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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 600 - Quality Assurance Assessment Procedures

Quality Assurance Assessment


NOTE: Also refer to Assessment Information for Hotels Section 400 for
additional assessment information and procedures. The assessment
procedures stated in Section 400 are also to be followed by Assessors.

Assessment Philosophy
Reference 600.01

The purpose of the Global Quality Assurance Assessment program is to encourage

improvement and recognize excellence. One way to encourage property
management to have confidence in Best Western standards is to make the Quality
Assurance Assessment a positive experience. The Assessor/RSM can do this by
emphasizing the positive aspects of the system and ensuring that his/her actions
support positive actions and consequences.

Reference 600.02
Selling the process
Best Western branded hotels have an equity interest in the reputation of the
organization. It is to everyone’s benefit that quality standards are uniformly
applied throughout the world. The assessment process begins by setting the
property representative at ease prior to starting the assessment.
The purpose of the Assessment is to ensure global consistency and to protect the
investment of individual owners.
The Assessor will be making impartial observations of the condition of the
property as a potential guest would see it.
The Quality Assurance Report will be used to develop a Quality Improvement Plan
for the property.
The Quality Assurance process is not a secret process. It is open exchange of

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Code of Conduct
Reference 601.01
Professional Image
It is important for the Assessor to present a professional image to hotel owners and
their employees. Their manner of dress, personal grooming and conduct should
serve as an example to the individuals that the Assessor comes into contact with
during the property visit. Appropriate business attire is expected during all
business contact hours at the property. During non-business hours, professional
conduct and reasonable dress are expected while on property.
Reference 601.01
Hotel Staff and Assessor Conduct
All hotel staff and Assessors are expected to conduct themselves in a professional,
courteous and businesslike manner. Any abuse should be reported to the BWO
office and/or BWI.

Certified Assessors
Reference 602.01
All Assessments conducted on behalf of Best Western must be performed by a
Certified Assessor.

It is highly recommended that potential assessors have the following experience

and educational levels:

1. Degree or Diploma in Hospitality/ Hotel Management program

(minimum 2 years)
2. At least 2 years experience in Hospitality Industry or equivalent, at or
above supervisory level
3. Strong communication skills in his/her local language and English
4. An understanding that extensive travel is required
Reference 602.02
Only individuals who exhibit the knowledge and ability to exercise good judgment
in performing Quality Assurance Assessments and who achieve passing results on
all academic and practical exams and other requirements may be certified by BWI
to perform Quality Assurance Assessments at Best Western properties.

1. After the successful completion of the two week classroom and practical training
course as conducted by the International Quality Assurance department, the

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assessor candidate is designated as a “Quality Assurance Practitioner”. This

designation allows for:
a) Conducting official assessments under the supervision of and being observed
by a Full Certification Assessor.
b) The Quality Assurance Practitioner designation is valid for a period of 3
months from the end of the IQA training course, and must be converted to
“Full Certification” before expiration, by completing the required field
training as outlined in part #2 below.
c) If this required field training does not occur, the candidate loses the Quality
Assurance Practitioner designation, is reclassified as a “Quality Assurance
Administrator” and must retake the training from the beginning if he/she
wishes to conduct official QA Assessment..

2. To receive the “Quality Assurance Assessor & Administrator” designation, the

candidate has three months from the end of the IQA training course to complete a
minimum of:
a) Observing three assessments conducted by a certified QA Assessor in Good
Standing, or an International Quality Manager.
b) Complete three assessments which are observed and supervised by a
certified QA Assessor in Good Standing, or an International Quality
Manager. These assessments could occur in any country.
Once a) and b) above have been completed, verification (via email is
acceptable) is required by IQA from the certified QA Assessor or
International Quality Manager before the certified QA Assessor &
Administrator status is given to the assessor candidate.
Reference 602.03
Requirements for academic, online and practical training are subject to change at
the sole discretion of BWI.
Reference 602.04
Individuals with outstanding characteristics, extensive related experience, excellent
assessment performance and who excel in the academic requirements may be
certified by BWI as Trainers and may be permitted to train and certify Assessors as
Reference 602.05
Any Assessor/trainer certification may be revoked at the sole discretion of BWI.

Re-Certification Requirements
Reference 603.01
Re-certification training will be offered at least once per year. The training session

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will include changes in rules and procedures as well as suggestions for professional
improvement, and may include a combination of online, academic and practical
training It is required that a Certified Trainer from Best Western International
conducts the re-certification training and administers the tests.

Attendance at Re-certification Training may have Online or other prerequisites to

be completed prior to attendance at the training session.
Reference 603.02
Successful completion of Re-certification Training and other requirements are
required every year to continue performing Best Western Assessments. Other
requirements include but not limited to:
a) Conducting a minimum of six (6) official QA Assessments within the
calendar year.
b) Attending at least one QA Audit conducted by the International Quality
Assurance Department. (Audit may be on any Assessor)
c) Maintaining a “Good Standing” status as determined by the Quality
Assurance Audits conducted by the International Quality Assurance
i. Assessors in a “probation” status may be restricted from conducting
certain types of Assessments at the sole discretion of Best Western
Reference 603.03
Re-certification requirements for academic, online, practical training and other
requirements are subject to change at the sole discretion of Best Western

Conducting an Assessment
Reference 604.01
The quality of the assessment will depend on how well it is conducted, how well it
is explained, who attends it and of course how well the report itself is delivered
and explained.

Reference 604.02
Although the Quality Assurance Assessment does not actually begin until the
Assessor arrives at the property, preparation is the key to completing a high
quality, professional and useful Report. There are steps to be taken before, during

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and after the assessment that will ensure that time is productive and that the
assessment is something of value to the property.
Assessors are required to stay overnight at the hotel being assessed, at least every
other assessment per property. The overnight stay is a critical part of the
preparation and has a very beneficial impact on the accuracy and usefulness of the
The Assessor will call the property to determine if the property is answering the
phone properly by using the hotel’s respective “Best Western” brand.
The Assessor will review the previous assessment so that he/she is familiar with
the property’s condition and any issues that may be relevant to the upcoming
assessment. In particular, review for any previous Brand Identity calls which may
be subject to point loss doubling should the deficiency still exist.
The Assessor will request that BI materials be ready upon arrival at the hotel.
The Assessor will review Guest Satisfaction Surveys and Medallia results.

Reference 604.03
Property Notification
The Assessor will contact the property to inform the property of an upcoming
assessment not more than two (2) business days before the property is scheduled
for an assessment.
During this contact the Assessor will:
Encourage the involvement of property representatives
Sell and explain the process
Request Brand Identity materials
Agree on a time for the preliminary interview

Reference 604.05
Upon Arrival At Reception
Upon arrival at the property Assessors will:
Identify themselves as Best Western Assessors
Explain the reason for the visit
Introduce themselves to the manager on duty
Collect Brand Identity information previously requested
Check to ensure that the telephone is being answered using the hotel’s
designated “Best Western” brand
Confirm previous arrangements for the assessment agenda
Confirm location and encourage appropriate property representatives’

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Observe the actions and attitudes of all the employees, their performance
and their adherence to Guest Privacy procedures

Reference 604.06
In the Assessors Room
The Assessor will review:
Review Minimum Standards checklist
Review Guest Directory Check List
Review Brand Identity as observed so far (all items observed and available
so far)
List and highlight specific questions for the preliminary interview
Reference 604.07
Around the property prior to the Assessment
The Assessor will:
Walk around the entire the property inside and out to become familiar with
the facilities
Note and photograph deficiencies observed (these deficiencies will be
pointed out during the actual assessment)
Take day and night photographs of all signs
Observe Staff Performance in hotel and supplemental facilities

Reference 604.08
Who should attend the assessment?
Participation by the property in an assessment is key for the property to understand
the Quality Assurance process and the results of the assessment. Attending the
assessment gives management, owners and staff ideas and suggestions for future
The General Manager, owner, housekeeping representative and maintenance
representative will benefit the most by attending the assessment, however any
property representative will learn from the experience.
The Assessor must use every good faith effort to ensure that at least one property
representative is present with the Assessor during the assessment.

Reference 604.09
Number Guest Rooms Assessed (10)
At all properties, 10 guest rooms are to be assessed. Guest rooms are to be
randomly selected per Reference 604.10.

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Reference 604.10
Guest Rooms to Scan or Assess
Other guest rooms may be scanned to ensure the guest rooms assessed provide an
accurate representation of the property. All guest rooms and all of the facilities
may be assessed at the discretion of the Assessor/RSM. Guided tours where the
member selects the guest rooms to assess are not allowed. You should assess
representative guest rooms throughout the property and at all locations of the
property. You should assess guest rooms on every floor and in every building.
Rooms are to be randomly selected as follows:
a) At least one room from each floor, section or building must be assessed.
b) If there are more than 10 floors, sections or buildings, the Assessor/RSM
may not select more than one room from each of the floors, sections, or
c) If the Assessor is unable to assess at least one room from these areas, the
Assessor must provide an explanation on the assessment report why
certain sections were not assessed.
Reference 604.11
Preliminary Interview
During the Preliminary interview the Assessor becomes more familiar with the
property representatives and continues to gather information about the property.
The preliminary interview takes place prior to the physical assessment. The
Assessor will ask predetermined questions about the property as well as questions
about Brand Standards. Most of the answers receive will be verified during the
actual assessment.
The Assessor will explain the Global Quality Assurance Assessment and all of its
reports and acronyms.
The beginning of the Preliminary interview it is a good time to explain the order of
areas assessed and the agenda for the day so that property representatives are
familiar with the process and will be able to plan their day.
The Assessor will give an overview of the Quality Assurance System, explain that
he/she is at the property to help, that he/she is an independent and impartial set of
eyes and that the primary reason for the visit is the consistency and overall
improvement of the entire system.
The Assessor will discuss any recent and upcoming changes to the rules.
The Assessor will request a rooming list and select a random but representative
cross section of ten rooms for assessment, as per Reference 604.10.

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The Assessor will verify and discuss any issues pertaining to Out of Order and Out
of Service rooms/areas and verify these during the assessment.
The Assessor will explain the use of the Four Common Sense Principles
The Assessor will explain that photos will be taken and used to assist in the
preparation of the report
The Assessor will enquire and verify the existence of any waivers for the property.
Copies of all waivers shall be available at the property for review by the Assessor.
If a copy of the waiver is not available, then the property or item is to be assessed
as though there is no waiver.

Performing the Assessment

Reference 605.00
Continuous Observation
As the Assessor proceeds to the first room he/she will be continually assessing all
areas passed.
The Assessor will ensure that all areas of the hotel are seen during the assessment.
The Assessor will observe whether the Property Representatives knock and
announce themselves before entering each room regardless of perceived status.
(This is a Guest Privacy call if property representatives do not knock and announce
themselves before they enter a room)

Reference 605.01
Involve the Property Representatives
The Assessor will point out deficiencies and involve property representatives in
discussing possible corrective actions.

Reference 605.02
Assessing the Guest Room
The Assessors will utilize the following procedures when conducting an

Reference 605.03
General Procedures
The Assessor will:
1. Take a photo of the room number as the room is entered
2. Explain that the first room will take a little longer to assess to allow for BS, BI

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and GRPA detailed assessment and explanations

3. Explain the four common sense principles
4. Explain that the assessment will move more efficiently if the property
representatives assist in turning on and off lights, AC and TV, opening drapes,
and drawers and pointing out Brand Standards amenities
5. Establish a clear separation between the BS, BI and GRPA portions of the
room assessment
6. Use Brand Standards to verify each item
7. Check all branded items in the room for compliance
8. Use and demonstrate the circular motion process
9. Using the circular method assess for GRPA
10.Record each deficiency including marginal items while pointing it out to the
property representative
11.Take a photo of each deficiency

Reference 605.04
Assess for Brand Standards
1. Indicate the start of Brand Standards assessment
2. Follow the Brand standards checklist verifying every aspect of each rule is
being met
3. Involve the property representative in the process by having them identify
certain items and answering the questions
4. Indicate when the Brand Standards portion is complete

Reference 605.05
Assess for Brand Identity
1. Indicate the start of the Brand Identity assessment
2. Evaluate all Brand Identity related items in the room
3. Indicate any Brand Identity deficiencies
4. Record and take a photo of each deficiency
5. Indicate when the Brand Identity portion is complete

Reference 605.06

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Assessing GRPA
1. Indicate the start of the GRPA portion of the assessment, explaining that
cleanliness, condition and update issues will be assessed
2. Start outside the guest room door and use the circular motion
3. Make a point of examining the outside of the door, frame, and hinges etc.
4. It is important that as the Assessor encounters a deficiency that
he/she…pause… observe…photograph …explain and record deficiency and
continue without delay
5. Enter the room, close the door while checking the operation of the latches and
locks, door viewers, etc.
6. Scan the room from the door observing ceilings, walls, and flooring
7. Look at the walls up and down and all items in between
8. When reaching a bed, assess the bed using the bed assessment procedures
9. Assess the interior of all drawers in nightstands, credenza, closet, etc.
10.When reaching the TV, turn on by use of the remote and switch channels,
checking for clarity of reception
11.Turn on the radio, ensure that clock is working correctly, pick up the phone
receiver pay close attention to the receiver and the cradle, and check for dial
12.Assess the front and back of all window coverings
13.Assess windows, sills and frames inside and out
14.Enter any balcony/patio and assess the entire enclosure’s ceiling, walls, floors
15.Assess the bathroom when it is next in the circular motion continuing to assess
the bathroom using the circular motion
16.Turn on hair dryer, lift and check the toilet seat, view all aspects of the
17.Pay particular attention to calcium build up on shower heads and to grout and
silicone on walls and floor tiles. Look at the color of the grout in the corners
and the color in the middle ( a difference indicates soiling and/or wear)
18.Randomly choose one or two towels to look at (unfold if there appears to be
cleaning or capital issues.
19.When finished in the bathroom, return to the guest room continuing in the

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circular motion back to the entrance door

20.After completing the assessment of the room by arriving back at the door,
announce that the assessment is completed for this room and start for the next

Reference 605.07
Assessing Public Areas and Supplemental Facilities
Public Areas (part of the GRPA Report) and Supplemental Facilities are assessed
as the Assessor comes to each area in the assessment process. For example many
Assessors may start on the top floor of the property and work their way down,
viewing hallways, stairways, corridors, and supplemental facilities as they walk
through the property.
Public Areas and Supplemental facilities are assessed according to the Multiple
Choice Point Loss Criteria of Extent, Visibility, and Severity.
The Assessor will ensure that all public areas and supplemental facilities are
assessed according to procedures.
Assess all areas of the property including all exterior areas normally visible to the

Reference 605.08
At the conclusion of the Physical Assessment
Upon completion of the assessment the Assessor will review the photos and
complete the report and print the Quality Assurance report and the Quality
Improvement plan. The amount of time will depend on the Assessor’s ability and
the complexity of the assessment. An appointment will have been made to review
the reports with the property representative for an agreed upon time. If the
Assessor needs to takes longer than expected to complete the report, the property
representative is to be notified and establish a new time for the exit interview.

Reference 605.09
Exit Interview
During the exit interview the Assessor will review the completed Quality
Assurance Report and the Quality Improvement Plan.

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Reference 605.10
Presenting Global Quality Assurance Report
The Quality Assurance report will outline the condition of the property and
compliance to policies and rules. The Quality Assurance Report is primarily
used to identify problems. The Quality Assurance report is also the basis for
the Quality Improvement report which is used to guide property improvement.
Reference 605.11

The Assessor will review the nature of the recorded deficiencies, including
marginal calls. When presenting the report the Assessor will state the issues
encountered without spending too much time discussing solutions. Ideally the
Assessor will not review scores until after reviewing the complete report.
Reference 605.12

The Assessor will also present the Quality Improvement Plan which outlines
the problems encountered, the perceived root cause of the problems, and the
possible solutions. The Quality Improvement Plan can be revisited and
revised at any time to assist in continued improvement.

Presenting the Quality Improvement Plan

Reference 606.01

The Quality Assurance Assessment report is a professional and impartial review of

conditions and compliance with Brand Standards and Brand Identity requirements
on the day of the assessment. It identifies issues that warrant attention. The next
step is to prioritize the issues, identify the source of problems and develop a plan to
resolve the problems ensuring that they do not return.
Reference 606.02

The Quality Improvement Plan should be completed for all properties regardless of
the assessment scores, especially lower scoring properties and those that fail the
assessment. The Assessor will summarize the current Brand Standards, GRPA
and Brand Identity issues problems and provide recommended solutions.
At a minimum the report should include:
The apparent problem – this could be a GRPA deficiency, a missing Brand
Standard or a non-compliant Brand Identity item Point losses.
The root cause or “real problem” – This is may not be apparent, for example
many problems are due to poor staff training or lack of management systems such
as preventative maintenance programs.

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The proposed solution – this may be simple i.e. “purchase new alarm clocks” or
more complicated “implement a room inspection system” or “arrange to have I
Care training”
Responsible person - who is going to make this happen?
Completion date: When will this issue be implemented, completed and/or
Several different formats are available for Assessor use, and may be adapted to the
type of issues involved and/or the property affected.
The Quality Improvement Plan can be subject to modification and can be a
collaborative process between the Assessors and the property. It can also be used
and modified during non assessment visits or telephone calls

General Definitions
Reference 607.01
Bed Assessment Procedure
One bed in each of the first five vacant and clean rooms will be assessed in detail
by stripping the bed linens. If any recordable deficiency (including marginal or
Brand Standards) is found in any bed (stripped or not) or with any bedding located
in the guest room, then one bed must be assessed in each of the vacant/clean guest
rooms remaining to be assessed. Note: even if a deficiency is recorded on the
headboard or footboard of a “non-stripped” bed, it will trigger the stripping of one
bed in all remaining rooms.
Hide-a-beds, sofa beds or roll-away beds, may be stripped as one of the stripped
Any bed in an occupied room may also be assessed provided the room has been
cleaned and the bed linens changed. This must be verified by the property

As the Assessor arrives at the bed in the circular motion, he/she will explain that
he/she is going to assess the condition of the bed and ask one of the property
representatives to assist.
The exact method used in assessing the bed will depend on whether the property
prefers the Assessor to remake the beds or whether the property would prefer its
own housekeepers to remake the beds, and whether the bed is made with a duvet,
sheets and blankets, or with a duvet. The method below is for beds made up with a

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washable duvet, and/or “triple sheeting” with a duvet insert or blanket.

If the bed has a decorative element such as a bed scarf on the top of the bed, both
sides of the bed scarf would need to be assessed.
Start at the top of the bed and with the pillows in place, take the top end of the top
sheet or duvet (leaving the pillows in place) and fold it in half so that the top end of
the duvet or sheet is at the foot of the bed. Repeat the same fold again. Lift the
folded bedding gently to view the area of the blanket that is still covered.
Make the same two folds with just the blanket/duvet insert and lift to view the
bottom of the sheet. If the bed is made with a duvet, fold the entire duvet as
described above – do not remove the insert. Always fold one layer at a time. Each
layer of the bedding must be assessed separately. The Assessor will pick up the
top sheet and similarly assess the condition of both sides for stains, wear, and hair
The Assessor will look at the bottom sheet as he/she spreads his/her hands over the
exposed sheet, leaving it in place, while assessing for the condition of the bottom
sheet, mattress pad, mattress and box springs. The bottom sheet will not be
removed unless a recordable deficiency is observed below the bottom sheet. If a
recordable deficiency is noted, the bottom sheet may be removed to display the
deficiency and photograph it.
After assessing the bottom sheet remake the bed, reversing the procedure
Now look at the pillows, flip them over and view inside and outside of the pillow
or pillow protector without removing the exterior pillow case (this is the “peek a
boo” method). The pillow case may be removed to expose and photo any
deficiency seen.
The room numbers of the rooms where beds were stripped are recorded on the
Property Update Report.
In every guest room ready to rent or not, view the bed from a distance for sagging,
view the condition of all bedding, duvets or visible pillows and feel the sides and
top of the mattress to detect any sag, breakdown, or springs. If necessary to
confirm the deficiency, remove the bed linens so the deficiency may be seen and
shown to the property representative.

Reference 607.02
Circular Motion
A circular motion process is used during the assessment of GRPA and
Supplemental Facilities thorough and efficient. The Assessor will begin the
assessment at the door and continue around the room in a in a clockwise or anti-

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clockwise direction and will assess each area of the room as it is encountered. This
process will be explained and demonstrated to the property representative.
Reference 607.03
Four Common Sense Principles
Four common sense principles will be used in the Quality Assurance Assessment
of the property:
1. The evaluation will accurately reflect the conditions seen at the property on
the day of the Assessment.
2. Practical judgment will be applied when evaluating deficiencies. Points
will be deducted for deficiencies that need correction, and conditions
observed that are not severe enough to warrant a point deduction will be
noted as marginal.
3. Points will not be deducted for deficiencies where significant corrective
action is underway unless the deficiency has been previously noted and is a
recurring problem. There will be no arbitrary concessions for obvious
token efforts or for work promised in the future. This is known as the
“Work in Progress” rule.
4. The same good judgment will be used throughout the entire assessment.
An arbitrary limit on point deductions will not be set simply because the
problem is widespread.
These principles are aimed at providing a reliable, factual, and objective report on
the quality condition of the property.
Reference 607.04
Photos of deficiencies that are taken by an Assessor is an important tool in guiding
senior staff and/or board members in directing corrective action and in settling
questions regarding the accuracy of a Quality Assurance Assessment, and for
managing and training Assessors.
All items noted as a deficiency on the Quality Assurance Assessment report must
be photographed by the Assessor.
Photos for at least the last two assessments must be stored at least by the BWO
office and be available to BWI upon request.
Reference 607.05
Point Losses
The point loss levels for each report depend on the methodology for that
particular report and are explained in the discussion of each report.

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Multiple Point Loss Items: The Multiple Choice Point Loss is used for all areas
of the GRPA report and for the Supplemental Facilities reports. The Multiple
Point loss gives the assessor a choice of point loss from a range including the
possibility of a marginal call. The assessor chooses the appropriate point loss
based on the Extent, Severity, and Visibility criteria (References 701.01 through

Reference 607.06
Occupied Rooms
1. If it is necessary to assess an occupied room do so only if there is no guest
present and a property representative is present.
2. Do not to open drawers, wardrobes, cabinets, minibars, etc. or move any of
the guest belongings when assessing an occupied room.
3. It is preferred that occupied rooms which are chosen to assess be cleaned
according to property standards and ready for the guest’s return. The hotel’s
policy on changing bed linens must be clearly understood so that these
rooms can be assessed accordingly. If an occupied room is assessed but it
has not been cleaned with the bed linens changed (in accordance to the
hotel’s policy), then the following will apply. If a deficiency could be
attributed to the current guest, no points will be deducted. Record the
deficiency as marginal (note “due to occupied room”). If it can be
determined that the deficiency was most likely present prior to the current
guests stay, then points will be deducted.
Reference 607.07
Rooms Out of Order
Rooms and other areas which are legitimately Out of Order are not subject to
Assessors must verify that the conditions of Out of Order Rooms are met that
renders the room as non-rentable.
An Out of Order room must meet at least ONE of the following conditions:
1. Linens, beds, and television out of the room.
2. Furniture, beds, etc. stacked and showing obvious use as storage.
3. Obvious renovation in progress such as wall vinyl or carpeting.
4. Obvious renovation in bathroom such as fixture removal/replacement, tile
work, etc.

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5. Any massive repair that is both obvious and in process.

If the Out of Order rooms, as indicated by the property do not meet the criteria the
rooms/area is subject to assessment.
Reference 607.08
Rooms Out of Service
Rooms and other areas which are legitimately Out of Service are not subject to
Assessors will verify that the conditions for Out of Service Rooms are met.
An Out of Service room must meet ALL the following criteria:
1. All of the linens (bed and bath linens) removed from the rooms.
2. Providing documentation from the office (housekeeping reports or daily
occupancy sheets) that shows the rooms have not been used for an extended
period of time.
3. This applies to rooms in the same section, floor, building, or wing and cannot
be scattered about the premises.
If the Out of Service rooms indicated by the property do not meet the above criteria
then they are subject to assessment.
Reference 607.09
Vacant – Not yet cleaned rooms
If it is necessary to assess vacant rooms which have not yet been cleaned (vacant
dirty), the room is to be assessed taking into consideration any deficiencies that
would have been caused by the checked out guest.
Any deficiency which was most likely present prior to the current guest’s arrival
will be recorded as a deficiency.
Reference 607.10

Guest Rooms to be Reassessed

1. To improve guest satisfaction by ensuring properties correct severe deficiencies
noted on assessments, Assessors may reassess up to three (3) guest rooms from
the previous assessment if there were critical guest sensitive condition
deficiencies recorded.
a) These reassessed rooms may be included as part of the standard rooms
assessed at the next assessment.

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2. If more than 50 points (condition) are recorded in a single guest room (typically
more than 4 medium-level condition deficiencies), the room will be subject to
reassessment and this information is to be noted on the QA assessment.
3. In any assessment where more than 50 points are deducted (for condition) in a
single room, the Assessor will inform the member during the exit interview that
these deficient rooms will be revisited and may be reassessed at the next official
full assessment.
4. Upon revisiting the room at the next assessment, the room is to be scanned.
a) If the assessor observes significant deficiencies, the room is to be
b) If no significant deficiencies are observed, the room is listed on the
assessment report as “scanned” (and not assessed).
5. If a room is reassessed, the entire room is to be reassessed as per normal
assessment procedures.
6. If at least one of the previous deficiencies was related to the bed or bedding, the
bed must be stripped even if it is assessed after the 5th room and there were no
bed related deficiencies on this Assessment.
7. If the room to be reassessed is occupied, the Assessor will assess the room (if
possible) as any other occupied room.
8. If the room has a DND sign: Verify that the room is indeed rented. If the room
is rented, do not assess, as per normal QA procedures, but add this room to the
report for reassessment on the next visit. If the room is not rented, assess the
room as required.

Reference 607.11
Copies of all waivers shall be available at the property for review by the Assessor.
If a copy of the waiver is not available, then the property or item is to be assessed
as though there is no waiver.

Effective 1 January 2019 Page 18

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