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International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM)

Website: www.ijsrm.in ISSN (e): 2321-3418
Index Copernicus value (2015): 57.47, (2016):93.67, DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v6i2.em02

A Study on Purchase Behavior of Consumer Durable Goods with Special

Reference to Tiruvarur District
P.Sathya1, Dr.R.Indirajith2
M.Com.,M.Phil.,Research Scholar,Department Of Commerce, Thiru.Vi.Ka.Govt. Arts College, Tiruvarur.
M.Com.,MBA.,M.Phil.,Ph.D.,Associate Professor And Research Supervisor,Department Of
Commerce,Government Arts College,Manalmedu.

The consumer durable goods industry is operating in a highly competitive, complex and rapidly changing
business environment. Business leaders of consumer durable white goods organizations know their
importance of having ready to access timely, accurate, consistent information and data for the purpose of
establishing, nurturing and managing customer relationships across divisions. The research paper deals
with the study on purchase behavior of consumer durable goods in Tiruvarur district.

Keywords: Consumer Durable Goods, Purchase Behavior, Consumer Buying Behavior, Consumer
Durables Market, Consumers Awareness.

India is the second largest consumer market in the
world. The Indian consumer profile has been compelled to explore every conceivable method to
developed and changed in terms of education, improve operational efficiencies, in order to achieve
income, occupation, and reference group and media substantial and profitable business growth. The
habits. There is a shift in consumer brand preference Indian consumer durables market has undergone a
for durables products for the past decade with the major transformation since the liberalization
influx of modern technology. The consumer buying process, initiated in 1991. The market size, product
preferences are rapidly changing and moving penetration, the variety and technology of products
towards high-end technology products with sold, have all experienced a quantum leap.
acculturation. Products which were once considered Improved product choice and decline in real prices,
luxury items have become a necessity because of matched by increased consumer incomes have
the changing lifestyle and rising income levels. driven the market growth rate to dizzy heights. Now
With growth in disposable incomes, the demand for brands are becoming the most valuable assets that
high-end products such as television, washing businesses can possess. The marketers are facing lot
machine, refrigerator, and air conditioners has of challenges: regarding differentiation which is
increased considerably. It is also facilitated by the valued by the customers. Brands in this context are
easy availability of finance and prevalence of new business warriors. Brands are wealth generators
nuclear families. Increasing in demand for consumer of the twenty first century. Products are not
durable in the market the fall in prices as Indian differentiated in the factories, but brands are
consumers are continue to attach a high degree of differentiated in the customers‘ mind. Brands are
importance to value for money. The consumer is capable of transforming mundane products into
brand-conscious, but not necessarily brand-loyal, objects of desire. Accordingly, the market value of a
and might even pick up a reliable private label if it business is determined by the number and types of
offers good price and quality values. brands it holds. Today in a competitive market, the
Consumer durable penetration is one of the lowest question is about the survival of the company in the
in India and the untapped potential is evidently market. The answer is survival of companies by
enormous. Both manufacturers and traders would be branding. The proper strategy of branding planning

P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in] EM-2018-

is needed to achieve revenue, sales, quality and consumer A may be different from those of
market share. A good strategy differentiates one consumer B and the difference may vary buying
company‘s brand from the other competitor‘s decision made by a consumer. To understand more
brands. on this let us give a definition to each of the
Concept of Marketing different types of consumer buying behavior that are
The term ―Marketing‖ suggest different meanings associated with different buyers and consumers of
to different people; to some it is shopping, to others products. Indian consumer durable market is well
it is selling and still others understanding it is the known by the foreign firms who coverage foreign
activity undertaken by the companies to make an products and technology as per preference of Indian
exchange transaction, a accomplish and adding one consumer.
bring out greater output at a minimum cost.
Marketing in its most general definition, ― it is the Consumer Durable Goods
directing of the flow of goods and services from the Consumer durable goods refer to various devices
producer to consumer or users. used in a household kitchen to reduce manual
human labour content and to remove the drudgery in
Marketing Research working place and to make household activities
Marketing research may also be defined as speedy, tidy and enjoyable. There are, in the present
intelligent tool of management or as an investigative day, a large number and a variety of such household
arm of marketing manager helpful in planning and appliances like Air conditioners, Refrigerator,
controlling marketing operations. Television, Washing machine and, Wet Grinder. To
Thus, marketing research has a broad area of make life more enjoyable and entertaining, people
application which describes its scope. The main also own audio and video players, home theatres
purposes of marketing research to a marketer are and music systems. The researcher selected durable
planning and control, but one point that must be goods like Air conditioners, Refrigerators,
stressed here that marketer or a marketing manager Television, Washing machine and Wet grinder for
has always limitations in terms of resources and the present study.
time. There may be a number of problems or The share of gold ornaments in durables
decisions to face and due to the above limitation expenditure was estimated at nearly 24% in rural
only critical problems areas should be identified and India compared to about 20% in urban India.
given priorities for the research. Refrigerator had a share of over 21% in urban India,
compared to 9% in rural India. The share of
Consumer Buying Behavior motorized two-wheelers was about 12-14% in both
The consumer buying behavior can be defined as sectors. Household Consumption of Various Goods
the way in which consumers or buyers of goods and and Services in India.
services tend to react or behave when purchasing
products that they like. Buyers tend to exhibit Shopping Pattern Of Consumer Durables
different types of buying behavior when they are in The present world is changing fast. India is no
the process of purchasing goods and services and exception. Especially after the opening up of the
the behaviors witnessed are influenced by the type economy, the pace of change that India and its
of product he/she wants to buy. people are experiencing in their socio-cultural
Consumer buying behavior involves a long process milieu is mind boggling. India, with its wide
where the buyer has to identify the product, study diversity, offers a fascinating scope to study the host
well its features, the pros and the cons and lastly of changes which developmental activities have
deciding on whether to purchase it or not. Consumer brought about in its social and economical
buying behavior would make a certain buyer to framework.
purchase product A as opposed to product B or
whether to purchase a certain product or leave it Need Recognition
alone and all that is as a result of the buying Need recognition means awareness of a want or a
decisions made by the buyer as to whether the desire. A buying process starts with the need
product suits his/her needs and requirements. The arousal. A need can be activated through internal or
Consumers of goods and services may possess external stimuli. The basic needs of a man arise to a
different types of consumer buying behavior that are particular level and become a drive and he knows
unique to themselves. The buying behavior of from his previous experience. This is a case of
P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-
internal stimulus. A need can also be aroused by an Post Purchase behaviour refers to that behaviour
external stimulus such as the sight of a new product exhibited after the purchase decision. The goal of
in a shop while purchasing the usual product. consumers‘ decision system lies in consumption and
consumption occurs during the post-purchase phase.
Product Awareness and Information Search
Thus purchases are only ``means to an end the end
In this stage, the consumer enters a stage of active being the attainment of benefits from consuming the
information search to get product awareness. He/she product or service. From marketers‟ perspective,
tries to collect more information about the product, long term success flows from having consumers
its key attributes, and qualities of various brands experience satisfaction during the post-purchase
and about the outlets where they are available. phase. The post-purchase processes account for two
major activities, consumption and disposition.
Evaluation and Intention Trashing, saving and selling the product are the
Once interest in a product is aroused, a customer three major options of product disposition.
enters the subsequent stage of evaluation and
intention. The evaluation stage represents the stage Need For The Study
of mental trial of the product. During this stage, the The country is witnessing the creation of many new
consumer assigns real-time value-weights to markets and a further expansion of the existing
different products/ brands on the basis of ones. With over 500 million people moving up from
accumulated stock of product information and the category of rural poor to rural lower middle
draws conclusions about their relative satisfaction class between 2007 and 2017, rural consumption
giving potential value. After this evaluation, the levels are expected to rise to current urban levels by
consumer develops the intention either to purchase 2020. The Consumer durables products purchased
or reject the product. The final purchase will by consumers that are manufactured for long-term
however depend on the strength of the positive use, as conflict too many goods that are proposed
intention, that is, the intention to buy. for use in the short term. Consumer durables are
intended to tolerate regular usage for several years
Purchase or longer before replacing the required consumer
It is the terminal stage in the buying decision product. Every household contains at least a few
process that completes a transaction. It occurs either items that may be properly considered to be of a
as a trial or adoption. If a consumer is buying consumer durable nature. A combination of
something for the first time, from the behavioral consumer depends upon lifestyles; income, product
view point, it may be regarded as trial. This trial awareness and pricing have been instrumental in
enables him to accumulate experience about the changing the pattern and amount of consumer
product purchased. (Beatty et al : 1987). If this expenditure leading to strong growth of consumer
experience is positive in terms of satisfaction durables industry. Due to demographic; socio -
derivation then repeat purchases may occur. economic and cultural status of impact the buying
However repeat purchases will occur only when he behavior of consumers. It is fact that in these
is satisfied with the performance. But the possibility aspects the differences are decreasing progressively.
of trial purchase is available. In the case of durables Till these differences remain, the groups require
like refrigerator, air- conditioner and microwave different treatments. These allied questions call for
oven, trial purchase is not possible because, once a scientific enquiry to find out the prospects of
product is purchased it has to be adopted and consumer behavior towards durable goods. Against
repeatedly used. this background, a humble attempt is made in this
study with reference to Tiruvarur District of Tamil
Post Purchase Behaviour Nadu state in India.
Post Purchase behaviour refers to the behaviour of a
consumer after his commitment to a product has Nature of The Study
been made. It originates out of consumer experience This is an empirical study on the relationship
regarding the use of the product and is indicated in between consumer behavior and choices of
terms of satisfaction. This behaviour is reflected in variables in the present study were selected mainly
repeat purchases or abstinence from further on the basis of consumer durable goods, isolated
purchase. studies on consumer durable goods and
demographic characteristics of the durable products.
P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-
The study involves three stages. The first stage was Purchase Intentions‖. An Exploratory Study of
to define the study areas, selecting the respondents, Museum Visitors. This paper examines the
and defining the independent variables. The second relationship between consumer satisfaction and
stage was to conduct a field work for collecting the subsequent intentions in the museum context as
information. The third stage was making to a well as the moderating influence of demographic
statistical analysis and interpretation. characteristics such as gender, age and education in
that relationship. The relationship between
Research Gap In The Literature satisfaction and a range of service elements, overall
The literature review is a significant step in each satisfaction with the experience and intentions was
and every research process. Review of earlier investigated. Museum marketers can profit by
studies discloses the works and studies done by examining the 'Value chain" of museum experience
individual researchers and institutions help to outlined in the model presented, especially the
establish further the need for the study. The greater likelihood of consumers recommending the
researcher has reviewed 75 studies, which include experience to others than making a repeat visit
60 Indian journals and 15 international journals themselves, and by investigating segment
were collected. The previous studies identified differences beyond those reported here.
important gap that will be explored in this thesis. In Sudarshan R. and Sridhar, (2013) have conducted
this research special attention being given to the ―Impact of Consumer Involvement of Buying
marketing strategies adopted by the manufacture for Decision - A Conceptual Frame-Work. Consumer
effective reach is also done. The various studies involvement refers to the intensity of interest with
related to consumer behavior, rural market and which consumers approach the market place. It is
urban market have been conducted by different related to the consumers‘ values and self-concept
social scientists at micro as well as macro level in which influence the degree of personal importance
India and abroad. The present study was covered the ascribed to a product or situation consumer
Consumer Behavior towards consumer durable involvement varies Krishna across different
goods. But no study was made in purchase Behavior individuals, product, brands and situations.
towards consumer durable goods. Alet C. Erasmus, Meriam M. (2012) has focused
James U. Mcneal, Chyon-Yeh, (2016) have on the ―The Paradox of Progress: Inexperienced
searched that examining ―Tolerance for Unethical Consumers‘ Choice of Major Household
Consumer Behaviour Provides a Key Insight to how Appliances‖. The results supported the initial notion
People Behave as Consumers Worldwide‖. In this that limited consumer socialization may result in,
study, consumer reactions to unethical consumer and even necessitate inexperienced consumers‘
behaviour scenarios are investigated using sample reliance on surrogate indicators of quality, such as
data from Austria, Brunei, France, Hong Kong, the price, brand name and store image, as compensation
UK, and the USA. Nationality is found to be a for lack of appropriate product knowledge
significant predictor of how consumers view unfortunately the use of surrogate indicators of
various questionable behaviours. Gender is not a quality does not necessarily imply informed,
significant predictor, while age and religious responsible buyer behaviour.
affiliation are found to be significant predictors of Christopher P. Blocker, Daniel J. Flint, (2007)
consumer ethical perceptions. has analyzed that ―The Relationship between
Krishna Mohan Y. and Naidu, (2015) have Satisfaction, Loyalty and Buying Intention
identified ―An Evaluation of Consumer Awareness Perceived by Spanish Consumers. Scale
in Rural Markets‖. This paper deals with the extent development was based on the review of the most
of awareness in rural markets of India. It presents relevant literature regarding food marketing and
the ― Gold‖ available in this steadily growing agribusiness. Data were collected through a
market which has been going great guns since the structured questionnaire. A structural equations
1980‘s and now bigger than the urban market for model was applied to analyze the relationships
both FMCG‘s and durables, the former with 53 per among consumer satisfaction, loyalty and buying
cent share and the latter with 59 per cent of total intention. The results show that a higher satisfaction
market. leads to greater levels of loyalty and buying
Paul Harrison and Robin Shaw, (2014) have intention of the consumers.
contributed ―Consumer Satisfaction and Post-

P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-

The study aims at focusing study on purchase The consumer has also to take decision about when
behavior of consumer durable goods in Tiruvarur and where to buy the products that he needs or
district. Researcher limits its scope to selected wants, how much the consumer wants to spend on
consumer durable such as Air conditioners, it, or how much the consumer can afford to and how
Refrigerator, Television, Washing machine and, the consumer will pay for it. Some purchase
Wet Grinder. Hence, it is necessary to concentrate decisions are routines and may not require these
on consumers‘ perception, consumers‘ pre-purchase considerations. Other purchase situations may be
and post-purchase behavioral activities. There are more complex. In other cases considerations
many sides of consumer behaviour that possibly regarding status and prestige are also important.
need elaboration and how ever this study Many product purchases may require the evaluation
concentrates on individual consumer purchase of a variety of economic, social, and psychological
behaviour regarding the purchase of consumer factors. To solve the problems of consumers and
durable goods already stated. This research study is marketers, there must be continuous studies in the
exploratory in nature. Moreover, the area of the field of consumer buying behaviors. Few researches
study is confined to Tiruvarur district. The study have been done in India on the impact of consumer
focuses on the durable products in urban and rural buying behaviour and brand equity on consumer
area in seven Taluks in Tiruvarur district. durables. Most of the studies have been considered
The Indian economy is basically divided into urban non-durable products. This study has left a gap in
and rural. Rural sector is now balanced for the studies done in durable product sector in India.
contribution a vast potential to marketers and Hence, this study has been undertaken to consider
promises to be an opportunity for which are to be the research work.
grab by surmounting challenges and threats. To
surveys and audits for a number of consumer Objectives of The Study
products and services have, over the years, clearly The specific objectives of the study are
highlighted the emerging importance of the rural 1. To analyse the factors influencing consumers‘
and urban sectors. There have been less focused perception towards purchase behaviour of
studies analyzing the consumer durable market in consumer durable goods in Tiruvarur district.
the background of changing scenario of rural and 2. To identify the purchase behavior of selected
urban markets. And there have been less rural and urban consumer durable goods in
attentiveness on consumer behavior studies. This Tiruvarur district.
present comparative study is an attempt to fill this 3. To analyse the purchase behaviour and
void in research on rural and urban markets. This satisfaction of the rural and urban consumer
study is confidential to rural and urban areas in durable goods.
Tiruvarur District of Tamilnadu, India.
Hypotheses of The Study
Problems of The Study The following hypothesis were framed and tested
The study of behavioral aspect of consumers is great Ho1: There is no significant difference between
importance for marketers and this knowledge is demographic profile and factors influence
applied to find out the consumers wants and needs. the consumers‘ perception towards consumer
The study of consumer behavior helps every durable goods.
common man in all its practical sense. In a Ho2: There is no significant difference between
competitive environment one cannot thrust a demographic profile of respondents and
product on the consumers. It is essential for purchasing behaviour of consumer durable goods.
marketers to understand consumers for their own
survival and success in competitive marketing Research Methodology
environments. The reason for studying consumer The study is based on both primary secondary data.
behaviour is to find out the role it plays in the lives The primary data were collected directly from the
of many consuming public at large and that as the sample of consumers through a well-devised
institutions involved in the production and interview schedule. Incomplete and inaccurate
marketing of different types of consumable articles, responses were dropped out, upon the respondents
equipment, goods and services in general. But for having select five durable goods viz., Air
such studies it would be difficult to ascertain the conditioners, Refrigerators, Washing machines,
exact needs of consumers.
P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-
Television and Wet grinder as samples for the study is 145. The method of collection is
purpose of the study. substantiated in the following table 1.
For data collection the researcher visited the
Table 1 Selection of Sample Distribution
respondents at their responds more than once, at
their leisure are conveniences. The secondary data
relating to the study were collected from books,
journals, research articles, magazines, reports,
newspapers and websites. The researcher also
visited the library of Indian Institute of
Management, Bangalore, for the collection of some
source materials.

Sampling Design
The researcher was taken by convenience sampling
method. This research based on empirical Source: Primary Data
investigation. The study area has spreads over of Statistics Tools And Framework Of Analysis
Tiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu. To make the In order to consumer behavior, Percentage analysis,
samples representative, as far as possible, various Descriptive analysis, Kruskal Wallis test, t-test, Chi-
steps have been taken into consideration. 145 Square Test, Analysis of one way ANOVA,
samples have been selected areas of the Tiruvarur Regression Analysis, Factor analysis and Reliability
District. This study was selected on the basis of test were employed.
demographic; Socio - economic and cultural status
conditions. Five consumer durable products have Tabulation
been selected i.e. Air conditioners, Refrigerators,
Primary data from the respondents are presented in
Washing machines, Television and Wet grinder for
the bi-variate, univariate, one-way and Cross
this study.
tabulation is prepared which is used full of the data
analysis. Tabulation makes percentage analysis
Data Collection
This research study is primarily an empirical study
on the consumer behavior relating to selected  Percentage Analysis It is very power full tool for
consumer durables. The researcher collected the data analysis and specifically to understand
information through primary and secondary data, market share of various companies and average
the interview schedule has been constructed to expenses made for consumer durables and
collect data from consumers of Tiruvarur District other aspects can be measured with this tool.
towards information related to consumer durable Percentage analysis can wipe out the effect of
goods, with the demographic; socio-economic and inflation in measuring consumer behavior.
cultural conditions of consumer. The secondary data
 One sample T - test is applied to analyze the
has also been collected from different sources of
respondent's preferences on various elements of
journals, magazines, annual reports, internet; books
purchase decision process in respect of
related to topic, etc. the data analysis has been
conducted with the following methods.
 Factor analysis by principle component method
Sample Selection is applied to analyse the various elements of
The researcher was adopted convenience sampling purchase decision process in respect of
method. The respondents chosen from an age group durables.
residing in Tiruvarur in age group of 20 - 65 Years  One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used
including the different strata of consumer durable to identify the significant differences among the
goods. 200 interview schedules were conducted to various elements of buying behaviour with
the respondents spread over in Tiruvarur district. regard to durables.
Among them 166 interview schedule were  Paired sample t- test is used to find the mean
collected. In which 21 interview schedule were values of various elements of buying behavior
found unusable. Hence, the accurate sample of the of consumers in respect of durables.

P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-

 Chi - square test is employed to find the analyzed and the requirement of category-wise
association between clusters of buyers of analysis. The numbers of respondents from different
durables and various demographic sections of society are not selected in proportionate
characteristics. and with the actual number of families in these sections.
 Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation is used Only households possessing at least one of the
to find the relationship between the durables under study had been included among the
variables of the study. sample households. This has perhaps resulted in
excluding those lower class families which do not
Pilot Study
possess any of the durables selected.
The study used a structured interview schedule. The
interview schedule was pretested during the months Suggestions
from September 2017 to December 2017 on a The following suggestions are made on the basis of
sample of 50 consumer selected in Tiruvarur the study under various heads.
District. A pilot study was undertaken to identify
 A manufacturer may prudently aim at capturing
and eliminate ambiguous terms and to check the
all the income groups of consumers.
reliability of the questions. Necessary changes were
 Reliable advertisements may be made to attract
made in the instrument of the basis of responses to
the consumers. The manufacturers have to give
the interview schedule.
reliable information to the consumers.
Operational Concept  Interest free installment methods would help to
Consumer Decision Making increase the sales of the manufacturers.
A Process by which consumers identify their needs,  If payments of consumers‘ durable goods are
collect information, evaluate alternatives, and make accepted on installment basis it would help in
the purchase decision. These actions are determined boosting sales up.
by psychological and economical factors, and are  Service during warranty period is mostly availed
influences by environmental factors such as by the consumers and if done properly they are
cultural, group and social values. satisfied. But some of them have not availed the
Consumer Durable Goods facility. Hence, door service may be tried for
Consumer durable products are things that can be those who want it.
used for a long period of time as they are not easily  Quality and brand name are two important factors,
destroyed, Examples of durable goods include; which are considered purchasing durable goods.
household appliances, machinery and sports Hence, companies have to provide quality
equipment. products and they have tried to build brand
Purchase Behaviour name.
Purchase is to fully pay for a good or service to that  The manufacturer may start authorized offer sales
good being delivered or service being performed. and service centers for all brands.
To fulfill this usage; however, the connotation of  Product improvement is very important in
the word has started to shift to indicate a purchaser consumer‘ durable goods. If the firm continuous
that is not creditworthy. to make the product, it may be required to the
improvement in its production or distribution so
Limitations Of The Study as to yield adequate returns.
This study has been selected in Tiruvarur District,  Product presentation need to present based on age
Tamil Nadu state, India. Due to the diversity of the as youngsters do not want to have risk after
locations and lack of awareness researcher was not purchase. Elders want to have social status
able to collect reliable data. This study is mainly because of the product.
focused on consumer durable goods like Air
conditioner, Refrigerator, Television Washing Conclusion
machines and Wet grinder only. This research study It may be observed that consumers durable goods is
is restricted to Tiruvarur District. The household all important products but available for all. In the
survey has been restricted to a sample size of 145. present study due importance has been attached to
The decision on the sample size was rather the factors like aggressiveness, level of expectation
arbitrary, although the sample size is deemed and level of satisfaction and so on. This study has a
sufficient considering the nature of the issues special feature that the level of expectation for the
P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-
various aspects which characterize the quality and [7] Parveen S. goel and Nanua Sigh, ―Creativity
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they purchase. They have inclination to change
brand to acquire more benefits from the product. It
is now realized that one of the steps for providing
effective and responsive government is to ensure
greater achievement in administration and
information to the public. Such an approach would
make the study more technical and sophisticated.
This kind of an approach will guide the adoption of
new types of marketing strategies as well as product
refinement, so that the market share can be
improved and that was the very purpose of the

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P.SATHYA1, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 02 February 2018 [www.ijsrm.in EM-2018-


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