Room With A Vue Part 3: Comparing Vue - Js With Angular and React - OCI

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Room with a Vue Part 3: Comparing Vue.

js with Angular and React | OCI 10/3/19, 1(35 PM






By Zachary Klein, OCI Senior Software Engineer



In Part 1 (/resources/publications/sett/january-2018-room-with-a-vue-part-1) and Part 2

(/resources/publications/sett/june-2018-room-with-a-vue-part-2) in this series, we learned the
fundamentals about the Vue.js library, as well as how to put them in action with a simple app. In this
concluding article, we’re going to compare Vue.js with its primary rivals, Angular (2 and above) and React,
and see how this relative newcomer to the front-end development scene stacks up. We will focus primarily
on the developer experience when writing apps with these frameworks. All three offer excellent
documentation and active development communities, and third-party training and online resources are also
plentiful for each of the frameworks.

One topic that will not be considered is that of performance. Performance is a key priority of the development teams of all three
frameworks, and comparisons of rendering speed and other performance metrics tend to become outdated very quickly. Often,
the newest release of any of the frameworks outpaces the others. In reality, any of Vue, Angular, or React are likely to be more
than fast enough for a modern web app, and bottlenecks in performance are more likely to be the conbguration of the build or the
business needs of the app. With that in mind, we won’t be making performance comparisons in this article, but for the latest
statistics on these and more JavaScript frameworks, we recommend this website:
benchmark8/table.html (


Our comparison will follow the outline below:

Framework Goals


Data-Binding Page 1 of 18
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A helpful way to get a sense of these frameworks is to review their ofbcial taglines (as of early 2019).

The ofbcial Vue.js homepage ( starts with the following description: "Vue is a progressive framework for
building user interfaces."

React’s ofbcial tagline (again, from the ofbcial website ( is strikingly similar: "A JavaScript library for building
user interfaces."

Angular's documentation ( describes the framework as "a platform that makes it easy to build
applications with the web." (Emphasis added).

The above statements suggest that there is quite a bit of similarity in the goals for both React, and Vue – they are both focused
primarily on the building of UIs. By contrast, Angular is better described as a platform, with a much broader feature set than
either Vue or React, ranging from directives and templates on the UI side, to dependency-injection, routing, and handling of HTTP

When it comes to building UIs however, all three of the frameworks have some things in common. React, Vue and Angular
are component-oriented in their UI features. Components have lifecycles, can have state, and can include other components
within their rendered content, whether that be a template (Angular and Vue) or a render method (React and, optionally, Vue).

When designing apps with any of these frameworks, you will tend to take a similar approach of dividing up the UI into smaller
segments, building components for each one, and breaking those down into smaller components to keep them manageable. We
will discuss specibc differences in how components behave across the frameworks later in the article.


Vue is very pragmatic in its design choices. Templates are plain HTML, meaning that any existing HTML page can easily be
converted into Vue components with no rewriting of the markup. By contrast, straight HTML cannot always be used as JSX in a
React component. Some attribute names are different, and there are other subtle differences between the structure of JSX and
HTML, although fortunately these are fairly few (

However, Vue also recognizes the power of render functions, and in fact uses them under the hood. This means that HTML
templates are only one way of rendering content from a Vue component. You also have the option of using a render method, and
even returning JSX as the component output if you have the proper build tooling set up.

Vue JSX Example

import MyComponent from './MyComponent.vue'

new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: function (h) {
return (
<MyComponent myValue={1}>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
}) Page 2 of 18
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In practice, it's uncommon to bnd Vue apps that use JSX. However, the support is certainly there, and it can potentially make
migration of React components to Vue components less painful (especially for developers that know and prefer JSX over HTML


Another key factor to consider when comparing these three frameworks is how data from a component is passed to the template,
and vice-versa. This process is known as data-binding. For example, given a simple component with a string property, you might
render it within your template using the double-curly brace syntax.

Vue Simple Data-Binding Example

<h1>Welcome, {{ username }}</h1>

This sort of variable-binding directly from a component to a template (or within JSX) is supported by React, Angular, and Vue.
However, the frameworks differ when it comes to how – or whether – they handle binding from the UI, to the component. This is
common in components that render forms or form controls, where the UI elements allow the user to change the values or select
from options. Typically you want those user changes to be rekected in the internal variables within the component. This type of
data binding, where the component’s data is rendered to the UI and changes in the UI are mirrored to the component variable, is
called two-way data-binding.

Angular Two-Way Data-Binding Example

selector: 'my-component',
template: `<input [(ngModel)]="username" required>`
export class MyComponent {
name: string = '';

Angular has made two-way data-binding popular since the framework’s conception, and the pattern does give a lot of power to
developers. However, there are also downsides to two-way binding. It adds complexity to the re-rendering cycle of components,
and it can make the UI less predictable, leading to difbcult-to-diagnose bugs.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, React forces developers to work entirely with one-way data-binding, such as in the simple
variable example shown above. This means that dynamic behavior in the UI (such as a form control) has to be passed
down from a component in the form of a function. Rather than automatically sending changes from a UI element back to the
component, React requires the developer to pass a function as an event-handler to the element, and that function can then make
a change to the data within the components state. When the state has been updated, React triggers a re-render of the
component, which will rekect the new value.

React One-Way Data-Binding Example

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

state = { username: '' }

updateUserName = event => this.setState({ username: })

render() {
return <form><input type="text" onChange={updateUserName} value={this.state.username} /></form>
} Page 3 of 18
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Once again, Vue is very pragmatic in its approach to data-binding. Like React, Vue supports simple one-way data-binding of state
variables to elements in the template with the v-bind directive (or the :[property] shorthand). Vue even handles the reactive
rendering of the component in a very React-like way, using a Virtual DOM and a cascading createElement API (see the Vue docs
( on this topic).

Vue One-Way Data-Binding Example

<input type="text" :value="username" @input="updateUserName" />

export default {
data() {
return { username: "" }
methods: {
updateUserName(event) {
this.username =;

In addition, Vue borrows a page directly from Angular by providing seamless two-way data-binding with the v-model directive,
which will synchronize the value in the component’s state (we’ll discuss state later) and the value in the template, updating either
side of the relationship when there is a change.

Vue Two-Way Data-Binding Example

<input type="text" v-model="username" />

export default {
data() {
return { username: "" }


All three of the frameworks under discussion feature a robust component model.

Components simply represent isolated elements of your app that can interact with each other in a hierarchy (or "component
tree"), and can optionally hold their own data (or state). Component interactions vary between these frameworks, but typically a
component will have some means of accepting input, and possibly emitting output to other components. Regardless of whether a
component interacts with others, every component can render HTML output to the UI (either using a template or a render call
that generates the markup).

Components also have a lifecycle, which varies by framework, but typically allows the developer to add custom behavior at
strategic points along the life of a component (e.g., when a component is created or initialized, when a component is updated,
and when a component is destroyed).

The ubiquity of components means that many frameworks have adopted similar conventions or features. Vue, Angular, and React
components share all of the features described above. Some key differences remain, of course.

Room with a Vue Part 3: Comparing Vue.js with Angular and React | OCI 10/3/19, 1(35 PM

As discussed in the previous articles in this series, Vue components are typically debned using single Lle components, which is a
Vue-specibc format that allows you to express the template, state, logic, and styles for a component in a single .vue ble.

Vue Single-File-Component Example

<h1>Hello {{ name }}
export default {
data() {
return { name: "World" }
<style scoped>
h1 {
color: blue

Vue components can also be debned simply by initializing them with the Vue.component function and passing in the same
options that you would otherwise include in the .vue ble’s <script> section.

Vue.Component Example
Vue.component('hello-world', {
data() {
return {
name: "World"
template: '<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>'

Finally, Vue supports a sort of "functional" (also known as "stateless") component, which is debned simply by including the
option functional: true in the component’s instance debnition object.

Functional components cannot use data (state) or lifecycle hooks, and are subject to additional limitations. However, they can
be more performant than stateful components.

Vue Functional Component Example

Vue.component('hello-world', {
functional: true,
props: {
name: String
template: '<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1>'

In React, components can be debned as either classes or functions, although the latter is often considered preferable. Like a
Vue single-Lle-component, the "template" (actually rendered JSX output) is kept within the same ble as the component debnition
and is essentially part of the component.

React Component Class Example Page 5 of 18
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class HelloWorld extends React.Component {

state = { name: "World" }

render() {
return <h1>Hello {}</h1>

As in Vue, functional components in React cannot make use of state or lifecycle methods. This will likely change in the near
future with the introduction of hooks ( (see this SETT article
( by my colleague Mark
Volkmann for an introduction to the hooks API). Unlike Vue, React’s functional components are actually written as "plain"
JavaScript functions.

React Functional Component Example

const HelloWorld = {name} => <h1>Hello {name}</h1>

Angular components are almost always written as TypeScript classes, with the associated template and CSS each kept in
separate, component-specibc bles.

Angular Component Example

selector: 'hello-world',
templateUrl: './hello-world.html',
styleUrls: ['./hello-world.component.css']
export class HelloWorldComponent implements OnInit {

constructor() { }

ngOnInit() {


Generally speaking, all three of these frameworks support the same sort of "input" method for components. In Vue and React, a
component can be passed "props", which syntactically resemble HTML element attributes, but can be used to pass in any type of
data (or even a function) from a parent component into a child one.

Vue Props Example

<MyComponent :name="'World'" />

<!-- MyComponent.vue -->

export default {
props: {
name: String

Notice that by default, Vue provides for some measure of type-checking for props (although this is optional). React offers similar
protection, but only through the use of an additional prop-types library, as seen in the example below. Page 6 of 18
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React Props Example

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {string} from 'prop-types';

class MyComponent extends Component {

static propTypes = { name: string };

render() {
return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;
<MyComponent name="World" />

Angular’s term for "props" is "input," and in an Angular component these are debned as class properties decorated with
the @Input decorator.

Angular @Input Example

selector: 'hello-world',
template: `
<h1>Hello, {{name}}</h1>
export class HelloWorldComponent {
@Input() name: String;

<!-- usage -->

<hello-world [name]="World" />

However, Angular also includes a full-featured dependency-injection context, allowing components to call out to shared logic
and/or state outside of the component scope. Neither React or Vue has such a concept, although that lack arguably makes for a
simpler programming model.


An important feature of a component model is managing the internal data or "state" of the individual component. As opposed to
inputs (e.g., "props" in Vue and React), state refers to data that is held within a component and cannot be shared (other than
when explicitly passed as a prop) between other components.

Vue and React each treat state as a component-wide object (although React can accept any value as state ), with special
properties and behavior. The most important of these behaviors is that a change to the state object ( data in the case of Vue)
will trigger a re-render of the component.

React differs from Vue in that the state object cannot be directly changed. Instead, the state is modibed asynchronously by
calling the setState method, which accepts an object containing the state change to be applied and performs a shallow merge
between the object and the current state. This is done in order to ensure that React applies state changes reliably in conjunction
with the component’s render cycle.

state = { name: "World" }

changeName = () => {
this.setState({name: "Internet"})

However, while with Vue one can write code such as below: Page 7 of 18
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data() {
return { name: "World" }

methods: {
changeName() { = "Internet"

It turns out there is a bit of magic going on here. In fact, the code above is not accessing the data name property directly. When
the component is instantiated, Vue creates "getter" and "setter" methods for each property in the data object, and calls to this.
[property] are proxied to these getter/setter methods. Vue refers to this as making the component "reactive." This allows Vue
to retain control over the state changes and rendering process, while making it easier for the developer to write readable code.

Angular has no concept of a "state" object. The state of each component can be thought of as the combined properties of that
component’s class. They can be accessed and updated directly without any special API.


Event-handling is a common requirement in JavaScript frameworks, and all three of these frameworks make it very easy to bind
behavior to DOM events (such as onClick ). In addition to DOM events, often you will want your own components to respond to
changes in the app or trigger a notibcation so that another component can do the same. In Vue and Angular, components can
trigger (or emit) their own events.

In Vue, the $emit helper can be used to trigger an event, and optionally pass arguments to any event handlers.

Vue Events Example

<h1 @click="sendClicked">Hello World</h1>
export default {
name: "hello-world",
methods: {
sendClicked() {
this.$emit('clicked', 'Someone clicked me!')

<!-- usage -->

<hello-world @clicked="handleClick" />

Emitting events in Angular involves creation of an EventEmitter . The code is a bit more tedious than in Vue but follows a
similar pattern.

Angular Events Example

selector: 'hello-world',
template: `<h1 (click)="'Someone clicked me!')">Hello World!</button>
export class AddTodoComponent {
@Output() clicked = new EventEmitter();

//usage (handleClick is a method in the parent component)

<hello-world (clicked)="handleClick($event)" /> Page 8 of 18
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React takes a different approach, where custom event-handling is done from the top down, by way of passing functions as props
into a component. Instead of emitting an event, the component simply calls the "prop" function, which is essentially a callback.
Again, highlighting Vue’s kexibility, this approach can be followed in Vue as well, as seen in the next examples.

React Function Prop Example

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {func} from 'prop-types';

class HelloWorld extends Component {

static propTypes = { clicked: func };

handleClick = () => this.props.clicked('Someone clicked me');

render() {
return <h1 onClick={handleClick}>Hello, World</h1>;
//usage (handleClick is a function in the parent component)
<HelloWorld clicked={handleClick} />

Vue Function Prop Example

<h1 @click="såendClicked">Hello World</h1>
name: "hello-world",
export default {
props: {
clicked: Function
methods: {
handleClick() {
this.clicked("Someone clicked me")

<!-- usage (handleClick is a function in the parent component) -->

<hello-world @clicked="handleClick">


The ecosystems of all three of these frameworks are quite rich, with numerous plugins and third-party libraries available for all of
them. It is difbcult to quantify these additional libraries, of course, but let’s take a handful of common categories and review the
most popular options available to each framework.

It should be noted that this section is by necessity somewhat subjective, as each of the libraries mentioned has its share of
passionate proponents and detractors. The goal here is to introduce the most popular options and place them in context so that
you can better navigate the greater ecosystem, not to declare a "winner" in any one category.


State management libraries typically provide a basic framework and API for storing and mutating the state across your app. State
management enforces some rules about when and how state is stored and changed, and allows you to perform advanced
techniques, such as "time travel debugging," stepping backwards through state changes in your app to see exactly what changes
took place across your entire component hierarchy. Page 9 of 18
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Vue provides an "ofbcial" state management library in Vuex ( Vuex follows the Flux state management
architecture pioneered by Facebook for React, with concepts such as stores (where state is stored), mutations (which change
state), and actions (special methods that can perform asynchronous operations, such as Ajax calls, and then commit mutations).
Vuex is well-integrated with Vue, as one would expect, including special support in Vue’s Devtools.

React does not have an ofbcial library for state management, but one of the most popular options is Redux (,
which is another Flux implementation. Redux uses similar terminology to Vuex, but the usage is quite different. In particular,
Redux makes use of reducer functions. Reducer functions "calculate" state changes (described by actions), which are simple
objects that describe the change to be performed. In Redux, the state in the store is considered immutable, so the reducer’s job
is to calculate a brand new state that will replace the previous state (unlike Vuex, which actively mutates the store).

Redux is framework-agnostic, and can be used in any of the three frameworks we’re reviewing here. The Redux-React bindings
are ofbcially maintained by the Redux team, and so enjoy the best integration, as opposed to third-party bindings (which are
available) for Vue and Angular.

Angular does not have as clear a choice for state management as React and Vue (the ofbcial documentation does not appear to
address the topic), but the most popular library is NGRX (

NGRX is a Redux-implementation for Angular that leverages TypeScript and RxJS. However, Redux’s emphasis on functions may
clash with the sensibilities developers accustomed to TypeScript and the class-oriented programming model. An alternative that
seems to be gaining traction is Akita (, which offers a more object-oriented approach to state
management as opposed to a functional one.

In summary, Vue and React each benebt from more or less "ofbcial" state management solutions in Vuex and Redux, while
Angular has a leading contender in NGRX but no ofbcial solution.


Routing allows single-page apps to behave as though they are not, in fact, running on a single page. In an app of any complexity,
it will often be desirable to allow the user to navigate through the UI using forward/back controls, bookmark a specibc view or
"page" within the app, and be redirected from one portion of the app to another (for example, a login screen when a 401 response
is received from an API server).

Vue makes this choice simple by offering an ofbcial routing library in Vue Router ( Vue Router provides a
near-exhaustive set of routing features, such as route parameters, wildcards, nested routes, and more. Routes are debned as an
array of objects, which is passed to an instance of VueRouter , which in turn is passed to the app’s top-level Vue instance.

Vue Router Example

const routes = [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/login', component: Login }

Vue Router requires a place to actually render the routed components, which is typically the main content section of your app.
You must indicate where this rendering will happen using the <router-view> component.

Vue Router Example (2)


From within a routed component, you can access properties of the route via the $route helper, as well as programmatically
navigate to new or past routes with the $router helper. Page 10 of 18
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Vue Router Example (3)

export default {
computed: {
userId() {
return this.$
methods: {
redirectLogin() {

React does not have an ofbcial routing solution, but the dominant library is the battle-tested React Router

Similar to Vue Router in many respects, this library takes a component-centric approach to building and navigating routes
(instead of a conbg-brst approach, where the routes are debned separately from the components). This approach might seem
novel for some developers, but it does bt nicely with React’s emphasis on JSX as a programming approach.

React Router Example

const App = () => (
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/login/">Login</Link>

<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />

<Route path="/login/" component={Login} />

Angular integrates routing into the framework with a dedicated Router and RouterModule . Routes are debned on a per-module
basis, using a conbguration map that is akin to that of Vue Router.

Angular Routing Example

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '/', component: Home },
{ path: '/login', component: Login }

imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],
// ...
export class AppModule { }

Like Vue Router, you must indicate where the routed components will be rendered using a special directive, <router-outlet> .

Angular Routing Example (2) Page 11 of 18
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<li><a routerLink="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a routerLink="/login">Login</a></li>

Since Angular takes care of routing as part of the framework, there’s little uncertainty as to which library you should use when
building your Angular app. However, while there are more options available to React and Vue developers, there is still a clearly
popular choice for both of those frameworks as well, with React Router and Vue Router, respectively.


This will be a short section, because neither React nor Vue provides an ofbcial solution for making HTTP requests from your
apps. This makes sense given their respective framework goals. which both name "building user interfaces" as their primary aim.
Making Ajax calls isn’t directly a part of UI, although in reality almost every UI will require such requests. However, the
development teams for both React and Vue have decided that HTTP features should be handled by dedicated APIs and/or
libraries, and not a core feature of the frameworks themselves.

Fortunately, two of the most popular standalone HTTP libraries require almost no effort to use with React or Vue. These are axios
( and fetch (

Axios is a well-designed HTTP client that works both in browsers and from server-side node.js apps. Aside from basic HTTP calls,
axios supports advanced features such as interceptors, which allow you to add custom behavior (including terminating and
redirecting) before a request is made or before the response is returned to the calling code.

Axios Example
// Within an async function ...
try {
const response = await axios.get('/api/info');
// Do something with response.
} catch (error) {

Fetch is different from Axios in that it is technically an API, not a library (although it sometimes requires a library to be used,
depending on your browser). Fetch is somewhat more low-level than Axios, and doesn’t offer the same breadth of features, but it
has the advantage of being a core API available in modern browsers, meaning that no additional tooling is required to use it (with
the caveat that for older browsers, a polyLll is required).

Fetch Example
// Within an async function ...
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/info');
// method defaults to GET
const data = await response.json();
// Do something with data.
} catch (error) {

Angular, which bills itself as a "platform" for web applications, includes a dedicated HTTP client (
that supports many advanced features, such as interceptors, caching, and progress reporting for requests. The client is designed
to take advantage of Angular’s reliance on TypeScript and RxJS conventions, and the Angular documentation encourages
developers to keep all HTTP logic within dedicated services. Page 12 of 18
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The many testing tools and frameworks for JavaScript apps make up a rich ecosystem, and JavaScript frameworks rarely provide
their own dedicated testing framework. The two main types of tests written for JavaScript web apps are unit tests, which test the
execution of individual components and methods, and end-to-end tests (aka e2e tests), which render the app, interact with the
app as a user would, and then make assertions about the resulting content.

For the purposes of this comparison, we will simply highlight the default test stack that's provisioned by each framework’s ofbcial
CLI/project generator.

Vue’s CLI provides several options for unit and e2e tests.

For unit tests, you have the choice of either the Mocha ( testing framework (preconbgured with the Chai
( assertion library) or the more modern Jest ( framework (which does not require a
separate library for assertions).

For e2e tests, the choices are Nightwatch ( (a Selenium-based testing tool) and Cypress
( (a pure-JS e2e testing suite).

React’s create-react-app project generator uses Jest as the default testing stack. This isn’t surprising, given that Jest and
React are both developed by Facebook, and Jest suits React’s focus on simplicity with its zero-conbg approach and integrated
assertion and mocking support. No e2e support is included with create-react-app , but it's common to use Cypress for end-to-
end testing of React applications, and conbguring it is easy.

The Angular CLI generates conbguration for the Jasmine ( testing framework for unit tests and
Protractor ( (which uses Selenium under the hood) for e2e tests.


All three of the frameworks we are reviewing provide specialized browser plugins that give insight and visibility to the running
app, and sometimes the ability to dynamically interact with your components as they are running in your browser. These plugins,
also known as "devtools," are powerful tools both for debugging and for learning about the inner-workings of your favorite

Developed and maintained by the core Vue.js team, the Vue Devtools ( are available as
Chrome ( and Firefox
( plugins, as well as a standalone Electron app. The plugin
allows you to browse your component hierarchy, manipulate the internal data of components, interact with your Vuex-managed
state, and track events emitted from components.

Figure 1. Vue Devtools Page 13 of 18
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React also has an ofbcial devtools solution, aptly named React Devtools ( Again,
there is a plugin available for Chrome (
tools/fmkadmapgofadopljbjfkapdkoienihi) and Firefox (, and a
standalone app as well. The devtools make it easy to browse and play with your React components, although there is no built-in
support for state-management tools such as Redux. However, ofbcial devtools ( are
available for Redux as well.

Figure 2. React Devtools

Angular’s devtool plugin is named Augury (, is available for Chrome

( and Firefox
(, and provides much the same feature set as the React and Vue
devtools. You can directly edit the properties of components, view component source code, and set breakpoints. Augury also
allows you to view and interact with the routes within your Angular app, something that the React and Vue devtools don’t support
as of yet.

Figure 3. Augury Devtools for Angular

ADOPTION Page 14 of 18
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Vue made some news ( in June 2018 when it surpassed React
in the number of "stars" on Github. Github stars are one method, although imperfect, to gauge developer interest in a framework,
and it certainly is signibcant that a young framework such as Vue has already surpassed a much more established rival in this

Figure 4. Github stars: React vs Vue vs Angular via


However, it is important to put the "stars" of Vue into perspective. While Vue certainly has captured developer interest, React's
and Angular’s history means they have a much larger base of existing projects using the frameworks and developers who are
trained and familiar with them. This is rekected in the NPM package download statistics, which show Vue lagging well behind
Angular and leagues below React’s dominant position.

Figure 5. NPM Weekly Download Trends (past 6 months) via

( Page 15 of 18
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Surveys of developers are hit/miss when it comes to identifying trends in the industry, but they can still be helpful in giving a
general sense of what frameworks are gaining or falling behind year over year. The Jetbrains Dev Ecosystem Survey
(, for example, reported that in 2017 developers reported
usage of the "big three" frameworks at the following percentages:

Table 1. 2017 JetBrains Dev Ecosystem Survey

React Angular Vue

49% 66%* 20%

Angular + AngularJS results

In 2018, the same survey ( indicated some sizable shifts.

Table 2. 2018 JetBrains Dev Ecosystem Survey

React Angular Vue

60% 41%* 33%

Angular + AngularJS results

Finally, the results for the most recent "State of JS Survey" ( seem to
concur with the numbers above.

Table 3. 2018 State of JS Survey

React (vs 2016) Angular (vs 2016) Vue (vs 2016)

Never heard of it 0.1% (0.5%) 0.1% (1.2%) 1.3% (27.1%)

Heard of it, not interested 9.2% (11.5%) 31.8% (39.1%) 20.5% (30.7%)

Heard of it, would like to learn 19.1% (35.3%) 10.4% (39.7%) 46.6% (32.2%)

Used it, would not use again 6.7% (3.9%) 33.8% (6.4%) 2.8% (1.3%)

Used it, would use again 64.8% (48.7%) 23.9% (13.6%) 28.8% (8.7%)

While it’s not possible to draw completely objective conclusions from this data, it seems fair to say that Vue’s adoption rate is
likely growing as fast, if not faster, than React's (which would seem inevitable at some point, given React’s near-saturation of the
"market"). Angular adoption appears to be in a steady decline, by comparison. And it’s worth noting that Vue is the clear leader in
the "would like to learn" category of the State of JS results (and a happy loser of the "would not use again" prize). Time will tell
how much of that interest converts into actual adoption, but the momentum suggests that Vue will remain a real contender in the
frontend space for a while yet. Page 16 of 18
Room with a Vue Part 3: Comparing Vue.js with Angular and React | OCI 10/3/19, 1(35 PM


There’s no such thing as a "best" framework, in part because every application is different, and because every developer is
different. The diversity in JavaScript frameworks today can be a mixed blessing, but it stems from different, but legitimate,
perspectives and ideas about how to structure and design apps for the modern web. Fortunately, the frameworks reviewed here
have a lot of common ground, such as component-oriented design and component lifecycles. These shared concepts help when
evaluating the different frameworks, and also mean that learning one framework is likely to help you appreciate, or at least
understand, another.

Ultimately the best framework for your app and your team is going to be the one that makes sense to your developers, with a
programming model that makes sense to you and makes it easy to reason about your business needs.

Angular’s robust platform approach and rich feature-set might appeal to enterprise developers who aren’t bothered by a healthy
dose of boilerplate and added syntax, in return for advanced features built right into the framework. JavaScript abcionados and
fans of functional programming might appreciate React’s simplicity, declarative style, and minimal framework magic. And
developers who are more pragmatic about their programming model, or who perhaps are new to frontend development and value
a gentler learning curve, just might bnd a perfect medium in Vue.js.


Vue.js Website (

React Website (

Angular Website (

JavaScript Framework Benchmarks (

Differences between JSX & HTML (

Vue Router (

React Router (

Axios HTTP Client (

Testing React Apps with Cypress (

Fetch API Documentation (

Github Stars Comparison (

JetBrains Dev Ecosystem Survey 2018 - JavaScript (

JetBrains Dev Ecosystem Survey 2017 - JavaScript (

State of JS Survey, 2018 (

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Room with a Vue Part 3: Comparing Vue.js with Angular and React | OCI 10/3/19, 1(35 PM


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