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Quiz. Conditional I and II.

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Conditional I.
1. If it rains tomorrow, he will go to the park.

2. If she has time, she will see the movie.

3. she won't come to class tomorrow if she feel sick.

4. They will play hockey if it is cold.

5. If he comes to the party, I won´t come.

6. If you go to class, you will understand the lesson.

7. Zue will get the job if she has a good interview.

8. We won't go if we have to work.

9. Where will you play if the field is occupied?

10. If it is warm this weekend, what will you do?

Conditional II.
If I won the lottery, I would give money to my mom.
If I were rich, I would drive a Mustang.
I would find better options if I quit my job.
I would buy anything I want if I got that jackpot.
I would hit Mr. President´s car if I wanted.
If I traveled somewhere, I would stay in the most luxurious hotels.
But I would not be too materialistic if I knew what love is.
I would help the poor if I became a millionaire.
I would drink some margaritas, if I were in the beach.
If I had millions of dollars, I would not live in Santander de Quilichao.
If I Won The Lottery

I can imagine what my life would be like if I won the lottery. Wow! I could do so many
things, and my life would be so different. I would love the chance to change my life with
the money. The first thing I would do is buy a big, new house. I live in a small
apartment, and I have always dreamed of living in a big house in the country. With all
that money, I could buy anything I wanted. I don’t have a car right now, so I would buy a
new car. Or, I might even buy a new motorcycle. I like motorcycles, and I can imagine
myself driving down the highway with the wind in my hair.

Of course, I if I won the lottery, I should give some of the money to charity. I would
probably give my money to a charity that helps sick children. Also, if any of my friends
needed anything, I could help them pay for it. I know many people that have student
loans, and I could help them pay the loans back. That would make them very happy.
Plus, if I won a lot of money, I would certainly save some of it in the bank.

Also, I think that if I won a huge amount of money, I would open a business. I love to
cook, and I have always wanted to open a restaurant. With all that money I could open
a fancy restaurant.

However, I know one thing I would not do is travel. I have a friend who won $100, 000 in
the lottery three years ago. She took the money and travelled for three months. I think
she is crazy. Travelling is nice, but then she had nothing left after her vacation.

I think, however, that the only problem with dreaming about the money I could win is
that I have never even played the lottery before. As they say: “You can’t win if you don’t

Conditional I

Christine and Margaret are friends. They are both busy because the work and study!
But on Wednesday they meet for coffee.

"What are you going to do this weekend?" asks Margaret.

"Well, I have a big project to finish for my design class. But if I can finish it by Friday, I'll
do something fun as a treat," says Christine.

"That sounds great!" replies Margaret. "I think the ballet is coming to town. If it isn't too
expensive, I'm going to buy tickets. Would you like to come?"

"Well, I don't really like ballet very much. If you want to go to the ballet in the evening,
let's do something in the morning," says Christine.

"All right. If you have the energy, let's go swimming!" suggests Margaret.

"That sounds great! If I don't call you on Friday, send me an email at work," agrees
Christine. "And if I don't answer, call me again. And if I don't pick up… oh, let's just
make plans now! I'm too busy to plan later!"

1. If I (have) more time, I would read more.

2. If she won the lottery, she (can buy) a new house.

3. Would you live in an apartment if you (live) downtown?

4. If I could play the guitar, I would (join) a band.

5. I (eat) more fruit if I lived in a warmer country.

6. If I played soccer, I be) in better shape.

7. Where would you go on vacation if you (can) go anywhere in

the world?

8. Would you work in France if you (have) the chance?

9. If I could be any super hero, I (be) Superman.

10. They would wake up early if they worked.

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