Geospatial Engineering CE303 Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Mid-Semester Exam-2018 Total Marks-50

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Geospatial Engineering CE303

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar

Mid-semester exam-2018

Total Marks-50

1. The major landfills are located across the Texas state, USA. These landfills are
hazardous to human life because leaching from them can contaminate the groundwater
as well as nearby rivers. The extreme precipitation enhances the rate of leaching through
waste deposited in a land fill. Texas groundwater authority is interested in estimating the
risk of landfill site to groundwater aquifers and nearby rivers. They want to assess the
following risk factors:
a. Find out number of active land fill sites (landfill.shp) in each major acquifer
(acquifers.shp). Which aquifer has highest number of active landfills.
b. Find out number of active landfill sites in the area with precipitation
(rain_inch) is more than 40 in. Marks-5
c. Find out the number landfill sites within 5km of Brazos River (rivers.shp).

2. High rainfall occurred in the up-hills of the Himalaya. The State and central agencies of India are
planning to identify flood-affected areas in the downstream part of the Yamuna river. The satellite
data show the stretch of the river and inundated area as per the following Table.1. Identify the area
under the agricultural area and population affected by the flood. The per km2 population density
map (yamuna_p_u) and land use land cover map (lulc_m) is provided.
(Hint: You can use in ArcGIS to get the location)

Inundated stretch Location Affected width (m)

Start (x1,y1) End (x2,y2)
1 Stretch-1 (77.7327, (77.6416, 30.4330) 1000
2 Stretch-2 (77.6416, (77.5942, 30.3698) 500
3 Stretch-3 (77.5942, (77.5554, 30.2874) 1500

Marks 15
3. The government is planning to increase the capacity of the three dams. A feasibility analysis
needs to be conducted to increase the capacity of three existing dams. The current capacity is
provided in the table.
a. The calculate the volume of each dam and comment on which dam’s height should be
increased. Marks (3x3)
b. Identify the mean elevation and possible areal extent of landslide zones within the
watershed. The stability of rock can be considered below the 40 degrees. Marks (2+2)
Hint: Storage capacity of watershed. (Q (m3) =area* Runoff coefficient* rainfall)

Dam location Runoff coefficient Mean rain fall (mm) Current capacity (m3)

Giri 0.6 1500 120,000,000

Kishau 0.4 1200 100,000,000

Lakhwar 0.7 1000 333,000,000


4. The government of Delhi wants to develop a central healthcare facility for tourists from available
health care centres (.shp). Identify the best location to develop the central healthcare facility
within the neighborhood of tourism centers. Identify the number of tourism centre within the
range of 2 km,5 km, 10km from the health care facility. Marks (2+2)

5. The Central security force is going to build a new road along the Yamuna river. The road of 50 m
width should be built at 1 km away from the river to avoid the flood plain. Determine the forested
and agricultural areas affected due to the construction of the road between (77.7327, 30.4756) and
(77.5942, 30.3698). Note: Use the DEM and LULC data from question-2 and 3. Marks 5

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