org application processes and certain university-wide activities
and celebration such as the well-known Engineering Week may also coincide with the schedule of the
classes of multiple UP Diliman students. This intentionally being late behavior can also be attributed to a
student’s lunch. Knowing that food is a physiological need, one may prioritize getting lunch over arriving
early in class.

Knowing that some classes are too big, having around 120 students in one room, a professor or
an assistant may opt not to one-by-one count and check the students’ presence with a list. Instead the
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 7

professor may simply make a piece of paper be passed around for the students to affix their signature to
mark their presence during the day’s lecture. However, professors also countercheck the day’s signature
with previous attendance signatures making it difficult for one to completely copy a signature that isn’t
his. This is the reason why majority of UP Diliman population haven’t tried this method to help their
friends because doing so will result to much bigger problems.

UP students are always facing different obstacles and problems that hinder them from always
being punctual in class such as traffic, extension of a previous class, lenience of the professor, influence
from friends, tardiness of the professor, lunch, and org activities (arranged from most to least
mentioned) that makes it near impossible for one to be 100% on time. This makes it valid that the
average approximation of tardiness is ~14% of the whole semester.

Looking more on the interaction of the different factors in the survey, I uncovered different
patterns in the UP Diliman community in terms of tardiness. According to further analysis, females are
more fearful in terms coming late to class rather than males. This remains consistent with Mclean and
Anderson’s study on gender differences in fear and anxiety (2009) which simply states that females
report greater fear and are more likely to develop anxiety disorders than men. This is also held true
when looking at who is most likely to have someone sign their name in an attendance sheet. It is
because of the lack of fear in men compared to females that allow them to do such as acts, completely
disregarding the risk they’re putting themselves in. Also, I found out that males do not actually differ
from females in terms of tardiness approximation. This is simply because tardiness due to external
factors that affect everyone and are not gender specific such as traffic are usually the biggest reason
why people get late. And finally, people with the age of 21 are more likely to be tardy than younger
ages. This is because a person who is 21 years old is usually associated with adulthood, independence,
and parental freedom, and this gets translated into an academic setting. Also, undergraduates who are
of this age are usually the seniors awaiting their graduation. It is also the year that senioritis, which is
defined by Manning (2011) as a phenomenon when there is a decrease academic motivation,
importance, and effort upon entering the senior year of college, kicks in. They become full of thoughts
of graduating that they neglect the consequences of their actions

Personal Evaluation and Personal Reaction

Personally, I really appreciate the freedom given to us to choose our own topic of interest to
make a survey on. It really made me explore the tendency of students to be tardy that often annoyed
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 8

me ever since I entered college. The activity gave me opportunities to create questions, gather data, and
analyze and look for patterns in said data which I highly enjoyed. This survey I think gave very fruitful
results and conclusions but I highly recommend obtaining your sample in a more random method such
as random sampling where everyone in the UP Diliman system has an equal chance of being part of the
study and by having a greater sample size to be able to properly and surely make general statements
that best describes the whole UP Diliman community
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 9


Farrar, R. J. (2010, January 1). Too Late to Learn: Student Tardiness in the Middle School.
ProQuest LLC,

BERNAD, Miguel A.. Filipino Time. Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 3 6.1, p.
207-213, Jan. 2013. ISSN 2243-7886. doi:

McLean, C., & Anderson, E. (2009). Brave men and timid women? A review of the gender
differences in fear and anxiety. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(6), 496-505.

Manning, C. (2011). “Senioritis:” An Analysis of Academic Motivation and Burnout in College

Students through the Lens of Positive Psychology.
Survey on the Tardiness of UP, Diliman undergraduates 10

Appendix I

Survey Questionnaire

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