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“The Weight Of Choice “

Rianne – Main Character

May Joy –Mother -S

AJ – Father

Casey – Teacher

Miles – Part of the clique -S

Louise – Part of the clique

Destiny – Part of the clique -S

Lance – Part of the clique

Dean – Part of the clique -S

Ram – Part of the Guy group -S

Jaisley – Part of the Guy group

Rico – Part of the Guy group

Juan – Part of the Guy group -S

Bryant – Louise' Father

Joshua –Extra Student

Reshanet – Professor

Ella – Nanny -S
Chapter 1

Rianne wakes up and sings. She rapidly does her morning just like any other
day. She says goodbye to her parents and her nanny since she was spoon-fed,
Ella. Necessities like how a young rebel would do, she goes to school. She finds
her friends at the park and says hi to Miles, Louise and Destiny.

Song: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Rianne: (Looks at her friends) I don’t really feel like going to school today.

Destiny: Me either. (Destiny says casually)

Louise: (Looks at them both) What do we do now?

Lance and Dean comes along to them.

Rianne: We don’t want to go to school today.

Lance: (Smiling smugly) Let’s just skip it for today.

Dean: I mean, (Shrugs) yeah, I guess.

Louise: Why don’t we go to my place?

They all nod at what Louise said. Rianne and her friends decided to skip
school that day. Afterwards, they decided to leave and go to Louise’s house.

Sonng: Happy

They now enter the house of Louise. Louise’s father is there. The old man,
warmly greeted them into his house.

Louise: Hi, dad!

Bryant: Welcome, everybody! (Smiles at the group of friends) Make

yourselves at home.

All: Thank you, Tito Brayant. (They all sit down, making themselves at home.)
Brayant, Louise’s father, calls out to one of his maid, at the back of his
shoulder. They are all seated at the living room. Brayant is sitting on one of
the couches, with newspapers in his hands. He puts it down.

Brayant: Rafaela, cold drinks for Louise’s friends, please.

After calling out, Brayant faces Louise’s friends with a warm smile.

Brayant: I’m quite curious as to why you are all here when it is class hours.
(Looks at them solemnly.) I know you skipped classes, (Looks at Louise
nonchalantly, and to others) and I will let this pass, since I myself also
experienced what your all going through right now. Don’t make it a habit,

All: (They all nod their heads.) Of course, Tito.

Ella, Louise’s nanny retreats back to the living room, carrying with her a tray
with cold juice and glasses. She lays it down on the table.

Bryant: Here, have some drink, kids. (He ushers them, before he leaves to
work. He stands up.) If you need anything, feel free to ask anyone. I’ll be back
tomorrow morning since I have an urgent meeting.

Brayant left, bringing along his working bag with him.

Lance: Thanks, Tito. (All smiles at Brayant gratefully. He smiles back)

Louise: Bye, dad!

When Brayant leaves, they all roam their eyes around their surroundings,
taking everything in.

Destiny: Damn, this is such a chill hang-out session.

Lance: Let’s take a few pictures. (Everyone agrees, moving closer towards
each other.)

Lance pulls out his phone before him, and they all snap pictures of them. They
are all happy, laughing at each others make face while they are taking snaps.
Rianne: Why don’t we play some songs? (Looks at Miles) You can play the
guitar while I sing.

Dean: Oh, yeah. Do it, Miles. (Looks at Miles beamingly.)

Lance: Oh, gali, Miles. (Smiles at Miles encouragingly.)

Miles: Playing some songs won’t hurt. (Stoop her lips.)

Miles gets her guitar beside her, then began strumming. Everyone are quiet,
listening intently. Rianne begins singing.


After that, Louise goes to the kitchen, and brings with her a beer.

Rianne: Let the fun begin. (Chuckling)

They drink while laughing at each other’s jokes.

Rianne: Holy cow, I’m floating. Guys, I’m floating! (Smiling)

Miles: You’re just drunk, Yan. (Laughing)

Louise: Guys, I want to go home na. I feel like puking.

Lance: What? (Looking hazy) This is your house, Louise.

Louise: No, this isn’t. This is the Malakanyang Palace.

Dean: (Laughing) Just sleep it off, Louise. You’ll get better soon.

After they are sobered, or enough to walk straight, they went back to their
respective houses. Before going home, they bid their goodbyes. Louise is
passed out at the living room.

Miles: See you tomorrow, guys.

Louise: Yeah, I guess so.

Dean: Alright, bye you guys. Take care, Miles. (Smiles at Miles while ruffling
her hair)
All: Bye.

All went their separate ways while going home. Rianne is at her house, still
tipsy. She goes upstairs but slips in the process of doing so. She passes out.

Then, after three days, she wakes up in her room. Her parents, and her nanny
are there. Rianne opens her eyes slightly, squinting at the light of the room.
Ella notices this.

Ella: Rianne is awake! (Cries out)

May Joy: (Looks at Rianne, tears welling her eyes. She grabs her daighter’s
hand) Thank God, you are finally awake. You’ve been unconscious for three
days straight. (She hugs Rianne.)

AJ: (He comes up to his daughter’s side) We were worried sick, Yan.

Rianne: (Groans) What happened?

May Joy: You got into an accident. How are you feeling? (Still holding her
daughter’s hand) If there’s any part that hurts, we can always call the doctor
right away.

Ella: Yes, how are you?

Rianne remembers what happened, she closes her eyes, mentally telling
herself to have control over her drinking habit next time.

Rianne: I’m fine, just, let me sleep.

AJ: Okay, rest for now, Yan.

Waking up after a long day rest since she gets her consciousness, she is
immediately fine, weirdly with barely any setback. She immediately wants to
go to school, which is bizarre since she detest school. She goes to the dining
table where her parents are.

Rianne: I want to go to school today, dad.

AJ: Are you sure?

Ella: I think you should rest first, Yan.

May Joy: Shouldn’t you must recover first?

Rianne: Really, mom? I’m fine.

AJ and May Joy: Are you sure? (Looking worriedly)

Rianne: Yes, all I just want is to go back to school.

May Joy: (Sighs) If that’s what you want, okay. But if you feel any pain, just call
us, okay?

Rianne nods. Ella and Rianne enter Rianne’s room. Ella helps Rianne to get
ready for school. After they are done, Rianne thanks her nanny. Rianne is
staring at her reflection in the mirror, her nanny combing her hair.

Rianne: Thanks, Manang Ella.

Ella: (She stares at Rianne for a minute, before sighing) Are you absolutely
sure that you are fine?

Rianne: Yes, Manang. I’m completely fine. (She moves her body frantically)

Ella: Okay. Whatever you say, Yan. (She leaves Rianne’s room)

Rianne gets up and readies up her things for tomorrow, while her parents are
confused as to why she is very active as if nothing happened.

Ella: She is fine. It’s like nothing happened.

May Joy: That’s very odd.

AJ: Well, I have to work soon, so let’s just see each other in a while.
May Joy: Bye, honey. (Kisses AJ’s cheek)

Ella: Goodbye, mister.

Before leaving, AJ goes to Rianne’s room. He knocks. Rianne looks up from

fixing her things.

Rianne: Yes, dad?

AJ: I’ll be off to work, Yan. If anything happens, call your mom or me, okay? Be
careful. (He comes up to her and hugs her) Goodbye, Yan. I love you. Take
care, ‘kay?

Rianne: Noted, dad. And I love you too. Bye.

Chapter 2

Rianne goes to school. She is hyper and too smiling as if nothing fatal
happened to her.

Rianne: (Before she steps foot inside the school) Another day for more

She gets there and is welcomed by the hugs and greeting of all her friends and

Everyone: (Banters about how she is)

Rianne: (Raises her hands up) I’m fine, I’m fine. You guys, just relax.

Miles: Are you sure? Last time we checked you, looked like road kill.

Louise: Yeah, we thought you couldn’t make it. (Chuckles) But guess, we’re

Lance: Never mind that. What’s important is that she isn’t dead, right? (He
drape his arm around Rianne’s shoulder, ruffling her hair.)

Dean: Wow, that’s a terrible way of telling her we’re happy to see her.
Ram enters the room and went up to Rianne. He greets her. Rianne’s world
slows down as she sees her potential soul mate.

Ram: Hi, Rianne. I’m glad you’re back and now fully okay. I’ve missed you.

Rianne: Thanks, Ram—wait, what? You missed me?

Ram: (Scratched the back of his neck) Of course, WE did.

Rianne: We? (Chuckles while shaking her head) Oh, yeah, yeah. (Rianne looks

Out of nowhere, Ram hugs Rianne. Rianne, still in shock, is able to hug back.
Then, Ram lets go of the hug.

Ram: (Looking awkwardly) Okay then, see you.

Rianne: (Confuse, her brows furrow) But we are in the same class.

Ram: (Laughs nervously, scratching his neck) Oh, yeah.

Afterwards, class starts and Rianne begins to have a daydream.

Song: Can’t Help Falling in Love

It is quickly cut off and there goes teacher Uyi, just flat out gives a surprise
quiz, making everyone caught-off guard by the announcement.

Uyi: Alright people, we will have a surprise quiz today. No reviewing, no

anything. Just to test your stock knowledge.

Everyone in the room groans and just randomly screams in despair, while
others snicker. Reshanet gives the papers to the front rows, then it is
distributed to the back.

Rianne: (Looking panicked) Oh, no. I have been absent for 3 days, there is no
way I can answer anything. I’m screwed.

Joshua: Oh my, goodness. I didn’t listen to Ms. Uyi for 3 days. I’m literally
Joshua contemplates yet he decides to just copy the answer of the person
seated beside him, which is Rianne. Everyone is still in shock by the sudden
test, but just goes on with it.

Uyi: Guys, we will end in about an hour, so take your time as you pleases.

Miles: I’m so done for this, but I think I can manage. Ugh.

Louise: (Looks at the questions) Oh, I think I know most of these. (Proceeds to

Lance: (Scoffing funnily) Pft, this is going to be so easy.

Destiny: (Staring at the questions) I’m so dead. Yeah, definitely.

Dean (Thinking) Hmm. *Strokes Chin*

Rianne: (Looking at the questions, then stares at it) Wait, I know this…and
this. And this, And this. Oh my, God. (Gasps) Why do I know the answers to
these questions? I didn’t study at all and I was absent for three days straight.
No way. (Confuse but then she shrugs and continue to answer the test).

Rianne answers the test easily, and Joshua also has answers because of
Rianne. Everyone is finish before the bell rings.

Uyi: Okay, (Looks at her watch) time is up, people. Please pass your paper.

Everyone gets up and passes their paper to Uyi. Then, they leave for their last
class and go home afterwards. Rianne is by her locker, putting her books

Rianne: (Pondering deeply) How do I know all of those answers? Hmm.

Probably because I’ve read about them. But that’s not possible, is it?

Everyone goes home together, and Rianne, is left dragging at the back.

Destiny: Hey, Rianne! What’s the hold up? (Comes up to Rianne)

Rianne: Nothing. (Smiles then shrugs) I just…feel weird today.

Lance: (Looking worried) Do you need more time to recover?

Rianne: (Shakes her head) No, I’m alright. (Smiles at them) See you tomorrow,

Everyone: (Looks at each other) Bye, Yan.

Rianne goes home and gets set up by Ella.

Chapter 3

The next day, the first thing in the morning, May Joy wakes Rianne up. It’s
about a certain matter that ‘s why Rianne’s parents are called to the principal.
Ella is preparing Rianne’s uniform for school.

Ella: (Nudges Rianne softly) You might want to wake up now, Rianne.

Rianne groans, and rolled to the other side of the bed, pulling the mattress
closer to her body.

May Joy: (Shaking Rianne lightly) We have to go to school now, Yan. So you
need to wake up now. It’s something you did at school.

With that, Rianne abruptly stood up. She is confused as to what she did wrong
that might, to the point, will have to call her parents to the school.

Rianne: What happened?

May Joy: Your teacher called, again. For the third time this morning.

Rianne: I just recovered from an accident, I swear this time, I didn't do

anything stupid nor harmful. (Looking defensive)

May Joy: *Shakes her head* Oh, I know you did something wrong, young lady.
You’re unbelievable. You just returned back to school after three days of being
asleep because of an accident due to you being drunk, and now you did
something wrong? I can’t believe this, Yan. You’re being way out of control.

Rianne and her mother go to the principal office, where Rianne’s professor in
Biology, Ms. Uyi, is there. They are seated at the table of Ms. Uyi.
May Joy: What did my daughter did again?

Uyi: Your daughter scored perfect on my SURPRISE test, despite being absent
for the duration of the lesson.

May Joy: (Snaps at the professor angrily) You called me just for that? Like,
how is this a problem? Isn’t it something that we should celebrate about
instead of reporting it. With all due respect.

Uyi: Mrs. Quitevis, we both know your child is not the smartest
student...(glances at Rianne) and is a rebel.

May Joy: So? Maybe she has a hidden talent?

Uyi: Maybe, but she isn’t the only one though…

Rianne: (Confuse) What do you mean?

Uyi: Joshua, Rianne’s classmate who is seated beside her also got a perfect
score. We just wanted to implore that this school does not tolerate cheating.

Joshua enters the room of the principal, after knocking.

Joshua: (Looks at Rianne’s mother and to the principal). I was told to come
here. (Joshua is standing at the doorway.)

Uyi: Well, hello to you Mr. Joshua. Please have a sit.

He sits down beside Rianne, while Rianne’s mother is opposite to where

Rianne is seated.

Uyi: (Looks at Joshua intently) Quick question, how did you get a perfect

Joshua: (Looking skeptical and nervous) Will I get in trouble?

Uyi: (Arches her head high) Not if you say the truth, but it depends. But you’ll
get in much trouble if you won’t say the truth.

Joshua: (Glances at Rianne nervously. He gulps) I copied it from Rianne. She

didn’t cheat though.
Uyi and May Joy: (Shock) What?!

Uyi: (Looking disbelievingly) There must be a certain reason as to why you

aren’t telling the truth. (Glances at Rianne heatedly) Ms. Rianne, I am giving
you the chance to tell the truth.

Rianne: Joshua is telling the truth, Miss. I honestly don’t know how I know the
answers to those questions, it just came popped in inside my head.

Uyi: This is ridiculous and complete nonsense.

Rianne: (Annoyed) So, what if I got a perfect score? If I did cheat, then you
would have found out about it since I was seated in the front. If you won’t
believe me, then how do I prove my innocence?

Uyi: You must retake the test now and in here.

Rianne: Alright, no problem. (Shrugs casually)

May Joy: I guess we’re done discussing this. Let us see then.

Rianne takes the test, answering smoothly without any pauses. Uyi and May
Joy intently are intently watching Rianne answers. Afterwards, after 20
minutes passes.

Uyi: Time is up, Miss Rianne.

On cue, Rianne stops writing. She gives her paper to Uyi, while Uyi looks
intently at the paper comparing it on Rianne’s previous test. Uyi is in shock.

Uyi: How is this possible? (She glances at Rianne’s mother who is as shock as

Rianne: (Shrugs) I honestly don’t know. I just suddenly know these things.

May Joy: (Curious) Since when did you know these things?

Rianne: Since I woke up yesterday.

Uyi: (Looks at Rianne’s mother and to Joshua who are thinking deeply, then
looks at each other) Could it be?
All: It’s because of the accident.

Chapter 4

The next day later, at school, Rianne tells her friends about what happened.

Destiny: Are you sure that is the case?

Dean: Yeah. It sounds quite skeptical, but it’s possible. (Looks at Rianne)

Miles: I believe you, Yan.

Lance: (Amused) Wow, that’s so cool.

Rianne: I will have to deal with this for now. Sucks.

Lance: (Looks at Rianne) Well, this is a good thing, isn’t it? (Glances at

All: How?

Lance: (Looking smugly) It has lots of advantages. Tests are going to be so

easy now.

All: That’s a bad idea.

Louise: Definitely. Since this school is so strict when it comes to cheating, and
following rules.

Lance: (Chuckles) You might have forgotten that the sentence “following
rules” doesn’t apply to us, right? (Looks at everyone, discussing his plan) If we
don’t get caught, it’s not cheating. It’s teamwork.

Destiny: (Smirks) Makes sense.

Lance: Speaking of which, (putting his point-finger on his chin, thinking) let’s
do it for todays test in Science.

Rianne: (Contemplating) Are you sure it’s a good idea?

Dean: Well, I have a plan.

They huddle up, and Lance discusses his dirty plan to his group of friends.
Then, the bell rings. They all go to their classroom for their next class, Science.

Uyi: Alright, we’re going to have a quick multiple test for today as I said last

Everyone: (Under their breathe) Yes, this is going to be easy.

Uyi distributed the test paper to everyone. After she is done, she goes back in
front of everyone.

Uyi: You may now answer your test paper. (Everyone starts writing, but only
their names)

Joshua and Lance copies Rianne’s test paper answers, then, he gives signs to
everyone at the back of what’s the answer, while one person takes turn to
distract the teacher.

Uyi: Time’s up. Please pass your papers forward, and to the center isle. Then,
class is dismissed.

After their papers are pass, they all greet each other, giving thanks to Rianne
for the answers.

Everyone in the class: Cheers and thanks to Rianne!

Ram: In Rianne, we trust! (Rianne blushes)

All: To Rianne’s intelligence!

They all go home after bidding goodbye to everyone. The group of friends bid
their goodbyes’ to each other.

Dean: Bye, Miles! (He gives Miles a side-hug)

Miles: Bye, Dean. Bye, Louise.

All: Bye! Bye, everyone!

Chapter 5

All of Rianne’s friends are called to the office of Miss Uyi. It is not the first time
that they have been at the principal’s office since they are clearly the group of
trouble makers. But they are confused as to why they are called since they
haven’t done anything rebel yet.

Rianne: (Annoyed) Come on, what is it this time?

Louise: I know right. We haven’t done any troubles yet.

Lance: I’m also confused as to why the principal’s calling us.

Miles: You all know she’s crazy. What do you all expect? (She says matter-of-
factly while rolling her eyes.)

Destiny: Let us just hope that it isn’t bad.

Louise and Destiny panic, while Lance, Rianne, Miles and Dean are all chill
after being used to always being called to the principal’s office.


Destiny: Oh my god. (Gasps) Maybe because we copied Rianne’s answers? Did

we get caught?

Lance: (Calmly shrugs) Basin. But I don’t know.

Dean: Don’t sweat too much, y’all. It’ll be nothing. There’s no need to worry.

They all go to the principal’s office, where Uyi awaits for their arrival. Uyi
beckons them to take a seat.

Uyi: I anticipated that you people would cheat. Well, it isn’t a surprise
considering you all have a bad reputation.

Dean: (Snaps) How would you know that? You don’t have proof.

Uyi: Well, considering Rianne's paper is different from the rest of the class, yet
all of you have the same answer as her, even up to the essay.
Miles: (Sweating from nervousness) Oh, god.

Everyone looks everywhere but at Miss Uyi, avoideng her scrutinizing gaze.
All of their hearts went speed dial.

Lance: (Mutters under his breathe) We’re screwed.

Uyi: (Glances at each one of them) Now, you will have to face the
consequences, regardless if you’re going to tell the truth or not, because I
know you all copied all of Rianne’s answers.

Louise: (Looks at Uyi) Like what?

Uyi: Cleaning the entire school, up to the first floor and to the third floor.

All: (Shocks and mouth agape) What?!

Destiny: That’s just cruel.

Uyi: Well, you all left me with no choice. And you all surely deserve it.

Dean: That’s fair. (Looking at everyone)

Everybody punches and slaps Dean due to what he said. They all don’t have
any choice but to obey Miss Uyi’s punishment.

Rianne: Okay. Fine.

They all go to the quadrangle, and eventually they all start cleaning the school.

Lance: (Picks up garbage and throws it to the plastic bag he’s holding) Ugh,
this is so boring.

Destiny: (Complains) Can we do something else? This is way too tiring.

Lance, the ultimate trouble maker of the group, throws a can garbage at
Destiny. He smirks at her.

Destiny: Ouch! That hurts, you idiot.

Lance: Now, that’s not boring, so, please, let’s continue with this so we can
finish early.

Destiny: (throws back the can garbage to Lance) How’s that feel, yeah?

Then, eventually, everyone slowly joins in the throwing of garbage to each

other. They are laughing while doing so.

Song: Best Day of My Life

After they are finished garbage fighting, they start to clean up the mess they
all made.

Miles: Come on, let’s clean this all up. (Everyone nods their heads)

Chapter 6

Ella: Rianne, you should wake up now. (Shaking Rianne lightly)

Ella wakes Rianne up. Rianne’s mother commands to Ella to wake Rianne up,
since there’s a big surprise that awaits for her.

Rianne: (Opens her eyes, squinting at the sunlight from the window) I’m up,
I’m up. (She rises up, yawning)

Ella: I have a bad news to you, Yan.

With that, Rianne quickly straighten up, her sleepiness leaving her system.
Her whole mindset is focused to what news her nanny will tell her.

Ella: Your parents are moving you to another school, Yan.

Rianne: (Her eyes widen) What?! NO! No way.

Rianne rises, and strides to the dining room, where her parents are seated at
the dining table. Her father is reading newspaper, while her mother is
checking her phone.

Rianne: Mom, dad. Is it true that you are going to transfer me to a new school?
May Joy: Yes, Yan. It’s for your own sake.

Rianne: (Shakes her head) No, mom. I refuse to do your heading. I don’t want
to transfer school and to leave my friends.

May Joy: (Comes up to her daughter) Your father and I know that. But since
you’re way too intelligent for your age, we decided to transfer you to a more
prestigious school that can keep up your knowledge.

Rianne: (Shakes her head) I don’t want to.

AJ puts down his newspaper and looks at Rianne.

AJ: You have no choice, your mother and I already signed you up, Yan.

Rianne: (Sighs in defeat) If you're transferring me, at least give me more time,

May Joy: We can make amendments, since you’re only our unica ijah. And yes,
we’re going to give you time.

Rianne: (Crouched shoulders) I already know I’m not going to win this, so the
point of fighting is totally useless.

May Joy: (Bliss) Very well, it will be in two months the least.

Song: Mother Knows Best

Rianne: (Half smiles sadly) Thanks, mom.

She retreats back to her room. Ella is there, fixing her things for school. Rianne
sits down at the edge of her bed.

Ella: Don’t be too sad, Yan. I think you will have so much more opportunities

Rianne: (She lays down exasperatedly) But nanny, I don’t want to go. Why
can’t they respect my decision? This is all because of that stupid accident. Ugh.
Ella: (Comforts her) I’m sorry, Yan. This is your mother we’re talking about.

Rianne: I’m scared, Manang.

Ella: Don’t worry, Yan, I will always be here, and so as your friends.

Speaking of which, Rianne calls her friends’. She told them to meet up at their
escape place which is Louise’s massive house, where they are always welcome
to come.

Rianne: Let’s meet up at Louise’s house, It’s important, guys. See you all.
(Then, the call ends)

Rianne goes to Louise's house. She is greeted by Louise’s father, Brayant,

who’s reading a novel.

Bryant: Welcome, Rianne.

Rianne: (Nagmano to Brayant as respect) Good morning. Are they already

here, Tito?

Bryant: They have all been waiting for you. They are at the backyard. (He
beckons behind him)

Rianne: Ah, thank you, Tito. (Brayant just nodded)

Rianne goes to the backyard. Her group of friends are seated at the ground, in
an Indian seat.

Everyone: Rianne, what happened?

Miles: Is everything okay?

Rianne: (Seats down on the ground) You see...My parents…they are

transferring me in a new school in two months. Because they want me to
study in a school that can keep up with my “intelligent” mind, which a total
nonsense. (She gives the quotation hand to the word intelligent)

Louise: What? NO!

Destiny: Oh, no.

Song: Where I Stand

Dean: (Thinking) What do we do?

Lance: (He grimaces) This is bad. Totally bad.

Destiny: We definitely need to do something about this.

Rianne: (Sighs in defeat) It’s already decided, guys. My parents already signed
the papers.

Dean: I think there is still a chance. You know, everything is possible.

Lance: Kita pa? We can always find ways. (Smirks)

Rianne: (Her interest is piqued at what Lance said) How?

Dean: Well, we can change their minds by telling them that you were only
cheating, and you just acted smart so you would not get in trouble. You could
retake the test again, and this time, you must get a failing score.

Louise: That’s not rocket science, but it could be

Miles: (Thinking) Mhm, that could work.

Destiny: So, it’s settled then. You tell them that you were actually just cheating,
retake a test and flunk it, so you can’t transfer school.

Rianne: I never doubted you, guys. (Smiling gratefully)

Lance: (Glances at everyone) Alright, let’s do it.

They all look at each other, having a smug smiles plaster on their faces,
thinking their plan out.

Chapter 7

Rianne is at her house. It is morning. She is in her room, putting her things in
her bag for her afternoon classes. Her nanny, Ella, knocks on the door.
Rianne: Yeah? (Still writing)

Ella: It’s time to eat lunch, Yan.

Rianne: No, thanks, Manang.

Ella: Are you full?

Rianne: No, Manang. (Looks at Ella) I’m just excited.

Ella: Okay. (Smiles) Good luck with what you are excited with.

Rianne: Thanks, Nanny.

Rianne goes to school and talks to her principal and Science teacher at the
same time. She knocks on the door, and let herself in inside the office.

Uyi: (Looks up from her writing and after seeing who it is, she went back to
writing down) What is it, Miss Rianne?

Rianne: (She sighed deeply) I have to clean my conscience, Miss Reshanet. I’m
not actually smart. I was just cheating the whole time.

Uyi stops writing, and puts her whole attention to Rianne who is sitting before

Uyi: (Skeptical) Are you sure? Your results are pretty clean, and we were
watching you while you were taking your tests. You weren’t cheating.

Rianne: I’m sure, Miss. I’m so sorry I lied to you.

Uyi: (Sighs) Alright, we are taking a retest, again.

Uyi gives a random true or false test, to fully test the knowledge and capacity
of Rianne, and whether to know if she’s really telling the truth that she was
cheating during the exam. She gives it to Rianne.

Uyi: You may now begin, Miss Reshanet. It’ll only be one hour since I have a
class in two. (Rianne nods in return)
Rianne: Yes, Miss.

Uyi is intently watching Rianne answer. She sees that Rianne is taking at least
three minutes to answer every question. She squints her eyes.

Uyi: (Mutter under her breathe) Something isn’t right.

Rianne: (Whispers) This test is way too easy. I’ll just make my test have no
points at all. Then, I’ll be safe.

After answering, she is told to wait for a bit. She sits at one of the seating seats.
Reshanet calls Casey, the president of the school, to help her check the paper
of Rianne. Casey enters the office of the principal. They both check the paper
of Rianne.

Casey: (Looking at the paper, then to Rianne) Miss Rianne, come here.

Rianne comes over to her. While doing so, she mutters under her breathe, that
only she can her.

Rianne: (Smiling secretly) Yes, I have succeeded in failing the test.

She seats at the visitors seat behind the table of the principal.

Uyi: (Looks at her seriously) You have been lying, haven't you?

Rianne: (Confused to what she means) What?

Casey: It’s a hundred item test, Miss Rianne.

Rianne: And…?

Casey: The probability of one number being correct is fifty percent each, and
on a one hundred item test you should score around fifty, but you did not even
score once. Which means, you know the answer to everything but chose to
answer it all incorrectly.

Rianne: No, I honestly didn’t know the answers that’s why I got it all wrong.
I’m sorry, but I’m stupid, not smart.

Uyi: I’m sorry, but you are still moving to a new school, Miss Rianne.
Rianne: (Confused) How do you that I’m moving to a new school?

Uyi: Actually, we were the ones who suggested it to your parents.

Rianne is in shock. Her forehead ceases. So, they are the one who implanted
the idea into her parents minds.

Rianne: I’m so sorry. Please don’t tell my parents about this, please.

Casey: As long as you agree on moving, we will keep our mouth shut.

Rianne sighs in defeat. Her shoulders slouched down.

Rianne: Okay.


Chapter 8

One morning, they are at class. They hear about the news that there are
changes to the Deans perspective at school, that’ll meant to uplift the school’s

Dean: (Mutters) I’m scared, maybe Miles will leave my life too.

Dean is seated at his usual seat, doodling on his notebook. Some of his
classmates are playing with their phones, while others are chattering to their
friends. Miles goes by, and notices Dean. Miles sits beside Dean.

Dean: H-hi, Miles. (Smiles)

Miles: (Her brows furrowed) Why are you stuttering? You only stutter wjen
you’re nervous.

Dean: (Scratches the back of his neck) Well, I-I’ve been meaning to tell you
something. (Smiles awkwardly)

Miles: (Curious) What?

Dean: W-well, you see, uhm…

Miles: What? What is it you’re going to tell me, Dean?

Dean: I think, Ihavefallenforyou.

Dean says it abruptly, while Miles does not catches what Dean said.

Miles: (Chuckles) I didn’t catch that. Speak slower, Dean. You were talking so

Dean: (Breathes deeply) I think…I think I’ve fallen in love with you.

Miles: (Speechless for two straight minutes) Oh, god.

Dean: I think I would have a bright future with you, Miles. (He holds Miles

Miles: (Miles let go of Dean’s hold) Dean...I have another.

Dean is silent, and in immediate shock. He is rooted in his spot. He can’t move.
He just stares at Miles.

Miles: (Stands up, looks at Dean apologetically) I’m so sorry, Dean.

Dean: It’s okay, Miles. I guess everyone doesn’t always get what they want. But
that’s okay. I’m okay.

Miles leaves, leaving Dean frozen and wounded. He laughs bitterly, punching
his head.

Song: Can I Be Him

Later on, Miles comes up to Dean, to clarify everything and to fix their tinted

Miles: Man that was rough. But that really boosted my confidence. I think, in
return, I might confess as well.

Dean: (Whispers) Okay.

Dean is listening all that time. He still can’t speak. Miles calls someone on her
Miles: Can I see you right now? Okay. I’m in the classroom. Yeah, it’s
important. Meet me outside the classroom. Yeah, bye.

Miles goes out of the classroom, while Dean follows after her. Later on, Louise
is standing before Miles and Dean. Miles smiles at Louise, while Dean is still

Miles: Louise. (Looks at her seriously)

Louise: Yeah, what is it?

Miles: I have to tell you something very important. (She steps closer to Louise)

Louise: (Her forehead creases) What is it?

Miles: You see, I’m not really a girl. (She said while closing her eyes on the last

Louise: (Laughs) You’re being funny. Of course, you’re a girl!

Miles: I-I’m a tomboy, a lesbian.

Dean, who is behind Miles, is shock, his eyes widen and so as Louise’s, both of
their jaws went flat down the floor.

Louise: (Regains herself) Well, that’s…cool. I support you. We will all support
you. Right, Dean? (Dean does not response)

Miles: (Looks intently at Louise) There’s more.

Louise: Okay. What is it, Miles?

Miles: You see, I’m a tomboy…and, and…(breathes deeply) And I’m in love
with you, Louise.

Dean and Louise went haywire to what they heard from Miles. They both stop
in their track. Dean looks too pained, while Louise is too shocked.

Louise: What?!
Miles: I just wanted to get this out, Louise. I’m so tired of hiding my feelings

Louise hugs Miles, that makes Miles caught off her guard. Dean stares at them,
not believing what he’s seeing before him.

Louise: It’s okay. I understand you.

Miles: (Smiling while looking at Louise) What now?

Louise: (Smiling) Mhm, I can give you a chance.

Miles screams for joy. She hugs Louise again out of too much happiness. Dean
feels hurt that he left. He ran off to nowhere where he can find cure to his
aching heart.

Song: Just The Way You Are

Destiny, who is outside, is watching them. She smiles as to what she is seeing,
although unaware of Dean’s heart ache.

Destiny: I wonder if Miles confessed? What would I give for a man like that?

Juan stares at Destiny who’s before him. He looks at her intently.

Juan: (Mutters) What would I give to have a girl like that?

Rianne, who’s at the door, is also stalking in the distance, witnessing the
happenings before her.

Rianne: If only.

Chapter 9

Rianne and her group of friends is at Louise’s house. They are just sitting at
the ground in Louise’s backyard.

Miles: Did it go well with Miss Reshanet?

Rianne: No, they knew I was bluffing and I intentionally answered the test

Dean: What? How?

Rianne explains to everyone what exactly happened within the principal’s


Rianne: First of, Miss Reshanet and Miss Casey suggested to my parents that I
should be transferred to a more advance school, and earlier, I did successfully
flunked and failed the test, but unfortunately, Miss Casey didn’t believe it. She,
along with Miss Reshanet were the one who checked my test paper. (Whispers
lightly) I don’t know, but they just find out…and I’m really going to move to a
new school two months from now. (Sighs deeply)

Destiny: (Looks at everyone) So, now what?

Rianne: (Glances at everyone sadly) We agreed that they won’t tell on me as

long as I transfer.

Lance: We lost then.

Louise: All that we can do now, is to cherish the time we have left.

Rianne: Basically, yes.

Dean: Let’s just appreciate the things we have, before they become the thing
we had.

Rianne purred at that, and so as Miles, Destiny, and Louise. They all smiled at
each other.

Rianne: I’m never going to forget you all. You’re the reason why my life
became bearable.

They all hugged Rianne. They are all hugging each other, tears are brimming
their eyes. They wipe it off by the back of their hands while laughing it off.

Destiny: Let’s not cry because it’s over, let’s all smile because it happened.

Everyone nods in agreement to what Dean said.

Miles: Yes, that’s the spirit!

Out of nowhere, Rianne’s phone is ringing. She fetches it out of her pocket. The
name caller is Rianne’s nanny. She answers the call.

Rianne: Yes, Manang? What?! Wait for me, I’ll be there. (She ends the call) I
have to go, guys, something came up. (She said worriedly)

Lance: Okay.

Louise: Do you need us to take you home?

Rianne: No, I can manage. I really have to go. I’ll just see myself out. Bye!

All: Bye, Yan!

Destiny: Take care, Yan!

Rianne rushes home, and when she arrives, she comes up to her nanny
worriedly. She catches her nanny packing her clothes inside her luggage.

Rianne: Manang, what happened?

Ella: (Sobbing) Rianne, I’m so sorry.

Rianne: Why?!

Ella: I’m leaving.

Rianne breaks drown, her tears falling. She feels as though everybody
conspires to bring her down into her knees.

Rianne: No, Manang. You’re all that I have aside from my friends. (Cries)

Ella: (Sobbing) I am so sorry, but I have to go back to my daughter. She is very

sick, Yan.

Rianne: But you’ll come back right, Manang? (She looks at Ella)

Ella: (Sighs) I can't promise I will comeback, but I will surely miss you, Yanni.
Rianne: Manang! (She cries harder, then hugs her nanny tightly, which her
nanny hugs her back in return.)

Ella: You know, you are like a daughter I never had. (She rubs her hand on
Rianne’s back)

Rianne: You are the only one I have left, aside from my friends. Please don’t
leave too. (She begs)

Ella: (She cups the face of Rianne in her hands, giving a soothing touch)
Remember me the same way I’ll remember you. (She kisses Rianne’s cheek)

Song: Cup song

Chapter 10

Everyone is in the classroom, as usual, their professor is late again. Some of

Rianne’s classmate is playing with their gadgets, some are talking, some are
laughing at told jokes, while Rianne’s group is seated in circle, except for
Destiny who has still not arrived yet.

Ram: Rianne, Miss Casey said she wants to see you in her office right now.

Rianne: (Smiles) Thanks, Ram. (Then, she creases her forehead) Ugh! I didn’t
even do anything at all this time. (She releases a deep exasperated breathe)

Rianne goes out of her classroom, and goes to the president’s office. Before
going in, she knocks.

Casey: Come in. (Rianne enters.)

Casey: Please have a sit. (She beckons to the seat before her table)

Casey: No worries, everything is okay, Rianne. It isn’t about you.

Rianne: Who is it about then?

Casey: Do you know where Destiny is?

Rianne: I don’t know, Miss. Why?

Casey: Just tell her to meet me here when you see her. You can now leave.
Thank you.

Rianne: Okay, Miss. (Mutters) Destiny is so dead.

Rianne goes out and back to the classroom. As if on cue, Destiny finally arrives.
Rianne comes up to her.

Rianne: Destiny, Miss Casey said that she wanted to meet with you at her
office now.

Destiny: (Looks frightened) What?! What did I do?

Rianne: Beats me. Just go with it. It might be nothing, who knows?

Destiny: (Looks scared) Okay.

Destiny goes to the office of Miss Casey, and there, seated on one of the visitor
chairs, is Juan—Destiny’s ultimate crush. She sees Juan and she blushes. Both
herr and Juan make eye-contact. She seats down opposite to Juan’s.

Destiny: (She looks everywhere before at Juan) What are you doing here?

Juan: I was called here.

Destiny: (Her forehead increases) What? You too?

Juan: Yeah, that’s why I’m here.

Eventually, Ms. Casey, enters her office, and made her way on her table. She
sits down, then looks at Juan and Destiny.

Casey: I’m sorry if I kept you wait. Something came up. So anyways, I’m going
straight to the point. You both are not graduating.

Juan and Destiny: What?! Why?

Casey: Unless, you do a special project. It’s both up to you.

Destiny: What is it?

Juan: As long as I don’t fail and I can graduate, okay.

Juan: Could it be a special project by pair?

Destiny: What?! NO!

Casey: (Gets a file in her drawer) Yes, it’ll be a project by pair. Here’s the
project. It must be passed a week from now. You must make a thesis, at least
ten-thousand words. It must be encoded.

Casey gives instructions to the project to the both of them, for they’ll be able
to have a passing grade and to be able to graduate.

Destiny: (Sighs) Fine, as long as I graduate.

Juan: (Looks at Destiny) Shall we?

Juan grabs Destiny, and they start making the project that Miss Casey gives
them. Throughout the making of it, Juaan and Destiny flirt, while they make
the project. Afterwards, they go to Rianne for help.

Rianne: (Smiles) Oh, I can help.

Destiny: Yey, thanks, Rianne! (Raianne just smiles in return)

Juan drapes his arm on Destiny’s shoulder. Destiny doesn’t mind about it,
although she is secretly smiling about it.

Juan: We appreciate it, really, Yan. Thanks.

Destiny: At last, we can finish this.

Rianne: (Looks at the both of them) You two look so good together. (Rianne
chuckles as Destiny blushes)

Juan: Of course, we do. (Destiny blushes even more, preventing her smile from

Destiny: Ugh, NO!

Ram approaches them, and just like as to what Juan did to Destiny, Ram also
drapes his arm around Rianne’s shoulder.

Ram: Like us. (He smirks while Rianne blushes)

Destiny: Oh my, god! You two are together! Am I right, right? (Beaming)

Ram: (He looks at Rianne) We definitely are.

Song:I Like You So Much

Juan: (He looks at Ram) Bro, how?

Ram: I confessed, courted and she said yes. All in all yesterday.

Juan: (Laughs) I’m glad you had your balls straightened.

Rianne: You guys need more help? Because we’re going out tonight.

Destiny squealed and gushed at Rianne and Ram.

Juan: Nah, we can manage. You guys take care.

Rianne: Okay. (Looks at Ram) Let’s go, babe.

Ram: Yeah, let’s go. (Before leaving, Ram and Rianne bid their goodbyes to
Juan and Destiny.

Later that evening, Rianne and Ram go on a date. It is just a casual date, in
their comfortable clothes and tasty food. They are now at a park, with foods
im their hands. Ram looks at Rianne.

Ram: I feel like I’m the most luckiest guy in the whole world right now. I am so
blessed to have you, Yan.

Rianne: (Looks Ram and smiles) Imcorrect. I am the one who’s blessed to have

Ram side hugs Rianne, while giving a kiss on the topmost head of Rianne.
Everything is perfect that evening.

Song: Even The Nights Are Better

Then they go home. Ram walks Rianne to her house. After she gets home,
Rianne hugs Ram.

Rianne: Thank you for this evening. (Smiles then quickly kisses his cheek
before running to her room. Rianne plops down in her bed, breathing heavily.
She still keeps on humming the song throughout the night.

Chapter 11

Destiny and Juan continue with doing their project. They are at one of the
school bench, sitting, and with their laptops on.

Juan: Let’s just first finish at least five pages of the thesis for today. Is that

Destiny: Yeah, it is.

If anyone sees them, they’d know right away that they are low-key flirting,
especially, with the obvious glances that they keep throwing at each other.

Juan: (Can’t take it anymore) We both know what we feel for each other.
(Looks at Destiny.

Destiny: (Doesn’t look at Juan) Uhm, no.

Juan kisses Destiny's forehead. Destiny is taken aback. She doesn’t expect to
happen what just happened.

Destiny: (Fidgeting) I admit we have mutual feelings. (Then, she looks at


Song: Love Someone

Afterwards, they continued with their project, typing right away.

Juan: Well, we’re on the fifth page now. (Stares at laptop)

Destiny: (Looks at Juan) What now?

Juan: (Looks at Destiny slowly while smiling) I think we’re dating now.

Destiny: (Squeals then hugs Juan) Oh my, god, yes! (Turns serious) But first,
me must finish our project

Juan: (Beams) Oh yeah, right.

Song: Shut Up And Dance With Me

Chapter 12

Time passes by so fast. It’s been almost three weeks now. Rianne is at the
school hallways, walking her way to her classroom.

Rianne: Hm, Ram hasn’t been around me for a week now. (She fetches her
phone and checks if Ram texts her) And he hasn’t texted nor called me

Bell rings.


(Changes to the perspective of Ram and Louise eating together at the


Louise: Aren’t you and Rianne dating?

Ram: (Shrugs casually) Yeah, but I think you are much more than she will ever
be, Louise.

Louise: So all this time, you’re just playing on Rianne? (Angry)

Ram: No, I wasn’t playing on Rianne. In fact, I loved her, but it eventually
faded. She is no fun. (Ram reaches for Louise’s hand, he holds it)

Miles comes by the cafeteria, to buy snacks, but instead, she sees something
horrendous. She catches sight of how Ram holds Louise’s hands. She feels
betrayed. Louise, on the other hand, lets go of Ram’s hold.

Miles: (Comes up to them) What the heck? What’s the meaning of this?
Louise: (Stands up) Miles, it’s not what you think it is! I can explain.

Miles: You don’t have to, I’ve seen enough. (Miles runs off to their classroom,
angry, hurt and definitely hungry)

Miles goes to Rianne, who’s sitting at the back of the class, eating.

Miles: Rianne, Ram is with my girlfriend.

Rianne: (Her brows furrow) What are you talking about Miles? (She stops

Miles: I saw them at the cafeteria, and it doesn’t look like any friends would do
to each other, because they are holding hands, and it’s just the two of them. I
heard what they said, that Ram got bored of you.

Rianne drops her food to the floor, unable to decipher things that Miles said.
Rianne shakes her.

Rianne: I knew it.

Miles: Let’s go! RIGHT NOW.

They both rush to Ram and Louise are. They go to the cafeteria, and sitting on
one of the tables, are Louise and Ram.

Miles: What the hell are you doing?

Rianne: All these time, Ram? You are cheating on me with my best friend?
Really? Out of all people? (Ram keeps mummed.)

Louise: (Looks down) I’m so sorry, Yan, but I swear, I didn’t give in to him. I
just treated him as a friend. That’s just that.

Miles: (Looks at Louise) Really, Louise? Because right now, I don’t think if
whether you’re the Louise I’ve known and loved.

Louise: (She is about to reach Miles but Miles shakes her head) I’m so sorry.

Rianne: Ram, explain to me why you did what you did?

Ram: (Looking at her casually) It’s nothing.

Rianne: I’m only just crazy, definitely not stupid.

Ram: You want explanation? Okay. I’ve fallen out of love to you. You aren’t
worth it. That simple. (Sneers)

Rianne looks sideways, laughing bitterly. She keeps herself from crying. Miles,
on the other hand, is too furious at Ram.

Ram: (Looks at both Rianne and Miles) I love Louise.

Miles: (Angry) She’s mine! My girlfriend, you cheater!

Ram: (Looks smugly at Miles) She doesn’t deserve you.

Miles: And you think she deserves you? (Snickers) I’ll show you. (Miles, out of
the blue, punches Ram hardly in the face.)

They fight it physically out, Ram defending himself, until their respective
lovers stop them. Rianne takes hold of Ram, while also Louise with Miles. They
stop. They are both heaving from the fight.

Miles: You cheated on your girl, with my girlfriend. (Looks heatedly Ram)

Ram: I never knew she was taken.

Rianne: (Lets go of Ram and looks at him) But I thought we were together?

Ram: (He looks back) We—we are.

Rianne: No, we were.

Ram: What do you mean? Don’t say we’re over.

Rianne: Yes, we are over, Ram. After what you did and said? You think I’s still
get back with you? No. (Whispers) I thought you loved me the same way I
oved you. I guess I was wrong.

Ram stands still. His doings downed in him. He keeps mummed.

Louise: (Looks at Rianne and Miles) I am so, so sorry. I thought he was just
trying to be my friend, but I got carried away. (Rianne keeps quiet, and so as

Miles: (Looks at Louise) We need to talk.

Rianne leaves, leaving them behind. Miles and Louise go somewhere to also

Ram: What have I done?

Song: We Don't Talk Anymore

Chapter 13

Rianne is at her house, laying in her bed. It’s been a week now after what
happened. She thinks it’s time to forgive anyone who’ve hurt her.

Rianne: It’s time. (She breathes deeply, getting her phone and calling her
friends right away)

Rianne: Dean, let’s meet at Louise’s house. Tell the others.

After a while, they meet up outside at Louise’s house. Her friends know about
what happened. They are now at Louise’s backyard.

Destiny: Rianne, is it time?

Rianne: Yes, it is

Miles and Louise are holding hands. They already talked, and Miles gives
Louise a second chance after what she did. But most of all, she has already
forgive Louise.

Miles: We will miss you, Rianne. (Smiles)

Louise: Yeah, the both of us (While draping her arm around Miles shoulder)

Dean: This is goodbye. Don’t make me say more because I might cry.
Lance: I’m sorry for being a bad friend sometimes, I hope you find good
friends there. But! There’s no forgetting! That’s number one most cruacial

Destiny: Hey! We’re good friends.

Rianne: No. (They all pause, shock. They all stare at Rianne in silence.) But you
guys were the best. (Rianne smiles)

They all hug each other, tears flowing their eyes and giving each other a sad
smile. Brayant, Louise father joins in. They are confused.

Bryant: I’ve been listening. You guys need a remembrance. Gather around,

They do so and pose. Bryant takes a picture with flash.

Bryant: Alright, there we go (While looking at the picture he takes, then

Brayant leaves them)


Rianne: (They hug again) Goodbye, guys.

Dean: Wait, Yan!

Rianne: What?

Lance: We called someone else to come here. (Ram enters the scene. Rianne
sees him. She just stares at him. The group leaves, letting the two have their

Ram: (He came up to her) Hey.

Rianne: Hey.

Ram: You're going now, huh?

Rianne: Yeah. I guess, this is goodbye?

Ram: I think so. But always know that I loved you, okay? You were worth it,
Rianne. I wasn’t just the right guy to appreciate that.

Rianne: Thanks for that. And to tell you the truth, you did really hurt me. But I
guess, one must experience things to be able to learn. You will always be my
favorite lesson that I’ve learned, Ram. Goodbye. (Sadly smiles)

Ram: Bye, Yan. (Smiles sadly, then he hugs Rianne for the last time. Rianne
hugs back)

Rianne leaves, on her process of doing so, she hugs her friends for the last
time. They all shed tears.

All: Bye, Yan.

After Rianne left, they also went to their respective houses. Ram is left alone.
As he walks home, he stops, stares at nothingness as he realizes something.

Ram: I didn't even get to say sorry.

Song: See You Again

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