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Mike Sayer
B1+ Life Ιntermediate © National Geographic Learning 1
Word class abbreviations
The following abbreviations are used in the word list: (n) = noun, (v) = verb, (adv) = adverb,
(adj) = adjective and (phr v) = phrasal verb.

Unit 1 COLOUR prosperity (n)

sadness (n)
Page 9 scout (n)
attend (v) wisdom (n)
contrast (n)
gorgeous (adj) Pages 14–15
outfit (n)
anthropologist (n)
pale (adj)
beak (n)
peace (n)
biologist (n)
peaceful (adj)
chance (n)
prayer (n)
contestant (n)
scarf (n)
demonstrate (v)
shade (n)
dominance (n)
symbolise (v)
dominant (adj)
wear (v)
effect (n)
fitness (n)
Pages 10–11 freestyle (adj)
badge (n) implication (n)
decoration (n) indicator (n)
express (v) mentor (n)
eye-catching (adj) opponent (n)
face-paint (n) primate (n)
hue (n) primatologist (n)
individuality (n) regulation (n)
label (n) scared (adj)
message (n) significant (adj)
packaging (n) statistically (adv)
pattern (n) sufficient (adj)
schoolboy (n) tip (v)
select (v) unintentional (adj)
shelf (n) wrestling (n)
sophistication (n)
uniform (n) Pages 16–17
agency (n)
Pages 12–13 appropriately (adv)
anger (n) chain (n)
associate (v) consultant (n)
cold (adj) courteous (adj)
courage (n) impression (n)
death (n) interior (n)
funeral (n) introduce (v)
happiness (n) networking (n)
jersey (n) patient (n)
love (n) pleasure (n)
luck (n) positive (adj)
mourn (v) professionalism (n)
option (n) punctual (adj)
passion (n) redecorate (v)

2 Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

reduce (v) Pages 26–27
supplier (n)
accelerate (v)
therapy (n)
acceptable (adj)
workplace (n)
access (n)
addition (n)
Page 19 citizen (n)
blanket (n) complicate (v)
cloth (n) compose (v)
cooperative (n) conservative (adj)
poncho (n) diversity (n)
self-sufficient (adj) dynamic (adj)
shawl (n) educator (n)
textile (n) eve (n)
thread (n) extent (n)
weave (v) fanatic (n)
weaver (v) globalisation (n)
wool (n) isolated (adj)
yarn (n) performance (n)
politics (n)
resilient (adj)
Unit 2 PERFORMANCE resourceful (adj)
Page 21 serve (v)
transformation (n)
absolutely (adv) unpredictable (adj)
amateur (n) value (n)
brilliant (adj)
choir (n)
Pages 28–29
curtain (n)
director (n) achieve (v)
explosion (n) affect (v)
marvellous (adj) appeal (v)
musician (n) critic (n)
standard (n) depressing (adj)
disappointing (adj)
Pages 22–23 embarrassing (adj)
entertaining (adj)
adore (v) enthusiastic (adj)
catchy (adj) hilarious (adj)
collaboration (n) host (n)
dazzling (adj) naturally (adv)
energetic (adj) production (n)
example (n) terrific (adj)
expert (n) thrilling (adj)
fusion (n) vibrant (adj)
impact (n)
lead (n) Page 31
melancholy (adj)
melodic (adj) beat (n)
origin (n) boundary (n)
powerful (adj) bring together (v)
tuneless (adj) bunch (n)
drain (v)
drum (n)
Pages 24–25
drum (v)
choreographer (n) drummer (n)
exhausted (adj) drumstick (n)
horizon (n) enemy (n)
sorrow (n) essence (n)

Life Ιntermediate © National Geographic Learning 3

fear (v) treat (v)
mutual (adj) voyage (n)
pain (n) wreck (n)
pioneer (n)
spread (v) Pages 38–39
style (n)
tired (adj) attempt (n)
unity (n) boxer (n)
bravado (n)
chaotic (adj)
Unit 3 WATER cove (n)
Page 33 fault (n)
fin (n)
agriculture (n)
gang (n)
developing (adj)
grateful (adj)
figure (n)
guts (n)
fresh (adj)
mouthful (n)
litre (n)
regulate (v)
running (adv)
respect (n)
sink (n)
scramble (v)
statistic (n)
soup (n)
tune in (phr v)
swallow (v)
waterhole (n)
transform (v)
well (n)
transparent (adj)
turquoise (adj)
Pages 34–35 vicious (adj)
concentrate (v)
dive (v) Pages 40–41
explore (v)
jet-ski (v) bay (n)
kayak (n) cage (n)
labyrinth (n) cargo (n)
marina (n) entertain (v)
paddle (v) gear (n)
raft (n) grab (v)
rapids (n) lid (n)
reservoir (n) panic (v)
row (v) pour (v)
snorkel (v) tank (n)
soak (v) teacup (n)
surf (v) unbelievable (adj)
system (n) unexpectedly (adv)
water-ski (n)
windsurf (n) Page 43
advocate (n)
Pages 36–37 dam (n)
appropriate (adj) earthen (adj)
bow (n) gallon (n)
dignity (n) industrial waste (n)
freak show (n) irrigate (v)
maiden (adj) lifeless (adj)
memorial (n) pit (n)
mission (n) porous (adj)
passenger (n) prosperous (adj)
salvage (n) relief (n)
steamship (n) replace (v)
submarine (n) rise (v)

4 Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

riverbed (n) rural (adj)
shortage (n) spring up (phr v)
small-scale (adj) stock (v)
smog (n) wage (n)
source (n)
store (v) Pages 52–53
supply (n)
tanker (n) conscientious (adj)
deadline (n)
essay (n)
Unit 4 OPPORTUNITIES hard-working (adj)
Page 45 methodical (adj)
motivated (adj)
brave (adj)
part-time (adj)
demanding (adj)
pressure (n)
glamorous (adj)
self-confident (adj)
responsible (adj)
rewarding (adj)
satisfying (adj) Page 55
secure (adj) attain (v)
be aware of (v)
Pages 46–47 be caught up in (v)
carry on (v)
cheerful (adj)
conduct (n)
driven (adj)
convince (v)
entrepreneur (n)
disciple (n)
extend (v)
dutiful (adj)
giggle (v)
dynasty (n)
plot (n)
ethical (adj)
predict (v)
rumour (n) fundamental (adj)
technician (n) govern (v)
harmony (n)
in decline (adv)
Pages 48–49
moral (adj)
crisis (n) move up (v)
discuss (v) numerous (adj)
graduate (v) perseverance (n)
literature (n) philosopher (n)
nurse (n) principle (n)
redundant (adj) prosper (v)
resit (v) respectful (adj)
train (v) restore (v)
root (n)
Pages 50–51 ruler (n)
seek (v)
construction (n)
share (v)
courageous (adj)
enchant (v) virtue (n)
expectation (n) warlord (n)
industrial (adj) wealth (n)
labourer (n)
literacy rate (n) Unit 5 TRAVEL
machinist (n)
Page 57
materialistic (adj)
migrant (n) carry (v)
migrate (v) delay (n)
motivate (v) essential (n)
reputation (n) luggage (n)

Life Ιntermediate © National Geographic Learning 5

pointless (adj) disease (n)
project (n) glorious (adj)
hire (n)
Pages 58–59 infectious (adj)
poison (n)
dense (adj)
spray (v)
exploit (v)
travel sick (n)
footwear (n)
penknife (n)
remove (v) Page 67
survey (v) aim (n)
threaten (v)
challenge (n)
trek (n)
desperate (adj)
untouched (adj)
document (v)
gem (n)
Pages 60–61 logging (n)
bump (v) overwhelmed (adj)
crowded (adj) record (n)
destination (n) stepping stone (n)
exotic (adj)
flock (v)
holidaymaker (n)
inspire (v) Page 69
instructor (n)
combination (n)
nightlife (n)
fat (n)
promote (v)
healthy (adj)
sky-diving (n)
nutritional (adj)
surroundings (n)
tropical (adj) nutritious (adj)
twist (v) scale (n)
unspoilt (adj) scheme (n)

Pages 62–63 Pages 70–71

boom (n) authentic (adj)
curious (adj) boil (v)
damaging (adj) boycott (v)
decline (n) connoisseur (n)
downside (n) criteria (n)
dump (v) crust (n)
experiment (v) elite (adj)
habitat (n) ferment (v)
harmful (adj) generic (adj)
long-haul (n) (be) granted (v)
low-cost (adj) guarantee (n)
phenomenon (n) motion (n)
unbroken (adj) pedigree (n)
upwards (adv) peel (v)
vital (adj) raw (adj)
rival (n)
Pages 64–65 smell (n)
allowance (n) spiral (v)
arrange (v) status (n)
baggage (n) strict (adj)
boarding card (n) taste (n)
customs (n) virgin (adj)
delay (n) warn (v)

6 Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

Pages 72–73 licence (n)
major (adj)
attitude (n)
paralyse (v)
chew (v)
poison (v)
craving (n)
preparation (n)
drop (v)
puffer fish (n)
imaginary (adj)
regulations (n)
mental (adj)
respirator (n)
obesity (n)
sake (n)
overweight (adj)
toxin (n)
rate (n)
wear off (v)
ridiculous (adj)
wisely (adv)
self-belief (n)
strategy (n)
willpower (n) Unit 7 LIVING SPACE
Page 81
Pages 74–75
cramped (adj)
adequate (adj) flatmate (n)
alert (adj) housework (n)
alter (v) noisy (adj)
blood pressure (n)
consumption (n) Pages 82–83
conventional (adj)
counteract (v) architect (n)
daylight (n) attic (n)
dual (adj) balcony (n)
fatigue (n) basement (n)
fuel (v) block (n)
override (v) central heating (n)
psychoactive (adj) chimney (n)
reaction (n) cool (n)
relieve (v) dirty (adj)
schedule (n) double glazing (n)
solemn (adj) elements (n)
symptom (n) fireplace (n)
traces (n) full-time (adj)
warning (n) function (n)
widespread (adj) garden (n)
glare (v)
permanent (adj)
Pages 76–77
rent (v)
bland (adj) repair (n)
dish (n) shelter (n)
fry (v) spare time (n)
order (n) stilt (n)
savoury (adj) terrace (n)
spicy (adj) veranda (n)

Page 79 Pages 84–85

concern (v) built-up (adj)
control (n) diverse (adj)
cute (adj) dominate (v)
cyanide (n) financial (adj)
delicious (adj) marsh (n)
diner (n) pristine (adj)
fool (v) resident (n)
gill (n) run-down (n)

Life Ιntermediate © National Geographic Learning 7

skyscraper (n) Unit 8 WEIRD NEWS
symbolic (adj)
Page 93
troop (n)
coincidence (n)
Pages 86–87 digital (adj)
flock (n)
ancestral (adj) genuine (adj)
bench (n) trick (n)
descendant (n) weird (adj)
dreamy (adj)
firewood (n) Pages 94–95
fountain (n)
ability (n)
graceful (adj)
ant (n)
ignore (v) beetle (n)
improvise (v) butterfly (n)
maid (n) collide (v)
manner (n) dissolve (v)
oppose (v) insect (n)
persuade (v) instinctive (adj)
profit (n) logical (adj)
reforestation (n) man-made (adj)
reincarnation (n) navigation (n)
rhyme (n) neon (adj)
roadside (n) nitrogen (n)
rule (v) particle (n)
troubadour (n) predator (n)
pretend (v)
twinkle (v)
project (v)
recognise (v)
Pages 88–89 religious (adj)
anonymous (adj) shiny (adj)
charm (n) significance (n)
speculate (v)
dwell (v)
spike (n)
lift (n)
stem (n)
nightmare (n)
unfortunate (adj)
perfect (adj)
vivid (adj)
picturesque (adj)
privacy (n)
Pages 96–97
unfriendly (adj)
astonishing (adj)
astronomical (adj)
Page 91
belief (n)
bind (v) ceremonial (adj)
fairness (n) emerge (v)
fit into (v) geometric (adj)
grow up (v) mysterious (adj)
immigrant (n) prehistoric (adj)
integrate (v) puzzle (v)
involvement (n) suddenly (adv)
jumping (adj)
mural (n) Pages 98–99
parish (n) assumption (n)
perform (v) aviation (n)
raise (v) contact (n)
reflect (v) correspondence (n)

8 Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

discriminate (v) vast (adj)
equator (n) violate (v)
examine (v)
fate (n)
Unit 9 TRADE
fragment (n)
genetic (adj) Page 105
genome (n) anniversary (n)
indicate (v) earring (n)
investigate (v) gadget (n)
longstanding (adj) jewellery (n)
mystery (n) shopping (n)
navigator (n)
partial (adj)
Pages 106–107
profile (n)
saliva (n) banking (n)
sample (n) bill (n)
solo (adj) credit (n)
subsequently (adv) expand (v)
theory (n) fare (n)
uninhabit (adj) fortune (n)
verify (v) innovation (n)
interactive (adj)
Pages 100–101 manage (v)
menu (n)
accidentally (adv) mortgage (n)
apparently (adv) saving (n)
detect (v) transfer (v)
fibre-optic (n) upgrade (n)
forge (v)
suppose (v)
Pages 108–109
suspicion (n)
temporarily (adv) auction (n)
trap (v) charity (n)
twiddle (v) clog (n)
unfortunately (adv) craft (n)
donate (v)
Page 103 feature (v)
grip (n)
adaptable (adj) map (n)
bother (v) mine (v)
canopy (n) mineral (n)
costly (adj) nominate (v)
entomologist (n) original (adj)
force out (v) pesticide (n)
hive (n) specification (n)
interact (v) sustainable (adj)
invade (v) translate (v)
ironic (adj) tyre (n)
outlandish (adj) view (v)
pollinate (v)
preserve (n)
Pages 110–111
proceed (v)
repeatedly (adv) alley (n)
reproduce (v) bargain (n)
sting (v) blink (v)
suck (v) blossom (n)
swarm (n) bustling (adj)
take over (v) chat (v)

Life Ιntermediate © National Geographic Learning 9

chest (n) Pages 118–119
corner (n) amputate (v)
date (n) bionic (adj)
deal (n) biotechnology (n)
decorative (adj) blind (adj)
dye (n) burn (v)
fabric (n) confident (adj)
fig (n) deaf (adj)
lethal (adj) documentary (n)
merchant (n) fact (n)
mint (n) fiction (n)
negotiate (v) futuristic (adj)
ornate (adj) kidney (n)
pronounce (v) limb (n)
scent (n) organ (n)
stroll (v) regeneration (n)
sword (n) specialise (v)
tear (n) transplant (n)
treasure (n) treatment (n)
tutorial (n)
vendor (n) Pages 120–121
workshop (n)
algae (n)
dome (n)
Pages 112–113
emit (v)
delicate (adj) expansion (n)
delivery (n) frozen (adj)
exchange (v) horrify (v)
floral (adj) limitless (adj)
gift-wrap (n) microbe (n)
mark (n) mirror (n)
pile (n) modify (v)
reference (n) module (n)
return (v) revolution (n)
rug (n) rocky (adj)
rustic (adj) rotation (n)
sale (n) soil (n)
sofa (n)
till (n)
Pages 122–123

Page 115 barefoot (adj)

board (v)
bargain (v) by-product (n)
cheat (v) crack (n)
craftsman (n) epilepsy (n)
haggle (v) flee (v)
intention (n) hostile (adj)
pressure (v) infest (v)
shopper (n) rebel (n)
watch out (v) refugee camp (n)
shoot (v)
Unit 10 NO LIMITS! short-term (adj)
soak (v)
Page 117 struggle (v)
backpack (n) suffer (v)
dune (n) surgery (n)
key (adj) territory (n)
limit (n) threat (n)

10 Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

tough (adj) stereotype (n)
tundra (n) topic (n)

Pages 124–125 Pages 130–131

antihistamine (n) coincide (v)
bleed (v) contractor (n)
blood (n) footage (n)
cream (n) hit (n)
cut (n) provoke (v)
deep (adj) unseen (adj)
itchy (adj) viral (n)
paradise (n)
plaster (n) Pages 132–133
sprain (n)
stitch (n) broadband (adj)
swollen (adj) ebook (n)
trip (v) eclipse (n)
tube (n) employee (n)
wasp (n) telescope (n)
texting (n)
tweet (v)
Page 127
wifi (n)
adapt (v)
altitude (n) Pages 134–135
attribute (v)
biological (adj) connect (v)
breath (n) crucial (adj)
breathe (v) entire (adj)
cause (v) multiple (adj)
complex (adj) petition (n)
enable (v) signature (n)
evolution (n) tragedy (n)
haemoglobin (n)
hypoxia (n) Pages 136–137
intense (adj)
agenda (n)
lungs (n)
associate (n)
needle (n)
concern (v)
obtain (v)
tone (n)
proof (n)
visible (adj)
prospect (n)
rapidly (adv)
Page 139
Unit 11 CONNECTIONS draw out (v)
fabulous (adj)
Page 129 goal (n)
analysis (n) hardship (v)
bookmark (v) internally (adv)
celebrity (n) overcome (v)
column (n) relate to (v)
direct (adv) remark (v)
follow (v) remote (adj)
gossip (n) remove (adj)
headline (n) scary (adj)
interview (n) struggle (n)
misquote (v) support (n)
regularly (adv) undertake (v)
section (n) unparalleled (adj)

Life Ιntermediate © National Geographic Learning 11

Unit 12 EXPERTS meditation (n)
playwright (n)
Page 141 realistic (adj)
clever (adj) ritualised (adj)
fishing (n) romanticise (v)
tight (adj) savage (adj)

Pages 142–143 Pages 148–149

camp (n) apologise (v)
deserted (adj) clumsy (adj)
dried (adj) expression (n)
eye-opener (n) key (adj)
flatten (v) slip (v)
hammock (n) slippery (adj)
inadequate (adj) unreliable (adj)
inappropriate (adj)
machete (n) Page 151
mosquito (n) aquarium (n)
mummy (n) camouflage (v)
silence (n) crab (n)
tracker (n) dismiss (v)
trumpet (v) extraordinary (adj)
tusk (n) fearless (adj)
fierce (adj)
Pages 144–145 humble (adj)
pack (n)
canvas (n)
school (n)
failure (n)
spine (n)
foolish (adj)
sucker (n)
frostbite (n)
welfare (n)
haul (v)
insulation (n)
lavish (adj)
scurvy (n)
starvation (n)

Pages 146–147
action (n)
archery (n)
armour (n)
blame (v)
chivalrous (adj)
code (n)
combat (n)
conscript (n)
defeat (v)
elite (n)
gladiator (n)
honour (n)
imperial (adj)
intellectual (n)
knight (n)
legacy (n)
loyalty (n)
manual (n)
martial art (n)

12 Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

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