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1. Frequent changes of curriculum.

The government actually wanted to make

their education system better by changing the curriculum almost every time the
ministry of education is changed. This system has been causing a big confusion
among the school. When some school is using the latest curriculum, there’re
schools out there that are still using the old curriculum. That’s not everything
compared to a school which is running two curriculum at the same time. So when
the 1st grader used the latest curriculum, the 2nd grader don’t.

2. The egoism of school. Sometimes, when the school is not at the top, they’re
doing everything that probably rise their reputation but not the students, this
really happen in Kediri regency. Today, the ministry wanted every school in
Indonesia to use the 2013 Curriculum, which has interactive lessons and a cross
interest program. In cross interest program, the student can choose whatever
subject they like. But at some school, the students are directed forced to choose
the subject they don’t really like. If this keeps going on, the talent of the student
will not improved.

That’s why, to improve the education system in Indonesia the government should
be consistent, and if they want to change the curriculum, make sure that the new
curriculum is highly improved.

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