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Toast to Logan

Now I used to hate this kid named Logan. I thought he was mean and sarcastic and had
anger issues, which was all true, but I don't know then how awesome he was because of, and in
spite of all of this. I later learned that the way he shows his love and the way he expresses
himself is through blunt, sarcastic humor which I have grown to love. Come eight years later and
he’s my best friend. In 8th grade we became best friends because he saw something in me and
opened himself up. I latched on to this and from then on we were two peas in a pod, truly a
package deal and everyone knew it. He is very knowledgeable and very very smart and he taught
me and my previously-ignorant self some of the most valuable things I’ve ever learned. He is
opinionated as all get-out and he will let everyone know that. He’s loud and proud which is one
of the most admirable things. He also sucks at Wii bowling which is another one of the great
things about him, for me anyway. I am in awe every time I watch his performances at how truly
gifted and talented he is and I am grateful that to this day every time he has a show coming up
that he’s in, he gets me a ticket. I don’t say it enough, but I love him. He has changed the way I
view the world and I think he has a lot to offer to this planet we call Earth. He has this amazing
ability to see a person for who they could potentially be instead of who they appear as at first
glance. He is friends with so many different types of people with different backgrounds and
stories and things to offer to this world. Now when I mentioned him opening himself up to me
earlier I left some of the more entertaining parts of that story out so here they are. We were on
the field at our charter school in 8th grade. He pulled me aside from our friend group and
brought me over to the side just under a few trees. We talked for a little, exchanging random
facts about ourselves and then he proceeds to say to me, “I know someone on this field who’s
gay.” I, not being able to take the hint, proceeded to guess the names of various guys playing
soccer on the field. He then said after a few minutes of responding no to all my guesses “it’s
me.” I had no idea what to say and this was the first time anyone had come out to me so I said,
“Did you know that I am better at long division than I am at multiplication?” This was an answer
I instantaneously regretted saying. I said this for a few reasons. I was a very socially awkward
person, I was not expecting his answer, and I somehow thought it seemed appropriate to continue
our “spew random facts about ourselves” thing we had done earlier. I don’t remember what he
said but I don't stop thinking about how utterly stupid of a thing that was to say all day so later
that night I texted him, apologized, and assured him I loved him and that this changed nothing.
It’s true that it changed nothing but it also changed everything because from that point on I was
always with him, always wanting to hear everything he had to say, and grew to love him more
and more every day. He showed me someone who could be incredibly smart, kind, sarcastic,
funny and queer at the same time and I appreciated that so much. Now, don’t worry I have
revised my response when someone comes out to me since then. It has been two years since
Logan and I went to school together and he is still my best friend. We don’t have to always talk
or know every detail about each other’s lives the second it happens to give each other a huge hug
and fall right back into where we left off talking everytime we see eachother again. He is a truly
special person who holds a special place in mine and many other people’s hearts so here’s to
Logan, one of the most sarcastic and dramatic people on this planet.

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