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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academica and Research Vice-Rector

Activity 2 : Writing Assignment – Guide & Rubric

1. General description of the course

School or Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Academic Unit
Level of Technical-Technological-Professional-Master
Field of Common Basic Interdisciplinary formation
Course name English III
Course code 90121
Type of Methodological Can it be Yes ☐ No ☒
course retaken?
Number of 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of Collaborativ
Individual ☐ ☒ of 6
activity: e
Moment of Intermedia,
Starting ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: unidad:
Delivery environment:
Evaluative score: 120 points
Monitoring and evaluation
Starting date: September Closing date: October 18th,
6th, 2019 2019
Competence to develop:
Writing skill: The students write short texts coherently about
academic topics related to their discipline and use the semantics
Topics to develop:
Compound adjectives, Modal verbs, Past Progressive, Time and
enough clauses, Uses fo –ING forms, Future.
Phases, steps or stages of the learning strategy to
Act. 2 : Writing Assignment
Activities to develop

Part 1: After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1

sentence using each one of the modal verbs regarding your duties
and rights as UNAD student: can – could – may - must - should -
ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

 I must follow the netiquette rules to participate in the
 I can’t present the English quiz three times because there
are only two attempts.

Part 2: According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3),

each student must write 5 things you were doing recently and 5
things you were not:

Example: I was reading the new book by Stephen King.

I was not listening to my favorite music.

Part 3: Write a text about how you imagine yourself in ten years.
Use at least two pictures related to your text. You should write
four paragraphs:

Example: I will work in a multimedia company in New York.

 Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself.

 Paragraph 2: Your working life.
 Paragraph 3: Your loved life.
 Paragraph 4: Your sporting life.

Each paragraph must have minimum four (4) sentences and

maximum six (6) sentences. It must have a title, from 230 words
to 250 and it is necessary to use and highlight the following
 Modal verbs
 Future
 Phrasal verbs
Part 4: Students must comment about two partners’
contributions and make corrections if necessary.

Remember: All the participations must be written directly in the

forum. Please do not attach any files because they won’t be taken
into account!
s to its Collaborative Learning – Monitoring and
development Evaluation

Part 1: Send 10 sentences using the modal
verbs of obligation and advice regarding your
role as UNAD student.

Part 2: Send 10 sentences using past

progressive taking into account what you were
doing and you were not recently.

Part 3: Write your own text about how you

imagine yourself in ten years and send it in the

Products to
submit by
the students

Part 4: Send in the forum your comments about
two partners’ contributions.

Submit the final product taking into account this:

Consolidate activities and the texts (Step 1 to
4). PDF file which will be sent at Monitoring and
Evaluation Environment.
File Name: FinalWriting_FirstName_Surname
Example: FinalWriting_Jose_Alvarez
General guidelines of the collaborative work for
developing the activity

• Each student must choose a role according to

his abilities and competences and tell it to his
 To read the unit contents taking into account the
references because they support the activities.
Planning  Each student must participate active and
activities to thoughfully in collaborative activities.
develop the  To share the appropriate contributions on time
collaborativ for each activity.
e work  To work together developing all the activities
according to this guide.
 To check continuously the time of developing
and submiting collaborative assignments
according to the Course agenda and activity
Roles to
perform by
the student
in the
e group
Collector: Articulate the contributions of all the
participants of the collaborative group in order to
consolidate the final paper; including only those
Roles and
who took part of the whole process.
ties to
Reviewer: To verify that the final paper and
process meet all the requirements established by
the teacher.
by the
Evaluator: To verify that the final paper meets
the criteria established by the rubric. The
evaluator must inform the group about any
corrections or adjustments regarding the quality
of the document.
Submissions: To keep track and inform the group
about the submission time, upload the final paper
on time, using the link provided by the teacher or
established by the activity guide. To notify the
group members the final paper was submitted.

Alerts: To notify all the group members about

changes or news related to the submission or
elaboration of the final paper. To notify the teacher
through the collaborative forum and the course
mail that the final paper was submitted.
It is necessary to use the APA standards in order
to provide a bibliography of the sources cited in
the document
Use of
references Use this link as reference:

In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013,

article 99, the mistakes that infringe upon the
academic order, among others, are the following:
paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to present as your
own work the whole or part of a writing, report,
task or document of invention performed by
another person. It also implies the use of cites or
lack of references, or includes cites where there
Plagiarism is no coincidence between them and the
policy reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or
copy for profit, educational resources or results
of research products, which have intellectual
rights reserved for the University”.

The academic punishments that the student will

face are:
a) In case of academic fraud proved in the
academic work or evaluation, the score achieved
will be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the
academic work of any nature, the score achieved
will be zero (0.0), without leading to disciplinary

To know how the documents must be cited,

check the following document:
Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA.
Sexta edición. Taken from
4. Evaluation Rubric

Evaluation Rubric
Individual Collaborative
Type of activity: ☐ ☒
activity activity
Moment of evaluation Starting ☐ ☒ Final ☐
Peformance level of individual activity
Item Score
High score Media score Low score
The student did not
Grammar used in the
handle gramar
writing assignment
structures in the
shows a good handle of
writing assignment The student
structures. The student
according to the did not 25
Grammar expressed situations
level. The student participate in point
using modal verbs,
used different the activity. s
phrasal verbs and
structures from the
future tense
established ones in
the guide.
(Up to 25 points) (Up to 13 points) (0 points)
Ideas and
It was possible to grammatical
The student
understand clearly the construction in the
Coherence did not 20
message and main idea writing were not
and participate in point
of the text. The content coherent, it was
cohesion the activity. s
met the guidelines. disorganized and the
aim was not clear.
(Up to 20 points) (Up to 10 points) (0 points)
In the text the student
used appropriately the
vocabulary addressed It lacked a good use
The student
in the units and it is of proper vocabulary
Vocabulary did not 20
according to the in the writing
and participate in point
guidelines. The student assignment, besides
Spelling the activity. s
used properly the it was too limited.
order of adjectives to
describe his feelings.
(Up to 20 points) (Up to 10 points) (0 points)
The student
developed and
submitted the final
The student submitted
paper but it was
appropriately the final The student
incomplete. The
paper following the did not 20
Final assignment met the
instructions. The participate in point
product structures partially.
student met all the the activity. s
The students did not
steps of this activity.
send the final task in
the correct
(Up to 20 points) (Up to 10 points) (0 points)
Performance levels of collaborative activity
Item Score
High score Media score Low score
were meanigful,
linked and
contribute to the
The student’s
construction of
the final paper.
were poor
The student
and/or did not
met the
Participatio appropiately and requirements. The student did not
n and meaningful 35
The student did participate in the activity.
interaction according to his point
not choose a
in the role. The s
role nor made
forum student’s
comments about
his partners’
follow the
netiquette rules
and were sent on
time. The student
met his roles.
(Up to 35 (Up to 18
(0 points)
points) points)
Final score 120 points

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