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TLL 102 – Turkish Language and Literature II

Spring 2018-2019

Instructor: Tuğba Yıldırım e-mail:

C1Y – Wed. 10:40-12:30 – FENS L035 Office: FASS 2073/74
B1Y – Thurs. 08:40-10:30 – FASS 1101 Office hours: Wed. 08:40-10:30 /
D1Y – Thurs. 12:40-14:30 – FENS 2019

As a required university course for the first year students, TLL 102 is a continuation of TLL 101 and it
aims to analyze novels, short stories, plays, and poems from Turkish literature written in the 20th
century, focusing on issues related to Turkey’s history of modernization.
The aim of the course is twofold. On the one hand, it helps students analyze and discuss how the
Republican social, cultural and political developments are reflected in literature and how in turn
literature influences these developments. On the other hand, it aims to develop students' theoretical
and practical skills in reading and interpreting literary texts. This is achieved by using primary literary
texts from prominent authors of the period. Students are expected to attend classes, read these works,
participate in the discussions and take exams.

l Quiz 15% (5 x 3pts)
l Midterm Exam 20% (20pts)
l Participation 30% (10 x 3pts)
l Final exam 35% (35pts)

Course Requirements and Policies:

l Students are required to attend all classes. Missing a class will lower your participation grade
(3pts). Students are also expected to come to class on time in order not to interrupt the
discussion. If you are late by more than ten minutes, it will be considered that you have
missed the first hour and your participation will be calculated accordingly.
l If you miss 5 weeks (10 hours) without a valid excuse, you will fail and get the grade NA.
l Recording lessons with any devices without the permission of the instructor is prohibited.
l Plagiarism is an ethical and academic offense. Assignments or exam papers which show
evidence of plagiarism will be given an F grade. The incident may also be referred to the
University Ethics Committee. Please consult the plagiarism document in the internal web for
more information (,
Each week’s text should be read before the lesson
Week 1 (February 13-14) Introduction
Week 2 (February 20-21) Republican Era Culture and Literature
Documentary: “The Incredible Turk”, 25 min.
Week 3 (February 27-28) Selected poems from Nazım Hikmet
• “Letter to My Wife”
• “Letters from a Man in Solitary”
• “İstanbul House of Detention”
• “On Living”
• “Last Will and Testament”
• “Welcome”
• “Autobiography”
Documentary: “Nazım Hikmet: Living is no laughing matter”, Niyazi Dalyancı,
2015, 10 min.
Week 4 (March 6-7) Selected short stories from Sait Faik Abasıyanık
• “A Dot on the Map”
• “The Futile Man”
• “Four Plus Signs”
Week 5 (March 13-14) A play by Haldun Taner
• Man of the Hour (Act I-II, pp.89-118)
Week 6 (March 20-21) • Man of the Hour (cont’d, Act III-IV, pp. 118-141)
Week 7 Midterm Exam: March 27, FMAN 1099, 17:40-20:00
Week 8 (April 3-4) Documentary: “Ekümenopolis: City Without Limits”, İmre Azem, 2011, 90 min.
Documentary: “The Birdmen of Istanbul”, Ali Naki Tez, 2012, 80 min.
Week 9 (April 10-11) A novel by Yaşar Kemal
• The Birds Have Also Gone
Week 10 (April 17-18) A short story by Sevgi Soysal
• “Hanife”
A short story by Zeynep Oral
• “Five Minutes to Five”
Documentary: “What is honour?”, Filmmor Women’s Cooperative, 2008.
Week 11 (April 24-25) A novel by Orhan Pamuk
• The Silent House (pp. 3-145)
“Orhan Pamuk’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 2006”, Nobel Media
AB 2006, 5 min. (
Week 12 (May 1-2) • The Silent House (cont’d, pp. 146-272)
Week 13 (May 8-9) • The Silent House (cont’d, pp. 273-402)
Week 14 (May 15-16) Wrap up discussion

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