8 Section 7 - System Functions

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Primus EPIC System For the AgustaWestland 139 Helicopter Function & Operation Primus EPIC AW-139- Function and Operation For Trang Purposes Orly Honeywell Ar ‘This Page Intentionally Left Blank (TINE peacrnasenpegniaee =e 7 peeeaeeanssarpenean uaa 20S Honor CAE Tang Aston ~ Conon andr Propritnyamaton Primus EPIC —AW-139 Function and Operation For Teaining Purposes Ory Honeywell Ar Purpose “The purpose ofthis section sto describe and demonstrate te function of each major EPIC sje an its oparaton on he Agustavestand 159 nelgopter The entre secon nelages the [NTA Ghaptors associates wih tho Prius EPIC Systom on be AW-13BReleoptr “ADistributed System: ‘ha Primus EPIC System Ie considered a Disrbuted System, Al uncions ar distributed among 2 vary af componenis an procaseors wih many ofthe processors and components performing ‘more tian singlofuncion. This now technique alows the averaft to bene ie hal ower ‘tmult-tasking dita! computer processing and integrated Lqud Crystal Dspay technology ‘The functions and systoms that wore fomaty ie dedestd avionics electronic cits and “back boxes" ave now epined by computer end elding on one or more processor maduloe ‘The formar aay of fight deck mechanical nsturents replaced bya mim rumiber of very reliable deploy panels Each CO suppor mail systems and has mule redundant play ‘pao. Former dicated aie ata and navigation computers bacome simple sensors to suppor the teal "yetom. They prove measurements of the anuionment and dec the neato ovat of proceaig oaks nthe EPIC sytem. The computer coes, resting on several procasing| "odes, ako tho measuremons an produce th data necdod by the est ofthe area provide safe, accurate, and elablenaigaton and to produce the clelstons and data required foetigh The banks of lays, external siching devs, and redundant wing common i older sera ‘xe ropiace by tghiweight data bus cables. Te hghweoht abies peowae the sonnectons ‘mong the various component fhe system ae pat oa Mh sedundat an lt operatonal ‘ight conta syster, Flight Deck Design “Te design ofthe AW. 130 fight dock sho result of extensive human factor engineering research a development on he pat of AgusaiVestand and Honeywel fight engineers ‘The layout and uncons ofthe apays willbe adresse inthis section as wl te maior contol Ieatures and operatons a the varus sonra. iene the nen of hs course aera fight ssues orto go ino great celal about the operation ofthe Fight Managemal System er ight dsplos, “Te thre o four large format pays that comps the Primus EPIC eystom ae arranged in as layout cross the snatument pane The pists Prmary Display Unt (OU) fon te far ‘ht, tho copes POU son the fart. Each pot may have a Mulb-Funcion Display (MOU) {Gealed nthe mile, adjacent io each POU. The secand MDU forthe Co Plt san open Bits ‘eauies rfl Instument Fight Rul (FR) caeston ‘The POU’ are generally dedicated lo Primary Fight apays,EICAS, navigation formation, ana ‘ater solciod daa. The MOU's are general configured fone Navigation day, Fgh ‘Managemen System dala engine data, and ater dested intrmaton ‘Tho real advantage ofthe EPIC sytem fr he row isthe ably to move panel lermation and rrange the various splay 0 provi the maximum amount of nformaton Seared wie ti proving tho capaity to access al data needed SRR tan 3 rg Honeywell CAE Traning Atance = Conds onde Pity inom Primus For Training Purposes Ory nae Flight Deck Displays and Controllers FLEXIBLE CONTROLLERS AND VIRTUAL CONTROLLERS VIRTUAL “Dy XIBLI (vicpuy Flight Deck Controls “Te dosign ofthe AW-139 fight deck lows either plot quick and sing ‘equied dla tunctons tough a combination of Dedicated, Foxble, ana Vial Cantor ‘and Daplays. night ltherequred cons ae located in he nsrument pare, center Consol, othe ovemaas panel Inthe instrument panel the Daicatad Contras ar he Remote Isirument Controller andthe Deplay Controle The Primary and Mul Functon Display Unis ae Vital Controle, tough the funon of te Cursor Contl Device (CCD) lated in the cones console [so nthe center console are he Mul Function Control and Display Unis (MCD) which are Considered Flescle Conolers. ‘The Dedicated Contllars nthe center console se the ‘Guidanee Conor, Ause Panels, Weaher Radar Conaler, Compass Contoher, Adopt Corer, and the Depay Reversion Panes, Major Systems and Sub-Systems Inne study of he EPIC aystam nthe ara ts often ete to break the system down ito a Set of subsystems and descr th operation and functon ofeach. This maths allows Student recognize many o he fariariies wth pat sytem while undratandng he ew Integration of the entre system. This aso helps agn the raring mstrial wih th Aer Maitonanco Manual an the Cental Mawtenance Computer for understanding he assocated TRY D0) $355 78 raat 207 Honoywa— CAE Trabing Atance~Cantéonl andr Propet maton Primus EPIC A139 Funetion and Operation For Training Purposes Ory Honeywell Zr Section Organization ‘The sections sub-divided nto chapters refered io each system's Aline Transpo Association (ATA) Chapir number. Ths organizaton concies wih he orgniation of the Cental Maintanance System fr Fau lctaton arth operation ofthe acta syste a6 taught by oer raining provers ‘The A139 Primus EPIC System s composed of the folowing Subsystems a organized by ‘ATA Chapter: [Chapter 22 Automatic Flight Control System Tt AFCS General 12 Autopilot 13 Fight Doctor CChapter23 Communications 0 Mosul Radio System 11 High Frequoney Radio Systm "12 Very High Frequency Radie System 51. Aus System Chapter 31 Inlcating ana Recording 40 Medktr Avonics Unt 0 Monto and Waring Syster “$0 Elecwonte Display System Chapter 34 Navigation MIS Ai Data Sysiom 23 Aude Heating Reference System 31 Radar aimeter System 32 Radio Systam -VOR ILS / Marker Sytem “41 Ennancad Ground Poximiy Waring Stam 22 Weatner Radar Sytere “45 Trae Met and Cision Avoidance System “47 Lighining Sensor System ‘0 Radio Systom ~ Modular Rado Cabinet “51 Radio System OME, “52 Rago System —ATC Transponder 58 Rad Sysiem — ADP 56 Global Postoning Systm “Bt Fight Management Systm RENO So 7820 Honeywell CAE Trabing tance = Cando! andor Prpitan Inert Primus EPIC ~ AW-139- Function and Operation For Training Purposes On Honeywell “Cr Fundamentals of Primus EPIC Operation Power-On Conse ‘The use of external powers cia forthe support ofthe AW-199 heScoptor, Many maintorance {2 daa loacing procedures requre soady ane lable powor on the ara fr axtandog ‘ers of te. Inu hat the external ground power un (SPU) fn a aval pir to ‘Staring any data loaang procoduros. Ihe GPU is indepondony powored, Insure that thors Sul! ua to complete a data leading activites wiht nteupton. ‘ten pehing porte EPIC pion ntact ties LN lowe ecommadet weno ck 5 5 NiSTonnaons on aces preset Agate. Te = Exim xara Po fea Sates beatae esr overhead panel on the flight deck. 88e Y¥ 8Be Teteonmenispoatuce’ ly Y age ges be EP tem sonata oer Sout owone a Mater ce ela mac CAS aioe and sulsane aioe ieroaen fr ow manicerce pubs Hs oy pcneay acto te Eel Power Smicin cx pow be ere “The Electronic Display Sytom on AW-139 aircrafts composed of tro or eur DU-1080 Liquid Crystal Displays arranged horzontally acrose th ight ack Instumnt panel. The depays are ‘managed and conrad by be two Display Conrser, the single Guano Pare, al Remote Insrument Convolers, and two Mul Function Conta! Desay Unis (MCDU's). Acetona ontors elude me wo Cursor Con Devices, a single Dspay Brightness Conta, and 2 FRoversionary Contalor ‘cold Weather lating Considerations ‘Te Lguld Crystal Displays inthe AW-139 atrat need to be at a spectle minimum temperate {to egin operation, This temperatures achieved by Weabng oreuts tat appy heat oth LCD pane! and‘ lament wes forthe LCD uorascant tues that provide the bachting forthe fdspiays. The LCD deploys employ lining ana proacton ces hal wl proven he pay from operating ul the minimum tomporatr reached In cold weather, t may take a long as on mints forthe cipiays to aciove minim operating temperatures and begin operation, To provent damage tothe avionics and other ara systems when operating ical lates, pease reer othe Avert Fight Manual or prope sating pecodures and precautons ATHRDOGT TATE Rags OTE eneywa~CAE Taming Atance~Canfdentl ander rotary craton Primus EPIC ~ AW-199- Function and Operation For Tang rt 4, or Training Purposes On - Honeywell Zr Multi-Function Control Display Unit (MCDU) ‘The MCDU is a tue mut purpose controller and display forthe AW-130 fight ck. On the AW- 135, the MCDU fs used prmanl for conto of he Flight Management Sytem and for Rado. tuning and conta ‘As a Fight Management Syetam controler, provides means forthe crt ela ih plan, prove perlomance parameters, and raciae ime, distance, and fel presen forthe igh. The MCDU aso provides cont forthe operation ofthe Communication and Navigation ras, the Transponder and the TCAS sytem instal, The MCDU is constructed of a splay wth Line Sele! Keys, Funston Keys, Alpha Numer Keys a Tunieg Knob, and some miscalaneous kee Une Select Keys ig ‘ghinass Rocker Satoh Tung ke ———_ | ‘Nha Numace Keys ————— Une Select Keys “The Line Solo! Kays ar used to select an adjacont ine of formation for an acon, place rlomatono aspect aca in, opal ematon rom an adc rer 09 ‘The acu utaation ofthe inva Line Solo! Koy ta faction ofthe Mode ef Operation that ‘he MCDU & curery in andthe soon thats curenty aspayod Brightness Rocker Switch The bigness of te splay canbe aso by use of the rocker sich. Pring the upper portion wil case brightness, possing be ower perton wil docrease brghiness. As wih ‘ther Honeywell fight deck capaye, the photocell it sensos athe top of the HCOU measure ambient ight levels and provide a fine agusiment othe GeplaytrighneesSccongy (IN reopen Tate on Primus EPIC AW-139 - Function and Operation For Taning Purposes Only Hon oe Tuning Knob “Te Tuning Knob & sod as pat of tho Rado Tuning Function to adjust the radiofrequency for CCommuricaten or Newgaton.Itmay abo be Used to adust any data thas corte bythe ‘Tuning Kaa. THsis dependent on te COU Mee of Operation and the spect sere aspay Function Buttons ‘Te purpose of the Function Butlons so aow the operator to immed solr the appropriate Iunctondesivod fo th phaso of ight or moda of operation required. Inthe AW 130 haloptr, the funevone wit be a8 shown Fed | oe | Eee | roe | roo | low PERF and NAV are function elated o FMS operation. They open the Performance oF Iawgtion mens doy [MENU opens a Menu forthe aher MCOU futons as well sacral ystems hat aed othe COU ta tho data buses, PREV and NEXT are page tuning tol forthe MCDU display. FPL wit open the fst pape ofthe active ight Plan hat i in the FMS. PROG wil cpen tho fit Progrss Page that spat of the FMS, IR wi spay the curon Flight Plan Page wth the DIRECT. PATTERNS, and INTERCEPT prompts vale. Prasting the DIRECT prompt wl alow th cow to ele ops the nest ‘raypoit tobe insert to tho fight plan. The PATTERNS prompt wl pen te Patars Pope ‘ofthe FMS and prompt the fight ere to entra waypoint fora HOLD. ro mol a Holding Pattsrn: The INTERCEPT prom il presenta ago utter the en can enor ho dosed aading and GoursoIntrcopt formato no the MS as aected by A Tra Conta, RADIO wil open te ft page ofthe RADIO 12 display which contains the communications, rnavigaton, and wanspender frequencies and codes for ha rales onthe ara, Apa Numeric Keys ‘Theses keys are pressed o create mossages or enor data onto tho lowos lin the MCOU step, also Kron asthe “Scratenpa’- Dalaortared on this ne can then be faced on another tne tvcugh he use ofthe Line Select Keys. ‘The MCDU has a variety of interaces wth the EPIC MAU and NR to anaba ale festuras and onto functions. The primary con and tuning paths is via two ARING 428 buses ram each MCDU the On side KIAU Cantal 10 Wodkle ed the Custom HO Module. A sscondary tuning ans via an ARINC 429 bus dict fo the On-sée MRC for radundantback-u tuning. R08 se ra Hovoywe— CAE Tang Atarce~ Conde! andr Popstar rman Primus EPIC AW-139 - Function and Operation For Training Purposes Only Honeywell “Gur MCDU Control and Tuning Configuration cou Signal Flow And Control Control commands and ta ent or the Fight Management Sytem (FMS) funcons are sent from each NCDU va an ARINC 429 bs othe Custom 11 Markie nthe On-sde MAU. The datas mantra bythe Mentor Waring Sytem ara placed onthe ASCB-D buses fr use by the EPIC system. Response signe and data for deplay on the COU re sent rom the Custom WG Modure wa an ARINC #29 the MOU Radio tuning commands sre sont rom each MCDU to the Con Module ine On-side MAU. The MAU pisces the eta onthe ASCE-D buses and sends te tuning conmange tthe ‘Mo MRC's. ‘The MIRC maces relum te tuning intrmtion othe HOU wa fe ASCE-D bosos othe MAU's The Conf! YO Modi mech MAL forwards the data van ARING 429 bus te MCD ‘A secondary beck-up path ral tuning and conto i a ARING 429 nes ron each MCOU {reatyto te communiaton, navigation, and Yansponder ‘adie in esch Onde MRC. Each ‘ado module each MRC: hae acct ARINC 429 bs path fo ha Gn-ide MCDU fr ning ‘espense nd radio data. This paths only achive te primary ARINC 429 bus fated rf the ‘rw ha sloced COM BACKUP frm the MCOU MAIN MENU. Radio interactions ‘Te MCDU rade tuning funcon communicates wih tn radio unis using a bidet! potocl ‘The radio unng funcbon expects oreceve an acknowiesgemert when the rads suecesfl n completing each tuning commana ‘Atypical intoraction bogin wih the user entering or ag in an fraquoncy fr aradio. The INCDU sends the approprata tuning command athe spate radio and awa contmaton SRR). sean rage enepwel—CAE Tein Anes ~ Conde ander rotary orton Primus EPIC AW-139 — Function and Operation For Trang Purposes Orly Hor Tre tno confmaton is ceived within he tneout pio, the fequency display onthe pages ‘hanged 1o amber and srsehpad message feed ‘Te users allowed to atampt to une the ado agi, in the event that he fault was Wansiont or ras been cleared by row acon This also important inthe event that io redo is ecawng the ‘command ands, infact turing the ado, buts unabie sreapond lo he MCDU. Redo Menus ‘lof he radios canbe tuned via the two tp lavelradlo menu pages. ach ofthe tuning windows includes bath active and preset tuning feds. The AFC window ony Ineiges an actve faa Wn ne MCDU seratchad is empty |} Presting aie select key adjacent oan unboxed frequency fd (ave o prose) wil move "he tang ox ota eld andthe uring kao ean then be Ure o change he frequency 2) Pressing a ine slat key adjacent to Boxee active equency aid wal rng up te dtaiod Tuning page for thal ado. 3), Prossing a ine spo kay adjacent to a boxed preset equency Hl wil wep the poset ‘requeney wits he actve equency \Whon the MCDU scratchpad contains a ald frequency Prossng a ln select key ul anster Ie scaled value nto the aacent el, box hat etry ‘and lear the seat. th frequency eno vai forthe adjacent eld, an inva quan, ‘message is cspayed inthe scraps, ‘ator 4 seconds of no plot put onthe MCDU Rao Menu 12 page, the tuning box wl dau to the preset COMI raquancy en MOU +t sea) to the presel COME requoncy on MCDU 2 (ight Sea), Nother pages have default changes. tor 8 seconds of no pol input on 9 deta raio page, the system wlratum to fe Rac Mena “12 page. ‘The rai tuning funtion operates using a subset ofthe contol avaiable on he MCD. 1). The RADIO function key activates the rac tuning funetlon and plays tne RADIO 172 2) ‘The NEXT and PREV functon keys move to adjacent pages whera mee than one page ofthe same te sured, 5) The luring knobs used to dain kequoncies or othr numer values. Rd Organization ‘The radi turing functions accessed via the RADIO funtion key on the MCOU, when splays tne RADIO 1/2 page Movement between the RADIO 1/2 and RADIO 272 pages dane wih te NEXT fd PREV funtion keys ‘Allcther pages ae access rom RADIO ‘V2.sing the Ine select kaye ore NEXT and PREV function keys ATMA DOGT ‘Secon Aap ooeyne~ CAE Taig Aiance~ Cane ander rept arrton Prius EPIC A139 Function and Operation For Teaning Purposes Only Honeywell “Car, [Accesso ne COM DETAIL, TCASIKPOR. and NAV DETAIL pages is via ne alc! kaye fm RADIO 172, Access othe HE DETAIL, MLS DETALL, and ADF DETAIL pages ae via ine sleet. ays fom RADIO 22 ‘ofthe pages that correspond o 8 partulrradio ype (og. VHF eenmunicatos or ADF pica consist Sf dots page along wih two momery ages. “The deals page allows tho specie {atures of Sash rai to be eoigured ‘a provi acoae fo the memory pages ‘Sesadeted wih ench radio ype. [Af discussion of onc radio page an he detail pages for each system wl bn the secon on tach ado syst inthe appropiate ATA Chapter” Commurscaton radios are dscussed i ATA Chapter 23" Communications, Navigaona aoe are scuseod in ATA Chap 3 Navigation Selection of he MENU function key provides access to @ variety of pages generated by the Nodular Avnies Unt. Tho contont of te pages is dependont on to sale’ equipment on ho beat ond he cetiedvonigurston Activation of he MENU bon ofthe 5 ‘ano or wo, gives acoss fo all MAU ‘onerated subpages. Shown inthe ‘rawing, the MAU generated sutpages stans resr>| [9 ea | an (aneansresroeneace tse | a “Land 1R respectively and open STI [eo dona meme lreeecion, Pressing GT] Hl HeTANS USK ws opena menutnat | : ‘lows contolaf he EaPws ortaws — GI] wa Shion rosso TEST (SK [Ey] = Skane mora pov acon fe J Sum ost sone conponens ond \ ) omen e — Prestng the NEXT bution presents the Soeand MENU Page. Ths page provses ono the MAL reporting the Sta ‘cease to a STATUS page, ccoss 03 MAINTENANCE page, and cool of ie BACK-UP mode oF oporation forthe rac tuning function. SRR 8 rr Honeywell CAE Tring Atiance~ Conde andor Prt Iematon Primus EPIC - AW-139- Funetion and Operation Honeywell “Cr ‘TAWS Mon ‘The normal sat of ach of these elections lathe OFF sate Astaus {GAS message gven fo aot Be pot hon anyof hase coloctions are set to on + Low Ait-Aternat activation of he ae OFF Skedacontotieaocten wages []| [a "“or fosutsclne Tavsiowmnne treo between ON and OFF The eu ‘ve conaton i highlighted in larger font Powerup deta = OFF. L + GIS CANCEL Aternate acwaton of the LSK adjacent to is selection toggles the status of the below gideslape warning "anoalaion betwen ON and OFF. The active condton tagged nage Tonk. Pow: Upidotout = OFF ‘+ TERR INHIB Atorate activation of tho LSK adjacent o his selection logge the status of theterrainnhited am display between ON and OFF. The acive cnditon highighed in larger tnt. Power-up defalt= OFF ‘+ MUTE -Aternateacvaton ofthe LSK adjacont to this soloctiontogles tho status of acne "TANS aural warnings bebveen ON and OFF. The acvecondton ls highlighted in arger font. Power-up default = OFF (Operation ofthe EGPWS system i further dacuased in ATA Chapter 34 — Navigon, AUR DOST SEAT IT “Ragust 207 oneal CAE Taving Alte ~ Cone ander PropityInermaton Primus EPIC ~ AW-139~ Function and Operation pin s How sue TEST Mona ‘The layout of the TEST page is shown in . “oree| (GD. {hs daweg, Te stat funtion of ae cron Se OD och sna achatey nectng . offal [GR Som oe nies otf ie oy ‘The activ sate highighed in arger font. The irda functor test te fers long as he LSK pushed Wen the wansponder tats activated \ Ine TCAS i placed io test ‘Selection ofthe LSS key io ON has the clearest crest fo GROUND for 120 seconds oF ‘othe pl selects the LSS test fo OFF ‘The 1st page seteion synetronzed between the plo copit MOU wh he selections ‘mado oneibee MCOU processed on alt entered base. Display of ach ote pot est TRU onthe TEST page Is enabled using he APH parameters al zat the LRU i neal BACK-UP Ratlo Tuning Te MCDU backup ri tuning pape, as hoamin the drawing tote igh provided fo poi oct uring of tho Space COM, NAV and XPOR. Tha Backup tuning mode usa when a AU, or NIMTal or tore loos of ‘he ASCE buses that connec fo that, ‘The MCDU backup tuning page is dplayed when the MCOU legos ARING 429 communication _ Seon, \Wnon operating he backup tuning mode, he stud data am the ASC i assumed tobe Unavaiabie andthe avaiable modes for selection ate bet standby and asso ‘The flowing sections, ATA Chapters, wil describe the function and apeation athe major sjstoms and sub-systems of he Agusaestand 139 haleopte, ETO eee 0 9 epee Honey CAE Traning Aline ~ Conn anor Propet bomsion mus EPIC AW.139 ~ Function and Operation For Tanng Purposes On Hon Che ‘This Page Intentionally Left Blank SRR) seein 8 ri 2 ‘Honopwet- CAE Tang Arca ~ Content! ana Ppl Inermston

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