Thanksgiving (2) CLS8A

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Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of

November. Americans of all religions celebrate this important day. There is
no school, and most businesses close for four days. People in Canada also
celebrate Thanksgiving, they celebrate it on the second Monday in October.
Thanksgiving is a special day for families, on this day they thank God.
Americans travel great distances to be with their families on this occasion.

Why is Thanksgiving an important day?

The tradition started with the first Pilgrims. The Pilgrim were the
founders of America. The Pilgrims left Great Britain in 1620 because of
religious persecutions. They wanted to start a new life in a new country.
They wanted to practise their religion in freedom.
102 men, women and children left Great Britain on a ship called the
Mayflower. Their voyage was difficult and dangerous and some Pilgrims
Freedom from Want or
The Thanksgiving Picture, Norman died. In December 1620 they arrived on the north-east coast of North
Rockwell (1943) America. They called this area Plymouth. It was almost winter and and this
area was a wilderness. They didn't have homes and there wasn't much food.
They immediately built small homes, but it was
too late to grow crops. The winter was very long
and cold and many Pilgrims died. The friendly
Wampanoag Indians helped them during the
long winter.
In the spring, the Pilgrims met an Indian
called Squanto. He taught them how to grow
corn and live in the wilderness. Soon the
Pilgrims and the Indians became good friends.
The Pilgrims grew crops and the summer harvest
was excellent. By November 1621 everyone had
food and a home. There was hope for the future.
Governor William Bradford was the
Pilgrim leader. He decided to celebrate with a The Landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock, Sarony & Major (1846)
dinner for the Pilgrims and about ninety Indian
friends. He wanted to thank God. This was the first Thanksgiving dinner, and it continued for three days.

A traditional Thanksgiving today

Today the traditional Thanksgiving meal is similar to
the first. People eat roast turkey with cranberry sauce,
potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie. Some Americans are
vegetarians, they don't eat meat, but they still celebrate
Thanksgiving with other kinds of food, such as soya
products, rice, fruit, vegetables and big salads. Many
charity organisations prepare a free meal for the poor
people of their town or city. New York city celebrates
with the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. This
The first Thanksgiving, J.L.G. Ferris (1863) tradition started in 1924. Now more than two million
people go to see this wonderful parade every year.
1. Vocabulary.
The Pilgrims =............................................................... the wilderness = ......................................................
travel [verb] = …..................................................... grow[verb] corn = ..................................................
the founders = …............................................. the crop = …........................................................
freedom = …............................................................ the harvest = …..............................................................
a ship = …..................................................... a free meal = ..................................................................
the coast = …................................................... Thanksgiving = …..........................................................

2. Match the pictures with the words.

turkey - cranberry sauce - (sweet) potatoes - corn - pumpkin pie - rice

3. Tick the correct answer. True False

a) Canadians do not celebrate Thanksgiving.  
b) Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Tuesday of November.  
c) The tradition of Thanksgiving started with the Pilgrims.  
d) There were only fifty people on the Mayflower.  
e) Their first winter in Plymouth was very difficult.  
f) The native Americans (the Indians) did not help the Pilgrims.  
g) The first Thanksgiving dinner was meant to thank God and continued for three days.  
h) The famous Macy's Thanksgiving Parade takes place in Los Angeles.  
4. Crosswords.

1. Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in …
3. these Indians helped the Pilgrims
5. cruel treatment for religious or political beliefs
6. these pople established a new colony
7. carrots, potatoes, corn etc.

2. a long journey at sea
4. the surname of the governor of the Pilgrims
7. two …. people go to see Macy's Thanksgiving
8. the name of the new colony

5. The Past Tense. Fill in the grid.

Past Tense Infinitive Translation
was, were
6. You are Governor William Bradford. Complete this letter to your brother in England. Write only one
word for each space.

28th November 1621

My dear Thomas,
It is difficult to believe we arrived …............................. nearly one …............................. ago. The
voyage ….... the Mayflower was terrible. We are lucky to be alive.
We have our own colony and you will not be surprised to know we call it
…...................................... Winter was very long and …............................ . But the natives here are
friendly and they ….................................. us.
Last spring we started to grow ….................................. . We even built small
…............................. .We worked a lot and the harvest was very …..................................... . Now we
celebrate with a big …....................... to thank God for his help.
Your brother,

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