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1-2) About The British & Irish Boxing Authority

3-4) Official Record Keepers – Pro Boxing Records (Fight Fax Inc.)
5) Association of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC)
6) Association Of Combative Sports Commissions (ACSC)
7-9) European Boxing Council (EBC)
10-20) BIBA Executive Committee
21-22) BIBA Medical Advisory Board & Ringside Medical Officers
23-24) Professor M.R. Graham Appointed
25) Rule Update April 2016 – Rabbit Punches
26-35) Introduction of Infra-Scanners Ringside At BIBA events.
36-38) 10 Year Concussion/Head Injury Research Project
39) BIBA First Aid Courses
39) Cut Man & Head Trauma Awareness Courses
40-51) BIBA Referee, Judges & Time Keeper Guidelines & Officials
52) Supervisor Info & Officials
53-55) Inspector Guidelines & Officials
56) Championship Committee
57-63) BIBA License Application & Medical Guide – MRI/MRA Contract (In-Health)
64-65) BIBA License Application Form
66-70) BIBA Medical Form
71-77) BIBA Licensed Boxers by Division
78-85) BIBA Promoters Guidelines & Promoters List
86) BIBA Managers List
87-90) BIBA Coaches, incl Cut Men
91) BIBA Matchmakers and Agent list
92-109) BIBA Rules & Regulations
110-116) BIBA Rules of Boxing
117-129) BIBA Statutes

About The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA)

The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) is a professional boxing Governing, Sanctioning
and Licensing organisation that operates primarily within the United Kingdom and the
Republic of Ireland.

However the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) also undertake sanctioning of events

In June 2016 the BIBA sanctioned the first professional boxing event to take place in
Pakistan, this event was undertaken on behalf of former Two Division World Champion
World Champion Amir Khan, to raise funds for the Amir Khan Foundation to build
desperately needed Fresh Water Wells in the region of Tharparker, one of the most desolate
and poorest regions in the World. The event was a massive success and raised in excess of
PKR8Million for this worthwhile cause.

The British & Irish Boxing Authority are determined to do the utmost best for BIBA licensed
professional boxers, whether they are just starting their career or are battle hardened

The British & Irish Boxing Authority’s primary focus – besides the licensing of professional
boxers and their coaching, management and promotional agents, sanctioning of professional
boxing events, as well as the training and licensing of officials – is the raising of medical
protection standards for the sport, to ensure that the health and safety of the young men and
women that participate in the sport, as well as the application of the Association Of Boxing
Commissions (ABC) Unified Rules and Regulations for Professional Boxing events.

To this end, in January 2017, The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) appointed
renowned Sports Forensic Scientist Professor Michael Graham MBChB; PhD; FRSM; BASEM;
MICR; MCSFS; PCCMH; APIL Expert; FSB to their Medical Advisory Board to develop
additional boxers Health and Safety procedures, such as the Cognitive Testing Procedures
that the BIBA introduced in April 2017, both as part of their licensing procedure as well as
the post event medical.

Professor Graham led the esteemed team that produced the internationally published papers
“Direct Hits to the Head During Amateur Boxing is Associated With a Rise in Serum
Biomarkers For Brain Injury” & “Should an Increase in Cerebral Neurochemicals Following
Head Kicks in Karate Influence Return to Play?” Professor Graham and his esteemed team
are currently researching the short-term and long-term effects of head injuries in Rugby.

In March 2017 The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) became the first professional
boxing organization to introduce life saving technology, in the form of Infra-Scanners, that
detect bleeds to the brain, Ringside at all events.

Also in March 2017 The British & Irish Boxing Authority assigned the BIBA Championships to the
Professional Boxing Council (PBC), as the British & Irish Boxing Authority prepare to be the first
European Professional Boxing Governing and Sanctioning organisation to be a hundred percent
compliant with the American Federal Act – 15 US Code Chapter 89 Professional Boxing Safety Act of
1996, commonly known as the Muhammad Ali Boxing Reform Act

In 2018 the British & Irish Boxing Boxing Authority signed up to the Mental Health Charter for Sports
& Recreation as well as created a new Health & Safety Executive website – – to
provide information and resources for BIBA license holders with regard to all Health & Safety
procedures as well as related research and resources on these matters as well as Mental Health

Official bout record publishing, for events sanctioned by the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA)
are by Pro Boxing Records (FightFax) and BoxStat


The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) are proud to also be involved in Grass Roots
Boxing. As part of our commitment to local communities the BIBA has a network of in excess
of thirty affiliated boxing gyms across the UK and ROI as well as overseas, that provide local
youngsters, as well as adults, subsidized, and in some cases totally free, training and support.









In 2005 a rival organization, Boxrec, make an attempt to became the official record keeper but a
panel of the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC), State Commissions and Attornies discover
that Boxrec’s accuracy was substantially lower than the 100% accuracy that Fight Fax provide.

During the years Fight Fax’s records has been used in court, by commissioners, promoters, agents,
fighters and even the FBI.

In 2017, with the new on-line record library ready to be launched Fight
Fax changed their name to PRO BOXING RECORDS.


One the main benefits of using Pro Boxing Records are, that you can be confident that the Boxer’s
record that you receive is 100% accurate, as we only update a Boxer’s fight record according to the
official reports submitted by the officiating Commission.

Our records don’t have a RED mark, to alert the reader that the Boxer’s record for that bout relate to
an unverified bout. If we are unable to verify a bout, we just will not register it, as Pro Boxing
Records’ obligation is to protect the fighter.

PRO BOXING RECORDS are record keepers not record collectors.

World significant bouts rely on the accuracy of Pro Boxing Records Record Keeping.

More so, now than ever before, it is essential that Professional Boxer’s records are accurately
recorded, from Commission submitted reports only. Over the past few years there has been an
substantial increase in the number faked records being listed and distributed openly on the internet.

This situation has not only lead to dangerously mismatched bouts, but also deny hard working
Boxers, that have fought to develop their record legitimately, the opportunity to compete in fair
properly matched contests and in some cases failed to receive the Championship opportunities they
deserve. With Pro Boxing Records you can be confident, that when matching a bout or a Boxer’s
Championship eligibility, that the Boxers records supplied are one hundred percent accurate.

Pro Boxing Records only accept results provided by Commissions.

Association Of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC)

The British & Irish Boxing Authority are an highly active member of the Association Of
Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC)

The APBC is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) through which the Commissions that regulate the Sport of Professional
Boxing World-wide are able to cooperate and discuss, as well as introduce regulations for the betterment of the Sport and those
that compete, especially within the realms of Licensing and Medical Standards, Ringside Health & Safety, Sanctioning and
Competition Rules & Regulations.

Whilst full membership to the APBC is limited to Professional Boxing Commissions, Associate Membership to the APBC is
open to all license holders from the World of Professional Boxing, whether an Official, Manager, Promoter, Matchmaker, Coach
or Boxer as well as and Championship Boxing Organizations and Boxing Equipment manufacturers etc as we feel that their
input is vitally important, especially within the realm of regulation and health and safety.














European Boxing Council (EBC)

The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) are a founding partner of the European Boxing
Council (EBC)

The European Boxing Council (EBC)

The founding members firmly believe that the EBC should be much more than just a Championship
organisation, as such the EBC will be proactive in the development of Boxing Rules and Regulation,
especially within the realm of Health & Safety procedures to ensure the highest possible standards
and protocols are developed to provide the young men and women who participate in our beloved
sport the safest environment possible.

The EBC has an unprecedented opportunity to unite All European Professional Boxing Commissions
in a spirit of unity, passion as well as the desire to create new International Standards within
Professional Boxing.

EBC European Championship

The principal goal of the European Boxing Council (EBC) is to provide talented European
professional boxers, both male and female, the opportunity of making a name for themselves by
publicly recognising their talents, as such the European Boxing Council created the EBC European
Championship, with the intentions of providing European promoters and boxers an opportunity to

The EBC European Championship enables European professional boxers, both male and female, the
opportunity to work their way up through the European Boxing Council (EBC) rankings and once
successfully established as an EBC European Champion enable them to become ranked accordingly
in order to progress, via established World Sanctioning organisations to campaign for International
and Intercontinental Championships and then onto World Championship status.

The European Boxing Council (EBC) independent and unbiased ratings system contributes to the
growth, longevity and continued success of professional boxing worldwide.

Boxer Health & Safety

The EBC intend to be proactive in the development of new and improved Boxing Rules and
Regulation, especially within the realm of Health & Safety procedures to ensure the highest posible
standards and protocols are developed to provide the young men and women who participate in our
beloved sport the safest environment possible when they compete.

One such development, sees the European Boxing Council (EBC) making the use of hand held Infra-
Scanners, that detect bleeds to the brain, mandatory for all EBC European Championship contests,
and all competitors are required to undertake both pre and post fight scans in an attempt to prevent
further tragedies in our sport.

EBC Ring Officials

It seems these days, that one of the most contentious aspects of Professional Boxing is the officiating
and scoring of professional boxing contests, especially Championship bouts, as such the European
Boxing Council (EBC) is determined that Ring Officials for EBC European Championship contests
meet the highest possible standards. To ensure that these high standards are achieved, the EBC
Championship Committee have developed an Official Certification Programme for proposed EBC
Championship Referee and Judges, which will take place each year at the EBC Annual Convention.

PRO BOXING RECORDS - EBC Official Record Keeper

More so, now than ever before, it is essential that Professional Boxer’s records are accurately
recorded, from Commission submitted reports only. Over the past few years there has been a
substantial increase in the number faked records being listed and distributed openly on the internet,
or worse still, as in the case of the on-line record collector’s (Boxrec), actual failure to list or update
records submitted by various Commissions Worldwide.

This situation has not only lead to dangerously mismatched bouts, but also deny hard working
Boxers, that have fought to develop their record legitimately, the opportunity to compete in fair
properly matched contests and in some cases failed to receive the Championship opportunities they
deserve. With Pro Boxing Records, formerly Fight Fax, as the EBC Official Record Keeper we are
confident, that when matching a bout or a Boxer’s Championship eligibility, that the Boxers records
supplied are one hundred percent accurate.

Pro Boxing Records only accept results provided by Commissions.



The Executive Committee of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) comprises of some of the most respected people
within boxing, each dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of their license holders and boxers that compete on events
sanctioned by the BIBA.
President: TBA

Vice President/CEO: Gianluca Di Caro

Vice President (Honorary): Herol Graham

Chairman: Al Low
Vice Chairman: Tanveer Qureshi (Barrister)

Secretary General: David Smith

Chief Medical Officer: Professor Michael Graham

Deputy CMO: Professor Bruce Davies

Director of Female Boxing: Marianne Marston

Director of International Broadcasting: Ira Steven Glass

Director of Media Relations: Simon Green

Head of Officials (Referees & Judges): Lee Murtagh

Head of Officials (Timekeeping): Nigel Beaven

Head of Officials (Inspectors): Georgia Collison

Regional Executive Boards & Sister Commissions


Chairman (Scotland): Ian Longstaff

Vice Chairman & Chief Medical Officer (Scotland): Professor Julien S Baker
Deputy CMO (Scotland): Dr. Rajeev McCrea-Routray MBChB BMedSci(hons)


Vice President (Ireland): Mike Jefferson

Chairman (Ireland) Stevie Quinn

Vice Chairman (Ireland) Marty Kayes


Chairman (Wales): Professor Michael Graham

Vice Chairman (Wales): Ken Coughlin

Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Wales): Dr John Pates


Malta Boxing Commission (MBC)

MBC licenses, sanctions and governs professional boxing events in the Republic of Malta

President: Tim Witherspoon

Chairman: Charlie Cardona

Chief Medical Officer: Dr Mark Xuereb


TRNC Professional Boxing Commission

TRNC Professional Boxing Commission licenses, sanctions and governs professional boxing events in the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus.

President: Yiltan Zabit

Vice President: Mehmet Pasha

Chairman: Hasan Karacalı


Pakistan Professional Boxing Commission

PPBC licenses, sanctions and governs professional boxing events in Pakistan

Vice President: Mr. Ahsan Khan


Afghanistan Professional Boxing Commission

APBC licenses, sanctions and governs professional boxing events in Afghanistan

General Secretary: Mr. Shukrullah Fazili


Bangladesh Pro Boxing Association

BPBA licenses, sanctions and governs professional boxing events in Bangladesh.

President: Mostafizur Rahman

Vice President: Muhammad Nazmul Hassan

Vice President: Md. Hummayuan Kabir

General Secretary: Mst. Farida Rahman

Joint Secretary: Md. Fazlul Haque

Treasurer: Md. Nazir Ahamed Nazir

Legal Representation

Mahtab Aziz BA (Hons)

Wentworth Solicitors
193 Praed Street
London W12 1RH

BIBA Ringside Medical Officer & Medical Advisory Board

The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) endeavours to ensure that each Medical Officer
appointed by BIBA as a Ringside Medical Officer, has thorough knowledge of the most common
injuries which can occur during the course of a boxing match.

To assist them in this area, each Medical Officer appointed by the British & Irish Boxing Authority is
provided with a copy of the Association Of Boxing Commissions (ABC) Ringside Medical Handbook,
which covers all aspects of injuries etc that can occur during competition.

On the day of a tournament, or if a Championship event the day before the tournament, one of the
BIBA Medical Officers appointed for an event will attend the official weigh-in.

Following the official weigh-in, each boxer is required to undertake a medical examination and is
questioned on his/her medical history. In the cases where the BIBA Medical Officer is unsatisfied
about the condition of either boxer, he/she will not sign the medical certificate which would allow
the contest to take place. This applies to all boxers whether permanently licensed by BIBA or those
from overseas.

No tournament will be allowed to commence without at least one appointed BIBA Medical Officer
sitting at ringside, or an ambulance on standby staffed by at least two fully qualified and equipped

At least one of the BIBA Medical Officers appointed for a boxing tournament must be practised and
qualified in the management of an unconscious or partially conscious patient and in effect this
either means a Consultant Anaesthetist or a Consultant in an Accident or Emergency Unit at a
hospital or previously had been a Consultant in an Accident or Emergency Unit at a hospital.

Although the Referee is in sole charge of a contest and is the only person authorised to stop a
contest, a duly appointed BIBA Medical Officer for an event may be called upon to inspect an injury
if so required by the Referee and of his/her own volition may visit a boxer’s corner during the one
minute interval between rounds should he/she feel there is any cause for concern.

BIBA Medical Officers have the power to impose or extend a medical suspension on a licence
regardless of whether or not the boxer has won, lost or drawn the contest.

No boxer is permitted to leave a venue after a contest without having been cleared fit to do so by
one of the BIBA Medical Officers in charge.

According to the Regulations of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA), Medical Officers at
BIBA licensed boxing tournaments can only be appointed by BIBA Head Office. This is to ensure
that the Medical Officer is fully qualified and conversant with the ABC Ringside Medical Handbook.

In addition the British & Irish Boxing Authority are able to call upon a number of specialists
Consultants, in the UK and Europe, within the fields of neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedic
surgery, ophthalmology and cardiology, which ensures that they have the best treatment available
for their license holders as well as are able to keep abreast of developments within these specialist

Rule #2-1. Of The BIBA Rules and Regulations – Medical Advisory Board

The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) shall appoint a minimum of four physicians to serve on
a Medical Advisory Board for a term of four years.

The Governor shall designate a member with experience in sports medicine as chairman of the
board. Each member shall be paid a per diem rate to be established by the secretary, but not in
excess of £100 (€130) per day.

The BIBA Medical Advisory Board shall issue an annual report to the commission, which shall
include a review of the health status of each boxer who competed during the prior fiscal year to
identify those who may be at risk of serious physical impairment.

The BIBA Medical Advisory Board may recommend changes or additions to the health and safety
rules and regulations of the commission and, upon request of the commission, shall review
proposed rules and regulations and advise the commission of recommendations with respect to the
said proposed rules and regulations.

Currently the BIBA Medical Advisory Board Consists of:

Chief Medical Officer: Professor M.R. Graham MBChB; JCPTGP; PhD; FRSM; MPhysoc; BASEM; MICR;

Regional CMO (England): Professor Bruce Davies Ph.D, FACSM,

Regional CMO (Scotland): Professor Julian S Baker Ph.D, D.Sc, FPhysiol, FHBA, FRSB, FICR, C.Biol,

Deputy Regional CMO (Scotland): Dr. Rajeev McCrea-Routray MBChB BMedSci(hons)


Regional CMO (Wales) Dr. John Pates PhD; Mphil; BA (Jt Hons), PGCE, PDip.

Regional CMO (Southern Region) Dr. Yousef Rashid M.D. MB BS (London 1992) MRCGP DFFP RCOG

Chief Medical Officer (Malta) Dr. Mark Xuereb M.D. M.R.C.Psych.(UK) M.C.E.M.(UK) M.M.C.F.D.









“I am extremely proud that Professor Graham has joined our Medical Advisory Board, he is a, if not
the, leading specialist in sports injuries and more importantly head injuries.

I believe it is our role to provide the highest level of health and safety procedures for the boxers,
such as pre-licensing medicals, brain scans, blood screening etcetera’s as well as the ringside
medical procedures and post fight medical.

Over the past twelve months, the issues of the effects of concussion within sports, not just the realm
of Boxing, but also Football and Rugby, has been receiving an increased amount of mainstream
media attention. However, practice appears to remain unchanged and archaic.

Whilst most of the column inches and air time has focused on the long term effects on the lives of
those sports men and women that have endured concussion, there has not been much written or
broadcast about the procedures that the individual sports organisations initiate in their efforts to
prevent serious long term effects.

Professional Boxing has always been the leader in this particular realm, with specific rules in place
for when a boxer is stopped or knocked out during a contest, to prevent return to play,

In the BIBA case, besides the standard post fight medical checks by the ringside doctors, if a boxer is
stopped, the boxer’s license is automatically suspended and the boxer may not compete, or spar, for
a minimum 28 days, which is increased to a minimum 90 days if knocked out and unconscious for
any period of time, no matter how short, as well as receive medical clearance, including in some
cases an MRI scan, before they can compete again.

Compare that to other sports, such as Football and Rugby, where it seems the ‘magic’ sponge is
deemed enough and a player that is seriously concussed could be back on the pitch playing again
after just minutes.

However even though Professional Boxing procedures, especially our own with regard to
concussion, are without doubt the best in the world, we at the British & Irish Boxing Authority
believe that there is still a need to improve the procedures currently in place and am looking
forward to the introduction of the new standards, including pre-licensing and post-fight Cognitive
Testing procedures, being developed specifically for us by Professor Graham, Dr. Eccles and the
BIBA Medical Advisory Board members.”
































Before expanding further and explain what had led to the decision to introduce the use of Infra-
Scanners at BIBA events;

“Following two major head injury incidents last year, one that resulted in the death of Mike Towell,
even though neither were on events sanctioned by ourselves, the BIBA board had decided to
actively seek solutions regarding improving the way that injuries such as these can be detected as
quickly as possible. The first move we made was to appoint renowned forensic sports scientist
Professor Michael Graham PhD to our Ringside Medical Officer & Medical Advisory Board.

Professor Graham led the esteemed team that produced the internationally published papers
“Direct Hits to the Head During Amateur Boxing is Associated With a Rise in Serum Biomarkers For
Brain Injury” & “Should an Increase in Cerebral Neurochemicals Following Head Kicks in Karate
Influence Return to Play?”

Professor Graham and his esteemed team are currently researching the short-term and long-term
effects of head injuries in Rugby as well as preparing, in conjunction with ourselves and a
prestigious UK University, a long term research project to assess cognitive function following brain

Around the time of the appointment of Professor Graham, our CMO, Dr. Louise Eccles, proposed
that we should investigate obtaining Infra-Scanners, as the use of these would massively assist in
detecting problems such as a bleed on the brain quickly, especially as there is only a limited amount
of time to assess the location of such an injury.

Following Louise’s advice, I contacted the manufacturers and am extremely proud to say that the
initial trial unit will arrive later this month, hopefully in time for the 26th February event in
Bradford, that features two ten round International contests.

We have initially ordered two Infra-Scanners which will be operated by Professor Graham and Dr
Eccles at our events, and are aiming to order a further eight units over the coming twelve months,
so that every BIBA Ringside Doctor will have an Infra-Scanner available by 2018.

Both the appointment of Professor Graham and the introduction of Infra-Scanners, are just two pro-
active decisions made by ourselves with regard to Boxer Health & Safety, there are more to come,
as Professor Graham and another of our Ringside Medical Officer & Medical Advisory Board, Dr
Mark Xuereb have also proposed the introduction of further safety measures, one of which is the
introduction of Cognitive Testing, which will come into force very soon.

We believe that Boxer Health & Safety is paramount, as such we will continue researching
procedures that can assist us provide the very best medical evaluations possible.”

Further Independent Coverage of BIBA Introducing Infra-Scanners

Life Saving Infra-Scanners Introduced This Weekend at UK Boxing Events

Posted on 9th March 2017 by admin Posted in BIBA News

Life Saving Infra-Scanners Introduced This Weekend at UK Boxing Events

Jonah Roche and Professor Michael Graham with Infra-Scanner

In February the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) announced that they were set to introduce
hand held Infra-Scanners, that can detect Brain bleeds, ringside at events sanctioned by themselves
in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, following a number of high profile head injuries
incidents and the death of Scottish Boxer Mike Towell.

The Infra-Scanner is a hand held brain scanner that is designed to detect bleeding on the surface of
the brain inside the skull, so epidural and subdural bleeds, which are the common bleeds associated
with an impact to the head, ones that can commonly cause life changing injuries or in the worse
case scenario, death, in a short space of time.

Within Boxing, the Infra-Scanner is not intended to replace an MRI scan, which is required annually
for Professional Boxers, but allows Doctors at Ringside to undertake a two or three minute scan, to
determine if as a result of the boxing match that a boxer may have sustained an epidural and
subdural bleed to the head.

Should the scan produce a positive result this will enable the Ringside Doctors to ensure that the
Boxer is admitted immediately to the nearest specialist unit, where the appropriate care can be

Yesterday, InfraScan Inc. representative Jonah Roche, from SkillShop.Eu, travelled to the United
Kingdom to deliver the first of the Infra-Scanners as well as undertake a training session for a
number of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) Ringside Doctors and affiliated Chief
Paramedics, ahead of launching the use of the Infra-Scanners at an event in Paisley, Scotland this
coming Saturday.

The British & Irish Boxing Authority had made the decision to introduce the potential life saving
scanners following four major head injury incidents at events in the United Kingdom last year, even
though these catastrophic injuries were sustained on events overseen by the British Boxing Board
of Control (BBBofC) and not on events sanctioned by them.

In January 2016, Tommy Martin suffered a bleed to the brain following the Commonwealth and
WBC International Championship bout against John Wayne Hibbert.

In March 2016, Nick Blackwell was put in an induced coma due to a bleed in the skull following his
British Title fight with Chris Eubank Jr, and once again in November following a sparring session.

In September 2016, Mike Towell suffered a bleed to the brain during the British Welterweight
Championship Eliminator contest against Dale Evans and passed away shortly after due to the

In November 2016, German based Kazakh Eduard Gutknecht collapsed in the dressing room
following the WBA International Championship bout against George Groves and was rushed to
hospital, where he underwent surgery to relieve swelling on his brain and, whilst still in a coma,
was transported to Germany in December.

In February this year BIBA Vice President Gianluca Di Caro wrote to BBBofC General Secretary
Robert Smith, offering the use of the scanners for any boxer licensed by themselves, should they be
suffering headaches or nausea following sparring or a contest, however this offer was refused and
shortly after Mr Smith made the following statement to Boxing News Magazine.

“We’ve looked into it and we’re still looking into it,” Robert Smith tells Boxing News.

“We want to make sure they are accurate, and ensure the people using them are qualified to do so.
We have asked many doctors, and received many opinions.

Ultimately, it seems it is too early to tell if this technology will be suitable for boxing. We will
continue to look into the possibility of implementing them because safety has been paramount to us
for many years, and will continue to be so.

“Nobody has said to me that this is definitely the way to go, because at this time, it’s just too early to
say. In the future, after further research, they might be. It will be discussed in detail at our medical
seminar in the summer.”

Chief Paramedic Martyn Morgan undertaking scan on Jonah Roche as Professor Michael Graham
looks on.scanners

Following the introduction training course, Renowned Sports Forensic Scientist and BIBA Deputy
Chief Medical Officer (D-CMO), Professor Michael Graham MBChB; JCPTGP; PhD; FRSM; MPhysoc;

“The growing recognition of sports-related brain trauma creates an ideal application for the Infra-

In contact sports like Boxing, Football, Karate, Mixed Martial Arts and Rugby, and others, the Infra-
Scanner can provide field-based diagnosis and assist in the decision whether to evacuate an injured
athlete to a hospital for immediate investigation and medical or surgical management.

The Infra-Scanner has been subject to a substantial number of Controlled Research Studies, around
the World, and has already proven 80-100% selectivity and 90-100% specificity.

In addition there are over two hundred Infra-Scanners in use by the American Military, as this
equipment was developed specifically for them for use in the field, as well is currently undergoing
further trials at St Mary’s Hospital and The London Air Ambulance.

The Infra-Scanner is proven to accurately detect intracranial haematomas using the unique light-
absorbing properties of haemoglobin, which is located within blood, and the non-invasive, non-
ionizing nature of Near Infrared (NIR) technology.

Enormous advantages of the Infra-Scanner for speed of diagnosis are:

Portability, Infra-Scanners weighs just 400 grams.

Patient measurement is completed within 2-3 minutes.

The Infra-Scanner detects haematomas greater than 3.5 ml in volume, as well as detects
haematomas up to 2.5 cm deep from the surface of the brain, or 3.5 cm from the skin.

I expect that such technologically advanced equipment will become mandatory at all public and
private events, within a very short period of time.

Failure, by sporting organisations, to have the Infra-Scanner and personnel trained in its use will
ultimately invalidate sporting licenses and insurances and result in enormous medical negligence

Already it is clear in Boxing alone, that deaths from intracranial haemorrhages could have been
prevented, if the Infra-Scanner had been present and used as a diagnostic tool.

As such we at the British & Irish Boxing Authority are extremely proud to introduce this technology
at events sanctioned by ourselves, as we believe they will prevent future tragedies in the sport.”

The Infra-Scanners will be introduced Ringside at the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA)
sanctioned event promoted by Gerard Boyle-Welsh at the On-X Centre, in Paisley, Scotland this
coming Saturday.

Life Saving Brain Scanners Debut at Exclusive Boxing Event in Malta.

Posted on 27th March 2017 by admin Posted in BIBA News

Life Saving Brain Scanners Debut at Exclusive Boxing Event in Malta.

Damon Booth in action against Ireland’s Marty Kayes

Last Friday evening the cream of Maltese Glitterati descended on the Le Meridien Hotel in St
Julian’s, Malta, for a rather exclusive Professional Boxing event, sanctioned by the British & Irish
Boxing Authority (BIBA) in conjunction with the Malta Boxing Commission (MBC).

With tickets priced at almost ten times the normal for a boxing event in the Mediterranean haven,
joining the rich and famous from the Islands were in excess of sixty international high rollers, each
and every one of them attending to support Damon Booth as he made his professional boxing
debut, against Ireland’s Marty Kayes, as well as to watch the highly decorated multi-World
Champion Scott Dixon in action against England’s Will Cairns

However, those in attendance for the swanky event were totally unaware that in the background
was an historic event also taking place, as for the first time on the Islands and only the second time
ever at a professional boxing event anywhere in the World, the ground breaking hand held Infra-
Scanners, that can detect bleeds to the brain of the combatants, were in action both pre and post

The Infra-Scanners, that were successfully introduced by the BIBA just two weeks prior, at an event
in Paisley Scotland, following a number of high profile life changing head injuries incidents at
professional boxing events in the UK last year, most notably the death of Scottish Boxer Mike
Towell, even though these tragic incidents were on events sanctioned by the British Boxing Board
of Control (BBBofC) and not by themselves.

The Infra-Scanner is a hand held brain scanner that is designed to detect bleeding on the surface of
the brain inside the skull, so epidural and subdural bleeds, which are the common bleeds associated
with an impact to the head, ones that can commonly cause life changing injuries or in the worse
case scenario, death, in a short space of time.

Within Boxing, the Infra-Scanner is not intended to replace an MRI scan, which is required annually
for Professional Boxers, but allows Doctors at Ringside to undertake a two or three minute scan, to

determine if as a result of the boxing match that a boxer may have sustained an epidural and
subdural bleed to the head.

Should the scan produce a positive result this will enable the Ringside Doctors to ensure that the
Boxer is admitted immediately to the nearest specialist unit, where the appropriate care can be

Dr Mark Xuereb undertakes scan on Damon Booth post fight

Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) Chief Medical Officer and British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA)
Medical Advisory Committee Member Dr Mark Xuereb spoke briefly after the successful
introduction of the Infra-Scanners at the special event.

“My comments as a Boxing Doctor for both the MBC & BIBA and having been in this profession for
in excess of ten years, I can say I’ve seen a lot of boxers and sometimes as a clinician the team has a
dilemma do you refer to hospital or don’t you, which is a crucially important decision because you
are potentially toying with death.

Without wanting to dramatize, this is a fantastic tool, the Infra-Scanner is a crucial tool to aid in that
decision process. It’s easy, it’s simple, any paramedic or doctor can be trained to use it and it helps
with the triage system, which is crucially important decision, because we decide what is current
urgent versus future important.

We have guidelines for head injuries charting, whether to refer or not refer, as always this will not
replace clinical assessment, however shall we say it fortifies and confirms your clinical hunch.

So easy to use, perfect, would I use in the future, absolutely, the research results are undeniable,
and it’s making waves all over the world, so I would really like to thank whoever invented it
because it is really going to help us as health & safety in any sport is first and foremost, brilliant,
brilliant, brilliant, five stars and hopefully as it develops it will get smaller and lighter, although
saying that must say it is already lightweight and reasonable in size, so brilliant all round.”

Billy Corito becomes the first Maltese Boxer to be scanned using the advanced technology hand
held Infra-Scanner

Maltese Heavyweight Billy Corito, who had attended the event became the first Maltese boxer to be
scanned, even though he wasn’t boxing on the event had this to say about the technological

“I was overwhelmed to be asked by Dr Xuereb to be the first Maltese boxer to have a Brain scan
using the infra-scanner.

Could not believe this little remote looking device can save a boxers life! It was so quick and easy to
detect if I have an injury or blood on my brain or anyone else’s.

It was over in just a couple of minutes, so just imagine if all boxing federations have one of these on
every boxing event how quick lives would be saved.

As the saying goes, boxing saves lives, well now its Infra-scanners who are saving lives”

Dr Mark Xuereb scans Scott Dixon following his bout with Will Cairns

Scott Dixon, who was the actual first competitor to be scanned post fight at the event also spoke
about the infra-scanners and the positive effect he believes having them ringside will have on the

I think it’s an absolute revelation that BIBA have now bought in the head scanners to Malta, before
and after every contest, this is the way forward, the only way forward.

There have been a few fatalities in the ring and most notably when I had my first fight on Friday the
13th October 1995 my best friend James Murray died in the boxing ring.

It took me a long time to get over that and I always hoped and wished that the rules would become
more stringent. Back then it was British Boxing Board of Control, but hey now the British & Irish
Boxing Authority are ruling the waves now with their pro-active approach to boxer safety.

BIBA make it their number one priority to look after the fighters and that’s the way it should be,
their regulations are amazing, so I’m delighted to be a BIBA license holder and to be the first boxer
to undertake a scan after my fight here in Malta, forget the rest BIBA’s the best.

I came to Malta eleven years ago and when I came here boxing was virtually non-existent, they
never knew a left hook from a fishhook, but now they’ve progressed and moved forward, so much
so that having the scanners here are leading the charge in boxer safety.

Scott then went on to praise the BIBA on their professionalism with regard to another of their
procedures, this time regarding dope tests, particularly due to an unsavoury brush with the local
doping authority, who not only failed to follow correct procedures at one of his previous fights that
was sanctioned by the Malta Boxing Association (MBA), but then decided to charge him with failing
to undertake a doping request, which is currently under appeal.

“I’m also delighted that tonight BIBA even regulated the doping screening, I volunteered to take the
tests as they were going to pick them at random which is standard procedure, but I volunteered as I
have nothing to hide.

The true procedure is that you are notified before that you will be subject to dope testing, obviously
like I said, I volunteered, I done one test before the contest.

After my fight I was escorted, to the dressing room, by BIBA officials, to make sure there was no
dodgy business, I went straight to the dressing room and was observed and did another doping test.

Obviously both were clear, as always, because I’m a professional athlete, I’ve been a professional 23
years now.

Now I’ve done thirty dope tests during my career in total, the correct procedure is you be notified
and like I said BIBA followed the correct procedure and in an appropriate manner.

I’m so pleased to be part of this set-up, I mean listen there are so many cowboys in this sport, let’s
be honest you have the MBA here in Malta for an example, so if you want to join a circus you go with
them, if you want to be part of a truly professional set up you go with MBC or BIBA, as they look
after the fighters safety first and foremost and that’s the only way forward and that’s why we’ve
gone with the top of the chain.”


The British & Irish Boxing Authority are partnering with the University of South Wales to undertake
a ten year research project into concussion and head injuries in Combative Sports, which will be led
by BIBA Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor M.R. Graham MBChB; JCPTGP; PhD; FRSM;

Experimental Procedure

Approval for the study has been obtained from the University of South Wales, Ethics Committee.

All research will comply with the Declaration of Helsinki. All events will comply with the British &
Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) and the Association of Combative Sports Commissions (ACSC)
Medical Committee regulations.

Subjects will be recruited from the BIBA database of boxers and affiliation bodies. Subjects will all
be experienced male boxers.

Prior to data collection subjects will receive written, informed consent, which outlines
experimental procedures, data collection techniques and the purpose of the study.

A pre-competition medical examination on the day of the event will be conducted on all contestants.

Data collection procedures will comprise: personal interviews, physical examinations and blood

Each event will consist of four times three minute rounds.

All boxers will be scanned with the Infrascanner immediately before and after each contest, one
week and one month after the contest and correlated with serum analysis of neurochemicals.

Objectives: The aim of the study will be to determine whether punches to the head (PTH) in boxing
which are known to significantly increase serum concentrations of protein S-100B, and neurone
specific enolase (NSE) also cause an increase in total tau and brain derived neurotrophic factor

Neurochemical data will be analysed and compared with any changes in the "Infrascanner" data to
determine any statistical correlation.

Skeletal muscle damage will be assessed by analysis of serum total creatine kinase (CK).

Methods: Two hundred boxing practitioners will be observed, filmed and assessed during sparring
sessions, pre-competition, with only body punches allowed and head guards worn.

This will be repeated in authentic competition. Subjects will be divided into two main groups post

(1): Punches to the body group (PTB); n=100; mean ± SD; age in years; height in metres; weight in
kg, will be assessed.

(2): Punches to the head and body group (PTH); n=100; mean ± SD; age in years; height in metres;
weight in kg, will be assessed.

Boxers will therefore act as their own controls and eliminate confounding variables.

Blood samples will be taken before and immediately post-combat for analysis of serum S-100B,
NSE, total tau, BDNF and CK.

Body composition assessment Total body mass (TBM) will be measured using a calibrated beam
balance weighing scales (Seca, Cranlea Ltd, Birmingham, UK) and stature will be measured using a
calibrated stadiometer (Seca, Cranlea Ltd).

Body Fat will be determined by measured skinfolds, using Harpenden skinfold calipers (Baty
International, Eng.).

Blood sampling Venous phlebotomy will be conducted, using the standard venepuncture method
into vacutainer tubes (Becton Dickinson, Rutherford, NJ, USA).

Blood will be collected before boxing and between one and five minutes following completion of
boxing after one week and then one month, correlating with the "Infrascanner" assessments.

Statistical analysis Data will be analysed using the PASW 18.0 for Windows statistical package.

Parametric data analysis will be presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD) and will be
analysed using a mixed analysis of variance (MANOVA).

Non-parametric data will be analysed using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Statistical significance will
be accepted at the P<0.05 level.

BIBA First Aid Courses

All British & Irish Boxing Authority licensed coaches are required to undertake a First Aid Course,
whether BIBA in house or Red Cross, as well as regular first aid skills update courses.

Both the BIBA and Red Cross first aid courses provide emergency first aid and injury prevention
courses specifically for the sport of boxing, these courses cover those injuries that may occur in the
gym environment.

All licensed Coaches must hold a current British & Irish Boxing Authority Approved or Red Cross
First Aid Certificate, it should be noted that it is required that every three years that all Coaches
must attend a first aid skills update course every three years.

Cutman & Cornerman Course and Head Trauma Signs & Symptons Courses

The British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) regularly host Association of Professional Boxing
Commissions (APBC) Certified Cutman and Cornerman Course that is essential for all Cutmen and
Cornermen, as well as the PA Medics Certified Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Course that we,
BIBA, feel is essential for ALL BIBA Referees and Officials, as well as Coaches, to also attend, as this
course was made mandatory for all BIBA officials and cornermen from September 2018.


BIBA Referees, Judges and Timekeepers

All Referees, Judges and Timekeepers officiating at British & Irish Boxing Authority sanctioned
event are required to be licensed by either the British & Irish Boxing Authority or another officially
recognised professional boxing sanctioning organisation.

Whilst BIBA currently only have respected and highly qualified Referees and Judges licensed, there
are regular Referee and Judges courses, undertaken by either World recognised and highly
respected Championship referees and Judges to ensure that the BIBA will continue to have World
class referees and judges available in the future.

The Chief BIBA Timekeeper also undertakes training of potential BIBA Timekeepers, this is in the
form of a training course as well as the shadowing of BIBA Timekeepers at events.

Only the British & Irish Boxing Authority Head Office appoints Referees, Judges and Timekeepers
for events sanctioned by themselves and each are paid a set fee, which is determined by the size
and nature of the particular event and by the nature of any particular main event or Championship
contest to which they have been appointed.



No belt; no watch; no jewelry on hands, wrist or neck; no eyeglasses; nails cut short; boxing shoes
with rubber anti-slipping soles; a towel on the neutral corner post

Must be well groomed

Key Elements.
Extreme concern for the safety of the boxer.
Strict enforcement of the contest rules.
Move smoothly and efficiently in the ring.
100% concentration.
Use only basic boxing language. Don’t use other words.
Use basic signals.

Basic Language

Not one language is understood or heard by all boxers:

• Box: Command boxers to box.

• Break: Command boxers to break their clinch.
• Stop: Order to immediately and absolutely stop action.
• Time out: Referee stops action and time watch

Basic Signals.

The use of signals for initiating and finishing rounds, terminating fights, to timekeepers and doctors;

Instruction to Boxers Prior to Bouts

Specific instructions must be given to boxers based on basic language and basic signals, as well as
warnings specifically on: a) no head butts; b) no rabbit punches; c) no kidney punches; d) not hitting
below the belt, as well as when they finish during rest periods. STOP FIGHT when the doctor advises

During Action.

Stay away, circling around when boxers are not close to the ropes.

Stay close when they are boxing at the ropes.

Stay very close when the action is in the corners.

Use only basic language and signals.

Do not talk to boxers.

Do not crowd them; Let them fight.

Wait until the cessation of the action that created the loss of a mouthpiece to stop the action to
replace it.

A head butt, intentional or non-intentional should be called immediately; in case of an intentional

head butt there is a mandatory deduction of two points.

Knock Downs.

Don’t rush; order or direct the standing boxer to the furthest neutral corner, take the count from the
timekeeper and count out loud showing the count with your fingers to the downed boxer.

If he gets up give him the mandatory 8 count and ask him questions that make him think or use
signals to make him walk forward, etc.

Do not hesitate to stop the fight if you have doubts; it’s better to stop a fight one punch before than
one punch after.

Hold the boxer and take him to his seconds.

If he goes down with a concussion, don’t hesitate to remove his mouthpiece at once and turn him
partially on his left side.

You are the boss, show your authority and, remember, the health and the life of the boxer might be in
your hands; safety has no compromise.


• A . 70%: Effective aggressiveness is the most important factor for winning a round. The
scoring of clean punches with power, number and accuracy, whether moving forward,
backwards, boxing sideways against the ropes or counter punching.
• B. 20%: Ring Generalship: If an advantage is not found in “A”, whoever dominates the round
with boxing skills to control the action and does not allow his rival to perform.
• C. 10%: Pure aggressiveness. If in doubt at the end of the round, it must be scored in favor of
the aggressor, the one who goes decidedly after his rival, who forces the action to win the
round, against a boxer who only runs away and does not stop to fight.


Based on absolute concentration, put your mental count to work at even, or 10-10, at the sound of
the bell to start a round; have your mind compute instantaneously the actions defining a slight or
clear advantage for one of the fighters, while mentally modifying or adjusting instantaneously the
count of such advantage according to the scoring of punches, during the whole 3 minutes. If one of
the boxers had total domination and hurt his rival during the action in the round, such advantage
shall be considered to be total or absolute. If you could not find a winner and you have no
domination for either boxer, it shall be definitely even.


• 10-10 Couldn’t pick a winner.

• 10-9 Slight or close advantage.
• 10-9 Clear or definite advantage.
• 10-9 When both boxers are knocked down, but one of them wins clearly the actions in the
• 10-8 Advantage and one knock down.
• 10-8 Total domination or a beating by one of the boxers during the duration of the round,
even when there is no knock down.
• 10-7 Advantage and two knock downs.
• 10-6 Advantage and more than two knock downs, but never lower.

The "10-point must system", so named because a judge "must" award ten points to at least one
fighter each round (before deductions for fouls etc).

Most rounds are scored 10-9, with 10 points for the fighter who won the round, and 9 points for the
fighter the judge believes lost the round.

If a round is judged to be even, it is scored 10-10. For each knockdown in a round, the judge deducts
an additional point from the fighter knocked down, resulting in a 10-8 score if there is one
knockdown or a 10-7 score if there are two knockdowns.

If the referee instructs the judges to deduct a point for a foul, this deduction is applied after the
preliminary computation. So, if a fighter wins a round, but is penalized for a foul, the score changes
from 10-9 to 9-9. If that same fighter scored a knockdown in the round, the score would change from
10-8 in his favor to 9-8.

Appendix – April 2016 - Rabbit Punches

Special Attention needs to be taken with regard to Rabbit Punches and it should be noted that the
British & Irish Boxing Authority has a zero tolerance policy and any boxer caught DELIBERATELY
making blows to the back of the head should be reprimanded for the first incident, a point deducted
for the second incident and if continues to deliberately throw punches to the back of the opponents
head should be disqualified

BIBA LICENSED REFEREES (As of 9th November 2018)

Association of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC) Accredited Referee/Judge as well as
APBC Referee/Judge Course Leader
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated
Northern Region Chairman, Chief Referee and Chairman of Officials (Judges/Referees)
Irish Region Chairman and Vice Chairman of Officials (Judges/Referees) Committee
Association of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC) Accredited Referee/Judge
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated
Association of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC) Accredited Referee/Judge as well as
APBC Referee/Judge Course Leader

Basic Guidelines - Judges

Commitment: Absolute impartiality. The winner in the ring must be the winner on the score cards,
regardless of nationality, race or location of bout.

Mental Awareness: 100% concentration on the fight from bell to bell; no distractions, whatsoever.

Personal standing: Be relaxed and self confident; well groomed; maintain low profile; seclude
yourself from outside company; maintain a professional demeanor at all times.

Uniform: Black suit, white shirt, black bow tie, BIBA Badge, and black shoes.


• A . 70%: Effective aggressiveness is the most important factor for winning a round. The
scoring of clean punches with power, number and accuracy, whether moving forward,
backwards, boxing sideways against the ropes or counter punching.
• B. 20%: Ring Generalship: If an advantage is not found in “A”, whoever dominates the round
with boxing skills to control the action and does not allow his rival to perform.
• C. 10%: Pure aggressiveness. If in doubt at the end of the round, it must be scored in favor of
the aggressor, the one who goes decidedly after his rival, who forces the action to win the
round, against a boxer who only runs away and does not stop to fight.


Based on absolute concentration, put your mental count to work at even, or 10-10, at the sound of
the bell to start a round; have your mind compute instantaneously the actions defining a slight or
clear advantage for one of the fighters, while mentally modifying or adjusting instantaneously the
count of such advantage according to the scoring of punches, during the whole 3 minutes. If one of
the boxers had total domination and hurt his rival during the action in the round, such advantage
shall be considered to be total or absolute. If you could not find a winner and you have no
domination for either boxer, it shall be definitely even.


• 10-10 Couldn’t pick a winner.

• 10-9 Slight or close advantage.
• 10-9 Clear or definite advantage.
• 10-9 When both boxers are knocked down, but one of them wins clearly the actions in the
• 10-8 Advantage and one knock down.
• 10-8 Total domination or a beating by one of the boxers during the duration of the round,
even when there is no knock down.
• 10-7 Advantage and two knock downs.
• 10-6 Advantage and more than two knock downs, but never lower.

The "10-point must system", so named because a judge "must" award ten points to at least one
fighter each round (before deductions for fouls etc).

Most rounds are scored 10-9, with 10 points for the fighter who won the round, and 9 points for the
fighter the judge believes lost the round.

If a round is judged to be even, it is scored 10-10. For each knockdown in a round, the judge deducts
an additional point from the fighter knocked down, resulting in a 10-8 score if there is one

knockdown or a 10-7 score if there are two knockdowns.

If the referee instructs the judges to deduct a point for a foul, this deduction is applied after the
preliminary computation. So, if a fighter wins a round, but is penalized for a foul, the score changes
from 10-9 to 9-9. If that same fighter scored a knockdown in the round, the score would change from
10-8 in his favor to 9-8.


Knock downs and point deductions must be scored at the exclusive discretion of the referee, even if
you do not agree.

Do not keep separate score cards.

Each round is a fight. Don’t look back/Don’t look ahead.

Be ready to advise the referee if consulted on head butts.

Do not talk to the press without first receiving authorization from the British & Irish Boxing
Authority Head Office and/or the event Supervisor.

Do not publicly criticize your colleagues.

Train yourself; practice continuously based on guidelines.

Accept and look for positive criticism.

Score your round; referee’s deductions noted separately in the fouls box, let the commissioner do the

And always remember, justice in boxing is in your hands.

BIBA LICENSED JUDGES (As of 9th November 2018)

Association of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC) Accredited Referee/Judge as well as
APBC Referee/Judge Course Leader
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated
Northern Region Chairman, Chief Referee and Chairman of Officials (Judges/Referees)
ALF SPRUNG (Germany)
Association of Professional Boxing Commissions (APBC) Accredited Referee/Judge
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated

Timekeeper Guidelines

Timekeepers can only be appointed by the head office of the British & Irish Boxing Authority

Introduction: Quick Guide

Dress Code: Black Shoes, Black Trousers, White Shirt, BIBA Tie or Bow Tie and Black Jacket.

The Timekeeper will ensure that there is a Bell or some form of Acoustic Instrument to sound the

The Timekeeper will have Two Stop watches, or some form of telling the time. (BIBA Approved)

The Timekeeper is to Liaise with the Supervisor, and be positioned next to him or her at the
Officials Table Ringside.

In all Contests the number of rounds shall be specified. No contest shall exceed 12 rounds nor be
less than 8 minutes of actual Boxing.

Rounds shall be of 3 minute duration with an interval between each round of 1 minute. In Female
Boxing Contests of 10 rounds or less the rounds may be of 2 minute duration.

It is the recommendation of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) that two timekeepers
should be used, but one may suffice - One to keep the time of the rounds, the other is utilized for the
knockdown call.

Two stopwatches are to be used.

At the commencement of the bout, after the MC introductions, the referee will call both contestants
to the centre of the ring and instruct them “to touch gloves” before sending them back to their
respective corners and then he will signal the timekeeper to ring the bell for the first round.

The Timekeeper then announces ‘Round One’ and shall ring the opening bell.

At the 2minutes and 50 seconds (or if a two minute round 1 Minute and 50 seconds) of a round the
time keeper will bang the gavel twice and raise his left arm in order to signal to the corners that
there are ten (10) seconds of the round remaining.

At the three (3) Minute mark, or if a female bout the two (2) minute mark the Timekeeper shall ring
the round end bell.

At the fifty (50) second mark of the interval between rounds, the Timekeeper will announce
(Corners Ten Seconds), then on the fifty five (55) second mark will announce “Seconds Out,
Round 2” and then on the sixty (60) second mark ring the bell to commence the round and
continue to throughout the contest for the amount of rounds specified for the bout.

The Seconds must leave the ring when called upon to do so by the Timekeeper and it shall be the
Referee’s duty to see that they do

During the bout if the Referee calls or signals for a “Time Out” the Timekeeper shall stop the clock
and wait until instructed by the Referee to restart.

Prior to the last round of the bout, the Timekeeper will announce the aforementioned “corners ten
seconds) on the fifty (50) second mark but at the fifty five (55) second mark announce “Seconds out
(Number of Round) and Final Round”

In the event of a knockout or the referee stops the fight, the Timekeeper will note down time of
stoppage and inform the event Supervisor the time and round of the stoppage

(Regulation 1.32)

When a boxer is down the timekeeper shall immediately start counting the elapsed seconds in a
loud, clear voice. He shall indicate to the referee each elapsed second with progressive upraised
fingers until the referee has either taken up his count or told the boxers to box.

Regulation 1.32 Should a Boxer go down to the floor as the result of a legitimate blow, the
Timekeeper shall count off the seconds strictly in accordance with his watch.

The opponent shall retire immediately to the furthest neutral corner and neither Boxer shall
resume boxing until ordered to do so by the Referee.

Regulation 1.32.1 In this Regulation 1.32, “down” shall mean one or more of the following:-

(a) When a Boxer falls from the boxing ring beyond the ring apron as a result of a legitimate
blow; or

(b) When a Boxer is on one foot or both feet and at the same time any other part of his body is
touching the floor of the boxing ring; or

(c) When a Boxer is supported on the ropes of the boxing ring and, in the opinion of the Referee,
is unable to defend himself; or

(d) When a Boxer is in the act of rising

And in all of the above cases, a Boxer shall be considered to be down until he has regained his feet
within the boxing ring and is in a position and a condition to defend himself.

It is entirely up to the referee to determine if a knockdown has occurred. If the referee ignores or
waves away the timekeeper, then that is the official ruling.

If the referee is in the course of applying a count and the round has been completed, the bell
indicating the end of the round will not be sounded. If the boxer rises before ten (10) is counted and
the referee gives the command box, the bell will be sounded to end the round.

When the referee orders and signals time, the timekeeper shall stop the watch and only restart it
when the referee orders box.

The timekeeper must always be alert to accept any signals from the referee.

A Referee shall have the power to interrupt the count where he considers that a fallen Boxer is in
need of urgent medical attention and in such cases the opponent shall be declared the winner by a
technical count out (T.C.O.).

In the event of the count being interrupted by the bell signifying the end of a round, the Contest and
the count shall continue either until the Boxer who is down regains his feet within the boxing ring
when the end of the round is declared, or until after the full count is reached when the Contest will

This shall apply in every round including the final round and any Promoter/Boxer Agreement will
be deemed to have included this requirement within its terms

If, for any reason, a Referee decides that a Contest shall be stopped temporarily, he shall call upon
the Boxers to “stop Boxing” and then instruct the Timekeeper to take “Time out”.

If, during a Contest the Timekeeper is taken ill at any time before the last round, the Referee shall
stop the Contest until another official has been appointed by the British & Irish Boxing Authority
official in charge, or the Inspector.

The Referee shall then use his discretion as to whether the Boxers shall continue an unfinished
round or declare that round completed.

If for any reason a Referee is unable to continue to act during a Contest the following action shall be

(a) If a round is in progress the Timekeeper shall ring the bell and stop the contest.

(b) The British & Irish Boxing Authority representative in charge, or the Inspector, shall hand
the score card for the Contest to another appointed Referee who shall continue to supervise the
Contest from the last completed round.

(c) At the conclusion of the Contest, should it go the full distance, the Referees decision shall be
in accordance with the score sheet?

(d) If no other Referee is available the British & Irish Boxing Authority representative may
appoint the Inspector to act as Referee.

BIBA LICENSED TIMEKEEPERS (As of 9th November 2018)

Chief Timekeeper & Chairman of Officials (Timekeeper) Committee
Vice Chairman of Officials (Judges/Referees) Committee
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated


The BIBA Supervisor is responsible for overseeing all aspects of events sanctioned by the British &
Irish Boxing Authority under his or her control.

The Supervisor is BIBA’s eyes and ears at an event and as such has the final say on any aspect of the
event sanctioning, including the decision on whether a bout can proceed or not, such as when there
is a weight differentiation between competitors.

This includes, but not limited to:

Liaising with event promoter

Event Record Keeping

Ensuring boxers have the required equipment such as mouth guard, groin guard, bandages and tape

Distribution of assignments for BIBA Event Officials

Ensuring Officials fees are collected and distributed

Writing of Event Report & Results for BIBA Head Office as well for the official record keepers Fight
Fax, BoxStat and BoxRec

BIBA LICENSED SUPERVISORS (As of 9th November 2018)

Gianluca Di Caro
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated
David Smith
Charlie Cardona (Malta)
Shukrullah Fazili (Afghanistan)
Ahsan Khan (Pakistan)
Mehmet Pasha (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)

Inspectors Guidelines

Inspectors can only be appointed by the British & Irish Boxing Authority Head Office, or in certain
situations the BIBA Event Supervisor.

The dress code for BIBA Inspectors are:

Summer: Black Shoes, Black Trousers, BIBA Polo Shirt

Winter: Black Shoes, Black Trousers, White Shirt, BIBA Tie Black Jacket.

Two Inspectors per event will be tasked to do the following duties……

1) Boxers Weigh in
2) Check Gloves
3) Check Shorts
4) Observe seconds during bouts
5) Assist the Supervisor

Weigh-in Protocol

The opponents in any one Contest must be engaged at the same weight.

Subject as specified herein, the weigh-in shall be conducted in accordance with any directions given
from time to time by the British & Irish Boxing Authority.

Prior to any weigh-in all arrangements appertaining thereto shall be notified to the British & Irish
Boxing Authority of which shall have power to disapprove the same.

All Boxers must weigh-in not less than 24 hours or more than 36 hours before the commencement
of a tournament. Permission may be granted by the British & Irish Boxing Authority for Boxers to
weigh-in on the day of a tournament provided that no Boxer reduces weight following the weigh-in
– Please Note: on the day weigh-in is not permitted for Championship bouts

At the weigh-in, Boxers may wear only those items of clothing approved by the British & Irish
Boxing Authority official in charge at the weigh-in.

When a contestant is overweight, he or she is allowed one (1) hour from the time of the weighing to
achieve the correct weight. If still overweight after such hour, no further time is allowed.

If the weight difference between boxers competing against each other is below ten (10) pounds the
Inspector may allow the bout to proceed if both boxers and their managers are in agreement -
Please note: this does not apply to Heavyweight bouts.

If the weight difference between boxers competing against each other is ten (10) pounds or more
the Inspector may not allow the bout to proceed - Please note: this does not apply to Heavyweight

The Boxer or his/her Manager shall if directed to do so by the official of the British & Irish Boxing
Authority in charge of the weigh-in, produce to such official the duly executed Boxer and Promoter
contract for the Contest.

Boxers Attire

Contestants may wear only boots and shorts approved by the Inspector and the Referee.

Male Boxers must be stripped to the waist.

Female Boxers will wear above the waist a singlet under which such protective cover as sports bra
with breast protector inserts or a one piece breast protector must be worn.

All boxers must have available two pairs of Boxing trunks of different colours and wear those
selected by the Inspector.

In cases of dispute regarding a clash of colour the British & Irish Boxing Authority Inspector’s
decision shall be final.

All Boxers must wear underneath their trunks a suitable protector approved by the British & Irish
Boxing Authority Inspector or official in charge of the Promotion.

Bandages and Gloves

Bandages are permitted for the protection of hands. These must be 2 inch wide soft bandage and 1
inch zinc oxide plaster. The tape must not be applied over the knuckles.

Boxing gloves shall be 8 ounces in weight for Contests from Flyweight to Welterweight and 10
ounces for Contests from Super Welterweight upwards.

Breaking by twisting, removal of padding by fingering and thumbing from the potential part of the
glove is prohibited.

In all female contests gloves shall be 10 ounces in weight. All gloves used under the British & Irish
Boxing Authority jurisdiction must be thumb attached.
Gloves will only be used in one Contest at a Promotion.

Contestants must wear the same make of glove, the only exception being in Championship contests
where sponsored boxers may nominate contracted sponsor’s make of glove that meets said
approved requirements.

It shall be for the Promoter to ensure an adequate supply of approved gloves is available for every

Foreign Boxers

When a Referee is appointed to officiate in a contest in which one of the participants is an overseas
Boxer, the referee must interview the Boxer before the Contest in the dressing room.
This interview must be in the presence of the Boxer’s Agent, or an interpreter, and the Inspector
and the Referee must explain to the Boxer the Rules of Boxing applicable in the Territory.

The Referee

If for any reason a Referee is unable to continue to act during a Contest the following action shall be

(a) If a round is in progress the Timekeeper shall ring the bell and stop the contest.

(b) The British & Irish Boxing Authority representative in charge, or the Inspector, shall hand
the score card for the Contest to another appointed Referee who shall continue to supervise the
Contest from the last completed round.

(c) At the conclusion of the Contest, should it go the full distance, the Referees decision shall be
in accordance with the score sheet.

(d) If no other Referee is available the British & Irish Boxing Authority Event Supervisor may
appoint the Inspector to act as Referee.

Observing the Seconds

During the one minute break between rounds, the duty of the Inspector is to observe that no illegal
substances are used, or any illegal actions are carried out.
As well as ensure the second, team member or any other person does cross over or through the
ropes or other actions that could endanger or hinder any boxer.

BIBA LICENSED INSPECTORS (As of 9th November 2018)

Terry Clarke
Georgia Collisson
Stephen Smith
Charlie Cordona
Gianluca Di Caro
Head Trauma Signs & Symptoms Awareness Certificated
Liam Hayes
Sammy Hill
Marcus Howitt
Fred Little
Marianne Marston
Dougie McAdam
Dave Porter
Stevie Quinn
David Smith
Richie Davidson
Adrian Thorne
Graeme Beauly
Kenny Allan
James Calveley
Ben Poole

Championship Committee

The role of the Championship Committee is two fold, firstly the Ranking of boxers for BIBA
Championships operated by the Professional Boxing Association (PBA) and secondly to revue any
applications for boxers to compete for a Championship, whether Regional or World Championship
organisations whose Championships are competed for on BIBA sanctioned events, to ensure that
the matching is suitable for the proposed Championship accolade.

It is BIBA’s clear intent that the Championship Committee is to remain as independent as possible
and as such other than the BIBA representatives, the committee comprises of independent
Championship specialists.

The Chairman of the Championship Committee is Mr Gianluca Di Caro, BIBA Board Representative.

Members of the BIBA Championship Committee

Mr Sebastien Pitois, Supervisor and Commissioner Universal Boxing Organization, Baltic and
Mediterranean Region (UBO – )

Mr Ryan Wissow, President of the Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA


Mr Mick Croucher, President of the World Boxing Foundation (WBF – )









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BIBA Medicals Guide

All Professional boxers, competing over bouts of 4 x 3 minute or 6 x 2 minute duration and above
are required to undertake a full medical, as well as blood screening, eye test and an MRI scan

In the case of a boxer applying for a professional boxers license for the first time a MRI/MRA is
required – there is no additional fee for the MRA.

The medical and blood screening can be undertaken by any doctor, including the boxer’s own GP,
cost wise this may vary depending on the doctor undertaking the medical, in our experience the
cost ranges between £125 (€160) and £250 (€320) maximum

You will be required to take photo ID to enable the doctor to verify your identity before
undertaking the medical and blood screening, as well as the agreed payment.

The eye test can be undertaken by any high street optician, in our experience the cost ranges
between £10 (€13) and £25 (€33).

As above - You will be required to take photo ID to enable the optician to verify your identity before
undertaking the eye test, as well as payment.

Due to the BIBA having a contract with in-health the cost of the MRI or MRI/MRA is reduced to
£300 (€390), however for the MRI or MRI/MRA to be at this reduced cost the BIBA head office are
required to make the referral, as such when the booking please supply head office the following

Full Name
Contact No:
Date of Birth.

As above - You will be required to take photo ID to enable In-Health to verify your identity before
undertaking the scans, as well as payment.


Nationality ___________________________________________Current Record: ______________________________________

Date of Last Bout: ______________________________________Result of Last Bout:_________________________________

Location of Last Bout: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Gym or Club where you train: ______________________________________________________________________

Have you held a Professional Boxing License previously? Yes____ No____

If YES, Name of Sanctioning body____________________________________________________________________________

Are you currently under any type of boxer/manager contract? Yes_______ No________

If YES, list name of manager ____________________________________________________________________________

Signed:___________________________________________________________ Date:________________________________________

(To be completed at time of application and annually when licence fee due)

Note to Applicant:
This examination must be carried out by a Qualified Medical Practitioner, currently on the Medical Register.

Note to Examining Doctor:

This form, when completed, should be forwarded to the British & Irish Boxing Authority representative or to the above
address. The Fee for the examination is payable by the Boxer.


Full Personal Name__________________________________________________________

(Block Letters)

Professional Boxing Name (If different from above)__________________________________________

(Block Letters)

(Block Letters)

Date of Birth _________________________ Marital Status __________________________________

Telephone/Mobile:_________________________ E.Mail:____________________________

Occupation (Other than Boxer) _________________________________________________________

Manager or proposed Manager__________________________________________________________

Have you held a licence previously ______________________________________________________

If so, give past record of contests:

No. ___________ Won _________ Lost _________ Counted Out _________ Stopped ___________

Amateur/unlicensed record if any ________________________________________________________

1. Are you in good health as far as you know__________________________________________

2. Have you suffered at any time any serious illness, injury, accident or disability. if so give details

3. Have you suffered at any time from any of the following (If so give full details – Doctors
consulted and results of investigations.

Headaches, blackouts or fits ____________________________________________________

Anxiety states or depressions ___________________________________________________

Paralysis or any other mental or nervous diseases ___________________________________

Have you seen a psychiatrist or taken tranquillisers __________________________________

4. Visual disturbances, such as diplopia, blurring vision, or do you wear glasses or contact lenses


5. Any ear discharge, deafness, etc. ________________________________________________

6. Heart disease, high blood pressure, heart murmurs, varicose veins, rheumatic or scarlet fever


7. Any asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, or T.B, sinusitis or any difficulty in nasal breathing ______

8. Any chronic indigestion, stomach or duodenal ulcers, gall bladder or liver disease, appendicitis,

hernia, bowel disorders, Crohn’s Disease, haemorrhoids etc. ___________________________

9. Any kidney or bladder problems, diabetes, renal colic, haematuria, venereal infections or

prostatitis ___________________________________________________________________

10. Any bone or joint problems, e.g. hand injuries, fractures, etc. ___________________________

11. Any skin diseases ______________________ Allergies ______________________________

12. Are you or have you been attending your doctor or hospital regularly for any reason _________

13. Do you take tablets/medicines, etc, regularly _______________________________________

14. Date and result of last X-ray (if any) ______________________________________________

15. Any other investigations, i.e. blood tests, X-rays, E.C.G., E.E.G. ________________________

Number of cigarettes smoked per day _____________________________________________

Daily alcohol intake ___________________________________________________________

Family History

Father (age and health) _______________________ Mother (age and health) ____________________

Brothers (age and health) _____________________ Sisters (age and health) ____________________
I hereby give my consent to the British & Irish Boxing Authority and it’s Medical Officers to
contact my doctor to obtain medical information pertaining to my application to box.

Signature of Boxer ___________________________________________________________________

Signature of Doctor __________________________________________________________________


Height ____________________________________ Weight __________________________________

Describe build, etc. If overweight, is excess evenly distributed _________________________________


If he/she has had a MRI/MRA Brain Scan, indicate date. _____________________________________

Pulse _____________________________ Apex beat _______________________________________

Blood pressure (if above 140/90 please record 3 further readings at 5 minute intervals) _____________

Heart sounds _______________________________________________________________________

Any murmurs _______________________________________________________________________

If so describe _______________________________________________________________________

Any varicose veins _____________________ Exercise tolerance ______________________________

Respiratory System

Chest movements ___________________________ Trachea ________________________________

Percussion Notes ________ Air Entry ________ Breath Sounds ________ Added Sounds __________


Any scars, tenderness or masses – if so, describe __________________________________________

Are liver, spleen and kidney palpable _____________________________________________________

Hernia orifices _________________________ Genitalia _______________ Urine _________________

Central Nervous Systems

Cranial nerves _____________________ Pupils ____________________ Optic fundi ______________

Nystagmus ___________________________ Rombergism ___________________________________


Tone ______________ Power ____________ Co-ordination ____________ Sensation ____________

Reflexes _____________________________ Plantar responses ______________________________

Any psychoneurosis _______________ If yes, describe _____________________________________

Skeletal System

Cervical Spine __________Shoulders __________ Elbows __________ Wrists and hands __________

Lumbar Spine ___________ Hips ____________ Knees ____________ Ankles __________________

HIV & Hepatitis Vaccination and Screening

HIV Test:- Test date _______________________________Forward Laboratory results to BIBA

Hepatitis C Antigen:- Test date _______________________Forward Laboratory results to BIBA

Hepatitis B Antigen:- Test date ______________________ Forward Laboratory results to BIBA

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody:- Test Date _______________Forward Laboratory results to BIBA

Hepatitis B Vaccination:- Date of first dose_________________________________________________

Please note that every Boxer must complete the Hepatitis B Vaccination course, the course
consists of three doses. The second dose is given one month after the first dose and the third
dose is given five months after the second dose. This course must be completed and evidence
of dates must be forwarded to the British & Irish Boxing Authority head office.


Drum ________________________ Hearing _____________________ Any otitis _________________

NOTE TO EXAMINING DOCTOR – If any abnormality noted, please investigate further and refer all relevant documents to
the Commission’s Chief Medical Officer at the Head Office of the British & Irish Boxing Authority with this form.

Date of examination _______________________________


Signature and stamp of examining doctor _________________________________________________



To the stewards of the British & Irish Boxing Authority

The following recommendation is made in the case of:

Name _____________________________________________________________________________

(a) Licence granted or renewed _________________________________________________

(b) Licence not granted/renewed _________________________________________________

Date: __________________________ Signature __________________________________________

Eye Test:

Eye test to be completed by an Opthalmic Optician/Consultant

Visual standards (Snellen’s type figures without glasses) _____________________________

Visual fields ________________________________________________________________________

Ocular tension ______________________________________________________________________

Ocular movements ___________________________________________________________________

Ophthalmoscopic examination (with special attention to retinal defects) __________________________

Date of examination __________________________________________________________________


Signature and stamp of Optician/Consultant _______________________________________________



Michael Sprott

Martin Rogan

Frans Botha

Chris Burton

Billy Corito

Lee Kellett –

Craig Dick

Matthew Pepper –

Shane Sutton

Ben Brammer

Dorian Darch

Hari Miles

FEMALE: Sarah Knight


Matt Ellis –

James Higgy

Stuart Maddox

Danny Mitchell –

Dainius Becelis

Moses Matovu

Paul Morris

Ben McGivern

Paddy Reilly

Joe Brailsford

Balogun Omokayode

Mubashar Ali

Ben Hough

Aidan Anderson

Ali Reza Hossaini

Ryan Kilpatrick

Stevie Taylor

Light Heavyweight

Steffan Hughes –

Sandy Robb –

John Waldron

Tam Darkes-Seddon

Stuart Maddox

Carl Donohue –

Colin McCash

Goran Bogdanovic –

Ian Clarke –

Mickey Joe Teahan

Damon Booth

Richard Grant

Sayed Ayoub

Jack Scott

Adam Corbett

Carl Thomas

FEMALE – Jamie (Jane) Johnson

Super Middleweight

Nathan DeCastro –

Patrick ‘Tiger’ Mendy –

Nick Quigley –

Alexander White –

Manzo Smith –

Liam Milner –

Billy Edgar

Gary Wilson

Adam Stewart

David Payne

Hamid Wardak

Ryan Robinson

Kyle McNicholas

Obina Matthew

Ethan George


Jason Cook

Malcolm Richardson

Phil Townley –

Alistair Gonsales –

Adam Taylor –

Liam Willis –

Willie Mitchell

Gary Mayor

Bryan Devereau

Brian Douglas

Martin Freeman

Jama Saidi

Zabihullah Fazli

Liam Preece

Mitchell Walsh

Bradley Muldoon

Scott McIntyre

Lee Cooper

David Taylor

King Davidson

Steven Sunners

David Calveley

Levi Griffiths

James Lilley

Craig Morgan

Super Welterweight

Craig Docherty –

Tommy Jacobs –

Mack Razor –

Jonny Lawson

Jamie Zaslos

Ronnie Nailen –

Chas Symonds

Carwyn Herbert –

Colin McCash –

Francis Jones –

Mickey Blackburn

Scott Newcombe

Anthony Christopher –

Michael Robinson

Stephen Haughian

Dougie Vincent

Dayle Gallagher

Ross Doherty

Ideh Ochuko

Gareth Gardner

Jama Mustafa

Kyle Wint

Shane Snaith

Allah Dad Rahimi

Kacper Dudzinski

Alex Edwards


Lee McAllister –

Chris Wood –

Craig Kennerdale

George McIlroy –

Luke Junior –

Ryan Lyall –

Marty Kayes

Aaron Thomas –

Jonny McConville

James McDonald –

Nathan Russo –

Sammy Hill

Jak Johnson –

Matar Sambou –

Jason Nesbitt

Zafar Azizi

Waisuddin Ghawsi

Jamie Oldfield

Paul Evans

Joe Bretland

Manish Dangol

(FEMALE): Megan Mousley –

Super Lightweight

Antonio Counihan –

Michael Kelly –

Chris Goodwin –

Gary Silverman –

Nathan Beattie –

Ryan Watson

Barrie McRorie

Ben Munro

Bilal Mohammed

(FEMALE): Angel McKenzie –


Scott Harrison

Iain Weaver –

Leon Roberts –

Justin Newell

Tom Crosby

Damien Vizachero

Ben Mulligan

Daniel Thorpe

Jack Jones

Danny Tinklin

Paul Brannen

Inderjit Bhoday

Super Featherweight

Jamie ‘Ginnie’ McGinnis

Peter Adam

Dean Ferreira

Michael Alldis

Marc Callaghan

(FEMALE) Kristine Shergold –


Stevie Quinn Jr.

Aimal Ahmad Sediqzada

Super Bantamweight

Tyson Cave –

Tom Murry

Zhi Yu Chen

Chris Wong

Tope Musa

(FEMALE) – Marianne Marston –

(FEMALE) Sophie Varley –

(FEMALE) Emily Pugh –


Francis Croes

Super Flyweight

Tasif Khan –

Dillon Zammit –

Andrew Cuthbert –

(FEMALE) Sadia Bromand –


(FEMALE) – Juliette Winter –

Light Flyweight


(FEMALE) Denise Castle –


Guidelines for BIBA Sanctioned Professional Boxing Events

This memorandum is to again define your responsibilities before, during and after a professional
boxing event, which is governed by Title 3A of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) Statutes.

Hopefully, this will assist you in the promotion of your events in accordance with the British & Irish
Boxing Authority, (office) statutes and regulations.


The boxing ring used for the contests shall be no less than eighteen (18) feet (5,486m) nor more
than twenty-four (24) feet (7,315m) by side within the ropes.

Three (3) steps to the ring must be in place, one each positioned at the red and blue corner for the
boxer and his/her team and a third positioned at a neutral corner for the MC and Ring Card Girls to
make their entrance to the ring.


To separate the ringside working area for officials and medical staff from the public areas either:

1) Ringside area requires security barriers in position a minimum of 2.5 metres from edge of
ring apron
2) An area of at least 2.5 metres from the officials, medical team and media tables must be kept
clear before placement of ringside seating for VIP guests.
3) No more than six rows of ringside seating may be set up within the required security
4) At least two entrances to ringside must be kept clear and have security staff in place to
ensure a clean exit for the medical team in case of an incident as well as to provide the boxers a
clear entrance to the ring.


For each event to be sanctioned by the British & Irish Boxing Authority a signed event Sanctioning
Agreement must be completed on application and the bond/sanctioning fee paid for the permit to

An original copy of the agreement for an event must be in the office at the latest fourteen (14)
business days prior to the event. e.mailed copies are acceptable as an executed copy, once fee
payment has been received.

No advertising shall be done before a permit is approved by the office.

Pursuant to the Professional Boxing Safety Act 1996

The British & Irish Boxing Authority have a fully comprehensive insurance policy for boxers and
officials participating at events sanctioned by BIBA, which is in excess of the minimum
requirements under the Professional Boxing Safety Act 1996.

It is necessary for the Office to have the line-up for your event at least five (5) business days in
advance, in order to allow sufficient time to clear contestants and to ensure they are eligible to
participate in the event.

Any substitutes after the line-up has been submitted to our office will also need to be approved and
cleared accordingly, before they can participate.

If time does not permit a proper clearance, we cannot allow a contestant to participate in the event.

You may verify if a boxer is on suspension by going to
click on the “suspension list” to view suspended boxers for a nominal fee.

Listed below are the criteria for approval of a contestant.

Fighters must meet these criteria to be eligible to participate in boxing in a British & Irish Boxing
Authority sanctioned event

(A) A fighter who has lost their last ten (10) bouts by decision, technical knockout, or knockout
shall not be approved to box in a bout unless special requirements have been met;

(B) Any fighter who has lost their last five (5) bouts by technical knockout or knockout, not to
include TKO or KO by a body shot, shall not be approved to fight in a bout; unless special medical
tests have been completed.

(C) Any boxer with less than three (3) professional bouts may not box in a bout scheduled for
more than four (4) rounds,

(D) All boxers’ records must be verified (BoxRec or FightFax)

The promoter must provide equipment needed for the event as outlined in the regulations, which
includes, but is not limited to: ring, stools, towels, water, buckets, gloves, gauze and tape for hand

The office or venue will provide a certified scale if requested.

The promoter must verify that their gloves are in good physical condition or they will not be used.

The promoter should have a set of gloves for each fight.

A different set of gloves must be used for each bout.

High stools must be provided for the judges at ringside for each event.

The BIBA head office will appoint the medical officers, timekeeper, judges, and referees for each

The promoter is responsible for paying the compensation set by the BIBA head office for the
professional services of these officials.

The BIBA head office has the final determination on the selection for all officials, as well as the
selection of the physician for each event.

The base rates for officials assigned to BIBA events are listed below.

These amounts may be adjusted based upon, attendance, gate receipts, length of show, title fights
and distance travelled by the official.

The office may also require the promoter to provide hotel rooms and travel expenses including
mileage, when necessary for officials.

A travel allowance (45p per mile) may also be assessed in addition to the base fee unless the
promoter has paid for travel (flights/train etc).

Supervisor: £350 (UK) - €450 (ROI)
Inspector: £200 (UK) - €260 (ROI)
Referees £350 (UK) - €450 (ROI)
Judges £200 (UK) - €260 (ROI)
Timekeeper £300 (UK) - €390 (ROI)
Doctors £350* (UK) - €450* (ROI)
*Doctors fee may vary either up or down dependent on location of event.

For events with more than five (5) professional bouts two doctors are mandatory.

PLEASE NOTE: A bout cannot begin without at least one doctor being seated at ringside.

The pay rates for officials for televised shows shall be higher.

The pay structure for the officials involved in title fights will follow the sanctioning body’s
published fee schedule for the payment of officials.

If the sanctioning body does not have a published fee schedule, the office will make the final
determination on the amount of compensation for officials.

The Office may also require the promoter to provide hotel rooms for officials and travel expenses,
including mileage, when necessary for all title fight officials.


In the past, we have experienced late start times, long periods of delays, as well as events lasting
past what is realistic.

An average event should last approximately 4 hours.

We take pride in appointing experienced and certified officials for our events to ensure the outcome
of each fight is accurate.

Therefore, to prevent abuses of our office and/or officials regarding long events, the following
additional fees may be assessed to the promoter’s expenses for officials:

If the event starts 30 minutes past the official starting time listed on the approved permit
application, you may be required to pay each official an additional £25 (ROI €35) per hour or
partial hour.

Any shows which last over four and one half hours may require the promoter to pay each official an
additional £25 (ROI €35) per hour or partial hour over that amount of time.


The BIBA non- Championship Event Sanctioning fees are as follows

A refundable bond of £3,500 (ROI €4,550) must be lodged with BIBA head office fourteen (14) days
prior to the event.

1-5 Bouts £350 (UK) - €450 (ROI)

6-10 Bouts £450 (UK) - €580 (ROI)

10 Plus Bouts £550 (UK) - €710 (ROI)

All non-championship sanctioning fees are to be paid in full prior to commencement of event.


There are several changes impacting this rule that will require the promoter to provide more
information to the BIBA (Office) to calculate the BIBA sanctioning fees based upon the gate receipts.

For televised events or those featuring Championship bouts an additional fee to the sanction fee of
2% of gate revenue is payable.

The right of admission to a contest of professional boxing shall not be sold to a person unless that
person is provided with a ticket.

An inventory of all the tickets must be submitted to the Office with the permit application.

The inventory must include all of the tickets that are printed for the event.

Each ticket must have the price, name of the promoter as licensed with the Office and the date of
the event.

A promoter shall not issue complimentary tickets for more than four percent (4%) of the seats in
the house without the office’s written

If the office approves the issuance of complimentary tickets over and above the four percent (4%)
cap, the complimentary tickets are exempt from the BIBA Sanctioning fee.

All complimentary tickets must indicate on the ticket that it’s a complimentary ticket and its value
had the ticket actually been purchased.

All fee payments must be made within 72 hours of the conclusion of the event.


The promoter must set forth the proper procedures for their employees and/or
designated staff to place each ticket stub in a lock box, in order for the tickets to be available for the
BIBA inspector to count.

The promoter, or the designee, may be present when the tickets are counted to verify the 2% BIBA
sanctioning fee.

The promoter should be prepared to pay the 2% BIBA sanctioning fee as soon as the tickets are
counted and fees are calculated, if at all possible.

Within 72 hours after a contest the promoter shall pay the BIBA sanctioning fee to the office.


The promoter must notify the office representative if the license fees for the contestants and
seconds will be deducted from the fighter’s purse.

If so, the promoter must be prepared to pay for the license fees prior to the start of the event.

The promoter will also be responsible for the licenses of the participants who have made
application, but have not made payment for their license.


Credentials shall only be issued to: Contestants, promoters, officials, members of the media,
Officials of British & Irish Boxing Authority, designated representatives of the office and to those
actual and necessary persons working at the exhibition, arena or facility.


Each participant is to have their license with them.

If he/she cannot provide their license, they may be required to purchase one.


The promoter and office should agree upon a weigh-in time and date.

It is the promoter’s responsibility to ensure all contestants are present at the designated time and

The boxers who are late, or fail to show up at the designated time, may be denied the ability to
participate in the event, be fined, be suspended or all three.


Pre fight physicals must be completed at least one half hour prior to the event.

Fights that involve television shall complete physicals the day before the fight at a time designated
by the office.

Physicals should be completed as early as possible because some boxers may not pass the pre-fight
physical, therefore, the boxer will not be allowed to participate in the event.

If the doctor determines a boxer cannot participate, the boxer will not be allowed to participate
under any circumstances. This is for the health and
safety of the boxer.

A. As of January 1st 2012 before a fighter can be licensed he must provide the office with a
copy of a negative HIV, HEP B, and HEP C test. No fighter will be allowed to compete without
accomplishing this.


The promoter must provide two paramedics and an ambulance before an event will commence.

Boxing events will not begin, or continue, without an ambulance on site during the entire event.

Also, the BIBA assigned doctor(s) must be present at ringside during the event.


The MINIMUM medical coverage required for events sanctioned by the British & Irish Boxing
Authority sanctioned events are:

Events featuring up to ten (10) bouts

Equipped Medical Room including defibrillator

Two Doctors

Two Paramedics

One Emergency Equipped Ambulance

Please note: though the above is the minimum standard, we do advise that a third doctor and a
second ambulance and paramedic team to be on standby at the venue at all times.

Events featuring more than ten (10) bouts, or Championship events

Equipped Medical Room including defibrillator

Two Doctors

Four Paramedics

Two Emergency Equipped Ambulances

Please note: That the doctors are provided through the official BIBA General Medical Officer – in
each case one of whom is either an Emergency Response Trauma Specialist, Neurologist or


There must be seats and tables available at ringside for the following: physician(s), medical staff,
timekeeper, referee(s), announcer, officials and inspectors of the office.

Bottles of water shall be provided by the promoter for all ringside officials.

If the event is televised or includes a Championship contest, there must be seating for the additional
officials that are assigned to event.


Please be aware that the promoter is responsible for security.

It has been noted that in some situations, where the spectators have become unruly and extremely
disrespectful to officials and inspectors, security has not always been available for these situations.

One member of the Security team must be present outside each dressing room to ensure that no
member of the public have access to the boxers dressing rooms, also to ensure that not more than
three team members are present to attend to the boxer’s pre fight preparations.

Please note, that providing sufficient security is the promoter’s responsibility.


Exhibition bouts are legal and can occur on a fight card, however, to qualify for an exhibition bout,
both boxers must agree in writing that the bout will be a no decision.

The results of the bout will not be turned in to the official boxing registry.

However, all suspensions will be turned into the boxing registry.


All fighters who complete the scheduled number of rounds must wait seven days from the date of
the fight before participating in any further contest.


All boxers who compete must have a written bout agreement between the boxer and the promoter
as required by Law.

The agreement will be signed by both the boxer & promoter. The agreement will establish as a
minimum the date of the event, the boxer & promoter information, the number of rounds, the
opponent, the approximate weight, and the total amount to be paid the boxer.

Copies of these agreements must be given to the BIBA Event Supervisor or Chief Inspector a
minimum of one (1) hour prior to the start of an event.

BIBA Licensed Promoters (as of 9th November 2018)

Bridie Murtagh (Saorise Promotions)


Kyle Gallagher (Fight Club)

Mark Lyons (Wise Guys Promotions)

Roger Brotherhood

Russ Brown (Diamond Geezer Promotions)

Thomas Melville (Colloseum Promotions)

Sunday Okwuma

Sean Reynolds (Left Jab Promotions)

Lee McAllister (Assassin Promotions)

Tommy Jacobs (Essex Boxing Organisation)

Stanley Williams (Monarch Events & Promotions)

BIBA Licensed Managers (as of 9th November 2018)

Abib Ali (Derby)

Ben Poole (Lowestoft)

Chris Boyle (Nottingham)

Damian Hucker (Nottingham)

Daniel Ruegg (Bournemouth)

Emmanuel Emeonye (Romford, Essex)

Hugh McIlroy (Stevenston, Ayrshire)

Jody Meikle (Scunthorpe)

Kyle Gallagher (Liverpool)

Lee McAllister (Aberdeen)

Liam Wilkins (Devizes)

Mark Lyons (London)

Owen Watkins (Garth, Maesteg)

Russ Brown (Grantham)

Sean Laverick (Stockton on Tees)

Sunday Okwuma (London)

Raj Narroya (Derby)

BIBA Licensed Coaches – incl Cutmen (as of 9th November 2018)

Adrian Kirkbride (Cumbria)

Adrian Thorne (Leeds)

Alexander White (Glasgow)

Angel McKenzie (Sutton)

Anthony Fort (Torquay)

Autumn Goodwin (Derby)

Ben Poole (Lowestoft)

Billy Corito (Malta)

Brian Fernie (Kinross)

Can Yang (Yu Lin Guang Xi, China)

Callum Meeks (Norwich)

Charlie Parvin (Motherwell)

Chris Boyle (Nottingham)

Cliff Allison (Fife)

Conan Beattie (Aberdeen)

Craig Burke

Dai Gumms (Port Talbot, Wales)

Dale Robertson (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)

Damian Hucker (Nottingham)

Daniel Brookes (Mansfield, Notts)

Daniel Gray (Derby)

Daniel Ruegg (Bournemouth)

Daniel Webb (Kent)

Danny Fielder (Woodford Green)

Danny Whitcombe (Lowestoft)

Darren Burns (Newry, Belfast)

Darren McFaul (Lincoln)

Dave Murphy (Bognor Regis)

David Miller (Grantham)

David Orr (Armadale, West Lothian)

David Rose (Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk)

Dean Eshelby (Worksop)

Francis Harding (Liverpool)

Frank Decastro (Lincolnshire)

Gary Bowles (Kent)

Gary Crickson (Rainhill, Merseyside)

Gary Morris (Motherwell)

Gary Young (Edinburgh)

Gerard Murray (Holytown)

Glenn Hickling (Lincolnshire)

Guido Carli (Turin, Italy)

Heathcliff Duncan (Lowestoft, Suffolk)

Hugh McIlroy (Stevenston, Ayrshire)

Ian Longstaff (Aberdeen)

Ian Wilson (London)

Inzar Iqbal (West Yorkshire)

James Barker (Lowestoft)

James Coulby (Lincoln)

James Pritchard (Mansfield)

Jamie Leggett (Bognor Regis)

Jamie McIlroy (Stevenston, Ayrshire)

Jason Lowe (Birmingham)

Jay Morris (Worthing)

Jay Weaver (Ferndown, Dorset)

Jodie Meikle (Scunthorpe)

Joe Bretland (Liverpool)

John Hutchens

John Morrish (Doncaster)

John Wilson (Bellshill)

Jon Woods (Bournemouth)

Jonathon Bateman (Liverpool)

Jonathon Sellers (Buckley, Flintshire)

Joseph Harvey (Belfast)

Julian Borg (London)

Karl Ratcliffe (Derby)

Kyle Gallagher (Liverpool)

Lee McAllister (Aberdeen)

Liam Hayes (Leeds)

Liam Wilkins (Devizes)

Manny Clarke (Lowestoft)

Mansur Magomadov (Belfast)

Marianne Marston (London)

Marc Foster (Leeds)

Mark Camps (Torquay)

Mark Jenkins (Blackwood, Gwent)

Matt Scriven (Nottingham)

Mathew Allison (Scunthorpe)

Mathew Jacobs (Colchester)

Max Brown (Grantham)

Micah Riches (Lowestoft)

Michael Hazon (Scunthorpe)

Michael Sprott (Reading)

Michael Stupart (Dunfermline)

Michelle Pennington (Liverpool)

Mike Jefferson (Portadown, Northern Ireland)

Mick Stanton (Liverpool)

Mick Conway (London)

Mitch Clarke (Essex)

Ogunyemi Adekunle (Belgium)

Owain Hughes (Pentrefoelas, Wales)

Paddy Reilly (Airdrie)

Paul Hillman (Nottingham)

Paul Kavanagh (Upminster)

Paul Owen (Wales)

Paul Smith (Belshill)

Rhydian Hughes (Pentrefoelas)

Richie Garner (Swansea)

Roger Brotherhood (Mansfield)

Ross McNulty (Manchester)

Russ Brown (Grantham)

Ryan McFee (Glasgow)

Sam Smith (Leeds)

Scott Hamilton (Liverpool)

Scott Mallon (Horndon On The Hill, Essex)

Sean Carter (Colchester, Essex)

Sean Reynolds (Huddersfield)

Shaun Fielding (Leeds)

Shaun Keenan (Bryn, Wales)

Simon Stratton (Stanford-Le-Hope)

Stephen Speed (Liverpool)

Stephen Swanson (Glasgow)

Steve Gallante (London)

Steven Patient (Kent)

Vinnie Curto (Los Angeles, USA)

Wesley Perkins (Manchester)

Will Abercrombie (Newcastle, Staffs)


Michael Hussey (Clacton-on-Sea, Essex)

BIBA Licensed Matchmakers-Agents (as of 9th November 2018)

Cristos Gatsis

Dave Murphy

Matt Hurley

Emmanuel Emeonye (Also International Agent)

Solomon Otoo

British & Irish Boxing Authority – Rules & Regulations:

§ 1-1. Short title of subpart - This subpart shall be known and may be cited as the BIBA Rules
& Regulations.

§ 1-2. Definitions Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent provisions of this
subpart which are applicable to specific provisions of this subpart, the following words and phrases
when used in this subpart shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context
clearly indicates otherwise:

“AMATEUR.” A person who has never received nor competed for any purse or other article of
value, either for participating in any boxing contest or exhibition or for the expenses of training
therefore, other than a prize which does not exceed £50 (€65) in value.

“BOXING.” The act of attack and defense with the fists, practiced as a sport. The term includes all
variations of the sport permitting or using other parts of the human body, including, but not limited
to, the foot, knee, leg, elbow or head.

“CONTEST.” A boxing engagement in which the boxers strive earnestly in good faith to win.

“EXHIBITION.” A boxing engagement in which the boxers show or display their skill without
necessarily striving to win.

“FOREIGN CO-PROMOTER.” A promoter who has no place of business within the United Kingdom
and/or the Republic of Ireland.

“JUDGE.” A person who has a vote in determining the winner of any contest.

“MANAGER.” A person who, directly or indirectly, controls or administers the affairs of any boxer.

“MATCHMAKER.” A person who brings together professional boxers or arranges professional
boxing contests or exhibitions.

“PAY-PER-VIEW TELECAST.” A telecast, closed-circuit or otherwise, which is not intended to be
available for viewing without the payment of a fee, collected for or based upon each event viewed,
for the privilege of viewing the telecast.

“PRODUCER.” Any person who charges or receives a fee for having a contest viewed through a pay-
per-view telecast by utilizing any type of cable television system. The term does not include the
operator of a cable television system.

“PROFESSIONAL.” A person who is licensed by a recognized national professional boxing
sanctioning organization and receives a purse or financial prize for competing in a boxing contest
or exhibition.

“PROMOTER.” Any person and, in the case of a corporate promoter, any officer, director, employee
or stockholder thereof who produces, arranges or stages any professional contest or exhibition.

“PURSE.” The financial guarantee or any other remuneration, or part thereof, for which
professional boxers are participating in a contest or exhibition. The term includes the participant's
share of any payment received for radio broadcasting, television and motion picture rights.

“SPONSOR.” Any person and, in the case of a corporate sponsor, any officer, director, employee or
stockholder thereof who produces, arranges or stages any amateur contest or exhibition.

§ 2-1. Medical Advisory Board

The commission shall appoint four physicians to serve on a Medical Advisory Board for a term of
four years.

The Governor shall designate a member with experience in sports medicine as chairman of the
board. Each member shall be paid a per diem rate to be established by the secretary, but not in
excess of £100 (€130) per day.

The board shall issue an annual report to the commission, which shall include a review of the health
status of each boxer who competed during the prior fiscal year to identify those who may be at risk
of serious physical impairment.

The board may recommend changes or additions to the health and safety rules and regulations of
the commission and, upon request of the commission, shall review proposed rules and regulations
and advise the commission of recommendations with respect to the proposed rules and regulations.

§ 3-1. Boxing regulations

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- Professional boxing contests or exhibitions, including kick boxing, shall be
held within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland only in accordance with the provisions
of this subpart and the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart.

(b) EVENTS ON SUNDAY.-- Contests or exhibitions may be held on Sunday.

§ 3-2. Age of participants

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- No person under 18 years of age shall be a participant in any professional
contest or exhibition.

(b) EXCEPTION.— There are no exceptions to the general rule

§ 3-3. Fictitious names

No person shall participate in any contest or exhibition under a fictitious or assumed name unless
the fictitious or assumed name has first been registered with the commission.

§ 3-4. Physician to be in attendance

At least one ringside physician shall be assigned to every contest or exhibition by the executive

The physician(s) shall observe at all times the physical condition of the participants and may stop
any contest or exhibition at any time to examine a participant and to terminate a bout when, in the
judgment of the physician, severe injury could result to a participant if the contest or exhibition
were to continue.

The commission shall establish by rule or regulation a schedule of fees to be paid to physicians for
their services. The physician's fee shall be paid by the promoter of the contest or exhibition
attended by the physician(s).

§ 3-5. Medical training seminars

The commission shall conduct mandatory medical training seminars at least twice a year for all ring
personnel, commission personnel and other designated persons employed by the secretary, as well

as supply the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC) Ringside Medical Manual to all registered
physicians and ring personnel.

§ 3-6. Register

The executive director shall establish and maintain a register for all professional boxers licensed by
the British & Irish Boxing Authority in the United Kingdom and Republic Of Ireland. The register
shall include a photograph of the boxer. In the register, the executive director shall record the
results of each contest or exhibition the boxer is involved in, including technical knockouts,
knockouts and other boxing-related injuries, as well as the dates of each contest or exhibition and
the record of wins and losses.

§ 3-7. Medical equipment

No professional contest or exhibition shall be started unless there is on the premises:

(1) An ambulance, together with emergency equipment.

(2) A portable resuscitator with oxygen and appropriate endotracheal tubes and a qualified

§ 3-8. Suspension and revocation for injuries

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- For sound medical reasons and to protect the individual boxers, the
commission shall establish mandatory license suspensions of those persons who sustain certain

(b) PARTICULAR SUSPENSION PERIODS.-- The commission may suspend a boxer's license for up

(1) Sixty days for a laceration of the face.

(2) Twenty Eight days:
(i) for a technical knockout without head injuries; or
(ii) upon recommendation of the ringside physician if, in the physician's opinion, the boxer has
sustained sufficient injuries to require the suspension.

(3) Forty Five days for head injuries.

(4) Ninety days for a knockout.

(c) UNCONSCIOUSNESS OR CONCUSSION.-- A boxer who has been knocked unconscious or who
has received a concussion shall have his license suspended for up to 90 days, and the suspension
shall be removed only after the boxer has been pronounced fit after undergoing medical
examination by a physician.

(d) REPEATED KNOCKOUTS.-- A boxer who has been knocked out or severely beaten shall have
his license revoked if, after undergoing a medical examination by a physician, the commission
decides such action is necessary in order to protect the health and welfare of the boxer.

(e) CONSECUTIVE DEFEATS.-- A boxer who has suffered six consecutive points defeats or two
consecutive defeats by way of stoppage, shall be investigated by the commission and, upon
recommendation of the executive director, in consultation with the Medical Advisory Board, shall
be required to undergo a medical examination by a physician approved by the commission. If
appropriate, the commission may then proceed to suspend or revoke the boxer's license.

§ 3-9. Medical examinations

(a) PREFIGHT EXAMINATION.-- In addition to any other examination required by this subpart or
the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart, each boxer shall be examined by the
attending physician within two hours before he enters the ring. If, in the opinion of the physician,
any boxer is physically or mentally unfit to proceed, the physician shall notify the person in charge,
who shall immediately cancel the contest or exhibition.

(b) POSTFIGHT EXAMINATION.-- In addition to any other examination required by this subpart or
the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart, a boxer may, at the discretion of the
ringside physician, be required to undergo a medical examination by a physician designated by the
executive director during the five days following the contest or exhibition in which he was a
participant. If the boxer sustains a knockout or technical knockout, the boxer shall undergo the
medical examination within such time period as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations
promulgated by the commission. An examination under this section shall be performed at the
expense of the promoter.

(c) FILING OF RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS.-- The results of the examinations required by this
section shall be reduced to writing by the physician, signed by him and filed with the commission
within 48 hours after they have been performed.

(d) CONTENT OF EXAMINATION.-- Any medical examination prescribed under this section or
section 3-8 (relating to suspension and revocation for injuries) shall conform to the rules and
regulations promulgated by the commission after consultation with the Medical Advisory Board.
The rules and regulations regarding the post fight examination may prescribe or permit the
attending physician to prescribe additional tests in the case of a knockout, technical knockout, head
injury or other injury or medical condition. The examination may include drug testing as prescribed
by rules and regulations.

§ 3-10. Weights and classes

The commission shall promulgate rules and regulations establishing classes of boxers, which
classes shall be based upon weights.


CRUISERWEIGHT: 90.72kg & below

LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT: 79.38kg & below


MIDDLEWEIGHT: 72.58kg & below

SUPER WELTERWEIGHT: 69.85kg & below

WELTERWEIGHT: 66.68kg & below

SUPER LIGHTWEIGHT: 63.50kg & below

LIGHTWEIGHT: 61.24kg & below

SUPER FEATHERWEIGHT: 58.97kg & below

FEATHERWEIGHT: 57.15kg & below

SUPER BANTAMWEIGHT: 55.34kg & below

BANTAMWEIGHT: 53.52kg & below

SUPER FLYWEIGHT: 52.16kg & below

FLYWEIGHT: 50.80kg & below

All contests or exhibitions shall take place only between boxers who are within the same weight
class as defined by the commission unless otherwise approved by the commission.

§ 3-11. Limitation on difference in weights

No contest or exhibition shall take place in which the difference in weight of the participants
exceeds ten pounds. This section shall not apply to contests or exhibitions between participants in
the light-heavyweight, cruiserweight or heavyweight classes, as defined by the commission, nor to
exhibitions held solely for training purposes.

§ 3-12. Gloves

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- All boxers licensed under this subpart shall be required to use thumb-less or
thumb-attached gloves. The appropriate weight boxing gloves shall be worn by boxers as follows:

(1) 66.68 kg or under, boxing gloves weighing not less than eight ounces each.

(2) Over 66.68 kg, boxing gloves weighing not less than ten ounces each.

(b) VIOLATION.-- A violation of this section may subject the participant, promoter or manager or
any of them to suspension of not less than 30 days or revocation of their licenses, at the discretion
of the commission, pursuant to section 9-4 (relating to suspension or revocation of licenses or

§ 3-13. Ring padding

All ring padding shall be subject to approval of the commission. All padding shall be of soft felt,
foam rubber or similar material and shall be at least two inches thick.

§ 3-14. Duration of bouts and rounds

(a) LENGTH OF CONTEST.-- No contest or exhibition shall be more than 12 rounds in length for
Male contests and no more than 10 for Female contests.

(b) DURATION OF ROUND.-- No round shall be more than three minutes in duration for Male
contests and more than two minutes for Female contests.

(c) MANDATORY REST PERIOD.-- There shall be at least a one-minute rest between consecutive

(d) LIMITATION ON PARTICIPATION.-- No boxer shall participate in nor be scheduled to
participate in more than one contest within seven consecutive days.

(e) LIMITATION ON ROUNDS.-- The commission may, with respect to any contest or exhibition
or to any class of participants, limit the number of rounds in a contest or exhibition to less
than the maximum number of rounds otherwise applicable.

§ 3-15. Referee and judges

(a) REFEREE.-- At each professional contest or exhibition, except an exhibition held solely for
training purposes, there shall be in attendance, at the expense of the promoter, a duly licensed
referee designated by the executive director, who shall direct and control the contest or exhibition.
Personal injury and liability insurance coverage, in a minimum amount set by the commission, for
all claims arising from the performance of their duties at the contest or exhibition shall be in effect
for all referees. This insurance coverage shall be provided at the expense of the British & Irish
Boxing Authority.

(b) JUDGES.-- There shall be in attendance at every contest, at the expense of the promoter, three
licensed judges, each of whom shall render his individual decision in writing on a scorecard
supplied by the executive director at the end of every contest which continues for the scheduled
number of rounds. Each judge shall have one vote, and a majority of the votes cast shall determine
the winner.

(c) SCORING.-- The commission shall by rule or regulation prescribe the methods of scoring.

§ 3-16. Seconds

Before the start of any contest or exhibition, the referee shall ascertain from each participant the
name of the chief second. The chief second shall be held responsible for the conduct of his
assistants during the contest or exhibition.

§ 3-17. Mandatory eight count

Whenever a boxer is knocked down, the boxer shall be required to take a count of eight. The referee
shall not permit the contest or exhibition to be resumed until the count of eight has been reached,
except in professional championship contests and exhibitions.

§ 3-18. Knockouts

(a) COUNT BY REFEREE.-- When a boxer is knocked out, the referee shall count to ten unless, in
the judgment of the referee, the boxer is in immediate physical danger, in which case the referee
may stop the count earlier. If the boxer has not risen from the ring floor before the referee stops the
count, the result shall be recorded as a knockout.

(b) PHYSICIAN.-- When a boxer has been knocked out, no one shall touch him, except to remove his
mouth protector, until after the attending physician has entered the ring and issued such
instructions as he deems necessary.

§ 3-19. Duty of disclosure

Every licensee shall, immediately after learning thereof, disclose to the executive director or his
designee, or to the official in charge or the attending physician or referee if one of these persons is
in attendance at any contest or exhibition, all knowledge or information in his possession
concerning any mental or physical disability, injury, illness or incapacity of any boxer.

§ 3-20. Sham or collusive contest prohibited

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- No licensee or other person shall knowingly conduct, give,
participate in or be in any way connected with any sham or collusive boxing contest.

(b) REPORTS.-- Any licensee who knows or has reason to suspect that a boxing contest is, was or is
going to be a sham or collusive contest shall have a duty to promptly report this to the executive

director or his designee. Such a report shall be in writing or, if oral, shall be reduced to writing and
shall contain all of the reporter's reasons for the conclusions set forth in his report.

(c) PENALTY.-- A violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor of the third degree.

(d) DEFINITION.-- As used in this section, the term "sham or collusive contest" means an
engagement that is promoted or advertised as a true contest, but in which one or both of the
participants does not use his best efforts and skill or does not strive earnestly in good faith to win.
The term includes, but is not limited to, any pseudo contest, the result of which has been
prearranged, or any pseudo contest in which either participant does not, is not going to or is unable
to use or is prevented from using his best efforts and skill as a result of coercion, reward or promise
thereof, physical incapacity or disability, suggestion or agreement or any other improper or
unlawful means.

§ 4-1. Power of commission to issue, withhold, suspend or revoke licenses and permits

The British & Irish Boxing Authority (commission) is hereby granted sole control, authority and
jurisdiction to issue, withhold, suspend or revoke any license or permit provided for under this

§ 4-2. Promoters' licenses

No promoter shall directly or indirectly conduct, hold or promote any professional contest or
exhibition unless he has first procured a promoter's license from the commission. The commission
may issue an order prohibiting a promoter from acting in violation of this section.

If it is determined the respondent has engaged in the promotion of any professional contest or
exhibition without having first obtained a promoter's license from the commission, the court, on
petition by the commission, shall enjoin him from such activities unless and until he has been duly
licensed. The procedure in such cases shall be the same as in any other injunction suit. The
remedies under this section are in addition to any other remedies under this part.

§ 4-3. Representative managers’ licenses

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- Before acting as such, every representative manager shall procure a
manager's license. He shall file with the department the name of each boxer whom he represents,
together with a written consent from each boxer and his manager authorizing him to transact
business for the manager or boxer or to act as or for the manager of the boxer.

(b) PRESUMPTION.-- Every person other than the manager of a professional boxer who performs
any of the acts usually performed by the manager or who aids, assists or substitutes for the
manager or who uses a licensed manager to conceal his own actions as a manager shall be
considered a representative manager.

(c) PENALTY.-- A violation of this section may subject the manager to suspension of not less than
30 days or revocation of his license, at the discretion of the commission, pursuant to section 9-4
(relating to suspension or revocation of licenses or permits).

§ 4-4. Foreign co-promoters to procure permits

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- No foreign co-promoter shall directly or indirectly participate in the
promotion of or receive any remuneration from or render any services in connection with
any professional contest or exhibition held within the United Kingdom and/or the Republic
of Ireland unless he has first been granted a permit therefore by the commission.

No promoter shall be associated with any foreign co-promoter in promoting any contest or
exhibition unless the foreign co-promoter has first secured a permit. A foreign co-promoter by
accepting a permit agrees to be subject to all the provisions of this subpart and the rules and
regulations promulgated under this subpart.

(b) PENALTY.-- A violation of this section may subject the promoter or foreign co-promoter, or
both, to suspension of not less than 30 days or revocation of his license or permit, at the discretion
of the commission, pursuant to section 9-4 (relating to suspension or revocation of licenses or

§ 4-5. Other licenses required

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- A professional boxer, manager, second, trainer, matchmaker, timekeeper,
referee, judge, announcer, physician, booking agent or agency or representative of a booking agent
or agency shall not directly or indirectly act in such capacity in connection with any professional
contest or exhibition unless he has first procured from the commission a license to act in that

(b) PENALTY.-- A violation of this section may subject the person required to procure the license to
suspension of not less than 30 days or revocation of or refusal to issue the license, at the discretion
of the commission, pursuant to section 9-4 (relating to suspension or revocation of licenses or

§ 4-6. Program permits

In addition to the promoter's license, each promoter shall be required to procure a permit from the
commission for each program of contests or exhibitions before presenting that program. Each
application for a permit shall specify the premises where and time when the program is to be held.

§ 4-7. Amateur events

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, no amateur contest or
exhibition shall be held at a professional boxing event without a permit having been first secured by
the sponsor from the commission for the event. Subject to subsection (d), amateur contests or
exhibitions shall be held in accordance with this subpart and the rules and regulations promulgated
under this subpart.

(b) ELIGIBILITY.-- Permits for amateur boxing contests or exhibitions shall be issued only to bona
fide recognized amateur athletic associations, nonprofit organizations or other groups or
individuals approved by the commission.

(c) PERMIT FEE.-- The fee for the issuance of a permit for each program of amateur contests or
exhibitions shall be fixed by commission regulation.

(d) RULES.-- With the written approval of the commission, amateur contests or exhibitions may be
held in accordance with the rules of the amateur body sanctioning the event.

§ 4-8. Prohibited interests

An officer, director, stockholder or employee of a licensed promoter shall not have any other
interest in any professional boxer or professional contests or exhibitions except as a matchmaker.

§ 4-9. Local prohibitions

No permit shall be issued for the holding of any boxing contest or exhibition within any political
subdivision of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland which has adopted any local
ordinance or resolution prohibiting such contests or exhibitions within its limits.

§ 4-10. Standards for issuance of licenses and permits

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- In determining whether to issue or renew any license or permit, the
commission shall consider the best interest and welfare of the public, the preservation of the safety
and health of participants and the best interests of boxing generally.

(b) PREREQUISITES.-- Before being granted any permit or license, the applicant must establish
that he is:

(1) Of good moral character.
(2) Of good reputation.
(3) Physically fit and mentally sound.
(4) Skilled in his profession.
(5) Of requisite age and experience.
(6) Not addicted to the intemperate use of alcohol or to the use of narcotic drugs.

In the case of a corporate applicant, these factors shall be considered with reference to its officers,
directors, employees and principal stockholders.

§ 4-11. Duration of license

Each license issued under this subpart shall expire twelve months, less one day, next following the
date on which it was issued.

§ 4-12. Applications for licenses and permits

Every application for a license or a permit shall:

(1) Be in writing on a form supplied by the commission.
(2) Be verified by the applicant.
(3) Set forth such information and have attached thereto such photographs and other exhibits as
are required by this subpart, the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart and the
form of application.

§ 4-13. Oral examinations

The commission may require any applicant for a license or permit or, in the case of a corporate
applicant, any officer, director, employee or stockholder thereof to appear before the commission
for an oral examination, under oath, as to qualifications of the applicant before taking action on that

§ 4-14. License fees

The annual license fees which shall accompany each application for a license or the renewal of a
license shall be fixed by commission regulation.

§ 4-15. Permit fees

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- The required fees, based upon the seating capacity of the premises where
the program is to be presented, shall accompany each application for a permit to present a program
of contests or exhibitions. The amount of the fee shall be fixed by commission regulation.

(b) FOREIGN CO-PROMOTER PERMIT.-- The fee for the issuance of a foreign co-promoter's
permit for each program of contests or exhibitions shall be fixed by commission regulation.

§ 4-16. Gross receipts taxes

(a) GATE RECEIPTS.-- In addition to the payment of any other fees and moneys due under this
subpart, a promoter or sponsor shall pay a tax of 1% of the gross receipts of every contest or
exhibition held in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

(b) BROADCAST RIGHTS.-- The gross price paid to the promoters or sponsors for the sale, lease or
other exploitation of broadcasting, television and motion picture rights of the contest or exhibition
shall be subject to a gross receipts tax on a sliding scale as follows:

(1) three percent on the cost of exploitation rights obtained for the first £60,000 or less;

(2) two percent on the cost of exploitation rights obtained for the next £100,000;

(3) one percent on the cost of exploitation rights obtained for any amount over £200,000;

(c) PAY-PER-VIEW TELECASTS.-- Any producer who charges or receives a fee for having a contest
seen on a pay-per-view telecast that is shown in the United Kingdom and other EU member
countries, utilizing a cable or satellite television system, shall pay a tax of 2% of the producer's
gross receipts attributable to the individual pay-per-view telecast fees.

The tax under this subsection shall be collected from the producer by the cable/satellite television
system operator whose pay-per-view facilities are being utilized by the producer for this purpose
and shall be forwarded to the commission. The producer's gross receipts upon which this tax is
imposed shall not include National and local taxes paid by the individual who views the contest.

(d) PAYMENT.-- Payment of the gross receipts tax provided for in this section shall be made within
72 hours after the contest or exhibition if the tax is payable under subsection (a) or within 45 days
if the tax is payable under subsection (c).

The payment shall be accompanied by a form prescribed by the commission setting forth the gross
receipts received from the contest, exhibition or pay-per-view telecast and such other information
as the commission may require.

The form shall require the taxpayer to state the amount of gross receipts, the number of tickets sold
and such other information as the commission may require.

In the case of a live contest or exhibition, payment shall be accompanied by a verified statement by
the ticket printer setting forth the number of tickets printed for use at the contest or exhibition.


(1) A person who intentionally makes a false report under this section commits perjury and shall,
upon conviction, be subject to punishment under the law of the United Kingdom. The penalty shall
be in addition to any other penalties imposed under this subpart.

(2) A person who intentionally fails, neglects or refuses to file the form or pay the tax as prescribed
in this section, or who refuses to permit the department to examine the books, papers and records

pertaining to an event taxable under this section, commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and
shall, in addition, be subject to suspension or loss of license or a civil penalty at the discretion of the


Gross receipts shall be calculated without any deductions for commissions, brokerage fees,
distribution fees, advertising or other expenses or charges in respect thereto, except that National
taxes and taxes imposed by a political subdivision may be deducted.

In the case of a live contest or exhibition taxable under subsection (a), gross receipts includes the
face value of all tickets sold and complimentary tickets issued. In the case of a pay-per-view telecast
taxable under subsection (c), gross receipts includes the total amount of all fees that were charged
in order to view the event.

§ 4-17. Application and fees

An application for a permit or license shall be verified and shall be accompanied by a
Non-refundable application fee in an amount established by the commission.

§ 5-1. Commission control of contracts

The commission, with the approval of the department, shall promulgate rules and regulations
governing the form and content of all contracts entered into between or among promoters and
foreign co-promoters and professional boxers and managers and all contracts between managers
and professional boxers. All contracts required under this subpart shall be in writing.

§ 5-2. Notice clause

Every contract subject to the provisions of this subpart shall contain the following clause:

This agreement is subject to the provisions of the rules and regulations of the British & Irish Boxing
Authority and to any future amendments of them.

§ 5-3. Provisions in contracts between managers and professional boxers

(a) GENERAL PROVISIONS.-- Every contract between a manager and a professional boxer shall
contain provisions governing its duration, division of the boxer's purses and the minimum sum to
be guaranteed annually to the boxer by the manager.

(b) TERMINATION OF CONTRACT.-- Each contract shall further provide that the contract shall be
automatically terminated if the license of either party is revoked by the commission or if the
manager fails to renew his license within 30 days after its expiration. If the license of either party is
suspended, the contract shall not be binding upon the other party during the period of the

§ 5-4. Approval of contracts

No contract between a manager and a professional boxer shall be legally valid until both parties to
the contract appear before the commission and have received its approval, which shall be endorsed
on the contract.

§ 6-1. Tickets

(a) SCHEDULED DATE AND PRICE.-- Every ticket of admission to a contest or exhibition shall
clearly show on its face the scheduled date of the contest or exhibition and its purchase price,
including any taxes thereon.

(b) PRICE LIMITATION.-- No ticket shall be sold by any promoter or foreign co-promoter for more
than the price printed thereon.

(c) ANTISCALPING PROVISION.-- No other person shall sell any ticket for more than 50 percent in
excess of the price printed on the ticket. No licensee shall directly or indirectly receive any part of
any excess price.

(d) NUMBERING OF TICKETS.-- Tickets in each price range shall be consecutively numbered, and
the number of each ticket shall be clearly printed on both the stub and main portion of the ticket.

(e) SCHEDULE OF TICKETS.-- A schedule of the numbers of all tickets in each price range shall be
furnished to the commission.

§ 6-2. Penalty for destroying tickets

Except upon receipt of prior written authorization from the commission, it shall be a
misdemeanor of the second degree for any promoter or person associated with or employed by any
promoter to destroy any ticket or ticket stub, whether sold or unsold, within six months after the
date of any contest or exhibition.

§ 6-3. Ticket refunds

(a) FULL REFUND.-- Upon postponement or cancellation of the main event or the entire program of
contests or exhibitions, the promoter shall refund the full purchase price of each ticket to any
person who presents the entire ticket for a refund within ten days after the scheduled date of the

The promoter shall announce the postponement or cancellation at the beginning of the program
and at other times during the event as the commission shall prescribe and shall notify the ticket
holders in each announcement that they may present their ticket stubs for a refund of the purchase
price during the program.

The commission may require that written notice of the cancellation or postponement and the right
to refund be posted at the site of the event in such manner as it may prescribe. After the event has
concluded, a promoter who has complied with this subsection need not refund the purchase price
upon presentation of a ticket stub.

(b) FORFEITURE OF SECURITY.-- Failure of any promoter or foreign co-promoter to comply with
the provisions of subsection (a) shall be sufficient cause to warrant a forfeiture of his bond or other
security and an imposition of a penalty or suspension or revocation of his license by the
department as provided under section 9-4 (relating to suspension or revocation of licenses or
permits) or 9-5 (relating to civil penalties).

(b) PRO RATA REFUNDS.-- From the fund produced by the forfeiture, pro rata refunds shall be
made by the commission to persons who purchased tickets, in accordance with subsection

§ 6-4. Advertising matter to state admission price

Each show card, bill, poster, newspaper or other advertisement of any contest or exhibition shall
contain a schedule of admission prices and a conspicuous statement of whether a contest or
exhibition is being presented. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute
grounds for the suspension or revocation of the promoter's license.

§ 7-1. Admissions not to exceed seating capacity

It shall be a misdemeanor of the third degree for any promoter to admit to any contest or exhibition
more persons than there are seats in the place where the contest or exhibition is being held.

§ 7-2. Age of spectators

No minor 16 years of age or under shall be permitted to attend any contest or exhibition unless
accompanied by an adult.

§ 8-1. Promoters and foreign co-promoters required to file bonds

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- Before any license or renewal of a license is issued to a promoter and before
any permit is issued to a foreign co-promoter, he shall be required to execute and file a surety bond
with the commission in such reasonable amount, but not less than £3,500 (€4,500), as the
commission shall determine.

(b) FORM OF BOND.-- All bonds shall be upon forms supplied by the commission,

(c) APPROVAL OF SURETIES.-- The sufficiency of the sureties shall be subject to approval of the
British & Irish Boxing Authority.

(d) CONDITIONS.-- The surety bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the
promoter or foreign co-promoter of his obligations under this subpart and the rules and regulations
promulgated pursuant to this subpart, including, but not limited to, the fulfillment of his contractual
obligations to contestants, managers and other licensees and the payment of all license and permit
fees provided for in this subpart. The aggregate annual liability of the surety for all obligations and
fees shall not exceed the amount of the bond.

§ 8-2. Deposit in lieu of surety bond

In lieu of the surety bond required by section 8-1 (relating to promoters and foreign
Co-promoters required to file bonds), the promoter may deposit with the commission cash, a
certified cheque or letter of credit, in an equivalent amount and subject to the same conditions.

The security shall not be returned to the promoter until one year after the date on which it was
deposited with the department, unless a surety bond is substituted for the security. Upon the
expiration of one year from the date on which the security was deposited, it shall be returned to the
depositor if no claim against the deposit is outstanding.

§ 8-3. Filing fee

A filing fee fixed by the commission shall accompany each bond filed or cash or security deposited
in lieu of the bond under this subchapter.

§ 8-4. Recovery on bond

Recovery may be had on the bond or against the deposit of cash or security in the same manner as
penalties are recoverable at law.

§ 9-1. Commission hearings

The commission shall conduct all hearings under the provisions of Title 2 (relating to
administrative law and procedure). The commission shall conduct a hearing within ten business
days from the time any recommendation is made by the executive director that a permit or license
be suspended or revoked.

§ 9-2. Subpoenas

The commission may issue subpoenas in connection with the investigation requiring the
attendance and testimony of or the production of books and papers by any licensee or other person
whom the commission believes to have information, books or papers of importance to it in making
the investigation.

§ 9-3. Preliminary suspension of licenses or permits

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- The commission may, upon its own motion or upon the verified written
complaint of any person charging a licensee or permittee with violating any provision of this
subpart or the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart, order the preliminary
suspension of any license or permit until adjudication by the commission if such action is necessary
to prevent immediate or irreparable harm to the public welfare or to protect the health and safety
of a boxer.

(b) MEETINGS.-- Upon the oral or written agreement of two members of the commission, the
commission may conduct meetings under subsection (a) by voice or video electronic means if the
subject matter of the meeting is so compelling or timely that considering the matter at the
commission's next regular meeting would render any decision moot, adversely affect the rights of
the aggrieved parties under this subpart or threaten the safety or physical health of participants. A
stenographic record of such meetings shall be made and maintained by the commission and be
made available to the parties upon request. The subject matter of any such meeting shall then
become the first item on the commission's agenda for its next regularly scheduled meeting.

(c) HEARING DATE.-- The commission shall hold a hearing within ten business days after the date
on which the license or permit was suspended preliminarily, at which time reasonable efforts shall
be made for the affected parties and the commission to be physically present.

§ 9-4. Suspension or revocation of licenses or permits

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- The commission may suspend or revoke a license or permit in any case
where the commission finds that the licensee or permittee:

(1) Is guilty of gross immorality.

(2) Is unfit or incompetent by reason of negligence or habits.

(3) Is guilty of violating any provision of this subpart or of the rules and regulations
promulgated under this subpart.

(4) Has committed fraud or deceit in securing his or another's license or permit.

(5) Has been convicted of or pleaded guilty or entered a plea of nolo contendere to, or has been
found guilty by a judge or jury of, a crime in any jurisdiction within ten years preceding the
suspension or revocation.

(6) Is an habitual drunkard or is addicted to the use of morphine, cocaine or other drugs having a
similar effect.

(7) Is or has become mentally incompetent.

(8) Has been guilty of unprofessional or unethical conduct or such conduct as to require a
suspension or revocation in the public interest.

(9) Has made a misstatement of a material fact or fraudulently concealed a material fact or has
induced, aided or abetted any other person in misstating or concealing any material fact in any
application or other proceeding under this subpart.

(10) Has failed to account for or pay over moneys belonging to others which have come into his
possession in connection with a contest or exhibition.

(11) Has failed to furnish to the proper party a copy of any contract or statement required by this
subpart or the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart or has breached such a

(12) Has paid or agreed to pay any money or article of value to any person not having a license or a
permit for soliciting or for business secured or for rendering of any service or the doing of any of
the acts forbidden by this subpart and the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart.

(13) Has loaned his license or permit to another person or has borrowed or used the license or
permit of another.

(14) Is guilty of any form of pretense which might induce the public or citizens to become a prey to
professional exploitation.

(15) Has employed a person who has not been issued a license or permit when so required by law.

(16) Has failed to maintain in force the bond required by this subpart or has failed to forward a
deposit in lieu of the bond.

(17) Has by act or omission conducted himself in a manner detrimental to the best interests of
boxing generally or to the public interest and general welfare.

(18) Is associating or consorting with criminals, bookmakers, gamblers or persons of similar ill
repute, or with persons of no known or visible means of livelihood, or is himself engaged or
engaging in similar pursuits or conduct.

(19) Has been disciplined in any manner by the commission or similar agency or body of any

(20) Has failed to pay a fine or any part thereof imposed pursuant to this subpart.

(21) Is or may be at risk of serious physical impairment if allowed to participate in boxing
engagements. The commission may investigate the mental or physical fitness of a licensee to
participate in contests or exhibitions at any time. This paragraph only applies to licensees or
permittees who are boxers.

(b) HEARINGS.-- Any licensee or permittee whose license or permit is suspended or revoked
pursuant to this section shall have a right to a hearing before the commission within ten business
days after the date on which the license or permit is suspended or revoked.

§ 9-5. Civil penalties

The commission may impose a civil penalty of not more than £5,000 (€6,500) for any violation of
any provision of this subpart, other than section 14-1 (relating to prohibited competitions), or the
rules and regulations promulgated under those provisions, in addition to any other punishment
provided under this subpart for the violation. Any licensee or permittee upon whom a civil penalty
is imposed under this section shall have a right to a hearing before the commission within ten days
after notice of the commission's intent to impose the penalty is received.

§ 10-1. Financial interest in boxer prohibited

No commission member or employee or physician, referee or judge licensed under this subpart
shall have any direct or indirect financial or pecuniary interest in any boxer. A violation of this
section shall constitute a misdemeanor of the third degree.

§ 10-2. Financial interest in opponent prohibited

No manager, trainer or second of any boxer shall have any direct or indirect financial or pecuniary
interest in the opponent in any contest in which his own boxer participates.

No boxer shall have any direct or indirect financial or pecuniary interest in his opponent in any
contest. A violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor of the third degree.

§ 10-3. Financial interest of matchmaker

No matchmaker shall have any direct or indirect financial or pecuniary interest in any boxer who is
engaging in a contest arranged by that matchmaker. A violation of this section shall constitute a
misdemeanor of the third degree.

§ 11-1. Disposition of commission receipts

All fees, taxes, civil penalties, forfeitures and other moneys collected under the provisions of this
subpart and the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart shall be collected by the

§ 11-2. British & Irish Boxing Authority Augmentation Account

All funds collected by the commission shall be paid into the British & Irish Boxing Authority
Augmentation Account, which shall be a special restricted receipts account within the General

This account shall be used only for the support and operation of the commission unless a surplus
arises after two consecutive years, at which time the secretary shall transfer any amount in excess
of the commission's budget into the General Fund.

§ 12-1. Minimum purses for boxers

No purse less than £100 (€130) shall be paid by the promoter to any professional boxer for any
contest or exhibition other than a training exhibition.

§ 12-2. Distribution of purses to boxers

(a) PROMOTER DISTRIBUTION.-- Unless otherwise directed by the commission or an authorized
agent of the commission, all boxing purses shall be distributed by the promoter immediately after
the conclusion of the contest or exhibition and, in any event, not later than 24 hours after the

A written statement showing the distribution of the purse, including each item of receipt and each
expenditure or deduction, shall be furnished to the boxer and his manager, together with his share
of the purse.

A copy of the statement, certified by the promoter to be true and correct, shall be filed in the office
of the executive director and shall have attached to it receipted vouchers for every expenditure or

(b) MANAGER DISTRIBUTION.-- Unless otherwise directed by the commission or an authorized
agent of the commission, every manager shall furnish a statement of distribution to the boxer he
manages, together with the boxer's share of the purse, immediately after he receives the purse and
statement from the promoter and, in any event, not later than 24 hours after receipt.

A copy thereof, certified by the manager to be true and correct, shall be filed in the office of the
executive director and shall have attached to it receipted vouchers for every expenditure or
deduction made by the manager.

§ 12-3. Withholding of purses

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- The commission may order the promoter to withhold any purse, or any part
thereof, or any receipts or other funds belonging to or payable to any contestant or for which any
contestant is competing, or any manager's share thereof, if it appears that the contestant is not
competing honestly or is intentionally not competing to the best of his ability and skill or if it
appears that the contestant, his manager or any of his seconds has violated any provision of this
subpart or the rules and regulations promulgated under this subpart.

(b) ESCROW.-- The commission may order that the gross receipts shall be withheld and placed in
escrow if it appears that this subpart has been violated.

§ 12-4. Hearing regarding withheld purse

(a) DELIVERY TO COMMISSION.-- Any purse or portion thereof withheld under section 12-3
(relating to withholding of purses) shall be delivered by the promoter to the commission within 48
hours after the end of the contest.

(b) REQUEST FOR HEARING.-- Within ten days after the end of the contest, the licensee from
whom the sum was withheld may apply in writing to the commission for a hearing. Upon receipt of
the application, the commission shall fix a date for a hearing.

§ 12-5. Disposition of withheld purse

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- Within a reasonable time after the hearing or after the expiration of ten days
following the contest, if no application for a hearing is filed, the commission shall determine the
disposition to be made of the withheld purse.

(c) WITHHOLDING.-- If the commission finds the charges upon which the withholding order
was based to be true and to be sufficient lawful reason upon which to base such an order, it
may declare

(d) the funds, or any part thereof, withheld or forfeited.

(c) DISTRIBUTION.-- If the commission finds the charge or charges to be untrue or not to be
sufficient lawful reason upon which to base a withholding order, it shall distribute the withheld
funds to the persons entitled thereto.

§ 12-6. Advances against purses

(a) GENERAL RULE.-- No promoter or foreign co-promoter shall pay, lend or give any money to a
contestant before any contest as an advance against his purse or for a similar purpose. A promoter
may, with the prior written permission of the commission, pay or advance to a contestant necessary
expenses for transportation and maintenance in preparation for a contest.

(b) FORFEITURE OF PURSE.-- If a contestant's purse is forfeited, the commission may include such
payments or advances as part of the forfeiture, and, if he does not forward that amount to the
department, it may be recovered in the same manner as a debt due the United Kingdom or the
Republic of Ireland.

§ 13-1. Insurance coverage of boxers

The commission, who provide insurance for licensed boxers and ring officials, may promulgate
rules and regulations requiring licensed boxers to be covered by insurance for:

(1) Medical, surgical and hospital care resulting from injuries sustained while preparing for or
engaged in boxing contests or exhibitions with the insured being the beneficiary of the policies.

(2) Life, providing for payments to the estates or beneficiaries of deceased boxers where death was
caused by injuries received while preparing for or engaged in contests or exhibitions.

The premiums for this insurance shall be paid by the insured's manager.

§ 14-1. Prohibited competitions

(a) OFFENSE DEFINED.-- A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he promotes,
sponsors or participates in any manner in the staging of or the conduct of any tough guy contest.

(b) APPLICATION OF SECTION.-- This section shall not apply to:

(1) News media, including, but not limited to, television, radio, newspapers and periodicals for their
reporting activities relating to any tough guy contest.

(2) Amateur or professional contests or exhibitions for which a permit has been issued
under Chapter 4 (relating to licenses and permits).

(3) Professional wrestling exhibitions.

(4) Contests staged in connection with athletic training programs.

(5) Amateur or professional martial arts contests.

(6) Collegiate or scholastic boxing, wrestling or martial arts contests.

(7) Professional or amateur wrestling contests not prohibited by the commission under Subpart C
(relating to wrestling).

(c) DEFINITION.-- As used in this section, the term “tough guy contest” means any
competition which involves any physical contact bout between two or more individuals who
attempt to knock out the opponent by employing boxing, wrestling, martial arts tactics, kicking,
choking or other techniques or any combination thereof.


1.1 The opponents in any one Contest must be engaged at the same weight.

1.2 Subject as specified herein, the weigh-in shall be conducted in accordance with any
directions given from time to time by the British & Irish Boxing Authority.

1.2.1 Prior to any weigh-in all arrangements appertaining thereto shall be notified to the British &
Irish Boxing Authority of which shall have power to disapprove the same.

1.2.2 All Boxers must weigh-in not less than 24 hours or more than 36 hours before the
commencement of a tournament. Permission may be granted by the British & Irish Boxing
Authority for Boxers to weigh-in on the day of a tournament provided that no Boxer reduces weight
following the weigh-in.

1.2.3 At the weigh-in, Boxers may wear only those items of clothing approved by the official of the
British & Irish Boxing Authority in charge at the weigh-in.

1.2.4 When a contestant is overweight, he is allowed 1 hour from the time of the weighing to
achieve the correct weight. If still overweight after such hour, no further weighing is allowed.

1.2.5 The Boxer or his Manager, shall if directed to do so by the official of the British & Irish
Boxing Authority in charge of the weigh-in, produce to such official the duly executed Boxer and
Promoter contract for the Contest.

1.3 A Referee and Timekeeper shall be appointed by the British & Irish Boxing Authority to
officiate at all contests. For BIBA Championship Contests, or other such Contest that the Stewards
in their absolute discretion deem appropriate, a Supervisor and three Judges to score the Contests
will also be appointed.

1.4 All contests shall be decided in a four-rope ring not less than 16 foot nor more than 20 feet
square and with the ropes joined together in the centre of each side. The bottom rope should not
be more than 14 inches from the floor of the ring to the top of the bottom rope and ropes above this
should be no more than 12 inches from centre to centre. The tension of the bottom rope should be
considerably less than the tension of the top three. There must be at least an 18 inch margin of ring
floor outside the ropes and the floor must be covered with canvas over a safety mat approved by
BIBA. Each corner should be padded from the top of the bottom rope with one whole length of
padding not less than two inches thick and six inches wide.

1.5.1 A Referee shall officiate inside the Boxing ring to score the Contest and act as sole arbiter of
the Rules of Boxing except for BIBA Championship Contests, or other such Contest that the
Stewards in their absolute discretion deem appropriate.

1.5.2 For BIBA Championship contests only, or other such Contest that the Stewards in their
absolute discretion deem appropriate, three Judges will be appointed by the British & Irish Boxing
Authority for the purpose of scoring the Contest.

1.5.3 For BIBA Championship Contests, or other such Contest that the Stewards in their absolute
discretion deem appropriate, a Supervisor being a Steward of the British & Irish Boxing Authority
will be appointed by the Commission for the purpose of collating and totaling the Judges’ scores and
attending to any relevant matter pertaining to the Championship contest other than that provided
for within these Rules and Regulations being within the authority of the Referee.

1.6 When officiating in the Boxing ring the Referee shall wear a clean white shirt, a black bow tie
and dark trousers and black shoes or Boxing pumps. The Referee may wear a jacket or track suit
top when officiating at outdoor promotions.

1.7 In all Contests the number of rounds shall be specified. No contest shall exceed 12 rounds
nor be less than 8 minutes of actual Boxing. Rounds shall be of 3 minute duration with an interval
between each round of 1 minute. In Female Boxing Contests of 10 rounds or less the rounds may be
of 2 minute duration.

1.8 The Promoter shall ensure that a minimum of two doctors, one of whom must be practiced in
the management of an unconscious or partially conscious patient, who have been approved by the
British & Irish Boxing Authority Medical Officer, attend at all Promotions. A doctor practiced in the
management of an unconscious or partially conscious patient must be seated at the ringside at all
times during a Contest.

1.9 All Boxers shall be medically examined after the weigh-in or immediately prior to the
commencement of the Promotion. Each Boxer must also be medically examined after every
Contest. If the examining doctor considers it necessary to do so he shall send a report to the British
& Irish Boxing Authority. A doctor must be available to give immediate attention to any Boxer
should this be required.

1.10 The Promoter shall ensure that at all Promotions a stretcher is available for use at the

1.11 No more than four persons acting as Seconds shall be allowed in each corner and only one,
who shall be identified as the Chief Second, shall be allowed inside the ring at any one time. The
Referee must acquaint himself with the identity of the Chief Second in each contest.

1.12 Persons acting as a Second to a Boxer must wear a clean white shirt, sweater or
jacket. Coloured track suits may be worn. The colour and types of dress worn by House Seconds
may be varied with the approval of the British & Irish Boxing Authority.

1.13 Unless prior permission has been given by the British & Irish Boxing Authority
Representative or the Steward in Charge to carry other items, the following equipment must be
carried by Seconds for use when working in a Boxer’s corner:

(a) Clean white towels;
(b) White petroleum jelly
(c) Best quality sterile cotton wool;
(d) Sterile gauze in small sealed packets;
(e) Orange, Cherry or dental swab sticks;
(f) A quantity of Adrenalin made into a 1-1000 Aqueous solution, or such
haemostatic as shall have been approved by the Medical Sub-Committee of the Commission;
(g) A pair of blunt edged scissors;
(h) An ice bag;
(i) A roll of 1 inch Elastoplast or other adhesive bandage;
(j) A quantity of soft bandage;
(k) An eye iron;

1.14 No stimulant may be given to a Boxer other than cold water sprinkled on the body or used as
a mouth wash.

1.15 No boxer shall use any substance for massage or any other purpose on any part of his body
which may be harmful or act as an irritant to his opponent before or during the Contest. The

discretionary use of Vaseline around the eyes or on the face shall be allowed, but the use of this or
other oil or lubricant on the arms, legs or body is not permitted.

1.15.1 No boxer shall use any form of make-up or foundation on any part of the body or face.

1.16 The Boxer, his Manager, or Chief Second must ensure that his correct licensed name is
announced by the Master of Ceremonies before the Contest. If an error is made it must be corrected
before Boxing commences.

1.17 Contestants may wear only boots and shorts approved by the Inspector and the
Referee. Male Boxers must be stripped to the waist. Female Boxers will wear above the waist a
singlet under which such protective cover as sports bra with breast protector inserts or a one piece
breast protector must be worn.

1.18 All boxers must have available two pairs of Boxing trunks of different colours and wear
those selected by the Inspector. In cases of dispute regarding a clash of colour the Inspector’s
decision shall be final.

1.19 All Boxers must wear underneath their trunks a suitable protector approved by the British &
Irish Boxing Authority Inspector or official in charge of the Promotion.

1.20 A Boxer is required to wear throughout the Contest a properly fitted gumshield. As a
precaution he should bring with him two of these to every contest in which he has to
participate. With this exception no other protection may be worn by a Boxer on the body above the
waistline except as may be ordered by the British & Irish Boxing Authority in the case of female

1.21 The official in charge of the Promotion shall ensure that the Boxers have a clean and smart
appearance and that all wearing apparel and towels are clean when entering the ring.

1.21.1 The official in charge of the promotion shall ensure that boxers with long hair have it
secured away from the face using soft bands only. The use of plastic or metal grips etc. is strictly

1.21.1 The official in charge of the promotion shall ensure that the contestants are not wearing any
form of jewelry. The wearing of any form of removable jewelry, including ear rings, piercings, rings
or necklaces is strictly forbidden. The only exception to this is in the case of none removable
jewelry, such as body piercings, in such cases the jewelry must be securely covered by Elastoplas or
similar adhesive bandage.

1.22 Bandages are permitted for the protection of hands. These must be 2 inch wide soft bandage
and 1 inch zinc oxide plaster. The tape must not be applied over the knuckles.

1.23 Boxing gloves shall be 8 ounces in weight for Contests from Flyweight to Welterweight and
10 ounces for Contests from Super Welterweight upwards. Breaking by twisting, removal of
padding by fingering and thumbing from the potential part of the glove is prohibited. In all female
contests gloves shall be 10 ounces in weight. All gloves used under the British & Irish Boxing
Authority jurisdiction must be thumb attached.

1.24 Gloves will only be used in one Contest at a Promotion. Contestants must wear the same
make of glove, the only exception being in Championship contests where sponsored boxers may
nominate contracted sponsor’s make of glove that meets said approved requirements. It shall be
for the Promoter to ensure an adequate supply of approved gloves is available for every Contest.

1.25 When a Referee is appointed to officiate in a contest in which one of the participants is an
overseas Boxer he must interview the Boxer before the Contest in the dressing room. This must be
in the presence of the Boxer’s Agent, or an interpreter, and the Inspector, when the Referee must
explain to the Boxer the Rules of Boxing applicable in the Territory.

1.26 The Timekeeper shall ring the bell to start each round (“the Commencement”) and shall call
“Corners – 10 seconds” ten seconds before the Commencement and then “Seconds out” five
seconds before the Commencement.

1.27 The Seconds must leave the ring when called upon to do so by the Timekeeper and it shall
be the Referee’s duty to see that they do.

1.28 Boxers must shake hands before the commencement of the Contest and at the beginning of
the final round and must defend themselves at all times during the Contest.

1.29 The Referee shall award a maximum of ten points at the end of each round to the better man
and a proportionate number to the other contestant. If he considers the round was even he will
then award the maximum number to each contestant.

1.30 Only official score sheets approved and supplied by the British & Irish Boxing Authority shall
be used by the Referees at Contests. The top copy shall be handed to the Inspector at the
conclusion of the Contest and then forwarded, by him, to the Secretary of the British & Irish Boxing

1.31 Points will be awarded:-

For “attack” – direct clean hits with the knuckle part of the glove of either hand to any part of
the front or side of the head or body above the belt.

The “belt” is defined as an imaginary line drawn across the body from the top of the hip bones.

For “defense” – guarding, slipping, ducking or getting away from an attack. Where contestants are
otherwise equal the majority of points will be given to the one who does most leading off or
displays the better style.

1.32 Should a Boxer go down to the floor as the result of a legitimate blow, the Timekeeper shall
count off the seconds strictly in accordance with his watch. The opponent shall retire immediately
to the furthest neutral corner and neither Boxer shall resume boxing until ordered to do so by the

1.32.1 In this Regulation 1.32, “down” shall mean one or more of the following:-

(a) when a Boxer falls from the boxing ring beyond the ring apron as a result of a legitimate
blow; or
(b) when a Boxer is on one foot or both feet and at the same time any other part of his body is
touching the floor of the boxing ring; or
(c) when a Boxer is supported on the ropes of the boxing ring and, in the opinion of the Referee,
is unable to defend himself; or
(d) when a Boxer is in the act of rising

and in all of the above cases, a Boxer shall be considered to be down until he has regained his feet
within the boxing ring and is in a position and a condition to defend himself.

1.33 If a Boxer is “down” under the provisions of Regulation 1.32.1(a) he must return to the
boxing ring unassisted within twenty seconds. In all other cases mentioned above, he or she must
regain his feet unassisted within ten seconds. The Referee shall not permit a Boxer to continue
boxing, if in his opinion he or she is able to do so, until the expiration of 8 seconds following the
knock down.

1.33.1 A Boxer failing to continue with a Contest after the intervals specified above shall not be
awarded any points for that round but will have 10 points deducted from his or her score. His or
her opponent shall receive ten points and be declared the winner.

1.33.2 If a Boxer regains his feet in the boxing ring within the specified intervals but fails to satisfy
the Referee that he is in a position and condition to defend himself, the Referee shall stop the
Contest and deduct ten points from this score. He shall award the opponent ten points and declare
him or her the winner.

1.33.3 A Referee shall have the power to interrupt the count where he considers that a fallen Boxer
is in need of urgent medical attention and in such cases the opponent shall be declared the winner
by a technical count out (T.C.O.).

1.33.4 A Referee may consult the ringside doctor at any stage concerning the fitness of a boxer to
continue a Contest.

1.34 If at any time during a Contest the Referee decides in his complete discretion that one
contestant is outclassed or is unable to continue as a result of injury, or is not in a position to
continue boxing or, at the conclusion of any round, is ten points or more behind his or her
opponent, he shall stop the Contest and declare the opponent the winner.

1.35 In the event of the count being interrupted by the bell signifying the end of a round, the
Contest and the count shall continue either until the Boxer who is down regains his or her feet
within the boxing ring when the end of the round is declared, or until after the full count is reached
when the Contest will terminate. This shall apply in every round including the final round and any
Promoter/Boxer Agreement will be deemed to have included this requirement within its terms.

1.36 Seconds employed in a corner shall not give advice or assistance to the Boxers during the
progress of a round.

1.37 Any person acting as a Second who is in breach of any of the Rules or Regulations, or any
order from the Referee, or is guilty of behaviour which, in the opinion of the Referee, is detrimental
to either Boxer, or preventing him from carrying out his duties, may be ordered from the
ringside. When a Referee makes such a decision the Second must comply by immediately leaving
the area in an orderly manner.

1.38 The following acts shall not be permitted during a Contest:-

(a) hitting below the belt:
(b) using the “pivot blow”:
(c) hitting on the back of the head or neck:
(d) kidney punching;
(e) hitting with the open glove, the inside, or the butt or the back of the hand, or with the wrist
or elbow;
(f) holding, butting, or careless use of the head, shouldering, wrestling or roughing:
(g) not trying;
(h) persistently ducking below the waistline;
(i) intentional falling without receiving a blow;

(j) failing to break when so ordered, or striking or attempting to strike an opponent on the
(k) deliberately striking a opponent when he is dropping to the floor or when he is down;
(l) hitting an opponent after the termination of a round;
(m) any other conduct which a Referee may deem foul;

1.38.1 In any of the above cases the Referee shall name the Boxer at fault and call upon him or her
to desist and may in his sole discretion have the power to caution or disqualify a Boxer for any such
act with or without reference to any medical opinion.

1.38.2 A Referee may also deduct points from a Boxer’s score for breaches of these rules. He
should indicate this to the Boxer, his or her corner and to the Steward in Charge present by pointing
to the offender, raising a finger or fingers to indicate the number of points deducted and call out the
reason for the penalty,

1.39 When ordered by the Referee to “break” both Boxers shall immediately take one step back
before re-commencing to box. The parting of Boxers by force should be avoided if possible.

1.40 If, for any reason, a Referee decides that a Contest shall be stopped temporarily, he shall call
upon the Boxers to “stop Boxing” and then instruct the Timekeeper to take “Time Out.

1.41 In the event of the disqualification of a Boxer the Referee must report the facts to the
Promoter or his duly authorised representative forthwith and must send a full report to the British
& Irish Boxing Authority within 48 hours of the contest taking place.

1.42 A Boxer who is disqualified by a Referee in a Contest shall not be entitled to receive his
purse, other than traveling expenses until the Commission has adjudicated upon the distribution of
the same in accordance with Regulation 9.16. The Promoter must forward the purse, or balance of
the purse within 48 hours of the Contest to the Registered Office of the British & Irish Boxing

1.43 The Boxer’s Manager, or in his absence the Chief Second, shall alone have the responsibility of
retiring a Boxer in a Contest. An indication of retirement shall not be given while a round is in

1.44 The Referee shall decide each Contest in favour of the Boxer who obtains the greatest
number of points.

1.45 At the conclusion of the Contest the Referee shall raise the winning Boxers arm. In the
event of a draw both Boxers will be called to the centre of the ring and the Referee shall raise the
arm of each Boxer simultaneously.

1.46 At the end of a Contest which lasts the scheduled number of rounds the Master of
Ceremonies shall announce the Referee’s final score.

1.47 If, during a Contest the Timekeeper is taken ill at any time before the last round, the Referee
shall stop the Contest until another official has been appointed by the British & Irish Boxing
Authority official in charge, or the Inspector.

The Referee shall then use his discretion as to whether the Boxers shall continue an unfinished
round or declare that round completed.

1.48 If for any reason a Referee is unable to continue to act during a Contest the following action
shall be taken:-

(a) If a round is in progress the Timekeeper shall ring the bell and stop the Contest.
(b) The British & Irish Boxing Authority representative in charge, or the Inspector, shall hand
the score card for the Contest to another appointed Referee who shall continue to supervise the
Contest from the last completed round.
(c) At the conclusion of the Contest, should it go the full distance, the Referees decision shall
be in accordance with the score sheet.
(d) If no other Referee is available the British & Irish Boxing Authority representative may
appoint the Inspector to act as Referee.

1.49 Promoters shall procure that no persons shall be permitted to enter the boxing ring at any
time during a Promotion except with the permission of the Steward or representative in
charge. Promoters shall procure further that no press or television photographers shall be
permitted to mount the steps or walk on the platform of the boxing ring until the Contest has
terminated and the Referees decision has been announced.

1.49.1 There shall be no amplification or broadcast of any statement made from the boxing ring
before, during, or after any contest, except by the official Master of Ceremonies with the authority
of the Promoter, or otherwise by permission of the Steward or representative in charge.

1.49.2 At the conclusion of a Contest no person shall be allowed to enter the ring with the
exception of the MC, the Promoter and British & Irish Boxing Authority officials until such time as
the ringside doctors have completed an initial examination of both boxers. It will be the
responsibility of the Promoter to ensure that this Regulation is carried out.

1.50 Whilst officiating in his capacity the Referee shall decide any question not provided for in
this Regulation and the interpretation of any of the provisions of this Regulation on matters arising
during the time the Boxers are in the boxing ring. The Referees decision in all cases shall be final.

Statute of the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA)

1. Name and Jurisdiction

• The Organization shall be called “The British & Irish Boxing Authority” hereinafter
referred to as the BIBA and shall be the supreme and exclusive authority on matters relating to
professional boxing activities that which fall under the jurisdiction of the BIBA.

• The jurisdiction of the BIBA includes all matters related to international sanctioning of
boxing events and matters relating to the licensing of professional boxers, boxing event promoters,
boxer managers, boxer coaches, ring and event officials in the United Kingdom and the Republic of
Ireland, as well as internationally in other Countries when requested to do so.

• The BIBA is autonomous and shall resist all pressures of any kind whatsoever, whether
political, religious, racial or economic.

2. Objectives

2.1 The objectives of the BIBA shall be to encourage and promote interests in professional
boxing through out the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and other countries, by developing
a culture of professional boxing as a popular sport and sport in general.

2.2 To foster relations with the British and Irish sporting authorities, local and international
boxing promoters in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland in a manner which, ensures
that the impeccable reputation of the BIBA is maintained and preserved at all times.

2.3 To ensure, that local preparations by prospective participants as promoters, officials or

boxing athletes, are of a standard that would ensure participation with honor in all events or
activities sanctioned by the “British & Irish Boxing Authority”.

2.4 The BIBA shall for all intents and purposes be ‘Non Profit Making’. The objective of BIBA is
not to participate in business ventures but to regulate professional boxing under the BIBA banner
in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and other countries.

• To at all times positively support, encourage and promote both male and female professional
boxers and the sport of professional boxing.

• To ensure the highest standards of safety for all boxers, through regular, rigorous and
mandatory, medical examinations annually as well as medical examinations prior to each
professional boxing contest that takes place under the BIBA

• To ensure that the integrity of the sport of professional boxing with specific regard to anti-
doping, to ensure that all competitors are clean and drug free at all times.

3. Affiliations

• The BIBA was founded with the express intention of being affiliated to the Association of
Boxing Commissions (ABC), the Association of Combat Sports Commissions (ACSC), Sport England,
Sport Ireland, UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and The Irish Sports Council Anti-Doping as well as all
recognized professional boxing organizations and championships. BIBA may also affiliate to any
other international sports organizations as may be allowed by the BIBA statutes, rules and

4. Constitution

• The BIBA shall consist of the President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary
General, Treasurer and BIBA Committee Members.

5. Eligibility for Membership/Affiliation

• All BIBA licensed professional boxing athletes must also be eligible to box under the BIBA
banner as well as those of recognized professional boxing organizations Worldwide.

• Individuals associated with officially recognized and registered professional boxing

organizations, are also eligible for membership with the BIBA and/or compete/officiate on events
supervised by

• All applications for membership, promoter’s license, manager’s license, coach’s license,
boxer’s license or official’s license with BIBA are to be examined by the Committee in order to
verify whether such applications are in conformity with the rules and requirements set out in the
statutes and by laws of the BIBA. The Committee will be entrusted to take a final decision.

• If it results to the satisfaction of the BIBA Committee that any affiliated member is in default
in respect of any of the criteria for affiliation as established in this article, the Committee will then
suspend or expel any such member. The Committee may also suspend for a definite time or expel
such member for any reason which it deems fit.

• A motion of removal of an affiliated member or any individual member must appear on the
Agenda of the meeting and shall require the approval of at least two-thirds of the members present
at the meeting for its adoption.

• Any individual may be suspended or otherwise dealt with. Within seven days of suspension,
shall be notified in writing by the General Secretary, the date and period of suspension.

• A term of suspension commences from the time it is pronounced by BIBA unless otherwise
stipulated and does not expire until the close of the day named in the decision.

• Recognized members may benefit from any activity or project of the BIBA.

5.A. Medical Suspension

• The BIBA reserves the right to withhold, withdraw or refuse re-issue of a boxing license to
any boxing athlete male or female, boxing competitively under it’s jurisdiction, if the active member
fails the medical criteria as established in the bylaws of the BIBA.

5.B. Medical Insurance / Suspension

• The BIBA will refuse or suspend any boxer under it’s jurisdiction who for any reason is
unable to obtain insurance between the ropes. Further more no boxer of any nationality may
participate in any events sanctioned by the BIBA unless the event promoter has presented the
BIBA with clear documentation showing that the boxer in question is licensed by a recognized
international, professional boxing federation or body and is in possession of a valid medicals and

5.C. Promoters, Officials and Corner-men Suspension

• The BIBA reserves the right to suspend or even withdraw the operating license of any
Promoter, Official or Corner-men, under its jurisdiction, if it they are deemed to have brought
disrepute to the sport of professional boxing and/or the BIBA.

• The BIBA reserves the right to refuse sanctioning to any promoter or suspend an event
sanctioned by the BIBA in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland or other countries by
withdrawal of sanctioning if the event is not of an acceptable standard or the venue is not suitable
for boxing events or if the show in question is not being organized according to the rules and
standards of the BIBA.

6. Fiscal Legality

6.1 Any promoter, local or foreign seeking to host an event under the sanctioning of the BIBA in
the the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland or other countries must adhere to the financial laws
of the United Kingdom and/or Republic of Ireland, including having VAT and Tax registration.

7. Financial Guarantees

• Any promoter operating under the jurisdiction of the BIBA must guarantee the purse money
of boxers participating in the show. Whether by the depositing of a bond or the amount in question
will be deposited in an escrow account under the control of the BIBA.

• The BIBA also reserves the right to demand financial guarantees pertaining to local and
international sanctioning fees as may be applicable and the payment of ring official and title bout

8. A / Purse Money

8.1 The BIBA reserves the right to withhold in part or in full the purse money of any boxer if there
is evidence that

(A) one or both participants failed to make a competitive effort in the ring

(B) evidence or strong indications that either had thrown the fight away

(C) evidence of inappropriate financial exchanges between the boxers or their crews

(D) evidence that the boxer had placed bets either on himself or his / her opponent

(E) The failure of a dope test.

8.2 The BIBA reserves the right to order any boxer who is overweight at the weigh-in to transfer
part of his / her purse money to the other boxer as a penalty for the excessive weight.

8.3 In the case of a boxer being disqualified the BIBA can order the withholding of the prize
money in part or in full according to the severity of the offense.

8.4 In all cases and without fail the BIBA will inform the local authorities of any evidence
of cheating or other illegal behaviour.

8. B / Mandatory Regional, National & International Championship Bouts and Purse Bids

The BIBA will order mandatory defence of a regional or national championship should the holder
have not voluntarily defended the title in a six month period. All mandatory championship contests
are subject to a purse bid process.

Voluntary agreement between both Boxers or their Managers and any Promoter will be accepted by
the BIBA strictly provided that signed standard BIBA Boxer/Promoter Agreement Forms are
lodged with the BIBA prior to the opening of purse offers.

Purse offers must be delivered by hand, carrier or post prior to the 12.00.midday deadline and
must be in sealed envelopes clearly marked on the outside “BID and (Initials of Boxers)”

The BIBA can only authorise purse offers where a separate cash Bond is lodged with the BIBA to
the value of £5,000 or Euro equivalent. This amount will be returned if requested upon conclusion
of all matters relating to the contest in the case of a successful Promoter or after the purse bids
have been opened in the case of an unsuccessful Promoter.

The purse offer must be in Pounds Sterling or Euro and shall be inclusive of all ancillary rights
including television or broadcasting. The rate of exchange will be that applicable on the day of the
contest. The purse offer shall be free of all taxes, licence fees etc. whether national or municipal.

The purse will be divided on the basis 60%-40% to Champion-Challenger. In the event of a vacant
Championship the purse will be divided 50%-50% for each boxer.

The Promoter shall provide travel for three (3) persons in the case of each boxer plus hotel
accommodation, food, etc. and where necessary the provision of gym facilities.

For BIBA International, National and Regional Championships the BIBA shall appoint a non-scoring
Referee, three (3) Judges and a Supervisor who will be paid the agreed the BIBA rate for the

The winning Promoter shall have 14 days from the date of the successful bid to submit to the BIBA
a date and venue for the contest, which must take place within 60 days of the date of the purse

The Promoter and both Boxers and/or their Managers shall enter into a standard form of
Boxer/Promoter Agreement as specified by the BIBA.

9. Governing Body

9.1 The Main Committee shall be the highest organ of the BIBA and will be the policy-making

9.2 The President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary General and Treasurer of
the BIBA, as well as the remaining Committee Members shall constitute the Main Committee and
shall have voting powers. The President shall also have a casting vote.

9.3 The President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary General and Treasurer,
hereinafter called the officers of the BIBA have the legal representation of the BIBA. They shall
assume office immediately after the meeting at which they are elected and remain in office until the
end of the meeting at which they retire.

9.4 The Main Committee shall have the power to co-opt not more than four members from outside
the committee for a period of not more than one year. However, the said Committee may appoint
any number of individuals to assist on any specific project, which does not have a direct bearing on
the administration of the BIBA.

• All members of the Main Committee of the BIBA shall relinquish any post in any other
boxing association / group that can bear a possible conflict of interest with the execution of his
duties with the BIBA.

10. Constitution of the Main Committee

10.1 The Main Committee shall have the power to administer the affairs of the BIBA and shall
consist of the following:

– The President of the BIBA

– The Vice President BIBA

– The Chairman of the BIBA

– The Vice Chairman of the BIBA

– The Secretary General of the BIBA

– The Treasurer of the BIBA

– The Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the BIBA

– The Committee Members of the BIBA

– The Co-opted Members – but without the right to vote

11 The Main Committee

11.1 The Main Committee will be responsible to put into effect the policy, which it decides upon
and to run the affairs of the BIBA in conformity with that policy.

11.2 The Committee, which is summoned by the Chairman and in case of absence of the Chairman,
by the Vice President or Vice Chairman or in exceptional cases the Secretary General. Four
members shall form a quorum.

• All members must make themselves available for all activities organized by the BIBA. The
specific duties of each executive board member are as follows:

• The Chairman, or in his/her absence, the Vice President or Vice Chairman, will chair
committee meetings, along with the Secretary General and he/she will represent the BIBA. He/she
will be ultimately responsible for all matters including of the BIBA inventory and taking charge of
all the commissions of the BIBA.

• The Secretary General will be responsible of the running of the secretariat and the day to
day running of the BIBA. He/she will also be responsible with relations for recognized members.
He/she will be responsible for writing the minutes for every meeting and will keep such records.

• The PRO will be responsible for planning and organization of media events, relations with
the media. He/she will also be responsible with the relations of sponsors. He/she will also be
responsible to project the correct image of the BIBA and to inform the public of all activities of the
BIBA. He/she will be responsible for maintaining contacts with foreign Promoters /boxing
organizations and establishing new relations with other boxing organizations in and outside the
United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. He/she will also be responsible of assisting and visiting
any external queries. He/she shall be responsible for the organization of all events carried out in
order to enhance relations and establish contacts and new relations within the boxing sector as
well as with the media and third parties.

• The Treasurer will be responsible for finance and will also present a yearly budget for
approval for the committee. The treasurer will present the final accounts of the proceeding year
during the first meeting of each year.

• Due to international considerations – while the seat of the BIBA will always be in United
Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and non resident British and Irish and Non United Kingdom
and Republic of Ireland members have to be present physically for the BIBA AGM, which must be
held in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland. However subsequent committee meetings
following the AGM may be held by video link and decisions taken legally binding.

• No meeting of the committee shall take place unless all members have been certified as
notified by the General Secretary of the BIBA.

• Due to international considerations – It is agreed, that in cases where committee

members are unable to attend physically, but do so by video link, that it is permitted for the
Minutes of a meeting may be signed by proxy.

12. Constitution of the Main Committee

• Vacancies of Committee Members must be filled by not later than one month from the date
the Board meets and acknowledges a resignation or other reason that creates a vacancy. The post
can automatically be assumed by the second candidate to have obtained the majority of votes for
the post during the last Annual General Meeting (AGM). In case the second candidate is not
available or is not willing to take up the post, the same procedure shall apply to the next candidate
in line, and so on. In case none of the candidates for the post during the last AGM are available or
willing to take up the post, an election for the vacant post shall be held.

• The BIBA is essentially a United Kingdom organization, incorporating international

elements thus the following positions may only be occupied by Nationals or full time residents of
the United Kingdom, (A) The Position of Secretary General and (B) The Position of Treasurer.

13. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

• The last board meeting shall be held between the 1st of June and 30th of June of each year and
shall include the following:

• Address by the President

• Review of activities
• Approval of audited accounts
• Committee Member elections, namely, election of the President, Vice President, Chairman,
Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Committee Members for all committees, will be held triennially.

• These members shall hold office for three years, and are deemed to be on the relevant
Committee immediately they are elected to the said posts.

14. Extraordinary Committee Meetings

14.1 Extraordinary Committee Meetings shall be called any time they are requested by the
Chairman, or by at least four (4) Committee members. The objectives of calling such a meeting must
be clearly stated. No item other than that/those specified on the Agenda shall be decided. “Any
other matter” is not to be considered as a specific item.

14. Resolutions

• A resolution shall not be rescinded unless the counter resolution has the support of two-
thirds of the members present.

15. Privileged Matters

• All matters discussed at BIBA meetings shall be deemed as privileged.

16. Adjournment

• Any business or motion not dealt with by the closing of a meeting shall be adjourned and
given priority at the next meeting.

17. Financial Year

17.1 The financial year of the BIBA will begin from the 4th April.

18. Subscription (License) Fees

It is a requirement that all boxers and interested parties, such as promoters, managers, agents,
trainers, seconds, master of ceremonies, referee, ring master/whip etc; are required to be licensed
by the BIBA prior to commencement of or participation in any professional boxing event within the
United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland or other countries.

The BIBA committee will set the value of such fees on a yearly basis and any proposed changes will
be presented to members at the Annual General Meeting.

Once any fee changes are agreed the fees will be published in the BIBA Boxing Code (Rules &
Regulations) and rulebook.

19. Intellectual Properties

• The intellectual properties of the BIBA, includes all copyright, patents, registered and
unregistered trades marks, registered designs, trade secrets and know-how and all other
intellectual property.

• Namely, the following and their derivatives are the exclusive property of the BIBA:

• The BIBA emblem

• The BIBA mascot
• The emblem of BIBA events

• Only BIBA may authorize the use of its properties or delegate their usage to an affiliated
organization or a third party. In each case, the use of its properties must be done in accordance with
the spirit and regulation of the BIBA.

• The BIBA emblem is copyrighted. This means that it cannot be modified in any way and the
use, whether for advertising or commercial purposes must be authorized by the BIBA

• The BIBA emblem must appear on all official publications and promotional material and in
all the facilities and surroundings.

• No activity can be held in the name of BIBA without prior written consent from the BIBA

20. Dissolution

• In the event of the BIBA being dissolved or disbanded, the assets shall be donated to Sport
England and Sport Ireland.

21. Interpretation of the Rules

• The BIBA is the sole interpreter of these rules. The interpretation of these rules is regulated
in the bylaws of the BIBA.

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