Soal Latihan Bhs. Inggris SMP

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Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP

Text 1

There are some kinds of transportation. One of them is land transportation. We can use animals (horse),
cart, pedicabs or bicycles to go or to carry something. They are called traditional transportation. We use these if
the distance is not far. If the place we want to reach is far, we can use the modern ones like motorcycles, cars,
buses, trains, etc.
People usually like to go by their own vehicle. Sometimes they want to reach more than one places, so it
will be easier to do this with their own motorcycles or cars. It is not certain that the place we want to reach
passed by public transportation, so we can only get it by our own vehicle.
If the place is easy to reach or it is very far, it is better we choose to go by public transportation. Mini bus
or city bus will take us to reach some places in a city. It is cheap and easy to get it. However if we want to go to
inter-city, we should take a bus or train. Some people like to go to by bus because they feel that bus is easy to
get; we can get off near our destination. Some of us like to go to by train because we think that it is comfortable
and economical.

1. People use these modern transportation to reach 4. We use these if the distance is not far.
long distance except ____ . The word these in the above sentence refers to
A. cars C. trains ___ .
B. buses D. carts A. cars, buses, trains, vehicles
B. animals, carts, pedicabs, bicycles
2. The main idea of paragraph 1 is ____ . C. traditional and modern transportation
A. traditional and modern transportation D. land, air and water transportation
B. slow and fast transportation
C. long and short transportation 5. Why do people like to go by their own vehicles?
D. the use of traditional transportation Because ____ .
A. it is more economical
3. We can get off near our destination. B. they want to reach more than one places
The antonym of the underlined word is ____. C. the destination they want to reach is easy
A. get up C. get out D. it is more comfortable and economical
B. get on D. get in

Text 2

There are some means of communication. One of them is radio. It is used for one-way communication
to the broadcasters. Although it is just one-way communication, people like it because it can give pleasure. We
also get knowledge and important news by listening to the radio.
Radio is one of media. Its broadcasting can be received by many people, because almost every family
owns it. Its price is cheap; it is portable, so we can bring it everywhere to listen. It plays an important role in
giving information to people. Therefore the government needs to organize the programmes of the radio.
RRI is the government radio. Its programme, broadcasting material, officers, etc. are organized by the
government. There is an RRI station in every city, but the central is in Jakarta.
The other stations belong to privates. They organize the programme by themselves although they must
broadcast RRI’S programmes like news and some national programmes. Young people usually like private
radios because they broadcast interesting programme for them.
Nowadays we can listen to the radio everytime-morning, afternoon and night. We just turn the short wave
(SW) or the medium wave (MW). We will get news. We also get any other programmes such as knowledge.
Family, health, religion, announcement, advertisement, etc. Sometimes we can listen to some special
programmes or live programme.

6. Why do people like radio ? 7. Radio is cheap and portable.

Because ____ . The synonym of the word portable is ___ .
A. it gives entertainment A. dear
B. it is one-way communication B. easy
C. it broadcasts news and know C. dusty
D. its price is very cheap and portable D. handy
8. Why can radio broadcasting be received by B. public radio stations
many people? C. young people
Because ___ . D. people
A. there are short wave and medium wave
B. there are public and private radio stations 11. What must be broadcasted by all radio stations at
C. there is RRI station in every city the same time ?
D. almost every family has radio A. news and some national programme
B. some interesting programmes
9. Private radio stations organize the programmes C. knowledge and health programmes
by themselves. D. entertainment and advertisement
This idea can be found in paragraph ___ . programme
A. one
B. two 12. Nowadays we can listen to the radio anytime
C. there ___ . (paragraph 5).
D. four The word nowadays means ___ .
A. in time
10. … because they broadcast some interesting B. on time
programmes for them. (par 4) C. some time
The word them here refers to ____ . D. at present time
A. private radio stations

Text 3

The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in 776 BC. The first Olympic Games were also called the
ancient Olympic Games. There was, however, only one sport event, a running race. The competitors of the
game were only men, while women were not allowed to join. Later on more events were led, for example, long
jump, javelin throw, boxing, etc. The winners of festival just received a crown of leaves, but it was a great
The Olympic Games were stopped, but, in 1896 a Frenchman, Barron Piere Coubertin, revived them. They
were held in Athena, Greece. The games became the first modern Olympic Games. There were thirteen
countries joining these games and nine sports were on the agenda.
The purpose of joining these festivals was not be the winner but to take part. Now the winners of the
competition do not get crowns of leaves but they get medals instead. The first-place winners get gold medals,
the second-place silver medals, and the third-place winners bronze medals.
In 1964 the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo, and in 1988 they were held in Seul, the capital of South

13. The information about the beginning of Olympic 15. ”The winners of the festival just received a
Games took place is stated in paragraph ___ . crown of leaves, but it was a great honour.
A. 1 (paragraph 1)
B. 2 The underlined word means the feeling of ___ .
C. 3 A. disappointment
D. 4 B. happiness
C. sadness
14. What do the first-place winners receive in the D. pride
modern Olympic Games ?
A. a crown of leaves 16. ”The purpose of joining these festivals was not
B. bronze medals to be the winner, but to lake part. (paragraph 3)
C. silver medals The opposite of the underlined word is ___ .
D. gold medals A. champion
B. successor
C. loser
D. rival

2 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

Text 4

Wina : Hello, Dody

I heard you won the bicycle racing yesterday. 17 on your success.
Dody : 18 , Wina. And you?
Wina : I’ve finished my final game
Dody : Really? Maybe you will be the winner
Wina : 19. Do you have trouble with your bicycle?
Dody : No.Fortunately, I have a 20 to join the race in the National Games.
Wina : You are a 21 rider, Dody.
Dody : Thank you, Wina

17. A. Congratulation C. I agree that

B. Thank you D. I hope so
C. Certainly
D. I hope so 20. A. time
B. chance
18. A. I’m very sorry C. choice
B. I think so D. fortune
C. Thank you
D. You are kind 21. A. lazy
B. bold
19. A. I don’t think so C. reluctant
B. I think so D. down-hearted

Text 5

J. Mayjen Sutoyo 32
Banjarmasin 435127
11 March

Dear Mikael,

Thank you for your letter. It was good to hear from all about your family in the USA.
I have a small family. There is Mum and Dad, myself and my brother and my sister. My Dad is the
headmaster of SMUN. My mother works in a bank in Kota Baru. She is a cashier. My sister is the manager of a
My grandfather and I are at school. He is in SMUN 3 and I am in SMP 5.
My grandfather and grandmother are in Java. They live in Madura. My grandfather is a tailor, My
grandmother works in the house.
I enclose of my family for you.
Best wishes

22. Johan’s family consists of ___ people. C. Madura

A. two D. Yogyakarta
B. three
C. four 25. He is in SMUN 3. The word he refers to ___.
D. five A. Michael
B. Johan
23. Where does Johan’s father work ? C. Johan’s father
A. in a bank D. Johan’s brother
B. in a school
C. in a bookstore 26. My aunt’s son is my ___ .
D. in a drugstore A. uncle
B. cousin
24. Johan’s family lives in ___ . C. niece
A. USA D. nephew
B. Banjarmasin
Text 6

Dany’s Daily Routine

Dany gets up at five o’clock every morning. He puts on his sports clothes and he jogs for eight kilometres.
After jogging, he has a shower and dresses. Next he has breakfast.
At seven o’clock Dany drives to work. He works in Bank Indonesia he starts work at eight o’clock and
finishes at four.
Dany arrives home at five o’clock. He goes to the sports centre and plays badminton with his friend
Taruna. After badminton Dany and Taruna go to Bu Amara’s cafetaria and eat. Later they watch TV at Taruna’s
house or they go to the cinema.

27. What does Dany do before seven o’clock ? He C. ten hours

___ . D. eight hours
A. prays
B. takes a bath 29. Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
C. cleans the garden A. Dany and Taruna play badminton before 5
D. washes o’clock.
B. Taruna eats in Bu Amara’s café after joging.
28. How long does Dany work in Bank Indonesia C. Bu Amara, Dany, and Taruna go to the
every day? cinema.
A. seven hours D. Dany plays badminton in the sports centre.
B. six hours

Text 7

Joko is a football player. He plays for our school. SLTP 23. We are in the finals of the Surabaya School
Championship. The team played against SLTP 7. It was a hard game. First we scored. Then they scored. Next
we scored, but then they scored again. At half time the score was equal.
In the second half Joko scored two goals for our team. Our oppenent scored only one goal that goal came
from a penalty. The score was 4 – 3. In injury time they scored gain. The score was 4 – 4. Our team did not
stop. In the last seconds of the match, Joko scored a goal and made us the champions.

30. How many goals did Joko score ? C. 2 – 2

A. three D. 1 – 1
B. four
C. five 32. In injury time they scored again. The bold typed
D. six word means ___ .
A. time table
31. What was the score at half time ? B. a long time
A. 2 – 1 C. time consuming
B. 3 - 2 D. extra time

Text 8

The National monument is in the centre of Merdeka Square. It is situated between the old Jakarta and the
new one. The monument was built in 1961 to remember Indonesia’s fight for independence from the Dutch.
The monument is 137 metres high and it has 35 kilograms of gold leaf on its top. The gold leaf looks like a
flame-the flame of freedom.
Visitors can ride in the elevator to just below the flame (115 metres high) From here you can see most of
downtown Jakarta. You can look down on noisy Merdeka Squares (one square kilometer), one of the largest
squares in the world. When you come down from the top, you can visit the museum at the bottom of the
monument. Here you can see dioramas showing Indonesia’s history.

33. How old is the monument now ? 34. Where can we see dioramas ?
A. fourty two years old A. in the centre of Merdeka square.
B. thirteen years old B. at the top of the monument.
C. fourty years old C. below the flame.
D. thirty nine years old D. at the buttom of the monument

4 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

35. Visitors can ride in the elevator just below the 37. Zakky : I’m going to visit my friends in
flame (paragraph 2). Cibaduyut on Sunday.
The underlined word means ___ . Would you like to come ?
A. machine for lifting crops Hamka : Oh, yes ___ I have never been to
B. special pictures Cibaduyut.
C. machine for harvesting crops A. But I have something to do
D. freedom from a foreign government B. I’d love to
C. No thanks
36. What does the text tell us about ? D. But I’m going to visit my uncle
A. The National monument.
B. The Characteristics of the National
C. The location of the National monument.
D. The rememberence of the National

Text 9
Mr. Hartono : I want to book a holiday, please ?
Assistant : Yes, sir. Where do you want to go ?
Mr. Hartono : I’m not sure. I like Bali, but I also like Bangkok.
Assistant : Which do you prefer ? Bali or Bangkok ?
Mr. Hartono : Bali is quiet and relaxing. Bangkok is noisy and very crowded. Sometimes I prefer noise
to quiet, but other times I prefer quiet to noise.
Assistant : I, myself, prefer a quite relaxing holiday. I prefer Bali.
Mr. Hartono : Who is going on this holiday, you or I ?
Assistant : You, sir.
Mr. Hartono : Good. Do you have a suggestion?
Assistant : Yes, sir, - Banda Aceh.
Mr. Hartono : Banda Aceh ?
Assistant : Yes, sir. I hear that Banda Aceh sometimes be extremely quiet and sometimes rather
noisy. You will never be bored there. It is also very cheap, and won’t need foreigh
Mr. Hartono : Well, if it’s cheap, quiet and noisy, it’s the place for me. I will spend my holiday there.
38. Which statement is TRUE ? C. in a tour agent
A. Mr. Hartono knows exactly where to go for D. at a café
a holiday.
B. Mr. Hartono accepts the suggestion. 40. Sometimes I prefer noise to quit.
C. Mr. Hartono likes Bali. The underlined sentence is synonymous with
D. Mr. Hartono will go for a holiday with the ___ .
assistant. A. I like noise than quiet
B. I like noise better than quiet
39. Where do you think dialogue takes place ? C. I would like to noise than quiet
A. at home D. I would rather noise to quiet
B. in the office

Text 10
Michael : I think 41 should have a TV in their house.
Jordan : I 42 . Television makes people passive.
Michael : You can learn a lot 43 TV. There is 44 to know.
Jordan : I don’t agree. People watch TV, but they sometimes 45 from it.

41. A. everybody C. am right

B. somebody D. am sure
C. anybody
D. no body 43. A. in
B. on
42. A. agree C. of
. disagree D. from

44. A. everything 45. A. to learning
B. something B. learn
C. nothing C. learning
D. anything D. learnt

Text 11


In the old days most people never moved from where they were born. Travelling was very difficult. Most
people had to walk. There were not many roads and transport was very expensive. So most people stayed at
Nowadays, there are many ways to travel. It is possible to travel at over Indonesia. Every island has a bus
and a taxi service. Java and Sumatra have a train service. If you want to travel to an other island, you can take a
ferry, ship or plane.
Every day thousands of people arrive at the bus terminals and railway stations of every town. Travelers
arrive in the big towns to get work or to visit relatives. Travelers leave the big towns to go home to their
villages for a holiday. Indonesia is a country on the move.

46. What do people arrive in big towns for ? 48. If you want to travel … (paragraph 2)
A. To find jobs The word “you” refers to ___ .
B. To create problems A. people
C. To go home B. travelers
D. To see high buildings C. the writer
D. the reader
47. If we want to travel from Bali to Lombok, we
can take a ___ . 49. Which is FALSE ?
A. bus A. Most people traveled away from their
B. train homes.
C. ship B. In the old days, transport was not cheap.
D. place C. Nowadays, there are many vehicles to take
D. Travelers leave cities to find jobs.

Text 12

There are some international sport events. Among the events are the Olympic Games. The are the
biggest sport events in the word. They are held every four years. Many countries participate in these events.
People like to watch them because they want to know the achievement of international athletes.
The first Olympic Games were held in Greece. Running race was the only even in these events. They
were not glorious because besides there was only event; the athletes who participated were only men. The
winners in these games didn’t get the medals and money from their country like at present. They only got a
crown leaves.
The Olympic Games are held in different country each time. The host country is certain to prepare for
the events seriously. It will build a large stadium, some sport halls and new swimming pools. It also build
hotels for visitors and the athletes from foreign countries. For smooth transportation, it will build new wide
road and new railway.
In the opening of the Olympic Games, the host country holds a special ceremony. It is the lighting of
the Olympic flame. The Olympic flame is taken from Greece. The runners carry it a long way from Greece to
the host country. There are also some special shows, as fire works, feast and dance, air show, etc. The opening
ceremony of the Olympic Games become interesting show nowadays.

50. What is the greatest sport event in the world ? 51. How many events did the Olympic Games hold
A. SEA Games at first ?
B. Olympic Games A. One
C. All England B. Two
D. The National Games C. There
D. Four
6 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)
52. Which of the following statements is not the B. The host Country
preparation of the host country of the Olympic C. A special ceremony
Game ? D. The lighting flame
A. It builds a large stadium
B. It builds some sport halls 54. Many countries participated in these events
C. It creates the winners (paragraph 1).
D. It must make smooth transportation The synonym of the underlined word is … .
A. took part
53. It is the lighting of the Olympic flame B. took over
(paragraph 4). The world “it” refers to... . C. took place
A. The Olympic Games D. look for

Text 13
There are some kinds of transportation. One of them is land transportation. We can use animals, carts,
pedicabs or bicycles to go or carry something. They are called traditional transportation. We use these if the
distance is not far. If the place we want to reach is far, we can use the modern ones like motorcycles, cars,
buses a train, etc.
People usually like to go by their own vehicle. Sometimes they want to reach more than one place, so
it will be easier to do this with their own motorcycles or cars. It is not certain that the places in city, it is cheap
and easy to get it. However, if we want to go to inter city, We should take a bus or train. some people like a bus
because they feel a bus is easier to go we can get off near our destination. Some of us like train because we
think that it is comfortable and economical.

55. The best title the passage above is… 58. It is cheap and easy to get it (paragraph). The
A. traditional transportation word it here refers to…
B. modern transportation A. the place
C. private transportation B. the city
D. land transportation C. the inter city
D. mini bus or city bus
56. To reach the…which is not passed by public
transportation it is better to use our own vehicle. 59. Which of the following statements is true?
A. destination C. goal A. Traditional transportation is good for a long
B. target D. aim distance.
B. Motorcycles, cars, buses and ships are land
57. Some people like going by train because … transportation.
A. we can get off near our destination C. Some people like travelling by train because
B. it is easier to get it is comfortable.
C. it spends less money D. It is not a simple thing to look for a bus in
D. it is public transportation town.

Text 14
It is important for us to 60 a television set. It is not luxury thing at present. Almost every family own it
because it has a great 61 . Television is a tool for receiving television 62 . Through this tool we can get 63. We
can watch music programme and film without going to the entertainment centre or cinema. We can also get 64
because it presents educational programmes and news.

60. A. enjoy D. reflections

B. spend
C. watch 63. A. advertisement
D. have B. program
C. pleasure
61. A. function
D. information
B. prestige
C. pride
64. A. clarification
D. enjoyment
B. communication
62. A. broadcasts C. satisfaction
B. programmes D. knowledge
C. announcements

Text 15
The word ”computer” 65 from the Latin word ”computare”. it means to consider. Computers are very 66
in modern life. Speed and 67 is needed. Solving problems and 68 decisions are necessary. A computer can
help us 69 data quickly and accurately. A computer 70 of three parts. They are input devices, Central
Processing Unit and output devices.

65. A. goes 68. A. making

B. walks B. creating
C. arrives C. doing
D. comes D. catching

66. A. luxurious 69. A. cook

B. industrious B. process
C. important C. combine
D. expensive D. mix

67. A. quality 70. A. devides

B. accuracy B. consists
C. electricity C. modifies
D. clearity D. differs

Text 16

Some years ago farmers cultivated their farm with traditional tools. They hoed the land to plant rice or
other plants. This needed much time to cultivate the field with a hoe because it was hard. In this way they also
needed more people if they had a large field. They usually hoed in the morning, then they took a rest at noon.
They continued working after three o’clock in the afternoon.
People tried and tried to find a better way to cultivate the land. Then they found an animal plow a tool
used in farming for turning up soil. It has a sharp blade and is usually pulled by bufalloes or cows because
these animals can work harder than men. However, people plow using animals only in the morning.
Nowadays people still use animals to plow, but some of them use tractors. People choose tractors
because they can work very fast and hard. They don’t need a rest. They can work a whole day. It is also more
economical than using animals or men.
Like an animal plow, if farmers don’t have a plowing tractor they can hire it. It is cheaper than they
hire an animal plow. Farmers usually like to hire it better than to buy, because a unit of tractor is quite
expensive. But if they are able to buy tractors, it will be profitable. Because besides they can use them, they
can also rent out them.

71. What did people use to cultivate soil many years C. It can work the whole day
ago ? D. It is faster and needs less time
A. plowing animals 74. Because besides they can use them they can also
B. plowing tractors rent out them.
C. traditional tools The word them in the above sentence refers to
D. sharp knives ….
A. people
72. Which of the following statements is true ? B. plowing tractors
A. It is easy to turn the soil up with a hoe. C. animal tractors
B. Farmers use sheep to plow the farm land. D. the rich farmers
C. Cultivating farm land can’t be done
traditionally. 75. It has a sharp blade and is usually pulled by
D. Only some farmers use tractors to cultivate buffaloes or cows.
the land. The antonym of the underlined word is … .
A. pushed
73. Which of the following statement is not the B. drawn
advantage of using a plowing tractor ? C. driven
A. It is hard and needs more time D. riden
B. It is cheaper than an animal plow

8 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

Text 17
Tourist : Good morning.
Receptionist : Good morning, Sir. Can I help you ?
Tourist : Yes, Please. I need a single room for two nights. How much does it cost ?
Receptionist : A single room costs $40 per night.
Tourist : It sounds good. I like it.
Receptionist : May I have your name, Sir ?
Tourist : Hilman. Anton Hillman.
Receptionist : And your nationality, Sir ?
Tourist : I am from London. I am an English man.
Receptionist : And your passport number, Sir ?
Tourist : Let me see. Here is my passport.
Receptionist : Thank you, Sir.
Tourist : You’re welcome.

76. Where does the dialogue take place ? C. $60

A. In the tourist resort D. $80
B. In the airport
C. In an office 79. How long will the tourist stay in the hotel ?
D. In a hotel A. A single day
B. Two days
77. What does the tourist need ? C. Two nights
A. A receptionist D. Three days
B. A two nights room
C. A single room 80. With whom will the tourist stay in the hotel ?
D. A passport A. Receptionist
B. His friends
78. How much does the tourist pay for the room ? C. His wife
A. $20 D. Alone
B. $40

Text 18

Lebai Malang went for 81 with his dog. He threw his line into the water and waited while his 82 was aching.
He opened his cold rice. It was 83 with pieces of banana leaves. He tapped the box on the side of the boat. He
wanted to get the fish out of it, but 84 the boat suddenly moved. The fish flew into the water. He jumped into
the river to catch it. After he came out of the river, he got into his boat. He 85 the dog had eaten up the rice.

81. A. camping C. tied

B. swimming D. mixed
C. walking
D. fishing 84. A. luckily
B. fortunately
82. A. leg C. unfortunately
B. hand D. carefully
C. chest
D. stomach 85. A. invented
B. discovered
83. A. wrapped C. founded
B. covered D. seen

Text 19

I usually travel by minibus. Minibuses can travel on small roads and they take me closer to my house than
a bus can. Another advantage is that I know many of the drivers and some of the passangers on the minibus. I
don’t worry about pickpockets When I travel on a minibus. You can see everybody on a minibus. The big buses
are very crowded and you can’t see who is behind or beside you. That’s why picpockets like the buses.

Sometimes if all the minibuses are too full of passangers, I take a motorcycle. Motorcycles are okay, but if
they crash, you can get hurt. You have some protection in a minibus. You have little protection on a motorcycle.
Also, if it rains you get very wet on a motorcycle. Motorcycles are okay, but I like travelling by minibus much

86. What does the word “I” refer to ? C. Picpockets in crowded big buses
A. the reader D. The advantages of travelling by minibus
B. the writer
C. the observer 89. … I take a motorcycle (P.2)
D. the corrector The underlined word is synonymous with … .
A. use
87. Pickpokets like the buses because ___ . B. wear
A. the passengers know them well C. drink
B. they don’t know the driver D. measure
C. the passangers don’t know each other when
the buses are crowded 90. Which of the following sentences is TRUE
D. the picpockets don’t have chances to do according to the text ?
their crime A. Travelling by minibus is useless
B. Picpockets like doing their crime in the
88. What does paragraph 1 tell us a bout ? crowded buses
A. travelling by minibus C. We can’t see everybody on a minibus
B. Minibuses on small roads D. We will get wet if we travel by bus or train

Text 20
Sport helps us to become strong and healthy. There are many kinds of sport : walking, running,
hunting, cycling, swimming, wrestling, shooting, jumping, and so on. It is not important what kinds of sport we
are going to do, as long as we are strong enough to do it.
Healthy people should exercise regularly, no matter how old they are.
The simplest and the best sport is walking. It is also the cheapest one, because we do not need money
to do it. A long walk in the evening may help us sleep more easily than any medicine.
But people today do not like walking. They would rather drive a car, though they are not in a hurry or travelling
a long distance. This kind of “disease” comes from our laziness.

91. Why do people exercise ? B. perhaps

A. To get any medicine C. prefer
B. To be healthy D. do
C. To help us to be strong
D. To avoid our laziness 94. What is the best litle of the text ?
A. Becoming strong and healthy
92. The word “it” in the sentence ”as” long as we B. A sport is walking
are strong enough to do ”it” refers to … . C. Healty and strong people
A. sport D. Walking is a sport
B. kinds of sport
C. strong and healthy 95. Should we swim any time to become strong and
D. walking healthy ?
A. No, we shouldn’t
93. They would rather drive a car. B. Yes, we should
“Would rather” means … . C. Yes, we do
A. take D. No, we are not

Text 21
At the end of the nineteenth century newspapers were the main public sources of information. At the
end of the twentieth century, we still have newspapers, but they are no longer the main sources of information.
Nowadays we have the ‘electronic media’, the internet, radio and television.
The electronic media link Indonesia to the rest of the world. The electronic media make us part of the
global village. If we went to find out what is happening in Europe or the United States, we can listen to satellite
TV stations, such as, the BBC or CNN. We can find out what normal people in these countries think by going
on the internet. There we can talk in English to people from all over the world.

10 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

In the twenty-first century the internet will be the most important source of information. Even now
there is so much information on the internet. Soon people will not buy newspapers from kiosks anymore. They
will read electronic newspapers on the internet. If you get tired of watching TVRI, you will be able to switch to
a New York channel or a channel from Argentina or Ireland.
96. Based on the text. What are the main sources of 99. According to the text, the following sentences
information today ? are false except … .
A. newspapers A. Newspapers are he main public sources of
B. the electronic media information.
C. the internet B. If we want to talk to an American, we must
D. radio and television go to America.
C. Long time ago people bought the internet
97. The electronic media link Indonesia to the rest from kiosks.
of the world. D. People could find newspapers easily in the
The bold-typed word means ___ . 19th century.
A. sink C. connect
B. contact D. inform 100.Falih : How much is the ___ to Kebumen
by bus ?
98. There we can talk in English to people from all Agil : Oh. I’m sorry. I don’t know.
over the world. A. fare
The underlined word refers to ___ . B. cost
A. Europe C. money
B. United states D. price
C. Satellite TV stations
D. the internet

Text 22

I like to read ‘Bola’ magazine. 101 my sister likes ‘Nakita’. Although I 102 ‘Bola magazine, I can’t
play football. Football is a great 103, but it can be dangerous. You can be 104 while playing football therefore
you 105 be very careful.

101.A. But C. lottere

B. Although D. referee
C. Because
D. Therefore 104.A. happy
B. tired
102.A. know C. disappointed
B. interested D. injured
C. read
D. watch 105.A. should
B. night
103.A. player C. would
B. game D. could

Text 23

The biggest nation sports events in our country are the PON’s. PON stand for Pekan Olahraga Nasional.
They are held every two years at first, but after words they are held every four years.
Any city can be the host of the PON as long as it is able to hold them. The participants are the amateur
athletes form all provinces in our country. The participants must possess certain qualifications before they are
allowed to participate in the PON. The prizes for the winners are gold, silver, and bronze medals. The
champions and the runner-up have good chance to take part in the SEA Games, Asian Games or Olympic
(Taken from : Communicative and Meaningful English for 3 SLTP)

106.PON are held in different ___ and take place D. country, four years
every ___.
A. country, two years
B. province, two years
C. city, four years
107.…….. before they are allowed to participate in A. the PON are held every two years
the PON. B. the PON are held every four years
The underlined word has similar meaning with C. the participants must be four years old
___. D. the athletes have been the winner for four
A. take into years
B. take off 109.The word ”they” in the sentence ”They are held
C. take out every two years at first, …..”
D. take part Refers to ___.
A. the city
108.They are held every two years at first, but after B. the participants
words they are held every four years. C. the sports events
From this sentence we know that now ___. D. the athletes

Text 24

Before modern farming methods, farmers lost many crops to dry weather. Sometimes dry periods lasted for
many years. In those days, drought often turned the land to dust. Then winds came a long and blew the good
land away. This happened year after year.
Farmers didn’t understand how to plant and this made situation worse. Each year they planted the same
crops. They never gave the land a rest. The land became poor with two much use. They always planted in long
straight rows. They broke the land into fine dust. They never planted trees to break the strength of the wind.

110.Why did the farmers lose many crops? 112.… and this made the situation worse (paragraph
Because ___. 2).
A. of the modern farming methods The word this refers to ___.
B. the wind blew the good land away A. Wind came along and blew the good land
C. of the dry weather away.
D. the land turned to dust B. Farmers didn’t understand how to farm.
C. Drought turned the land to dust.
111. In those days, drought often turned the land ot D. This happened year after year.
dust (paragraph 1).
The underlined word means a ___. 113.Which of the following statements is not true
A. dry weather about the traditional farming methods?
B. dry season A. never giving the land rest
C. summer time B. planting the same crops each year
D. long dry period C. always planting in long straight rows
D. planting trees to break the strength of the

Text 25

Legong is Balinese temple dance. It is performed during religious ceremonies. Legong is a beautiful
graceful dance. It is performed by three dancers. One of these dancers takes the part of the ”Condong” (or
female attendant) of the court. The other two dancers are young girls, who are dressed a like. These two girls
move their bodies, eyes and hands to the fast tempo of the music which is provided by the gamelan orchestra.

114.What is the best title of the text? 116.A Legong Dance is performed by ___.
A. Ballet Dance A. two young girls and one boy
B. Legong Dance B. two young boy and one girls
C. Condong C. three young boys
D. Dancer D. three young girls

115.The main idea of the paragraph above is ___.

A. the dancers of Legong Dance
B. the place to dance Legong Dance
C. the information about Legong Dance
D. the gamelan of Legong Dance

12 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

Text 26

Latif : Hi, Benni. How are you?

What are you doing here ?
Benni : I have sent the letter to my uncle and what will you do ?
Latif : Not different with you. I want to send the letter to my sister in Andalas Island. She has lived there
since three months ago.
Benni : What is she doing ?
Latif : She is a doctor in village.
(Suddenly Akmal comes in)
Akmal : Hi, guys you look so seriously,
What the matter happens ?
Benni : Nothing special, just send the letter.
And you, What are you doing ?
Akmal : It’s just the same. By the way, Latif
Where is your old sister ? I haven’t seen her for several months.
Latif : She is in Sumatera right now. She works at the people Health Center.
Akmal : Oh, yeah … I beg you. I have to send the parcel to grand mother in Surabaya.
Benni and Latif : Please, be pleaser, and We beg you too, to go back first.
(Benni and Latif give the signal by their hand to Akmal and back together). Good bye.

117.Where does the dialogue take place ? 119.I haven’t seen her for several months later.
A. on the road (Akmal’s speech)
B. in the post office The underlined word refers to … .
C. in the People Health Center A. Akmal’s old sister
D. at school B. Latif’s old sister
C. Your sister
118.How many persons are involved in the D. Your old sister
dialogue ?
A. two 120.Who comes first to the place ?
B. three A. Latif
C. four B. Benni
D. five C. Akmal
D. Latif’s Sister

Text 27

There is a university in my city. It is a good university. Most of the students are Moslems. They can do
their warship easily because there is a big mosque in the campus. The adherent of other religions can do their
worship easily too. There is a church near the laboratory. There is also a worship place for Hindu in the faculty
of letters. The place of worship in the campus is a public place. People who are near the campus often go there.
The place of Buddhist is not in the campus. It is out of the campus, but it is only about one hundred metres.
Therefore, they can do their worship easily and well.

121.There is a university in my city. C. activity

What does the word my refer to ? D. study
A. the Moslems
B. the adherent 123.Which of the following sentences is FALSE ?
C. the writer A. Some of the students in the university are
D. the reader not Moslems.
B. There is Buddhist’s place in the campus.
122.They can do their worship easily. C. There is a church in the campus.
The underlined word is synonimous with … . D. The place for worship of Buddhist is only
A. prayer about one hundred metres out of the
B. friendship campus.

Text 28

Mr Bakri is a teacher. He is talking to his son in the living room. They are talking about the wealth of
Indonesia nature.
Mr. Bakri : What’s about Indonesia in your mind ?
Udin : Oh, Indonesia is my country.
I love if very much.
Mr.Bakri : Well, you are a good young man.
Do you know that Indonesia is very rich ?
Udin : Yes, we have a lot of forests, mines, and wide sea.
Mr. Bakri : Right our large land is fertile.
Plants can grow well in our land.
Rice, coffee, tea, clove, rubber and other forest trees are our wealth.
Udin : What about rattan and resin ?
Mr.Bakri : They are some of the forest products.
Timber is also the forest product
Udin : And mine products ?
Mr.Bakri : Well, we have oil, coal, silver, tim and asphalt.
Udin : Diamond and copper ?
Mr.Bakri : Yes, they are the mine products
Udin : What is about sea products.
Mr.Bakri : The width of our sea is more than the land. It produces fish, pearl, salt sea park.
Udin : I remember Bagansiapi-api is popular with its fish. Pearl is in Aru archipelago; salt is in Sumenep
and Kalianget; sea park is in Ambon
Mr. Bakri : You are right.
Well, let’s have dinner

Then they have dinner together in the dining room.

124.What makes Indonesia rich ? B. group of many small towns

A. Its forests, mines, and wide sea. C. group of many big lands
B. Its land, rice, coffee, and tea D. group of many small islands
C. Its clove, rubber, and other forest trees
D. Its rattan and resin 127.Where does the dialogue take please ?
A. in a restaurant
125.They are some of the forest products ! B. at home
What does the word they refer to ? C. in a hotel
A. rice, coffee and tea D. at school
B. clove, rubber, and other forest trees
C. rattan and resin 128.What is the dialogue about ?
D. the forest products A. The Indonesian archipelago.
B. The richnees of Mr.Bakri’s
126.Pearl is in An Archipelago C. The wealth of Indonesia nature
Archipelago means … . D. The land, sea and mine products
A. group of many countries

Text 29

Arqom : Good morning sir.

Mr. Fauzi : Good morning. Any news ?
Arqom : There was a plane accident in Klaten, the stwewardess died and new gossip.
Daily or weekly ?
Mr. Fauzi : Republika and Kedaulatan Rakyat, please.
Arqom : Here you are.
Magazine, sir ? There are many good articles in this magazine.
Mr. Fauzi : What is it ?
Arqom : Sabili.
Mr. Fauzi : Okay, I’ll have one. Here is ten thousand.
Arqom : Here is the change. Thank you very Much.
Mr. Fauzi : You’re welcome.
14 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)
129.Where does this dialogue happen ? C. Sabili is newspaper name
A. at supermarket D. Mr. Fauzi gets the change
B. at gallery
C. in the post office 132.This magazine is published monthly.
D. in the news agent It means it is published ___ .
A. every month
130.Who is Mr. Fauzi ? B. twice a month
He is ___ . C. three times a week
A. the owner of the news D. once a week
B. a customer
C. a news seller 133.How can we get newspapers or magazines ? By
D. Arqom’s father … them.
A. putting
131.Which sentence is True ? B. taking
A. Arqom is Mr. Fauzi son C. publishing
B. Mr. Fauzi bought two magazine D. subscribing

Text 30

Sport is good for our health. It can make us healthy and physically strong. People like playing sports to
keep fit. They also play it for pleasure. Thus, everyone should play sports to make their life healthy and happy.
Nowadays many people like sport. They like not only doing it but also watching it. When it is broadcast
live on television. They are even willing to spend their money to see a football match, boxing or tennis. People
who watch a sporting event are called spectators.
There are different kinds of sports. There is football, volley-ball, badminton, swimming, boxing, running
etc. We are free to decide what sport we would like to play. Most people like running because it is cheap, and
easy to do, and we can do it anywhere.
Football and badminton are the most popular sports in our country. Most people like paying football or
watching the football matches. They also like playing badminton or watching the matches. We have many
potential players in this game. They often win international championship, which makes Indonesia known to
the world.

134.What is a good title for the above text ? 136.We have many potential players in this game.
A. Sports (par 4)
B. Watching sports What does the underlined word refer to ?
C. Football matches A. Basketball
D. Badminton matches B. Volleyball
C. Swimming
135.What does paragraph 3 tell us about ? D. Badminton
A. Cheap and easy sports
B. Deciding what sports to do 137.They often win international championships,
C. The kinds of sports Which makes Indonesia known to the world.
D. The most popular sports The bold-typed word refers to … .
A. they
B. international championships
C. Indonesia
D. the world

Text 31

Nowadays many jungle in the world are threatened to extinction. Elephants in Africa, tigers in India, seals
in the north and south poles, pandas in China, one-horned rhinoceros in Indonesia.
Human being has damaged the wild life. People hunt animals in order to get the advantages. They do not
pay attention to the importance of the conservation. They do not understand that the life of the forest has a
relation with the life of human being. They cut the trees to get a farming field. They cut the trees to get a
farming field. However, it threatens the life in the environment.
Each government in the world must give attention seriously to keep the nature. Singariti National Park in
Kilimanjaro Valley, Kenya, is a wild life conservation. We find a lot of wild animals in it. National Park in

Ujungkulon, West Java, is a wild conservation. These conservations are useful to keep the animals from the
extinction due to human.
We must be aware of the existence of relation between the human life and the environment is very

138.What does paragraph 2 tell us about ?

A. Human being sometimes damages the 140.We must be aware of the existence of … (par.
environment. 4).
B. People hunt animals to get the advantage. The word we refers to … .
C. Human being neglects the importance of the A. Each government
conservation. B. People
D. People don’t know the relationship between C. Reader
the forest life and human being D. The writer and the reader

139.How many wild conservations are mentioned in 141.What is the suitable title for the text above ?
the text ? A. The threatened jungles in the world.
A. one B. Wild life
B. two C. The extinction of Elephants in Africa
C. three D. The farming field
D. four

Text 32

The 142 thing in travelling by air is that 143 cannot reach any towns located within short 144. Towns
within short distances 145 have plane routes 146 small towns do not have airports.

142.A. worse C. destination

B. good D. dimention
C. worst
D. better 145.A. does not
B. do not
143.A. the ship C. are
B. the plane D. are not
C. the spacecraft
D. the train 146.A. but
B. so
144.A. distances C. because
B. directions D. and



Computers are machines that handle information automatically. They can perform calculation and process
data. Computers can work with numbers to solve the problems in a few second. Computers are widely used in
places such as banks, offices, and companies. Computers work like calculators, but most calculators can do
only one thing at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons. To do the same work, we can
give a series of instructions to a computer program. If we set up a program, the computer can provide other
information such as lists, numbers, letters, words, or even graphs of pictures. Once we provide a program, the
computer can do all these works automatically without further help or instruction.
A computer stores and handles numbers. The numbers may be mathematical formulas or column of
figures. The numbers may also be codes that stands for letters of the alphabet, word, or instructions to the

147.From the text we know that a computer is 148.Paragraph two tells us about ___ .
for__ . A. how a computer works
A. giving us codes B. what a computer can do
B. making calculation C. how to give instructions
C. handling information D. how to set up a program
D. typing automatically
16 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)
149.”We tell them what to do by pressing various A. do
buttons” (paragraph 2). B. tell
The word them refers to ___ . C. write
A. computers D. inform
B. calculators
C. various buttons 151.”… the computer can do this work
D. series of instructions automatically,”(paragraph 2).
The antonym of the underlined word is ___ .
150.They can perform calculation and process data, A. specially
(paragraph 1). B. generally
The word perform has the similar meaning as C. manually
___ . D. gradually


45 King road
Perth, Australia 2002
August, 28, 2002

Dear Mr. Habib

Thank you for your second letter. It is very interesting to read about the farming tools used by the farmer in
our village.
Now I would like to tell you about the tools that the farmers in my area use. Most farmers here use tractors
to till and losen the soil. They help us do the tilling and losen the soil. They help us do the tilling work quickly.
To make holes in the ground we also use a machine called a seed drill. It is also used to drop seeds into the
holes and their fertilizer. For larger ricefields we plant seeds by aeroplane. We also use the aeroplane to spray
chemicals on to the ricefields. When harvesting time comes we use a combine. It can cut the rice and separate
the rice kernels from the stalks. This machine can harvest more grain than zoo people working by hand.
Well, Mr. Habib that is all for now. I am looking forward to receiving our other letters.

Your Sincerely

Willy Pat

152.What does the letter talk us about? C. exciting

A. The harvest time D. frightening
B. The farming tools
C. The farming tools in Australia 156.”It can cut the rice and separate the kernels,”
D. The farming tool in Indonesia (paragraph 2).
The word it in the above sentence refers to ___ .
153.Which of these farming tools is not mentioned in A. aeroplane
the letters? B. combine
A. hoes C. tractor
B. tractors D. seed drill
C. combines
D. seed drills 157.The farmers used to use buffaloes to plough the
fields. But now they use tractors instead. It
154.It is also used to drop seeds into the holes and means that they need more ___ to own the tools
their fertilizer. because they are expensive.
The word it refers to ___ . A. time
A. a machine B. money
B. the ground C. knowledge
C. a seed drill D. preparation
D. the soil
158.The farmers harvest their crop manually here,
155.It is very interesting to read about the farming ___ ?
tools used by the farmers in our village. A. don’t they
The antonym of the underlined word is ___ . B. aren’t they
A. amusing C. doesn’t they
B. boring D. didn’t they
159.Andi : Your father never gets up late, ___ ? 160.Mr. Karto is a farmer. He always works in the
Dona : Of course. He leaves the house to ricefield ___ .
work in the field very early. A. tomorrow
A. doesn’t he B. yesterday
B. isn’t he C. everyday
C. do you D. now
D. does he


A forest is an area that is full of trees . We can find in the islands in Indonesia. They spread a long the
islands of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Irian and other islands in Indonesia. They are important for our lives.
Forests give us many kinds of export comodities such as timber, rattans, as well as rubber. Forests also
protect us from danger of floods. In the rainy season the root of the trees in the forests absorb the rain water and
store it under the ground. In the dry season the water will come out and it is very useful for us for reservoir and
irrigation. If there are no forests, the rain water cannot be stored, there will be erosion of the soil and we will
suffer from terrible floods.
Forests also help us to purify the air from pollution. The trees of the forests need carbon dioxide from
the air and send the oxygen out into the air, which make the air fresh and pure. The fresh and pure air is needed
for our health.
We can also find many kinds of fauna and flora in the forests. Animals and plants need forest to live.
To ensure the continued existed of the animals and plants in the forests, we have to protect it from destruction.
Realizing that the forests give us a lot of important things, we should keep our forests safe. Our forests is our

161.The forest can purify the air. 165.… it is very useful for us for reservoir and
We can find this idea in paragraph ____ . irrigation, (paragraph 1).
A. 1 The antonym of the underlined word is ____ .
B. 2 A. useless
C. 3 B. careful
D. 4 C. easy
D. difficult
162.The forest can be the source of income of the
government. 166.”They spread a long the islands of Sumatra …
We can find the above idea in paragraph ____ ”(paragraph 1). The world “they” refers to ___ .
A. 1 A. The trees
B. 2 B. The islands
C. 3 C. The forests
D. 4 D. The people

163.What is the function of the root? 167.They ____ the mountain if the weather is fine.
A. to make the air fresh A. will climb
B. to cause the soil erosion B. would climb
C. to store water in the ground C. have climbed
D. to create floods in the rainy season D. will have climbed

164.Why must we protect our forests? 168.Indonesia has a tropical climate and only has
A. they are very important for our lives two seasons, the wet and dry seasons.
B. we can find a lot of trees in the forest The word climate here means ____ ,
C. they spread a long the islands of Indonesia A. extreme heat
D. we can find many kinds of fauna in the B. average rainfall
forest. C. high temperature
D. weather condition

There are six television stations in Indonesia: TVRI, TPI, RCTI, SCTV, ANTV, and, Indosiar. The six station
169 different programs. You can read all the television 170 in newspaper. Most of the programs are
recorded programs. Sometimes the programs are broadcasted 171 , that is the 172 can watch an 173
at the same time as it 174 .
18 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)
169.A. broadcast 172.A. presenters
B. offer B. audience
C. apply C. broadcaster
D. sell D. viewers

170.A. plannings 173.A. time

B. foretells B. event
C. forecasts C. chance
D. schedules D. place

171.A. live 174.A. happens

B. lively B. goes
C. direct C. does
D. personally D. makes


Nowadays people still use animals 175 , but 176 of them use tractors. They do not need a 177 . They can
work 178 day. It is also more 179 than using animals or men.

175.A. to plow C. men

B. to plant D. rest
C. to harvest
D. to fertilizer 178.A. some
B. any
176.A. all C. whole
B. some D. much
C. none
D. any 179.A. economic
B. economize
177.A. soil C. economics
B. oil D. economical


Computers are machines that can do calculation very quickly. They can also store information in their
‘memory,. The information can be retrieved whenever it is needed. Computers are used in airports, banks,
hospitals, and even in your house. Computers can also be used to control the wings of an aeroplane. Computers
are very useful for everyday work. For example, you can use a computer to calculate difficult maths problems,
to type a letter, to scan a photograph, to print, or to play games.
Computers are not magic. They can not think for themselves. They can do only what they are told to do.
They can only do a task properly if they are given all the necessary instruction.
A set of instructions that tells a computer what to do is called a program. A person who makes the program
is a programmer. He works out how the computer can do the work, step by step.

181.Where does a computer store information? 183.The third paragraph informs us that ___ .
It stores information in its ___ . A. A computer will make the program by itself.
A. machine B. A program is instruction given to the
B. memory computer.
C. instruction C. A computer can work out how can do the
D. program work.
D. A program tells the computer to do the work
182.How can a computer do a task properly? step by step.
A. If it can calculate math problems.
B. If it is used for everyday work. 184.This statement is true based on the text ___ .
C. If it is given suitable instructions. A. The information in the computer can be
D. If someone makes the programs. called many times.

B. We only use the computer in solving the 185.The information can be retrieved whenever it is
math problems. needed.
C. It is impossible to control the wings of the The word ‘it’ refers to ___ .
plane by using a computer A. computer
D. Computer can think and do by themselves. B. machine
C. information
D. memory


James and Richard are going to spend their vacation in Semarang. They are going to spend one night in
Cirebon. For accommodation, they always choose a hotel in Jalan Siliwangi. It is a small hotel but it is clean
and tidy.
The hotel is located near the bus station and “angkot” vehicles pass the main road in front on the hotel.
James and Richard can go to the bus station by angkot. This hotel provides lodging and breakfast. Every time
they come to the hotel, a kind receptionist helps them choose a comfortable room with two beds. There is an
indoor bathroom in each room. Then the bellhop carries their luggage.
After resting for ten minutes, the bellhop knocks at the door and asks them what kinds of drink they prefer.
Each guest can choose a cup of coffee, milk, or tea, James usually has a glass of milk and Richard has a cup of
tea. Besides the drink, each guest usually has a slice of bread with butter and jam, and two boiled eggs for their
breakfast. When the guest leaves the room to go somewhere, the key of the room’s door must be given to the
The cost of a room in this hotel is not too expensive. This covers the cost of the room and the breakfast.
The bellhops and the workers of the hotel are kind and friendly.

186.What does the main information given by the

writer? 189.These are the reasons why James and Richard
The writer wants to tell the reader that ___ . always saty at the hotel in Jl. Siliwangi when they
A. the room of the hotel is very good go to Cirebon … except ___ .
B. they have got satisfying accommodation A. short distance between destination and the
C. the cost of the hotel covers the room and the hotel
breakfast B. kind and friendly receptionists
D. they have enjoyfull travelling C. its good service
D. nice and delicious breakfast
187.What facilities does the hotel provide for its
guest in its room? 190. Before leaving for abroad you must have a ___ .
A. easy transportation, lodging, breakfast and A. certificate
swimming pool B. passport
B. double beds, indoor bathroom, and breakfast C. suitcase
C. private transportation, bedroom and D. document
D. drink, bread and the service of bellhops 191.If you want to stay in the hotel you must check
in first.
188.It is a small hotel but it is clean and tidy (the first They word ‘check in’ means ___ .
paragraph). A. ask the special place before using an
The word it refers to ___ . accommodation
A. vacation B. arrive and register to the receptionist
B. accommodation C. pay one’s bill before coming to the hotel
C. lodging D. order and ask the key of the hotel room
D. hotel


Lebaran, the feast that marks the end of the fasting month or Ramadhan is the traditional time for going to
our elders and neighbors to beg forgiveness. Then city person take journey to parents or relatives at villages to
ask for the same reason and also spend the holiday. All families either live nearby or in distant areas gather at
the parents houses. This is the happiest moment for all Moslems. Then the parents’ or relatives in turn expected
to visit their houses in cities.
Early in the morning of the Lebaran Day, every Moslem goes to the fields or mosques to pray the Idul
Fitri. At home drinks and food are served to every guest.
20 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)
Visits are usually also made upon superiors at works and friends during the first week of the lebaran day.
organizations and offices make a gathering which is called “Halal Bihalal” or “Silaturahmi” on the second
week after Lebaran so that members may greet each other to wish them the joys season. That is a good custom
for Moslems to do every year.

192.Why do all Moslems celebrate Lebaran? B. The city person takes a journey to their
Because it is ___ . parents.
A. the big feast they have C. Going to visit our faraway parents is
B. the ceremony to celebrate the end of fasting wasting a lot of money.
month D. Employer and employees make ‘Halal
C. the time to spend the holiday at interesting Bihala’ a week later after Lebaran.
D. the ceremony to forgive their elders and 195.The activity of Moslems after the Lebaran Day
relatives can be found in paragraph ___ .
A. 1
193.Having gone to the field or mosque, every B. 2
Moslem ___ . C. 3
A. prays for Idul Fitri D. 4
B. serves the food and drink for the guests
C. gathers at the relatives’ house 196.All families either live nearby or distans areas
D. takes a journey to tourists objects gather at the parents houses.
The word ‘distans’ means ___ .
194.This statement is false based on the text ___ . A. wide
A. Paying a visit on Lebaran Day is a good B. far
custom for Moslems. C. fertile
D. prosper


Aeroplane have shrunk the world in terms of travel time. No place in the world is more than 24 hours away
from any other by air. A traveler can board a plane in Jakarta and arrive in Bandung in half an hour. The trip
would have taken 3 hours by Parahyangan train. It is usual for business executives to fly to a meeting two or
four hundred kilometers away and return home on the same day.
Aeroplanes are also useful to industry. They speed goods from factories to waiting costumers. For
example, aeroplanes takes vaccines, antibiotics, and other lifesaving drugs, as well as foods to victims of
earthquakes, floods, and other disasters. Aeroplanes can deliver fresh tropical fruits to markets.
Besides aeroplanes, helicopters are the other kinds of air transportation. A helicopter can fly in any
direction forward, backward, to the side, or straight up as well as hover in one place. Modern helicopters can
speed of about 320 kilometers per hour. But they usually fly at about 130 to 260 kilometers per hour when
going from one place to another, they can fly almost 1,000 kilometers without refueling.
Just as helicopters can not fly as fast as the fastest aeroplanes can do many jobs that helicopters can. The
modern helicopter has almost limitless commercial and military uses. On television we often see helicopters at
work rescuing people from flood, fires, and other disasters, because helicopters can hover, they do not need to
land. They can use a line to hoist up disaster victims or to lower supplies.

197.The suitable for text is ___ . B. Aeroplanes are useless for industry but
A. Air Transportation important for business.
B. Aeroplanes and Helicopters C. The superiority of the helicopters is that
C. The Importance of Air Transportation they can fly 1000 kilometers without
D. Aeroplanes and Our everyday Life refueling.
D. Aeroplanes can do many jobs as helicopters
198.Helicopters don’t need to land while they at can.
work rescuing because ___ .
A. They can hover. 200.‘They can use a kind to hoist up disasters … (the
B. They are smaller than aeroplanes. last sentence last paragraph).
C. They can fly longer. The word ‘they’ refers to ___ .
D. They can fly in any directions. A. Aeroplanes
B. Survivors
199.This statement is true based on the text ___ C. People
A. The trip by plane would have taken 3 hours D. Helicopters
from Jakarta to Bandung.
201.What is the main idea of paragraph one? C. The inventing of aeroplane has brought
A. Aeroplane and the world have close great change in travel time
relationship D. Aeroplane comes to the world and make
B. A traveler can fly by plane in a few minutes usual for business executives
to reach his destination


The impacts of television are like two sides of a coin. It is not always for the better. It is also for the 202 .
Have you ever counted the time you 203 watching television and studying in a day? If you spend more time to
watch television than to study, then you are under the bad 204 of television. You have forgotten that your 205
duty as a student is studying. 206 , don’t be a TV addict!

202.A. best C. influence

B. bad D. courage
C. worse
D. worst 205.A. special
B. essential
203.A. spend C. important
B. use D. main
C. look
D. spoil 206.A. And
B. So
204.A. character C. But
B. picture D. Though

Text 43

”Out bond” activity is usually carried out outside the school. The participants spent one night and one day
or more in an out bond place. What did they do there?
Arriving at that place they held a ceremony to open their activities. Then they sang and danced together.
They made groups. They made their own groups yet. They didn’t set up the tents. They usually had day and
night activities so they did not have time to sleep. However, they had time to rest and to pray.
The activities in out bond are usually held for group so each group has to work together to do the activities
or games. They will not be successful if they just think themselves. Each member of the group has to realize the
different characteristics of his friends but they should be one and solid. After doing out bond, the participants
get better bahavior and characteristic. They can cooperate to solve problems.

207.What did they do first at the out bond place? C. Activities in out bond place.
A. singing and dancing D. Day and night activities.
B. holding a ceremony
C. making groups 210.What does the word his in paragraph 3 refer to?
D. setting up the tents A. Each member
B. They
208.How did the participants do games in out bond? C. The group
A. By working individually. D. The participants
B. By thinking themselves.
C. By cooperating. 211.What is the purpose of out bond?
D. By realizing the differences. A. To get happiness.
B. To sing and dance.
209.What does paragraph two tell about? C. To make group activities.
A. Out bond place. D. To get better attitude.
B. The ceremony of out bond.

22 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

Text 44

January 28th 2003

Dear Zaenal
I’m just writing to let you know my
new address. I’m sorry that I made you
confused. I couldn’t tell you before about
my new boarding-house because I have
been busy moving to the boarding-house
and I have had little time for doing
anything else.
I moved here a week ago. I am very
happy to stay here because I have a lot of
new neighbours. They all are friendly.
I hope you can come here.

All the best,


212.What does the word ”I” refer to? C. neighbours

A. the readers D. confused
B. the receiver
C. the writer 215.I am very happy to stay here. The italic typed
D. the postman word is synonymous with ___ .
A. disappointed
213.Does Zaenal know Ruri’s new address now? B. interested
A. Yes, he does. C. bored
B. No, he does not. D. excited
C. Yes, he is.
D. No, he is not. 216.What is the text about?
A. Zaenal’s new address.
214.Private house that provides meals and B. Ruri’s new address.
accommodation is called ___ . C. Zaenal’s friend.
A. a new address D. Ruri’s letter.
B. a boarding-house

Text 45

Widi always takes a nap after school and wakes up at 3 p.m. After having the afternoon prayer,
she helps his mother cook rice, boil water and clean the yard. After that she takes a bath. She wears her
muslimah clothes. She drinks and eats some meals before she goes to the Qur’an school to study and to read
the Holly Qur’an.

217.What kind of person is Widi? C. Catholic

A. crazy D. Christian
B. lazy
C. diligent 219.What is the text about?
D. fussy A. Morning routines
B. Afternoon routines
218.What is Widi’s religion? C. Taking a nap after school
A. Islam D. Widi’s activities at school
B. Buddha

Text 46

The newspaper is a collection of interesting information for people of different ages and occupations. It is
also interesting to men and women. The information is in the form of news articles feature articles, pictures and
Journalists write the articles. They go to a place where an incident occurs like a flood a fire, a crash and a
landslide. They visit the courts and listen to the cases before the magistrates. They rush to places where an
accident occurs. They see the place of incident and listen to the people who saw the incident and accident. They
take photographs of the place and people. Then they write the story.

220.It is also interested to men and women. 222.Which of the following sentences is FALSE?
The italic typed word refers to ___ . A. Newspapers are published for people of
A. the newspaper different ages and occupation.
B. a collection B. Journalists go to places where an accident
C. interesting information happens.
D. people of different ages C. Journalists write the story based on the fact
of the incident or accident.
221.The information is in the form of news articles, D. People who saw the incident or accident
feature article, pictures and advertisements. wrote the articles.
The bold typed words mean ___ .
A. amusing article 223.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
B. expensive article A. Who journalists are.
C. next article B. How the articles are written.
D. special article C. Articles of an incident or accident.
D. The story of journalists.

Text 47

Africa is a 224 of developing countries. It lies 225 the Atlantic Ocean in the West and the Indian Ocean
in the East. These oceans 226 in the South of Africa. Africa is famous for 227 two wide deserts. 228 the
Sahara Desert and the Kalahari Desert.

224.A. sea D. meet

B. peninsula E. have to meet
C. continent
D. lake 227.A. it
B. their
225.A. among C. it’s
B. between D. its
C. in
D. over 228.A. There are
B. That is
226.A. meet C. They are
B. meets D. It is
C. will

Text 48
School begins at seven o’clock in the morning. The pupils walk to school. Some pupils go to school
by bicycle and some go to school by car or bus. They get to school in time. They don’t want to be late because
the front gate will be closed at seven o’clock.
On Monday morning the pupils have a flag ceremony. Boys wear while shits and blue shorts. Girls
wear white shirts and blue shirts. Teachers and clerical workers wear grey safary. While the flag is being
hoisted, all particupants are singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya.

229.How do the pupils go to school ? 230.What is the colour of the school uniform ?
The followings are true, except ___ . A. blue
A. by bicycle B. grey
B. by bus C. white and grey
C. by trans D. white and blue
D. by car
24 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)
231.What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?
A. School begins at 7 o’clock in the 232.“They don’t want to be late, … “
morning The word “they” refers to ___ .
B. The front gate will be closed at 7 A. the schools
o’clock B. the pupils
C. The pupils go to school by bicycle, C. the teachers
car, and bus D. the front gate
D. The pupils must come to school in
Text 49

The mineral resources of the world, exclusive of soils, are of four main types : (1) mineral materials
other than metals, fuels, and water, (2) metals, (3) fuels, (4) water. On all the land of the earth the materials of
the first type are much the most abundant and most evenly distributed of all the mineral resources. At least fifty
deferent mineral materials other than metals, fuels, and water are widely used by modern man, some of them in
their natural state and some as ingredients in manufactured articles.

233.Which materials are widely used by modern man A. inclusive

? B. include
A. metals C. exclude
B. fuels D. consist of
C. water
D. mineral materials other than the 235.Which one is the cheapest mineral resources of
metals, fuels, and water the world ?
A. soils
234.The mineral resources of the world, exclusive of B. fuels
soils, … C. water
The antonym of the underlined word is ___ . D. metals

Text 50

Receptionist : Good after noon Garuda Indonesia Hotel, can I help you ?
Albert : Good afternoon. Yes. Can you tell me how much a single room with a bath costs per night ?
Receptionist : Yes, Sir. A single room without, breakfast included, costs one hundred and twenty-five
thousand Rupiah per night.
Albert : Good. Have you got any rooms available at the end of May ?
Receptionist : Yes, we have. How long would you like to stay ?
Albert : I’d like to stay for two weeks, from the twenty-lighth of May to the tenth of June, please.
Receptionist : Fine. A single room with bath ?
Albert : Yes, please.
Receptionist : And the name, please ?
Albert : Albert. That’s A-L-B-E-R-T.
Receptionist : Let me see … We have a room on the third floor, number 361.
Albert : That sounds fine. I’ll take it.

236.What is the room that Albert want to book ? C. May 28th to une 10th
A. A single room D. May 28th to June 10th
B. A single room with bath
C. A single room without bath 239.Which of the following statement is true
D. A double room without bath according to the dialogue above ?
A. Albert is asking how
237.How much is the cost of the room ? many rooms in the hotel are.
A. 100.000 rupiahs B. Albert wants to stay in the
B. 120.000 rupiahs hotel for two weeks.
C. 125.000 rupiah C. Albert books a double
D. 150.000 rupiah room with bath.
D. Albert gets a room on the
238.Wen will Abert stay in the hotel ? second floor.
A. May 18th to June 10th
B. May 10th to June 28th 240.The word it in the last sentence refers to ___ .
A. a room D. a hotel
B. a floor
C. a number
Text 51
Anita is in the doctor’s room now. The doctor is examining her. She is sick. Anita gets headache. Her
throat is hoarse (serak). Her bode is hot. She also gets cough. The doctor puts a thermometre in her armpit to
measure the body-heat. Then he sets a tension-metre to measure her blood pressure. He checks her heart-beats
with his stethoscope.
“Nothing serious, “the doctor says. “You might need to rest”.
“Did you say so, doctor ?” Anita asks.
“Yes, you’re allright. I’ll give you some medicine. Drink it and get rest. You’ll be better soon. Don’t
worry.” The doctor says.
Anita goes home from the doctor’s house happily. She believes she will be recover soon. She only has

241.The text above fells us about ___ . 243.What does the doctor use to check the heart-
A. the doctor’s room beats ?
B. Anita’s sikness A. thermometre
C. a medicine B. stethoscope
D. health equipments C. tensions-metre
D. some medicine
242.How many tools does she doctor use to examine
Anita ? 244.The doctor ___ Anita in his room now.
A. one A. examines
B. two B. examined
C. there C. is examining
D. four D. has examined

Text 52

There are various kinds of 245 ; some are played in feams and some are played by individuals. Not all
sports are played for 246. Play to win or play For fun, everything is posible.

245.A. events We can also say ___.

B. game A. Titi plays sport once a week and neither
C. sports does Dona.
D. play B. Dona plays sport once a week and so does
246.A. concert C. Dona doesn’t play sport once a week and
B. competition Titi doesn’t either.
C. entertainment D. Titi and Dona don’t play sport once a week.
D. match
248.His mother never gets up late, ___ .
247.Titi : How often do you play sport every A. doesn’t she?
week ? B. did she ?
Dona : Once a week. C. didn’t she?
How about you ? D. doesn’t she?
Titi : I do too

Text 53

There 13 a great variety of 249 in Bali. Some people 250 that the “Legong” is the best of all, many
others may prefer the “Kebyar”. To some, the “Janger” is the most 251 dance. In fact, the tree dances are
popular among the Belinese as well as among the Indonesians.

249.A. songs 250.A. difficult

B. dance B. different
C. music C. beautiful
D. entertainments D. expensive

26 – Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris 3 SLTP (Wacana)

251.A. say C. speak
B. tell D. ask


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