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C o n fe n l s

UNIT1 Neighbours p.4

UNIT2 Callof the wild p.12

uNrrp Takea break p.20

UNIT4 Liveandlearn p.28

UNIT5 Weirdandwonderful p.36

6 State-of-the-art p.44

UNIT7 All in a day'swork p.5?

UNIT8 Staying
safe p.60
UNIT9 Forces
of nature p.68

UNIT1O Festive
time p.76


WordPerfect p.85

Check p. 96

2 Cross theoddwordout,asin

Neighbours t h ee x a m o l e .

2 s e n s i h l es a f e f r i e n d l va m b i t i o u s
,!, ,v,f r v

F^,,^, .- ^l-^+- t-,,lt-- -^^..J-

3 L O V U U T ) /P r d r L ) , U U r U ) , ) C C U )

likeable ca, r i n gm
, e a n f, r i e n d l y
VocabularyPractice 5 d i g g i n gg, a r d e n i n g
p ,l a n t i n g ,
3 Matchthewordsin the columns
Fillin the blanks
with thewordsbelow. thenusethemto fill in the gaps
. waters. keeps aneyeonthings. grateful. thoughtful in the sentences
. drives. crazy. easy-going
. a stiffupperlip polite
o creativeo chatting
" rTt Sense a 9OrUEr rql

ETI o l d b away
Thethreepeoplebelowareneighbours F-ft Clear C on
t4Tt keen d -fashioned
in a blockof flats in London. FTI drop e of humour
reTr rlonond< s
I litter
Neelam Gupta is 23 years old. Neelamis A: How would you describe
Indian and she studies photographyat the yourself?
ChelseaSchoolof Art.She lovesher neighbours R l h:rro t nro:t

a n dt h e yl o v eh e r .S h ei s a v e r y1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A: Do you get on well with
personwho enjoyshelpingothers.When her
neighbours are away on holiday she
B: Yes.Exceptwhen they
2 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h. .e. i. rp
. l a n t fso rt h e ma n dg e n e r a l l y
3l .............. . H e r n e i g h b o u rasr e a l w a y s in my garden
very4) ....... to herfor herhelp, 3 A: How would you describe a
t y p i c aEl n g l i s h m a n ?
B: Hmm.letmethrnk.Punctual,
Alison Greenway is 25 yearsold and she polite and perhapsa little
worksas a DJ for a radiostation.Shewas born
in Australiabut she movedto Londonwhenshe gardenis lovely!
A: Laura's
was '15.Alisonis friendly and5)
B: Yes,it is. Sheis a(n)
A t w e e k e n dssh e l o v e s6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a
. .n. .d. . . .
laughingwith her friendsin the garden.This
s o m e t i m e7s l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . her neighbours A: Can I giveyou a handwith
especiallywhen Alison and her the housework?
friendsplayreallyloudmusic! B Yes that'd he nreat Could
y o up l e a s .e. . . . . . . . . . . . .t .h.e. . .
platesthat areon the table?
Georgiana Portman is 58 yearsold. She is A: What do you usuallydo at
Englishand she is a HistoryProfessor at London weekends?
University.Georgiana is very artistic and B W e l l i,t . . . . . .
8) .............. . S h ep l a y st h ev i o l i na n dt h e the trme of year. In the
pianoand she lovespaintingportraits. She is a summerI go to the beach
typicalEnglishwoman. Sheis sometimes annoyed r.vithmy friends. ln the winter
by Alison's loud music but she keeps I rkegoingto thecinema.
9) .............. about it. She is very
1 O ). . . . . . . . . . . . a n dr e s e r v e d .
4 Underlinethe correctword, as in the example. Word Formation
1 Taniarsveryreserved/thoughtful.
Shedoesn't 5 Completethegapswiththecorrect
heremotions. derived
fromthewordsin bold.
2 Fnglishpeoplehavea reputation/politeness .'+.Fii].;!iJ$].!:i:..i!ii+'Jl:;]r:!':!i.:!l;l"!l]a.-lt!l.j.!]...r:1''.

for beinga littleeccentric.

3 Stopbeingsucha noseyparker/sillybilly and
be sensible!
Youarenot a child!
4 rThis paintingdepicts/produces the Acropolis
in Athens.
5 | didn'tunderstandthe wastoo subtle/
6 Racheltalks all the time. She is such a
Robertis verycaring.He looksafter/looksfor works for an
,Philip rnternational
his brother and helos his sisterwith her oank in New york.
He rs a high flier;
homework rntelligent,1)
Leodoesn'ttake after/takecareof hisfather. very talented. i
Irttre2) can be a
He lookslikehismother
sornetjrnesthinks . H e
9 She'sas busyasa bee/bird. SEtF
that his work
rnore important is
10 Without my glasses,
I'm as blindasa bat/fox. that other people,s
11 As a boss, he's very good with strangers/ work.
12 Couldyou do/makeme a favour?
13 Remember
to keepin feel/touchwith us.

Circlethe correctresponse.

1 A: Couldyou giveMrs Edwards

a call,please?
B: a No,not now.
b Yes,of course
2 A: How often do you cleanyour room?
B: a l'm sorry,but I can't.
b Twicea week. He is verY
Richardis an author
and artistic
3 A: Do you thinkyou couldwashthe car? 3)
be a lrttle
B: a I'm afraidI can't.I haveto go to the but sometimesne can
supermarket 4)
b No,I guessnot. a n d5 ) """" " """" jrf
his boors
4 A: Do you mind switchingoff the TV? l'm
never rememberswhere
and notesareand he is always
tryingto sleep. 'T'
tnln9s. ll
B : a l ' d l i k et o .
b Sure.No problem.
A: l'm so sorryfor wakingyou up lastnight. Replacethe,phrasesin bold with lookafter,
B: a Don'tworryabouti1 takeafter, run after in the correctform.
b I do apologise.
1 Mrs Harristakescareof my littlesisterwhile
A: l'm sorry.I didn'tmeanto upsetyou.
our parentsareat work
B: a All right.
2 Susanresembles
b lt doesn'tmatter.Forgetabout it.
3 The woman pursuedthe robberscreaming
for help
Grammarin Use 12 1 (you/be)to
--=::,*l- j
PresentSimple,PresentContinuous = -=' =----- . .:-3eratufe
& PresentPerfect (stilliqoup)
Putthe verbsin the bracketsinto present
simple, continuous or presentperfect. 2 Complete eachgapwith the correctformof
the verbin brackets.
1 A: Whattime
(we/meet)Johnand Liz?
E E , . U B -
R' Tho narfnrm:nra

(start)at 8:00 so we .. HiClaire,

(meet)them at 7:30 Justa quickmessage fromEngland!
I can'tbelieve| 1) ........... .. (be) herefor two weeks
A: .. ... .. (lan/come) (have)sucha greattime!The
already. | 2) ....................
with usto the restaurant? university is veryimpressive (feel)
and| 3) ....................
B: I .. (not/think)so so oroudto be here.
He . (not/finish) (meet)a lotof students
So far,I 4) ............. fromother
writing hisreportyet countriesand | 5) (share)a largeroomwitha
girlfromHongKonguntilshegetsa roomof herown.
A: . (you/see)Linda?
The headof our department 6) (plan) an
B: No,I thinkshe . (be)still international partyfor this weekend.| 7)
at the lrbrary. (hope) it's a good one. | 8) (noVbe)to a
A: Howoften..... partyfor ages!
When 9) (you/leave)for Rome?
at the gym?
10) ........... (yon/find)a houseyet?
B: Threeto fourtrmesa week.
5 A Lotsof love,
on a diet? Claire
B:No,shejust ..... (eat)
healthyfoodand . ....(sleep)a lot
Stative verbs
6 A : Whattime . ...
(Lauraand Penny/leave)? intothe presentsimple
Putthe verbsin brackets
B : They. . (already/leave). or presentcontinuous.
7 A .What . . .. (you/look)for? 1 A: Why. (you/smell)thategg?
B: . (look)for my key. B: Because it ... (smell) bad
........ (just/lose)
it. l ' l l t h r o wi t a w a y
8 A : Whattime 2 A: lt (feel)great
(the Eurostartrain/leave)for Paris? to beon hoirca,,. cces^':it?
B : nnL+ h^lf
)cvcr I B : Yes,I . (feel)betteralready!
9 A : Where 3 A : Star: (think)he'sso great!
(you/go)on holidaythissummer? D - I kto ,",. , :r , -: (think)
B : l t a l yo r G r e e c eW. e . . . . . . .
(not/decide)yet 4 A :

1 0 A: Where (Leo/live)r
D- ... . (have)
but at the momenthe . .
B: In Kensington.
(stay)with frrendsin Paris.
5 -. . (you/look)
1 1 A: (you/have)
a partyon Saturday? j . (look)so much
B: Of course I a m .I
. .. . . (already/invite)
6 : (be)reallya good

B : Sowhy intothe correctpresenttenses.
Putthe verbsin brackets
(he/be)so sillyright now?
7 A .W h y . . . . . . . . . . . DeorBob,
. . . (you/taste)the soup? I 1) ........ . (write)to tettyouoboutsomething reatty
B : Because Johnsaysit .. . .. .. wonderJul th,at2) (happen)to melYou
(taste)likewater! 3) ........ .. (know)howmuchI lovewriting? We[t,the
s c h o onl e w s p o p4e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( a s k )
m et o b et h e i rn e w
editor.I ccn'tbeLieve it. I 5) .....(woit)Jor achance
PresentPerfectContinuous (read)pastedltions
OverthepastJew doys,I 6) ... ... ..
Writea sentence for each oJtheschooL paperto getsomeideasaboutwhatthepoperis att
- (aLreadglwrite)
situftion,asin the example.
Use obout.| 7) ............ downlotsoJnotes
aboutwhatkindoJstories l8) .. .. .. . (wont)to
foror since.
inctude. WhiteI 9) ........... (count)downthe dagsbeJore
'l Mariastartedworking an I 10) ......... (attend)theJirstmeeting oJthenewspoper
onninoor yearsago.
f n r r r t a o n, , l u s ta d m l t h a tI 1 1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.b e c o m em) o r ea n d
s t a J Jm
Sheis stillan enoineer. morenervous. I hopeevergthing goesOK.
Wett,thot'smg news.12)............ (belnot)gou
Maria hus been warkingas an
excttedJor me?l't[ let gouknowwhat happens.
engineer ye$rs.
BgeJor now,
2 He startedplayingtennis two Mark was5:00pm
t t g

3 lt is snowing. lt started 6 Complete thesecond

sentencesothat it means
snowingthreehoursago. the first.Useno morethanthreewords.

A friendtellsyou that he saw

SusanThe last time you saw
Susanwasin 2001.

Bill and Richardare taking

karate lessons They started
takinglessons in March
l n dR i c h a r d

You are waiting for a frrend

outsidethe cinema.You arrived
It'ssixyearssinceI startedlearningEnglish

Tina startedgoing on holiday forsixvears'

to Santorini
,," *. nu*,;.".i.o,5l,nlrsh
We . . to NewYorkthreetimesso far.
Clairehasn'tvisitedLondonfor two years

Your brothertellsyou he met

Claire Londontwo yearsago.
Thelasttime Helentook a trainwasin 2004.
David.You lastsaw Davidages
Helen a trainsince2004
We haveneverbeento a morebeautifulcity.
T h i si st h e m o s tb e a u t i f ucli t yw e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t .o. . . .
Thepeoplebelow(1-4)are lookingfor a houseto buy.Decide
bethe most
for them.Therearetwo houses youdon'tneed.

Situatedin a qtriettraditional
village,this channingcottageis
idealfor thosewho lovenature.
Set in is only
minutesawayfrom the
Aliceand Martin
Merseyside Conservation Park.
verysociableand they have
lotsof friends.Theyare looking Designedby famousMexican
for a big housein whichthey architect,
JavierValladares, this
can entertainlotsof people contemporary houseis large,
minimalistic and is
and havebarbecuesin
perfectfor those who are alwavs
the summer.
on the go.
Thislovelyvillais ideal
Theyarelooking fora house
for partiesand
witha biggardenin a nice
celebrations.With a large
neighbourhood closeto the outdoorpooland a big
centre.Theyareon a tight receptionroom,it is
budgetso theydon'twant . perfectfor thosewho live
to spenda lotof busysociallivesand love
money entertainino.

Thisbeautifulfamily homeis
onlytwo kilometresaway
fromthe city centre.Situated
in a quiet,safe
Sandra andRupert neighbourhood, it hasfour
arehighflyers.Theyhave bedrooms and a big garden.
verybusylivesandtheirjobs Youwon'tbelievethe orice!
and Closeto the centreandin one of
Theiridealhouse the bestareas,this largehouselvith
wouldbe well-organised its fivebedroomsis idealfor
and spacious. families.Not onlyperfeclfor iqvt,ng
stays,but alsofor garde-s.s :c< -g
for oeacea1t 3- e:.
andactiveand f' g'rp;.r66r'agMediterranean
shespendsa lotof timeinthe s::^€ -:'-- s :ertainlyfor those
garden.Shewantsto buy a house rtrrt *r*E-l:: get away from the
in the countryside s:'sss :i:;:.r oenires ano
whichshecan -rl,r,n.t1<
3E-,eL:ra SChedUleS. An
fillwith beautifulflowers.She -rtr;'1 J r:l-:
asrossthe Channel is
3l r[r_ -r*] :3 "each your own
and havingpicnics -ial Ei :;r-al
se and at a verv
=3-r dJr:: s| '!U.

Listening& Speaking Socialising
People 2 Complete
the exchanges
with sentences
fromthe box.

. ) Youwill heara conversation . Pleasedto meetyou . Niceto meetyou,too.

betweentwo friendsabouta r No,'smyturn. . sameto you
party.Forquestions 1- 5 choose . How're . Bye.Havea niceday.
A,BorC. o Sorry,
l'm late.

Jane,l'd likeyouto meetMr Rochester.

B: Mr Rochester

A : Bye,Lindal'll seeyouthisevening.

Niceto meetyou, Albert.


Havea niceweekend.Mrs Porter

B : Thanks, Peter.

Whenwasthe party? A:
A Saturday B : Justfine,thanks
B Yesterday A : Letme buyyou lunch
C Theday beforeyesterday. B:
What was greataboutthe A:
dinnerparty? B : Nevermind,you'reherenow!
A the food
B the musicandthe people
C the food,the musicand Meeting old friends
the people
3 phrases
Choose fromtheboxto complete
. Niceto meetyou,too . haven't we metbefore
A darkblackhairand green
. l'd likeyouto meet o Thisisa greatparty,isn'tit
. Hi,there o Whata fantastic partythatwas
B shortbrownhairand green
C blackhairand blueeyes.

What is LauraSingerlike? fohn:

A Sheistalkativeand nrce
B Sheis friendly,
and interesting.
Val: 4) ............... ...............,
C Sheistoo talkative
John: V a l , S ) ...........?
In January,
LauraSigner Val: Mmm, I think we have but I can't remember when.
A won the National
Writing John: I believe it was at Brian Stock's party last summer.
Competition. Val: Yes,that'sright. 6) ...........!
B is goingto Columbia John: Yes, it was. I haven't seen Brian for ages. Is he here
University tonight?
C is goingto studyCreative VaI: He's over there. Let's go and talk to him.
Writing., John: Great! Let's go.

Writing (an e-maildescribingyourfamily)
Readthe rubricandunderline
the keywords/phrases,
canyouthinkof relatedto the
word family?

Thisis partof an e-mailyou received

I lovemyfamilybutsometimes theydrivemecrazy.
Mytwin sisterpozis
greatbutmyyounger brother Robertocanbeannoying at times

Writean e-mailto yourMexican


Let'slook closer

2 Readthe e-mailandcomplete
the paragraph
o request
for returne-mail
. description
of parents- ages,professions,
o greeting
andcomment on laste-mail
. description ns- persona
of brothers/sisters/cousi Iities,Iikes/d

Lookat the pictures.

Howarethe peoplerelatedto Julia?
Openi nglClosing remarks Linking words and phrases

3 Markthe following
with ORor CR. . To makeyour pieceof writing more interesting, you can usea
Whichcouldyouusein Julia's varietyof wordsand phrases to linksentencesor ideastogether.
e-mail? MycousinJoisan attractivegirl.She's
got blueeyesandlongdarkhair.
1 H i lG u e swsh a t ? MycousinJoisan attractivegirlwith blueeyesand longdarkhair.
. Youcan link descriptions of similarpersonal qualities
by using
2 Well,that'sallfromme.
3 Can'twaitto seeyou. in addition,also,and,moreover,etc.
4 l'mwritingto letyouknow Sheiscaring.Sheisalwayshelpingpeople.Sheisverykindto everyone.
that... Sheis caringand is alwayshelpingpeople.Moreover,sheis verykind
5 Sorrflhaven't beenin to everyone.
o Youcan Iinkdescrrptions qualities
of contrasting by usingbut,
touchin a while.
6 Byefor now. on the other hand, however,nevertheless,
7 Gotto go now Heishardworking
and bright.Hecanbedifficultat times.
8 H i !W h a t 'us p ? Heishardworking
and bright,but hecan bedifficultat times.
9 How'severything going? NOTE:When you mention someone'snegativequalitiesyou
(seemsto be, can be rather.etc) For
shouldusemild language
example,insteadof sayingMybrother
Paulislazy,it is betterto say
Topicsentences MybrotherPaulcanbelazyat times.

The tonic senten.e is the first

sentence in the paragraph lt thesentences
Rewrite wordsor phrases.
introduces or summarises
the main
topicof the paragraph
andgivesthe 1 Ann isfriendlySheis caring
reader an idea of what the 2 Bobis hardworkingBobis kind.
paragraph is goingto be about.The 3 Paulisveryenthusiastic He is bossysometimes
rest of the paragraph(supporting 4 Helenis reallyattractiveShe'sgot greeneyesand long fair
sentences) developsthe main idea hair
of the topicsentence. 5 Maryis politeand friendlySheis forgetfulat times
o Janeis so kind.Sheis always
7 Harryisverysociable. He is intelligent
4 Lookat paragraphs2 & 3 in the 8 Vivianis like a sisterto me. Sometimes she gets on my
Findthetopicsentences nerves!
supportingsentences develop Yourturn
the mainideaof the paragraph?
How? Answerthe questions

1 Howmanypeople areinyourfamily?
5 Readthe topicsentences
2 Whatdo theydo for a living?
Thinkof supporting
3 Whataretheylike?
developthe mainidea.

1 My best friend Kate is the Readthe rubricin Ex.1 again.Useyouranswers in Ex.7 to

kindest writean e-mailto yourfriendin Mexicoaboutyourfamily
2 Mybrother Jonathan
isa (80-100words).Usethe paragraph planin Ex.2 to helpyou.
3 LouandJanearemVfavourite

Callof the
wild 1;

Fauna z?+-..-:----:,-:,.,-,
,. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Completethespidergrams with
the wordsfromthe list.
L:11':ii',1:i:i t3.: j
{ " : a
o laka o rhimn:nzoo " t

. h u n t i n g / f i s h.i nagm p h i b i a n
. hare. habitat changes
. m a m m aol j u n g l e. w e t l a n d s
. tiger . reptrle. wolf
t:' lr'i,i
. forest. ocean
t.. ;,..-":.-";..,......';..;,-...

Flora 1 A p o n di sa s m a l l
2 pollutesthe earth's
2 Crossthe odd word out, as in the example.
rrversand seas.
1 woodlands, farmlands,M, hedgerows 3 People alwaystry to improvetheir
2 noise,country,dust,air pollution
3 pollution,
starvation,conservation,illness 4 The discoveryof new medicinescan help
4 moths,bats,squirrels.
5 dolphin,tiger,chimpanzee,
wolf 5 Many . . areat great
riskfrom extinction
in the Amazon
the correctword, as in the example.

1 You can makea wildlifepond/gardenquite Similes

5 Complete
the sentences
with thesimiles
2 Joannais a memberof the localenvironmental
a nrpAn:q e :'=a' :l;
3 Plantingtreescan help reducesoil erosion/ ar:<< n:rq\/

extinction . b r o w na s- : : ' - , o - : : - s a r o s e
4 Chinchillasarean endangered species/types 1 M r < : .- . " "- - : : = ^ o n h o l i d a y ?Y o u ' r e
5 The Amazonrainforest has an extraordinarv
varietyof wildlife/countryside
- - - - - - : ' . ' s s l e e p ,y o u ' l l b e
Sociallssues inthemorning.
': j . ; - . : l c o l l e g e s, h e w a s
4 Match

trTl wildlife a waste

ETI factory b lives
t " t l living c specres
Fl-r SAVC d habitat
FTI animal e conditions

aretreesimportant? the phrases
Usethe verbsin the listto complete in the diagrambelow
. reduce. orovideo orotect. release

i 1) heairng
and coolingcosts


| . ... from
radiation 2) shelter!

4) CO, fromthe
3) . oxygen )


Matchthetwo columnsandthencreate 2 We aretryingto raise/recyclemoneyto builda

- ,l vn sentences,
asin theexample. wildlifepondin the localpark.
3 On Sunday,studentsfrom our schoolaregorng
to planVprotecttreeson top of that hill.
PTI recyclepaperand planttrees 4 At home. we try to use/recycleas much
Flt createa wildlifehabitatin our garden rubbishas oossible.
FTI keepbeachesclean 5 lf you want to help plant/protect wildlife,
fs-f_-]not useour carsin citycentres why don'tyou adoptan animal?
A helpreduceair pollution 6 We use/startpublictransporta lot: this way
B saveenergy we helpreduceair pollution
C protectwildlife
D protectforests Phrasal
E helpsaveseaturtlesfrom extinction partsof the sentences.
t're I
1 8y usrr:Eenergy-efficient
light bulbs,v'te{on save
€ner{}y. TheMauritius
Dodobirddied. .
2 I ran
3 Hecouldn'tmake
4 Youlookworn
5 T h e yh a v eb r o u g h .t . . . . . . .

a out of paperand I couldn'tprintmy essay

8 Underlinethe correctwords.
b out! | thi'nkyou needsomerest.
1 My neighboursare going to raise/starta c out my favouritewriter'snew book!
againstthe cuttingdownof t"e b'g
campaign d out around1690
treeoutsidetheirhouse e out what that signsaid
Grammarin Use Going to
Modals 4 Rupertisthe director
of an environment
agency.Lookat hisdiaryandwritedownwhat
Completethe sentences
hisarrangements arefor the followingdates.
andthe verbsbelow.
o drOP. reCycle
. hunt . work o respect
. Kee0. asK

We all paper.plastic
b o t t l e sa n da l u m i n i u m
c a n si n o u r h o m e s
You................ ...litteron
You...... endangered ' Stt'l0.. go to theEnvrronment in Manchester
specres =
4 You . .... t h ee l d e r l y .
5 You . your dog
on a lead
7 I 1 l4eisgoingtc meettheMinister
of Healthan the
2 Youare ill with measles.
Makesentencesfrom I lth af Nav€rnber.
the notes your doctor has left you. Use 2
should/shouldn't. 3
. Stayat homefortwo weeks
o Restasmuchasyoucan
. Drinkplenty
of liquids
. 5eefriends
untilthespotsgo W ill - Goingto

1 5 Fillinwillor goingto.
a A .
3 I H. | . .... donatef20 to my local
4 environmentalgroup
B : Welldone!| thinkthat'sa greatidea.

Thefuture- time words 2 4 . ... go to the countryside

3 Put the verbsin bracketsinto the presentsimple
B : I don't thinkso I heardon the newsthat
or futuresimple.
rt.. ....rain
1 We (take)part in an 3 A : What ... . . .. do for yourscience
environmental whenwe join "Save
campaign pro1ect?
a Tree" B: I . . . . m a k ea w i l d l i f ep o n d .
2 We . . . . . . .(.n o t / g o )u n t i l
4 A : Sam . . join Greenpeace
you comebackhome
3 | will recycle
the magazines after| ..
B : GreatlI jointhen.too
. . . (finish)readingthem
4 Don't forget to walk the dog before you 5 A : ls Tony coming to the environmental
fr rnrirricar 1-^n;^hf ?

s wr,.,. l',"#;::1;'l?:i B : I don't knor,r,,

find our
I . . .c a l h
l i mt o

A : My suitcase is so heavyl Sentence
B : | . . . .. . . . . . . h e l py o uc a r r yi t
7 Completethe secondsentenceso that it
vhat A : Youlookexhausted
| meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
es. B : Y e sI a m | ...... goto bed three
A : Whatareyourplansfor the Augustbreak? : 1 lt isagainst thelawto huntendangered animals.
B : We . . . . . s a i l a r o u ntdh e G r e e k You .............
islands endangered animals.
2 Dinosaurs became extinct of years
millions ago
A: Youstillhaven'tcleared up the garage
Dinosaurs have....
B : S o r r yl p
. r o m i s eI . . . . . do it
millionsof years
1e tomorrowafterwork
3 lt wouldbea goodideato checkthesitebeforeyou
1 0 A: l'm so thirsty fillintheadoption form.
B: | .. . . get youa glassof water. You .....thesite
before youfillintheadoptionform.
1 1 A: Why did youwakeup so earlytoday?
4 lf we don'twant animals to become.extinct we
B: | . . . . . . . m e e tA l i s o nf o r a q u i c k
mrqt nrntprt thpir habitatS
't2 A: Antoniaplays naturalhabitats
the celloso beautifully. extinct
B: She .. becomea greatcellist 5 lt iseveryone's
dutyto do whatwe canto helpthe
o n ed a y envlronment.
1 3 A: What areyou doingtonight?
whatwe canto helptheenvironment
B' l've oot ticketsto a classical
see the St Petersburg
1 4 A: Good afternoon Can I speakto Tonia,
R l i l c t u: m
r r i il n
r rrurLtLo
, nla^-^ |I

not hor fnr rrnr r

15 A: ... you . . l e a r na n o t h e r
ocal foreignlanguagebeforeleaving school?
B : Y e s1, . . . learnSpanish.
Word formation(formingnouns)
Phrases 8 Fillin the correctform of the words in bold.

1 An increasein factory .. . . . will

that Fillin: from,in, at.
6 leadto an increasein factorvwaste
By adoptinga sickanimal,you can helpsave PRODUCE
)nce 2 Thanksto the Internet,
animals extinction.
2 Thechinchilla
is dangerof becoming amongpeoplehasbecomeeasrer.
rext We must protect both large and small 3 Man'sindifference hasledto the
habitats beingdestroyed of manyspecies. EXTINCT
), Today,nearly15 percentof the wildlifein 4 T h e . . . . .. . .. of new medicines
B r i t a i ni s . . . . . . . . r i s ko f b e c o m i n o will save people's
extrnct. 5 In the of your essay,
you canrestatewhy recycling isso important.

I Lookat the sentences belowabouta species turtle.Readthe text to decidewhetherthe
of endangered
sentencesare true T(true)or F(false).
1 Therearemorethantwo milliongreenseaturtlesin the worlt.
2 Thegreenseaturtleis not the onlyseaturtlewhosenumbersa.e ^ t smailer.
3 Thegreenseaturtleprovides food for humanbeings
4 A lot of countries
do not allowoeooleto huntthe turtles
5 Fisherman do theirbestto avoidcatching
the turtles.
6 Theturtlesaresometimes caughtin old fishinglines.
7 Theturtlesliketo eat plastic.
8 Touristsfrightenthe turtlesawayfromtheirnestingbeaches
9 Brightlightsaredangerous for youngturtles.
10 Scientistshaveknownaboutthe killerdisease for a longtime

foundinwarmcoastal watersaround populations
theworld,butthelargest todayareinFloridaandtheCaribbean,
Hawaii,andBorneo. Inalltheseareas areat risk,withpopulations
theturiles in Florida
andMexico officially
describedasendangered. Althoughinthepasttherewereprobably several green
million seaturtlesintheworld,
thatfewerthan200,000 adultfemales remain. Belowwelistsome ofthereasons wnv
numbers ofthisandother seaturtles
have declined.
i: i
Peoplearound theworldhaveusedthemeatofthegreen seaturtleforfoodsinceancient
timesandit isthemain
soup. Theeggs,which thefemale
buryonsandy beaches,arealsocollected
althoughlawsbanningthehuntinghave been passed inmany people
countries, continue
to doso

Every morethan10,000seaturtles
Unable to breathe,
couldbeavoidedif thefishermen
mademinorchanges totheirequipment
t0escape.Forsome reason,
many fishermen
to dothis,although

Theseas arelittered
withrubbishwhich canprove deadlytotheturtles.They
canbecome entangledinoldfishing
linesandnetsortheymaymistake piecesofplasticforfood.When thetudlesswallowtheplastic,
it canblocktheir
systems andthentheturtlesstarvetodeath.
More andmore beaches,used bytheturtles asnesting areas, yearastourist
arelostevery areasaredeveloped.
Thismeans thatthefemales donothave place
a familiar inwhrch tolaytheireggsandasa resultsome females
maynoinestatall.Evenif theturtlesdomanage t0 laytheireggs,ihesemaybecrushed bypeople walkingalong
thebeach. theyoung
Justasseriously, turtlesareoften confused bythebrighi
theyhatch anqare
Inrecent have
scientists repofted
thata newdisease
isaffecting particularly
:':.- ::1 .-:. :::-raiions, in
whicheventua, ' : -- -'.:..- :,nies,
virus buttheexact isnotyetknown.
, ,-,i:,
Listening& Speaking b. In pairs,useyouranswers
in Ex.1ato talkaboutglobal
a. Complete
the exchanges
with sentences
fromthe box.
a. Youwill heara person
commenting on a newbook . Howinteresting! I neverknewthat
aboutglobalwarming. For r Sorry- | didn'tthinkof that
questions1-5 chooseA, B or C. o Don'tyoujustloveit here
. I suppose you'reright

1 A :
Theseais so beautifuland calm.
B: Yes,it's a beautifulplace
A: Didyou knowthat turtlessurvivedthe dinosaurextinction
65 millionyearsago?
3 A : Why are you throwingall that paperinto the rubbish
bin? lt's bestif you recycle
1 The book says that most
4 A : Jane,wouldn'tit be betterif we rodeour bikesto school
insteadof takingthe schoolbus?We coulddo our part
to reducepollutionin our city
A think the world will get
colderin the future
B disagreeon the reasonsfor
b. In pairs,
actout similar
C say global warming is a - Agreeing
n:tr rr:l nrnaa<<

3 below.Fillin the gapswith the

Readthe conversation
Most scientistsagreethat the followingexpressions.
rateof globalwarmingis ...
. Whydon't . Howabout. let's. Goodthinking
A notchanging.
. Whynot . That's
B slowingdown
C arowingquickly
Beth: Hi, Jo. How is it going?
The speaker says that the Jo: Hi, Beth. Great, thanks.Ive just finished my essay. 1r
bookcontains... And you?
A too manycomplicatedideas Beth: Ive just finished mine, too.
B a lot of sensible
suggestions Jo: WelI, l) ................ do something!t,
C technical advicefor Beth: OK! 2) ............... . going to the :l
electricians. conservation park? They are offering free guided ;
tours today.
The speakeragreesthat we lo: Great.3) ............... ...ask Tom
if he wants to come, too?
A spendtoo muchin Beth: 4) .I'lI give him a call.
Jo: I havean idea! 5) ............... .........
we walk
traveltoo far to frndgood instead of driving there?
food Beth:6) .........................!
shouldbuy morelocalfood

Writing (an e-mailaskingfor information)
isthinking volunteering
for a fun runthatwill helpraise
moneyfor endangered species.
the phrases below,turn the notes
intosentences, asin theexample.
. Couldyouplease letmeknow. . What
. I wouldbegrateful if youcould... time/
. I aminterestedinfinding out(ifl... start?
. I wouldliketo know(iflwhether) ...
o I wouldappreciateit if youcould...

I would[iketo.knowhowlongthe

closing i ls there
qt I
entries? ' fee?

Let'slook closer

2 Readthee-mailSamwroteto MsHillaskingfor additional Fillin the paragraph

information. planwith
the headings 1-3.
. closinq
remarks. askinq

1 Why hasthe writer startedoff with DearMsHill?Couldhe sign off with Yours
faithfullyor Bestwishes?
2 Hasthe writercoveredallthe points?Underline phrases/sentences
the relevant
3 Hasthe writeraskedouestionsnot mentionedin the notes?
remarks thefollowing

Mark the followingopening/ 1 I can'twait to hearfromyou

closingremarkswith ORor CR.
2 I want someinformation
on Greenoeace.
OW 1 | am writing to requestsome
ng/ information on the Savethe
Youcancallme on 121 017234
LCe? Panda fundraiserthat I saw
advertised inthis week's
l'd be inierestedin applyingfor the environmental
editionof AnimalLovers
2 | look forwardto hearingfrom
you soon
5 Youcanget in touchwith me at the address
3 Pleasewrite back at your
convenience with the
6 Bestwishes,
4 | saw your advert in Ecology
m a g a z i n ae n d I w o u l d l i k e t o Yourturn
find out more about your
Readthe advert for the PortmanEnvironmentAgencyand then
write a letteraskingfor information.Usethe e-mailin Ex.2
asyour model.

Formallettersare sentto peoplein
an officialpositionor peopleyou
don't know very well. They are
written in a formal style with a
polite,impersonaltone. what
The PortmanEnvironmentAgency is looking for
You can write a formal letter to young volunteersfor our help centres.We work
applyfor a job/
requestinformation, with environmentalagenciesin 30 different
course,etc. countriesaroundthe world.
Formalstyleis characterised
by the
. advanced vocabulary
I I am writingto enquire whether...
,nl (NOTI vtart te asktf ...)
J formallinkingwords/phrases
liketo ...
_l . passrve
I canbecontacted
... how
I l^l/fT V^' ' .-^ .^^t-.r m^ I
I 1'vv,.ffi.../ long/training
I r polrteformswithout contractions

I Iwouldliketo apply...

lltlAl= I'A lilza I


Colloquial expressions,phrasal
Wewillprovide freeaccommodation
training, andmeals.
verbs,idiomsand short forms are
NOTusedin formalstyle requestan For more informationcontactLisa Jones
belowto fill in thegaps
. expiry
date . savedup . turnoff " rushed
o warned meagainst. avoided . wandering
. assumed . high-factor
. in sightr noticed
. lookingforwardto . relieved o destination

is nc
Forthosewholovetravelling, travelwriting
soundslikea dreamjob.
Notonlydo travelwriters
travelforfreebuttheyalsogetto publish
theirexperiencesin guidebooks.
However, as thestoriesbelowillustrate,
is no holidayr
Alma Grant, Travel
Writerfor Let'sGoGuideto Madrid
It was my third day in Madrid doing researchon restaurantsand cafes.As I was
1) around, I saw this quiet little street and I decided to
2) . . . . . t o t h er i g h t|.3 ) . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .t h a t h e r ew o u l db e m o r ec a f e s ,
restaurants and tourists in that area but there wasn,t a soul
4) . . Then| 5) a manrunnrng rowards me.As he ran
pastme,he grabbed my bag.| 6) ............ to thenearest policestation. They
toldmethatI hadbeenwalktng inthemostdangerous neighbourhood inthecityl

RichardFoster,Travel Writer Sonia Khan, Travel Writer

forLonelvPlanetGurdeto Chile forAfricaStudentGuideto Egypt
My publisher hadT) ..,,...mountainbiking When you choose a tropical or a subtropical
in the Torresdel Paineon my own,but I didn'tlisten.I 12)....... youmustbe careful.
was really8) . the challenge.The rnformatron available
area is in a spectacularmountainrangeand it is the handson This may 13) potential
problems thatyoumaynothaveconsidered. Mystorv
adventure.What I didn't know showsthat sometraveloroblems
was that the weatherin the c a n b e 1 4 ). . . . . . . . . . ...... . .b. y
mountains can change doingsimplethings Things
unexpectedly at night.So, likewearinga(n)15). .. ...
although sun cream or, ln
my case, checking the
expensivebike equipment,I hadn't 16) on an
thoughtabout buyingthe appropriate anti-mosquito
lotion.On my first
clothes.It was so cold that nightI nearlyfroze.In the night in Cairo.I aopliedthe lotionwithoutchecking.
mornrng,l w o k e u p e x h a u s t e da n d i l l b u t 1 1 ) As a resuli.I ,,,rasbittenby an infectedmosquitoand
thatlwas alivel endedup inf-csc,:ai1
Matchthewordsthenusethe phrases
to fill in 5 U n d e r l i nt hee
thegapsin sentences
1-8. correctword.

tlTl rentaI a Insurance

PTI buffet b car
Flt boarding c hour
birth d company
Where do we check for our flight to
l ) l I travel e map
T ---r---- Moscow?
l o l I roa0 f pass
Shestoodon the ship'sdeck/portand waved
FTI rush g certificate
to herfamily
FTI room h service
We are planningto go on a cruise/ferry
1 The car brokedown so we had to call the the Aegeanlslands
for a replacement. Can vorr nive me a lift/boot to the train
2 Youwill needa copyof your ct:tinn nlo:qo?
in orderto get a new passport 5 ls this the right platform/compartment for
3 You'Llget a . . at the airline's t h e 3 : 15 t r a i nt o L o n d o n ?
check-incounter. 6 Thehoteloffersdisabled/wheelchair facilities
4 Thistrainhasan excellent
.. 7 You'dbe betteroff bookingyourticketsthrough
5 We will not be ableto find our way to that a reputable/rural
beachw r t h o uat . . . . . . . ....... We would like to apologise for any
6 You shouldalwaysbuy inconvenience/warning
beforegoingabroad. Paullosthistemper/moodwhen the car ran
7 D u r i n gt h e m o r n i n g . , the out of petrol.
trainsarepackedwith people. 1 0 Therewasa verylongqueue/boarding
at the
8 Thehoteloffers counter
Fillin with the correctpreposition.
1 T o d a yI ,a m g o i n gt o w o r k . . . . . . . . . . .f.o. .o t Complete phrasal
5 with the appropriate verb.
2 D o y o ue n j o yt r a v e l l i n.g. . .. . . . . . .t.r. a i n ?
'l Couldyougivemea liftto theport?
3 Whengetting a train,you must mind
the gapbetweenthetrainandthe platform C o u l dy o u . .
4 Keepwalking that gate.The ticket at the port?
officeis on vour left Someairlines cheatpeopleby chargingthem
5 T h ep l a n ei sb o a r d i n g . . . . g a t e2 5 . too muchfor tickets.
cal S o m ea i r l r n e. s. . . . . . . . . . .p. .e. .o p l e
rny 4 Completethe idioms.
by charging them too muchfor tickets.
our 1 | a m h o p i n gt h a t M a r ya n d J o h nw i l l r e t u r n Lisasaidgoodbyeto Brianat the trainstation
rtial homesafe L i s a. . . . B r i a n. . . . . . . . .a. t. t h e t r a i ns t a t i o n .
ory (unharmed) On our way to Paris,we stayedfor a little
w h i l ei n C a l a i s
f"'.rV rf,.rr""r,.. i".:f:;i'; On our wayto Paris
we . ..
I'm afraidwe can'tpick. . inCalais.
We can only afforda cheap 5 Theystartedon theirjourneyto Americafull
hotel (chooseselectively) o f h o p ea n do p t r m i s m .
4 Shelivesin the countryside.
Shecan't stand They.......
the hustle for Americafullof hopeand optimrsm.
of London.(verybusyand noisy) 6 Whenthe planeleftthe ground,we got really
ng. 5 When Lisa lost her job we had to scrimp excited.
rnd for a year (spend Whenthe Plane.
very little money) we got reallyexcited _
Grammarin Use 3 Jointhe sentences
the wordsin brackets,
asin the example.
Usedto / Would
5'e irc<eherleg Shecancelled hertrip.(after)
Fillin the gapswith usedto, wouldor both. : .:' :' :'cd broken
1 | ... . . . . . . t r a v eal l o t w h e nI l i v e di n Sre a:rved in LondonAll her friendsleft for
America. E c i r o u : g h( .b yt h e t i m e )
2 Betty ..... be a hotelreceptionist
beforeshejoinedJ&JCompany Sarahwent white-waterr afting She did a
We . . .. lovetravelling
by boatbut irainrngcourse(before)
now we prefertravelling
by plane
Before s h em e t h e rh u s b a n ds,h e . . . . . . It startedraining They reachedthe airport
travelalone. (already... when)
5 As students,we .. takeshort
weekendbreaksto London. Miriamarrivedat the port The ship left (by
6 They... go awaytwo or threetimes the time)
a year.but now they aretoo old to travel
7 WhenBrianwasyounger,
staywith hisgrandparentseverysummer 4 Readthe situationsand makesentences
the words in brackets.
8 In the winterwe . . go on ski
tnpsto Austriaor Switzerland. 1 | wasverytiredwhen I arrivedhome
(l/work/hardall day)
2 Readthe extractfrom a story and put the
I hsCbeenwarkingherCall Cay.
verbsin bracketsinto the pastsimple
or the past
2 Thetwo boyscameinto the houseTheyhad
a footballand they were both verytired

Therewas nobodyin the kitchenbut there

wasa smellof burntfood

Annwokeup in the middleof the night Shewas


Oneday.a dog 1) ... . . (walk)overa

WhenI got home,Mikewassittingin frontof
a bonein hismouth Whenthe dog
the TV.Hisclotheswere coveredin oaint
2) . .. .. .. (look)down intothe water,he (he/paint/theroom)
3) ... .. . . ...(see)hisown reflectron
4) (think)it wasanotherdog carrying
a bone lmmediately the dog 5) . Word Formation
(start) barking at the 'other' dog Oaaurrun.
6) (want) his bone As he
5 Usethe prefixesun-, in-,mis-,over-,dis- to form
Then,usethem to
7) ... . . . (bark).the dog 8) completethe sentences (1-5).
(drop)his own bone into the river.The bone was
friendly -
comfortab e- convenient

1 Heisa very . .. bossbecause

he rs
'sa :-
2 Caic,-::a cityin India.
3 Wigsarehot and .. to wear. 8 A : Linda (look)so upset
4 Hearrivedat a very . moment w h e nl s a w h e r
5 Thetaxidriverwasrudeand B: l k n o w S h e . . ....(cry)
all day She . (lose)
Completethe exchanges by puttingthe verbs h e rd o g i n t h e p a r kt h i sm o r n i n g .
5 o n.
in brackets pastcontinuous,
into the pastsimple, . .. . .. (Nicole/leave)
pastperfector pastperfect
continuous. herjob at the bookshop?
B: Yes.she (work)
theresince1999 andshe
(feel)it wastime to moveon

1 0 A: Bythe time I was27, I

(save)enoughmoneyto buya car
B: Really?| was 31 when I
(buy)my firstcar I
1 A : How (be)yourtrip to Berlin? (work)veryhardfor yearsbefore| ...........
B : G r e a tW ! e ... ....... ( d o )a l o t o f . . . . . . .(.h a v e a) l l t h em o n e y .
s i g h t s e e i na gn d . . . . . (meet) 1 1 A: Why wereyou so latethismorning?
somereallyinteresting B: | . (drive)my carfor twenty
A: How (you/break) yourarm? minuteswhenl .(get)
B : | . . . . . . .... . . . . . . .. . .( h i k e )
i nt h eB l a c F
k orest a f l a tt y r ea n d . . . . . . . (have)
in Freiburg and | (trip) to callroadservice
overa rock 12 A: What'sthe problem?
a0 3 A : (you/see)
Claudia B: They (try)to fix the machine
at the party? for hoursyesterday
but rt rsstrllbroken.
B: No,we didn't Bythe time we
lre (already/leave) 7 Completethesecondsentence sothat it
means thesameasthe first.Useno morethan
4 A: When ... .....(you/realise)that threewords.
you . . .....(take)the wrongtrain?
JohnandI would
1 Whenwe wereat university,
B: | (just/order)dinnerin the
AS workon a fishing
boatin thesummer
buffetcarwhen I
Johnand| .. ....
Whenwe wereat unrversity,
(hear)the announcement.
to work on a fishing
5 A : . (Tonia/goout)?
boatin the summer.
B : Yes,she (do).
of When he graduated,he startedworkingas a
She (study)in her room
travelagentin Madrid.
for hoursso she
He started working as a travel agent in
(decide)to takea break.
Madrid.. ...graduated.
6 A: How long . . (Tim/look) As I was getting ready to leave,Monica
for a job before he was hired at the walkedin.
NationalGallery? l w a s g e t t i n gr e a d yt o l e a v e. . . . . . . . . .
B: Well,he (ust/graduate) . . MonicawalkedLn.
from collegewhen he was calledfor an Johnand I havebeentogetherfor 25 years.
interview. J o h na n dI h a v e
A: Why wasAndreaso stressed? that day25 yearsago.
B : S h e. . . . . . ( t y p e )h e re s s a y After living in Spainfor twenty years,we
o n t h e c o m p u t e ra l l m o r n i n gw h e n i t cameto London.
in Spainfor twentyyears.
Lookat the text in eachquestion.
Whatdoesit say?Markthe correctletterA, B,or C.

abr oad
NEVERLEAVE r eacntng
expenencenot neces s ar y
LUGGAGE Competitive
lf you haveteachingexperience
you can
teachEnglish abroad
;:";rr, takeyourtussasewith you on the YoucanteachEnglish abroadwithouthavinq
plane. teachingexperience.
Youmustn'tleavewithouttakingyour Whenyou teachEnglish abroadyou must
luggagewith you. haveteachingexperience.
Youmustkeepyourluggagewith you at all

Subscribe and
receive and
bye-mail week.

to our newsletter
in order
to receiveoffers,previewsetc. A Lauracanbookherflightin herown time
You haveto subscribe to the newsletterevery B LauramustbookLeonie'sfliqhtassoonas
week. possible
It is possible
to receiveoffersetc, if you Lauramusthurryup and bookherflightas
subscribe to the newsletter: soonas possible

Callus nowif you arebetweenlB-30
Lost,stolenor missing
itemsmustbe left
A Youcanget bargainpricesif you areover30 wneretheyare
B Youmustbe a studentto get bargainprices Lost,stolenor missing
itemsmustbe taken
C Youmustbe between18 and 30 to qet to the Departmentof PublicSafety
bargainprices Anythinglost,stolenor missing
reponedtc ile Depaftment of PublicSafety

Listening& Speaking TravelInformation
Bookingtickets 3 Usethesentences
to complete

Youwill heara conversation betweentwo

friends, oneof whomiscomplaining abouta
telephone booking.Decide if eachsentence is
corrector incorrect. lf it is correct,tick (/)YES.
tick(./) NO.
lf it is incorrect,


ng 1 Lucyspentan houron the phone

tryingto booka flightto Edinburgh. E E
2 Thetravelagentwaspolite. Etl
3 Thetravelagentkeptsayinghow
ousyne was Etl
4 Thetravelagenthadn'theardabout A: Good morning, Travel Bookings.
the British
offer E E l) ................ .........?
5 Lucycrredon the phone. rE B: I'd like information on ferry tickets to
6 Lucydidn'tbookhertrcketrnthe Calais, please.
end. rT A: 2) ............... . . . ,s i r ?
B: Tuesday morning. I would like a one way
Complaining ticket, please.

Choosethe correctresponse. A: 3) ............... . The ferry

leaves at 7:15in the morninq and then
1 A: I wasn'tsatisfied lt
with the roomservice.
every half hour after that until 1I:00 at
wasn'tefficientat all.
B : a I d o a p o l o g i s ser, r
B: Sorry,did you say 7:I5?
b How canI helpyou?
A: 4) ..............
2 A: How did you findthe room?
B: a lt wasdirtyandthe viewwasawful. B: Could you tell me how long the journey
b I didn't is?
A: Yes.5) ...........,
3 . A: What was wrong with your camping
holiday? B: And how much does it cost, please?
B: a lt wasnot what I had in mind. A: It's S35.
b Thecampsite wasgoodenough. B: Great.6) ............... .......for the
4 A: I didn'tlikethe coachtrip 8:15ferry,please.
B: a Sowhat do youwant usto do?
b Whatwasthe problem?
. Yes,that'sright
5 A: Excuseme, the sheetsin our room have o Whenwouldyouliketo travel
not beenchanged. . Justa moment, l'llcheck
B: a What do you mean? . I wouldIikea ticket
b l'm sorry l'll send someone up . HowcanI helpyou
immediately o lt takesaround 75 minutes

Writing (a storyin 1't personnarrative)
Readthe rubric.
Whatisthe storyabout?Whoisthestoryabout?

I Youworkat a teenmagazine. Theeditorhasasked

I you to write a shortstoryentitled,

Let'slook closer
2 Readthe storyandcompletethe paragraph planwith the headings:
, whathappened
in theend/feelings.

&@W. wereall in goodspirits

the wholesummer
campingin Europe ltalywas our final destination and we were Introduction
settingup campfor the verylasttime.We werestayingat a fantastic (Para l) set tbe scene
campsite,big treesshadedour tent At nightyou couldhearvoices (1tuho,
happilychattingin the darkness
and insectsbuzzing
in the trees.
p" One evening,we decidedto go to a traditionalltalian
We had beencookingfor ourselves most nights,so it
seemedlikea realtreatto havesomeoneprepareour mealfor us.
Everyonegot dressedup in their best clothesand we headedoff
towardsthe town. Thefood wasdelicious. we tuckedinto ail kinds
of pasta,pizzasandjuicyfreshfishdishes.Then,afterwe.d fjnished
eatingtherewas a specialdancingdemonstrationby someof the
locals We clappedand cheeredas theywhirledaroundthe dance
floor.Then,theymadeus havea go. No onewasverygoodbut we
hada greattime tryingto get the movesright.
$b Wf,enthe musicfinallystoppedwe noticedthat everything in the
restaurantwasshaking fromsideto side ,,euicklGet underthe tables.
It'san earthquake,"shoutedoneof the waitersWe hadn'tnoticedthe
groundmovingbeforeaswe hadbeenconcentrating on dancingl
&& W. were tremblingwith fearby the time the earthquake was
over lt onlylasteda minute,but it seemedlikemuchlongerLuckily,
no onewas injuredand the restaurant wasn,tdamaged, apartfrom
a few brokenplatesand glassesOne thing is certainthough,my
friendsand I will alwaysrememberthe night when our dancinq
nearlybroughtthe housedown!

3 Linkthe sentences.
Usethe words in bracketsin the correcttense.
1 ThejourneyendedWe got off the boat.(assoonas)
2 Theboatwassailing.
we wereeatingice-cream on the deck.(while)
3 | wasdriving.I hearda loudnoise(when)
4 Theplanehit someturbulence. Thepilotmadean announcement.
5 I bookedmy flight.I lookedat travelwebsites (assoonas)
on the Internet.
4 pasttense.
the correct
Readthe extractbelowandunderline Matchthe beginningsof the
to the endings
whichtechniques havebeen
As I lf was driving/had drove home,it 2| started/was usedin eachone.
starting to rain.Suddenlythe road3f was becoming/became
veryslippery.Then,outof nowherea dog4| ran/wasrunningout Beginnings
in frontof the car.Thedog 5| had disappeared/disappeared
fromviewand | 6l was slammed/slammed on the brakes. FTI "Don't walk under a
Luckily,| 7) learned/hadlearned howto drivein dangerous ladder lt'sbadluck" my
conditions and | 8f was stopping/stoppedveryquickly.As I granny
usedto say
9) got/was getting outof thecar,thedog 101was wagging/
wagged histail.Hewasabsolutely
fine. Why, for no reasonat all,
==et =':-'''
do you feel scaredwhen
to beginyour story
It wasso quiet,I couldhear
An interesting
beginning ending.
is as importantasan rnteresting
my stomachrumbling.We
An interestingbeginningwill catchthe reader'sattenttonand
were all lyingon the floor
make him/herwant to continuereading A good endingwill
as the bank robberstook
the money.
a) usingyour sensesto set the sceneand describethe weather,
atmosphere,surroundings or people's to
actions createmystery
or suspense. The man behind the wasquiterlcrktharnight
I eeulrjhearthevtinrjht:vvilng counterhad savedus all
andit feltstrangeto beoutin thewilCerness all alone" with his braveryWe were
b) usingdirectspeech. grateful.
all extremely
n refI us,
lcokcn thebrtghrsiCecf li{e,kids,'Mr {risbainusEr}
askinga rhetoricalquestion.r.e.a questionthat doesnot l o f t e n t h i n k b a c ka n d
requtrean answer. laughto myself.I met my
you by traincn a warffisummer*ight7
hls,ve ever{rovelled husband because he
-1 i d ) addressingthe readerdirectly. droppeda pot of painton
" l I cm surey*uallknawwhata bcrqainis. me while he was painting
I i") referringto your feelingsor moods. a window frame.Just as
:J lhad t:eenskor*inqellsfternr:an"
lvvasexhawsteclberr;use well l'm not superstitious!

-l to end your story

Techniques I can strllhearthe words

I Youcanend yourstoryby:
of the fortuneteller and
shudder to myself.
J a) usingdirectspeech.
ta bee!!right,'.Jchns,sidta me.
"Bewarethe houseof the
r i s i n gs u n , "s h eh a ds a i d .
b) referringto your feelingsor moods.
l&teweretrembilnqvtit'*{Esrbut v'rtwereh*py:yi,: beali rc,
c) askinga rhetoricalquestion.
'Vlhy Youreditoral University
d*esit slwcyshavele besodifficuit?' 6
hasaskedyouto writea story
d) describingpeople'sreactionsto/ feelingsabout the events
developedin the main body.
(80-100 words).UseEx,2 asyour
f'ly fatkerkad berarnethehero*{ thedaydndI wase/te,..:)/ inL)d cf
modelandtry to makeyour
by usingthe
techniquesmentioned above.

Liveand 2 Crossthe odd word out, as in the example.

1 -.rsery secondary,high,qij"jM

earn 2 .;riversity,
3 prirrate,
4 headmaster,
5 certificate,
6 seminar,lecture,
VocabularyPractice 7 classmates,pupils,students,

3 Matchthe wordsin the columnsthen use
them to fill in the gapsin the sentences
1 Fillin the gapswith thewordsbelow.
. ordinary . well-behaved rTt social a attentton
. relyon . lifechanging E-n e n r o l
b subjects
. improved . value t 5 l I hi g h c -scnool
o commented . compulsory F-tt d on a course
. of itskind . treat FTI scnool
r ---r---
e situations
o respecto rnstruct l o l I payrng f marks
F-tl pflvate I manners
Summerhill school trTt playrng h fields
is not a(n)

in the UK,Summerhill
is all aboutfreedom.At
Summerhill lessonsare not
3)..................... . lf a pupildoesn'tlike
maths,he or she can choosenot to go to
classes.Thatof coursedoesn'tmeanthat a
pupilcan alwaysdo as he or she likes.There Manypeopledo not know how to behavein
are 190rulesat Summerhill and one of the first c e r t a r n. . . .
thingsteachers4)..................... children I t h i n kl ' l l . . .. .. to improve
to do is to 5)............... ....eachother m yG e r m a n .
w i t h6 ) . .... As a result,pupils There'sa greatvarietyof
on offer at Eton.
goodmanners. Pupilssay that studyingat Schoolsthat teach
Summerhill can be 9) ..................... navebecomeverypopularin recentyears
'Learning to 10) Getting... in all subjects
makedecisionsis something thatwe wouldn't will help you get an interviewat Oxfordor
learnin an ordinaryschool,'11) Cambridge.
fourteen-year-old pupilJo Whitley. Parentsare Poppywasnot , in class
alsoenthusiastic.'Summerhill has so shecouldn'tansweranyof the professor's
12).................. our daughters' manners questrons

saidone of them.'ltis a greatschool!' Charlottestudiesat a(n)
",,**"..,.r:!:":r-, ",a.".0"
in Switzerland
All new studentsto St Paul'sSchoolwere
shownthe library,
and .
4 Usethe wordsin boldto rewritethe sentences Circlethe correctword.
usingthecorrectidiom. ''l graduated/enrolled
Susanna on a newcourse
1 Sonrahaslearnedtl"epoemso wellthat she in ChildPsychology
canremember to readit.
it withouthavinq at Harvard
Students studylonghours
heart andhavea verydemanding
Paul graduatedwith a course/degreein
I won't makethe samemistakeagainbecause Engineering
from McGillUniversity
I havelearnedfrom it. Eileen by herteachers
lessonl.... to applyto medical
5 We attendeda seminar/lesson on Maths.
l o n l v m e t T e s s aa m o n f h : o n h t r t l f o o l l i k c I 6 Thedeadline/closefor the essayis Monday.
know herextremely
well 7 A teacher/tutorgivesAndrewprivatelessons
book I everyFriday
for a
My brotherPatrickrslearning/studying
I had no ideathat Brian'sparentsare world degreein Science
famous-writers I guess,I learna new thing by bulliesat
Tinawas threatened/dropped
everydayl school
live I 1 0 It comments/remains
to be seenwhetherthrs
will be beneficial

Word Formation 7 Complete preposition.

with thecorrect

Usethe suffixes to formnounsfromthe verbs 1 Shespokewith her mouth full

in the list.Usethe nounsto complete food.
sentences. 2 Robertalwaysgets the blame
,v^v,rro^L^E+V^E,r, ^ut "-o.u- . .trJo-P^v^ e n S i n C I a S S
. dance. collectr piano
3 Mrs Sullivanis very popular all
. examrne. operate
'or herstudents
. .
mustc organtse
4 Shegrew . .. valuinggoodmanners
. comedy. create
. perform 5 Herbrotherstudies BristolUntversity

1 R u s s i abna l l e t . . . Nureyev
Rudolf Phrasalverbs
w a sb o r ni n 1 9 3 8a n dd i e di n 1 9 9 3
officeis always
Thetelephonein Mr Perkrns's
8 Fill in: fake, let, go, bresk,setflein the correct
:ncrniorod hv tho

RupertMontagueis a great ... 1 A: You shouldn'tbe upset about coming

of French19thcenturyparntings.
He hasover secondin the race
50of them. B: I know,but I feelthat I have......
British RowanAtkison,also everyonedown.
k n o w na sM r B e a ni,sv e r yp o p u l airn J a p a n . 2 A: How did shereactto the news?
.L) MeredithBrown is the . o f B: She down andcried
or manyinternational art exhibitions. 3 A: I . yournumberdown i1691'6srthr
ArthurConanDoyleisthe . . . . . of Couldyou repeatit for me,please?
SS SherlockHolmes. B: Of courselt's212 015694
t ) The gavea fine performance 4 A: Housepricesarenot as hrghthisyear.
'Moonlight B: Yes,they have . . .. down by 15%
of Beethoven's Sonata'
A(n) ... is a personwho actsor 5 A: All the housework hasbeendoneand the
s i n g sr nf r o n to f a n a u d i e n c e . children
haveleft for school.
re B: Good,now I can down to
my writing
Grammarin Use on a Musiccourse,"saidTina
Reportedspeechstatements ^-- --:
l n g l i s hh, a l f - t t a l i a nB. o
, ' bs a i d
Fillin:say,tellor askinthecorrect
1 lcan't for sure,but I thinkLynn 1
t -
our secondyearof high school,',
ls alreadylookingfor a newjob. i :
Theteacher . .. he wasdisappointeo
with our examresults. 8 "i ^a,3- : r,',,;111.n
my essay
They . .. theyhada wonderfultime
in Cambridge
And now lwould liketo . .. a fevu Reportedquestions/comma
wordsaboutthe summerschoolplay.
L a u r a. .
Turnthe followingsentences
into reported
t h a t s h eh a s
questions,asin theexamole.
enrolled on a creative
He . . .. for theirhelpbut therewas 1 "lsBrian
well-behaved?,,MrsGardner asked
nothingtheycoulddo MrsGardner
if Brionwasvtelf-behaved.
Professor Jonespromisedto .. -) s v , , j\ v/ nur I
"fzn h^l^
,,8,p rrte oUt with this Maths
uswhy he had resigned from hisjob problem?
" Leanorasked
She. for favoursaljthe time
I find it reallyannoying. 3 "Whereisthe nearest
9 "Of course, l'm yourbestfriend,',she
ro me 4 "Will you pick me up from the airportat
1 0 S h e. . . . . . .. T i mt o m e e th e ro u t s i d e 1 0 : 0 0 ?h
" ea s k e d
t h ec i n e m a t 7 : 0 0 .
"What are your plansfor tomorrow?,,pau

2 Turnthe followingsentences
into reported
"Do you preferclassical
speech. musicto jazz?"Dan
t ,

"Are you goingto unrversrty "

in September?

8 "You'd betterwake up earlytomorrow,,,T im

l'm studying
veryhardfor 9 "Couldyou lendme yourcar?,,Johnsaid
my exams.
10 "Benicerto yoursisters,,'
veryhardfcr his 1 1 " C l e a ru p t h e m e s sin the livingroom,"Zoe
exams" said
2 "l studiedEnglishat Bristol
sard 1 2 " P u tt h a t d o w n , "S a i l ys a i d

3 Leahsaid,"l havebeena teacherfor ten vears,,

13 "Don'tbe laietoinol-ov4,,

Ann said,"l wasdoingthe gardening

when it 1 4 "You must fii-s- report today," Mr
C a n n o ns a i d

4 Turnthe followingtext into DirectSpeech. Reportingmodalverbs

6 Timistalkingto histeacher
The studentadvisoraskedPaulwhy he thought he gradesandhow to improvethem.Turnwhat
didn't do well in the exams.Paulsaidthat there theteachersaidintoreportedspeech.
were manyreasonsbehindhis poor performance. 1 "Youwill haveto workharderif youwantto
He explainedthat first of all,he hada fear of exams. i m p r o vyeo u rg r a d e st,h" et e a c h esra r d... . . . . .
The studentadvisoraskedPaulto tell him what
causedthe fear.Pauladmittedthat he found it "Youmustorganise
difficultto organisehistime and that he didnt pay he said
attention in class.Asa result,he alwaysfelt
that Paul
unprepared.The 3 "A tutorcanhelpyouin the evenrngs,"
he said
spendmore time in the libraryand keepa daily
scheduleof the thingshe neededto do.Paulsaid 4 "Youhaveto spendmoretime in the library."
that he had alwayswantedto organisehistime but h es a i d
didnt l<nowhow to. He agreedto l<eepa schedule
and organisehis time.Thestudentadvisorasl<ed 5 "Youwill haveto paymoreattentionin class,"
him to meet with him againnext week. h es a i d .

6 "You can ask me for help wheneveryou

."."Whydoyau thinkycu didn'tclovvel!in theexarns?" want," he said.
3 t
"You shouldmake a nlan heforpvorr start
Reportingverbs " h es a i d
ul Usethe verbsin the listto reportthe
. promrse c explain. deny. ask
. suggest
)n sothat it
7 Complete the secondsentence
1 "Pleaseturn downthe music,"Philipsaidto means the sameasthe first.Useno morethan
asked to turndawnthemusic.
Jayce threewords.
2 "Let'sgo to the Prcasso Susan
saidto me
1 " Let'senrol on an eveningcoursewith
a lo l l e g eB, "a r rsya i dt o m e .
l m p e r iC
R:rrrr cr rnnoctoal
3 "l didn't breakthe procelainvase," Evelyn
on an eveningcoursewith lmperial College.
"l will handin my frnalyearthesisbeforethe
d e a d l i n e I, "s a i d .
4 "lwillimprove
m y m a n n e r s J, "e n n ys a i d
l nrnmicad th:t I

"Lauracan'tcometo the partyas shehasan . finalyearthesisbeforethe deadline.

I wrllneverfailmy examsagain.I havelearned
examtomorrow,"lansaid.. .
)e from my mistake
I have and
6 "Let'sgiveAndya call,"saidRichard
I will neverfailmy examsagain.
" l w i l l s e n dryrunur r r nncl-r:rd frnm (:lzhrrrn "
My sisterdisappointed our parentswhen she
d PU)LLoru ilvltt JutLvut9l

droppedout of college
C l a u d isaa i d
My sister
"This laptop is very easyto use as it is the downwhenshedroppedout of college.
'/r "l applied of Oxford,"Mikesaid.
to the University
l a t p s tt e c h n o l o o v" h e s a i d . .
, , , v , v J ) l

Mikesaidthat he . . .
of Oxford
to the University
Readthe text andchoosethe correctanswer(A-C)for questions

What is the author'smain purposein writing C Sre :'ar,,elled

ihe world as an authorand
the text?
A to presentus with a short biographyof D S"e rc,,'edto Alabama
Helenwas an exceptional personbecause
B to talk aboutthe success a deafand blind
A s h em a n a g etdo a c h i e vger e a t h i n g s
nersonc,anarhievein life
B she was the first blindand deaf personto
C to explainwhy HelenAdamsKelleris such
writea book
an Insprflng
C she was the first blindand deaf personto
D to describe personality
HelenAdamsKeller's ^"-^,,-+^
g r d u u d L e {i .l^(^J r I L
What would a reader learn about Anne D sheraisedfundsfor blindand deafpeoplein
Sullivanfrom the text? America
A Shewaslikea sisterto Helen.
5 Whichis the bestdescription
of Helen?
B Shewas Helen's
teacherand closefriend
A an exceptronaloerson who overcame
C Shewasverycloseto Helen
blindnessanddeafness qreatthinqs
to achive
D Shewasan inspiration
for Helen.
a blind and deaf authorwho travelledto
What did Helendo after she graduatedfrom over39 countries
college? an exceotional
blind woman who was a
A Shewent to Massachusetts.
B Shewrote lhe Storyof myLife. a gifted blindand deaf authorand speaker
who wrote manybooks

Tililffi RY

T I elen Adams Keller was born in Alabama in 1880 Radcliffe College. In 1903, she wrote an
-EL anOdied in 1968.Helen becamedeaf and blind autobiographicalbook called The Story of my Lfe.ln
after a short childhoodillnesswhen shewas 19 months 1904,Helen graduatedfrom Radcliffe Collegebecoming
old. In 1886,aged six, Helen was introduced to Anne the first deaf and blind personto graduatefrom college.
Sullivan, a twenty-year-old teacher who was partially Helen becamefamous all over the world as an author
blind. Anne was the first person to teach Helen the and speaker and travelled to over 39 countries with
meaning of words. The first word that Helen learned Anne. Anne Sullivan died in 1936.Helen devotedthe
was 'water' which Anne taught her by running cool rest of her life to raising funds for blind and deaf
water over her palm. Anne also taught Helen how to people in America. In 1960, she published another
speakby touching the lips and throats of other people, book, entitled Light in my Darkness.She died in June,
which is known as the Tadoma method. Helen was 1968in Connecticut.
very close to Anne, and called her 'Teacher'. They
Helen Keller will always be remembered as an
remainedclosefriends and companionsfor 49 years.
exceptionalperson who overcameher blindness and
In 1894,Helen and Anne moved to New York to study deafnessto achievegreat things. As she alwayssaid,
at the Wright-Humason School for the Deaf. In 1898, 'The best and most beautiful ihings in the world
Helen enteredThe CambridgeSchoolfor Young Ladies cannot be seen or even touched. Thev must be felt
in Massachusettsand in 1900 she was admitted to within the heart.'
Listening& Speaking 4 A . Couldyou please
helpme with the Science
B : a Yes,you could.
b Yes,certainly.
Youwill hearinformation regarding
evening courses.Fillin the missing
information 5 A : Couldyougivemea liftto the shops,please?
in the numbered spaces.
I preferwalking
B : a Actually,
b Sorry,
l'm not takingthe car.

THE EVENINGCOLLEGE Telephone etiquette

offersevening1) 3 Complete
with the
. Whoisspeaking, please
COURSES on offer:French,ltalian, . l'lljustgethimforyo-
2)............... Greea knd . Wouldyouliketo leave a message
3 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c HowcanI helpyou
l: s ll . Great. I'dappreciate
;l A l lo u r4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a r en a t i v e
l:r speakers witha minimumof 4 years'
"l A: Good morning. National Gallery.
J C o u r s esst a r itn 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a n dc o n s i s t
-l of a totalof 28 lessons.
r) ................ .........?
B: Hellol May i speak to Mr Byrne, please?
E n r o l l m eU
n tp:u n t i7l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
. .1. .s. t. . . . . . A: 2) ............... ..........?
B: This is Helena Bell, Mr Byrne's sister.
Tel:02072240714 A: One moment,Mrs Bell.3)
B : Thank you.
A: I'm afraid Mr Byrne is not answering his Ii
phone.4) ............... ...............?
B : Yes, thank you. Could you please ask I
Politerequests- agreeing/
him to call me?
A: Of course. I'll make sure Mr Byrne gets
2 Circle
sentence. the message.
5) ..............
ln 1 A: a Canyou giveme yourdictionary?
1^ Dg
b CouldI borrowyourdictionary?
). B: Yes,of course
2 A : C o u l dy o u l e n dm e f 1 0 ?
B: a l'm afraidI can't I only havef5 in my
af wallet
EI b Actually,
I don't do that
3 A : a W o u l dy o u m i n dh a n d i n g
photocopies, please?
b Handout the photocopies, now
B: l'm afraidI can't Mrs Sounders
1d seeme in her office

Writing (a for-and-against

Readthe rubricandunderline
the keywords.Thinkof reasons

,i, Yourteacherhasaskedyouto writean essaydiscussing

the positiveandnegative aspectsof goingto
fi a boarding
Writeyouressay explaining
whatit islikestudyingandlivingin a schoolmostof
I the year.
independent oYnan( \/a

Let's look closer

2 a. Readthe essay the paragraph

belowandcomplete planwith the headings.
Howmanyof yourideas
canyou find in the essay?
. advantages . youropinion. disadvantages
& justifications/examples & justifications/examples

$M. More and more parentstoday chooseto send

to boardingschoolButwhereas some
childrenenjoythe experience,
othersfind it difficult
and unpleasantSo,what reallyarethe advantages
and disadvantages
of boarding

@ fh.r" are certainadvantages to attendinga

boardingschool.To start with, pupilslearnto rely
on themselves
and maketheir own decisions. As a
result. they become more independent.
Furthermore,boarding schools have excellent
facilitiessuch as swimmingpools,theatresand
cinemasand pupilsare encouraged
to take part in
F& However,livingrn a boardingschoolhas its
disadvantagesThe main drawbackis that children
feelverylonelywhen they areseparated
from their
parents and other family members Also, the
majorityof boardingschoolstudentscome from
wealthyfamilies.As a result,pupilsfrom poorer
or isolated
goingto boarding
p, tn conclusion, schoolhasits
advantagesand disadvantages.I believe that
parentsshouldresearch the pros and
and drscuss
consto determineif boardingschoolsare right for
, theirchildren

b. Underline
the topicsentences
in the mainbodyparagraphs Canyouthinkof alternative
of the essay.
essaysare one type of discursrve 4 Readthe extractsbelow and saywhich are
,,vritingin which you discussthe advantages/ beginnings and whichare endings.Then
identifythe writingtechnique(s)
that has/have
drsadvantages topic.A 'for-and-against'
of a specific
beenusedin each.
essayshouldconsist of
a) an introductionin whichyou presentthe topic, Have you ever thought how many toxic and
makinga generalremarkabout it without grving chemicalsubstancesare to be found in our
shampoos.deodorantsand creams?
b) a main body in whichyou presentthe pointsfor a recentstatistrc.
98o/oof the toiletrieswe useare
and against,in separateparagraphs, supporting verydangerous to our health.So,doesthat mean
your argumentswith j ustifications/exa
mpIes; that we shouldstopusingtoiletries
c ) a c o n c l u s i own h i c hi n c l u d eyso u ro p i n i o n( e g . I n
my opinion/view, I believe/think, etc) or a balanced In my opinion,there are many points against
summary of the topic dieting Besides, as CyrilConnolysaid,'The one
o You must not includeopinionwords(l believe,I a purposein life'
wayto get thin isto re-establish
think, etc) in the introductionor the marn body.
Moreand morepeopletodaychoosenot to have
Opinionwordscan be usedin the finalparagraph,
children Most peoolethink that a life without
whereyou maystateyouropinion.
childrenmust be terriblylonely,but is that really
r 'For-and-against' essaysare normallywritten in
the case? Having no children has both its
formal style; thereforeyou should avoid using
and disadvantages.
strong language(l know, I am sure, etc), short
or idroms. Tosumup. I belreve
therearemoreadvantages than
You can find this type of writing in artrclesin disadvantages
to travelling
abroad After all, you
etc. don'ttravelandexpose yourself
to differentcultures,
youwill shutyourself
off fromthe restof the world
Linkers As St. Augustinesaid,'The world is a book, and
thosewho do not travelreadonlyonepage.'
Replace the linkers
in boldin the essay
the following.
. Toconclude. Firstly
. Inaddition
5 a. Usethe ideasbelowto discuss the prosand
o Forthrsreasono Ontheotherhand
consof studyingin a foreigncountry.Use
. Consequentlyo Y1or.ou.t

to beginor end your essay Pros
. experiencedifferent
To attract the reader'sinterest and make the . become moreooenandtolerant
beginningor endingof youressaymoreeffective, . makenewfriends of different
-1 youcanusesomeof the followingtechniques: Justification
o learnthe history,customs,language, etc

_i a includea rhetoricalquestion
lsit truethata greatteacher
b addressthe readerdirectly
ovn:nd hnriznnc

. accentthat nconlgare differentand have

lf you are patientand caring,you will havemore . become international
chances a greatteacher.
of becoming Cons
c includea quotation(i.e a sentenceor phrase . missfamily/friends

I taken from a book, play,etc) When we use a
^ , , ^ + _ + ; ^ ^ ; + ; - , ^ ^ - e s s A r tvo m e n t i o n t l ^ e
9 U U L d L r U rr , r L r > i l e L - - , - .

of the personwho said/wroteit

. drfficult
to adaptto newwayof life
. spenda lot of time on yourown, without
emotional supportfromfamily
. newcustoms completely to yours
AsG.K.Chesterton issimplytheso,Ll
said,'Education of
asit passes
a society fromonegeneration
to aici:^,.t.
b. Useyouranswers
in Ex.5ato writeyour
essay words).
1 Fillin the gapswith the appropriate
. countless . horn . popular. haunting
o killing. mythical. speedo protect
. treasures . deaths

l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. .t.o. .r.i.e.about
s. . dragons, unicorns
andother2l ................ creatures. Somemyths
are aboutbeautiJul sirensthat pull sailorsto their
3l ................ with their 4l .......,......,...........
songs.Othersare aboutbravemen 5l ...................
dragons whowatchoverpriceless 6l ............. . Thentherearethoseaboutlheunicorn withitswhitecoatand
itsmagical 7l ....................... . IntheMediterranean andtheMiddle of griffins
Eastthereareotherstories withthe
sightand8l ................ of eagles andwhose jobitwasto 9f ............ riches.
Eachandevery country
in theworldhasitsownsetof mythsthathavebeenpassed downfromgeneration to generationand
whichcontinue to be101.............. withchildren andadults today.

2 Circlethe correctword. 10 Thunderrumbled/rattled overthe darkforests

a n dm o u n t a i n s
1 Some mythical creatureswere immune/
unaffectedto any poison
Crossthe odd word out, as in the example.
2 AncrentGreekgodswereimmortal/valuable
3 In Greek mythologythe Sphrnxwould kill 1 petrified,
elb , frightened
thosewho couldnot solveherriddle/puzzle 2 ecstatic,
sleepy, pleased,
4 The Hydra'snine heads were attached/ 3 s u r p r i s eidm, p a t i e r ts, h o c k e da,m a z e d
pointedto a longneck. 4 chattering sh , a k i n gr ,u s t l i n gt r, e m b l i n g
by peoplebecause
Giantswere feared/scared 5 myth,sphinx,ceniaur,hydra
theywerecrueland meancreatures 6 strength,courage, power,t.easure
The Sirenswould sing songstrickingsailors 7 h u m a nv, a s i ,g i g a n t i ch,u g e
theirshipsto rocks 8 mean,nasty,baci,shiny
Somepeoplewere moving/shaking with fear
asthe giantenteredthe village 4 Fillin the correctpreposition.
The saiiorstapped/chatteredtheir feet in
Tom trembled iear when he saw
timeto the musicof the Sirens
the ghost
Asthe children
approached the cave,the dragon
Therewas nc the dangers
l y i n ga h e a d
3 We were all surprised ... how brave 7 We could hear the floorboardsfrom the
and fearless
shewas upstairs
4 Theherodied a swordwound A creaking B r u m b l i n g C crackling
5 Chrisgasped horrorat the sightof 8 lt was so cold my teeth were
t h e g i a n tb e a r A chattering B crackling C creaking
i 6 S h ew a ss o h a p p ys h ew a ss m i l i n g. . . . .
9 Thefirewas all night
ear ear
A crackling B firing C rattling
7 He was as white . a sheetafterthe
earthquake 10 Body languageis as importantas
8 Lauren
isfond. Greekmyths
ancient language
9 Paulhasa collection
. sciencefiction A verbal B voice C speaking
10 TheSphinx
.. ... ancient
Greece ldioms
Fill in: frightenedthe life out of, live in fear of,
scaredtodeathof, fighttothe death. He hadto bloodto becomea
1 A: How did Laurafindthe horrorfilm? multimillionaire.
B : S h ed i d n ' tl i k ei t a t a l l l t . . . . . Her arrogant behaviourmakes my blood
. ner.
I might fight with my brotherbut we love
Areyou comingwith usto the snakeshop
eachotherto bits.As they say,bloodis . .
on Sunday?
B : l'm afraid,I can'tcome I am
Thep o o ra n i m awl a sk i l l e di n .
te 3 A Paulloveshischildrendearly,
doesn'the? Don't expectto get any informationfrom
ry B : Yes,he would (t rcenn: lt'c liLo n i t iLninl t g h
y o, L ultnunud u n
ururLi nufr a
tn nrnforf fhom

4 A: Lifein SierraLeoneisverydangerous
B: I know People Fillin: petrified,delighted,bored,shocked.
losingtherrlrves 1 Wewereall .. to hear
Circlethe correctanswer,
2 | can'twatchTV all day;I get so
T h e s t r o n gw i n d h a s b e e n b l o w i n g. . . . . . 3 J a n ew a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w h e ns h e
s i n c et h i sm o r n r n g . sawthe snaKe.
A continually B continuously 4 T h ep e o p l e
were .... when
C continuing they heardaboutthe planecrash
and old newspapers
on the floor Fhrasal verbs
A lied B lay C laid Fillin come,pull,get,hand,take,in the correct
L i a m 'bs e h a v i o ui sro u t o f . . . . . tense.
A check B test C control
1 T h et a x di river . . . . .... o v e tro t h e
I lovethispartof town lt me of Paris. sideof theroad.
A reminds B remembersC informs 2 l've readin the newspaper that a Spanish
T h ed u s t : u p i n a c l o u da r o u n du s . company will . . . overBritish Arrways
A rose B risen C raised 3 Jane .. overa letterof apology to lan
The wind was and the leaveswere 4 Whathas.. .. . . . . . overher?She
A rattling howling B howling rustling 5 l t t o o kh i my e a rtso . . . . . .o.v e r
C howling. rattling hisparents' divorce
Grammarin Use Fillin the correctrelativepronoun.put commas
where necessary, Write D for defining,write ND
for non-defining,and say whether the relative
Userelativepronouns/ pronoun/adverbcan be omitted or not.
adverbsto complete
1 MarthaGraham,who was one of America's
thesentences 1-6 ,,,
most importantchoreographers, died in New
with phrasesfrom :,
Yorkin 1991 (l'lD,cannotbeomitted
2 Maria, is getting married next
week,is an old friendof mine
3 The girl ... the headmaster expelled
fromschoolis NoraSmith.
B i l lJ o n e s , . . . . s t u d i e da t t h e s a m e
. sheisthelifeandsoulof a party university
as my father,has becomethe new
o hiscostume wonthescariest prize
costume manager of the RitzHotelin Madrid
o mostpeople goon holiday The Halloween costume Lornais
. wonfourOscar awardsin 2005 wearingbelongs to my sisterPat.
r it iscelebrated
on the31stof October That'sthe boy .. . .. . . fatherusedto be a
. shehasbeenbefore
Halloweenis a festivalwhirhiscelebrated Thebooks .....vvereon my deskwere
an the
3l stof Qctaber removed by the librarian.
Lauraisthe kindof girl . The hotel .... "!",,e
Sii,'€c iast year
doesn'thavea good rec-::: a-
- - -, +L^
3 'MillionDollarBaby'isthe film 2004 was the year . : : _, L tc

4 Stevewasthe one 10 Th-+'. +l-^ l---^
t t t o L ) L tt c u d u --.----..

4 Jointhesentencesusingrelativeprorwuns/adverbs,
5 Emmadoesn'twant to travelto a place.. 1 Laura istalking:o a -'- -: .-::: .:l 1ercar
6 Augustisthe month eer car
yesre{ca jt.
2 That'sthe notel Ulies:a],:: :-=-: :s: s-mmer
2 Circlethe correctrelativepronoun.
3 We went backto rnes-oc ',1,:,--:. ,',:srhere.
1 Brian is the student who's/whose alwavs . eo r - . e s : :. . . : - . .- : : . : y d a y .
4 T h i si st h ec a r H
askinga lot of questions
in,class. 5 That'sthe village.f,,'la-','s::-,:s .-:"3_
2 She is the girl whose/who's mother is a 6 Thisisthe girl.He:csc<- j t :- a-:
neurosurgeon at St Thomas'Hospital. 7 lt'sDecember TheS,,",e;:.-a,= z ':rt,lal this
3 This is the house which/who the Smnns month
bouqhtlastmonth. 8 Shehasa beauir'L.ea( aa= : -s;i:i celong
Hewasshoutingat the driverwhbse/who'scar to hermother.
hadbrokendownin the middleof the road 9 There's the lacy.r:. Je-l- -:- ,:s - raJy
where/whichhewasbornis20 miles 1 0 T h a t ' tsh e s p o o k -- .: - ) : - - - s : l - : : :
Word Formation
1979was the yearwhen/whichwe movedto
Argentina. 5 Fillin the blankswith adjectfrves
Thestreetwhere/whichshelivesis one of the thewordin bold.
mostexpensivestreetsin London 1 Madonnaisa ,.:-" :'r:' SUCCESS
It wasthis time lastyearwhere/whenwe first 2 Johnisa very :*, HELP
met. \ 3 Thenewsleft -s SPEECH
4 S h ei sa v e r y .... ,'.:--- BEAUry
and Superlatives 8 A: Pabloisn'tverysociable
B: No but todayhe's
5 Haveyou seenPrideondPrejudice? the
Complete (talkative)
than l'veeverseenhim
sentences with the correctform
of the adjectivein brackets.
8 Fillin with the correctform of the word in

1 Mr BingleY ts Come and visit one of 1) the mast exciting

(polite)than Mr DarcY' (exciting)countriesin the world - Peru,where
2 E l i z a b e ti sh . . . . . ' the peopleare2) . . .....(hospitable)
(young)thanJane anywhereelse Youwill seesomeof 3) .
3 MrsBennetis . .' ' " ' (old)sitesin the world,aswellas4) . .
(loud)characterin the film ( m o d e r n )c i t i e sw i t h 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . (good)
s . . . " ' ' " " ' (bad)character
M r W i c k h ai m restaurants in SouthAmerica.
the film. T o m a k et r a v e al r r a n g e m e n6t )s. . . . . . . . . . . .
is . (clever)
Elizabeth (easy),our tour includes guidedvisitsto someof
personrn her familY' 7). ................ ( f a m o u s )c o l o n i acl i t i e si n
Mr DarcYls . .. . Peru Youwill alsoget the opportunityto explore
than Mr BingleY the lost city of Machu Picchu - one of
Mr DarcYhasgot 8) . . (interesting)sites in South
(beautiful)houseElizabeth haseverseen'
AmericaOur companyofferstailor-made tours
Mr Darcythinksthat Elizabeth is """" "" "" . ( s m a l l )
f o r e v e n9 ) . . . . . . . . . . g r o u p sW
. e
'... (attractive)than MissBingley' provideaccommodation in familyhotelswhich
offer 10) . .. (friendly)servicethan
Complete the exchangeswith the correctform the larger,morecrowdedones
of the adjective/adverb
in brackets.
1 A: Stellatakesherwork
(serious) 9 Completethe secondsentencesothat it
than Maria,doesn'tshe?
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
B: Yes.Shedoes.Marianeedsto try harder.
2 A: Lisais getting and
(good)at herjob 1 Rebecca wasfriendlier thanallyourfriends
B ' l ' m o l a dt o h e a ri t yourbirthday party.
R e b e cwc aa s. . . . ... . ...
3 A: I think we shouldbuy the greensofa lt's
..... of allyourfriends party.
at yourbirthday
so much
2 Richard's motherorganised hisparty
thanthe blueone.
B : I couldn'tagreemore!
organised hisparty
4 A : I thinkit'stimeto go today.
No onein thefamilyisashappyasRichard
B : You'reright The . we get home,
t h e . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.e. .a. r. l yw) e ' l lg e tt o b e d .
one in the familytoday
5 A : Somebody grabbedmy bagthrsmorning.I Sybilwasof greathelpto themduringthe
t r i e dt o c a t c hh i mb u t h e r a n . . . . . . partypreparatrons.
(fast)than me. S y b i l w avse r y. . . .
O h ,n o ! duringthe partypreparations
6 A : It wasJohn'whoran Mary gave Richardthis book as a birthday
(far) in the race,wasn'tit? present.
B : That'sright.Theothersdrdn'thavea chance! Thisisthe book
7 A " Whichis (cold)planet asa birthdaypresent.
in tho <nl:r <rr<tom7

B : PlutoI think,but checkin the encyclopaedia

Readthe text andquestions
circlethe correctanswerA, B or C.

he Feastof St Lucia,
which is celebratedin
the 13thDecember, Swedenon
is one of the mostpopular
st lrrnia
rls. .sr Lucia i^ +r^ .
isthesaint ,,nn, Swedish
one of the rongest " nrghts".0;;:"JJ:T,",ffTi
{he rfieffist wintersymbofisesth
and cordest

Accordingto traditiol
* ,n. dark swedish
t:jti1-t lightin darkness'
.; -:,,.::
larryin * e mornins
I ;i,Jjfl,Tff il:
-f Sr&cin sash at the waistand

familywear rongwhite
servethe buns and
a crowno..Jrri"o with
servesher familysaffron
buns and ..0"". The
shirtsand pointeo-hats
boys in the
and herpto
the coffee.CfritOren
oO.n no to school
in these costumes
and serve the buns to
,ffi:,.] their
Everyvillageand every
townin Swedenhas iis
However,the most famous own St Lucia.
on. in ;;;", rs the national
Luciawho is selected
from amongir.lo,lrrno.
competition. of girts in a
and '. *.,]"JniJJ::ilT[n]"i t' tucia's
thewinner oav
AlmosteverySwedet nor.
theSt Luciasong
i- iSll[1;:" popurar

The nighttreadsheavitv
Aroundyardsand Owettings,
In placesnot reached
by ihe sun,
the shadowsbrooo.
Intoour dark house
she cornes
What is the main purpose in
writing the text?
A Totellthe storyof St Lucia What is true accordingto the text?
B To talk about the St Lucia A Children givebunsand coffeeto theirfamilyand friends.
festivalin Sweden B Boysand girlsdressin special
C To explainwhy the St Lucia C Thegirlswearwhitedresses andcarryone lit candle
festivalisso popularin Sweden.
What doesSt Luciasymbolise?
2 What doesa readerlearnabout A Thesaintof winter.
the Feastof St Lucia from the B Lightand darkness
text? C Thereturnof lightin the darkness
of winier.
A It is a widelycelebratedday in
What doesthe writer tell us about 13th December?
A lt isthe longestdayof the year
B lt isonlycelebrated
in bigcities.
B Children don't go to school
C lt is not as popularas other
C lt is a daywhen peoplecelebra,::-:
in Sweden,
of winter.
Listening& Speaking Philiphasalreadydecidedto
A organisea party
B missthe nextparty.
C go to Jill'sbirthdayparty
Listen betweenPhilipand
to the dialogue
Simon.Foreachquestionchoosethe correct lnvitations
answerA, B or C.
2 Circle

&- t: ::::
1 A. Howwouldyou liketo cometo my partyon
B: a Thanks. Thatwouldbe verynice
b l'm afraidit'slate

A: Do cometo the cinemawith us.

B: a Yes,ldo.
b Sounds goodbut l'm afraidI can't.

A: Pleasecometo my birthdaypartyon Friday,

B: a lt'sall right.
b l'd loveto come.

4 A: l'm havinga New Year'spartyon Sunday

Wouldyou liketo come?
B : a l w o u l d n ' tm r s si t f o r t h e w o r l d !
b O h ,c o m eo n !

3 Fillin the gapsin the dialoguewith the

words/phrases below.
o lt'sso frightening. Don'tbe scared
. I am scared of . lt wasnothing
. reallyfrightenme

Jenny: What a spookyhousel

1) . . . ..
Y EIsa: There's of Comeon.
nothingto be frightened
let'sgo inside.
Jenny: You must be joking 2)
Whichdid Simonprefer? E I s a : 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ! T h e r ea r en o g h o s t rsn s i d e
A Jill'spartyon Saturday. Jenny: How do you know? Empty old houses
B Paul's partyon Sunday 4) Oh dear!
C Jill'spartyon Sunday Whatwasthat sound?
What pleasedhim most about the party? Elsa: 5)
A Thecostumes. Jenny:What do you mean?I hearda howlingsound
B T h es h i p l'm sureit wasa ghost!
C T h ed a n c i n g . EIsa: Jenny,it's only the wind! Come on, let'sgo
backhomebeforeyou faint
The gardenwas arrangedto
A makespacefor everyone.
B createan atmosphere.
C havebettermusrc
Writing (3rdpersonnarrative)
Readthe rubric.Whoarethe maincharacters?
ls the writerinvolvedin the story?

You havebeen askedto write a short story for New Writing Magazine.The story must
begin with the words: "!'m tired,"comptainedJaketo hisfriendrerry."Canwe stopherefor a

Let's look closer

2 a. Read
. completionof story,
to moods,consequences,
. description
of incidents
leadingupto themainevent
of theeventitself.
P'l'r t i r e d ! ' c o m p l a i n ei adk e t o h i sf r i e n dT e r r y . ' C aw
ne stop
herefor a rest?'Therewas no response from Terryas he searched
down the riverfor any landmarkthat mightshowwhichdirection
theywereheadingin Theywerewell and trulylost!Suddenly. Jake
pointedtowardssomethinghalf hiddenunderthe bank 'l can,r
(Para 1) Setthe scene(ubo-
b e l i e v iet ! ' h e s q u e a l e d' l.t ' sa c a n o eC o m eo n ! l t ' l l b e q u i c k etro wbere-wben-zulsat)
get downstream and find somesignsof life.'Splashing throughthe
muddywaters,they scrambled into the old canoeano were soon
M nt first.all was calm until they reachedan open areaand a
suddenwind beganto rockthe old canoefrom sideto side.They
weremovingmuchfasternow and losingcontrolof the canoe.,Too
fast,' screamedJakeas they followeda bend in the river 'We,re
goingtoo fast!'Justthen,therewas a loudcrackingsoundas the
canoehit a hugeboulderat the sideof the river.throwinqthe two
boysout into the freezingwater
p, Secondslater, franticallytrying to keep their heads above
water, they struggledtowards the nearbybank, their clothes
becomingheavierand heavier. Fortunatelyfor them, one of the
localshappened to spotthem as he was passingandyelledto them
to grabthe long,heavybranchhe was holdingout for them.
[F Wrthrnminutes,the two boyswere lyingexhausted on the
riverbank'Thisiscertainlyoneadventurewe arenot likelyto forget
for a very long time!'saidJake.Beingextremely Conclusion
gratefulto their
(Paru 4)

b. Number
the eventsin the ordertheyhappened.

FI-l Jakesearchedfora landmark fTT_-] Jake noticed a canoe half hidden under the
tET_l A localspotted
themandhetped themout. bank
Ic | | Thetwo boysheaded downstream. tFT-l Theboysthanked theirrescuer
f ^-T-----'l
I DI I Thecanoesmashed into a boulderand threw reIl The canoebeganto rock from sideto side
the boysout because
of the wind
Writingtechniques Verbs
Readthe theory.Findexamples of the writing 5 Complete with verbsfromthe
the sentences
techniquesmentionedbelowin the story. list,asintheexample.
. reminded. cried. explained
. admitted
Tomakeyournarrative moreinterestingto the reader. . shouted
. threatened . wondered
. use a varietyof adjectives,such as imaginative, 1 Who is this man?' Annawondered
2 'You don't understand.'Paul
cautious, ones
etc insteadof simplistic 'Lindahasnothingto do with it '
suchas nice,good,well,etc. 'Froozo' fhc noliroman .
| ,r at the
e.g. lnsteadof: Johnisa goodboywithniceideas. thief.'Youareunderarrest'
you canwrite: John is a great boy with 4 'lf you tell anyoneabout our meeting,there
wonderfulideas. will be consequences,' Brian.
. Usea varietyof verbssuchas wondered, screamed, 'Yes, it's
all my fault,' Mrs Saunders
etc to avoidusingsaldall the time
whispered, . . . .a ss h eh e l db a c kh e rt e a r s .
"Help!" 'No, you
e.g. lnsteadof: hesaid. can't do this to ffi€,' Jenny
you canwrite: "Help!"hescreamed.
. Usepresentor past participlesto jointwo simple 7 'Make sure you c a l l M r Perrytomorrow
sentencesinto one longer,more sophisticated mornrng,'Simon Mark
e.g. lnsteadof: He turnedon the light.Hesaw
someone in theroom. 6 Usea present to join these
or postporticiple
youcanwrite: Turningon thelight,hesaw sentences.
someone in theroom. Jakewasexhausted. He couldn'tgo on
Jakecauldn'tgo on.
Adjectives They splashedthrough the muddy waters
Theyscrambledintothe old canoe
4 a. Thefollowingadjectivescanbe usedinstead
ones.Put them in the
of other simplistic
correctbox,asin the example. Theboyswerethrown out of the canoe.They
. slighto great. evil. happy. massive foundthemselves
in the freezinqwater.
. delightful . horrible. tiny . remarkable
r fantastic o giganticr vasto pleasant . huge
. terrific. enormous . attractive . awful He grabbedthe branch.He pulledhimselfout
of the river
small <!inht
They kept their heads above water. They
towardsthe bank.

b. Replacethe words in bold with words from

1 Thisisa reallybig house.
2 lt is quiteeasyto makesmallchanges
to the 7 NewWritingMagazine hasaskedits readersto
way you lrve. sendin storiesfor its annualshortstory
3 We hada(n)reallybadjourney competition.Thestorymustendwith the
4 Theviewfrom our hotelwasvery nice. words 'Thenextmorninghewokeup,packedhis
andreturned home.'Writeyourstory
(100-120 words).YoucanuseEx,2 to help
you,aswellasthe tipsmentioned above.

State-of- 2 Crossthe oddwordout, asin the example.

1 F< thriller,horror,

r l . 2 laptop,DVDplayer,digitalcamera,
3 complex, gripping,
4 themepark,theatre. artgallery
5 delete,restart.

Matchthe wordsin the columns thenuse

themto fill in the gapsin the sentences
FTI qnori: I a track
Fillin the gapswith the wordsbelow. PTI 00x b ovation
FTI computer c -office
. qrqnanca
o classir o spnrrol o dofinifolv
. rewarded o fantdsy o set
r4Tt o p e n r n 9 d effects
r worth o entertains
. orioinal. ounished
title e animation
reTtfull f night
FTI standing g nouse

1 Pollywas luckyto get ticketsfor the

#Fswr€;ggw*ds/*e . ofthe concert.

2 Thenew film Carsissureto be a(n)........
3 StarWarshassuchgood
that you believewhat's happeningon the
ie{}Atpx3,{KI Charlieand the Chocolate
4L.tri8raa?*& s" &{r*!*?lx af*a8 4 T h e. . . . - . . .o. n a C D i sa s o n g
F a c t o r yt h, e 1 ) . . . . or pieceof musicthat hasthe samenameas
by RoaldDahl.isthe kind t h ea l b u m
of book you can't put 5 Shrekis a good exampleof the useof .
down.The plot is full of producerealistic,
2)......... and believable creatures
all the action is 6 Thebandhada(n)... on
3). in a -
Saturday therewere no seatsfreeat all
chocolatefactory Five 7 The audienceshowed its appreciationby
luckychildrenget a tour givingthe soloista(n)
?@{ at
of the businessrun by the end of the evening
:\ Mr Willy Wonka after
theywin 'goldentickets' 4 Rewritethe sentencesusingthe correctidiom.
in candybars Famousfor his 4)
1 Tim enjoyedhimselfso muchat the concert:
characters,Dahl5) ..... uswith hisstory
he dancedand sang and had a great time
of spoiledkidsand what happens to them. Only
with hisfriends.
one good boy,CharlieBucket,is not 6) . . .
Tim whale
for bad behaviour On the contrary,he is
7) .. with the big prizein the end.
2 He paidan awfullot of moneyfor thosenew
To find out more, get yourselfa copy of this
8) It's a fantasticread
He a n a r ma n d
andyou should9) ... . buy it. tf you like
i t , t h e r e ' sa l s o t h e 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . . entitled
Nowadays,a lot of couplessharethe bill
Chailieand the is also well
tnrhon thev nn nr rt
1 1 ). . . . . . . reading
a lot of couples
r":lt:r.*!r i,:iPF:rri4{rq*ft rFe:ry::*ffi.
a-.j.- 1.4srFrjsj $F-e{:1rryri:t
.. ..Dutch
4 MP3players
havebecomeverypopular. 3 A : D o y o ub e l i e v e . . . . .a l i e n s ?
MP3players .. world B: Yes.I don'tthinkwe'realonein the universe.
4 A: Thisis my favourite
song . .. the
Word Formation album.
Add-eneitherasa prefixor suffixto makeverbs B: lt'sminetoo
fromthe followingadjectivesand usethem,in 5 A : S p i e l b e ri sgw o r k i n g . . . . . . . . .a. n e wf i l m .
theircorrectform,to complete
thesentences. B: Really? What'sit called?
. dark light . sure. quick. short
" 6 A: CGI (ComputerGeneratedlmagery)has
. rich. Sharpr 63rnp
hada hugeimpact the
1 Tomclosedthe curtains
to . .... the way filmsaremade.
room. B: Yes,indeedit has.
2 Nothingcan hisenthusiasm for
technology. I Fillin the correctwordto complete
the reviews.
3 He pressedthe buttonto the
on the screen. o stAr o snerialeffects. missiono directed
4 We reallyneedto . . ..... . the knives. o fllpnsflo plot
5 Travelling to new countries and experiencing
differentcultures.,.. ourlives Returnsour 1)
ln Superman .. is
6 P a u lg o t u p r e a l l ye a r l yt o . . . .. a oncemoreon a 2) . to savethe
nnnd nlrra i,n, ,f h.a, , rq
- u e u e world Thisisa trickyjob,of course,andas
7 Thewoman . . . . . . . . h e r p a c ea s s h e a result the 3)
walkedalongthe darkroad of the film is unpredictable and
8 Maybethey should the film as excrtingTheactionis 4) ..... .
threehoursistoo long usinghigh-definition
to create the best possible
the correctword.
tm2noc lhtr h) are
TheInternethashadan enormous
impact/hit betterthan everbeforeand
on the worldof communication are highlybelievable.
The plot is challenging/challenged
and qurte mustgo to BryanSinger,
who 6)
difficultto follow. thisnew blockbuster
The book takes you to an imaginative/
imaginaryworldof witchesandwizards.
I was stunned/stunningby the specral
effects . applause. download . recordings
in the new Superman
film . interviews
. track. audiences
Davesaidhe was bored/boringwith playing
I lovethisfilmso much- | hooetherewill be a Thedebutalbumof Cherish is out
sequence/sequel soon and shouldnot be missed.
7 Coco Chanelis well resoected
in the field/ Y o uc a n 7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . .
regionof fashion. taste of their musrcfor free from
8 The Ant Bully receivedfavourable/favourite the lnternet and decide which
reviewsrecently. 8) is your favourite
The band have been playing to huge
7 Completewith the correctpreposition.
9) who have given the
1 A: ls it difficultto makea career y o u n gs i s t e rrso a r i n g
10)...... Visit
the film business? www.cherishsisters com for more rnformation
B : Not if lou aredetermined
to succeed a b o u tT V 1 1 ) . . . , c o n c e r t sa n d
2 A . Aro vnr r inforactorl <nori:l affort<)

B : Not reallyFormethe plot ismoreirnportant

Grammarin Use 2 Fillin a, qn or the where necessary.

Articles 1 T i m m yi ss u c h. . . . . ... r e s p o n s i bbl o

ey .
2 . ... youthof todayspendmoremoneyon
Fillin a, an or thewherenecessary.
. . . . . . .c. l o t h e s .
3 ...jazzmusicisn'tmy favourite
4 . . . . . .g a m eh e b o u g h tc o s t sf 2 0
5 L e t ' sm e e ta t . . . .. c a f 6n e a r. . . . . . . r i v e r
6 .. . . . actorsdo not alwaysbecomefamous.
7 . . . .. . . . c o m p u t e rc a n o n l y d o w h a t y o u
programit to do
8 . . . . . . .J. o h nW a y n ew a s . . . . . p o p u l aar c t o r
i n. . . . . . .1 . .9.5 0 s .
9 Chinese
10 Queenwill open . . ceremony


S i t u a t e di n 1 ) . . . . . . . . .E
. .a s t e r A
n s i aa n d b o r d e r i n g
3 the correctquantifiers.

2). . . . S o u t hC h i n aS e aa n d3 ) C h i n aH, ong 1 A: Mum, l've inviteda few/few peopleover

K o n g i s 4 ) . . . .. c h a r m i n g C h i n e s ec i t y w i t h for dinneron Saturday.
5). . ... westernelements lt enjoys6). . . . . mild B: Hmm, how much/many people exactly,
c l i m a t ef r o m 7 ) . . . . . . . . . m i d d l e o f S e p t e m b e tro Robert?
8 ) . . . . . . .e. .n do f F e b r u a r9y).. . . . . . . . m
. . .o n t ho f A u g u s t 2 A. I am afraidI havefew/little knowledgeof
has10) highestrainfall. Visitors from 11) computers.
U . K c a ne n t e rH o n gK o n gw i t h o u t1 2 ). . . .. . visa B: lt's nevertoo lateto learna little/little
Hong Kong has 13) populationof nearly7
3 A: lt took the writer some/several
m i l l i o nb u t i t i s 1 4 ) . . . . . . . . .c o m p a c tc i t y s o y o u a r e
the chapter.
never far from 15) shopping areas and
B: He hasno/notany talentin my oprnion
16) major sights. 17) . Public
via 18) bus, 19) ...... ferryor 4 A: Haveyou playedall/every my computer
20) train is efficient and inexpensive.Most games?
21) ..... signsare in both 22) Englishand B: No, I haveonlyplayedfew/a few of them
23) Chinese.24) .... shoppingcentresare 5 A: Thereare few/a few good songson the
amazingand 25) templesand parksofferquiet a l b u m- l ' m r e a l l d
relaxation 26) majority of Chinese people with you - therearemuch/alot
B: I disagree
speak 27) Manadarin but many enjoy of excellent
6 A: Haveyou eatenany/someicecream?
29). . ..... communication
is not 30) problem.
B: No Therewasno/noneleft.
The majorityof 31) . . hotelsare in 32) ,
city centre but there is also 33) growing
numberof resort-style
hotelsoutsidethe city
34)....... . visitto the Jademarketin YauMa Taiis Putthewordsin orderto makecomplete
3 5 ) . . . . m u s t . T h e r e i s 3 6 ) . . . . . h u g e v a r i e t y o f sentences.
Whattypesof adverbs arethe
souvenirsyoUCanbuyfrom37)marketsand wordsin bold?
youwon't believe
38) . .. . prices!
1 computer playing/the
Hong Kong is one of 39) safestcitiesin
2 to the art gallerv/-+r:^e
of 42)... .. .. lifetime!

II 46
goers/thenumber ofl

4 wenVthey/tothe zoolyesterday 9 J o h nw i l lb u ya b i k e ,
1 0 J i l li sg o i n go n h e ro w n ,
5 check/e-mails/mylhardly
6 dinner/outside/we/had/our Fill in cuf, toke, turn, stay,give.
1 A: Fancystayingup to watchthe horrormovie
7 agree/your
with me?
B: l'm sorry.l'm so tiredl'm goingto . . . . ..
8 the instructions/easi gela
in for the night.

t her homework/Sandv/soon/to
do/promised 2 A: l'm sorryto in, but I haveto tell
you something
10 new CDs/Ben/all
the time/buvs B: lt'sOK,go ahead

3 A : H o wm u c hd i dt h e y. . . . . .. in at the box-
Reflexivepronouns B : I don't knowexactly,
but I know it wasa lot.
with reflexivepronouns.
Completethe exchanges O K ,| . . . . . . . . . .i.n. .l Y o uc a ng o t o t h ec o n c e r t ,
1 A: Nicehair. aslongasyouarebackby midnight.
B: Thanks.
I cut it B : T h a n k sM, u m !

2 A: Canyou helpme with my essay, Sally?lt's Do we haveto in tonight?Why

duetomorrowl don'twe go to the cinemainstead?
, i m o nT. h i st i m e y o u ' r eg o i n g
B : Not againS B : Goodidea.Do you knowwhat'son?
t o h a v ed o i t . . . . . . .
A : Who madethe cake?
B : J i l lm a d ei t . . . . 8 Hereare somesentencesabout the cinema.
Completethe secondsentenceso that it
Doyou needanyhelpwith yourhomework? meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
B : No,we'lldo it three words.
A : WhatshouldI spendthe moneyon? go to the cinema.
1 Mostteenagers
in Canada
B : You could buy some
a r eo n l y. . . . . . . . . . .
new clothes
in Canadawho don'tgo to the cinema.
A: What happened to the computer? 2 Thereare severalreasonswhy peoplego to
B : l t s w i t c h e. d. . . tnecrnema
A: Who is he goingto the partywith? P e o p l ge o t o t h e c i n e m a
fora ..........
B: He hasn'tinvitedanyone He'sgoing by
3 Thereisn'ta moreexcitinqfilm than Lordof the
avritinn film ovar - '
the question
Complete tags.
tre ritmwittf. r'o"*"ti;.: ;;.
1 That'sa greatfilm, hit, ...... . . it?
Thefilmwill be a box-offrce
2 Let'sgclto the cinema. ....... . . ? The cost of a ticketto the cinemahas risen
3 (ho h:qn't'loft vot ) dramaticallyin recentyears.
4 A n nc a l l e a d n h o u ra g o ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? Recently
it hasbecomemuch
5 S h ei s n ' tF r e n c h , . . . . . . . . .. ? . . . . . .t,o q o t o t h e c i n e m a .
Thepeoplebelow(1-5)areallplanningto go to the cinema
for each.Therearethreefilmsvouwon'tuse.

workingout, Thisaction-packedfilm is guaranteed
to keepyou on the edge of
in yourseat!Starring
SamuelL Jackson. thisisthe storyof a nightmare
the gym. He journeyoverthe Pacificwith somedeadlysnakesYou haveto wait
likesto watch untilthe veryendto frndout who is responsible
andwhat happens
g r i p p i n tgh r i l l e r s the passengers Not for the faint-hearted,
and filmswith unpredictable
plots tr
Thisclassicmysterythrillerbasedon the storyby GrahamGreeneis
set in Vienna,Austria With its stunningcinematography, twisting
Susan's plot and unforgettablemusicalscorethis film is a must Evenfifty
favouritekinds yearsafteritscreation
a goodnightout.
of filmsare
' romantic
UmaThurmanand LukeWilson,thisheart-warming
comedres and
the storyof whai cango wrongwhenyou datea superhero. At first
roF" dramas.Forher,it
o u r b e a ut h i n k sh e h a sm e tt h e i d e a l w o m a nb,u t a si sq u r t eo f t e nt h e
is importantthat frlmsstar ,;+^ +l^^ ^^^^^;+
case,qurre rne opposttetstrue.

ThisSpanish fllmisa well-crafted

thrillerbasedon the lifeof MikelLelaza,
a secretagentwho infiltrates
the terroristgroupETAin the mid-7Os. This
fascinating action,dramaandpolitical intrigueandhasmuch
f i l m sa n d
to sayaboutSpain's with English
Ll^ ;- - ^"^-+
rrc r) d vtcdL

admirerof special Wantto learnwhat'sup with thisbeloved

superhero?Thenthisfilm is
effects. for you! Packed
with actionand impressive
oncemorehasto savethe world from destructionButthe questionis
- canhe win backthe loveof hislifewrthoutlosinohisoowers?
, watchforeiqn
! -
that have What happenswhenthreeteensdiscover
that a scarymonsterlivesin
:: important theirneighbour's
Watchandfindoutl Thisanimated
themesShe of fun,adventure
andcomedylt issuitable
for the wholefamily
goesto the cine
m a k e sh e rt h i n k .
Basedon the book by AlistairMaclean,TheGunsof Navaronets sttll
ratedas one of the bestwar filmsevermade.Filmedon locationln
Johndoesn'tgo Rhodes, it wasa majorbox-office hit in 1961andwon an Oscarfor its
to the cinema specialeffects StarringGregoryPeck,David Nivenand Anthony
veryoften but Q u i n nt,h i sf i l mi sa c l a s s i c
when he does,
' Thisfantasythrillertellsthe storyof an unusualfemalecreature who
t5-ll watching
fitmswith -eacl.v
w a r n sh u m a n i t o
y f i m p e n d i n dg a n g e r ,A Derngadvertisedas
significance Therefore, 'the '' -
bestfilm of the year',this unique :=-:'s greatactingand a
he reallyenjoyswar films.
Listening& Speaking Asking about a
problem/offering help
Completethe dialogues with the
Youwill heartwo phrasesbelow.Thereare two
siblingsdiscussing phrasesyou can't use.
whatto buytheir
fatherfor his o What'swrong
birthday.Decide if o What'sthe matter
eachsentence is o What'sthe problem
trueor false,andtick r What'shappening
(/)the correctbox. o Do you want me to havea
lookat it
o Sorry,I can'thelp
o Perhaps. I canhelp
o G l a dI c o u l dh e l p

1 Lucywantsto buy her dad something

differentthisyear. tl r 1 A: Hi Sue.How areyou?
B: I'm fine but I wish I could
2 Theirdad reallyloveseatingpopcorn. tl T say the same about my
3 A 'Skype'phone helps reduceyour
p h o n eb i l l . E r mobilephone.
A : W h y ?1 ) . .
4 Theydecideto get an iPod. T E with it?
5 They are going to order the present
from a website. r tl B : It hasn't been working all
Lucy'sbrother knows his way around
the Internet T r A: 2)

B : Thatwould be awfullykind
of you
Positiveand negativerecommendations It looks like the batteryis
flat You just need to
2 Usethe phrases
to fill in the gaps.
o I wouldn'tbother o lt'sexcellentr lt'swellworth a look 2 A.3)
. lt'sdisappointrng
o lt'sawful
B : I can't connect to the
1 A. What do you thinkof the new Madonnasong? Internet.What am I doing
B: I expectedit to be better wrong?
2 A: What isthe new shopping
centrelike? 4)
B: l've neverbeento a worseone
R Vac nlo:<a dn
3 A: Haveyou beento the newyouthclub?
A: There,that'sdonethe trick.
B: Yes. Youmustgo!
R' Vnr r'ro: nonirrcl

A: I'm thinkingof goingto that newvideoshop A: 5)

B: if I wereyou .

A: What isthe computerprogramme, GoogleEarth,like?

B : A m a z i n g. !. . . . . . . . . . . .

Writing (a letterto a friendreviewingsth)
Readthe rubric.
Thisis partof a letterfromyourEnglish

f Haveyou everbeento a livemusicperformance?

E pl"asewrite andtell me.l'd loveto hearall aboutit.

Whatareyougoingto writeabout?Whichof the followingcanyou includein yourletter?Circle.

ee . p e r f o r m a n c e . f a n s . f e e l i n- ng "se&s s i o n s
p r i c e . c l o t h e s . n a m essoonfg s . f o o d

Let'slook closer

2 a. Readthe letterbelowandcomplete the paragraph

planwith the
. whatyoudidn'tlikeandwhy . singer/band
youwentto see
. whatyoulikedandwhy . recommendation
Howmanyof yourideascanyou find in the letter?

Dear lohn,
& ffl How are you? It wasgreat to getyour letter.You askedme
if I had everbeento a live musicperfonnance. Well,I actually went
to a pop conceft on Saturday- it wasgreat!

k fr rtaryed the singerAlsou - maybeyou've heard of her? The

ticketsweret50 eachbut it was well wofth it!

@ fhere was a wonderful atmosphere- the cheeful fans shouted

enthusiasticallyas she came onto the stage.She looked fantastic
thanks to the elaboratelighting and her trendy wardrobe.Her voice
soundedangelic. There was a vaied programme, with songsfrom
all of her albums and plenty of oppoftunity to danceand sing along!

@n Ho*"r"r, I was a little disappointedthat the concertfinished so

early.Even thepeople around me werecomplainingthat the concetl
was too shortfor theprice of the ticket.

@x Anyway, we still had a great eveningand came away with the

best impression.If you everget the chance to seeAlsou in concert,
you should definitely go. Have you heard her new album? Wite
soon snd tell me what vou think of it.

b. Readthe letteragain.Whatdid Alexlike/dislike

aboutthe concert? aregiven
to supporteachviewpoint?

3 Replace
the underlined andadverbs
adjectives in the letterwith the following.
e entertaining
. fabulous
. modern.wildly . complex
. heavenly
. upset. lares.
4 Readthe extracts(1-4)belowthat review 5 Thereview/premieresaidthat it was one of
variousevents.Fillin the missing
topic the bestproductions
of the year.
sentences(A-D),thensuggestothersuitable 6 lt wassucha predictable/superb performance
onesof yourown. that shewasgivena standing ovation.
7 TomHanksreceived praisefor hisrole/actorrn
A Theopening nightof the MoscowStateCircus in
Glasgow wasa hugesuccess.
8 The routinesand the oositioninoof the
B TheFarnborough AirShowwasa bighitagainthis
dancerson stageare the responsilility
of a
C I wassoimpressed conductor/choreographer.
withtheperformance I wentto
on Friday. Matchitems(1-6)to (a-fl.
6 thenouns
D I havenever
beento anythingsoborrng

1 m famous/ frlm/televrsron a screen

were all verytalentedand they gave
t live/studro/solo b performance
c novel
100%to the performance t big/small/silver
lt wasa fantastic
out - there was never a dull moment. The m c h i l d r e n ' s / f a n t a/ s y
d film
e actor
programme was well-arrangedand well_
choreographed.In my opinion,it is definitely ETI horror/ silent/ feature

That new exhibitionhad nothingto capturemy

imagination.I stronglydisagreewith the critic
who wrote, 'highlyoriginaland entertaining'.
Background information
thinkthe completeoppositeistrue!
Theexhibition/theatre openedin 1989
Thedancecompany/band formedin 200'1.
TheAir Showrunseverysecondyearand takes
Theringmaster had an excellent senseof humour p l a c ei n . . . .
a n d the crowd enjoyedthe spectacular show ln
my o p i n i o nt,h e h i g h l i g hot f t h e w h o l ee v e n i n g
Thesoundsystem wasexcellent.
The spectacular sights and soundsof all the
Thecastwas superb/amazing/very
different planes kept the crowd captivated I
believeit is the bestphotoopportunity
you could Generalcomments/opinion
D o n ' tm i s si t !
wish for r
!r"?€@**q@sdtFr*$$".,-i!*s-*r!1*Fq'4'$a'"ii.' " '
It'swell worth seeing/going
You reallymustsee/gollistento it.
5 Underline
'l Yourturn
Shakespeare sometimes used plots/
programmesfrom ancientGreekplays Usingthe language
7 above,writea letterto a
u s u a l l yg o t o s e e
E v e nt h o u g h I d o n ' t friendreviewing something youattended
I reallylovedMlssion ( exhibition/the
recently. openingof a
lmpossible. newvenueor a concert.) (100-120words).Use
Tonight, ballerinaSylvie Guillem wrll be the ideasbelowaswellasyourown.
appearing/performing the role of Clara :r . name/time/place
of evento cost o whatyou
TheNutcracker. o
likedaboutit whatyoudidn'tlikeaboutit
Thesuccessof a playcomesdown :o a ?col . iinalthoughts
and a gooddirector

Ina ldentifythejobsfromthe descriptic:rs
t h eo e o o l d
of what

'- i ce'sonfliesaeroolanes
iLad \ c. ^ \y ,U^U ,l , r - ^ f +L U^ *L hl l ir sr n e r rsv n - -- ^- ^- .- . -ey n aired.
Ldl p-,

* - ., o f s i c ke - - ; .
^^.-^^ +^1.^- -^-^

T'rispersonworksin an office..,c"g letters,

arswering the phoneandarra.9-: i'neetings
VocabularyPractice T n r sp e r s o nw i l l h e l p y o u ; r . : s : ' n o n e yi n
6 Thispersoncontrols the move-:^:sof aircraft.
7 Thispersondesigns pagesfo' .- - ^iernet.
Whatdo thesepeopledo for a living?Lookat
8 Youpaymoneyto thispersor- i sropor bank.
the pictures
the correctword.
9 T h l sp e r s o nh e l p sc h i l d r e ra ' : ' a n r r l i ews h o
10 Thispersonwill giveyou t;: .r.=,-c yourhotel

3 with verbsfrom the

Completethe exchanges
a r a ( t a in

1 doctor/ scientist
1 A: So,areyou go ng .c
for the job?

A : l a nr sg o i n gt o
B : R e a l l yW
A : H e ' sf o u n da D e : : : ' - : ?r : :

3 A l f f_h i s' r ' n- rl -o-i _c . -

' ' <
'- ,' manager
will me.
B : G o o dl u c k !


5 A :
: -:xt month
B : O h ,n o
lawyer/ architect
5 artist/ photographer,
Fillin thecorrect
fromthe list.
o (nmohndv nnr i': r- .

o Let'scallit a dar
. T h ew a ys h e 'gsc ' :
. She's beeni,vo'< ':. ="- -,': .^: : :ck

1 A : I c a n ' tw o t I m very
busdriver/ ItreO
/ y
8 business
factoryworker B:Soaml
A: lt'smidnightand Rrtaisstillat the office. 7 Crossthe odd one out as in the example.
B : W h a t ' sg o r n go n ?
1 salary, wages,M, pay
3 A: Didyouhearwhathappened
thismorning? 2 e a r ng
, ainw
, i n ,f a i l
B: Letmeguess 3 experience, job, career.profession
4 A: DidyouseewhatKatedidthismorning? 4 under-paid. poorlypaid,ovenrrorked
B: Yes,I did , she'llgetfired. 5 boring,creative, repetrtive
6 business, industry,
university, company
the text with phrases
Complete fromthe list.
Youmayhaveto changethe formof the verbs. Phrasalverbs
. workovertime. beherownboss. workfor Fill in: carry,go, put, fall, look.
career. workfromhome
. a successful
. beemployed. setup . self-employed 1 A : C a ny o up l e a s e . . . . .. . m e
throughto MrsLucas?
Sheilahas 1) with a large R lrr<t : minrrta nlg;5g.

cosmeticscompanywhereshe2) ............................... 2 A'.I can'tremember what time my meettngis
a seniormarketingmanagerfor the past three tomorrow.
years.Althoughshe is quitesatisfiedwith her job, B: Why don'tyou . through
she sometimesfeels that her work is not yournotes?
appreciated,especially when she has to 3 A: Mike,if you this
She is now thinking of
3)................................. projectthroughl'll promoteyouto headof
her own businessso that she
4)................................. the department
can 5) . Sheilathinksthat shewould B: l'll do my best,sir.
even though she
be happier6).................................,
4 A: Why are you so upset?Thingscan't be
acceptsthat peoplewho are 7).................................
that badat work
less securethan those who 8) a
B: You say that becauseyou don't know
what I haveto . through
Choose thejob
the bestwordto complete everyday
adverts. 5 A: He'safraidthat his plansto starthrsown
We havea 1) vacancy/space for a young,dynamic businesswrll through
and hard-working 2) studenVgraduate to lead our B: lt'snaturalfor himto feelthisway.
growing salesforcein theLondon area.As leaderyou
for3)team/group developmentand Word Formation
4) education/trainingand you will 5) reply/report
9 Complete with the correctword
the sentences
to thecompany SalesDirector.
derivedfromthe wordsin bold.

Areyouwillingto work 6) changes/shifts? Do you enjoy 1 Thepolitician

gavea very
the 7) happiness/satisfaction of solvingchallenging versionof events DISTORT
8) problems/questions without 9) control/supervision? He admittedthat the government
had made
Areyou 10) practical/handy? Do you havea 11)clean/ somevery mistakes REGRET
'yes' to these
tidy driver'slicence?lf you can answer The prime ministerpromisedto be more
ouestions.thenwe wouldliketo hearfromyou in the
. to complaints

future. RESPOND
WEWANTYOU Shethankedherhusbandfor his
supportat a verydifficulttime. CARE
osthe No,1bookshop
firmlyestoblished inthe UK.if
you ore l2) slimuloled/mofivoted, The ministerresignedbecausehis position
ond enjoysucceedinoin :^
l3) ombilious/rulhless wasno lonqer DEFEND
excitingfost-pocedworkl4) locolion/environmenl
we wont you! No previous15) skill/experience
. requrreo.
Grammarin Use 5 4 . What'swrong?
B : l ' m r u n n i n gl a t e .l f I
(not/get) there on I t m e , : i e m e e t | n g
rf with yyhen
Replace wherepossible. (start) r,',:rout me.

1 .......lf thisdoesn't work,he'llbeintrouble 4 A : Why aretheseflowerson ra-e s desk?

2 .. . If he is in a is betterto B : It'sherbirthday
stayaway. A : O h n o l f | . . . .. .. (remember),
lf you don't havetime today,you can I (buy)her a present,too.
finishthe reporttomorrow
A: Thisisa beautifulneighbourhood
4 lf l'm tired,I can'tconcentrate
at all. (find)a flat for
B: I agree.lf |
5 lf Jasonasksfor a raise,he'llget it for (move)
r e n t h e r e1 ,. . . . . . . . . .
in rightaway

6 A : Whv
" ""t
' " Peterso stressedout?

2 Matchthe phrases1-8to phrases

a-hto make
B : He has a meetingwith the marketing
full sentences.
manager. Wheneverthey

m lf Johnhadgot up ten minuteslater,

( m e e t )t,h e y. . . . . . . . . .
h a v i n ga n a r g u m e n t
( e n d )u p

ET UnlessYvonnepasses her Frenchexams,

t job.
lf Paulfounda better-paid 7 A: Unless Liam (show)
m lf Mr Blackcalls, up in the next five minutes,Mr Johnson
t Unless the lettershv 5nm
Katefinishes (fire)him
E] lf you seeFrank, B : O h ,n o l s h e l a t ea g a i n ?
ru lf Bobhadn'tbeenso nervous,
m lf Jane's
8 A: Youhaven'tsarda word all morning
B: I'm verybusywith thisreport Youknow,I
. . (finish)it fasterif
d she'llhaveto do someovertime you........ ..(help)me.
b he wouldhavedonebetterat the interview. A: No problem.
c they could hang out togetheroutsidethe
office Wishes
d he wouldresignon the spot.
4 Readwhat the mansaysandmakesentences
e he wouldhavemissed the bus.
asin the example.
f askhim aboutanyvacancies in the company
I shewon't get into university I don't havetimeto meetJacktoday
h t e l lh i mI ' mo u t f o r l u n c h . Iwish/lfonlyI hadtimeto neet.Jock
I can't take any daysoff work this
Put the verbsin bracketsinto the correcttense WCCK
to completethe exchanges.
3 | lostmypassport.
1 A: Do youthink I shouldapplyfor thisjob?
B:|f1..... ( b e ) y o 1u ., . . . .
4 | didn'tfollowyouradvice
(apply)right away.

2 A ' Congratulatronson yourpromotion " " v' o" r'v) c t r A q ( o d ^ r t


B : Thankyou! lf I don't know how to

(get) the job, I (leave)the relax.
I didn't know Marywas in

7 I don't haveanyfrrends 4 She is going to write a coverletter She can
sendit with her CV (to)
8 | ate too much I feelsick

5 Shewantsto find a morningjob Shewants

to havemoretimeto soendwith herchildren.
Readthe letterandcomplete the exchanges (in order to)
usingthe verbsin theircorrecttense.

Shehasboughta new suit.Shewantsto make

a goodimpression (soasto)
at interviews.
I'm sorrgoboutthe otherdag.l wish I
1 ) . . . . .. . . . ( b e )h e r et o s e eg o u .f o n t g
tou2) (tel[)me that gou were
:omlng earLter,l3). .......... (change)mg
schedutel Sentence
Thereasonwhg I wosn't hereis becauseI decLded
7 Completethe secondsentenceso that it
:o go to a conJerence. lt was held in the most
a m a z L npgl " a c e| w ! i s h y o u 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.s e e )
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
i.tlI don't meanthat it was excetlentbecause inJoct threewords.
;t wos the oppositelNothingseemedto work
she didn't get the job
1 Celiais upsetbecause
oroperl.g and the speokerswere terrtbl.e. I wish I
(hear)oJthe was o , at the advertisingagency.
5) ..........
comptetewosteoJtime ond moneu.Angwag,l , Celiawishes
6) ... ........ ( t e [ t )g o ua t t o b o u ti t t h e n e x t ' the job at the advertising
LLme | 7) ...... (see) gou. She is savingmoneybecauseshe wants to
Whichremindsme, when do you think gou wit[ be ,, attenda seminar
Lntown again?f I 8) ......... (be) gou,I , Sheissavingmoney
9) .. ......... (write) adate in gour diory now. ,,
. a t t e n da s e m i n a r
f g o u1 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . ( s e n d )m e t h e
lnJormotionbg ematl., then I promiseI lf she doesn'tattendthis seminar, shewon't
1 1 ). . . . . . . . . . . ( b e )h . e r eo,n d n o t r u n n l n g be consideredfor the job.
to sittgconJerences! "JJ i. Shewon't be consrdered for the job .
A[[thebest, . . . not attendthisseminar
Chris Shecan't moveout becauseshe can't afford
to payrent.
lf shecouldaffordto payrent,
of purpose
Clauses out.
Jointhe pairsof sentences She didn't take her brother'sadviceso she
6 usingthe words in
didn'tfind a job in London
brackets,as in the example.
lf shehadtakenherbrother's advice,
she .....
1 Fayewantsto find anotherjob Shewantsto ... ..
. ;^h
i^ | ^^,1^^
ilrLwr ruvr r

havea biggersalary. (in orderto)

{:ayewantsta finrJanathe{jab in arderto havea
2 Shearranged to seehermanager. Shewanted
(with a view to)
to askfor a pay increase.

SheisupdatingherCV.Shecanuseit to apply
for a new job. (sothat)
a . T h e p e o p l e ( 1 - 4 ) a rl eo ao lkl i n g f o r n e w j o b s , R e a d t h e i r d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d u n d e r l i n e t h e k e y l v o

Michaelhas had severalwell payed

jobs.Now,he wouldliketo use his
Geoff has alwaysliked making psychologydegreein a job that he
thingsto entertainhis children.
can improve
Sincelosinghisjob as a teacher
he has been lookingfor a wayto
turn his hobbyintoa career.

Susan first noticed her flair for Brookeis currentlyworkingin an

writing when she won a creative officefor a publishingcompany,
writing competition at school. but she dreamsof a lessordinary
Howeve6her careeras a poet is not life. She wants to explore new
goingverywell and she mustfind a places and help protect the
newjob to paythe bills. environment.

b. Readthejob advertisements
(A-F)anddecidewhichjob wouldbe the mostsuitablefor eachperson.
Therearetwo youdon't need.

! l

Tour Guide - Explore Alaska Ltd

Cards Writer - Comic Cards Ltd
A lifeof adventureawaitsyou in Alaska.ExploreAlaskaLtd is
Can you say it with style?Comic Carcs Ltd wants
lookingfor guidesto lead small groups of touriststhrough
w r i t e r sw i t h w i l d a n d w l t t y i m a c i " a :o r s S a l a r i e s
the Alaskanwildernessand to promoteconservation in the
a r e g o o d f o r t h o s e w h o c a n c c r e J r , ' ; i . hc a t c h y
area, No previousexperienceis requiredas on-the-job
lines and lots of laughs Ei-ra' -:-^ Keats at
trainingwill be provided.Apply in writingto WilliamSeward,
ExploreAlaska Ltd, 3 PrimroseSt, Ketchikan,Alaska,AK

Animal Psychologist Caregiver- Spring Lake Retreat

t:, '
Dunstabli: Zoo Flc D o y o u h a v et h e q u a l i t i etsc ^ e : : 3 l t : , ' , i i hm e n r a l
a . :
Can you deal with animalanxieties?DunstableZoo Plc is illnesslead rich and re,,',ia.crg ,::t Srrng Lake
| t ,
2, lookingfor a trainedanimalpsychologistto work with our Retreathas an excellents-.:3ss .:_: - ::aling with
collectionof wild and exotic animals ldeal candidates mentalillnessand we are ca/ -: ':. :i-:! rers who
should have a degree in veterinarymedicine and a can approachthose in nsec ,',:- ':s3::. Fcr funner
backgroundin psychology.Applicationforms are available information
callFlorencec: ---3- a2- t?a
from HumanResourcesDept,DunstableZoo,Bedfordshire,
L U 6 1N F

Toy Designer- Lullabr Tor-sPlc

Film Extra - Talent Inc W a n tt o b r i n ga l i t t i e' : 3 9 : - : : - . : - ^ J , e s ? L u l l a b y
Want to be in the movies?TalentInc is lookingfor peopleto Toys Plc is,^ -'J -?: ,= -1.,:esignerto
takepartin a Hollywood filmthatis beingshotherein London, e x p a n do u r r a n g e c : : - : - . : - : * ::-,: 'cr children
The work requiresa greatdeal of waitingaround.Although u n d e r7 y e a r so f a g e : = ' a : 2 ^ : : a : : s i o u l dh a v e
therecan be no guaranteethatyou will appearin the finalfilm, e x p e r e n c el n t o y 3 e sJ - = ^ l : : a s : : - ' : : e d u c a t i o n
-r: j3-
you may see yourself next to a major star. For more Tel Joy Fischercn ,i28-:
information,call Sandvon 01292364 807.

Listening& Speaking 2 A . Don't you think that Ann is a verygood
B : a Yes,why not?
b Certainly.
Youwill heara mantalkingto a groupof
peopleabouta naturephotography course. 3 A : Don't you agreethat workingshiftscan
Foreachquestion, fill in the missing be verytiring?
informationin the numbered soace. B : a That'sright.
b Goodfor you.

L{-iii L:-L*
' I
4 A : I thinkthat a travelagentshouldbe good
at foreignlanguages, don'tyou?
' B : a I believe
i t !
i r J l i
r I r r
r i
lj 1 r .
I : so
\- t.. L *._ I - L
. L-- t*- b S m a rtth i n k i n g

ti * Ll]-*: L:s, 5 A: Don't you think that working with

canbe rewarding?
B: a Yes,not bad
Lengthof course: 1) weeks
b Yes,of course.
Coursefocus: wild plantsand
Getting a job
Courseavailable: F r o mt h e b e g i n n i nogf
2) to the end of 3 Complete usingthe phrases
the conversation
September in the Iistbelow.Thereisonephraseyoudon't
needto use.
Suitablefor: Amateursand professionals
theageof 3) ..... . Well,justa T-shirt
. Onlyonewaitress
Equipment: P:rtirin:nf< rr<o o gotthejob
4) .. equipment . Notreally
wheresuitable o From4pmto 9pmeverydayexcept Tuesdays
. €350plustips
Thefeeof f 5) . ...
A : HiThomaslHow did the interviewqo?
hire Participants
B: I 1) | | start next
maketheirown arrangements
How muchmoneywill you
A : C o n gratulations.
*R notT
B: 2 ) . . . It'snot bad.
A : Not bad at all.And how manyhourswill you
be working?
B: 3 ) . .
A : GreatlDo you haveto weara uniform?
B : 4) lt's red and

A ' D i d v n rr m c p f . a n v o f t h e n e o n l e v o r r ' l l b e
with opinions workingwith?
B: 5) Sheseemed
2 Circlethe correctresponse.
1 A: I thinkthat beinga divinginstructor
is fun,
A: Well,then,goodluck!
B: Thanks!
B:a Ihopeso
lo Not really
Writing (a letter of application) a energetic andsociable
b candrivea car
Gettingstarted takena coursein photograorli
Readthe rubricandunderline
the keywords. d goodorganiser
Then,answerthe questions
that follow. e speakEnglish and German
f workedas a photographer
1 the followingjob ad
Youhavecomeacross for the schoolnewspaper
g in the localnewspaperand you want to workedas a shopassistant
' upply for the job. Write your letter of
" application.
Let'slook closer
lettersA & B andwritethe
ti Do youwantto getout andseetheworld?Arey o u ; 2
paragraphnumbernextto the headings
interested in photography? in the
lf yes,thenyoucouldworkon a cruiseship!Weare
lookingfor a photographer who'salwaysaroundto . openingremarks/reason(s)
takememorable photosof ourpassengers aswellas . closing
developand sell the pictures.All equipmentis . age/qualifications/experience
provided bythecruiseline. . otherinformation
. personalqualities
lf interested,contactMr Ellioton 0898-786756
or via
L 'q
;!., ,.,
emailat . 11..r,. 1, r1 i"i dhdwe willarranqe a
job interview.Portfolionecessary.
[P Hi! l'vedecided to dropyoua lineaboutthe job
you advertisedin this week'sonlineeditionof NY
Magazine for Teens.
S* t am a 2O-year-old
studentand l'm quitegoooat
taking pictures.Two yearsago I took a one-year-
course in photographyand l've r,','orkedas a
for our collegenewspaper.
part-timeasa shopassistant
at a photostudio,too. I
1 What kindof letterdo you haveto write?
want to studyphotographyat UELand somedayl'm
2 Who is goingto readyourletter?
sure l'll work as a professional
3 Shouldthe stylebe formalor informal?
NationalGeographic. My English
and Germanaren't
4 Tick( /) in the listof pointsbelowwhat yot
shouldincludein yourletter: F--

. your favouritesubjectsat school fp l haven'tworked professionally beforebut l'm

. yourqualifications .. surel'd be good at the job. I am ,.,er/friendlyand
. anyprevrous expe|ence o u t g o i n g l l o v e t r a v e l l i n ga n c i s e e i n gd i f f e r e n t
r a description of yourappearance placesAlso.I canprovidea referercereiterin which
. yourpersonal qualities my previousemployer saysl'rna goodohoiographer
. yourplansfor the summer and that you can counton me. .aF showyou my
What do you think the successful candidate work anytimeyouwani.
s h o u l db e l i k e ? p' I won't be doing anythingin Julyand August.
a artrstic d adventurous We haveour holidaysthen so I can work whenever
b friendly e sociable youwant.
c caflng f sporty
@ Vo, can get in touchuritn rrieor 08657345or
Forthis job someonewould needexperience
Letrne <qowsoonl
a modelling b takingpictures All the best.
c workingwith youngchildren
What qualifications would someoneneedin /'**o*
orderto be consrdered for thisiob? LauraHirsch
':*ltri:*\iirit!i;l!iltr'+!it!i;tjiii:ti;1.i r!.!.. .i

b. Findandunderline examples
of these
)earMr Elliot, featuresin the letters.
p t am writing to apply for the positionof
photographerwhich was advertised
in this week's Lookat the highlighted
sentences/phrases in
onlineeditionof NY Magazine for Teens. letterA andunderlinethe corresponding
p t am 2O-year-old student Two yearsago I took appropriatesentences/phrases
in letterB.
a one-year-course
in photographyand I have
,,vorked as a photographer for our college Yourturn
newspaperI havealsoworkedpart-timeas a shop
then,answerthe question
a. Readthe rubric,
at a photostudioin my neighbourhoodlt
that follows.
is my ambitionto study photography at UELand
someday to work as a professionalphotographer
Youhavecomeacross the followingjob ad in
ior such prestigiousmagazinesas National
andyouwant to applyfor
the localnewspaper
thejob.Writeyourletterof application.
p Despitemy lack of formal work experience, I
f e e lt h a t l a m q u i t es u i t a b l feo r t h e p o s i t i o nl .a m
veryfriendlyand sociable and I lovetravelling and :li::.-
i: f)n rrnrr' lnrro tn chnn? P:v :ttontinn tn
lii:ir ii
seeingdifferentplaces.What is more, I am very ,.1:,
- details?Why don't you get started as a
fluentin both Englishand German.I can providea i}ii
i1F' MysteryShopper?Visit differentbusinesses,
referenceletterfrom my previousemployerin which {# poseas a customer,
evaluatethe serviceand
i am describedas hard-working,
efficientand a #
w completean evaluation form Get paid to
with greatpotential.My portfoliois #
shop at stores,eat at restaurants,
at yourrequest
available #;
moviesand more!
p Sincethe schoolholidays the monthsof
rnclude ttr
r No experience
is necessary
Julyand August,I will haveno othercommitments
A p p l yo n l i n ea t
and I would be availableto work the whole two
do you thinkwould
1 What skills/qualifications
$ t maybe contactedby telephone on 08657345
helpyou get the Circle
or viaemailat lhirsch@yahoo
com I lookforwardto ^ t^, ,^ -l^ ^^ ^;^ ^
o ruvc )r ruPPril9
a replyin duecourse
b haveworkedasa shopassistant
'K""1'"/" c be friendly
/'a'*o* d haveworkedasa waiter/waitress
LauraHirsch e be fluentin foreignlanguages
f be a goodorganiser
g be artistic
h be sporty
3 a . Compare
the two letters.Whichoneusesan
i candrivea car
formalstylesuitablefor a letter
of application?
Markthe features in the list
b. How areyou goingto beginand end your
belowasA or 8.
1 O A S S I V CV O I C C
A DearSir/Madam, C Dear,
2 a friendly.personal
Yoursfaithfully, Ynr rrc <in.arol\/
| ! ! | ! | / ,

3 everyday vocabulary
4 formalIinkingwords/phrases B DearMystery
5 phrasalverbsor idioms Yours.
6 longandcomplexsentences
7 advanced vocabulary 5 NoWwriteyourletterof application.
8 colloquialexpressions letterB fromEx.2 asa model.
9 a polite,impersonaltone

ng Ci'verHook,

fvlcs::eople manageto 13)
frc'r :argerous situations, othersfind
t h e ' :s e , , r esse r i o u s l 1 y 4 ). . . . . .
The rconant thing is not to makeyourselfa(n)
15) ... . ..... . Attackers
l o o kf o r 1 6 ) . . . . . . . . . .
VocabularyPractice people.Avoidbeingthe
Self-Defence 1 7 ) . . . . . .. . .
Protectyourselfand be
Fillin the gapswith the correctword/phrase. carefulat alltimes.

. potential . disable
. vulnerable. brains
. bestdefen6g. physical force. threatened
o fancymoves. victim. senseo attacked
o lateat night. targeto potentiallyo grasp Matchthewordsin Column
z A to thewordsin
. drstract. walkaway ColumnB.Thenusethe phrasesto complete
; the sentences.

rTt self a L tl E t o v v

tzTt mrnor b OACK

Flr armed c offence
lf you are being1) affaekedand cannotrun FTI crrme u Lrrdr9c)

away,thebestthingto do isto use I-s-f_lwell e robbery

2 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K a r a tiest h e reTtfight f scene
3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.n. s. .u. .c. h
.s. i t u a t i o nAsg. o o o FTI 0reaK g iit
karateinstructor willteachyouhowto escapean trl-l n roq< n defence
a t t a c k e r4' )s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o r h o wt o
5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. .r. . . . . . . . 1 A : D i dM r sB a r k e r. . . . . against
6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h. .i .m. ..K
. .a. .r a t e theburglar?
is notonlyaboutperforming B : N o ,i n t h e e n ds h ed e cc e: a g a i n si t .
7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l t i sa l s o
A: What happened
to rl: :^"E: :eenagers?
R' Thov rnrcrc fnrrnd n , 1, 3=
c o m m o8n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .
A : D o y o u t h i n kd a r c e ' r - ; r ' , - g s h o u l db e
t r e a t e da sa ( n r. . . . . ?
B A h s n l r t t e l vn o ' - (
: ,:-, S:. 3-S matter
LindaGrant, n. n ; , - ty w u
n. ,ru il tot td!c : : : - : - : : - = : : : h eV i C t i m ?
B: No,unfortura:e
Theimportant thingis to avoida(n) allowedat rre
9) ............... attackbeforeit happens. I -='
A \A/h:t h:nnc-r -
""HY- ::ice u n d e r1 8
Thebestwayto do thatis to useyour
1 0 ). . . . . . . . . . A v o i dw a l k i n h
gome R' Thorr rr<ir: -,:- e court.
a l o n e1 1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. .n. .d. . . .
carry a mobile with you at all 6 A )
times.Don't put yourselves .: B: '=!:':. You should
dangeroussituations. ?i 7 A -:--:oneatnight?
B: ,-':-aYln
8 A : Do you seeKarenoften? 5 €irclethecorrect
B : Yes,I seehertwicea week at the
. .... class 1 GeorgeaskedMiriamfor a lift/drivehome
2 Learning how to defendyourselfwill helpyou
a potential/vulnerable
ar.,oid attack
3 Shemadeherselfa targevvictimfor the thieves.
4 Childrenandthe elderly
areunable/disable to
5 HerfriendhurVharmedSue'sfeelings.
6 Thesethingsdo not happenin real/truelife
7 He askedto be left alone/lonely
8 Thethieftriedto grab/removeherbagasshe
waswalkingdown the street
9 The judgesfaced/meta difficuitsituationat
the trial
10 Thankfullyshe ranljumpedaway from the
11 lt is importantto be aware/conscious
of your
Underlinethe correctword, then fill in the
surroundings whenyou areon yourown.
12 Paulmanagedto escapehrsattacker's grasp/
1 Hewasdueto appear courVprison snatch.
lastMonday. 13 Theywerelyingon the floortotallydefenceless/
2 The robberswere taken to the oolicestation threatened
. ... handcuffs/custody. 14 He attempted/broketo escapefrom prison
3 Shewassentenced/convicted .......... four 15 Many offenders/barristers
manageto avoid
yearsin prisonfor the accident
shecaused. sentenctng.
4 Thepickpockets were immedrately put/placed
. arrest. ldioms
5 Everyone
was surprised when Mrs Bowlerwas
6 Fillin: wrisf,red,record,take.
sentenced/charged .. .. ...shoplifting.
6 Theyhavebeenaccused/ordered . ....... . . . 1 Canyou . down
theft twice thevictim's
7 T h e c r i m i n a lws e r e b r o u q h t. . . .. ... rne 2 C:n | <no:L nfftho

judge/jury 3 Hissentence wasa slapon the

8 She was attacked/armed. .. . . three 4 S h ew a sc a u g h .t . . ........-handed
teenageboys asshewasrobbinga store.
9 Threecriminals
.. .
prisonyesterday Phrasalverbs
10 Theygot away/ranaway murder. Jointhe phrases
to makecomplete
11 She was found/said guilty
kidnapping fTl Highprices
12 The burglarsbroke/entered . .. the PTI Many children
flat at threein the morning F-t_-] Theburglars
managedto get
i4T_-] Thewomanwascryingbecausethey
4 Cross
theoddwordout. weretaking

1 pickpocket, burglar.witness,mugger a awaywithoutbeingnoticedby anyone

2 policeofficer;offender,securityguard,detec-ti're b her dog awayfrom her
3 barrister, judge,juror
shoplifter, c awayfrom homeeachyear
4 kidnapper,robber.
victim,thief d awaymanycustomers.
5 vulnerable,
Grammarin Use 6 \tVillMrs Edwards
markthe tesrs?

The passive
Fillin with the correctpassive
tenseof the 3 Fillin the gapswith by or with.
verbsin brackets.
1 TheSistine
1 A : What an amazingstory! 2 A new law hasbeenpassed the
B: It i< nro:t icn'f it? lt government
(write) by AgathaChristie 3 Thesaladwasmade ........vegetables
2 A: When fromour garden.
(TheLordofthe Ringslrelease)? Kelly's
bedroom wallsarecovered
B : I n 2 0 0 1. postersof U2
Thecakewasfilled strawberries
3 A : lsthisneighbourhood safe?
B : Not really.
In fact,I hearthat people ......
PrideandPrejudice waswritten .....
. ....(attack)allthe time
. J a nAe u s t e ni n 1 8 1 3
4 A : Havetheyinstalled an alarmsystemyet?
O u rh o l i d a hy a db e e ns p o i l t. . .. . . . . . . . . . t h e
B : No,the firealarm
(install)tomorrowbut foursecurity
8 Thepackage wastied up . srflng
a n d t w o l o c k.s ..(already/fit).
5 A : What happenedto the burglars? 4 Changeinto the passive.
B : T h e y .. (catch)
A thief stole an important painting from the
by the policeas theywere comingout of
The gallery's
reportedthe robberyto the policeat 7pm lastnight.
6 A : D i dy o uh e a rt h a tt h e h i g hs t r e e t. . . . . . . . . . . .
The police have arresteda man who they are
.. (close)tomorrow? questioning
at the moment Thepolicethink he is the
B : Nol How am I goingto get to work?
man responsiblebut they haven'tfound any proof as
7 4 . Hasthe university youaboutyour
contacted yet The policegave no more inforrnationThey said
grades? theywill carryout a full investigation.
B : No.| ...... . (tell)that the grades the gallerywill not opento the pubiicthisweek
(send)to us by mail
8 A : What happened 5 What do the newspaper headlines
to Lisa?
Rewritethem into full sentencesusinqthe
B : She.. . . . ( m u g )o n h e r
way to the trainstation.
9 A : Did you buy the specialanti-graffiti
paint :
;' ,'i:,''.HEALTH
MtNtsrER To opEH HEw
for yourwalls? tq

B : Yes,we did In fact, it .. . . t

(apply)by the paintersaswe speak.

2 Rewritethe sentencesin the passive.

1 Wheredo theyteachself-defence courses?

Whereareself-c{efente taught?
2 Who brokethe window?

3 Whenwill vou deliverthe flowers? '' Maior strike to be otganised

4 Havetheycalledyou aboutthe job?
5 Didthe mechanic

form 9 Jointhesentences
6 Usethe causative
formto rewritethe sentences.
1 Maryhashad herflat brokenintothreetimes.
1 Thedentistwill lookat histeeth.
Shewill havean alarmsysteminstalled.(for
t-levtillhavehlsreerh lookedat (bythe dentist).
this reason)
2 Theplumberis fixingthe tapsin my flat

3 Themechanic hermotorbike.
Sunbathingcan be very is
important to wear high-factorsunscreen.
4 An artistis paintinga portraitof Susan

A technician
will connectour new telephone
Therearemanydrawbacks plan
to thisbusiness
We arethinkingof comingup with a new one
6 SomeonedeliversLeo'snewspapers
everyday (consequently)

7 Thesuroeonooeratedon Nick'sarm

Bendoesn'thavea lot of money.He cannot

(asa result)
7 Write sentencesusingthe causativeform.

1 Thehairdresseris cuttingMelanie'shair.What
is Melaniedoing?Melanie ishavrng
2 The painterswill paintthe Matthews'house. Every/each/eithe
Whatwill the Matthewsdo?
10 Fillin:every,
The dentistis cleaningJohn'steeth.What rs 1 Youcan......... .. callor e-mailme- whatever
J o h nd o i n g ? easierfor you
2 ..... .. studenthasbeengivena safetyleaflet.
A thief stole Lea'sbag yesterday
while she 3 . . . . . . . . o f u s f e l t l i k eg o i n gt o t h e c i n e m a
wassittingat a caf6.What happened
to Lea? We weretoo tired.
4 . . . . . . .o n eo f h i sc h i l d r ehna sg o t a P h . D .
A nail artisthad oaintedJane'snailsfor the
weddinqWhat hadJanedone? Sentence
11 Complete
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan
of result threewords.
8 Fillin the gapswith so or such.
1 A thiefhasstolenSally's
1 He found. . . muchusefulrnformation on S a l l hy a sh a d. . . . . . . . ...
the Internetthat he'll finishthe essayin no by a thief
ilme Sallyinsuredher flat yesterday.
2 Shewas running.. . . . fastthat shetripped Sallyhad
overa rocK .......yesterday,
3 She has bad gradesthat it will be Thealarmsystemkeepsthievesaway.
difficultfor herto get a placeat university. Thieves
4 H i s b e h a v i o uwr a s . . . . . . . . . i.r r e s p o n s i bt hl ea t by the alarmsystem.
the headmaster
him Twotechniciansinstalled
the security
5 Shewas ... . .: upsetwith the test results Thesecuritywindows
that shebrokedown crying. by two technicians.

Readthe text aboutproblems andthelrpanents
betweenteenagers is f (true)
anddecideif eachsentence
or F (false).

1 Teenagersdon'tfeelthatlivingwith theirparentsis hard,,',c"<

2 Themostcommonarguments betweenparentsandteensa.eaccir untidiness
and household chores.
3 Teenagersget veryangrywhen parentsrefuseto helptherr ,',:F rie housework
4 A surveyby St GeorgeUniversity
showedthat therearernaili aoor-oachesto
5 Yellingat teensandclearrngup afterthem rsparticularly
6 Lettingteensexperiencethe consequences of theiractioi-ls
:s not a very
betweenparentsand teensis veryimportantaccording
Communication to

8 Parents shouldlistento what therrchildren haveto say

9 Tellingteensoff because their room is untidyis totallyunnecessary
10 Understandingthat teens'roomsaretheirown privatespaceis quite

arentscomplainthat it is difficultto live wrth teenagers

Then again teenagerssay exactlythe same thing about
to a recentsurvey,
the mosicommon
argumentsbetween parentsandteenagers arethoseregarding
and householdchores.On the one hand,parentsgo ;;lt::l:ii::i:
mad over untidyrooms,clothesdroppedon the floorand their
children'srefusalto help with the housework.On the other hand,
teenagerslose their patiencecontinuallywhen parentstell them off for
droppingthe towel in the bathroom,not cleaningup their room or refusingto do the sropping at the

h" survey,conductedby St GeorgeUniversity, showedthat differentparentshaveo:re:err approaches

€ to these problems.However,some approachesare much more successfulthan oirers For example,
thoseparentswho yell at theirteensfor theiruntidiness,
but laterclearup afterthem.nar,,e'e,','er
changingtheirteens'behaviour.On the contrary,thosewho let teenagersexperience:-: :3isequencesof
their actions are more successful.For instance,when teenagerswho don't helo :.e' carenis with the
ihe r a:: :rs"
shoppingdon't find theirfavouritefood in the fridge,they are forcedto reconsider

g*1 sychologistssay that the most importantthing in parent-teenrelationships is c:----,:airon Parents

ll shouldtalk to theirteensbut at the sametime they shouldlistento what:he_,-a,::t say. Parents
shouldtell theirteensoff when they are untidybut they shouldalso undersiandira. :-: ' -J.i: is theirown
privatespace.Communication is a is only by listeningto anciu-r:':-a-l -g each other,
that problemsbetweenparentsand teenscan be solved.

Listening& Speaking Warning others
Safetytips 3 Fillinthegapsinthedialog ue
withthephrases below.
Youwill heara
. rfI wereyou o it'sa badideato
presenteL on a
o Don'tdothat oThat's true
university radio
. I supposeyou're right
station, talking
aboutsafety ,;
tipsfor P a u l : B r i a n1, ) . . . . . . . . .w
1o u l d
students. Decide turn down the music lt's too
if eachsentence loud.
is corrector Brian: But we're havinga party.aren't
incorrect. lf it is we?
correct, tick(/)YES.lf P a u l : W e l l ,2 ) . . .. . . . . . . k e e py o u r
it is incorrect, tick(/) NO. neighbours awakejust because
you feel likehavinga party.
YES NO BrianY: e s , 3 ). . . . . . .
lf you sharea flat with others,therearetimes
whenyoucanleavethe windowsopen r T Paul: Soaren'tyougoingto turndown
Peoplemight follow you into the hallsof
r T
the music?
Brian:Well, I think we should wait
3 Alwayslockyour bedroomdoor r T until all the guestsleave.We
don'twant to spoilthe fun.
4 Nevertakea taxion yourown aftera nightout.
5 It is not a goodideato usecash-machinesat
r n Paul: 4) Brian.We'llget
nrgnr. I] r in trouble!Theneighbours might
6 Markingyourproperty c a l l t h ep o l i c e .
E ;1 B r i a n :5 ) I'llturn
if it isstolen
it down straightaway.
someonedown "
-' a
1, -t+ar'*' -?*.'-.,..

Circlethe correctresponse.
Word Formation
1 A: lam sickandtiredof the trafficon the roadsl
4 Completethe sentences
with the
B : a C a l md o w n !
b Takert down
1 The. . gotinto
2 A. I won't toleratethe neighbour's
the housethroughan open
B: a Takeit easyWe'llcallthe police.
window BURGLE
b l t i s n ' te n o u g h .
2 He is in prisonfor armed
3 A : l'm absolutely
furiousaboutherplayingmusicso late! ROB
B : a Letyourhairdown,
b Keepyourhairon!
3 The demanded
f 100.000 KIDNAP
4 A . l'vehadit with hisbaddrivingl
A.. . brokeinto
B . a That'sa bad idea.
my cal but he didn'tsteal
b Don'tget so workedup!
anything. THEFT
5 A : I'm fed up with herbadattitudel
B : a Relaxl
b Lookoutl
m i l l i o nosf p o u n d si n l o s t
6 A : l'vehadenoughof theirsillyideas tncome. SHOPLIFT
B : a Simmerdown They'reonlytryingto helc
b I guessso
Writing (an essayprovidingsolutionsto problems)
Let'sget started
Readthe rubric. to the problem?

to write in with their

is askingits readers
A teenmagazine
on howto surfthe Internetsafely.

Let"slook closer

2 a. Readthe articleandcomplete planwith

the paragraph
the headings below.Haveanyof yoursuggestions
includedin thearticle?
o solutions/suggestions
& possible
. whattheproblem .
is summarise opinion

Wp Mostteensuse a computernowadays. The Internetallows

themto chatwithfriends, findhelpwithhomework, do research and
find out the latestnews. However,the Internetcan also be
dangerous if it is notusedcarefully.
@ To begin with,usersshouldthinkcarefully whentheycreatean
e-mailaddressor username. Theyshouldmakesure it doesn't
identifytheirageor genderin anyway.Thiswaysomeonecannot
use it to track them down.Also, usersshouldnevergive out
personal information online.By makingsuretheystayanonymous,
they stop others from sendingspam* and from using this
informationto causeharm.
W Anotfrerway to stay safewhen usingthe Internetis to keep
onlinefriendships online.In cyberspace, it is easyfor peopleto
pretendto be something theyare not.Keeping friendships online
avoidsunnecessary danger.
ffiw"Finally, it wouldbe a goodideato onlyusewebsites thatare
classedas child{riendly. ln thisway,users will be protectedfrom
inappropriate material.
]$$w.Overall,thereare a numberof waysto makesureteensare
safewhiletheysurf.lf theywereput intopractice, I believeyoung
peoplecouldbe keptoutof harm'swaywhentheyareonline.
*unwanted e-mails senttoyou,usually a product
adverlising orservice

b . Whichwordshasthe writerusedto introduce is"

in the mainbodypar;i.a;'s Canyou

Readthe articleagainandunderline

Essays providingsolutionsto problemsare piecesof To makesuggestions:
writingin whichyou discuss a problemand its causes o A usefulsuggestion/Another
solutionwould be
as well as the expectedresultsor consequences of IO
your suggestionsAn essayprovidingsolutionsto r . . . c o u l db e s o l v e b
dy . . .
problems shouldconsistof: o Steps/Measures shouldbe takenin orderto solve/
a) an introductionin which you statethe problem dealwith ..
and/orwhat hascausedit; o Anotherwayto ... is/would be to ...
b) a main body which consistsof two or more o Thesituationcouldbe improvediflby...
paragraphspresentingsuggestionsand their r lt wouldbe a good ideaiflto ...
results/consequences.You should start a new o lt wouldhelpif you/we/etc..
paragraphfor each suggestionand its results/
conSeouences: To presentresultsand consenquences:
c) a conclusion o As a result,..
in whichyousummariseyouropinion.
Essays providingsolutionsto problemsare normally o Thiswouldmeanthat ...
written in a formalstyle.Theyare usuallyfound in o T h e n ., .
newspapers and magaztnes. Bydoingthis,you/we/etc
l f . . . . . ,t h e r e s u lwt o u l db e . .
TheeffecVconsequence/result of .. wouldbe ...
3 Match problems(1-5) to suggestions(a-e).
a problem
Choose andthinkof moresuggestions. In thisway,...

5 a. A teenmagazine hasaskedits readersto

givesuggestionson how to avoidstressbefore
trTt bullyingat school exams. Matchthe suggestions(1-5)to their
ETI stressbeforeexams correspondingresults(a-e).
i=T-l hazardsof shoppingonline
F]-t schoolvandalism
isTt cartheft 1 startstudyingaheadof time
2 take shortbreaks
a makea revision timetable 3 eat healthily
and get enoughsleep
b talkto an adultyou cantrust 4 makea revision timetable
c parkin a safeplaceor in a garage 5 studywith a friend
d makesureyourcomputerhassecurityfeatures
e installCCTVcameras ft-rl discussanydifficultiesthat comeup
t7T5-lbe calmand be preparedfor exam
[f.t mind be clearand studytime be more
4 Matchthe suggestions aboveto eachof the effective
resultsbelow.Usethe languagein the table. n-il] haveenergyand be ableto concentrate
fl-e-] work be moreorganised
and be ableto
tlTl youwill be veryorganised
b. Usethe linkingwords and phrasesfrom the
ETI vandals will be caughtred-handed
table to makesentences,
as in the example.
FTI hackers will not be ableto seeyourcard
' n u m b edr e t a i l s A usefulsuggestisn
wauldbeto stcrtstwr,lying
af time.Asa result,
you vrillbecalman,Jprepared
t4T-l thieves
will not haveeasyaccess
to your

f5-tl theywill beableto helpandyouwitlnor

Your turn
6 Useyouranswers in Ex.5 andyourownideas
to writeanarticle of 120-180
solutions to the problem. Youcan usethe
in Ex.2 asa model.
of the
Lookat theweathermapandcomplete
gapswith wordsfrombelow.
. showers. downoour drizzle. snowfall
nature . s l e e t. s u n s h i n. ec h i l l v. h a i l. w a r m


Tick(/)the correctbox.


2 Matchthe animals
to theirsounds.

tlTl SNAKCS a chirp


PTI cananeS b twitter

fi-T---l c neigh
t - t l OOVCS Northern lreland:A 1) .. .......... wet day for
norses d howl Belfast andarea.Cloudy, andexpecta2) .................. .
l ) t I cncKets e coo lVlax temp7-9degrees C.Temperatures dropping to 3-5
l o t I wolves f hiss degrees C laterintheday.
:t Scotland: Typical winter weather. Heavy
3 Crossthe odd word out, as in the example, 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . .e. .x.p. .e. c t ei ndt h eH i g h l a n dEs d . i n b u r gi sh
c l o u dw y i t h4 ) a n d5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...l.t.w. .i.l .l
1 shore,coast,Sled, beach probably changeto snowby evening. Maxtemp2-4
2 buzz,nuisance, chirp,hiss degrees C.Temperatures dropping to below0 degrees
3 flood,avalanche, drought,breeze C laterintheday.
4 chilly,flooding,freezing, scorching Yorkand NorthEastEngland: A windycloudyday
5 blizzard, thunderstorm, hailstorm,shine throughout the area.Yorkis experiencing somelight
':" 6) ...,...........,..... that will continue until late afternoon.
:': Maxtemp10-12 degrees C.Tonight strong winds.Min
4 Completewith the correctpreposition.
tempB-10degrees C.
1 Thehurricane destroyed everything t
Southwest Englandand Wales:A cloudyday in
its path WaleswithCardiffexperiencing some7)
2 Farmers arealwayscomplaining Chanceof heavierrainas the day progresses. Max
the weather. temp8-10degrees C. Windylatein theevening. Min
3 Travellersto the region should be aware temp7-9degrees C.
.. ......the possibility of terrorist attacks LondonandSouthEastEngland: A beautiful dayin
4 Howshouldwe deal . . . thisproblem? E n g l a n d ' s
c a p i t a l .
L o t s o f 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .a. n. .d. .
5 T a n ywa a sf r r g h t e n e .d. . . .. . . . . . s. p i d e rws h e n 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
t .
e . m
. . .
p . e
. r a t u r
M e a
s .
xt e m p 1 2 - 4
1 d e grees
C. Somerainexpected earlythisevening. MintempB-
snewasyoung llir
10deorees C.
1:l-: ir:r,i
5 Matchthewordsin the columns thenuse 8 Choose
wordA, B,Cor D.
themto fill in the gapsin the sentences
1 A .. of wind blewthe oaoers
off the table.
A gash B gust C aush D gasp
tlTl sea a conditions
2 The dog was frightenedby the soundof the
ETI killer b toLc
F-rt c l r m a t e c porsonrng
A belt B bell C bolt D bull
FTI weather d ratns
3 The . .. of lightning lit up the wholegarden.
FTI survival e bees
reTttorrential f rhenno
A flesh B flash C flame D flare
4 B e i n go u t i n t h e . . . . . s u na l l m o r n i n gm a d e
I]TI food g currents
A blazing B flamingC grilling D frying
1 Advancesin medicine haveimproved the . ....
5 Come in, come in What are you doing,
. of patrentssufferingfrom cancer
out therein the .
standing cold?
2 ....... . . . m a k es w r m m i ni g
nt h e
A frozen B froze C freezingD freeze
6 Thelittlegirlsmiledasthe snow ....landed
attacK anyone who
on hertongue.
A flake B drop C stone D cube
After the meal in the restaurant,I suffered
S u d d e n lay ,. . . . . . . o f s u n s h i nber o k et h r o u g h
from .. . .
the clouds.
. createdmassive
A belt B line C rcy D bolt
and left manyhomeless
My car windscreenwas brokenby huge hail
6 The effects of
beinostudiedthrouohoutthe world
A stones B flakes C pebblesD drons
7 D u et o u n s u i t a b l e theplane
9 | got caughtin the rain this mor.rrilC
willhaveto bediverted
to another
airport got soakrngwet
A gushing C pouring
Underline the
the correctwordto complete B dripping D flowing
7 10 Canyou hearthe wind?lt'sblowinga . .. :
A drizzle B gust C breeze D gale
Suddenly went wrong:I didn'tget
into college,my best Word Formation
grandmagot rll But they say'it neverrains, 9 Formnounsfromthe verbs,usingthe suffixes
but it pours/flows/streams'. -ion,-ing,-mentandusethemto completethe
Simonwasn'tlookingverywellthismorning.I sentences,
think he's feeling a little bit under the . erupto poison. develop. transmit. move
storm/weather/climate. . populate. warn . explode
why you two are fighting.
I can't understand
in a teacup.
What a blizzardlhurricane/storm A severeweather was broadcast
Tim has no idea what's happeningin the on the radro
world. He has his head in the skies/clouds/ Theradio. . . was broadkcast
in many

heavens differentcountries
Karen stole my thunder/lightning/breeze The of the volcano destroyed
whenshewroteher nameon the articleI had manyhomesin the area
written. 4 Hisillness
wasdiaonosed asfood
day. 5 Theworld's . to rise.
6 We shouldsavefor a stormy/rainy/cloudy
7 WhenLizgot intothe Royal Academy of Music 6 Themarinebiologists
recorded the . .
shewas on cloudnine/seven/eleven of thedolphins.
Bobwas reallyill for a while,but now he'sas 7 T h e. . . . . . . . . . . . i.n. t h e m i n ew a sn o t f a t a l .
rightassleet/drizzlelrain 8 A lot of money is spent everyyear on the
of new medicines
Grammarin Use 5 A, Peoplemustn't/should go walkingin the
mountainswithoutthe correcteouioment
B: I agree Peopleshould/maytake greater
Fillin: draw,turn,put, do, break,hold. care.
A. May/Mustn'tI go homenow?
1 A : J o h n n y ,o u ' db e t t e .r . . . . . . . . . . .u.p y o u r
B: Yes,you can/might.
shoelaces before voutripoverthem!
B : O K ,M u m . A: My beesshould/canhaveproducedmore
honeythis summerTherewere plentyof
2 A . It is getting late and I don't want to
you up any longer. Let's
B: Perhaps
they couldn't/wouldn'tbecause
continuethe meetingtomorrowmorning
of the storms.
at nrne.
(oa 8 A: What a downpour The boats can't/
B: rrnr r et nino thon
mustn'tbe sailing
3 A : I am goingto be in Londonfor a few days. B: l'm afraidyou might/canbe right
C a ny o u meup?
B: It will be my pleasure
3 Matchthe sentences
to the meanings.
4 A : D i d m a n y p e o p l e. . . . . . . up at the
| ,--r----'l ^.'l
party? |1| I Billylookstired.He can't havesleptvery
B: Not many,but we hada nicetime. weil.

5 A: When doesyour school up for

ETI Sallycan'thavebeenwateringthe plants
thisweek Theyareverydry
the holidays?
B: NextMonday.
Flt That'shis car He must haveleft it here
afterthe party.
6 A: Canwe . up herefor a moment? t4T--]Tanyamightnot passherdrrvingtest.
I want to buy a newspaper. ffi

l 5 l I Helenis smilingShemusthavegot that

B: Sure. newjob.

reTtMarkmightnot buya newcarthrsyear
FTI H e m i g h t n o t h a v eb e e nc a u g h ti n t h e
2 Circlethe correctverb. srorm.

1 A: You haven'ttaken a breakyet today You a l ' m s u r eh e d i d .

must/canbe hungry. b l'm certainthat shedidn't.
B: Yes,I could/mayeat a horse! c H ep r o b a b ldyi d n ' t
d lt'spossible
that shewon't.
2 A: Thestudentsmust/can'tftsys5lgflisflvor'
e lt'spossible
that he didn't
much Theirtest results
f l ' m s u r es h ed i d
B: They might/must improveif they want
g lt'spossible that he won't
3 A: Don't go out without a scarfand glovesl
Theweatherforecastsaidthe temperature
4 Rewritethe sentences,
usingan appropriate
would/candropto belowzero.
B : You should/mightbe right.l'll take them 1 lt's likelythat jt r',,' '. - .--='-..cay
with me.
2 H e p r o b a b l yo : "
4 A : You'resoakingwet Youcan't/mighthave
hadyourumbrellawith you
I think everyir^:
B: I know,I know I must/shouldhavetaken

5 l'll let vou driveme home Readthe situationsand makesentencesfrom
the words in the brackets.Usemight or may.
6 l'm not surewhetherl'll qo out tonioht
1 | can't find my raincoatanywhere.I wonder
whereI put it.
7 lt is possiblysnowingrn Scotland
a: (you/puViVinthe wardrobe)
b: (you/lefViVat
Choosethe correctforms. 2 | can'tfindSam.Doyouknowwherehe is?
a: (he/golforlunch)
A: Hi, Gene ls that you? What are you still b: (he/golhome/for
the day)
doingat home?You 1) could/shouldhave 3 Why didn'tGloriaanswerthe phone? l'm sure
left by now shewashomealllastnight
B: What do you mean?Whattime is it? a: (she/golto
A . l t ' s1 3 : 1 0 . b: (shdnotfeel/like
B: What? lt 2) may/can't be. My watch says 4 Freddidn't come to the party.Do you know 3) can't/must havestoppedI knewI why?
4) should/mighthavereplaced the battery a: (hdhavdother plans)
A: Nevermindthat now You had betterhurrv b: (he/nothave/anyone to go with)
or you 5) might/canmissthe train.
B: Okay,okay lf I leavenow | 6) could/can't Sentencetransformations
stillmakeit. By any chance7) could/might 8 Completethe secondsentenceso that it
youtakeme to the station? meansthe sameas the first. Useno more than
A: Oh,all right.| 8) should/mustn't
be therein three words.
1 Thereisa chance
that it willrainat theweekend
Lookat thepictures.
Makedeductions. It . ...............
at the weekend.
2 We're sure Sheilahasn'ttaken the boat to
r v r d r L^e s- ^e- d ir-s +L- O Of O U g n
S h e. . . .
takenthe boatto Malta Theseaistoo rough.
3 He'sgot a terribleheadache.l'm sure he's
b e e nw o r k i n gi n t h e s u na l lm o r n i n g
Ho'snnt ,atorrihlpheadache. He ......
in ir'. ,rn ,rLrorning
4 Floodsare possiblehere,even in the hottest
monthsof summer
floods here, even in the hottest months of
5 I'm surehe didn'ttake hisovercoat.Look,it's
forgottento take hisovercoat.Look,it's right

1 Theymightbeon holiday
below.Foreachquestionchoosethe correctletter(A,B,C or D).
Readthe text andquestions

.-: ;i --;,i,'r.

he settlement of Oymyakonis situatedin EasternSiberia, isthecoldestpermanently
inhabitedplaceon Earth.
are saidto havereachedas low as -96.16 degrees
r."' Fahrenheit(71.2Celsius).This is hardlysurprisingas Oymyakonlies
onlya few hundredmilessouthof the ArcticCircle.
Oymyakonhas not alwaysbeena permanentplaceof residence. Before
the 1920s,Oymyakonwas only visitedby reindeerherders.Later,the Soviet
tookstepsto settlethesenomadicpeopleand nowthe areaboastsa
of about800.
The peopleof Oymyakon havehad to adaptin orderto survivein this harshenvironment. Owning
livestock (reindeer
and horses)is essential
for food and for trade.Growingfruitsor vegetables is only
possible in theshortsummerseason. Forthe remainderof thetime,thegroundis frozen.Transportation is
noteasyasdieselfreezes at -58degrees
Fahrenheit. InOymyakon wearing
furis nota luxurybuta necessity.
Luckily,the localpowerstationburnswoodto providehomeswith hot waterand this makesindoorlife
it or not,thelocalpeoplesometimes
Believe chooseto bathein thesesub-zero
in icywateris saidto prevent
coldsandpneumonia. Thebravepeoplewhodo thiscallthemselves
of the'Walrus Club'.Whenyouthinkaboutit,it istrulyamazingwhatpeoplecanendurewhentheyhaveto.

1 Thewriter'smainpurposein wrrtingthis text 4 What doesthe writer say about bathingin

rsto frozenwaters?
A explainwhy peoplelivetn sub-zero A Thepeoplewho do it areriskLng
res B lt isonlyadvisable
for animals
to do it
B encouragepeopleto visitOymyakon C lt hashealthbenefits
C informusaboutthe SovietUnion D People
do it because
D describewhat it is liketo liveunder harsh
best describethe

2 What doesthe writer tell us about reindeer

A Theyusedto be nomadicpeople
B Theywerediscouraged
from livingin
C Theyviewfur asa luxury.
D Theygrowvegetables allyearround

3 When talkingabout reindeerand horsesthe

rnrritor <:vc nonnlo

A keeptheseanimals aspets
B havelifestock
in orderto survive.
C raisea widevarietyof animals.
D havethemsolelyfor therrfur.
Listening& Speaking 2 A: Are we still going on the p i c n i ct h i s
Winter Holidays
B: Not likely.
lt'srainingand 5)
a l ld a y
Youwill heartwo peopletalkingabouta
A: Well,if hasrainedso muchalready,
winterholiday, information
Fillin the missing
in the numbered spaces. by thisafternoon.
B: I think you're being ratheroptimistic.
think we should postponethe picnic.
Zoll SktREsoRL After all, evenif the sun comesout, the
grasswill be wet We 7) .
Location A: I think you'reright.Let'sgo to the new
The resort is in Austriain an attractivevillage -<"h"nYnvn" i n n a o n t r o
1l ..........................
metres above sealevelintheHohe
Tauern mountain range e rt shouldhavestoppedraining
Glimate f it mightkeepraining
Moderate continental climate. 2l .......................
Winters I couldcatchcold
withreliable andfreouent snowfalls.
Over200 kilometres of ski runs.Activitiesinclude
3l ................ tobogganing, sleighridesand Makingspeculations
Type of accommodationon offer Matchthe pictures
o Hotel andthe speculations,
o Self-catering
4l ..........
Priceof holiday
€ 5) . . . .. for one week'sstay at hotel
includingtwomeals a day.
There are many different kinds. Prices are

Expressing bility
2 Complete
the dialogues
(a-g). 1 Theymaybe brotherand sister.

1 A: Do you think we will have a white 2 H em i g h tn o t l i k em e d i c i n e .

Christmas 3 Theymightbe studying.
B : 1 ) . . . . ... . . . i f w e ' r el u c k y 4 He maybe stoppingthe traffic.
A : What did the weatherforecastsay?
5 Theymightbe verytalented.
B : It said2)
by the end of the week
6 Shecan'thavesleptverywell. T
Theweatherisso unpredictable 7 Theycouldbe on a course T
B : Yes,3) 8 Theymightbe fatherand son I
warmandsunnyevenin December. 9 H e m a yb e i l l T
A: I guessit isn'tgoingto snownow 10 Shemaybe bored tr
B: lt maybe warm now, but you neverknow,
11 Theymightbe practising
for a concert. tr
i+ -^,,l-l ^^+ -^l-l
c it couldget even
1 2 l t m u s tb e q u i t ec h i l l y tr
o rL LUU|U

9s L LV|U

warmer 13 Theycouldbe at university T

b lt mightsnow d it canbe 1 4 S h em a yb e a n u r s e . tr 73
Writing (ane-mailreplyingto an invitatiorr)
Getting started
thekeywords, thequestions.

Youhavereceived an invitationto spenda weekendat yourfriendiames'parents'cottage.

to hisinvitation.In youre-mailyoushould
. thankhimfor the invitation
. saywhetheryouareableto go
. asksomequestions abouttheweekend
1 Whatwillyouwrite?Whoto? 3 What mustyou includein youre-mail?
2 Whatstylewillyouwritein? 4 How couldyou begin/end youre-mail?

Let"slook closer
2 Readthe emails
belowandcomplete the paragraph
the invitation
it? Underline
the sentences
f .,':'-"-, .ir.:.. ':..:..:...
:. _-_:""_
'f.-l a i:l:::l
F;-_'__"* ,

New Mrg
Nefli ':g

! D e a rJ

$b tt wasgreatto getyouremailI W l o * a r ey o u ?l ' m f i n e l l ' m r e a l l y

alwaysenjoyhearingyournews! enloyingthe summer holidaysso
p ffrants so much for the Thanksso much for invitingme
to spendthe weekendat to spend the weekend at your
yourparents'cottageI wouldreally l

parents' cottage! The cottage

love to come! l've been studying soundswonderful I reallywish I
reallyhard recentlyso it'll be great could come but unfortunatelyI
to relax on the beach and have can'tas my sisteris gettingmarried
somefun! that weekend We're all really
$b't huuea coupleof questions p'l reallyhope you have a good
about the weekend ! | work on trmo :f f ho rnff ena anyway
Fridaysuntil 7pm. What time are you invitedanyoneelse?Are there
l yourparentsplanningto set out? lf any interesting placesto visitin the
we are leavingearlierthan 7, I can a r e a ?l b e t y o u ' l lh a v ea b r i l l i a n t
ask for that day off! Also, what t i m e W r i t ea n dt e l lm e a l la b o u tr t !
should I bring with me? Do you
t h i n kI w i l ln e e da n yw a r mc l o t h e s ?

$+ t'r lookingforwardto the p tt would be reallyg.eatto catch

thankyour up soon Perhaps we canmeetup in
1'l parents
for lettingme comelWrrte a c o u p l eo f w e e k s ?O n c ea g a i nl,' m
,rj backsoon, so sorryI can'tmakethe weekend
:l Love, LOVC,
: li g _ Dan


z (refuse)
3 Choose fromthe phrases
aboveto inviteyour

1 yourbirthday
party. 3 (accept)

2 yourschool
4 (refuse)
3 stayat yourhousefor theweekend.

4 Choosefromthe phrases in the boxto Yourturn

an invitationto:
YourEnglish penfriendhasinvitedyouto her
1 yourbestfriend's
drnnerparty. sixteenthbirthdayparty.Writean e-mail
2 go on a package holiday
to Spainwith your replyingto herinvitation(60-80words).In
friend. youre-mail, youshould
3 havea mealout with vourfriendandhis/her . thankher:
parents. . refuse
a reason
4 yourcousin's
housewarming party. o suggest
meeting upanother time

Usethe planbelowto writeyoure-mail.

a Thatwouldbe greaVwonderful!
a Thanks,
that soundslovelyl
a I wouldreallylovetol Introduction
a I wouldn'tmissit for the world! (Para 7) opening remarks
a Thankyou,l'll definitely
come/bethere Main Body
(Pan 2) tbankfriend - refusegiving reason
Refarslnglmsdltatlens (e.g.studyforexam)
That'sso kind,but I reallycan't,I . . (Pan 3) suggestmeetingup anotber time
l'd loveto, but . . ( weeleend)
Thanksso much,but Conclusion
(Pan 4) closingremarks
but I'm afraidI can'tmakeit. I
I reallywishI couldcomebut ... (.yowrfirstname)
Festive ['m Sandy Cane and l'm "i2" In
the UK we've got a special
day calledGuy Fawkes'night.
On Guy Fawkes' night,

Festivals& Holidays

andfill in the blanks
the wordsbelow.
. cooks. card. music. light. letoff
. chocolates
. exchangeo throw o visit
2 Cross
the oddwordout asin theexample.

1 sliced,chopped,scrambled,gT}*€{
2 maincourse,bonfire,starter,
I'mMarcSarrazin andl'm 25 yearsold. 3 hot, spicy,bitter,fried
l'd say that Thanksgivingis my 4 p a r a g l i d i nsgt ,a l lb, o w l i n gt,e n n i s
favouriteholiday.In the USA it's 5 course, pitch,point,rink
celebratedin a very big way. My
m u m f 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. . . .s.p e c i a l Matchthe wordsin the columnsand then use
dinner with stuffed turkey and them to fill in the gapsin the sentences
vegetables.In the afternoon,we
2 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f .r .i .e.n. d sa n d r e l a t i v e s . trTt bitter a chicken
W e 3 l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g. .r.e. e t i n g sa n d PTI hot b cheese
watch footballtogether. t3Tt grare0 c hours
FTI grilled d eggs
fsl-l eafly e cnocolate
reTt scrambled f c h i l lpi e p p e r
1 A : Whatwouldyousayyourfavourite thingis
to havefor breakfast?
B : H m m m I, g u e s sI ' d h a v et o s a y , .
My name is RoisinJoyce and l'm from
lreland.I like most celebrations,
my birthday is my favouriteday of 2 A . W h a tw a st h ew e d d r n gc a k em a d ew i t h ?
the year. I alwayscelebratethe B : It was made with vanrllasorbet.fresh
' a s b e r r i ea sn o
day in style! This year my
parents gave me a beautiful 3 A : Areyoureadyto orderyour maincourse,
- a , ,
B Y e s I. t h i n kl ' l l e : r e
4) .............. a n da h u g e
b o xo f d e l i c i o u5sl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w i t h a b a k e cc c - a - c
Later,my friendstook me to a 4 A . What trrre l: _ , : , q e : b a c kf r o m y o u r
fancy restaurant wherewe had a d a t el a s i: : - . l
great meal and then listened to live B : G o s h , i c : - - ( - : , ' , ' , \ / e d a n c e da n d
6l .............. u n t i la f t e rm i d n i g h t . l a . l g h e*c- : - :
r,!1,':..Fffirirti!iiitt.1tri$ll..I.n;i1e..r .. ,
A: Thesauces :i- .: :i: :.
B: Didyou' -.,
6 A: CanI servethe pastanow? We passedall our exams Let'sgo out and
B: No,wait We haveto put the havea greattime
on first. We

4 Underline
the correctword,asin the example. 3 I just starteda new job and believeme it's a
completely differentsituationfor me
Sherefusedto giveme the rsqip_e_/prescription
for herapplepie
I think l'll havethe raw/steamedriceinsteao
4 lf you're not going to be co-operative,
of French
mightaswell just leavethe class
Did you want your steak with melted/
I can't believehow exoensivea bottle of
I lent you the moneyso now you must be
wateris at thisrestaurant
You'll haveto get a new set of golf skates/
clubsfor the matchnextweek
Can you believethere were over 20,000
viewers/spectatorsat the match? Complete
Do you know who the finalistsare in the
7 the sentences
with although
or in
That man over there was a silver medal 1 . . .. . . . . . l. l i k eb o x i n gl t,h i n ki t i sa v e r y
cl:nnarnr r( cnnrf
at the GreekOlympics.
Why don't you join the school volleyba 2 . . . . .. . . . . . . . b e i n ge x p e n s i vIel o
, v es k i i n g
society/team? 3 | thinkcrosscountryrunningis fun,
1 0 Thefinalscore/pointof the gamewas 12-2 beingverychallenging
4 Jogging is an excellentway to gei fit,
Matchthesportsin the listto theverbsin the i t i st i r r n g .
table. 5 H a n gg l i d i n gi se x c i t i n g
. it is expensive
diving. ice-skating. hangglidingo athletics
. basketball. cross-country
running. aerobtcs Phrasal
. bungee jumping . scubadiving. baseball
. snowboarding . vyln6rrrfing
o swimming 7 Complete the sentencesusingverbsfromthe
listin the correctform.
. carryo put o brrng. 1s6;a
1 A: You shouldhave stoppedwhen you
play B: I know,butif I hadnt
on,I wouldn'thavecomein second.
do 2 A: Haveyou anyideawhat
o n h i si l l n e s s ?
B : Probably the fact that he went out in the
6 Rewritethe sentences
with the correctidiom coldwith no jacketon
fromthe listbelow.
3 A : Didyou seethe smileon Sam'sfacewhen
. ballisinyourcourt. havea 63llo playball he finished
the race?
. wholenewloallpdmgo gettheballrolling B : Yes.He was happybecausehe knew his
o a ow a s . . . . . . . . . .o.n.
1 Let'sstartthe process
andbeginthe baseball
game. 4 4 . Are you ready?
Let's B : J u s tl e t m e . . . . . . . . o n m yc o a t
a n ow e c a ng o .
Grammarin Use 1 1 A D oy o um i n d. . . . .... .
(call)Tinato seeif she'scomingtonight?
(to) infinltive/-inEform B S u r eI,w a sp l a n n i n g . (call)
Complete the gapswith the correctformof heranyway
the verbsin brackets. 1 2 A I can't believeyou forgot
(take)yourbaseball glovewith you
lwant ...... ( r i d e )m y b i k ei n
B : I meant . . . .. . ( p u t )i t i n
the park
the bag but then I forgot.
Me too. Can | (corne)
with you?
Usethe verbsin brackets
in the correctformto
I a m r e a l l lyo o k i n gf o r w a r dt o . . . . . .
completethe sentences
(go)to the matchon Saturday
B : I ' m n o t l. h a t e . . . . . . ... (watch) J e n n yu s e dt o 1 )
football. (play tennis) twice a week but she stopped
2) (exercise)
3 A : Y o uh a db e t t e r. . . ............(get)
shestarted3) (work) long hours
lots of practicebefore basketballseason
starts. as an investmentbanker.AlthoughJennyhas
B : I agree.lwill try . . (work) beenavoiding4) . (eat) fast food
out asoftenas I can. at work,shehasput on weight Herdoctorsays
that shemust5) . . (join)a gym as soon
4 A ,Willyou be allowed
as possible
and try 6) (lose)
(eat)sweetsafterthe operation?
weight.Jennycan'twait to 7)
B : N o t r e a l l yM y d o c t o rs a i dl w i l l n e e d. . . . . . .
(start) exercising and looks forward to
. (cut down) on fat andsugar.
8) . . (get)in shape
5 A : Didyou remember (wish)
B : O h ,n o ! | f o r g o t l. ' l l . . . .. . . Circlethe correctanswer.
( c a l l h) i m n o w l
1 A: l'll neverforget to score / scoring that
6 A : Stop (bite)your winninggoalin the hockeymatch
n a i l sa n dc a l md o w n B: Yes,but you forgot thanking / to thank
B : Sorrybut I'm too nervousrightnow yourcoachfor allthe helpandtime he gave
. .. (calm)down. you beforethe finais
7 A .There's
no point 2 A: Why don't you try to drink / d r i n k i n ga
(wait)for Liz She'lltakehoursto get ready. glassof water?
B : How about B : I d i d t h a t l ' l l t r y h o l d i n g/ to hold my
(meet)herlaterthen? breathfor a minute lvlaybethat will stop
8 A : It'sno use (wait)in the queue myhrccups
for tickets 3 A: Let'sstop to buy / buying somethingat
B : How about (order)them t h a tb o u t i q u e
o n l i n et h e n ? B : You can't be se"c-' '':- shouldstop to
9 A: Sallycan'twait . . (join) shop/ shopoing ; . :, :=- ) '.,esnopslikethat
t h e s w i m m i n tge a m 4 A : T h e yu s e c , : g o i g o i n g i o t h e g y m a t
B: I know She'p s lanning (go) l e a s l i rc' ,= ' , , : : . : - . - - e y s t o p p e d .
to try-outson Friday B : I c o u l c ^: ; - a - l - - : : - ^ - s e dt o g e t t i n g/
1 0 A : C o a c hw, i l ly o u l e t m e nof rec =. =, =" <:

(play)in the finalmatch? 5 A : D i dy o u' : ^ ' : - - : : 3 o c k u p / p i c k i n gu p

B: l'm afraidit'stoo late S O mne' r , < = - - - - - = S- : : ?
(take)on anynew players,
Jim. B : Y e sb, u tL : : - . = - - : - - : : ' t o p a y / p a y i n g
for itl
4 Usethe phrases
in the listto complete
the 6 Readtheexamples.
abouthowto keepin shape.You yourpreferences.
express Thencompletethe
mayhaveto changethe formof the verbs. exchanges
. talkyououtof yourfitness goals l'd preferto stayat home
. try to go to thegymthreetimesa week I prefercyclingto jogging.
o eatfattening foods. warmup . overexercise l'd ratherplaytennis than(play)basketball
l'd bettergo to thegym.
1 Youshould
to estaotisrr rrabits Sheshouldexercise
2 Avoid B : She'dbetter

o"r;..f",n.; ":1"' *'.*':n:: Why don't we go to the footballmatch?

B : l'd prefer
.. or you'llbe drsappointed in yourself.
A : I likeexercising
at homemorethan at the
. . . asyouwill get soremuscles.
| prefer
B: Really?
5 Remember
4 A: Shallwe go to thecourtsfora gameof
doinganystrenuous souash?
or youcouldhurtyourself.
exercise B: Actually,

Lookat the table,thenrewritethe sentences Word Formation

usingthe verbin brackets
in the correctform. Matchthe wordsto formcompound
Intinitive -rngTorm
Present (to)work working
FTI yoga a u p

PTI runner- b classes

(to)be working F-ft h a n g - c diet

Perfect (to) haveworkechavingworked

t4Tt body d drinks
I-s-f_lfizzy e gliding
Perfect (to) havebeen trTt balanced f image
Continuous working
1 Patissorryhe fouledthe memberof the other
8 Completethe secondsentencesothat it
meansthe sameasthe first.Useno morethan

1 Chrislookslikehersreally
Tom has improvedhis servingskillsoverthe
Lastyear he wasn't on the team because
Our team is losingby fivepointsand thereis
Lastyearhe was ....
onlya minuteleft in the game.(appear)
be on the team.
Hecan'twait to be in the finalsin spring.
H ei s l o o k i n g
goesto all hisschoolmatches.
4 Heusually
in the finalsin spring
Maybehe will be a verygoodbasketball player.
The boyssay they have been practisingvery
(claim) a verygoodbasketball player
5 l'm gladthe coachput him on the team
It was niceof the coach
rnthe team
'l Lookat the sentences belowaboutan
eatingcontest.Readthe text to
decideif eachsentence iscorrector
incorrect.Markthe sentences asA, if.:.,ii';"''
correct,or B, if incorrect.
.,.,,,,,"n*,J,*t' 'll;ii'
'i i:J!i:i:!r


- !;ti:1i'

hink of your favouritefood.Do

I youhungerfor hamburgers? Do
jam doughnutsmake your mouth
water? Do you crave chocolate
milkshakeso6 perhaps,something
or mango?
Now,how wouldyou liketo entera
competitionto eat mouthfulafter
mouthfulas quickly as possible? toughcompetition from America'sSonyaThomas,'The Black
Would a prize of five thousand Widow',who holdsthe recordfor eating65 hardboiledeggs in
dollarstemptyou to try? Well,if this 7 minutes.
is yourideaof fun, you'renot alone. Otherworld recordsincludeeating137 chickenwings in 30
Competitiveeating is now a well- minutes,9lzboxesof popcornin 12 minutesand almosta kilo
organisedactivityfor thousandsof of butter in 5 minutes,but don't imagineyou have to be
people from all over the world, enormousto breaka record.Kobayashi weighsjust 65 kilos
althoughit's most popularin the and Thomasweighsonly55 kilos.In fact,beingoverweight is
USA,wherethe traditionbegan, thoughtto be a disadvantage in competitive
eatingas bodyfat
stops the stomachfrom expandingas much as it could.
Nathan'sHot Dog Eating Contest Kobayashiexpandshis stomachfor a competitionby eating
takes place everyfourth of July in largerand largeramountsof food,and then exercisesso the
Coneylsland,NewYork.According fatwill not get in the wayduringa competition.
t o l e g e n di,n 1 9 1 6 ,f o u ri m m i g r a n t s
had a hot dog eatingcontestat the The rules of Nathan'sHot Dog Eating Contestare quite
site of the first Nathan'sstandto simple.Twentycompetitors standbehinda longtablewith hot
show who was the most patriotic. dogs and drinks.The competitorscan eat them howeverthey
Today, the competition brings like,but mostusuallydip theirfoodin waterto makeit easierto
togethermany of the world'sbest chew and swallow.Whoevereats (and keepsdown)the most
competiiive eaters. The current h o t d o g si n 1 2 m i n u t e si s t h e w i n n e r . ' l t 'as l l a b o u tw i l l p o w e [ '
champion is Japan's Takeru saysKobayashi, who just picksup anotherhot dog,tearsit in
Kobayashi, who set a world record half and stuffsboth halvesinto his mouth,Soundsdelicious,
of eating 53!z hot dogs in 12 doesn'tit?
minutes,but this year he faces

1 Ususallythe prizeat an eatingcompetitionis 6 Mostrecordbreakers areovennreight.

money. 7 lt'sa goodideato increasethe amountsof
2 Competitive eatingonlyhappens in the USA . food you eat beforea competition.
3 Nathan's Hot DogEatingContestfirsttook 8 Therearemanyrulesto obeyat the contest
placein 1916. 9 Competitors
can'ttouchthe foodwith their
4 OnlyAmericans competein the contest. nan0s.
5 Theworldrecordholderisa man 10 Thewriterof the articlethinksthe
Listening& Speaking 3 A : Do you playvolleyball?
B : a Er .. sometimes.
b lt mightbe.
i ..' Youwill heara conversation
between 4 A : How often do you rideyour bike?
JanetandSheila aboutan annualfestival
that B: a ldo.
theyarethinkingof attending.
Forquestions b Whenever
I can.
1-6choose A, B or C.
A: Do you drink a lot of fizzy drinks?
1 Wholivesin thetownof Pictou? B: a Not really.
A Janet b I'd loveone.
B Sheila
C JanetandSheila Asking forlGiving directions
2 Sheila
A goingto thebeach.
3 a. Completethe conversation
with the
B learning
. next to the offices
C catchingfishin the
. theyarejust behindit
lake o Yes,sorryWhere'sthe gym,please
3 The festivitiesat :'l r Youneedto turn rightat reception
the HectorFestival
A: Youlookkindof lost.CanI helpyou?
B: 1) ... . . . . . . . . . . .....?. .
A one day.
A: lt's 2) .
B two days
B: How do I get to the offices?
C fivedays.
4 The festival is held B: Are the officesnextto receotion?
honourof A : A c t u a l l y . 4. ). . .. .
A a boat. B: Thanksa lot.
B a groupof people
b, Completethe dialoguewith the expressions
C a specialanniversary.
5 Whatwill Sheilado for the firsttime?
o How do you travelto work everyday?
A hearbagpipemusic r How often do you exercise?
B listento Scottishsingers r What do you usuallyhavefor lunch?
C watchScottishdancing r Whatdoyouusually
6 Who getsa discounton ticketsto the events? A: Wouldyousaythatyoureatinghabits
A students healthy?
B adults B : I supposeso.
C studentsandoldernonnlo A: 1 ) . . . . ...........?
B : It depends,'s usuallya packedlunch
Avoiding direct questions from home.
A. 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .?
2 Circle
response. B : About 2 litresof water per day,plusfruit juice
for breakfast
1 A :Do you drrnka lot of water? A: 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?. . .
B : a I likeit. B : Unfortunately, I don'tasI work reallylonghours.
b Notthat much,I guess. A: 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?
2 A : Do you eat anydairyproducts? B : Sometimes I walk but mostof the time I take
the bus.
B : a Exactly
b Not that often.

Writing (asurveyreport)
the keywords/phrases.
Readthe rubricandunderline canyouthinkof relatedto the
word survey?
g Yourteacherhasaskedyouto writea surveyreportaboutthe improvements
studentswouldlikemadeto theirschool.

Writea reportaboutthe improvements wouldlikemadeto theirschool.

Let"s look closer

2 below.Thereisone
a. Readthe reportandfill in the subheadings
subheadingyoudo not needto use.
o Introduction
o Foodo Conclusion o Veqetarian r Drinks

To Ms Pash.Headmistress
From: classpresident
Subject: Schoolimprovements
Date: Jan12th

Thearmof this reportis to presentthe resultsof a surveyin which
500 pupilswere questioned about the improvements they would
likemadeto the schoor.

The majorityof the pupilswould liketo seea largervarietyof fooo

in the schoolcafeteria.In fact,threeout of fivewould liketo seea
dishon the menueachday

Although many pupils drink fizzy drinks, fruit drinks are more
popularamong the students.Fifty percentof the pupilsasked
admittedhavingmorethan one fizzydrink per day,however,they
saidtheywouldpreferfruit drinks.

Tosumup, a largenumberof pupilspreferto havevegetarian meals
and fruit drinksinsteadof junk food or fizzy drinkson the menu I (Para +)
recommendthat the SchoolBoardtake action to make more
to pupils

t_t-'*tioi" \**s*tut8_P"tlr*..r-,**-,.e1r5Fa,
t'pt*ti'F ra1{.R d-i-fd--'_'-:

b. Readthe reportandcompletethe paragraphplan.In whichparagraph(s)

cloes ire '"','riter
results Inwhichparagraph(s)
of hissurvey? doeshesummarise ',',
hispointsJlr ri:n oaragraph(s) does
hestatethe purposeandcontentof hisreport?

Whichof the followingaretruewhenwe write 1
a survey?Lookat the reportin Ex,2 and 2
anSwer. 3
Thestyleof writingisinformal. o improve
b Theperson who isgoingto readthereportis . theaimof thisreportis
someone in authority.
Wewriteourpoints undersubheadings. 6) l've written this reportto recommend
to 7) makethe centrebetter.

o attractr altered. to sumup

8) To cut a long story short, the community

to start your report:The purpose/aim of this centrewould9) get morepeopleif somethrngs
reportis to ..., As requested,
this reportwas
wr,itten/carried out to ...,etc.
to talk about facts:the majority/minority 8 10
. . . . as m a l l / l a r gneu m b e ro f . . . b e l i e v e . . . , 9
ten/fiftyletcper cent of peopleinterviewed
Your turn
r to end your report: TakingeverythingI nt' o . 6 a. Youwork for the localnewspaper. The
account,To sum up, In conclusion,
All in ar ll,I editorhasaskedyouto carryout a survey
i in orderto findout whatpeoplein your
erc I
*--d town wouldliketo seedoneto improvethe
community centre.Readthe ideasbelow
4 Complete the followingsentences
with items andput themunderthe correct
fromthe boxabove.
subheadings in thetable.
to show what the o stayopenlateat theweekends
majorityof pupilsfeelaboutcafeteriafood. . dancecompetitions
want r cake& second-hand clothes
healthierfood to be servedin the cafeteria. . larger
e newtennis ballsandracouets
3 Only studenrs
o Iarger
seating area
. bingoevenings
4 to presentthe results
. baby-changing room
of a surveyregardingthe TV programmes
. disabled
preferto watch.

The extractsbelow are written in the wrong

style.Readthem and replacethe words/
phrasesin bold with moresuitableonesfrom
the lists. equipment
. finally. excellent
r whatismore
. directlv. therefore
more events

CommunityCentreis one of the most
youth centresin the town. It is located
nearthe secondary school1) so it iseasilyaccessible
to students.2) Also, there is a largeskatingrink
3) right behindit. 4) The last thing is, there are b. Usetheinformation
5) good facilities
for peoplewith specialneeds
yourownideasto writethesurvey report.
Youcanusethereportin Ex.2 asa model.
. .- -.-

tr*- f'"j l.

U n i t1
. People
with thesewords.Youcanaddyourown words,too. Compare
the mindmaps
Drawlinesto complete with

I rtrgo Ll\ c

2 the correctword.Usethe phrases

Choose of yourown.
in sentences

1 givehimthe benefit/rightof the doubt 6 noisereallygetsc' -,, nerues/head

2 do/makeme a favour 7 get intotrouble/fun
3 keepan ear/eyeon things 8 my feeling/sens€ :' - - ^-- ,'
4 it drives/leads
me crazy 9 s e el i f ei n a . o - : : l a m p l i g h t
5 hold/keepon good termswith 1 0 w h a tc o r n e:s: r n i n dh e a d, ' , - : n

o Chores

3 theverbs.
Complete usingthephrases.

1 m . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h. .e.f.l .o. o r 5

2 f . . . . . . . .. . . t h e p e t 6
3 c........ t h et a b l e 7
4 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t .h.e. .r.u. b b i s h 8

Unit 2
. The Environment
Drawlinesto complete
the mindmapwith thesewords.In pairs,addtwo moreto eachcategory.
. p r a i r i e . b a l d e a g l e . b i s o n . b o a . s e a t u r t l e . h e d g e r o w . p a n d oa m . bouut tnet rafilny s
. c h i m p a n zresep o t t e d d o l p h i n . t i g e r . b r o w n h a r e . o c e a n . c h. il n
i z a r dol o
c h i l atter.bee.ant
. cockroach . woodlands . farmlando jungleo pond . river. lake. wetlands. macaw

2 Complete
the phrases. of yourown.
Usethemin sentences
t r e l e a s e . c u t d o w n . e n v i r o n m. e
son it la. e

1 ...........trees 6
2 . . . . . .s p e c i e s 7 to
3 . . . . .g r o u p s 8 pollution
4 habitat 9 bein ..... . . . .o f e x t i n c t i o n
5 . . . . . . .w
. .a s t e 10 . . in the wild

3 Put the words in bracketsinto the correctform.

1 Thetigeris a(n) ....... ......(danger)species. We mustdo what we canto protectit.

2 Manyplantsareon the vergeof (extinct).
3 one of our mainconcerns isthe .. .. . . (protect)of the environment.
4 SanDiegoZoois famousfor itsanimal (breed)programmes.
5 | don'tthinkit was his ...(intend)to droplitterin the NationalPark.
6 Sheisstudying .....(environment) scienceat university.
7 Thelocalcouncilis tryingto make (improve)to the town park.
8 We arefull of ....... .. (admire)for herbecauseshedoesso muchfor the environment.
9 Don'tswimthere!Thewateris ................ (contaminate).
10 lf treesarecut down,then soil (erode)willoccur.
U n i t3
. Travel
Matchthe wordsin ColumnA to the wordsin ColumnB.

m boarding t check-in a pass e free

m boot il buffet b lock f desk
t flat ro road c car g hour
m rush t duty d map h tyre

2 Putthe wordsin the listunderthe correctcategory.

. l a n d i n gr s e a t b e .l t a k e - o f.fc r u i s e . c a r r i a go eb o o t . f l i g h to c o m p a r t m e n t . c h e f o r m
. c a b i nr s t a t i o nr p o r t o a c c e l e r a t o r . e x h a u s e t pbi op ne n e t . d e c k . s t e e r i n g w h. e
6er 1l y 9r1p i l o t
. caotain. crew . ticketinsoector . airsteward

o Accommodation

3 Listthewordsundertherightheadings.
. cottage. lawn. terraced . garden. detached . two storey. bungalow. bedsit. corridor. Ianding
e attic. cellar. hall. garage. fence. flowerbeds. semi-detached
r fifthfloor. flat . balconv . drain

4 Underlinethe correctitem.

1 We took a beautifulwalk along/bythe beach.

2 lt is cheaperto travelthereon/by car.
3 Whenwe get towards/offthe ship,we'll take the busstraightto the hotel.
4 lt takesthem aboutfifteenminutesto go to the beachon/by foot.
5 Walktowards/along the trainstationandyou'llseethe bankon yourright

U n i t4
. Education
Correctthe sentences.Usethe words: enrolling,resit,miss,seminor,sitting,universi$,subjects,
1 | can'tcomewith you l'm passingan examtomorrow.
2 Theschooloffersa wide rangeof lessons.
3 lf I fail my exam,l'll haveto do it nextSeptember
4 Beforean exam,you shouldreadfor it
5 If you loseclasses, you won't do well in the exams
6 He'sa professor
in a primaryschool.
7 Theprofessorgavea 45'minuteconferenceon endangered
8 l'm interested
in attendingin that course.

2 Circlethe odd one out.

1 art. maths,library 4 classroom,lab,ruler

2 teacher,student,professor 5 grade,test,exam
3 canteen, book,pen 6 secondary,

o H u m a nS o u n d s

3 Put the verbsinto the correctform to completeeachsentence.

. g r u n t . w h i s t l e. c o u g h . s n o r e . s n e e z e. y a w n . s i g h . l e l p o 5 p i f fo g r o a n

1 My father.. . loudlywhenhe'ssleeping

that he keepseverybody
2 Thefans whenthe strikermissed
an opengoal.
3 She in surprise
when I suddenly
openedthe door.
4 Hewasin sucha bad moodthat when I spoketo him hejust in repry
5 Robert wearilywhen he realised
how muchwork he hadto do.
6 H e. . . . . . . . . . . l o u d l ya n dt h e ns a i dh e w a sg o i n gt o b e d .
7 My motherhasstopped . ....sinceshegaveup smoking.
8 | always . . . . . . .w. h e nl s m e l p
l epper.
9 H e. . . . . . . . . . .t.h e a i rs u s p i c i o u salfyr,a i dt h a t h e c o u l ds m e lsl m o k e .
1 0 | g a v ea s m a l l. . . . . . . . . . . . . .o. f s u r p r i sweh e nh e t o l d m e h o w m u c hm o n e vh e e a r n e o

o Sounds

4 Fillin the gapsin the sentences

belowwith the correctformof the appropriate
. crackle
. sinq. howl . rumble. creak. rustle

1 As we werewalkingthroughthe forest,the leaves in the wind

2 l w a l k e ds l o w l ya c r o stsh e r o o ma n dt h e f l o o r b o a r d.s. . . . . . . . . . . . undermy weight
3 What a beautifuldaylThesunisshining,a breezeis blowingand the birds
4 Ithink thereis goingto be a storm.I canhearthunder .. in the distance
5 I didn'tsleepa wink all nightbecause the wind .. reallyloudly
6 We decided to stayin andwatchW in front of the ......-...........
.. fire
. Moods& Feelings
Underlinethe correctword in eachsentence.

hisfistangrilywhen he heardthe bad news.

1 Heclenched/curled
2 Shealwaystwists/crosses her legswhen she'ssittingdown.
3 Theboysstoodin front of the teacherwith their headsbowed/bent.
hisarmsand thought for a momentbeforeanswering
4 He folded/creased
5 Theguardstoodsmartlyto attentionwith hisbackstraight/stiff.
6 Sheput herhandson herlegs/hipsand lookedat the dirtyroomwith hermouthopen

o Ways of looking

2 Fill in: glare,blink, glimpse,wink, stare,peer,glance,frown, gazed, peep.

1 She .. . at me in disbeliefwhen I told herthe news.

2 She hereyesrapidlyasshetriedto stop hertears
3 As we drovethroughthe park,we ... . playingin the trees
. . at somesquirrels
4 Thelittleboyput hishandsoverhisfaceand shylyat usthroughhisfingers.
5 Thereferee .. quicklyat hiswatchandthen blewhiswhistleto startthe game.
6 |.. . . .. throughthe dirtywindow,tryingto seewho wasin the room
7 Theexhausted hikers..... at the campfirein silence
asthe flamesslowlydied.
8 Ourteacher . ... . with disappointmentwhenshesawhow badlywe haddonein the test
9 She ... angrilyat the boyswho had brokenherwindow.
10 My brother me to showme that therewas nothingto worryabout.

o Ways of walking

3 Underline wordin eachsentence.

Theystrolled/creptslowlyaroundthe park,enjoyingthe eveningsunshine
2 Thesoldiersstamped/marched smartlyacrossthe square.
3 Shehopped/plodded slowlyup the hill,the heavyshoppingbagscuttinginto herhands
4 | musthavetramped/crawledthe streetsfor hoursbeforeI found a placeto sleep.
5 Everybody cheeredwhen the exhausted acrossthe finishingline
6 In the dark,I stumbled/driftedon a stoneand nearlyfell.
7 Thecaptainstalked/limpedslowlyfrom the fieldaftertwistinghisankle.
8 Thetouriststrooped/wanderedaroundthe market,not reallywantingto buy anything.

o Ways of laughing

4 Underlinethe correctword in eachsentence.

1 Theteacherbecameannoyed with the littlegirls'childish

2 Hechuckled/grinned quietlyto himselfas he readheramusingletter.
3 | couldtell from the big grin/laughon hisfacethat he was pleasedaboutsomething.
4 Shegavea politesmile/giggleof thankswhen her bosscongratulated her.
U n i t6
o Entertainment
the spidergram
with asmanywordsaspossible.


2 Fill in: review, trailer, foyer, plot, performance.

1 Beforethe mainfilmtherewasa ........ for the followinoweek,sfilm.

2 The by the "Times"criticwasgood.
3 Let'sgo to the 9 o'clock . shallwe?
4 We canmeetin the ...... . . if you like.
5 The . ....w
. a sr a t h e d
r u l la n d u n i m a q i n a t i v e .

3 Underlinethe correctword.

1 Theconductorand the orchestra/bandbowedat the end of the concert.

2 Beethoven
was a musician/composer.
3 We haven'tseenthis groupon stage/theatre.
4 Thespectators/audience
listenedin silence.
5 Theviewers/fansscreamed wildlywhen the bandstartedsinging
6 We'vealwayswantedto hearthem live/alivein concert.
7 Theirnew CD is in the peak/topten.
8 we couldn'thearthe lyrics/plotverywell, but we were gladto be at this concert

4 Crossthe odd one out.

1 staLblockbuster,
film, direct 5 theatre,cinema,cafe,crowd
2 audience,film,website,applause 6 concert hall, comedy, musical performance,
3 sequel,album,track,song band
4 subtitles,
dubbed,plot.English cast,director,alien,film

. Work

1 Usethe words and phrasesin the box to completethe text below

. a p p l i e d f o r . i n t e r v i e w s . b e o f f e r e d a j o b . p r o m o t e d . s a c k e d . s e l f - e m p.lfor yeeedl a n c e
o out of work . shiftwork r overtime. employer. maderedundant

I a m p r o u d t o s a y t h a t l h a v e n e v e r b e e n l ) . . . . .f .r .o. m . .n. .y j o b , b u t l w a s. 2. ). . . . . . . . j u s t o v e r a y e a r
ago,eventhoughI had recently been3) ....... to senioreditor.Afterthat, lwas 4) . for about
sixmonthsand in that time I musthave5) ... . hundreds of jobsand gonefor dozensof 6) . .
I wasbeginning
to thinkI wouldnever7) . . . again,eventhoughI am quiteprepared to do 8)
a n d a s m u c h9 ) , . . . . . 0 sa n 1 0 ) . . . . . . .c o u l dp o s s i b lays k .T h e nm y l u c kc h a n g e dA. f r i e n dt o l d m e
abouta coursefor 11) the thoughtof workingfor myselfhad nevercrossed
....writers Surprisingly, my
mind.but I decidedthat being12) might not be sucha bad idea,afterall 5o far,thingsare going
o u i t ew e l l .

2 Choose
thecorrect A, Bor C.

1 Vivianisn'tat hometonight;she'sworkingthe 5 Y o uc a nt r u s th e rc o m p l e t e l y ; s hvee' sr y . . . . . . . . . .

night...... A reliable B dedicated C oatient
A overtime B shifi C hours
M i k ew o r k sf o r a p u b l i s h i n .g. . . . . ...
Why don'tyou applyfor thisjob?Youhavegot A business B industry C companlf
verygood computer
S h ef i n d sh e rj o b v e r y. . . . . ; a l l s h e d o e si s
A degree B licence C skills
answerthe phoneand type a coupleof letters
Jasonwantsto pursuea . . . .. . in advertising everyoay
A career B job C profession A stressful B boring C creative

4 Althoughmy job isn''s very 8 F r a n iksa l a w y e r ; h e . . . . .quite

. . . a lot of money
. . . . . . ...; I l e a r ns o m e t h i nnge we v e r yd a y A earns B gains C wins
A satisfied B challenging
C repetitive

3 with a word derivedfrom the words in brackets.

Completethe sentences

1 Thisartistmustbe verygood;hiswork is quite......... . ... . . (impress)

2 Shewritesthe scriptfor a TV series;it'sa very.. job. (create)
3 lt wasn'tvery..... of youto quit yourjob. (sense)
4 She'sa volunteerfor the RedCross.lsn'tthat .? (interest)
5 l w o n ' t a p p l y f o r t h i s j o b b e c a u s e l ' m n o. .t .a.t.a. .l l .......inthiskindofwork.(interest)
6 Bevery how you replyto this e-mail;theseareverygood clients.(care)
7 Why don't you talkto Harryaboutthisbusiness ideaof yours?He'scompletely ..............
8 Sheworksfor an environmental organisation Theydo .............. workthere.(amaze)

Unit 8
. Crime
the sentences
with derivatives
of the wordsin brackets.
1 whenstuartwenthomelastnight,hefounda in hisflat.(burgle)
2 Thenumbero . .f. . . . . . intheneighbourhoodhasgonedownthepastcoupleofyears.(mug)
3 Themenareguiltyof at leasttenbank (rob)
4 Thefamilyarewaitingfora callfromtheirson's........... . (kidnap)
5 . .......... willbeimmediately arrested. (shoplifting)
6 Becareful inthisneighbourhood; youngchildren areusually . (pickpocket)
7 H er a na f t e r t h e .. . . . . . : . t a n a g e tcoa t c hh i m (. t h e f t )
b u td i d n ' m

2 Usethe wordsin the listto complete

the spidergrams.
o w i t n e srsb a r r i s t eord e t e c t i v e . s e c u r i t y g u a r d . j u r o r . m u
ogt hgieerfo b u r g l aor j u d g e
. bankrobbero offenderr ooliceofficer

3 Matchthe phrases A to the phrases

in Column in ColumnB.

m press a to ten yearsin prison
m break b with blankrobbery
t found c cnarges
ET appear d guilty
t prace e underarrest
t besentenced f the law
t becharged I beforethe judge
m bebrought h in court

4 Completethe sentences
with the correctpreposition.

1 Thepolicearrested him drivingwithouta licence.

2 Hewas charged receiving stolengoods.
3 T h em e nw e r ea c c u s e d . . . . . . . . . t. h e f t .
4 Theywereconvicted a seriouscrimeand sentto prison.
5 Thejudgesentenced
them 10 yearsin prison.

11,.: * l''": 1..;

L!nit 9
' A n i m a lS o u n d s
to thesounds.

miarrw fo*ss
fusa** BOAB
f/'" l
. . r .

. Collective

2 Puta tick(/) in the boxesto matchthe collective

nounsto the animals.


' Weathersounds
Underlinethe correctword in eachsentence.

1 We sat in the tent listeningto the gentlepatter/clatterof raindrops

on the canvas.
2 Theskygrewdarkand in the distance therewasa mutter/rumbleof thunder.
3 Thewind howled/murmured all night.makingit difficultfor usto sleep.
struckthe groundandwas immediately
4 Thelightening followedby the suddenclap/flash
of thunder

U n i t1 0
. CookingMethods
the correctwordto complete
. f r y . s t e a mo b o i l . s i m m e rr r o a s t. b a k e. p o a c h. g r i l l

tastebetterand containmorevitaminsthan veqetables
that havebeen tn
2 Eggsareoften............ in a littlefat, but theytastejustas goodif theyare in water.
3 Youcan ... the potatoesin the ovenwith a littleoil, but it is healthier if you leaveout the oil and
J U S t . ........ . . t h e m .
4 Fishis delicious if you it overcharcoal, but you haveto be carefulit doesnot burn.
5 A g o o ds t e ws h o u l dn e v e b r o i l ,t h e l i q u i ds h o u l dj u s t. . . . . . . . . . . .g. e. .n t l y .

o Meals

2 Choose
the correctwordto complete
. maincourse. sidedish . desserto starter. snack

1 I don'thavetimefora properlunch;I normally justhavea quick

2 W o u l dy o ul i k em e a ot r f i s hf o r y o u r . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ?
3 I don'tlike .... .....thatarevervsweet.
4 A freshgreensaladmakesa good to go with thismeat.
5 we weren'tveryhungry,so we decidednot to havea ... to beqinthe meal.

. Sports

3 Underlinethe correctword in eachsentence.

1 Thatfootballclubsufferedtheir heaviestfailure/defeateverlastweek Theylost 15-01

2 l'm sureshewill beat/win,she'smuchfasterthan anyof the others.
3 I liketo playa game/competition of tenniswhenever I can.
4 Theumpire/referee stoppedthe fight when one of the boxerswas injured.
5 Lastnight'sfootballmatch/contestwasso excitingthat I was on the edgeof my seatmostof the time
6 Theyhavesomeverygood spectators/players and so I think theywill be the champions this season
7 We'relookingfor peopleto makeup a crowd/teamfor cricketthis Saturday. Are you interestedin playing?

Unit 1 3 Usethe phrasesto makesentences,
as in the
) Presentsimple- Presentcontinuous
I Complete the exchanges belowwith the
correctformof the verbsin brackets. Theyhavebeenwalkingfar twa hours.
she/dothe gardening/thismorning
1 A :Where . . . . . . .(.y o u / g o ) ?
B : Tothe cinema. (you/want)
to come? 3 they/sende-mails/morning
2 A : Where .. (be)yourneighbour?
B : She'sawayon a business trip. I
(look)afterhergardenat the moment. 4 he/workouVtwentvminutes
3 A : How often
to the hairdresser's?
B : About onceeverytwo months.
4 A : why . 4 Underline
the correctformof the verb.
(you/smell)the flowers?
1 Jude has been working/hasworked in the
B : T h e y. . . . . . . . . . . . . ( s m e l lb) e a u t i f u l .
gardenfor the pasttwo hours.
5 A : Where .....(Luke/work)?
2 Haveyou had/Haveyou been havingdinner
B : At a bankdown town. He
(work) as a clerk.
3 Jane has visited/hasbeen visiting Portugal
6 A : (you/go)on holiday?
B : Yes,| ......... (fly)to London
Fionahas been reading/hasread this book
7 A'. W h a tt i m e . . . . . . . . . . .(.t.h. .e
Jameshas studied/hasbeen studying law
He now worksfor a big law firm.
B : At quarterpasteight.
6 Haveyou evereaten/beeneating caviar?lt's
8 A : Haveyou got anyplansfor tonight?
B : Y e s|, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.s. e eM
) ike.
Careto join us?
5 Fill in: never,let, for, since,ever,olready,just.

I pertectsimple- Present
Present 1 Paulahas haddinner.
perfectcontinuous 2 Helenhas beento Australia.
3 I haven'tfinishedthe project
2 Completethe questions
asin the example. 4 W e h a v eb e e nw a i t i n gh e r e. . . . . . . . . . . .o. .v. e
. ra n
Then,answerthemaboutyourself. hour.
1 HaveyaueverbeentoParis? (beto Paris) 5 Owenhaslivedabroad . . .2004.
Yes,I have.
/ No,I'veneverbeentaParis. 6 HasDavid hadChinese
2 . .... . . . . . . .b. u. n g ej u
e m p i n g( g
?o) 7 Kate has left the building You
mightcatchup with herif you hurry



U n i t2 I Will/Going to
2 Modal Verbs
3 Fillin the correctform (begoingtoorwill)ofthe
Underlinethe correctitem. verbsin brackets.

1 A: Thewolf in that cagelookshungry.l'll give 1 A: Why areyou dressed in thissuit?

himsomething to eat. B : B e c a u sI e. . . . . . . . . . . .... ( m e e t M
) r
B: No! You mustn't/don't have to feed the Sullivan
in an hour.
animalslt'snot allowed. A: What areyourplansfor the summer?
2 A: Yourdog hasbeenbarkingfor ages.Can't B: We (spend)August
you do something to keephim quiet? In our cottage.
B: lt's time for hiswalk. I must/shouldtake A: lsAnn here?
himto the park B: Yes,sheis.I ....... (get)her
3 A : l ' m g o i n gh i k i n gi n t h e N a t i o n apla r ka t t h e for you
weekend. 4 A: l'm thirsty.
B : Youought to/must weargoodhikingboots. B: I (make)you an
4 A . My sonwouldreallylikea pet. orangejutce.
B : Youhaveto/shouldget him a puppy. 5 A: Why areyouturningon the radio?
5 A : Didn'tyou seethe sign?You don't have B: | (listen)to the news.
to/mustn't throw rubbishhere 6 A: I don't know how to usethisblender.
B : Oh?Sorry.I didn'tseethe sign. B: | .... (show)you.
6 A : Don'tforgetto waterthe plantswhileI am 7 A: lt'stoo hot in here
awayon holiday. B: | ....... . . .( o p e n ) t h e w i n d o r u ' _
B : Must/ShouldI waterthem everyday? 8 A: What areall theseeggsfor?
7 A . I think that governments ought to/have B: I .. ... (make)an omelette.
to do moreto protectthe rainforests
B : I absolutely
agree. ) Futurecontinuous- Futureperfect
8 A : I likezoosbut it'sa pitythe animalsare in
4 Putthe verbsin brackets
intothe correct
B: Yes.They must/shouldbe livingin their
naturalhabitat 1 A : Do you thinkyou (finish)
oy runcni
2 Write what you must/mustntdo at the zoo. B : I t h i n ks o
1 feedthe animals 2 A . (you/see)
2 pet the tigers(X) B: I don't knowyet.
A: What ......(you/do)this
3 obeythe zoo keepers(/) time nextweek?
B: | .... . . . . . ( s w i m )i n t h e s e a .
4 keepquiet(/) 4 A : Shallwe meettomorrow?
, B : Surebut after6 o'clock.I

5 climbintoanimals' (do)the shoppingby then.

5 A : Bythe endof thisyear,| .
6 usea cameraflash(rv) (save)f100
B: Welldone.

U n i t3 ) Postperfect - Pastperfect
) Pastsimple - Pastcontinuous continuous

I intothepastsimple
Puttheverbsin brackets 2 Putthe verbsin brackets
intothe pastperfect
or thepastcontinuous. continuous.

1 A (you/feel)the earthquake 1 Maggie's

lastnight? (walk)for an hour.
B: Yes.I (take)a shower 2 Johnwasverytired.He
when it (happen) . . (work) on hislaptopfor hours.
A: Why is Georgeso sad? 3 JackielookedveryhappyShe
B: He ( p l a y )i n t h e s a n da l l m o r n i n g .
yesterdaywhen somebody Timand Fayewere lost They
(crash)into him from the back. . (drive)in circlesfor an hour.
A: I'm meetingSusanlateron. We went to Ann's house but she wasn't
B: I know.She (call)me earlier there.She (go) out
while | (get) readyto comehere. 6 | askedLvnnif she wanted to eat something
4 A " What is Fionaso excitedabout? b u t s h e w a s nh' tu n g r yS. h e .. . . . . .
B : S h e. . . . . . . . ( w a l k )d o w nt h e (just/have)lunch.
streetwhenshe ...... (run)into 7 When we reachedthe airportwe realised
her favouriteactor. .... (leave)our tickets at
5 A : How ... .. . (you/find)out about home
thispackageholiday? 8 We (play)footballfor an
B : | ..... . (leaflthrougha magazine hourwhen it startedraining.
w h e nI . . . . . . . (. .c o m e a) c r o sasn a d . 9 He went to the doctoryesterdaybecausehe
6 A : Why isthe planedelayed? . .. (not/feel)well.
B. They....... 10 lt wasquietwhenshegot home.Thechildren
passengersfor a criminal whilehe (go) to bed.
(go)throughpassport control.
A: What'swrongwith Mike'sfoot? 3 a. Readthe sentences
usedto with
B: He .. ( s p r a i nh)i sa n k l w
e hile wouldwhere possible.
h e. .. . . . . .. ( c l i m bu)pt h es t a i r s . qarden
1 Thishouseusedto havea beautiful
8 A: What (you/do)
fullof redroses.
yesterday at 6 o'clockin the afternoon?
When we were young.we usedto go to the
B : L . . . . . .. . . . . ( w a t c hT
) Vw h i l eA n n
. (cook).
3 My grandmotheralwaysusedto helpme with
9 A : Where's
my mathshomework.
B: He (have)dinnerwhen
4 My fatherusedto havea red sportscarwhen
they (ring)fromwork and he
ne wasyoung
(have)to leaveurgently
5 Dianeusedto work as a secretary
10 A: Why is Daveso upset?
startedherown business.
B: He ........ . ( w o r k )o n h i sc o m p u t e r
when it suddenly (switch)itself
b. What did you useto do five yearsago,
off so he . . . . . .. (lose)all hiswork. Write sentences.

I usedto go to bedearly.
I didn'tuseto havelonghair.
U n i t4 2 Completethe sentencesbelow with the
correctform of say or tell.
I ReportedSpeech
1 Diana me to finishtypingthe letters
Turnthesesentencesinto reportedspeech.
beforelwent home
1 'This is the best report card my teacherhas 2 'ThatChemistryexperimentis quite easy,,the
evergtvenmel'Jacktold hisparents. teacher
3 H e . . . . . . . .t o m e t h a t h e h a d f o u n da q r e a t
job in Paris
is the lecture taking place this 4 Shauna that she wanted to leave
a f t e r n o o n ? ' A nsna i d . and get a job.
5 Chris ...... us a greatstorylastnight.

couldn'tansweranyof the problems
on the 3 Usethe correctform of the verbsin the box to
Mathspaper,'saidPenny. reportthe statementsbelow.
. explain. promise
. order. denyr suggest

Smithwas correctingexam papersa 1 'Of courseI didn'tcheatin the test!'shesaid
'Open your
bag, now,' the detectivesaid to
'Do you
want to join the photography
with me?'Patsaidto me. 3 'Turnoveryour papersand startwriting,'said
the examiner

appliedfor the computercourseat the 4 'Whydon'twe meetlater?'saidMonica.
5 'Don't worry,I won't tell anyoneyour secret,'
h es a i d .
I copyyour Science
4 Write the reportedsentencesin directspeech.

1 Theteachersaidthat theywouldhaveto oo a
'Michael. you
are not paying enough test the followingweek.
attentionin class,'
Lynn said that she had neverseen such a
'l had
finishedall my homeworkbeforemy
friendcameto visit.'saidSandra. Gaylepromised
to helpJunewith her History

1 0 'Haveyou seenour new teacheryet?' John Theteacheraskedme if I had finishedall my

saidto me. homework

5 Heaskedif he couldopenthe window.

U n i t5 3 Thatwoman is an artist.Her houseis on our
I RelotiveClauses
the correctitem.
4 Halloween lt is greatfun
is a festival.
Paulawas reallyangry when she saw the
damagewhich/whothe dog haddone.
Sharonis the girl who/whose partywe went
StephenKingis a writer Hisbooksare quite
to lastnight.
Halloweenis a festivalin that/which everyone
dresses up as a ghostor a witch
Peoplewho/which write novels are called
5 Thatisthe churchwhen/wherehe got married I Comparativesand Superlatives
6 My mother remembersa time when/who
therewereno supermarkets. 4 Fillin the gapswith the appropriate
I would like to dress up in a costume the comparative or the superlative.
who/which is reallyscaryfor Halleween
1 Dragons are ... (scary)of creatures
Doesanvoneknow whose/whomaskthis is?
2 Let's go and see the other film. lt's a lot
... (funny)thisone
2 thenput
Fillin the correctrelativepronoun,
3 M i c h e l lies . . . . .
commas wherenecessary.
1 Dragons havebigclawsandwings 4 Temperaturesaregetting... ..and
inqcreatures. (hot)
The man . . was drivingthe car was Rachelis a lot ....(thin)
speakingon his mobile phone when he herfriendSarah.
crashed. P a ucl a nr u n . . . . . . . . . . .(.f a s t )
S t u d e n t.s. . . . . . h a v e j o i n et d
heuniversit, Bob.
thisyearmustregister at the Accommodation H er s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( f r i e n d l y )
Officebefore12 pm hisbrother.
Caroline brotherwas in my class 8 Sheswims (well)me.
becamea doctor o Thisis. ..(expensive)dress
The car is parked outsideour of all
houseis Tony's 1 0 Ann is . . .. (intelligent)
in the class.
3 Jointhe sentences
or whose.
5 Choose
the correctitem.
1 Johnisa teacher. 1 Patriciaistwice ascleverer/clever
as Carol.
2 It's getting colder/coldestand colder.Let's
lightthe fire.
That is the book. lt has lots of information
I get burnedveryeasilyin the sunbecause
about mythicalcreatures.
skinis fairest/fairerthan yours.
Sandyhas the best/goodvoice of all the
singersin the musical.
Thefaster/fastestwe drivethe fasterwe will
qet there.
U n i t6 6 Thiscompanygivesa laptopto . . . one of
its executives
I Articles
A any B every C all
Completethe exchanges
with a, an or the
where necessary. ) Adverbs
1 A: Mikesentme ....... text message
earlier 3 Makecomplete
So, you know about
B: Really? party
1 They/ two films/ lastnight/ watched
/ at the
on Saturday?
2 A : W h y d o n ' ty o us e n dm e . . . . . . . e
. .- m a iw
l ith
from home?
2 Call/ quickly/ her/on hermobile/ back
B: Well, computea r t . . . . . ... h o m e i s
b r o k e nl.' l l s e n di t f i o m . . . . . . w o r k .
Tom / in his room / reading/ was sitting/
3 A : I b o u g h t. . . . . . n e w m o b i l ep h o n e .
quietly/ comics
B: Really? Did you get one I told you
4 She/ afterdinner/ in a hurrv/ immediatelv
/ left
4 A: Was . .. Kate at meetingthis
5 She/ allday/ at the office/hasbeenworking
B: Yes,shewas Shegave. .. .. . presentation
of her new project.
6 After that call/ confused
/ he / totallv/v,,,as
5 A : W e w e n t t o . . . . . . . .c. i n e m al a s t n i g h t t o
w a t c h. . . . . f i l m .
B : Whatwas .... titleof ......... filmyousaw? ) QuestionsTags
6 A : I don't like ...westerns at all.
B : Are you serious? Haven't you ever 4 the question
Complete tags.
watched film The Magnificent 1 T h i si sa n i c es o n g.,. . . . . . . . .
S e v e nl?t ' so n eo f . . . . . . . b
. .e s tf i l m se v e r ! 2 You'vegot a cal
3 Comehere,
) Quontifiers 4 Davehasn'thad lunchyet,
5 l'm rightaboutthis,
2 Choose
the correctanswerA, B or C. 6 Thepolicecaughtthe bankrobbers,
7 Helenwill studyabroad,
1 Thereare ..... thingsI want to askyou
8 Janeworksat a bank,
A alittle B afew C all
2 Therewere . . . peopleat the cinemalast ) ReflexivePronouns
A many B little C a lot of 5 Fillin the correctreflexivepronoun.
1 M a r i o nl o o k e d
a t . . . . . . . . . . . .i .n t h e m i r r o r .
3 Damienhas invited neonlefrom the
2 Mikedid the Mathshomeworkall by ..
3 Behave whenyou arein the library.
A several B alot C little
4 Children,help. to somepizza.
4 Can I borrow moneyfrom you? l'm 5 We boughtthiscountryhousefor
brokel 6 lan and Marytaught how to play
A alittle B afew C much the gurtar.
5 How directorshaveworked together 7 Don'ttouchthis,it'shot You'llburn
o n t h i sf i l m ? 8 He claimsto havemet the President of the
A few B much C many USA.
Unit 7 ) Wishes
) Conditionals
3 Whatdoeseachperson
form 'l
1 I haven'tgot enoughmoney.
of theverbin brackets. lwishlhed enaughmcney.
2 Please
stopplayingthe musicthat loudly
1 lf the alarmclockhadgoneoff, I
(not/be)latefor the meeting
3 I didn'tknowyouwerein hospital.
lf you applyfor the job, they
(call)you for an interview.
4 l'veeatentoo much.Now I feelsick
lf he . ......... ( l i k e )h i sj o b ,h e w o u l d n ' t
lookfor a new one.
5 | shouldn'thavepaintedthe roomyellow.
lf Kateearnedmoremoney,she.....
(buy)her own flat.
6 | can't affordthiswatch.
l f J a c k. . . . . . . . . . . ( a r r i v el)a t ea t t h e
office,he'llmissthe beginningof the meeting
7 | don't havea computer.
Unlesshe prepares verywell for this exam,he
. .. (pass)it.
8 | shouldn'thaveliedto her
Theywouldn'thaveleft if he

; lt"l::',"ir::l',I, 9 | haven'tgot anyfriends

to her.
1 0 O h n o l l t ' sr a i n i n g
9 lf | (find)a job in Lonoon,
I would movethererightaway.
1o n::'n"i"n
:n"f:o'o ]ni,"*,""r
n, of purpose
) Clouses
4 Choose
the correctanswerA, B or C.
I 2 Make conditionalsentences,
as in the example.

1 Mary doesn't have enough money so she 1 S h ec a l l e m

d e . . . . . . .inviteme to her party.
can't buy a new car.lf Maryharlenough
ficnel4 A so that she B to C with a viewto
shewauldbuya {tevl{ar. 2 She askedfor a meetingwith her manager
2 Katewasn't very careful.That'swhy she had askingfor a raise
the caraccident. A so that she B with a viewto
C in orderto

3 Celiaworkedall night finishthe report

3 Janeis ill,so shecan'tcometo the party A so asto B in order C so that sne

4 Daverang earlier see how you were

lan didn't get your message. doing
That'swhy he
d i d n ' tc a l ly o u . A so that he B to C for

Ninais workingsomeextrahoursthis month

earn some more monev for her
Nigeldoesn'thaveany money,so he can'tgo summerholiday.
awayon holiday. A in orderto B so as C with a viewto

U n i t8 3 Thedoctortook Mr White'sbloodoressure.

) ThePassive
She will ask someoneto installan alarm
I Completethe exchangesusingthe correct systemin herhouse
formof the verbsin brackets.
5 Jackwascleaning
the poolfor Tom
1 A: Havethe oolicetalkedto the witnesses
Kate and Frank hired a professionalto
B : Yes,they (question)
2 A Are thereanysuspects?
7 Thehairdresser
will cut Helen's
B : Onemandressed in black
. .. (see)
nearthe sceneof crime
8 Themechanic
A: Bankrobbers
(send)to prisonfor years.
9 Thetailoris makinqa suitfor Tom.
B: I absolutely
4 A: MrsPeters'flat
10 ThebakermadeNancv's
(breakinto) lastnight
B : O h ,n o ! H o wd r e a d f u l !
5 A : A burglaralarmsystem
I Clausesof Result
in the flat
D. Join the sentencesusingso/such...
thof, as in
6 A : Thebankrobbery the example.
(record)on the CCTVcameras
1 The damageat the bank was big. lt had to
B: Really?
Then.the bankrobber.. .. . . closedown for a coupleof days.
. (arrest)sooneror later. 2 The noisewasveryloud We all woke up
3 Theareawasverynoisy.We decidedto move
2 Fillin by or with.
4 Thismanisveryrich.He hashisown yacht.
1 T h ed o o rw a so p e n e d. . . . . . . . . a k e y 5 He isveryyoung Hecan'tdrivea car
2 This musicwas written a famous
composer. ) Determiners
3 Thewitnesses were interviewed
.. .. three
policeofficers. 5 Underline
the correctitem.
4 The window had been broken a 1 You can neither/eithercomewith us or stay
heavyobject. at home.
5 The police car was shot at the 2 None/Neither of us likeshorrorfilms.
robbers. 3 Every/Allhouse in the neighbourhood
6 The building is watched security got a burglaralarmsystem.
guardsroundthe clock. 4 Either/Neither you tell me what you know or
I will haveyou arrested.
I Causativeform 5 The policeofficergaveeach/allwitnesssome
mug shotsto lookat.
3 Rewritethe sentences
in the causative
1 Mumcombs

2 Thenurseis bandaqing

U n i t9 2 Rewritethe sentences.
) Modals
l'm surethey havecaughta lot of fish
item. Theymusthavecaughta lat af fish.
ls thisMary? Maybehe'slatefor a meeting
B : No, it musVcan't be her. Mary has got
blondehair. 3 Helooksveryupset
A : lsJohnhereyet?
B : No. he isn't. He may/can't have stayed 4 Maybehe'smadea mistake
lateat the office.
A: l'minterriblp eain. 5 I thinkhe hashurt hisback
B : Youmust/can'thavebrokenyour leg.
A : The phone'sringing.Who could it be at 6 l'msurehe'sverytired.
t h i sh o u r ?
B: lt can't/mustbe Jane.Shesaidshe'dcall PerhapsOwen go to Spain for the
at aroundtwelve summer.
5 A: I don't have enough moneyto pay my
rent. 8 lt's possible
that Kateand Fionahavealready
B: Why don't you ask Luke?He may/can't seenthe film.
lendyou somemoney.
6 A: I'vegot a terribleheadache. 9 MaybeRitawill quit herjob at the end of the
B: Youshould/have
to takean aspirin month
7 A: MusVCanwe takephotographs insidethe
museum? 1 0 It'spossiblethat Bob hasmovedto the States
B : l'm afraidnot for good.
A : You mustn't/don'thaveto do that again
B : I'm sorry 1 1 l ' m s u r eS u s a n
h a s n ' lti e dt o v o u .
We can't/have to be at the station at
1 0 : 3 0a m . theywilljoin ustonight.
12 Perhaps
B: You'reright.Thebusleaves
at 11.
1 0 A: May/ShouldI borrowyourpen?
B : S u r eG
. oa h e a d 3 Lookat the
1 1 A: Could/MustI talkto Mr Jones? picture.
promptsto make
B: l'm afraidhe isn'tin hisoffice.
1 2 A: Should/Can I havea sandwich,please?
B: Sure Helpyourself.
1 3 A: ThismusVcan'tbe true.Youarelying.
B : N o ,l ' m n o t . rnmnr rfarl

1 4 A: I feel reallytired. crash

B: You haveto/shouldhavea rest. a lose/data
1 5 A: Isthisyourpen? a be/stressed
B: No,it can'Vmustbe John's. a bewilling/

U n i t1 0 11 A: Why don'tyou askJim
) (to)infi nitive/-ing form
B: There'sno pointin ... . . .. . (ask)him
Complete the exchangeswith the correctform He'lljust sayno
of the verbin brackets. 12 A: What'swrong with you?
B: My parents won't let me
A: I love ..... (listen)to rockmusic. (go)to the performance on Fridaynight.
B : M e t o o ! I l o o kf o r w a r dt o . . . . . . . . . .
1 3 A: Areyou doinganythingtonight?
(go) to the DepecheMode open air
B: Jesssuggested . (eat)out.
concertnextweekl Are you coming?
1 4 A: lsJohnhere?
A: No.l'm afraidI can't ...... (afford)
B: No,he hasgone 0og)
to payfor the ticket
1 5 A: What areyou doingthisafternoon?
A : W o u l dy o u l i k e . . . . . .(. c o m e t)o a n
B: I may ....(visit)my
art exhibition
with me tomorrow?
B : S u r eT
l h a n k fso r . . . . . . . ( a s k )m e .
A: Nigeltried (kick)the ball
2 Completethe sentences
with the correct
but he missed infinitivetense.
B : What did you expect? He's too young
1 There'sDiane.Sheseems
(play)football. (look)for a taxi.
4 A : I havedecided ..... ....(take)up jogging.
2 Kateclaims (win) a beaury
B : G o o di d e a B
. u tw h a t ' st h e u s eo f . . . . . . . . .
. (work) out if you don't go on a 3 lantends .. (stay)at home
at the weekends.
5 A : I'm havingdifficulty ...(meet) 4 Sheappears (lose)a lot of weight.
the deadline.
5 He is believed . (be)the best
B : W h yd o n ' ty o ua s ky o u rs u p e r v i s o r ........ . .
basketball playerof histime
(give)you an extension?
6 Theteam seems (train)hard
6 A : l'll neverforget . . . (visit)Madrid for the gamesnextmonth.
B : I regret
3 Fill in the gapswith wouldrather,prefer(s),
A: Thechildren
shouldbe in bed.Theyaren,t wouldprefer, had better.
allowed . ... . ...(stay)
1 |.. . . . . .. t a k eu p t e n n i st h a nt a k e
up so late
u ps q u a s n .
B: I knowbut theyrefuse...
2 J i m. . . . . . g o i n gs w i m m i n tgo g o i n gj o g g r n g
(go)to bed!
3 Lesley. ... ..... . to go out on weekdays
A: I hate . . .. . (work out) in the gym
ratherthanon Saturdays.
prefer... .... ...(exercise)aloneat home.
4 Kate ... . g o o n a d i e ti n t n e
B: Don't you find it boring?| don,t mind
summerthan in the winter.
(go) to the gym as long as it
5 Cathy . avoideatingjunk food
or she'llgaina Iot of weight.
9 A : lsAnn here?
6 H e l e n. . . . . . . h a v ej u s ta s a l a dn o w
B : Y e s l.c a n h e a rh e r . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ( t a l k )
than havepasta.
on the phone.
7 You . .. . .. try the dresson before
1 0 A : What did you do yesterday afternoon?
you buy it. tt mightnot fit you.
B : My mum mademe . . ... (tidy)
8 We usually . . . . .t o g o t o t n e
my room.
crnemato stayingin.
wa5 been lay larn
bore born(e) ilr tit
beat beaten lost lost
0ecame oecome ma0e made
began begun meant meant
bit bitten met met
blew blown paid paid
oroKe broken pur put
brought brought read read
built built rooe ridden
b u r n t( b u r n e d )b u r n t( b u r n e d ) rang rung
OUTSI 0urSt rose Isen
bought bought ran run
cout0 (beenableto) said sard
cau9nr cau9nr 5aw seen
chose chosen sought sought
came come sold 50lo
cost cost sent sent
cut cut set set
dealt dealt sew sewed Sewn
qu9 L
oug shake SNOOK shaken
did done s hi n e shone shone
dreamt(dreamed) dreamt(dreamed) shoot shot shot
0ranK OTUNK show showed shown
0rove driven 5 nu t shut s hu t
ate eaten s rn g sang s un g
fell fallen srt --+
)dL Jdt
l .
i reeo fed fed steep slept slept
feel felt felt smell s m e l t( s m e l l e d ) s m e l t( s m e l l e d )
fiqht fought fought speak spoke spoken
find found found spell spelt(spelled) spelt(spelled)
flee fled fled speno spent spenr
flv flew flown split spilr split
forbid forbade forbidden spread spreao spread
forget forgot forgotten spnng sprang sprung
forgive forgave forgiven stand stoo0 stood
freeze froze frozen Sreat stole stolen
get got got stick stuck stuck
gtve 9ave grven sting stung stung
9o went 9one SIINK stank stunk
9row grew grown strike struck struck
nang h u n g( h a n g e d ) h u n g( h a n g e d ) SWear SWOre SWOrn
have had na0 sweep swepr swept
near near0 nearo SWtm SWAM SWUM
hide hid '
hidden IAKC took taken
hit hit hit teach t au g h t taught
hold held held tear tore torn
hurt hurt hurt telI told told
keep kept kept think thought thought
know knew known throw threw thrown
lay laid laid understa nd understood understood
lead led teo wake woke woken
learn learnt(learned) learnt(learned) wear wore worn
ieave left left wrn won won
lend lent lent write wrote WTIIICN
let let let

5 o , w h a t d o e s P i l k i n g t o nt h i n k w e c a n d o a b o u t i t ?
Unfortunately, this is where I found her book a bit of a
d i s a p p o i n t m e nAt .l o t o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o inn t h i s c h a p t e ro f
@ Tapescript 1 (p.9)
for Exercise
the book is very technlcaland complicated, but here and
The partywas greatyesterday, wasn't it? thereshedoeshavesomecommonsense,and perhapsrather
Lynn:Yes, I reallyenjoyedit. The musicwas fantasticand the obvious,suggestionsAs she says,we needto cut down on
foodwas excellent! the amountof energywe useand shearguesthat we can all
Charlotte:Thepeoplewereinteresting too. lan introducedme do this by turningelectrical equipmentoff when we are not
to LauraSinger, Didyou meether? usingit and puttingon a sweaterwhen we feelcold,instead
[ynn;No, I don't think so What doesshejook like? o f t u r n i n gt h e h e a t i n gu p . P a y i n ga t t e n t i o nt o s u c hs i m p l e
Charlotte:She is short and slim, with dark biack hair and detailscansavea remarkable amountof energy
greeneyes Finally,and this is the part of the book I found the most
Lynn:Andwhat is shelike? fascinating, Plinkertondiscusses the hiddenenergycostsof
Charlotte:She'sfriendly,talkativeand very interesting.She,s the food we eat lt seemsthat many food suppliersare
travelledto Africa,NewZealandand Antarctica contributing to globalwarmingbecause so muchof the food
[ynn:Really? That'sso impressive we eat thesedaystravelshugedistances beforeit endsup on
Charlotte:And that'snot all In Januaryshewon the National our tables When you think that a lot of this food is
Writing Competitionand next Septembershe is going to transportedby air so that it reaches the supermarkets ln as
ColumbiaUniversity to studyCreativeWritingl fresh a condition as possible,then you can begin to
lynn: Wow! l'd loveto meet her too understandthe seriousness of the problem As plinkerton
Charlotte:Well, we're thinking of going to the cinema says,we can all help reducethe amount of energythat is
tomorrow.Do you want to join us? wasted if we only buy food that is is
Lynn:Sure, that'd be great! fresher,healthier,probablycheaper,and if we all buy local
productswe will supportour local farming communiil,as
well l'm off to my localmarketrightnow Goodbye.

@ Tapescript 1 (p.17)
for Exercise t -uNrr3
By now, most of us haveheardof 'globalwarming' Indeed,
wheneverthe weatherseemsto be unseasonably hot, cold, @ Tapescript 1b (p.25)
for Exercise
wet or dry,our newspapers are filledwith terriblewarnings
about globalwarming In her new book, Ihe GlobalScare, Sodie:Lucy, you look upset,is everythingall right?
Mary Plinkertonattempts to separatethe facts from the Lucy:Youwon't believe what happened to me this morning.I
fictionconcerning climaticchange. spent an hour on the phone trying to book my flight to
It is not an easything to do Forinstance, as plinkertonpoints Edinburgh
out, while scientists generally agreethat globaltemperatures Sadie:And?What happened?
arerncreasing, expertsarestillarguingaboutthe causes of this lucy;Wellto startwith, the travelagentwas eatingwhile he
IncreaseForexample, thereare scientistswho believeglobal was talkingand as if that wasn'tenough,he keptsayinghow
warmingisjust partof a naturalcycle,pointingto temperature busyhe was
changesin centuries past to supporttheir argumentsSome Sodie;How rude!
evengo so far as to suggestthat in the verynearfuturethe Lucy:And that's not all When I askedhim about the British
Earthwill probably get a lot colderagain Airwayshalf-price offerhe saidhe hadn'theardabout it.
Whatthe expertsareagreedon, according to plinkerton,isthe Sodie:Oh, nol
fact that temperatures havealreadygone up by almostone Lucy:I got so upsetI nearlycriedbut I managedto staycalm
degreein the lasthundredyearsand mostof them agreethat Sadie:So did you bookthe ticket?
this trend will continue- at leastin the immediatefuture lucy: No, I didn't As the travel agent was making the
What nobody can be sure of is just how much higher bookingthe computerbrokedown.
temperatures will go At the momentthe fear is that, if we Sadie:I can't believeit,
don't changeour ways,then temperatures could riseby as [ucy;Neithercan l!
muchas five degreesin the next hundredyears howeve4as
Plinkertonis carefulto explain,these estimateswill only
becomemoreaccurate as moreinformation becomes available


Simon: No, but you sure misseda good party We all

dressedin fantasticcostumesand the rTtustc was
g r e a t B u tw h a t I l i k e dm o s tw a st h e s h i p .
@ Tapescript 1 (p.33)
for Exercise
Philip: The ship?
G o o da f t e r n o o nT h e E v e n i n g
C o l l e g eh, o w m a y I h e l p Simon: Yeah,Jill wanted to havea specialatmosphere at
you? h e r p a r t y s o s h e p u t a s m a l lp i r a t es h i p i n h e r
B : G o o d a f t e r n o o nI, w a s r i n g i n gt o e n q u i r ea b o u tw h a t garden lt wasawesome!Everybody was dancingon
e v e n r n lga n g u a gceo u r s eyso u a r er u n n i n gt h i sy e a r . t h es h l p
A : Well,we havea specialofferon at the moment Philip: Wow, soundslike you had a brillianttime I really
B : Really, what is it? misseo dut
A: lf you enrolon a languagecoursetoday,you will receive S i m o n : Y o uc a n ' ti m a g i n eB! u t ,d o n ' tw o r r y J i l l ' so r g a n i z i n g
a 2 0 p o u n dd i s c o u n t a n o t h e or n ef o r h e rb i r t h d a yi n J u l y
B : That'sgreat What courses areon offer? Philip: Greatll'm not goingto missthat one Not for the
T h i st e r my o u c a nc h o o s ef r o m ,F r e n c hl t, a l i a nS, p a n i s h , world!
Greekor evenPortuguese
B : W h a ta c h o i c el !t h i n kl ' l lg o f o r S p a n i s thh, o u g ha, sl 9 o
o n h o l i d a tyo S p a i na l o t
That'sfine lt'sa greatcourseAll our teachers arenative
speakersand they have at least four yearsteaching
experience Soyou are in good hands @ Tapescript 1 (p.a9)
for Exercise
B : B r i l l i a nNt o w ,w h e nd o t h e l e s s o nsst a r t ?
A : Y o u rf i r s tl e s s o n w i l l b e a t t h e b e g i n n i no gf S e p t e m b e r , Boy:Lucy,haveyou alreadydecidedwhat to buy Dad for his
b u t w e ' l l c a l ly o u n e a r e trh e t i m e t o l e t y o u k n o w t h e birthday?
exact date Then,after that you will have a lessona G l r l :N o ,l h a v e n ' t I a m s t i l lt h i n k i n go f w h a t t o b u y ,T h i s y e a r
week,for 28 weeks I w a n t t o g e t h i m s o m e t h i n gr e a l l yu n u s u a lH a v ey o u
B : I h a v ea f r i e n dw h o m i g h tb e i n t e r e s t eads w e l l W h e n g o t a n yi d e a s ?
doesshehaveto enrolby? Boy;Actually,I was onlinethe other day and I saw a cool
A : S h ec a n e n r o lu p u n t i l t h e 3 1 s to f A u g u s t ,s o t h e r e ' s w e b s i t et h a t s e l l sg a d g e t sa n d g i f t s M a y b ew e c o u l d
plentyof time left yet b u yh i ms o m e t h i ntgo g e t h e r ,
B : F a n t a s t i cI tlh i n ki t ' l lb e a g r e a tc h a l l e n gteo l e a r na n e w Girl; Goodthinking.What sortsof thingswerethere?
l a n g u a g el ' l ls i g nu p t o d a y l Boy:I remember therewas a popcornmaker
A : O K , l ' l l t a k e y o u r d e t a i l si n a m o m e n t ,b u t f i r s tl e t m e G i r l :B u t D a dd o e s n 'rt e a l l yl i k ep o p c o r na l lt h a t m u c h l
g i v ey o u t h e e n r o l m e nht o t l i n en u m b e rf o r y o u rf r i e n d , Boy:Therewas alsoa new type of phone,a 'Skype'phone
a sy o u c a m et h r o u g hm a i nr e c e p t i o n t h a t y o uc a nu s et o m a k ep h o n ec a l l su s i n gt h e I n t e r n e t
B : That'sgreat.I havea pen and paper,so go ahead Girl: Dad would like that idea l'm sure - he's always
A : It's0-2-0-7 -2-2-4-0-7 -1-4 Haveyou got that? c o m p l a i n i nagb o u tt h e p h o n eb i l l !l s i t e x p e n s i v e ?
B : Yes,thanks very much Now what do you need to Boy;Maybewe won't haveenoughmoneyfor that - you're
know (fadeout) right
Girl Anythingequallyusefulbut cheaper?
Boy: Let me see Oh yes, I saw an iPod cassettedeck
Grrf A what?
Boy:An iPodcassettedeck adapter lt meansyou can play
@ Tapescript 1 (p. 41)
for Exercise
youriPodin a cassette player
Philip: Hi, Simon How arethings? Girl:You meanDadcoulduseit to listento musicin hiscar?
Simon: Great,Philip was good to see you at B o y :Y e s lJ u s t i m a g i n e- w e w o u l d b e a b l et o l i s t e nt o a
P a u l ' ps a r t yo n S a t u r d a y ! greatervarietyof stuffwhen we'reout with Dad!
Philip: Yeah,it was a reallycool party,wasn't it? Grrl:How muchis it?
S i m o n : M m , i t w a so k a yb u t i t w a s n ' ta sg o o da sJ i l l ' sf a n c y Boy:Justoverten pounds,I think
dresspartyon Sunday Glrl ExcellentLet'sgo and checkout that website!
P h i l i p : O h y e a h ?l c o u l d n ' tg o o n S u n d a yI h o p eJ i l l ' sn o t Boy:I luslhopeI canfind it again
madat me Girl: Sureyouwill lt's not likeyouto get lostin cyberspacel


@ Tapescript 1 (p. 57)

for Exercise @ Tapescript 1 (p. 65)
for Exercise

Iutor Goodafternoon,everybody. I am delightedto be here Voiceof radiopresenter:

And now our top safetytips for new
today to talk to you about the naturephotography studentsat St GeorgeUniversity
courses that I teach I would liketo startby givingyou
some idea of what you can expectto learn on the Voiceof anotherradio presenterStayingsafe is not rocket
short, four-weekcourse,which is the most popular s c i e n c el t i s a l l a b o u t c o m m o ns e n s ea n d f o l l o w r n gs o m e
coursethat we offer. b a s i cg u i d e l i n e s :

As I said,the courselastsjust four weeksand focuses Whetheryou sharea flat or liveon yourown, makesurethat
o n t a k i n gp i c t u r e os f w i l d p l a n t so, r p e r h a p sI s h o u j d you alwayslockthe doorsand closethe windowswhen you
say wild flowers,as it is the flowerswhich are the 90 out
importantpart of anywild plantphotography. Forthat
reason, we onlyrun courses fr,omApriluntilSeptember In hallsof residencebe carefulwho follows you into the
- there simplyaren't enoughflowersin winterl This buildingAlwayslockyourbedroomdoor,evenwhen you are
year,the first coursestartson the secondof April i n a n o t h epr a r to f t h e b u i l d i n g
That'son a Monday,of course After a night out, don't walk home alone Stayover wrrn
friends,walk in groupsor take a taxi lf you haveto go back
The courseis open to both amateurand professional h o m eo n y o u ro w n m a k es u r et h a t y o u w a l k i n w e l l - l i a t reas
photographers overthe age of eighteenAlthoughwe a n dc a r r ya m o b i l ep h o n ew i t h y o u
have run separate courses for amateurs and
professionals in the past, we have found that most A v o i du s i n gc a s h - m a c h i naet sn i g h t
people prefer a course where professionals and
a m a t e u rws o r ka n dl e a r nt o g e t h e rI s h o u l da l s oe x p l a i n K e e py o u rc a r dd e t a i l sp, i n n u m b e r sa n d c h e q u eb o o k si n a
that the reasonyou haveto be eighteenis in orderto safeplaceat home Do not carrythem with you
u s eo u r l a b o r a t o r i e s
F i n a l l ym, a r ky o u rp r o p e r t w
y i t h y o u ri n i t i a las n dl D n u m b e rI.n
As far as equipmentis concerned,we encourage caseyour propertyis stolen,the policecan identifiTit and
p a r t r c t p a nt o
s u s e t h e i r o w n c a m e r a sa s m u c h a s returnrt to you.
possiblePhotographers feel at easewith their own
e q u i p m e nat n d t h i s i n t u r n m e a n st h a t y o u a r e m o r e Remember that stayingsafeis simple
likelyto get good resultsOf course,we want you to U s ey o u rc o m m o ns e n s eD o n ' tm a k ey o u r s e laf v i c t i m
l e a r na s m u c ha s y o u c a n ,s o t h e c o s to f h i r i n gs p e c i a l
e q u i p m e nwt , h e ni t i s n e e d e di ,s i n c l u d e idn t h e c o u r s e
fee of f200

T h ec h a n c et o u s et h e l a t e s tp h o t o g r a p h ei cq u i p m e n t
is not allyou get for yourf2O0! Besides tuition,the fee
@ Tapescript 1 (p. 73)
for Exercise
also includesthe cost of transportto the parksand
gardenswherewe do our fieldwork pleasenote that A: H i F i o n a !Y o ul o o kh a p p y
the fee doesnot includefood or other refreshments B: Yes,l'vejust bookeda holiday l'm going to Austriain
We leave it up to you to make your own eating Decemberl
a r r a n g e m e n t sI s h o u l d p o i n t o u t t h a t e x c e l l e n t , A: A winterholiday?
reasonably-priced mealsare availablein the college B: Yes.I thought I would try somethingdifferentthis year
restaurants and cafeteriasNow I would liketo t-rrieflv Look- here'sthe brochure Doesn'tit lookfantastic?
mentionour new course. (fade) A: (ReadingBrochure)'Set in an attractivevillage762
m e t r e sh i g hi n t h e H o h eT a u e r n m o u n t a i nr a n g e L o o k s
c h a r m i n gb,u t w o n ' t i t b e c o l d ?
B: I hearAustriaenjoysa moderatecontinentalclimate-
t h e w i n t e r s a r e g e n e r a l l ys u n n y w i t h r e l i a b l ea n d
frequentsnowfalls, so greatfor skiingI


What kindof facilities doesthe resorthave? Sheila:Sotell me moreaboutthe concerts.

B: ExcellentThereareover200 kiiometres of ski runsand Janet: Oh, the concertsare fantastic!They'realwaysheld
they havea wide varietyof activitieson offer,like ice outdoorsand you canseelotsof Scottishdancingand
s k a t i n gt,o b o g g a n i n gs ,l e i g hr i d e sa n d l l a m ah i k e s ! s i n g i n gO
. h , a n d o f c o u r s ey o u ' l lh e a rl o t so f b a g p i p e
A: Wow! Thatsoundsfunl ls it reallyexpensive? music!
B: It dependswhetheryou chooseto stay in a hotel or a Sheila:Really!Thatwill certainlybe a new experience for me
self-catering chalet I am going to stay in one of the Janet: And probablyone you'll neverforget as well. People
hotelsfor a week With flightsand accommodation it sayyou eitherlovethat kindof musicor hateit
worksout at €530 Sheila:Well, l'm sureI'm going to love it Are the entrance
A: D o e st h a t i n c l u d em e a l s ? feesexpensive for the events?
B: Not dinner There are many different kinds of Janet: No, actuallythey're very reasonable. lf I remember
restaurants in the resortand pricesare reasonable - a correctly, lastyearadultticketswereabout$27.50
three-course dinnercostsanythingfrom 12 Euros Shei/a:Aren'ttherespecialratesfor students?
A: Youaresureto havea wonderfultime I wish I couldgo Jonet: Yes,of course.As I recallstudentsand seniorshad to
withyou! payabout$25.50for theirtickets
P. Why don't you? Sher7a:Well,that certainlysoundsreasonable for suchgreat
A: I guessl'm moreof a summerholidaypersonmyself entertatnment
Jonet: Yes, I agree and some of the events don't cost
anything (fade)

@ Tapescript 1 (p.81)
for Exercise

Janet: I'm so glad you came to visit Pictouthis summer,

S h e i l aI .j u s t k n o ww e ' r eg o i n gt o h a v ea g r e a th o l i d a y
herein my hometown.
Sheilq:I'm surewe will,Janet ls thereanythingspecialgoing
on that you know of?
Janet: Oh,there'slotsto do herein the summer
Janet: Well, it all dependson what your preferences are of
coursebut we can go swimmingat the beachor try
c a t c h i n fgi s hi n t h e l a k eo r . . .
Sheila;Hmmm, I'm surewe'll do both, but to tell you the
truth, I reallywant to learnaboutthe historyand the
cultureof the area
Janet: Well,you'vecertainlycometo the right place!Pictou
h a s a n a m a z i n gh i s t o r ya n d a l l P i c t o n i a nasr e v e r y
p r o u do f t h e i rr i c hc u l t u r eA n d l j u s t r e m e m b e r et hda t
nextweekthe HectorFestival getsunderway.
Sheila:fhe HectorFestival? What'sthat?
Janet: lt's a five-dayfestivalthat's held once a year to
celebrate Pictou'sCelticheritageThere'slotsof great
eventsIike picnics,barbeques,dancesand musical
events Everyyear there are at least two terrific
concertsin the oark.
Sheila:Wow! That all soundsvery interesting.Why is the
festivalcalledthe HectorFestival?
Janet: Goodquestion.Way backin 1773,the first Scottish
settlersarrivedherein Pictouon a boatcalledthe Shio
Hectorand eversince1987,we've been havingthe
festivalto rememberwhat those people achleved.
Thisyear,2006,shouldbe the bestfestivaleveras it's
celebrating its 2Othanniversary.


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