Knowledge Is Power, Is This Really True?

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Knowledge Is Power, Is This Really True?

We often hear these phrases that "Knowledge is power or Knowledge is the gateway to freedom", my
question here is that is it really true? The society we live in and the education that this society is
providing, doesn't seem to deliver any of those. Sadly, with our educational system we might be
producing some good doctors or engineers but not the best of humans. Social and moral values are
declining everyday and many people that are convicted are mostly educated or so called educated
people. We are living in a society, dominated by the resourceful, rich and powerful people and where
exploitation of the masses is the ultimate objective, so the richer you are the better u served.

We have different types of educational systems for different types of people, the elite class goes to
private sectors like Beaconhouse, Educators, Roots etc., where they are taught the finest of the syllabus
(latest and informative) with the options of A-level and O-level, meeting the international standards of
education. While the Upper middleclass is also served by the private sector but with local syllabus but
with more care and dedication (of course they will charge you for this). Then comes the majority of
Pakistani people, belonging to lower middle and lower class who are served by the public sectors or
government institutes, because they cannot afford the private schooling so are forced to go to public
institutes. The condition of those sectors are not hidden from anyone, It is very disheartening to even
say that the government schools’ teachers are not imparting good education to the students. According
to UN report Pakistan's educational system is 50 years behind the world. The private universities are
almost impossible to afford even by the middleclass Pakistanis, they are not educating people they are
selling their degrees, the more expansive university you go the more chances of getting a job. It is an
anti-democratic and an unfair education system that goes against the principles of social justice, equity,
fairness and one’s dignity. So what you think this educational system is doing with our people and with
our country? It's a question mark to our faces.

Let me tell you the ground realities, when people are not served equally the class difference grows in
their minds, so the progress of the society in healthy way stops, hatred and jealousy grows. The rich gets
richer and the poor stays the same. The upper class thinks that those are not the same as we are, and
they do not belong to over community. So can you see where we are going with this, yes, chaos and
disorder. The way i see, this system is not helping in prosperity and development of our society.

The question that still remains, is how to solve these issue and help our country to move forward.
Firstly, single educational system is necessary that meets the modern day needs plus improved
examination system. Private sectors should be forced to lower the fees and teach the same syllabus as
the public sector. So you can see that by just improving the educational system we can overcome many
social issue of our society. Step forward to save our country

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