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Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss.

(Đừng khóc vì chuyện đã kết thúc. Hãy cười vì nó đã xảy ra.)


There are many quotes help people feel better. One of them belongs to Dr. Seuss. He said that “Don’t
cry because it’s over; smile because it happened”. In my opinion, I totally agree with this saying because
of the following reasons.

Firstly, I think the message that Dr. Seuss wanted to give is that everything happens for a reason.
Sometimes in our life, we cannot see the truth or reason until it ends. For example, before my English
test, I had been over confident as I thought it would be a piece of cake, but then I failed. Of course I
cried a lot. Then I realize that I failed because I did not study hard enough; I did not prepare enough, and
I did not focus enough on important aspects of the subject. So I decided that I would change my
thinking. Thanks to that event, I never fail another subject during my school time.

Secondly, another lesson I learn from this quote is that it all depends on our attitude and how we react
to a situation. There is no doubt that crying cannot solve anything and it just makes things worse. Smile
helps us overcome every hard situation. Smiling is the best way to help us look on the bright site. We
cannot always stay in blue feeling, because we are still living, and have to face lots of tough things in life.
If we are always in this feeling, this feeling makes our life become harder and collapsed one day.

So we should be optimistic about events happening in our life.

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