Aillanthus Final WMCabrera Et Al

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Phytother. Res. 22, 303–307 (2008)

Published online 4 DecemberHYPOGLYCEMIC
2007 in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.2311

Hypoglycemic Activity of Ailanthus excelsa

Leaves in Normal and Streptozotocin-induced
Diabetic Rats

W. Cabrera1, S. Genta1, A. Said2, A. Farag3, K. Rashed2 and S. Sánchez1*

Departamento de Biología del Desarrollo, Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científicas y Técnicas y Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Chacabuco 461, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina
National Research Centre, Pharmacognosy Department, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
Organic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt

The hypoglycemic activity of a 70% methanol extract from the leaves of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.
(Simaroubaceae) was studied in normal, transiently hyperglycemic and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic
rats. Oral administration of the extract at doses of 14, 70 and 350 mg/kg body weight caused no significant changes
in fasting blood glucose levels of normal rats. In an oral glucose tolerance test, the extract produced a significant
decrease in glycemia 90 min after the glucose pulse. Daily administration of A. excelsa extract for 60 days
produced a significant hypoglycemic effect in diabetic animals. In addition, this treatment improved the
altered renal function observed in diabetic control rats. This study suggests that Ailanthus leaf extract could
be potentially useful for post-prandial hyperglycemia treatment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: Ailanthus excelsa; hypoglycemic effect; streptozotocin-induced diabetes.

1993). Ailanthus is used to cure wounds and skin erup-

INTRODUCTION tions as mentioned in traditional medicine (Asolkar et al.,
1992). A recent study reveals that ethanol extracts of
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder A. excelsa leaves have a significant hepatoprotective
characterized by deregulation in carbohydrate, protein effect on experimental liver damage in rats (Hukkeri
and fat metabolism (O’Brien and Granner, 1996). et al., 2002). Despite its multiple ethnopharmacological
Such alterations result in increased blood glucose, properties, at present there are no reports in the litera-
which causes long-term complications in many organs. ture indicating that any controlled experiment has been
Despite the important progress in the management performed to test Ailanthus for antidiabetic activity.
of diabetes by using synthetic drugs, many traditional A. excelsa is a rich source of different chemical com-
plant treatments are used throughout the world. The pounds with a variety of potential biological activities
World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended (Kapoor et al., 1971). Recent investigations have estab-
that this practice should be encouraged, especially in lished the presence of six flavonoids isolated for the
developing countries (WHO Expert Committee, 1980). first time from A. excelsa leaves (Loizzo et al., 2007). Data
However, few traditional antidiabetic plants have re- indicate that some flavonoids isolated from several
ceived proper scientific validation. medicinal plants reduce blood glucose levels (Zarzuelo
Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. (natural order: Simaroubaceae), et al., 1996; Korec et al., 2000). However, at present,
a large tree originally from China, is known as the ‘tree no antidiabetic properties have been determined for
of heaven’ (Adamik and Brauns, 1957). Different parts the flavonoids present in Ailanthus extracts.
of this plant are used widely in traditional medicine The purpose of the present study was to examine the
for a variety of diseases (British Pharmacopoeia, 1988). effect of an A. excelsa leaf extract on blood glucose
The root bark has been reported to possess cytotoxic levels in normal glycemic, transient hyperglycemic and
and antitumor activity both in mice and in cell cultures streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The effect
(Ogura et al., 1977). Stem bark extracts showed potent of a 60-day administration of the extract to diabetic
antibacterial and antifungal activities (Shrimali et al., rats was also evaluated on several renal parameters in
2001; Joshi et al., 2003). The alcohol extract from leaf order to determine its potential antidiabetic use.
and stem bark exhibits remarkably high antiimplantation
and early abortifacient activity (Dhanasekaran et al.,


* Correspondence to: Sara S. Sánchez, Departamento de Biología del
Desarrollo, Instituto Superior de Investigaciones Biológicas, Consejo Plant material. Leaves of A. excelsa were collected
Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas y Universidad Nacional in April from the Zoo Garden, Giza, Egypt and air-
de Tucumán, Chacabuco 461, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, dried. The plant material was botanically authenticated
by Dr Kamal El-Batanony and a voucher specimen
Contract/grant sponsor: Research Council of the Universidad Nacional (N° 142904) was deposited at the Herbarium of the
de Tucumán (CIUNT). Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received
Phytother. Res. 9 April(2008)
22, 303–307 2007
June 2007
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 10 July 2007

Preparation of the methanol extract of A. excelsa leaves. received glymepiride (5 mg/kg body weight/day). All
Three hundred grams of dried powdered leaves of samples were administered daily using an intragastric
A. excelsa was extracted with 3 L of 70% methanol tube for a period of 60 days. Fasting blood glucose
in a continuous extraction apparatus (Soxhlet) until levels were determined throughout the experimental
exhaustion. The extract was concentrated under reduced period as described above. Plasma insulin level was
pressure. The residue was dissolved in 100 mL of dis- assayed with an enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) using
tilled water and subjected to freeze drying. The extract a monoclonal anti-insulin antibody (Boehringer-
yield after freeze drying was 32.0 g. Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany).

Experimental animals. Male adult Wistar rats (weight Creatinine clearance. Diabetic rats treated with the
250–300 g) from the colony bred at the Biology Insti- leaf extract at a dose of 70 mg/kg body weight/day for
tute of the National University of Tucumán, Tucumán, 60 days, diabetic untreated rats and control normal
Argentina, were used. The animals were housed in rats were placed in individual metabolic cages for 48 h.
plastic cages in an air conditioned animal room. They The first 24 h comprised an acclimatization period,
were fed with a standard laboratory diet, given tap water after which a 24 h urine sample was collected. At the end
ad libitum and kept under controlled temperature of the collection period, blood samples were obtained
(23 ± 1 °C), humidity (approximately 60%) and a dark- by amputation of the tail tip. Serum and urinary crea-
light cycle (12 h) until experiments were carried out. tinine were determined using an Alcyon Analyzer ISE
All animals were maintained and handled according (Abbott). Creatinine clearance, a measure of glomerular
to International Ethical Guidelines for the Care of filtration, was calculated using standard formulae.
Laboratory Animals (United States Food and Drug
Administration). Urinary albumin excretion. Diabetic rats treated with
leaf extract for 60 days, diabetic untreated rats and
Effects of A. excelsa extract on blood glucose levels control normal rats were housed in metabolic cages for
in normal rats. Fasted male Wistar rats were divided urine collection as described above. Urinary albumin
into four groups of ten animals each. One group was concentration was determined using an ALCYON
used as the control and received only water, while the Analyzer ISE (Abbott).
other groups received leaf extract orally in doses of
14, 70 or 350 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples were Statistical analysis. Results were expressed as mean ±
obtained by amputation of the tail tip at different times SD. The significance of the differences between the
during the above treatments. Glycemia was measured mean of the test and control studies was established
by using an Accu-chek Active® (Roche Diagnostics by Student’s t test. Values of p < 0.05 were considered
GmbH D-68298 Mannheim, Germany), based on glucose to be significant.
dye oxidoreductase mediator reaction.

Glucose tolerance test in normal rats. The glucose

tolerance test was carried out in fasted rats, which were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
divided into five groups of ten animals each. One group
received orally distilled water and was kept as a con- This study was carried out in order to elucidate the
trol. The other groups were given orally the following: effect of a leaf extract of A. excelsa on blood glucose
(i) a reference drug (glymepiride, 5 mg/kg body weight); levels in normal and STZ-diabetic rats. To the best of
(ii) leaf extract, 14 mg/kg body weight (low dose); our knowledge, this is the first report addressing the
(iii) leaf extract, 70 mg/kg body weight, (iv) leaf extract, hypoglycemic activity of an Ailanthus extract.
350 mg/kg body weight (high dose). Thirty minutes later The results show that a single oral administration of
a 50% (w/v) glucose solution was administered orally a methanol leaf extract at doses of 70 mg/kg body weight
(2 g/kg body weight) to each rat. Blood samples were (Fig. 1), 14 mg/kg body weight or 350 mg/kg body weight
taken from the tail vein at 0 min (just before glucose
administration) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120 and
180 min for the determination of blood glucose, as
described above.

Determination of fasting blood glucose and plasma

insulin levels in diabetic rats. Stable diabetes was in-
duced by intraperitoneal administration to male Wistar
rats of streptozotocin (STZ, Sigma Chemical Company,
St Louis, MO, USA) dissolved in 10 mM sodium citrate
buffer (pH 4.5), at a dose of 45 mg/kg body weight.
Control rats received only citrate buffer. Diabetes was
achieved within 24 h in the majority of the animals, as
determined by the blood glucose levels and glucosuria.
Only the animals with glycemia of >350 mg/dL 2 days
after STZ treatment were included in the study.
Diabetic rats were divided into five groups (n = 10 Figure 1. Effect of the administration of A. excelsa leaf extract
on the fasting blood glucose levels in normal rats. (䊏) Normal
per group): a control group without treatment, three control rats. (䊊) Leaf extract-treated rats (70 mg/kg body weight).
groups with different doses, 14, 70 and 350 mg leaf Data are the mean ± SD from three different experiments. Each
extract/kg body weight per day, and a group that experiment was performed with groups of ten rats.

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 22, 303–307 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/ptr

Figure 2. Effect of A. excelsa leaf extract on blood glucose Figure 3. Effect of a 60-day oral administration of A. excelsa
levels during glucose tolerance test in normal rats. (䊏) Normal leaf extract on blood glucose levels of diabetic rats. (䊏)
control rats. (䉱) Leaf extract-treated rats (14 mg/kg body weight). Diabetic control group. (䊐) Leaf extract-treated rats (70 mg/kg
(䊐) Leaf extract-treated rats (70 mg/kg body weight). (䊊) Leaf body weight). (䊉) Leaf extract-treated rats (350 mg/kg body
extract-treated rats (350 mg/kg body weight). (䊉) Glymepiride weight). (䉫) Glymepiride (5 mg/kg body weight) treated rats.
(5 mg/kg body weight) treated rats. Data are the mean ± SD Data are the mean ± SD from three different experiments. Each
from three different experiments. Each experiment was per- experiment was performed with groups of ten rats.
formed with groups of ten rats.

(data not shown) had no effect on blood glucose levels normal rats. A. excelsa extract at a dose of 70 mg/kg
in fasted normal rats compared with that of control rats, body weight per day was orally administered to diabetic
which received water. Evidence from the literature sug- rats for 60 days and fasted blood glucose and insulin
gests that some plants act like biguanides and do not plasma levels were determined. This treatment produced
affect the blood glucose basal state (Bailey et al., 1985; a significant decrease in the blood glucose level and an
Hermann et al., 1994). In our case, it is possible that the increase in plasma insulin level compared with untreated
Ailanthus extract could act by a similar mechanism. diabetic animals. As shown in Fig. 3, this effect was
In the present work, it was demonstrated that the observed from the beginning of the treatment, the
oral administration of a leaf extract caused a rapid maximal effect being observed at day 15 in treated
decrease in the hyperglycemic peak after glucose diabetic rats. At this time, glycemia was approximately
loading in normal rats (glucose tolerance test). As shown 79% lower than that before treatment. The same effect
in Fig. 2, a dose of 70 mg/kg body weight caused a was observed using a high dose (350 mg/kg body weight
significant decrease in the blood glucose levels 90 min per day) of leaf extract for 60 days. On the contrary, a
after the glucose pulse. A high dose of the extract low dose of 14 mg/kg body weight per day showed no
(350 mg/kg body weight) led to a slight reduction in hypoglycemic effect in diabetic rats (data not shown).
glycemia compared with the strong effect of the 70 mg/ Given the dose-dependent activity of the extract in these
kg body weight dose, while a low dose (14 mg/kg body assays, it is concluded that 70 mg/kg body weight per
weight) did not cause any effect on the blood glucose day is an effective hypoglycemic dose for diabetic rats.
levels. These facts demonstrate a dose-dependent The possible mechanism by which the leaf extract from
activity of the leaf extract in the glucose tolerance test. A. excelsa brings about its hypoglycemic effect may be
The 70 mg/kg body weight dose had a significantly by stimulation of insulin secretion from the remaining
stronger effect than that of the other two doses. The pancreatic β -cells, as evidenced by the significant in-
results obtained led us to suppose that the effect of the crease in the plasma insulin levels following adminis-
Ailanthus extract could take place through a sulfonylurea- tration of the extract (Fig. 4).
like mechanism, since it caused a decrease in blood The results indicate that a chronic hyperglycemia in
glucose levels during the glucose tolerance test in a STZ-diabetic rats induced renal alterations character-
similar manner to glymepiride. Moreover, the failure ized by increased urinary albumin excretion (Table 1).
to inhibit the hyperglycemic peak suggests that the This effect is considered as a significant marker of renal
Ailanthus extract had no effect on the transit and dysfunction (Almdal and Vilstrup, 1988; Gomes et al.,
absorption of glucose in the digestive tract. The above 1997). Many reports have demonstrated that therapeu-
findings suggest that this extract may have therapeutic tic intervention can delay the development of diabetic
potential in post-prandial hyperglycemia. renal disease (Mathiesen et al., 1994). It was demon-
STZ-induced diabetes has been described as a useful strated that after a 60 day treatment with leaf extract at
experimental model to study the antidiabetic activity of a dose of 70 mg/kg body weight per day, the urinary
several agents (Junod et al., 1969; Fisher, 1985). In the albumin excretion was significantly decreased compared
present study, the STZ dose (45 mg/kg body weight) with the values of the diabetic group (Table 1). These
was selected in order to partially destroy the pancreatic results are in agreement with the increase in creatinine
β-cells. Under these conditions, insulin was secreted, clearance and the improvement in the general con-
but not in sufficient amounts to regulate blood glucose dition of diabetic rats. These results provide a scientific
levels and, consequently, the rats became permanently basis for the potential use of A. excelsa leaves for the
diabetic. treatment of renal complications in diabetes.
In the above experimental model of diabetes, blood Several medicinal plant extracts are valuable anti-
glucose levels were significantly higher than those in diabetic agents and may involve one or more active
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Phytother. Res. 22, 303–307 (2008)
DOI: 10.1002/ptr

Table 1. Effect of 60 day administration of A. excelsa extract on diabetic rats

Body weight Blood glucose Plasma insulin Creatinine clearance Urinary albumin
Animal group (g) (mg/dL) (μIU/mL) (mL/min/100 g body weight) excretion (mg/24 h)

Control 352.3 ± 20.7 107.3 ± 13.8 14.73 ± 0.99 0.23 ± 0.04 ND

Diabetic 277.4 ± 34.1a 423.7 ± 31.4a 4.50 ± 0.36a 0.12 ± 0.02a 68.3 ± 10.1a
Diabetic + leaf extract 360.3 ± 27.4 113.0 ± 14.7 13.89 ± 1.02 0.21 ± 0.02 12.1 ± 11.3

The values are the mean ± SD of 10 animals (male Wistar rats) in each group. a Probability values <0.05 were considered significant
compared with control group. ND, not detected. Dose of leaf extract is 70 mg/kg body weight.

1998; Kim et al., 2004). In a recent work, Loizzo et al.

(2007) reported that a methanol extract of Ailanthus
excelsa leaves contains six flavonoids isolated for the
first time from this species, namely apigenin, luteolin,
kaempferol-3-O-α-arabinopyranoside, kaempferol-3-O-
β-galactopyranoside, quercetin-3-O-α-arabinopyrano-
side and luteolin-7-O-β-glucopyranoside (Loizzo et al.,
2007). Taking the above into account, it is believed that
one or more of these chemical compounds present
in the leaf extract of A. excelsa are likely to contribute
to the observed hypoglycemic activity. The active
constituent(s) of leaves involved and the precise mecha-
nism of this activity are being studied.
The findings reveal that the leaf extract from A. excelsa
has an important hypoglycemic effect on transiently
Figure 4. Effect of a 60-day oral administration of A. excelsa hyperglycemic and STZ-induced diabetic rats, but not
leaf extract on plasma insulin levels of diabetic rats. (䊏) on fasted normal rats. Moreover, these results suggest
Diabetic control group. (䊐) Leaf extract-treated rats (70 mg/kg that the Ailanthus extract might have therapeutic
body weight). (䊉) Leaf extract-treated rats (350 mg/kg body potential in post-prandial hyperglycemia and could
weight). (䉬) Glymepiride (5 mg/kg body weight) treated rats.
Data are the mean ± SD from three different experiments. Each
ameliorate the impaired renal function associated with
experiment was performed with groups of ten rats. diabetes.

components responsible for blood glucose reduction

(Marles and Farnsworth, 1995; Grover et al., 2002).
Flavonoids of different plant origin showed a promis- This research was supported by Research Council of the Universidad
ing antidiabetic activity, as demonstrated in diabetic Nacional de Tucumán (CIUNT) grant to S. S. Sánchez. We wish to
animal models (Zarzuelo et al., 1996; Nojima et al., thank Virginia Méndez for proofreading.


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DOI: 10.1002/ptr

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