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No other time of the year feels quite But I digress.

like this one. The crossover into The idea was to give not
winter holds some ancient only ourselves but the trick-
song that we all feel in our or-treaters an experience. I
bones – no matter our heri- remember being a kid and
tage. Needless to say, it’s my absolutely loving the houses
favorite of all the holidays I was too afraid to approach.
and of all the seasons, even They stick out in my memo-
though it’s not really a ‘season’ ry like a roller coaster ride of
per se. But aside from the crisp anticipation. It was finding the
morning air, longer nights, and courage to make the walk to the
spiritual reminders to slow down a bit door, every step feeling like a mile and
– it’s truly Halloween that puts a little pep in double-checking that the prop wasn’t going
my step. to jump out at me. Most importantly, the
As a kid, dressing up as a ghoul, excitement of actually getting to the door to
getting free candy, and staying up late was get candy. It was a triumph! Those moments
the root of why I looked forward to Hallow- stayed with me much better than just ringing
een every year. As an adult, it’s watching the a bell, holding out my bag, and watching the
neighborhoods light up with decorations, lo- candy fall in without any effort.
cal theaters showing spooky films, haunted Paying it forward to the younger
houses … and scaring-trick-or treaters. generation and watching that same mixture
Some of the best fun I’ve ever had of glee and terror light up their faces isn’t just
was dressing up my front porch like a de- fun – it’s like being a kid all over again.
ranged butcher shop while limping around However, it seems like the decorated
the lawn as an impressive zombie. All the houses on the block are fewer and fewer each
while, my friends and family (in costume) year. It may be due to finances (Halloween
challenged kids to try and make it to the front décor does get pretty expensive) or it may be
door. Most of the time, the presentation was because folks think it’s a children’s holiday of
enough to stop them at the sidewalk – and cavities – who knows. But I hope that if you’re
they would’ve skipped our house if not for able, you support your local haunted houses,
their parents pushing them up the pathway. put up a few lights and give a little ‘BOO!’ to
To be honest, the biggest laughs ALWAYS the kids who put all the effort into their (no
came from the parents. And the biggest doubt) glorious costumes.
scaredy-cats were teenagers.
Ghost Golf’s indoor mini golf course is the year round
Belle of the Halloween ball.
By Lisa Talley |

“My favorite two sounds in the whole world Dunkin’ Donuts!” ited to the Halloween season. It wasn’t until sign, so is practicality and safety. None of
are screams and laughter together.” When asked how he thought Ghost Daryn and his wife, Janice, were in Santa the props are within arm’s reach, and Daryn’s
Daryn Coleman, the master-mind Golf fared on the fright meter, Daryn gave Cruz visiting a pirate-themed indoor mini- ADA compliant course has adapted the
creator and co-owner of Ghost Golf, smiles his course a rating of 3, maybe 4. golf course called Buccaneer Bay. It was here wheelchair access points with a unique set of
warmly as he looks over his spooky wonder- “I just want everyone to have a real- that a light bulb went off for him. An indoor bristles (of his own invention). The bristles
land. It’s the same look you’d expect to see on ly good time and enjoy themselves with their mini-golf course that he could design with all are firm enough to stop a ball from rolling
someone who has finally come home after a family and friends,” he shares. his Halloween flair was just the ticket! out of play but still sufficient for wheels to
long trip. roll over with ease.
“I love hearing people scream Beyond the eerie décor and the
and then laugh because they screamed or fun, jump-scare experience, Ghost Golf
everyone around them is laughing because also includes free, unlimited gameplay on
they screamed. That’s my favorite sound.” some select arcades including Daryn’s very
It’s not quite a haunted house, own ‘Mummy Shootout.’
but it’s close. Ghost Golf ’s unique setting Imagine a classic carnival game that
sits quietly in an unassuming shopping requires shooting a moving target with ei-
center on North Blackstone in Fresno. ther a jet stream of water or little metal
If it weren’t for the painted ghosts on the pellets. Now, replace the little ducks or
windows – no one would be the wiser as clown targets with life-sized mummies
to what lay inside. either completely enclosed in a casket or
The lobby is welcoming – again, halfway hiding behind an object. Oh, and
wholly unassuming – some arcade games you’ll be shooting targets with a laser gun
line the walls, and a couple tables invite that on a successful hit, one of the multi-
you to take a load off. But it’s what waits tudes of mummies comes to life.
beyond the curtain that’s the real star of Like everything else in the course,
the show. Mummy Shootout is a creation right out
One step inside and the mood of Daryn’s vivid imagination and hard
slightly shifts. The lights are dim and work. From the ‘wrought iron’ fences,
the unnatural sound of whirring spirits ‘stone’ walls, characters (and their voices),
‘wooshes’ out of the speakers to set the to the massive trees that reach down with
ambiance. Players are greeted by a pair of gnarled arms. The only artwork in the
hooded skeletons holding a single (fake) building that doesn’t have his distinctive
torch to guide them into the game. Each mark is the murals on the walls that create
hole on the course contains a different the backdrop for the golf course. That was
scene that comes alive by either pressure the collaborative effort between Janice
or motion sensors set off by the players: and Fresno artists.
a singing head, a dancing voodoo doll, or With Halloween just around the
an unexpected blast of air that’s sure to corner, it’s a must-add to the list of pump-
make someone in the group jump. With kin patches, trick-or-treating, corn mazes,
all the various scary surprises awaiting and bobbing for apples. And the experi-
the players, however, gore is one element ence lives beyond the season, so for those
that’s left off the table. who enjoy a haunting-good-time no mat-
“I try to keep things as fami- ter the month in the year, rest assured that
ly-friendly as possible, I don’t like gore, and Ghost Golf was the evolution from And everything is designed around Ghost Golf will be happy to have you. Ever
I don’t have actors. Even the things that pop Daryn’s front yard – months of designing, the custom, handmade effects. adapting, adding, and updating the course
up, they’re usually saying funny, silly stuff at weeks of building, all for a few hours of glory Unable to suppress a chuckle, he with new creations, they’ll be ready.
you,” Daryn explains. for one night of the year. The desire to show- says, “Where can I put this pop-up head to --
True to his word, he steps on a pres- case all of his work all year round pressed get the maximum effect for it? I didn’t want Located at 5179 N Blackstone Ave, 93710.
sure sensor nearby that activates a moving on him, but he didn’t know which format to use windmills and boring stuff so here I Open Tuesday through Sunday, hours vary.
skeleton head that cackles alive with a playful would be best. A haunted house seemed like [get] to use a little bit of fear.” Visit Ghost.Golf for more information. 559-
message for the golfers. “I’m only 20 years the natural conclusion, but just like the front While the theme and player expe- 800-0811
old, you know how I got here? I ate too many yard display, would likely have a lifespan lim- rience are the biggest inspiration to the de-
By Lisa Talley |

W ho are we without our memory? It’s

a loaded question no one ever wants
to know the answer to because the weight of
was converted into a museum. Nestled in the
quiet, historic neighborhood of downtown
Hanford, the museum is a Romanesque
out the different war periods; bomber jack-
ets, flight suits, dress uniforms, along with
photos, and newspaper clippings. On the
playwright, Silvia Gonzalez S.
The museum has come under fire
from select members of Hanford’s commu-
it would crush us with its truth. We’d be but stone building that is home to artifacts dat- second story of the museum are smaller dis- nity who disagree with some of the changes
an empty vessel, a thin shadow of our former ing back to the late 1800s. plays housing historical photos and items that have taken place recently. According to
selves that would quickly vanish with the Most notably, a suitcase and dress from the Hanford Fire Department, Sheriff’s both the board president and museum man-
faintest of breezes – as if we’d never existed left behind by Amelia Earhart that was de- Department, and the Native American com- ager, it’s due to the rise in the number of the
at all. signed by the famed pilot herself. munities. Of particular interest are the riding younger generation flowing in and out of the
The same could be said for every “Amelia used to teach at the Chan- saddles from the original Hanford Sheriff’s establishment.
city, whether a sprawling metropolis or a dler Airport, it was only for a couple of Posse of the 1890s that visitors are welcome “It’s the younger generation that is
quaint, picturesque small town. Where fam- months, but while she was there, she became to touch. Unlike most of the items on dis- going to inherit this place. In all reality, as the
ilies and friends would keep the memories of close friends with Mary Packwood – a Han- play, they aren’t sequestered behind a sheet older generations leave, the youth are next in
the individual alive, it’s the museums that be- ford native, and Amelia would come to visit of glass or velvet rope – but positioned in the line to take care of it all. We need them to get
come the caretakers of history – the memory here often. The luggage was left behind when room where attendees can trace the intricate involved, so we’ve been trying to encourage
that keeps the soul of a city alive. she went missing,” explains Museum Manag- and finely detailed designs with their hands. activities that bring them in and get them
But for the Hanford Carnegie Mu- er, Patricia Dickerson, “Having these here is The Hanford Carnegie Museum literally puts engaged here,” explains Dickerson.
seum, it could all disappear without a trace in a big deal for Kings County.” history at its guests’ fingertips. Activities such as a free acting class
a matter of months. The Smithsonian Institute has been It’s a wonder why the City of Han- once a week, a sensory room for kids, theater
Gifted to the City of Hanford by after the Earhart items for years, with offers ford appears to be working against them. productions, and a Pokémon Go group that
the steel tycoon, Andrew Carnegie, in 1905, to purchase them from the Hanford Carne- “Some members of the community, meets at the museum as a starting point be-
the museum began its tenure as the city’s gie Museum but to no avail. in my view, cannot stomach the new draw fore walking around town together, simulta-
free public library. It served the community Other displays showcase items and that the museum is bringing in… and that’s neously gaming. The augmented reality app
in that capacity for nearly 70 years until it uniforms of local military veterans through- the youth,” shares board president and Latina even identifies nearby historical landmarks
while they play, giving the group
more opportunities to learn about
their city.
Ever-vigilant ‘concerned
citizens’ have lobbied complaints
to the City Council about various
youth spotted frequenting the mu-
seum – and without any under-
standing as to who they are. One
guest happened to be a teacher
inquiring about a field trip for her
grade school students, and another
sits on the museum’s board. Grand
assumptions of delinquency or dis-
respect must line the malcontent
Continues on pg 6...

Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts
The Halloween Edition Many Halloween customs and
games that feature apples (such
1. Halloween is the second highest as bobbing for apples) and nuts
grossing commercial holiday after date from this time. In fact, in the
Christmas. past, Halloween has been called
San-Apple Night and Nutcrack
2. The word “witch” comes from Night.
the Old English  wicce, mean- 10. Dressing up as ghouls and other
ing “wise woman.” In fact,  wic- 6. During the pre-Halloween cel- spooks originated from the ancient
can  were highly respected people ebration of Samhain, bonfires were Celtic tradition of townspeople
at one time. According to popular lit to ensure the sun would return disguising themselves as demons
belief, witches held one of their after the long, hard winter. Often and spirits. The Celts believed that
two main meetings, or sabbats, on Druid priests would throw the disguising themselves this way
Halloween night. bones of cattle into the flames and, would allow them to escape the
hence, “bone fire” became “bon- notice of the real spirits wandering
3. Trick-or-treating evolved from fire.” the streets during Samhain.
the ancient Celtic tradition of put-
ting out treats and food to placate 7. Halloween is thought to have 11. According to legend, if you see
spirits who roamed the streets at originated around 4000 B.C., a spider on Halloween, it’s actually
Samhain, a sacred festival that which means Halloween has been the spirit of a loved one watching
marked the end of the Celtic cal- around for over 6,000 years. you.
endar year.
8. Teng Chieh  or the Lantern 12. Americans purchase over 20
4. Black and orange are typically Festival is one Halloween festival million pounds of Candy Corn
associated with Halloween. Or- in China. Lanterns shaped like each year.
ange is a symbol of strength and dragons and other animals are
endurance and, along with brown hung around houses and streets to 13. The pumpkin originated in
and gold, stands for the harvest help guide the spirits back to their Mexico about 9,000 years ago. It
and autumn. Black is typically a earthly homes. To honor their de- is one of America’s oldest known
symbol of death and darkness and ceased loved ones, family members vegetables. Pumpkins generally
acts as a reminder that Halloween leave food and water by the por- weigh from 15-to-30 pounds,
once was a festival that marked the traits of their ancestors. although some weigh as much
boundaries between life and death. as 200 pounds. The majority of
9. The largest pumpkin ever pumpkins are orange, but they also
5. Halloween was influenced by measured was grown by Norm can be white, yellow or striped.
the ancient Roman festival Po- Craven, who broke the world They are rich in vitamin A, beta-
mona, which celebrated the har- record in 1993 with a 836 lb. carotene and potassium, and their
vest goddess of the same name. pumpkin. seeds provide protein and iron.

current generation to those of the past. And
... ‘Museum’ cont’d from pg 4 not only for the City of Hanford but for
those Central Valley families who are long-
behind these ‘concerned citizens’ complaints. time residents, as well. But the team is deter-
But none of the museum board or staff mined, hopeful that the broader community
would know since not one of these protests will come together and show their support
has been brought to their direct attention. for such an iconic piece of Hanford’s history.
Instead, they receive the backlash later, after As part of a fundraising effort, the
the City Council has tired of hearing the re- Hanford Carnegie Museum will host Haunt-
peated grievances. ed Flashlight Tours on the weekends (Fri-
The Hanford Carnegie Museum day-Sunday) on October 11-13, 19-20, and
is listed in the National Register of Histor- 25-27. The tours will start at 7 pm and take
ic Places, was saved from destruction and place at the museum. A donation of $5 is en-
renovated in 1974, and is the placeholder of couraged.
Hanford’s diverse history. It would be in the Reflecting on the anticipated long
city’s best interest to work with, preserve, and road ahead, Gonzalez and Dickerson try to
protect the museum. Instead, it chooses to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Their
squeeze them dry through strict enforcement hope is weighted with exhaustion, frustra-
of regulations and unrealistic timelines. tion, and melancholy. Yet, even still, they
A laundry list of eighteen items for have faith. They need to. Otherwise, they’d
correction was sent to the board, ranging have to accept the genuine and pressing al-
property – the lease cleverly puts the respon- looking at starting over again, but this time, ternative – shutting down.
from general grounds keeping to structural sibility of the property’s maintenance and laying the sod themselves with a group of
repairs such as cracks in the building’s walls When asked how she thought Han-
large-scale repairs onto the museum. volunteers to save on costs. And, at the time ford would suffer without its museum, Gon-
– all to be completed within 10 days. The The board has been doing its best of this article, with thirty days to ensure its
museum has only one full-time staff mem- zalez said, “Closing the museum would mean
to meet the requirements, but a step forward success. closing up the history of [our] people.”
ber. The notice held no consideration for has been three steps back. Among the long As the call for repairs and updates
a third-party repair company’s availability Gonzalez, Dickerson, and the rest
list of repairs, fresh sod was needed in the continue to stack up, and the timelines short- of the board welcome you to visit the muse-
or the specification that any updates to the back courtyard to meet the City’s landscap- en – the board’s resources dwindle.
building required the City’s approval to make um, to become members, and support their
ing regulations. They did, but mother nature “I think it’s going to close the muse- efforts to help ensure that the Hanford Car-
sure repairs were “consistent with the nature struck them with a fungal disease that wiped um, to be honest with you,” Gonzalez shares.
of the historic building.” negie Museum continues to be a pillar of the
out their new grass in a matter of weeks – Losing the museum would mean community for many years to come.
What’s more, the city owns the over $3,000 down the drain. The board is losing the connective thread that bridge the

A Creative Twist on
Halloween Carvings
(Family Features) When it comes to Hallow- base for carving.
een, carving the same pumpkin designs each * Draw the design on the watermelon rind
year can become routine. This year, save a with a dry-erase marker before cutting. If
pumpkin and carve your spooky masterpiece you make a mistake, this can make it easier
into a watermelon instead. to wipe off.
Nutrient-rich watermelon can be a
healthy alternative to other sweet treats full * Use a sharp knife with a pointed tip for eas-
of added sugar during Halloween festivities ier, cleaner cuts. Consider a paring knife with
as it’s a source of vitamins A and C as well as a smaller tip for ease of detail.
the antioxidant lycopene and the amino acid * Blend scraps of watermelon that are too
citrulline. messy for dicing or slicing to create an easy
Because they are made up of 92% juice. Toothpicks, pins or glue watermelon. Reserve watermelon balls. Use
water, watermelons can be an effective way For more watermelon carving ideas, scoop to remove remaining watermelon.
to stay hydrated during trick-or-treating, and Wash watermelon under cool running water
creations like a Mummy or Jack O’Melon and pat dry. Using vegetable peeler, remove green skin off
can help satisfy sweet cravings while keeping On cutting board, place watermelon on its outside of watermelon, similar to peeling cu-
friends and family members frightfully de- side and use kitchen knife to cut off 1/4-1/2- cumber.
lighted. Supplies and Tools: inch of rind from bottom to provide sturdy Wrap thin strips cheesecloth or gauze around
Watermelon, Cutting board base, being careful not to cut too deep into mummy carving and secure with straight
To get started, consider these carving tips Kitchen knife, Dry-erase marker white part of rind. Cut 1-2 inches from stem pin, if needed.
and tricks: Paring knife, Melon baller end to create opening for bowl to be added. Place battery-operated candle or light inside
Scoop, Vegetable peeler Using dry-erase marker, draw eyes, nose and carving and fit small bowl into top of carv-
* To make cutting and slicing easier, the wa- Cheesecloth or gauze mouth, along with wavy slits around carving. ing. Trim away excess rind to make bowl fit
termelon should be at room temperate when Straight pin (optional) Use paring knife to cut them out, being sure securely.
carving. Battery-operated candle or light to cut through to red flesh to let more light
Small bowl flow through. Fill bowl with melon balls. Attach candy
* Cut a small, thin, flat piece from the bot-
Blueberries or bloody candy eyes eyes or blueberries using a toothpicks, pins
tom of the watermelon to provide a stable Use melon baller to hollow out inside of or glue.
By I. smiley G. Calderón

F or those of us who are not too familiar

with Día de Muertos, or “Day of the Dead”
- that seemingly mystical Mexican holiday
that immediately follows our comfortably
familiar Halloween night of all things spooky
and sweet. Seeing skulls and bones not only
decorated but celebrated alongside candlelit
altars may seem strange - or even scary, and
talking about death may seem eerie, too.
But, the truth is, Día de Muertos is much
more than a time to dress up and eat, or talk
about death and dying. Unlike the Halloween
of today, where fun and terror go hand-in-
hand, Día de Muertos is a traditional time
for commemoration and celebration of
loved ones who have passed on. It is a special
time of reflection and spirituality - a time to
remember the dead and invite their memory
and essence to come alive. Mini altars with
candles and photos of loved ones surrounded
by the foods and drinks that they enjoyed
most while alive are erected and embellished
to remember them by. Día de Muertos is a
meaningful remembrance of our ancestors
as a celebration of life along with the dead.
Beyond that, it is at the same time recognizing
our collective fate: death, the complete cycle
of life.
Honestly, I’m no Día de Muertos
expert, and personally, my Chicano family
doesn’t even celebrate it. We’ve lost our tra-
ditional connection to Mexico through many about this important holiday from someone Mauro effectively demonstrates how visual incorporating all of the colors of the whole
generations of living in the United States, as- who could genuinely resonate its essence and representations of Día de Muertos can go well spectrum in his work is important and vital.
similating to mainstream culture. Like many help me better understand its magical tradi- beyond skull imagery. And, it is especially meaningful in this piece.
Americans, I just conveniently thought that tion. So, I turned to a local popular Fresnan   His work is a beautiful six-piece   Mauro explained to me his person-
Día de Muertos was the Mexican version artist, Mauro Carrera, for the lesson. Mauro, modular painting full of vibrant colors and al experience with Día de Muertos, as it is a
of the American Halloween. Oh boy was I a Mexican visual artist, and muralist raised evocative imagery that captures the nexus of significant spiritual holiday for him and his
wrong. Unlike Halloween, which has now and educated in Fresno, recently finished an two worlds connected - the living and the family. Every year, his family honors their an-
evolved into a night of wicked fun without acrylic painting celebrating Día de Muertos dead. Mauro’s color expression is crucial to cestors by preparing beautiful altars for their
spiritual significance, Día de Muertos has and graciously shared it him, especially in retell- passed loved ones. They decorate them with
maintained its indigenous tradition of hon- with me. He calls it: Entre ing ancient afterlife my- pictures, favorite foods and drinks and, of
oring the dead. And despite any religious or Mictlan y El Barrio (trans- thology. He tells me with course, with the beautiful Marigold flowers
governmental opposition. For example, the lated: Between Mictlan and an artistic seriousness for their potent scents and vibrant bright col-
Catholic Church, in their attempt to con- The Neighborhood).  What that poignantly matches ors. (When Mauro described this altar flower
vert the indigenous to Christianity and strip makes this piece so unique the topic: to me, sadly, I didn’t know which he was re-
American natives of their roots, hijacked Día is that it captures a dif-   “I’m trying to ferring to. So, he sent me a beautiful picture
de Muertos and relabeled it “All Saints Day” ferent vantage of Día de acknowledge all that is of him with an armful of them so that I’d nev-
and “All Souls Day.” This came after they Muertos. Instead of the through color - tapping er forget)
realized that the people refused to abandon ubiquitous images of La into the concept of God.”    But, I asked him - what if I’m not
such an essential part of their culture. Strong Calavera Catrina - the   Indeed, with Mexican, Mauro? Or, what if I’m atheist -
traditions die hard, and every year on the first iconic female sugar skull all of its incredible col- can I still appreciate and celebrate this sacred
and second of November, traditional Mexi- - and other myriad skull ors and tones,  Entre holiday? His candid answer? Absolutely. To
can families gather around to remember their imagery, Mauro focuses Mictlan y El Barrio  is a Mauro, Día de Muertos is about honoring
loved ones. They invite their memory back on the more mystical and remarkable reflection and remembering your ancestors, your fam-
to the land of the living, honoring and re- spiritual aspect of this hol- that truly taps into the ily, your loved and missed ones. 
membering their ancestors. All while enticing iday. He highlights Xoloitzcuintli, or “Xolo” spiritual energy of Día de Muertos. In the   “Even if you’re not Latino, even if
them with sweetbreads and drinks placed on for short - the ancient mini hairless dog breed center of the painting flickers a single candle you’re agnostic, even if you’re atheist,” he tells
personalized altars dedicated to their memo- who is said to welcome the dead as their spirit - an iconic image of light and life in the next me. It is a magical time to celebrate the Day
ry. It is a unique and magical time. guide to Mictlan, the mythological under- world - which Mauro painted to represent of the Dead - alive.
This is why I wanted to learn more world and land of the dead. In this piece, all of the colors of the chakras. For Mauro,

Newsboys United - The Big Fresno Workshop: Post-Production – 27th Annual Intermountain Har-
October 4-10 Community Fair Wednesday, October 9 at 7 PM Adobe Premiere Oct 16 at 6 PM – vest Arts Festival. October 12, 10-
– 9 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Oct 17 at 9 PM CMAC 1555 Van Ness 5. October 13, 10-4. Free family
Fill The Need Thursday, October Chance Ave, Fresno. The Big Fresno Ave, Suite 201, Fresno. Learn the ba- friendly event. Music, Arts & Crafts,
Art 10 at 11 AM – 11 PM The Big Fres-
no Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno.
Fair is the largest annual event in sics of Adobe Premiere. Covers con- Food, Children’s activities. At Sier-
the Central Valley, attracting more cepts of editing: making cuts, adding ra High School, 33326 Lodge Rd.
Metal Mondays at Ideaworks Mon- he Big Fresno Fair and Valley Chil- than 600,000 people each October music and simple effects. Certifica- Tollhouse.
day, October 7 at 6 PM – 9 PM Idea- dren’s have partnered to help “Fill during its two-week run featuring tion is required for reserving CMAC
works 1730 H Street, Fresno. From the Need” in our community by of- exhibits, a livestock show, live horse edit stations. Workshop requires Monster Bash Saturday, October
welding to machining, if your focus fering a special $4 “Fill the Need” racing, musical entertainment, edu- basic computer skills. This workshop 12 at 10 AM – 5 PM Coarsegold
is on metal, then Metal Mondays are ticket of which half will be donated cational programs and more. is in two parts: Part 1: Wed, Oct 16, Historical Village 35300 Highway
for you. This weekly event is free and to Valley Children’s in support of 6–9pm Part 2: Thu, Oct 17, 6–9pm 41, Coarsegold. Join us for a movie
open to the public. All ages are wel- their mission to increase access for Membership must be paid prior to monster themed, fun family event.
come, but anyone under the age of lifesaving healthcare for Valley kids.
You can purchase your tickets online
21 & Over training Contact For Scheduling: Featuring Unicorn rides, A bounce
18 needs to be accompanied by an (559) 266-2622 house for the kids, tarot readers,
adult. in advance; all online fees have been The Big Fresno Fair Brew Fest Sat- astrologist,henna artist,performing
waived thanks to eTix. urday, October 5 at 2 PM – 5 PM arts,music and all types of vendors.
FilltheNeed19 Just come to the Fair The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Theater
Theater on Thurs, 10/10 and get your $4
“Fill the Need” ticket at the gate.
Ave, Fresno. If you like beer then The Fresno High Flea Saturday, Oc-
you need to be here! Enjoy delicious A Faithful Man, presented by Fres- tober 12 at 10 AM – 2 PM Fresno
Los Lobos Thursday, October 10 at Half of your ticket purchase will go brews from inside the horse racing no Filmworks Friday, October 11 at High School 1835 Echo Ave, Fresno.
8 PM – 10 PM Visalia Fox Theatre to Valley Children’s. The Big Fresno track at the 3rd Annual Brew Fest 5:30 PM & 8:30 PM Tower Theatre
308 W Main St, Visalia. Fair’s “Fill the Need” tickets are only at The Big Fresno Fair on Sat, 10/5 809 E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets fres- 27th Annual Intermountain Har-
good on Thurs, 10/10. starting at 2 p.m.! Come out and French filmmaker vest Arts Festival. October 12, 10-
We Will Rock You - The Musical on enjoy 30+ breweries, music, lawn Louis Garrel’s second full-length fea- 5. October 13, 10-4. Free family
Tour Thursday, October 10 at 8 PM – games, food trucks, horse betting ture, the film was an official selection friendly event. Music, Arts & Crafts,
9:45 PM Tickets Family stations and MORE for only $35! at the Toronto International Film Fes- Food, Children’s activities. At Sierra
Designated driver tickets are avail- tival. The film follows Abel and the High School, 33326 Lodge Rd. Toll-
The Big Fresno Fair Saturday, Octo- able for $25. To purchase tickets interesting situations that change house.
Calling All Promotors We can ber 2-14 at 10 AM – 10 PM The Big and to see a list of participating his life. Marianne leaves Abel for
help get you out there. 559-472- Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fres- breweries please visit: Paul, his best friend and the father Wednesday Half Price Games at
7182 no. Tickets The BFFBrewFest of her unborn child. Eight years later, Dave & Buster’s! Wednesday, Octo-
Big Fresno Fair is far more than just Paul dies and Abel and Marianne get ber 16 at 10 AM – 11:59 PM Dave
the Central Valley’s largest annual back together — much to the dismay & Buster’s 212 E River Park Cir, Fres-
event, attracting more than 600,000 of Eva, who has secretly loved Abel no.
patrons each year. It is a year-round
rental facility spanning 165 acres October 11-17 since childhood, and Marianne’s son
Joseph, who is convinced that Mari-

held under a 50-year lease with the anne poisoned Paul. A light-hearted Kids
County of Fresno, and it is host to
over 250 annual events.
Art and engaging comedy, Garrel infus-
es the spirit of vintage French New Free Bully Prevention Workshop
Wave cinema into his latest as direc-Never get bullied again! Open to all
Catrinas & Couture - OCTOBER 12
tor. Garrel stars in the film, along with
kids ages 6-18 Bullying is a huge
Senior Fashion Show & Gala International
fashion designer MITZY will be giv- Laetitia Casta and Lily-Rose Depp. Inproblem in our kids every day lives.
ing us a phenomenal show at Plaza French, with English subtitles This workshop will teach your kids
Bridge 10/7 1-3pm Palm Village how to handle a Bully situation the
Paz. Join us for a night filled with art,
Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite The Lost Boys (1987) Saturday, Oc- “Right Way” Participants will learn:
design, music, and great food. MITZY
111A (559) 916-3078 tober 12 at 7 PM – 9 PM Fox Han- What a Bully is and how to recognize
Fashion, glamour, and style are all
ford 326 N Irwin St, Hanford. Ticketsa bully 4 key ways to handle a bully
words characteristic to Mitzy, a Mex-
Canasta 10/9 1:30-3:30pm Palm situation 4 key ways to help a friend
ican designer who has worked for
Village Senior Network 7638 N In- being bullied Special techniques
top celebrities in show business for
gram Suite 111A (559) 916-3078 to stand up for themselves without
over 35 years. Wanting to become a

fashion designer ever since the age Family fighting. This is a Free event to the
community. We encourage you to
Sports of 15, he has worked for famous ce-
lebrities such as Verónica Castro, Is- Reedley Fiesta - 2019 Oct 11 at 4 invite friends or anyone who may be
abel Pantoja, Rocío Jurado, and even PM – Oct 12 at 4 PM Pioneer Park getting bullied. We will provide lunch
Fresno State Bulldogs Womens 953 G St, Reedley. One of Reedley’s after the event for all participants.
Thalia, for whom he designed a spec-
Volleyball vs. UNLV Rebels Women’s biggest events and long lasting tra-
tacular wedding dress. Mitzy inspires
Volleyball aturday, October 5 at 1 PM ditions. Food, Beer & Wine Garden,
those who appreciate style, high
Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw Ave,
fashion, and want uncompromising Craft & Retail Vendors, and Live Senior
quality. Tickets are now available Music on Friday Night from 4 to 10
on p.m. Saturday includes: Fiesta Walk/ Coloring & POTLUCK 10/11 12-
Run (starts at 7 a.m.), Fiesta Pa- 2pm Palm Village Senior Network
Music teamericas
rade (starts at 10 a.m.), Frog Jump 7638 N Ingram Suite 111A (559)
27th Annual Intermountain Harvest Contest (12 p.m. to 2 p.m.) and a 916-3078
La Marcha at the Big Fresno Fair Community Talent Show (starts at 2
Arts Festival. October 12, 10-5. Oc-
Sunday, October 6 at 6 PM – 10 PM p.m.). Bridge 10/14 1-3pm Palm Village
tober 13, 10-4. Free family friendly
The Big Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite
event. Music, Arts & Crafts, Food,
Ave, Fresno. Free event with paid ad- Calling All Promotors We can 111A (559) 916-3078
Children’s activities. At Sierra High
mission. help get you out there. 559-472-
School, 33326 Lodge Rd. Tollhouse.
7182 Exercise 10/15 10:30AM Palm Vil- lage Senior Network 7638 N Ingram
Suite 111A (559) 916-3078




OCT 10
10 •• THURS
OCT 22 •• WED
6 •• SUN
OCT 11
11 •• FRI
OCT 12
12 •• SAT
OCT 77 •• MON
8 •• TUES
OCT 13
13 •• SUN
4 •• FRI
9 •• WED
OCT 55 •• SAT
OCT 14
14 •• MON

OCT 12
2PM -- 5PM

- 2pm-5pm - NERIES
ies food trucks & music HORSE BETTING STA
horse betting sta

BUY TICKETS NOW! not included in concer

t ticket. Tickets are not
for resale.
. Fa ir admission m a third party
Artists subject to cha
nge tickets purchased fro
e Fa ir does not gua rantee the validity of

Connect With Us
Prizes available to the winners of the early. Tickets can be purchased on-
Family costume contest! line here: https://www.fresnochaf-
Halloween Spooktacular Thurs-
Hobbs Grove Halloween Haunt day, October 24, 2019 at 6 PM – 9 Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
Starting October 4th, as we welcome PM Clovis Veterans Memorial District at Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. Fri-
YOU into our wickedly weird world 808 4th St, Clovis. Join us as we host day, October 25 at 8 PM – 9:46 PM
here at Hobb’s Grove for the 2019 a Halloween Spooktacular! Local Vet- Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. 1170
HALLOWEEN season! Our spine-tin- eran Service Organizations and Com- Broadway Plaza, Fresno.
gling team of Hobb’s Ghouls, Gob- munity Service Organizations will
lins & Fangtastically FUN Freaks come together to host this evening The Exorcist (1973) at Historic
are hungry and ready to feast upon of family fun including trick-or-treat- Crest Theatre Fresno. Saturday, Oc-
your SCREAMS! Tell your friends, ing, ghastly games, bounce hous- tober 26 at 11:55 PM – 2:10 AM
bring your family! Opening week- es, creepy crafts, and more! Bring Historic Crest Theatre Fresno 1170
end features our popular RED Ex- the entire family and don’t forget to Broadway Plaza, Fresno. Costumes
tra-Discount Combo Tickets! New dress up as we celebrate the fall sea- Welcomed & Encouraged!
to the magical midway this year are son! The event is open to the pub- Woofstock Saturday, October 26 at
the Mad Muffin 5 minute Escape lic and free of charge, donations of 2 PM – 8 PM Zumwalt Park Tulare,
Rooms! Single & combo tickets to canned foods are welcomed and will California. Dog adoptions, live music,
our frightfully famous Haunted For- benefit the Salvation Army. Pre-Reg- food trucks, vendors,dog costume
est, Haunted House & Haunted Hay- ister to skip the waiver line! Visit our contest, and much more!
ride are available. Info can be found eventbrite: https://halloweenspook-
at Monster Mash Dash Saturday, Oc-
tober 26 at 9 AM – 11:30 AM Wood-
Country Pumpkins Fall Boo-tique The Haunted Yard - A 3-Night ward Park 7775 N Friant Rd, Fresno.
Saturday, October 12 at 9 AM – 2 PM Spooktacular Event For All! Ted C. Join us for the 2019 Monster Mash
Longhorn Feed And Supply 5092 N Wills Community Center 770 N San Dash, Fresno’s Halloween Run! Fun
Academy Ave, Clovis. Come out and Pablo Ave, Fresno. Come and enjoy family event with a 5k and Little Mon-
shop local vendors for all your holi- the thrills & chills of THE HAUNTED ster Dash! Haunted house medal-
day needs! Everything from candles YARD at Ted C. Wills Community lion that opens up. Glow in the Dark
to jewelry to home decor! Bring the Center during this spooky Hallow- shirt, decorated course, lots of photo
kids to the feed store to find your per- een season! The Haunted Yard Tours ops and a spooktacular fun time!
fect pumpkin for the fall! also provides a family-friendly envi-
ronment called “The Chicken Coup”
5th Annual Boofest Saturday, Octo- that includes carnival games, candy, Family Fall Festival Saturday, Oc-
ber 19 at 6 PM – 9 PM Sierra Vista arts & crafts, and much more! Daily tober 26 at 1 PM – 4 PM LifeBridge
Mall 1050 Shaw Ave, Clovis. Join us Tour Fee - $2.00 (CASH ONLY) THE Community Church 5125 N. Gates
for our 5th annual Boofest and Mall- HAUNTED YARD A 3 Night Spooktac- Ave., Fresno. Join us for a day full of
Wide Trick or Treating event! Carnival ular Event For All Thursday, October fun for the whole family! Come and
games, trunk or treat, reptiles, face 24th - Kid’s Night - 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 enjoy our Family Fall Festival on Sat-
painting, bounce houses, emergency p.m. Friday, October 25th - 6:00 p.m. urday, October 26th, 1 - 4pm. 5125
vehicles, arts and crafts and more! to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, October 26th N. Gates Ave. Fresno, CA 93722.
- 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Enjoy games, inflatables, food, can-
Hobb’s Grove PUMPKIN RUN! dy, and music! This event is FREE!!
Oct. 19th, we kick off the Pumpkin ZooBoo 2019 FRI, OCT 25 & 26 Make sure to register to reserve
Grove Pumpkin Patch weekends 5:00 PM Fresno Chaffee Zoo 894 W your FREE ticket today by clicking

SPOOK-TACULAR SAVINGS! with a morning 5K Run, Trot or Walk

through the beautiful and not scary
back-lands of The Grove. Then stay
Belmont Ave, Fresno. Join us for our
annual ZooBoo celebration - There
are FOUR nights to choose from!
this link: https://www.eventbrite.
com/e/family -fall-festival-tick-
for all the Pumpkin Grove Festivities. The entire Zoo will be decorated for search
These are pix from our friend’s run these special evenings of spooktacu-
in Ohio and we’ll have our own for lar fun! Trick-or-treat through the zoo The Spooky Playground Saturday,
next year. Proceeds go to St. Jude at dusk, get lost in the hay maze, get October 26 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM Tiny
Children’s Hospital. Details here: up close with our Education Animal Tots Playground 2930 E. Nees Ave. See Ambassadors, dance the night away #105, Fresno. Put on your costumes
y’all this Fall! to kid-friendly music at Dracula’s and join us for a night of snackS,


Discount is taken off the subtotal, before taxes. One time use only, must surrender at the
Pups & Suds: A Spooktacular Night
Disco (in Canopy Grove), play carni-
val games and win prizes at Game
pumpkin painting, playtime! $8 per
child, members receive 10% off. Lim-
in the Garden Sunday, October 20 at Lane (located in Canopy Grove - extra ited space available on the roster -
time of purchase. Cannot be combined with any other transaction discounts. No photo-
5 PM – 8 PM Gazebo Gardens Nurs- charges apply). Children are encour- REGISTER EARLY!
copies accepted. Valid only at Clovis location. Expires 10/31/2019. CASHIER USE: S20G10
ery 3204 N Van Ness Blvd, Fresno. aged to dress in costumes. (Non-
Monday - Satruday
A $10 cover charge will be collected
at the door and you can purchase
scary costumes are appropriate for
this event – please select a costume
Trunk or Treat October 26 at 11AM
to 2PM Harley-Davidson of Fresno
Want to donate? Need a pick-up? We can come to you! whatever food your heart desires! All that is appealing to children and 4345 W Shaw Ave. Bring all the kids
proceeds benefit Fresno Humane’s
(559) 892-2120 for pick-ups and store info!
does not contain horror elements of and bring your best costumes! To re-
medical fund. This is a dog-friendly any kind.) Adults, please do not wear serve your spot (599)275-8586
We accept gently used clothing, household items, furniture, and more!
event (on-leash and poop-bags at the a full face mask or have your face
Sales from your donations help fund numerous programs with
Hinds Hospice - Thank you for your support!
ready). Costumes are encouraged! completely covered. Purchase tickets
4th Annual Bass Lake Halloween Trunk or Treat October 31 at 6:00 Madera Rotary Halloween Ball
Carnival & Fall Festival Saturday, - 8:30 PM Trunk or Treat is a FREE Fun-Raiser “The Monster Bash” Sat,
October 26 at 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM event for families to dress up, eat October 19 at 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
The Pines Resort, Bass Lake 54432 candy, and enjoy bounce houses Hatfield Hall at Madera Fairgrounds
Road 432, Bass Lake. https://bass- and games. You can also plan to 1850 Cleveland Avenue Madera. enjoy dinner as we’ll have hot dogs, BUFFET DINNER DESSERT BAR
pizza, nachos, and other tasty treats GAMES SILENT/LIVE AUCTION DJ
Dia De Los Muertos Saturday, Octo- available for a minimal cost. Rain or DOMSOLO & DANCING COSTUME
ber 26 at 6 PM – 10 PM Meux Home Shine, we’ll be here waiting for all the CONTEST OVER THE TOP DECORA-
Museum 1007 R Street, Fresno. superheroes and princesses to show TIONS CALL 559-674-5401 FOR
Community event. Shop with your up for a great time! 4625 W Palo Alto MORE INFORMATION $30 of each
favorite vendors, handmade items Ave Fresno. ticket goes towards Rotary projects,
and retail. Tarot readers , stones and scholarships and community organi-
crystals ,music, performers,food and Halloween Bash Thursday, October zations
fun. Kid friendly. 31 at 6 PM – 9 PM No Surrender La-
ser Tag & Adventure Park 1200 Shaw Fresnoween 2019 Saturday, Octo-
Creepy Photo Howl-O-Ween Spook- Avenue Suite 103, Clovis. Calling all ber 19 at 8 PM – 1:30 AM Rainbow
tacular Sunday, October 27 at 2 PM Creatures of the Night! Come spend Ballroom 1725 Broadway St, Fres-
– 7 PM Tioga Sequoia Brewing Com- Halloween at No Surrender Adven- no18+ w/ Bars Available for 21+
pany 745 Fulton St, Fresno. Get your ture Park! Party starts at 6pm... Cos-
“Freak On” with this creepy photo tume contest at 8pm Live DJ all night
event in costume with your favorite and fun for all!!!! *Come in costume 2019 Fresno Haunted Mansion Hal-
4-legged pal! Photographer Amanda for $5 attractions! loween Party Saturday, October 26
Angle is ready to capture your cra- at 8 PM – 2 AM The Standard9455
zy cute moment with you and your Halloween at the Market Thursday, N Fort Washington Rd, Fresno.
bestie! October 31, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 9
PM Thursday Night Market Place in
3rd Annual Fall Festival Civic Au- Downtown Hanford Irwin and Sev- Tac OPS Halloween Party October
ditorium Grounds Sunday, October enth Streets, Hanford. It’s HALLOW- 26 at 4 PM to 10 PM Tactical OPS
27 at 1 PM – 4 PM Hanford Parks EEN at Thursday Night Market Place Brewing 1131 Railroad Clovis. Live
& Recreation 321 N Douty St, Suite sponsored by Family HealthCare Net- music, costume contests, pumpkin
B, Hanford. Kids $1 wristbands will work. Family HealthCare Network is carving contest,
be available for sale at the Hanford hosting their annual Harvest Festival
Parks and Recreation office located in Civic Park during the market! This DAY of the DEAD Oct 26 at 9 AM –
at 321 N. Douty Street (Suite B) Oc- is a costume party for all ages and Oct 27 at 3 PM Fresno Airsoft 2365 S
tober 1st. Fee includes bounce hous- there will be BIG PRIZES! Best group Delno Ave, Fresno. FREE ADMISSION
es, train, fire truck and carousel rides costume, best adult costume, best AND RENTALS FOR COSPLAYERS/
and one free visitn with a candy treat kid’s costume and more! The kiddos ZOMBIES FREE ADMISSION AND
in the kids friendly haunted maze. can enjoy trick or treating throughout RENTALS FOR WORK FOR PLAY FREE
The event is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. downtown Hanford. Last year we had BARBEQUE 9am Saturday till Sun-
Wristbands are $2 day of event for thousands of kiddos trick or treat so day 3pm Be ready by 1st game for
kids 12 years and younger. Parents we will be ready for you this year with a FREE pass Gift Certificates Avail-
are free. There will be craft and food tricks and treats for everyone! able 2 passes for $20; 2 rentals for
booths and the Macey Blue Band $50; 30 Day pass for $30; 3 month
performing on the outdoor stage. Dia De Los Muertos Friday Novem- pass for $60; Unlimited Annual Pass
ber 1 at 5:30 PM 5:30 PM - 10 PM $180 Get on The List for exclusive
2019 TDMC POOCH Parade, Ca- Dontown Visalia. Free Event! Food, discounts. text 307-7895 to get on
nine Carnival and Costume Contest beer, music and dancing. The List
Sunday, October 27, 2019 at 1 PM
– 5 PM Detention Billiards Parking Hot Girl Halloween Thursday, Octo-
Lot. You can look forward to a vari-
ety of feature product and food ven-
21 & Over ber 31 at 7 PM – 11:59 PM Chuk-
chansi Park Tickets
dors,the Beer & Bone Garden, family com Tickets are JUST $10 for the
entertainment, music and some of 10th Annual Zombie Crawl Satur- 18+/21+ #HotGirlHalloween Party
the most incredible human and dog day, October 12 at 7:30 PM Tower on October 31 at Chuckchansi Park
costumes you’ve ever seen. From District, Fresno. Wristbands for the in Downtown Fresno! Grab your
1:00 to 3:00 p.m.enjoy the Canine event are $10 and will get you into homies and get your tickets TODAY at
Carnival featuring one-of-a-kind dog all bars with no cover as well as drink!
products and services, samples of specials. Wristbands will be available
dog food and treats, and family en- at BeBe O’s in Tower and Blue Shell Halloween Bash with Marie Wilson
tertainment. At 3:00, contestants Gaming in Clovis soon. Cash only. Band Friday November 1 at 6 PM to
and furry friends will strut their stuff Prepurchasing is highly encouraged 10 PM Kings River Winery 4276 S
in the Pooch Parade along the side- as we had over 2,000 zombie last Greenwood Ave Sanger. Tickets are
walks of Olive Avenue, ending back year! This is a 21+ event. Please $10 online or $15 at the gate. Bring
at the festival site for final judging of drink responsibly. your chair or blanket for this show.
the Canine Costume Contest. This
event is FREE to attend.
La Arrolladora Sunday, October Nightclub 5665 N. Blackstone Ave
Sports 13 at 7 PM – 12 AM The Big Fres- Suite 110, Fresno. $22 ADVANCE/
no Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fres- $28 DOOR/ $35 VIP THE PERFECT
King of the West-NARC at the Cot- no. GIRLS NIGHT OUT Come And See
ton Classic Saturday, October 12 at The #1 Show in the World, and find
5 PM – 10 PM Keller Auto Speed- Willie Nelson & Family Monday, out for yourself what all the fuss is
way at Kings Fairgrounds- Hanford October 14 at 7 PM – 8 PM The Big about.
801 S. 10th Ave, Hanford. Sprint Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave,
car fans will be treated to a gem of Fresno.
open wheel racing at the 34th An-
nual Cotton Classic at Keller Auto
October 18-24
Speedway in Hanford. The October 21 & Over
12th event will feature both the King
of the West-NARC Fujitsu 410 Sprint Oktoberfest Saturday, October 12
Cars and the 360’s of the Sprint Car at 5 PM – 10 PM Civic Center Park Judy Niemeyer’s “Rainforest Blos-
Challenge Tour 113 Court St, Hanford. Tickets www.

The Hammer
soms” Saturday, October 19 at 10 Unlimited AM – 4 PM Kiki’s Quilt Shack 5747
Grappling of the Badges #1 Sun- Craft Beer and Food for only $35! N. Palm Ave, Fresno. Tickets kikis-
day, October 13 at 5 PM – 11:30 Oktoberfest will be in Civic Park on The Rainforest Blos-
PM Civic Center Auditorium 400 N Saturday, October 12th from 5pm soms is constructed using 2 distinct

Road Rally
Douty St, Hanford. Public Service to 10pm. This year, Oktoberfest is groups, comprised of (8) Center Di-
related jiu jitsu/grappling competi- NEW AND IMPROVED! Lady and amonds in a Group A, and border
tion. Super fight format. Champion- the Tramps will be performing on blocks that result in a 68″ Square
ship divisions. Come out and watch the Courthouse Stage and DJ “The quilt as Group B. The quilt blocks
police, fire, military, medics, emt’s, Marshall” will be closing out the were designed by Brad and Judy

Bicycle Race
dispatchers, vets, etc. battle it out night with all your favorite songs un- Niemeyer. This pattern is Quiltster
in submission only grappling; Super til 10pm. You do not want to miss Compatible! This means you can
fight type card. These are individual this! color the quilt with your favorite Fab-
single matches. Get some great food ric Collection in Quiltster before you
(Bar B Que, Tacos/burritos, or Acai The Emo Night Tour - Fresno Satur- make it and obtain yardage! Pattern
Bowl, grab a beer or a coke, sit back day, October 12 at 8 PM – 1:30 AM
T he Hammer Road Rally Bicycle race brings fun and fundraising Size: 68″ x 68″ This is a 4-Day Class:
and enjoy! These guys and girls will Fulton 55 875 Divisadero St, Fresno.
for the arts to Fresno CountyThe secret is out: Fresno County Oct. 19: 10am-4pm Nov. 9: 10am-
put it all on the line to get a chance to Imagine going to a show and hearing 4pm Dec. 13: 10am-4pm Jan. 18:
is earning its reputation as a basecamp for world-class cycling. compete for the Championship Belt Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy , 10am-4pm Event fee $140 Educa-
On October 19, several hundred riders from all over the US will of their Division. Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical tor: CI Patsy Carpenter
converge on Shaver Lake for the Hammer Road Rally, a bicycle race Romance and many more, all only
that will take them on a challenging and scenic journey into the Fresno State Bulldogs Womens playing their Best Songs...ALL Night Toasting the Arts 2019 Saturday,
Volleyball vs. San Diego State Aztecs Long. Welcome to The Emo Night
seldom-traveled backroads of the Sierra National Forest.  October 19 at 5:30 PM – 10 PM
Volleyball Monday, October 14 at 6 Tour. The Emo Night DJ’s will be
The Hammer was born of one local resident’s passion PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw
Fresno City College 1101 E Universi-
for cycling. Edward O. Lund, a Fresno State faculty member, spinning all the angst your teenage ty Ave, Fresno. Our annual fundrais-
Ave, Fresno. dirtbag heart desires all night long
avid cyclist, artist, curator, and one of the founding organizers of er auction and dinner ‘Toasting the
and will make you feel like you’re at
Fresno’s Art Hop, tragically lost his life in late 2015 due to a cycling Arts’ is going to be another wonder-
Warped Tour ‘08 minus all the dust
accident. His family honors his legacy at the Hammer, which Music and melting in the sun!
ful opportunity to share an evening in
support of FCC Arts; including Fine,
serves as a fundraiser for the Ed Lund Foundation, which supports Performing, Communications and
aspiring artists at Fresno State University through a study-abroad Night Heat Rocks Outlaw Tavern Christopher Titus - Stories I Creative Writing. Toasting the Arts
scholarship program. The race is produced by Bike Monkey, the Friday, October 11 at 9 PM – 1 AM Shouldn’t Tell Saturday, October 12 takes place in the lovely West Court-
Outlaw Tavern 325 Clovis Ave, Clo- at 8 PM – 11 PM Tower Theatre 809
cycling events team behind Levi’s GranFondo and other world-class yard of the historic Old Administration
vis. E Olive Ave, Fresno. Tickets towerthe-
bike rides all over Northern California. 
Building at Fresno City College. Tick-
The Hammer Road Rally aims to serve hardcore cyclists Employing what ets are $45 per person, $85 per cou-
Ice Cube Friday, October 11 at 7 he’s labeled ‘hard funny,’ Christo-
and beginners alike with four route options for all ability levels. ple, Table of 10: $425 Purchase your
PM – 9 PM The Big Fresno Fair 1121 pher Titus, star and creator of the
The largest route, the Hammer, is an epic ride with one particular tickets now by calling the Fresno City
S Chance Ave, Fresno. Tickets www. Fox show, “Titus,” has released eight College Box Office at 559.442.8221
climb even the most hardened rider will never forget: up and over ninety-minute albums in as many
Kaiser Pass, over 9,100’ above sea level. Cyclists looking for a years. Known for leaving no stone Artisan Fair Saturday, October 19
true adventure will encounter genuine gravel road segments that Festival de Mariachi Sunday, Oc- unturned, especially within his own at 10 AM – 1 PM The Revue 620 E
will challenge and inspire them. Both longer routes will be timed tober 13 at 6 PM – 8 PM The Big life and family, Titus takes his audi- Olive Ave, Fresno. Come support your
Fresno Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, ence on a 90-minute ride that will
with awards going to the top competitors in various age/gender local makers at this month’s Artisan
Fresno. You’ll get to see internation- leave them exhausted from laugh-
categories. al ranchera singer and songwriter
Fair! VENDORS: If you would like to
Now in its fourth year, the Hammer brings more than ter. To see one of Christopher Titus’ be a vendor, please e-mail artisan-
Beatriz Adriana, best known for her shows, is to love him.
just world-class cycling to Fresno – it also brings an afterparty that for more
top songs “La Basurita,” “Esta Situa-
has earned its reputation as a fun-filled destination for all ages, information!
cion” and “Adios y Bienvenida!” Also Fall Wine Festival Saturday, Octo-
rider and non-rider alike. Food trucks, fresh beer from Mad Duck joining the stage is Ranchera singer, ber 12 at 2 PM – 5 PM The Big Fres-
Brewing, and top-shelf live bands playing against the breathtaking
beauty 0f Shaver Lake make it an occasion that everyone will love.
Juan Valentin who has recorded doz-
ens of popular Mexican songs includ-
no Fair 1121 S Chance Ave, Fresno.
Tickets are $35 for event only. Des-
ing “Mujeres Divinas,” “Arboles de la ignate Driver tickets are available for
 --------- Pet Sematary (30th Anniversary) at
Barranca” and “Virgen de Mi Sole- $25. For more information please Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. Satur-
What: The Hammer Road Rally dad.” Then Mariachi Tenochtitlan, a visit: day, October 19 at 8 PM – 9:58 PM
Where: Edison Campground, Shaver Lake well-known local mariachi group that val Historic Crest Theatre Fresno. 1170
has performed on international stag-
When: October 19 Broadway Plaza, Fresno.
es will bring their talented musicians HUNKS The Show at Switch Lounge
What: A bike race that’s much more than a bike race. Live music, and vocals to the stage! FREE with
food, drinks, and art. paid Fair admission!
& Nightclub uesday, October 15 at
8 PM – 10 PM Switch Lounge And

End ‘O Summer Fly In & Car Show
Community Saturday, October 19 at 8 AM – 2 PM Music
Sierra Sky Park Airport E79, 4344 W.
Shred Event 2019 - Secure Your ID Spaatz Ave., Fresno. OPEN TO THE Mudd Fest Fresno with Puddle of
Day Saturday, October 19 at 9 AM PUBIC - FREE EVENT 8am-2pm (Dis- Mudd, Saliva, Trapt, Saving Abel &
– 12 PM Save Mart Center 2650 E play vehicles and aircraft may arrive Tantric Friday, October 18 at 4 PM –
Shaw Ave, Fresno. We’re happy to as early as 7am.) It is not necessary 10 PM Woodward Park 7775 North
announce our annual Shred Event to preregister. You may pick up a car Friant Road, Fresno.
is coming to Fresno! In partnership show form at the gate. Pilots will reg-
with Better Business Bureau Serving ister their aircraft at the hangar. Havok at Full Circle Brewing Co.
Central California & Inland Empire Monday, October 21 at 5 PM – 11
Counties, Golden 1 will be hosting Glorious Junk Days Vintage Market PM Full Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St,
a “Secure Your ID Day” Shred Event. Sunday, October 20 at 8 AM – 4 PM Fresno. All Ages / $18 Adv / $23 Dos
Bring up to TEN banker’s boxes of Old Town Clovis 456 Clovis Ave, Ste Tickets at:
personal documents and we’ll shred 2, Clovis. Come down to Old Town
them for free. Clovis for Glorious Junk Days! Enjoy Marbin at Full Circle Brewing Co
antiques, vintage goods, architectur- Wednesday, October 23 at 7 PM Full
Step Up For Down Syndrome 2019 al salvages, handmade treasures, Circle Brewing Co. 620 F St, Fresno.
Saturday, October 19 at 8 AM – 1 and free DIY demonstrations. Admis- Tickets $10
PM Down Syndrome Association of sion and parking are free. MARBIN is a progressive jazz-rock
Central California 1491 W Shaw Ave, band based in Chicago, IL, with a
Fresno. Step Up is a Timed 5K run/ 45th Annual Calico Art Festival Sun- unique story that stands out in to-
walk, 1 Mile Awareness Walk and day, October 20 at 11 AM – 4 PM day’s music world. With a do-it-your-
Festival being held on Saturday, Oc- Kings River Hardwick School 10300 self approach, Marbin started touring
tober 19, 2019 at the Clovis Rodeo Excelsior Avenue, Hanford. The Kings extensively in 2011, bringing their
Grounds. Every dollar raised at this River-Hardwick School District’s Par- original instrumental music to every
event stays local. Your participation ent Booster Club presents the 45th part of the United States.
and donation directly supports pro- Annual Calico Art Festival on October
grams and helps us raise awareness 20th, 2019! Come enjoy the BBQ University Presbyterian Church
about the unique gifts and contribu- Food Court, Silent Auction, Sweet Thursday, October 24 at 7:30 PM –
tions people with Down syndrome Shop, Bingo, Carnival Games, Farm- 9 PM University Presbyterian Church
make to our community. Now is your er’s Market, and Craft Booths from of Fresno 1776 E Roberts Ave, Fres-
opportunity to STEP UP and make a various vendors. no. Orphic is proud to present “Un-
difference! heard”; our newest offering focusing
Comedy Cafe Thursday, October on works commissioned by our en-
24 at 7 PM – 9 PM New Covenant semble. Composers include Alexjan-
Family Community Church 1744 E Nees Ave, dro Vinao, Shaun Tilburg, Kenneth
Fresno. Join us for dessert while en- Froelich, Bryce Cannell, and mem-
Fall Festival 2019 Saturday, Oc- joying the hilarious and expert ven- bers of Orphic, as well as previously
tober 19 at 10 AM – 4 PM Fresno triloqist, David Pendleton! Our event performed commissioned works by
State Gibson Farm Market 5368 N will be held at New Covenant Comu- Alexis Alrich and Stefan Cwik. Tickets
Chestnut Ave, Fresno. Family fun nity Church. Come for more laughs,
including food sampling, wine tast- more stories, and more investment
ing, kids zone, pumpkin patch, trac- in the lives of kids! Tickets are $25
tors, animals, and much more! This each or $250 for a table. Sponsor- 21 & Over
event free to the public and family ships available. Please call 559-237-
friendly! We can’t wait to see you 4741 for more information or visit Jerry Garcia & Jesus Sepulveda -
here! Lounge Friday, October 18 at 8:30
PM – 11:30 PM Tower Theatre 809 E
Fulton Street Party 2019 Saturday, Olive Ave, Fresno.
October 19 at 12 PM – 11 PM Fulton
District 845 Fulton St, Fresno. Ful-
Spice 1 & Rappin 4-Tay at Full Circle
ton St. Party kicks off as we go into Bridge 10/21 1-3PM Palm Village Brewing Saturday, October 19 at 8
the 3rd year since Fulton Street re- Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite PM – 12 AM Full Circle Brewing Co.
opened to vehicle traffic. The event 111A (559) 916-3078 620 F St, Fresno. Doors at 8pm | 21+
celebrates the ongoing revitalization | $20 Advance | $25 DOS
happening in downtown Fresno, Bingo 10/22 2-3pm Palm Village
highlighting the businesses, organi- Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite Superhero Soiree Saturday, Octo-
zations and people that make Down- 111A (559) 916-3078 ber 19 at 7 PM – 10 PM Carnegie
town Fresno so vibrant and unique. Arts Center of Turlock 250 N Broad-
We invite you to come experience the way. Enjoy food by The Udder Place,
positive change happening in our ur-
ban core and celebrate in the heart
Sports Blaker Brewing, E&J Gallo Winery,
music by Marson Brothers DJs,
of our city. Fulton Street Party will be UNLV Rebels at Fresno State Bull- amazing raffle prizes, special view-
a showcase of what Fresno has to of- dogs - Fresno Friday, October 18, ing of the “”My Hero!”” exhibition,
fer to our community. Stroll through 2019 at 7 PM – 10:59 PM Bulldog and more. Proceeds benefit the “”Ex-
the event to find the many activities Stadium 1600 E. Bulldog Lane, Fres- press Yourself: Justin Ferrari Youth
we planned for you. Some of the ac- no. Arts Fund”” that supports scholar-
tivities are: Taste of Fresno - Fulton ships, field trips and other arts edu-
Street pop-up shops - Mariposa out- Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Vol- cation activities at the Carnegie Arts
door Bar - Downtown Ale trail beer leyball vs. Utah State Womens Volley- Center. Bring your sidekick and let’s
tasting - Wine tasting - Local Live mu- ball Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 6 make it a SUPER night! Ages 21 and
sic - Local Craft Marketplace - Fulton PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw over.
Food Truck Fest. Ave, Fresno.

3rd Annual Harvest Fest Fundrais- Annual FOOD Bazaar Sunday,
October 25-31 er Sunday, October 27 at 1 PM – 6 October 27 at 11 AM – 3 PM Fres- Music
PM Woodward Park 7775 N Friant no Buddhist Temple 2690 E. Allu-
Rd, Fresno. Avila’s Cancer Fund has vial Ave., Fresno. Hungry for Jap- Luke Combs: Beer Never Broke My
Art been assisting cancer patients in the anese bento box or teriyaki beef, Heart Tour Friday, October 25 at 7
PM Save Mart Center 2650 E Shaw
Central Valley for three years.Join us sushi, poke, ramen, and other great
Kiki’s Workshop Monday, October help support our organization. Chili food?? Come on out to our annual Ave, Fresno.
28 at 10 AM – 3 PM Kiki’s Quilt Cook Off, Food, beer garden, vendor GINZA FOOD BAZAAR to see what he
Shack 5747 N. Palm Ave, Fresno booths, Live Music . Admission is have to offer! Calling All Promotors We can help
Fresno Coin Tickets Enjoy an
uninterrupted day of sewing with Kiki
FREE! Park fees may apply. (5) Tast-
ing Tickets (1) Ballot $5.00 Gates

Calling All Promotors We can help
get you out there. Let us take care
of the print and distribution. Need

Show is and friends! Reserve your spot to

relish in a day of sewing projects you
Open - 1:00 pm Chili Sampling - 2:00
pm Down 4 U - 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
get you out there. Let us take care
of the print and distribution. Need
a design? We can do that, too. 559-

Scheduled for
just have not had the time to work Winners Announced - 4:00 pm if you a design? We can do that, too. 559-
on. Bring your machines, friends and can’t attend, and would like to make 472-7182 Choir-Organ-Brass Festival Sun-
snacks, and make this your special day, October 27 at 4 PM – 5:30 PM
October 25-26
a donation go to www.avilascancer-
day of fun, creativity and relaxation. University Presbyterian Church of

FRESNO, CA – The Fresno

Class fee $10 Kids Fresno 1776 E Roberts Ave, Fresno.
The American Guild of Organists,

Numismatic Society will hold Tech Tuesdays at Ideaworks Tues- Family Night at the Museum Friday, Oc- Fresno Community Chorus, Inc., a
full brass band, and our friends and
its 53rd Annual Coin Show on day, October 29 at 6 PM – 9 PM tober 25 at 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Friday and Saturday October 25- Ideaworks 1730 H Street, Fresno. International Food Festival Satur- ImagineU Interactive Children’s Mu- fans invite you to join us for a festival
26, 2019, at The American Le- deaworks’ weekly technology meet- day, October 26 at 2 PM Manchester seum 210 N Tipton St, Visalia. Drop of music on Sunday, October 27th
up, Tech Tuesday, is your chance to Mall Fresno. Tickets www.citygrub- off your kiddos off at the museum, at University Presbyterian Church in
gion Post 509, at 3509 N. First
explore technology, learn new skills, FREE EVENT! Join us. In- for a night filled with fun, crafts, Fresno. This event is FREE!
Street in Fresno. Show hours are
and work on advanced tech proj- vite your friends and family to taste games, and IMAGINATION. While
from 10 am to 7 pm on Friday, Blueface, Coyotes, Flash Gottii Sat-
ects. Beginners are welcome to use the cities finest International foods they are being well cared for and en-
and 10am to 4pm on Saturday. our laptops and micro-controllers to urday, October 26 at 7 PM Rainbow
from local restaurants and street joying their VIP night at the museum,
There is a $2 admission charge, start down the path of creating their Ballroom- Empresa Valdivia 1725
food vendors! We partnered with parents can take a little break and
and children up to age 16 are ad- own robotics, automation, or “Inter- Manchester Mall of Fresno to feed enjoy a nice night out on the town Broadway St, Fresno. $ 33.00 -
mitted for free. net of Things” projects. So bring your the town the best of Fresno in one having some quality adult time. $35.00 / Age All Ages
Explore history project or just your curiosity, there night! Expect raffles, pop up photo
through the types and styles of are plenty of projects for you to get booths, cookout competitions, eat-
money that cultures have used involved in. ing competitions, live entertainment Senior 21 & Over
throughout the years! Bring your and delicious International food from
coin and currency treasures to get Bridge 10/28 1-3pm Palm Village Grupo Firme- Friday October 25 Fri-
all over! American, Mediterranean,
expert evaluations. Bring your Community Southern, South East Asian from Senior Network 7638 N Ingram Suite day, October 25 at 9 PM – 1:45 AM
Aldos Night Club 617 W Belmont Ave,
kids to participate in the Coin Vietnamese to Thai/Lao Food, Mex-
111A (559) 916-3078
Free Food Friday Friday, October ican, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Fresno. Tickets www.aldosnightclub.
Safari Scavenger Hunt Activity. com
25 at 10 AM – 12 PM The Big Red South African, and more!
Expert dealers from
throughout California and Neva-
Church of Fresno 2131 N Van Ness Sports
Cristela Alonzo - My Affordable
Blvd, Fresno. The last Friday of every The Official ClovisFest & Hot Air
da will be buying, selling, trading Month is Free Food Friday. We will be- Fresno State Bulldogs Womens Vol- Care Act Saturday, October 26 at 8
Balloon Fun Fly Event SAT, OCT 26
and appraising US and Foreign gin the distribution at 10:00 am and 8:00 AM SUN, OCT 27 8:00 AM Thisleyball vs. University of Nevada Wom- PM – 11 PM Tower Theatre 809 E Ol-
Coins and Currency, Ancient end at Noon, food is given on a first- ens Volleyball Thursday, September ive Ave, Fresno. Tickets towertheatre-
event offers Central Valley locals an
Coinage, Tokens and Medals. come, first-served basis. Free Food 26 at 6 PM Save Mart Center 2650 Cristela Alonzo made
opportunity to experience a free,
There will be an extensive Educa- Friday is a project of the Big Red Pan- family-friendly outdoor festival that
E Shaw Ave, Fresno. history in 2014 when she became
try and Ministry of Outreach. spans up and down Pollasky Avenue
the first Latina to create, produce
tional Exhibit Area as well. Ad-
mission includes a Commemora- in Old Town Clovis Asphalt Wars Series: Race 1 of and star in her own network sitcom,
tive Wooden Nickel and hourly 4 Saturday, October 26 at 7:30 AM “Cristela” for ABC. During that same
drawings for prizes. Gold and
Calling All Promotors We can Calling All Promotors We can Hobbytown Raceway Fresno. Come year, she split her time between LA
help get you out there. 559-472- help get you out there. 559-472- out and take part in the 1st Asphalt and NYC to serve as one of ABC’s
silver coins will be raffled off at 7182 7182 Wars Series! Much like its Dirt Wars favorite guest hosts on their hit day-
the close of show on Saturday. counterpart, this will be a multi-track time talk show, “The View”. In 2017
This is the place to see points series. This is a joint effort Cristela made history again when
glittering piles of gold and silver. between Nor-Cal, Ripon, Fresno & she became the first Latina lead in
For more information, Speed World. We will be running the a Disney Pixar film when she voiced
please contact Coin Club Vice 10 classes below and it takes 3 to the part of “Cruz Ramirez” in Cars
President James Obler by phone make a class. There will be 1 throw 3. Her first stand-up special, Lower
at (559) 696-3012, or by email at out for all classes accept Nitro TC. Ri- Classy, is currently streaming on Net- pon doesn’t run nitro, so all 3 of the flix.
The Fresno Numis- other races will count for the Nitro TC
matic Society is your local coin points. The final race will be a double Cara Coronado’s “GAG” Sunday,
points finale. Roar membership is October 27 at 9 PM – 2 AM FAB Fres-
club, with monthly meetings
not required at Ripon or Nor-Cal but no 716 E Olive Ave, Fresno. A month-
on the second Tuesday of each is required at Fresno. We do have ly show featuring Pizza, Drags, Com-
month January through Novem- roar based rules for this series. We edy & Games! With 90’s dance party
ber, from 7-9:00 pm, at the UC hope to see everyone there. featuring Dj Jacob Terry. Showcasing
Merced Fresno Center, 550 E. Friday, October 25 monthly special guest.
Shaw, Fresno (across from Fash- Chookasian Armenian Concert Ensemble’s” Armenian Concert Program (Ar- Calling All Promotors We can
Calling All Promotors We can
ion Fair). For more details about menia’s National Gold Medal Award Recipients & Armenian Grammy Award help get you out there. Let us take
help get you out there. 559-472-
FNS please visit our website at Winners) Friday, October 25 at 7:30 PM Fresno High School “Royce Concert care of the print and distribution.
7182 Hall” 1839 N. Echo Ave. Fresno. Adults: $20.00 – Children: $10.00 INFO: Need a design? We can do that, too.
John Chookasian: (559) 213-1909 – 559-472-7182


The History of Halloween
By: Dave Fountinelle |

F ull disclosure, Halloween is my absolute

favorite holiday. Ever since I was a kid,
I have loved everything about it. From the
be cursed with illness or even death. Not that
it took much arm-twisting to convince the
ancient Celts to join the revelry. Samhain
comes from Irish and Scottish traditions,
where people would put on costumes and
go door to door singing songs. Often times,
savage, lewd, and immoral by the church. As
is the case with all other Christian holidays
with Celtic roots, the partying and indul-
costumes to the decorations, to the scary sto- lasted for days and was filled with feasting, small cakes or candies would be given in ap- gence were removed and replaced with rever-
ries, and especially all the candy! Few things drinking, dancing, and merrymaking of all preciation. ence and moral observance.
brought more joy to me in my childhood kinds. Through the middle ages and the spread The infamous Salem Witch Trials al-
than coming home with a sack of candy so It was also a time of great superstition of Christianity throughout Europe, Samhain most spelled the end of Halloween in Amer-
full I could barely carry it. that reflected the dark side of ancient Celt- began evolving from a festival where partic- ica. The wide-spread religious paranoia of
As I got older, and my interest in Hal- ic mysticism as well. The Celts believed that ipants celebrated along with spirits and oth- that time created an intense fear of Paganism
loween shifted from candy and funny-smell- the barrier between the spirit world and the er creatures, to one meant to protect people or anything that wasn’t expressly Christian.
ing vinyl costumes to the supernatural, I world of the living was at its thinnest during from them. Instead of lighting huge, com- However, rather than rejecting these tradi-
found myself fascinated with the origins of Samhain. And this barrier could, in fact, be munal bonfires for celebration and sacrifice, tions altogether, the early American Puritans
the holiday itself. Learning about the history easily breached, allowing all sorts of fantastic smaller ones were lit at each home to ward simply reinvented them as Christian ones.
behind Halloween gave me a whole new level creatures and spirits to cross over, both ma- off spirits and witches. The first jack-o-lan- Expanding on what European churches had
of appreciation for it. I’m no expert by any levolent and benign. Many of these spirits terns, which were carved from turnips and done, the Gods and spirits of the Celts were
means, but if you will indulge, I would like and monsters would find their way into the filled with hot coals, were also employed to replaced by the Christian God and holy trin-
to provide you with the 50-cent history of legends, ghost stories, and modern literature frighten away evil spirits. They would later be ity, while the faeries, imps, and other malev-
Samhain, the holiday behind Halloween. of cultures all over the world. The Dullah- replaced with the pumpkin versions we are olent spirits and tricksters were replaced by
Samhain is a Celtic spiritual holiday an, for example, who were often described as familiar with today, and the coals replaced Satan and his demonic followers.
and the most important of the four quarter- headless men on horses, carrying their heads with a candle. Thankfully, despite the best efforts
ly “”fire festivals”” that the Celts celebrated, in their arms, would inspire the famous sto- When European settlers arrived in the of the church, Samhain was not lost to his-
falling between the fall equinox and winter ry of Ichabod Crane in Washington Irving’s New World, they brought the tradition of tory. To this day, thanks to the many differ-
solstice. During this time, the ancient Celts short story “”The Legend of Sleepy Hol- Halloween along with them. The Christian ent groups of Pagans, Wiccans, and Celtic
would spend long hours in the fields, harvest- low.”” Their presence was believed to be an influence continued to shift the holiday away re-constructionists, the traditions of Sam-
ing. They would let their hearth fires burn omen of death. from the living and the dead celebrating hain are still celebrated all over the world.
themselves out while they were gone. When Even the Halloween tradition of trick- together to one where fearful penance was Samhain is a fascinating ceremony. It cele-
the harvest was done, the people would gath- or-treating has its roots in another Samhain given to the spirit world in hopes of driving brates perhaps two of the greatest mysteries
er together, and druid priests would light a monster myth. The ancient Celts believed away their evil influence for another year. If of mankind that yet haven’t been answered
massive fire. They’d recite prayers and bless- a group of hunters, called the Faery Host, Samhain was a big party to thank the spirits to this day – why are some years better than
ings, make burnt offerings of cattle to give would invade villages, moving from house for their blessings and good favor, then Hal- others? And what happens to us after we die?
thanks for their bounty. And everyone would to house, to kidnap children and steal their loween was a ceremony to ward them instead Trying to find the answer to both of these
ignite a flame from the fire to bring back to souls. Legend has it that, when the Faery away so that the affairs of the living would questions is the foundation of basically every
their houses to relight their hearths with. Host would knock on someone’s door, the not be cursed by their evil influence. This religion on Earth. You gotta give the Celts
The celebrations were both lively residents would fill their sacks with “”treats”” was also a result of the efforts of the church credit though, their solution was to cook a
and mandatory. It was believed that failing to instead of children, that would either satisfy to remove Paganism from traditions wherev- bunch of food, get really drunk, and dance
participate in the Samhain festivities was an them or “”trick”” them into thinking they er it was found. The dancing, drinking, and until you passed out. Now THAT is some-
insult to the Gods who had provided such a had been given a child instead. The tradition wanton jubilation of the Celts was deemed thing I can get behind!
good harvest. Those who didn’t attend would of wearing costumes while trick-or-treating

CLASSIFIEDS tate sales, fishing, and 2008 KAWASAKI 2004 Wildwood 5th 3 SEAT theater chair. OAK CAL king bed TWO matching book-
PERSONALS camping. Call 559- MISCELLANEOUS vulcan classic 8,900 wheel 30ft, 3 slide Seats are all connect- same price with or cases $150 Pick up
779-1021 please leave miles $5,000 or trade outs, excellent condi- ed, folds up pretty flat without the mattress only please 559-907-
GOOD LOOKIN, a message if no an- FOOD Concession for registered tagged tion.Asking $15,000 for storage. In very it’s in fair conditions 4156
tall, slim, white male, swer. Trailer 16 Foot Equip- small truck or SUV OBO (559) 673-7185 good condition for its the bed itself is well
70. Looking to meet ment Included $18,00 with trailor hitch. Ga- or (559) 975-9835 age, very sturdy and worth more but I up-
slim, white female, ARE YOU SELLING OBO (559) 291-9864 raged 95% of life. solid. Cash only, you graded cash only u ELECTRONICS
60-70 who likes to go something? List it here or (559) 298-4725 (559) 903-8283 PAINTING Services must pick up in person. pick up $300 obo You
western swing danc- for only $20/ issue. with Asante Paint & (559) 341-1038 can contact me at 559- IPHONE & PC Re-
ing, flea markets, es- Call 559-472-7182 SUPPORT LOCAL SUPPORT LOCAL Décor. Residential / 320-7949 pairs. We repair bro-
Commercial Interior ANTIQUE tea cart ken glass and LCD,
& Exterior, Repaints / $100 (559) 260-8157 NICE PATIO table battery replacement,
Paper Hanging, Com- that seats 6. It is cast tablets, computers and
mercial Power Wash- DIABLO Western iron with 6 cast iron water damage. Vis-

Real Singles, ing, Hotel / Apt Turn Style Sterling Silver metal chairs. In very
Arounds and More. Belt Buckle, has one good condition! Would
Call for Free Quote small dent / ding (see be close to $1,000 new.
it 49 W. Alluvial Ave
(559) 417-5319 or 230
W.Fallbrook Ave #101

Real Fun... (661) 492-2310 (Fres- pics ). Sterling silver, 175 or best offer. 559-
no) Lic#1051349

made by Diablo. 3” 250-7886
inches long by 2” wide
with a belt thru of just FOUR METAL bar-
(559) 474-1825

HP M3-U001DX i3
ANTIQUES & around 1.75”. Come stool in very good HD $269 It has been

30 MINUTES COLLECTIBLES check it out and other conditions. Text me or cleaned out of all old
jewelry at 3235 E Bel- call at 559.424.35.85 data. No passwords
VINTAGE sewing mont Ave Fresno Ca Dimensions. High 30 etc. 6GB of RAM, a
machine $100 (Han- 93702 at The Fresno inches wide 19 x 19 500GB HD, and an i3
FREE TRIAL ford) 261-5494

Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri inches.
from 10am to 530pm
processor. It is running
Windows 10 as well.
WINDOWS $15 and Saturdays from ELEGANT Buffet/ Touchsreen with fold-
Text (559) 940-8666 10am to 2pm or call us Sideboard. 6 dove- ing screen. I will pro-
The more you get the with any questions at tail drawers. All slide vide more information
cheeper they are We 559-264-5856. smoothly. 2 doors with on this laptop below
took the windows out inner shelves. Origi- for those who are in-

1-559-761-0162 of my home House is nal handles. Beautiful terested. The Fresno

in the Tower District FURNITURE detailed legs. In great Hock Shoppe 559-264-
condition. Perfect for 5856
TIFFANY style hang- KITCHEN DINING any room. 60 in long x
ing light fixture, has TABLE $250 (559) 37 in tall x 21 in depth ARE YOU SELLING
a tulip design, works 801-8212 Asking 245 If your something? List it here
More Numbers: 1-800-926-6000 good, asking $45.00, interested call or text Call 559-472-7182 18+ call 559-776-4385 559-284-0750

I SELL dog houses CRAFTSMAN weed WAGNER Flexio
ing on right now on all less Excellent condi- Powered Speaker (Sin- Mixing Console $109 er dryer $225 Works to be ready for win- eater it’s 17” and 3000 Paint Sprayer
the TV’s we current- tions $180 cash you gle) $109 Pre-owned original box and pow- great. Delivery avail- ter time. X-small 25cc. We are asking Pre-owned very light-
ly have in stock. We can test them out no Harbinger in good er adapter. In great able. 559-394-3369 -12x12x16-$10/$30 $100. If interested call ly used. Comes as
have 3 50” TV’s and a problem practical- shape. Works great no working and cosmetic with paint roof Small- (559)800-5118 (Ker- shown with original
24”. the 24”, and two ly new only used a issues. Powered speak- shape. I will provide WINDOW AIR Con- 18x18x24-$20/$50 man) packaging. Maintained
of 50” TV’s are Vizio few times cuz being er. Shows some normal more information on ditioner by Frigidaire with paint roof Medi- well. I will provide
and the other 50” is an in schoolI don’t have wear from use. Come this unit below for $325 (559) 250-3033 um-24x24x32-$30/$70 some more specs on
Insignia. They all have time so my loss is ur check it out and other those who are inter- have two different TOOLS this sprayer below for
remotes with them and gain they still under 4 PA speakers at 3235 ested. And if you are NEW BELLA 2 Slice size door with paint those who are interest-
work properly. The year warranty plz only E Belmont Ave Fres- interested come on Toaster Extra-Wide roof carpet Large- NEVER used Wagner ed. And if you are in-
Fresno Hock Shoppe serious comes with no CA 93702 at The down to at The Fresno Slots $15 559-246- 36x36x48-$100/$150 paint ready station for terested in this sprayer
questions at 559-264- everything in picture Fresno Hock Shoppe Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri 2220 with paint and X-large- sale. I think they cost or other commercial
5856 Beats solo wireless Mon-Fri from 10am to 10am to 5:30pm and 42x42x60-$150/$200 a little more than 100 tools and equipment
color rose gold 40 530pm and Sat from Saturdays from 10am R E F R I G E R ATO R with paint Huge- brand new. Asking 50. come on down to The
DELL LATITUDE hour battery You can 10am to 2pm or call us to 2pm or call us with by Whirlpool. Apt.size 48x48x72-$200/$250 Please text 805 861 Fresno Hock Shoppe
E7470 Laptop - $199 contact me at 559-320- with any questions at any questions at 559- (559) 250-3033 with paint and roof I 0111. Mon-Fri from 10am to
with charger. It is run- 7949 559-264-5856. 264-5856 have 12 different col- 530pm and Saturdays
ning Windows 10, has ors. Questions please ARE YOU SELLING from 10am to 2pm or
8GB of RAM an Intel IBANEZ GIO GS- FARM & text 559-475-2803 something? List it here call us with any ques-
i5 and a 500GB HD. MUSIC R105EX 5-String Bass APPLIANCES GARDEN Call 559-472-7182 tions at 559-264-5856
Clean unit has some In great shape, plays
very light wear and DEAN VCO CBK great as well. No issues MINI FRIDGE sale CHEAP COOPS
tear from use nothing Acoustic / Electric V with this bass. Comes $70 The TV Shop ..light weight and earth
major. It is missing the $259 Includes after- as shown does include Clovis 50 W. Bullard friendly..made from
piece between the G H market soft case not a soft case which is #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat untreat fence pickets
and B keys for scroll- pictured. Acoustic / not pictured. 5 string. 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559- use/new ...smaller coop
ing. Come check this Electric. Works great Come check it out 299-6100 /cages is $30 ..great
out and other electron- no issues with the elec- and many other mu- for small birds/Quils /
ics at The Fresno Hock tronics. 559-264-5856 sical instruments and TV’S!! 24” LED TV’s chickens/chicks .l arge
Shoppe Mon-Fri from equipment The Fresno starting at $69!! 32” ones are $50 to $60
10am to 530pm and ARE YOU SELLING Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri LED TV’s starting at .size 5x4x5 will
Saturdays from 10am something? List it here from 10am to 530pm $85!! 40” LED TV’s need a pick up truck
to 2pm or call us with Call 559-472-7182 and Sat from 10am to starting at $139!! 50” or I can drop them off
any questions at 559- 2pm or call us with any LED TV’s starting at for $10 gas fee within
264-5856 questions at 559-264- $175!! The TV Shop 20 miles in Fresno call
5856 Clovis 50 W. Bullard 643-7156
ARE YOU SELLING #104, Clovis. Mon-Sat
something? List it here SUPPORT LOCAL 10-6 Sunday 11-5 559- ARE YOU SELLING
for only $20/ issue. 299-6100 something? List it here
Call 559-472-7182 for only $20/ issue.

ARE YOU SELLING HONDA 200-x three 2010 KTM 530 EXC
YARD WORK PAINTING something? List it here wheeler. Don’t ride Dual sport, limited edi- RVS
for only $20/ issue. anymore. Frame is tion Kini-Red Bull. I
JW CLEAN-UP SER- PAINTING Services Call 559-472-7182 slightly bent but very am the original owner 97 AIRBUS Motor-
VICES. Estate Sale with Asante Paint & rideable and fixable of the bike. I purchased home 32 foot $12,000
Cleanups. Yard, Trash, Décor. Residential / comes with extras. it new from Wilsons OBO (559) 291-9864
Construction cleanup, Commercial Interior & ATVS Asking $1100.00 Very motorcycle. The bike or (559) 298-4725
rubbish, trees & demo, Exterior, Repaints / Pa- firm in price .No trades is in excellent shape 2004 WILDWOOD 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide outs,
rentals, lots, apart- per Hanging, Commer- 2002 Banshee $3300 or low ballers if intrest- (559) 474-1318 FOOD Concession excellent condition. Was asking $15,000 Now
ments & foreclosures. cial Power Washing All stock. fresh top end ed call 559 696-7746 Trailer 16 Foot Equip- $10,000 OBO (559) 673-7185 or (559) 975-
We do it all Just Call! and More. Call (661) less than 1 hour on it. 2005 YAMAHA ment Included $18,00 9835
(559)307-4304 ask for 492-2310 (Fresno) New tires. Paddles on 2006 YAMAHA raptor Midnight Star 1700 OBO (559) 291-9864
700r. Great condition cc excellent Bike no or (559) 298-4725 1997 CADILLAC 2004 TOYOTA Ta-
James Lic#1051349 rims along with dirt
2005 Yamaha raptor problems runs perfect Deville excellent con- coma double cab.
tires. Not abused super
80cc great condition 14000 miles clean title TRAVEL Trailer 2008 dition low miles clean Runs great, automatic
LAWN SERVICE. clean. (559) 375-2838
And a Honda 250 ex Text 559.260.5449 leather interior no tears transmission, air con-
Cleanups, Fertiliz- CLEANING 26ft long $11800 (559)
2004 Includes trailer good paint no scratch- ditioner is cold, has
er, New Saw, Lawn 2008 Polaris Ranger 412-0629
as well 5x14 very nice 2007 ZX-10R $5300 es $4000 obo cash call new tires. V6 motor,
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