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Artifact Unit Three Essay

Lizzeth Martinez

South Texas College

Behavior/Ethics/Leadership II

April 27, 2019


In sales organization there is always a competitive market, the goal for these kinds of

organizations is to keep sales increasing. Each organization is built by members who contribute

to the success of the company, each individual is a valuable source for the flourishing of the

organization. Sales organizations focus on profitable and efficient distribution of goods and

service to customers (Learning, 2016). Since having a steady flow of sales is what makes or

breaks these types of companies, a nightmare case scenario for these types of organizations

would be losing one of its top sale’s employee to a competitor.

As stated in the unit two essay, these kinds of situations are seen between competitive

companies where one tries to take the most valued employee from the other by offering them

higher incentives in exchange for their talent. In such case several problems may arise due to

this competitive market. Not only has the organization lost valuable talent, but also

unfortunately, they have lost their top employee to their largest competitor. Several jeopardizing

factors can be can come out through these actions for example, decreased sales. This will most

likely happen since the company just lost a valuable employee that made the most sales for the

organization also, finding new talent so abruptly can be a waste of time and money.

Secondly, this employee can serve as the competition’s advantage because they have now

gained talent that was competition to them and also has knowledge of how the former

organization runs. This ex-employee may choose to share some of the organization strategic

plans of action, which could really affect the company in the long run. Furthermore, restating

from exercise 3.1, other foreseeable problems can be the recruiting of other employees or of

customers from our organization.

If Western and Eastern philosophers would have a possibility to take on this situation,

they would each have had their own unique view. For example, Kant would see this as an

unethical problem caused by the competitor and employee. In his perspective and according to

the second maxim, Kant sees this as an unethical act because the employee deceived the

company by going with the competition and may have been coerced because of promised

incentives (Kant, 2004). Kant sees ethics and moral as the prized possession in which followers

and customers create loyalty amongst themselves.

Lao Tzu would make this situation one with purpose for he believes everything happens

for a reason and would take this as a learning experience to better strategize the situation for

everything will fall into place in due time. For Lao Tzu there is no right way of doing things,

thinking of the problem only makes it worse. Sometimes is better to let go, turnover is inevitable,

just keep a good relationship with the employer and let him give it a try and hope he misses the

organization and comes back. “The foolish expend a great deal of time and energy trying to do

everything and end up achieving nothing. Conversely, those who are truly wise appear to do very

little, yet they achieve whatever they want” (Lao, 1988). It can be concluded that Lao Tzu, can

be the type of leader who one might think is not doing anything to solve the problem but in

reality, he has his plan devised under his sleeve and at the right moment in the right time

everyone will get to see it.

Nietzsche would rise above the situation by bouncing back stronger than ever by taking

action and making decisions that best fits the organization. For him there is no compassion in the

arena of competition, he cares about how this problem reflects on his leadership, so he will act

fast to prevent other problems. Consequently, maybe he would immediately hire someone who

he believes has greater potential also, he may think of changing the strategic plan of the

organization. Furthermore, he would think of starting new and fresh, stronger than ever and

ready for whatever comes.


Lastly, Hobbes would not really be surprised at this situation for he believes people are

naturally selfish and hungry for power (Hobbes, 2009). He would make adjustments to his

leadership as he believes leadership is dictated by need as task changes. To prevent other

employees from leaving he would want to create right conducts, accountability and security. He

may want to build contracts for more freedom and rights for the employees in order to secure

them and keep peace. As stated in an article, “Organizations have long used non-compete

agreements and non-solicitation contracts as standard tools to keep both employees from leaving

and poachers at bay” (Knight, 2015).

This critical situation as a leader could be very hard to handle, with a position as the

leader, in this case a leader would first try to make a conscious decision for the greater good of

the organization. As stated in exercise 3.2 the course of action, a leader would resolve this

situation by first checking with the legal team if there is something, they can do regarding the ex-

employee sharing trade secrets from the company. Furthermore, the leader can see this situation

as an opportunity for another person from the team to cultivate their talents and potentially grow.

This decision would not only provide better opportunities for team members but also save the

company time and money in trying to search for more talent. Additionally, being more proactive

as a leader to prevent further departures. As discussed in exercise 3.2, to avoid or reduce further

loss of employees, the leader could communicate to all the employees about the situation that

they are currently facing. The leader can also reassure tell them and express that they have an

open door if they ever feel the need to talk and make known how valuable their contribution and

talent is to the organization. The matter of the fact is that in the end they are all in this together as

a team. As for customers, the leader can take time to understand that in these kinds of situations

the employees may feel overwhelmed if they are receiving better offers or are tempted to change

organization. The leader can try to restate and express the appreciation for their business and

reassure them that regardless of what they choose they can count on the services, and they can

work with them on any questions or concerns that they may have.

Based on the solutions this paper has offered for the organization’s case scenario. There

would probably exist some criticism from several philosophers that do not agree with the course

of action plan this author would take to resolve this issue. Like addressed in exercise 3.3, for

instance, Hobbes would not believe this situation could remain civil enough between the

competing organizations. He may say that since naturally humans are power hungry if they took

one employee already, they will do it again and again. So, in his perspective he would not really

agree on just a simple talk with the employees but get stricter. Probably making more rules and

setting out contracts with the employees and even with the competition. Trying to make a deal

with the competitor for him will bring peace and security for both without the need oppression,

raiding or hostility.

In addition to Hobbes, another one that would condemn the offered solution would be

Nietzsche. He believes our actions should be advisable. He would see my solution as keeping it

safe not creative enough, for he is a risk taker. He believes that we need to create new ideas with

game changing innovations that would push us out from our comfort zone. Change can be

chaotic and that is why sometimes we tend to not venture out but sometimes change can equal to

creativity. With creativity we can truly change the course of action creating rewards that can be

abundant for years to come. Nietzsche claimed, “I do not wish to be mixed up and confused with

these preachers of equality. Men are not equal. Nor shall they become equal” (Nietzsche, 2016).

He takes losses as a form of strength; he knows there is always injustices, but we can grow and

become better from suffering those injustices.


In conclusion, in situations like this when a leader is in the middle of a nightmare

scenario there is no right or wrong take. A leader has to think in numerous possible solutions and

dissect from various theories that may serve them in finding the best possible result

subsequently, that may help alleviate the distress. In a leader’s perspective they should put the

organization and its members first. Also have a mindset that they are a team in all of what

happens together they shall conquer and succeed. From all the philosophers that have been

reviewed through this course a one can agree with some of the individua’s prospective. An idea

can be to take certain concepts from each of the philosophers’ theories and apply them in any

future leadership role.



Hobbes, T. (2009). Leviathan. (Chapter eleven). Retrieved from

Kant, I (2004). Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. (First and second section).

Retrieved from

Knight, R. (2015, September 29). When the Competition Is Trying to Poach Your Top

Employee. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from


Lao, T. (1988). Tao-Te-Ching. Retrieved from https://cpb-us-


Learning, A. (2016, November 19). Sales Organization | Definition | Meaning | Importance |

Need | Functions. Retrieved April 25, 2019, from


Nietzsche, F. (2016). The Genealogy of Morals. (First Essay) Retrieved from

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