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Volume 5 Number 2 February 2014 Pages 179–402

Food &
Linking the chemistry and physics of food with health and nutrition

ISSN 2042-6496

Atsushi Kato et al.
Effects of eugenol-reduced clove extract on glycogen phosphorylase b
and the development of diabetes in db/db mice
Food &
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Effects of eugenol-reduced clove extract on

Published on 20 November 2013. Downloaded by University of Nevada - Reno on 16/08/2014 10:41:34.

glycogen phosphorylase b and the development of

Cite this: Food Funct., 2014, 5, 214
diabetes in db/db mice
Fujiko Sanae,a Ogusa Kamiyama,a Kyoko Ikeda-Obatake,a Yasuhiko Higashi,a
Naoki Asano,b Isao Adachic and Atsushi Kato*c

We found that the 50% aqueous EtOH extract of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) had potent dose-dependent
inhibitory activity toward glycogen phosphorylase b and glucagon-stimulated glucose production in
primary rat hepatocytes. Among the components, eugeniin inhibited glycogen phosphorylase b and
glucagon-stimulated glucose production in primary rat hepatocytes, with IC50 values of 0.14 and 4.7 mM,
respectively. In sharp contrast, eugenol showed no significant inhibition toward glycogen phosphorylase
b, even at a concentration of 400 mM. Eugenol-reduced clove extracts (erCE) were prepared and when
fed to a db/db mouse they clearly suppressed the blood glucose and HbA1c levels. Furthermore, plasma
Received 21st October 2013
Accepted 18th November 2013
triglyceride and non-esterified fatty acid levels in 5% and 10% erCE-fed db/db mice were significantly
lowered, compared with control db/db mice without erCE supplementation. These results suggested
DOI: 10.1039/c3fo60514k
that dietary supplementation with the erCE could beneficially modify glucose and lipid metabolism and contribute to the prevention of the progress of hyperglycemia and metabolic syndrome.

There are a number of reports on natural products and

Introduction dietary supplements suppressing hepatic glucose production in
Diabetes is now considered as one of the main threats to human hepatic cells and lowering blood glucose in diabetic rodent
health in the 21st century. Pronounced changes in human models through hepatic glycogen phosphorylase inhibition. In
behavior and lifestyle have resulted in a dramatic increase in the enzyme assays, 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-arabinitol (DAB), which
incidence of diabetes worldwide. Noninsulin-dependent dia- was rst isolated from the fruits of the legume Angylocalyx
betes (type 2 diabetes) is a heterogeneous disease characterized boutiqueanus,8 and chemically synthesized isofagomine were
by hyperglycemia, which is caused by a disorder of insulin found to be potent inhibitors of hepatic glycogen phosphory-
secretion, insulin resistance in target tissues, and activation of lase.9–11 These iminosugars inhibited hepatic glycogen break-
the hepatic glucose production pathway in the liver.1,2 Current down in vivo and displayed an accompanying antihyperglycemic
scientic evidence demonstrates that much of the morbidity and effect, which was most pronounced in obese mice.9 Green tea
mortality of diabetes can be eliminated by aggressive treatment and green tea extracts have been demonstrated to benecially
with diet, exercise and pharmacological approaches, to achieve modify glucose metabolism in experimental models of type 2
better control of the blood glucose level. Recently, the possibility diabetes.12,13 Wolfram et al. reported that epigallocatechin
of preventing the onset of diabetes using dietary supplements gallate (EGCG), which is the most abundant catechin, bene-
and/or herbal medicines has attracted increasing attention. It is cially modied glucose and lipid metabolism in H4IIE rat
generally recognized that the hepatic glucose output in type 2 hepatoma cells and markedly enhanced glucose tolerance in
diabetes is elevated and thus signicantly contributes to hyper- diabetic db/db mice.14 We recently reported that the gallated
glycemia.3,4 A possible way to suppress hepatic glucose produc- catechins in green tea inhibited glycogen phosphorylase b, with
tion in type 2 diabetes may be through glycogen phosphorylase IC50 values ranging from 6.3 to 34 mM, and further suppressed
inhibition.5 Although inhibitors targeting glycogen phosphory- glucose release from rat hepatocytes with IC50 values ranging
lase have been developed and studied as potential therapy for from 15 to 46 mM.15
attenuating hyperglycemia associated with type 2 diabetes,6,7 We searched for glycogen phosphorylase b-inhibiting mate-
such antidiabetic agents are not yet commercially available. rials among spices and medicinal herbs and found cloves
(Syzygium aromaticum) as the most potent inhibitory materials
toward glycogen phosphorylase b. In this paper, we report in
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokuriku University, Kanazawa 920-1181, Japan
vitro inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase b by this extract and
BioApply Co., Ltd., 1-95 Tsuchishimizu, Kanazawa 920-0955, Japan
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, University of Toyama, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-
its components, and inhibition of glucagon-stimulated glucose
0194, Japan. E-mail: production in primary rat hepatocytes. We furthermore

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investigated the suppressive effects of eugenol-reduced CE on Nacalai Tesque, Kyoto, Japan). The mobile phase was acetoni-
body weights, blood glucose, HbA1c, plasma triglyceride, and trile–H2O–triuoroacetic acid (60 : 440 : 1, v/v, for components 2–
non-esteried fatty acid levels using diabetic db/db mice in vivo. 8; 240 : 760 : 1, for component 1). The ow rate was 0.8 mL min1
at room temperature. Components were detected using a Model
Materials and methods SPD-10Avp UV detector (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) at 280 nm.

Preparation of eugenol-reduced clove extract (erCE) and
Phosphoglucomutase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, feeding experiments
Published on 20 November 2013. Downloaded by University of Nevada - Reno on 16/08/2014 10:41:34.

glucose-1,6-bisphosphate, rabbit glycogen phosphorylase b and

The ower bud powder (3 kg) of S. aromaticum (clove) produced
a-D-glucose 1-phosphate dipotassium salt hydrate were
in Zanzibar was extracted three times with ethyl acetate (10 L)
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chemicals (St. Louis, MO).
and once with EtOH (4 L) to remove eugenol. The resulting
Adenosine 50 -monophosphate and eugenol (1) were purchased
powder was further extracted three times with 50% aqueous
from Wako Pure Chemical Industries (Osaka, Japan). Clove 3
EtOH (10 L). The extract was concentrated and lyophilized to
(2), biorin (3), casuarictin (4), eugeniin (5), tellimagrandin I (6)
give a brown powder (erCE, 450 g).
and 1,3-di-O-galloyl-4,6-O-[S]-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-D-glucose
(7) were purchased from Nagara Science Co. (Gifu, Japan).
Flower buds of S. aromaticum (cloves) produced in Zanzibar Animal care and diets
from a crude drug shop Maechu Co. (Nara, Japan). Voucher Male diabetic db/db mice (C57BLKS/J db+/db+) and non-diabetic
specimens of S. aromaticum (HU040120) were deposited at the misty mice (C57BLKS/J +m/+m) were purchased from Nihon SLC
Herbarium of the Medicinal Plants Garden in Hokuriku (Hamamatsu, Japan) at an age of ve weeks. Mice were main-
University, Japan. tained on a 12 h light and 12 h dark cycle at a humidity of 55–
60% and a temperature of 22  2  C, fed a powdery commercial
Measurement of glycogen phosphorylase b and rat intestinal chow (Labo MR Stock) for a week aer arrival and then randomly
a-glucosidase activity divided into three groups. Thereaer, both db/db and misty
Dried clove was homogenized with 50% aqueous EtOH in a mice were fed the diets with or without erCE for four weeks. All
Waring blender and allowed to stand for 24 h at room mice consumed diets with free access to water ad libitum.
temperature. The mixture was ltered and centrifuged. The Animals were treated in accordance with Hokuriku University
supernatant was concentrated and lyophilized. The extract was Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
dissolved in 50% aqueous EtOH and used for measurement of
glycogen phosphorylase b and intestinal a-glucosidase inhibi- Blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
tory activity. Glycogen phosphorylase b activity was assayed in concentrations
the direction of glycogen breakdown from the rate of NADPH The blood glucose concentration was monitored in venous
formation in an assay coupled to phosphoglucomutase, glucose blood drawn from the tail vein using a glucometer (Nipro,
6-phosphate dehydrogenase according to the literature.16 The Japan) every week aer a 15 h fast. The blood HbA1c concen-
IC50 values were obtained by single determination. Brush tration was measured with an analyzer (DCA-vantage, Siemens,
border membranes prepared from rat intestine according to the Japan) at the start and end of the experimental period.
method of Kessler et al.17 were used as the source of rat intes-
tinal maltase and sucrase. These activities were determined Plasma biomarkers
using maltose for maltase and sucrose for sucrase as substrates.
The released glucose was determined colorimetrically using the Plasma triglyceride (TG) and non-esteried fatty acid (NEFA)
Glucose CII-test Wako (Wako Pure Chemical Ind.). concentrations were determined using an enzymatic method
(Triglyceride E-test Wako and NEFA C-test Wako, respectively,
Wako Pure Chemical Ind.).
Preparation of hepatocytes and glucagon-induced
The protocol was approved by the Animal Experiments Results
Committee of Hokuriku University. Isolation and culturing of Inhibition of 50% aqueous EtOH extract of clove against
rat hepatocytes and measurement of hepatic glucose produc- glycogen phosphorylase b and intestinal a-glucosidases
tion were performed according to the methods described in our Cloves are the dried aromatic ower buds of S. aromaticum
previous paper.18 (Myrtaceae) and one of the most important spices. They are
renowned for their diverse medicinal benets and high nutri-
Analysis of clove components tional content. Eugenol (1), which is the dominant ingredient of
The chromatographic separation was performed using a model clove oil, has been reported to improve diabetic vascular and
LC-10ATvp pump (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a nerve function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.19 We
Rheodyne injection valve (Cotati, CA, U.S.A.) with a 100 mL loop. rst compared the ability of clove 50% extract to inhibit a
The HPLC analysis of clove phenolic components was performed glycogen phosphorylase b and intestinal maltase and sucrase
using a Cosmosil 5C18-MS-II column (150 mm  4.6 mm I.D.; activities (Table 1). Miglitol and isofagomine were used as

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positive controls.20–22 Miglitol is well-known as a clinically used and tannins. The major component of the essential oil is euginol
potent a-glucosidase inhibitor for the treatment of type 2 dia- (1) and the yield of it from the ower buds is about 15–20%.23,24
betes patients. Isofagomine shows potent inhibition of glycogen This plant also has high levels of polyphenolic compounds such
phosphorylase b and it has been put forward as a candidate for as chromone-C-glucosides and tannins. Two chromone
a clinical trial for type 2 diabetes. We found that the clove C-glucosides, clove 3 (2) and biorin (3), and four ellagitannins,
extract was weakly inhibitory to rat intestinal maltase, iso- casuarictin (4), eugeniin (5), tellimagrandin I (6), and 1,3-di-O-
maltase and sucrase, with IC50 values of 190, 250 and 84 mg galloyl-4,6-O-[S]-hexahydroxydiphenoyl-b-D-glucose (7), have been
mL1, respectively. The activity was much weaker than miglitol isolated from cloves25,26 (Fig. 1). Thus, we rst investigated their
Published on 20 November 2013. Downloaded by University of Nevada - Reno on 16/08/2014 10:41:34.

(IC50 ¼ 0.27, 8.1, and 0.21 mg mL1 against maltase, isomaltase, inhibitory activities toward glycogen phosphorylase b and
and sucrase, respectively). In sharp contrast, the clove 50% glucose production in primary rat hepatocytes. As shown in
extract showed potent inhibition against glycogen phosphory- Table 2, ellagitannins 4–7 potently inhibited glycogen phos-
lase b, with an IC50 value of 0.86 mg mL1. It is noteworthy that phorylase b, with IC50 values ranging from 0.14 to 0.73 mM.
the IC50 value was almost the same as that of isofagomine (IC50 Among them, eugeniin (5) was the most potent inhibitor of
¼ 0.85 mg mL1). glycogen phosphorylase b and also inhibited glucose production
in primary rat hepatocytes, with an IC50 value of 0.14 and 4.7 mM,
respectively. This study revealed that in vitro inhibition of euge-
Inhibition of glycogen breakdown by the 50% aqueous EtOH
niin (5) toward glycogen phosphorylase b was more potent than
extract of cloves
that of gallocatechin gallate. We were also intrigued by the fact
As described above, the 50% aqueous EtOH extract of cloves that eugenol (1) showed no signicant inhibition toward
potently inhibited glycogen phosphorylase b, with an IC50 value glycogen phosphorylase b, even at a concentration of 400 mM
of 0.86 mg mL1 (Table 1). We next investigated the effect of this (Table 2).
extract on glucagon-induced glucose production in primary rat
hepatocytes. The extract from cloves suppressed 10 nM
glucagon-stimulated glycogenolysis in primary rat hepatocytes, Preparation of eugenol-reduced clove extract (erCE) for in vivo
with an IC50 value of 8.0 mg mL1. In our previous paper, we experiments and HPLC analysis of components in the extract
reported that the 50% aqueous EtOH extract of green tea and its Eugenol is widely used as a component of zinc oxide eugenol
gallated catechins inhibited glycogen phosphorylase b and cement in dentistry and is also applied in medicine as an anti-
glucose release from rat hepatocytes in a dose-dependent septic and anesthetic agent. It has a distinctive aroma, spicy bitter
manner.15 Among the gallated catechins, gallocatechin gallate taste and undesirable irritant effects on the mucosa.27 In this
inhibited glycogen phosphorylase b and glucose release from study, we found that eugenol showed no signicant inhibition
rat hepatocytes, with IC50 values of 6.3 and 25 mM, respectively.15 toward glycogen phosphorylase b despite the strong inhibition of
Next, we investigated the effects of the clove components on eugeniin. Considering this result, we envisaged that a further
glycogen phosphorylase b and glucose release from rat improvement in activity might be gained by reducing the eugenol
hepatocytes. in the extracts. To test this hypothesis, we prepared the eugenol-
reduced clove extract (erCE) by successive extraction with ethyl
acetate, EtOH, and 50% aqueous EtOH. The amounts of compo-
Effects of the clove components on glycogen phosphorylase b
nents 1–7in the erCE were determined with a reversed-phase
and glucose release from rat hepatocytes
HPLC method using a C18 stationary phase (Table 3). The relative
Major secondary components from S. aromaticum belong to three amounts of ellagitannins 4–7, which potently inhibited glycogen
different chemical classes: essential oils, chromone-C-glucosides phosphorylase b and glucose release from rat hepatocytes, were
1.3%, 1.5%, 0.71%, and 0.92%, respectively. The erCE thus
prepared was used in the following in vivo experiments.
Table 1 Concentration of clove 50% EtOH extracts, miglitol, iso-
fagomine, and DAB giving 50% inhibition of rat intestinal a-glucosi-
dases and rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b activities

IC50 (mg mL1)

Clove 50%
EtOH extracts Miglitol Isofagomine DAB

Rat intestinal
Maltase 190 0.27 96 7.3
Isomaltase 250 8.1 43 0.77
Sucrase 84 0.21 78 2.1
Rabbit muscle 0.86 NIa 0.85 0.044
phosphorylase b
NI: less than 50% inhibition at 1000 mM. Fig. 1 Structures of phenolic components in cloves.

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Table 2 Concentration of clove components giving 50% inhibition of

glycogen phosphorylase b and glucagon-stimulated glucose
production in primary rat hepatocytes

IC50 (mM)

Glycogen Glucose
Compound phosphorylase b production

Eugenol (1) NIa —b

Published on 20 November 2013. Downloaded by University of Nevada - Reno on 16/08/2014 10:41:34.

Clove 3 (2) 24 NDc

Biorin (3) 48 ND
Casuarictin (4) 0.33 10.0
Eugeniin (5) 0.14 4.7 Fig. 2 Body weight of db/db (A) and misty mice (B) fed diet supple-
Tellimagrandin (6) 0.38 22.5 mented with eugenol-reduced clove extract (erCE). Mice consumed
1,3-Di-O-galloyl-4,6-O-[S]-hexa- 0.73 13.2 diets supplemented with 5% or 10% erCE for 28 days. Data values are
hydroxydiphenoyl-b-D-glucose (7) mean  S.D. (n ¼ 6–7). Differences among groups were analyzed by
Gallocatechin gallate 6.3d 25.0d Dunnet's multiple comparison test and those at *P < 0.05 were
significantly different from those of control.
Less than 50% inhibition at 400 mM. b No effect c
Not determined.
Our previous data (Kamiyama et al., 2010).

Table 3 The contents of phenolic components in the eugenol-

reduced clove extract (erCE)

Compound Content (%, w/w)

Eugenol (1) 2.6

Clove 3 (2) 2.0
Biorin (3) 3.6
Casuarictin (4) 1.3
Eugeniin (5) 1.5
Tellimagrandin (6) 0.71
1,3-Di-O-galloyl-4,6-O-[S]-hexa- 0.92
hydroxydiphenoyl-b-D-glucose (7)

Fig. 3 Blood glucose level (A) and HbA1c level (B) in db/db mice and
Diabetes alleviation in diabetic db/db mice misty mice fed diet supplemented with erCE. Mice consumed diets
supplemented with 5% or 10% erCE for 28 days. The blood glucose
The db/db mice have a defect in leptin signaling resulting concentration was monitored in venous blood drawn from the tail vein
from a point mutation in the gene for the leptin receptor and every week after a 15 h fast. The blood HbA1c concentration was
hence are unresponsive to leptin.28,29 Leptin is involved in measured at the start and end of the experimental period. Data values
eating behavior and energy homeostasis.30 For this reason, the are mean  S.D. (n ¼ 6–7). Differences among groups were analyzed
by Dunnet's multiple comparison test and those at *P < 0.05 were
db/db mice aer birth have unrepressed eating behavior, significantly different from those of control.
become obese, and develop severe insulin resistance associ-
ated with hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and
Diabetic db/db and non-diabetic misty mice were fed 0, 5, concentrations were signicantly lowered by 64.5%, compared
and the 10% erCE in the diet for 4 weeks. In the db/db mice, with the control group aer 4 weeks.
there was no difference in body weight between control (0% Changes in plasma triglyceride (TG) and non-esteried fatty
erCE-supplemented) and 5% erCE-fed groups, whereas the body acid (NEFA) levels aer 4 weeks for erCE-fed db/db and misty
weight in the 10% erCE-fed group was signicantly lower than mice are shown in Fig. 4. Plasma concentrations of TG in 5%
the other groups (Fig. 2). An increase in body weight in the misty and 10% erCE-fed db/db mice were signicantly lowered by
mice was suppressed by the 10% erCE supplementation in 50.0% and 43.5%, respectively, compared with the control
3 weeks. group, while in misty mice, no signicant change in plasma TG
In non-diabetic misty mice, erCE supplementation did not levels were observed. Increased NEFA levels are observed in
affect the blood glucose levels and HbA1c concentrations, while obesity and type 2 diabetes, and associated with insulin resis-
erCE supplementation in db/db mice suppressed an increase of tance.31 Plasma NEFA concentrations in 5% and 10% erCE-fed
blood glucose (Fig. 3). Particularly, in the 10% erCE-fed db/db db/db mice were signicantly lowered by 56.1% and 50.7%,
group, elevation of the blood glucose levels was not observed respectively. By contrast, the NEFA levels in misty mice were
throughout the experimental periods, while the HbA1c slightly elevated by erCE-supplementation.

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receptor-g (PPAR-g) activation.34 Thus, since cloves have

multiple anti-diabetic activities, they could potentially
contribute to nutritional strategies for the prevention and
treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Glycogen phosphorylase catalyzes the breakdown of
glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate in liver and skeletal muscles,
and it exists in two interconvertible forms a and b. The less
active b form is transformed into the active form a by phos-
Published on 20 November 2013. Downloaded by University of Nevada - Reno on 16/08/2014 10:41:34.

phorylation. Inhibition of hepatic glycogen phosphorylase is a

promising treatment strategy for attenuating hyperglycemia in
type 2 diabetes.7,35 However, drug development efforts have
failed to discover inhibitors with the specicity for the hepatic
glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme because of a signicant
homology between hepatic and skeletal muscle glycogen phos-
phorylase isoenzymes.36 Baker et al. have reported that glycogen
phosphorylase inhibition aimed at attenuating hyperglycemia
Fig. 4 Plasma triglyceride (TG) level (A) and non-esterified fatty acid is unlikely to negatively impact muscle metabolic and func-
(NEFA) level (B) in db/db mice and misty mice fed diet supplemented tional capacity.37 Such inhibitors have been shown to be more
with erCE. Mice consumed diets supplemented with 5% or 10% erCE potent at reducing the hepatic glucose output in the presence of
for 28 days. The TG and NEFA levels were measured at the end of the
experimental period. Data values are mean  S.D. (n ¼ 6–7). Differ-
high glucose concentrations.37,38 Although it has been pointed
ences among groups were analyzed by Dunnet's multiple comparison out that pharmacological inhibition of hepatic glycogen phos-
test and those at *P < 0.05 were significantly different from those of phorylase has potential as an effective therapeutic strategy for
control. the treatment of type 2 diabetes, such inhibitors have not yet
been on the market for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Accordingly, further studies aimed at establishing the effects of
Discussion glycogen phosphorylase inhibition aer chronic oral dosing are
required to fully clarify the impact that glycogen phosphorylase
In the present study, we found that the 50% aqueous EtOH inhibitors have on skeletal muscle metabolism and function.
extract of cloves (CE) and the components, ellagitannins,
exhibit very potent inhibitory activity toward glycogen phos-
phorylase b and also inhibit glucagon-stimulated glucose Acknowledgements
production in primary rat hepatocytes. Eugeniin (5) is the most
The authors wish to thank Dr. Hirotoshi Fushimi and Hayashi
potent inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase among natural
Tamao (Museum of Material Medica, Institute of Natural
products.11 Furthermore, the present study demonstrated that
Medicine, University of Toyama).
the dietary eugenol-reduced CE (erCE) supplementation
improved hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in db/db mice,
which are obese–diabetic animals with insulin resistance, but
had little effect on non-diabetic misty mice. This study eluci-
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