13-1300 Admin Procedures

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedures

Overview, General Procedures and Definitions

Reference 1300.01
Global Quality Assurance Program
The Global Quality Assurance Program establishes minimum standards to be met
by all Best Western Hotels and Resorts worldwide. The program provides a
means of assessing properties to ensure they meet the Brand Standards and are
adequately renovated, clean, and well maintained. It is an impartial quality
evaluation that offers properties useful information to correct quality deficiencies.

Reference 1300.02
Administration Procedures
This document sets out the procedures that must be followed by Best Western
International and all its Best Western Organizations in administering the program.
Reference 1300.03
Reference Numbers
The reference numbers in the document refer to the numbers in the various
sections of the Global Quality Assurance Manual.
Reference 1300.04
Fundamental Need for Quality
Best Western recognizes a fundamental need to ensure the quality of the product it
offers its customers is at a high and reliable standard.

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

Reference 1300.05
Guidelines, Procedures, Standards Set At Minimum Levels
These guidelines, procedures, and standards are set at minimum levels. Local or
regional guidelines, procedures, or standards may be more stringent, but may not
be less stringent without the prior written approval of Best Western International.

Reference 1300.06

The definitions of terms used in this section:

 Maintaining Standards – Confirming the property is maintaining
standards, assisting the property to maintain standards while improving
quality and service.

 Cure Periods – Providing timelines and assistance for failing properties to

meet standards. The Cure Periods are Probation and Final Cure Period.

 Restriction and Termination – The process to restrict, terminate and de-

brand properties unable or unwilling to meet standards.

 Partial Assessments – A Partial Assessment is an Assessment for Brand

Identity and Brand Standards issues and may be allowed under certain

 Late Assessments – A late Assessment occurs when an Assessment is

performed after the due date. Timely and accurate quality assurance
Assessments are an essential activity in maintaining standards. Late
Assessments may include full Assessments, waiver expiration Assessments,
certain Partial Assessments and de-branding Assessments.

 Extensions and Waivers – Short term extensions of timelines to perform

Assessments or to complete requirements. Waivers and extensions are only
granted by BWI or by the BWO CEO as noted in Section 1400 and may
waive compliance of a requirement or grant an extended period of time to
comply with the requirement.

 Branding Approval – The process to ensure branding meets standards.

 BWO - There are currently three types of organizations outside North

America approved by BWI: Affiliate Offices (AO), Property Direct

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Relations (PDR), and Master Licensees (ML). For simplified reference

these organizations will be referred to as Best Western Organizations
Reference 1300.07
BWO Administrator for Quality Assurance and Brand Identity
a) A certified Administrator must be appointed by each BWO to be responsible
for processing the reports received from Assessors/RSM’s and liaison with
Best Western International on all Quality Assurance and Brand Identity
issues. Each BWO must provide an e-mail address to facilitate quick and
cost-effective communication between them and Best Western International
in Phoenix.
b) The Administrator(s) is (are) required to carefully analyze the Assessment
Reports received from the Assessors/RSM’s and correspond with the
owners regarding the findings of the Assessment Report(s) and, when
required, in accordance with the Quality Assurance and Brand Identity
Statuses Follow Up specified in References 1303.01 – 1303.06.
c) It is required that each Administrator attend one of the provided
Administrator Training Sessions at least once per year. This will enable
them to keep up with changes and operate more efficiently and effectively.

Assessment Reports
Reference 1301.01
Assessment Reports
The Quality Assurance Assessment (Assessment) is a series of reports completed
during a single visit to a property. For all Best Western properties, the series of
reports includes Brand Standards, Guest Rooms/Public Areas, Supplemental
Facilities, Staff and Service Evaluation Report and Brand Identity as well as the
Main & Property Update Report.
Reference 1301.02
Distribution of Reports
a) Official Quality Assessments are to be in written form, a finalized copy of
which is to be left at the property immediately following the Assessment.
b) An assessor/RSM or BWO employee may not change an Assessment from
being “official” to unofficial/educational once the Assessment has
commenced. For applicant properties, the Assessment just prior to becoming
Qualified to Brand becomes an “official” report and will become part of the

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property’s “official” history.

c) A copy of the Assessment is to be sent to the BWO office in order for the
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Manager to act or suggest remedial

Reference 1301.03
Modifying Reports
An Official Assessment may only be changed or modified by Best Western

Reference 1301.04
Assessments Not to Satisfaction of BWI
Best Western International may conduct Assessments of the BWO’s
member/licensed properties at the BWO’s expense if the BWO fails to conduct
Assessments to the satisfaction of BWI.

Reference 1301.05
Frequency of Assessments
Refer to Quality Assurance and Brand Identity Statuses, Scheduling (Reference

Reference 1301.06
Notification of Assessments
Properties may be provided notice of the upcoming Assessment. This notice is not
to exceed two (2) business days and is provided so the owner or manager can
rearrange their schedule if they desire to participate in the Assessment.
Assessments may not be rescheduled simply because it is inconvenient or the
property is fully occupied. BWOs may adopt a policy of a shorter notice period or
of unannounced Assessments at their option.

Reference 1301.07
Refusing an Assessment
Once a property has been notified of an upcoming Assessment, the Assessment
may be rescheduled only once if there has been a genuine emergency such as a
death in the immediate family, a natural catastrophe has recently occurred or other
reasons approved by the BWO.
If the Assessment is refused for any other reason the refused Assessment will be
treated in the same way as if the hotel scored less than 600 in GRPA or SF and the
following QA administrative actions must be taken:

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a) The hotel must be placed in a Final Cure Period status.

b) The hotel must be restricted within 3 days after refusing the Assessment.
c) The hotel must be re-assessed within 1 month.
d) The hotel must achieve a passing score of 900 in GRPA and SF and the
regular passing scores on all other reports.
e) If the 1 month Assessment does not take place or the hotel fails the
Assessment, the hotel must be terminated.
f) If the hotel passes the 1 month QA Assessment, the hotel would be placed
in a Conditions Pending status and must be reassessed within 6 months and
must achieve the same passing scores as above.

Reference 1301.08
Copies of Assessments
Steton must be used to input all Official Assessments. All Assessments must be
uploaded to Steton within 24 hours of the Assessment. Assessments not uploaded
within 24 hours of the Assessment may not be accepted by BWI.

Reference 1301.11
Assessment Schedule
A schedule of all planned Quality Assurance Assessments for the upcoming two
weeks must be maintained in the Steton Scheduler at all times. BWI is to be
notified of any change of the Assessment date, or any Assessment additions or
deletions, which occur within 7 days of the Assessment date. Should an
Assessment be canceled for a valid reason per Reference 1301.07, a substitute
property may be scheduled within 7 days with notification to BWI. Assessments
that were not scheduled a minimum of 7 days will not be accepted by BWI as an
official Assessment. Activation Assessments are not required to be scheduled as
noted above.

Passing Scores
Reference 1302.01
Minimum Passing Scores: Existing Member Properties (If any one
report fails, the Assessment has failed)
Report All Best Western Brands

GRPA, Supplemental Facilities 800

Brand Standards 800
Brand Identity 800
Staff & Service Evaluation 800

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Reference 1302.02
Minimum Passing Scores: New Construction or Conversion
properties, (If any one report fails, the Assessment has failed)
Report All Best Western Brands
GRPA, Supplemental Facilities 900
Brand Standards 800
Brand Identity 800
Staff & Service Evaluation 800

Reference 1302.03
Minimum Passing Scores: Conditions Pending & Final Cure Period
status properties (If any one report fails, the Assessment has failed)
Report All Best Western Brands
GRPA, Supplemental Facilities 900
Brand Standards 800
Brand Identity 800
Staff & Service Evaluation 800

Reference 1302.04
Quality Assurance and Brand Identity Statuses, Scheduling
Status Status Definition Schedule Next Assessment
Good Standing Existing property achieved the GS1 - Schedule full Assessment
passing score on all reports with the within 11 months
(GS1) following scores:
 Must achieve the passing scores
 At least 850 on GRPA and SF outlined in Ref.1302.01 to remain
and 800 on all other reports. in a good standing status.

Good Standing Existing property achieved the GS2 - Schedule full Assessment
passing score on all reports with the within 6 months
(GS2) following scores:
 Must achieve the passing scores
 between 800 to 849 on GRPA outlined in Ref.1302.01 to remain
and SF and 800 on all other in a good standing status
Conditions Pending Property achieved the passing score CP - Schedule full Assessment within
on all reports at the activation 6 months
(CP) Assessment – See Ref. 1302.02
 Must achieve the passing scores
OR outlined in Ref.1302.03 on the
next Assessment to achieve a
Property achieved the passing score
good standing status
on all reports AND the previous

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status was Final Cure Period – See

Ref. 1302.03

Probation Existing property achieves the PRB - Schedule full Assessment

following scores AND the previous within 4 months
(PRB) status was Good Standing:
 Must achieve the passing scores
 property scores between 600 to outlined in Ref.1302.01 on the
799 on GRPA & SF or less than next Assessment to achieve a
800 on any other report. good standing status

Final Cure Period Property refuses an Assessment FCP - Schedule full Assessment
within 1 or 3 months
(1 month if the hotel refused an
Existing property scores less than Assessment or scored less than 600
600 on GRPA or SF in GRPA/SF or fails GRPA/SF twice
OR within 18 months, 3 months in all
other cases)
Existing property fails to achieve the
passing scores outlined in 1302.01  May be restricted on all
AND the previous status was PRB reservation systems within 3
 Must achieve the passing scores
Existing property fails to achieve the outlined in Ref.1302.03 on the
GRPA or SF passing score outlined next Assessment to be placed in
in 1302.01 twice within an 18 month a Conditions Pending status
New construction property fails to
achieve the passing scores outlined
in 1302.02 on the activation
Property in a “Conditions Pending”
status fails to achieve the passing
scores outlined in 1302.03.
Termination and de- Property failed its last possible FCP Provide notice to the hotel that it
branding (TERM) Assessment and is in the process of must no longer representing itself as
being legally terminated as a Best a Best Western branded hotel and
Western property that all Best Western branding must
no longer be displayed on or off the
property within 1 month of the
termination notice.
Within 2 months of the termination
notice, the BWO must confirm to
BWI that the property has completed
the de-branding requirements. This
report must be completed by the
deadline even if all of the actual de-
branding is not yet completed by the

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

Quality Assurance and Brand Identity Statuses

Reference 1303.01
Good Standing
A property that is in a Good Standing status demonstrates that it is meeting the
minimum quality assurance requirements as a Best Western branded hotel. A
property will be placed in a Good Standing status when any of the following

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 An existing property currently in Good Standing or Probation achieves the

passing scores outlined in Ref 1302.01.
 A property currently in Conditions Pending status achieves the passing
scores outlined in Ref 1302.03

a) A property in Good Standing 2 status will be scheduled for the next

Assessment within 6 months:

 if the property scores less than 850, but more than 799 in GRPA or
any Supplemental Facility

b) A property in Good Standing 1 status will be scheduled for the next

Assessment within 11 months:

 If the property scores 850 or higher in GRPA and all Supplemental


The BWO is to notify the property that it remains in Good Standing, or it has
achieved a Good Standing status if it was on Probation or Conditions Pending

Reference 1303.02
Conditions Pending
1. There are two situations when a property will be placed in Conditions
Pending status:
a. When a property that is new to the brand (new construction or
conversion) achieves the passing scores on its activation Assessment
as outlined in Ref. 1302.02, the property is placed in a Conditions
Pending (CP) status.
i. If the property is a conversion property, within 3 months of
passing the activation Assessment, the property must receive a
Brand Identity Partial Assessment. The status of the property is
not affected by the result Partial Assessment. However, if the
Partial Assessment is not completed on time, it is considered a
“Late Assessment”.

b. When a property in a Final Cure Period status, achieves the passing

scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03, the property is place in a Conditions
Pending status.

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2. A property in a Conditions Pending status remains in that status until it

achieves the required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 on its next full

i. The property must be reassessed (full Assessment) within 6

months from the date of the Assessment which placed the
property in a CP status.

ii. If the property is placed in CP due to a failure on the Brand

Standards and/or Brand Identity report only, the property may
complete a Partial Assessment within 1 month as outlined in
Ref. 1303.11.

3. The BWO must notify the property that it is in a Conditions Pending status.
a. If the property achieves a passing scores outline in Ref. 1302.03 on
the next Assessment, the property will be placed in a Good Standing
b. If the property fails to achieve the required passing scores outlined in
Ref. 1302.03, it will be placed in Final Cure Period status. The BWO
must also explain the consequences to the property.
Reference 1303.03
1. A status of Probation indicates that a property that was previously in
Good Standing has failed one or more reports on its most recent Quality
Assurance Assessment.
2. A property that was previously in Good Standing will be placed in
Probation if it achieves the following scores:
 Between 600 to 799 on GRPA & SF or less than 800 on any other
3. A property in Probation must receive a full QA Assessment within 4 months
from the date of the Assessment that places the hotel in a Probation status.
a. If the property is placed in Probation due to a failure on the Brand
Standards and/or Brand Identity report only, the property may
complete a Partial Assessment within 1 month as outlined in Ref.

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b. If a Partial Assessment is completed on time, the property is placed in

a Good Standing status and its next QA Assessment deadline will
now be calculated based on its GRPA or SF score.
2. The BWO must notify the property that it is in a Probation status.
a. If the property achieves a passing scores outline in Ref. 1302.01 on
the next Assessment, the property will be placed in a Good Standing
b. If the property fails to achieve the required passing scores outlined in
Ref. 1302.01, it will be placed in Final Cure Period status. The BWO
must also explain the consequences to the property.
3. The BWO must provide the property corrective action assistance in one or
more of the following forms:
a. Written documentation outlining the problems and offering possible
b. Communication by telephone providing specific assistance advising
of what is expected.
c. Personal visit/consultation to review the Assessment and problems at
the property.
d. Special classes that instruct how to use the Assessment Reports and
prioritize the problems to correct the most important ones first.
e. Cost of this assistance may be charged to the property at the option of
the BWO.
Reference 1303.04
Final Cure Period
4. There are six situations when a property will be placed in Final Cure Period
a. If a property is on probation and fails to achieve the passing scores
outlined in Ref. 1302.01 on any report at its next Assessment, the
property is placed in a Final Cure Period (FCP) status.
i. If the property did not achieve the passing scores for
GRPA/SF, the property must be restricted within 3 days after
the failed Assessment.
ii. The property remains in FCP (and remains restricted – if
already restricted) until it achieves the required passing scores

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outlined in Ref. 1302.03 for properties in a Final Cure Period


iii. The property must be reassessed within 3 months from the date
of the Assessment which placed the property in FCP. If the
required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 are not
achieved on that Assessment, the property must be terminated.

iv. If the property is placed in FCP due to a failure on the Brand

Standards and/or Brand Identity report only, the property does
not need to be restricted and may complete a Partial
Assessment within 1 month as outlined in Ref. 1303.11.

b. If a property is in a Good Standing Status but failed GRPA or SF

within the last 18 months and fails GRPA or SF as outlined in Ref.
1302.01 on another Assessment, the property is placed in Final Cure
Period (FCP) status.

i. The property must be reassessed within 1 month from the date

of the Assessment which placed the property in FCP.

ii. If the 1 month Assessment does not take place or the property
does not achieve the passing scores in Ref. 1302.01, the
property remains in a FCP status but must be restricted within
three days after the failed Assessment or the missed
Assessment deadline.

iii. If the property achieves the passing scores for GRPA/SF as

outlined in Ref. 1302.01 but does not achieve the required
passing scores for a property in a FCP status as outlined in
1302.03, the property remains in a FCP status but remains un-

iv. Within 3 months from the date of the Assessment that places
the property in a FCP status, the property must achieve the
passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 to avoid being

c. If a new construction property fails to achieve the passing scores

outlined in Ref. 1302.02 at its activation Assessment, the property is
placed in a Final Cure Period (FCP) status.

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i. If the property does not achieve the passing scores for

GRPA/SF as outlined in Ref. 1302.01, the property must be
restricted within 3 days after the failed Assessment.
ii. The property remains in FCP (and remains restricted, if already
restricted) until it achieves the required passing scores outlined
in Ref. 1302.03 for properties in a Final Cure Period status

iii. The property must be reassessed within 3 months from the date
of the Assessment which placed the property in FCP. If the
required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 are not
achieved on that Assessment, the property must be terminated.

iv. If the property is placed in FCP due to a failure on the Brand

Standards and/or Brand Identity report only, the property does
not need to be restricted and may complete a Partial
Assessment within 1 month as outlined in Ref. 1303.11.

d. If a property in a conditions pending (CP) status fails to achieve the

passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 on its next Assessment, (or if
a new construction hotel does not have 100% of the guest rooms and
required facilities ready by the second Assessment) the property is
placed in a Final Cure Period (FCP) status.
i. If the property does not achieve the required passing scores in
GRPA/SF as outlined in Ref. 1302.01, the property must be
restricted within 3 days after the failed Assessment.
ii. The property remains in FCP (and remains restricted, if
already restricted) until it achieves the required passing scores
outlined in Ref. 1302.03 for properties in a Final Cure Period

iii. The property must be reassessed within 3 months from the date
of the Assessment which placed the property in FCP. If the
required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 are not
achieved on that Assessment, the property must be terminated.

iv. If the property is placed in FCP due to a failure on the Brand

Standards and/or Brand Identity report only, the property does
not need to be restricted and may complete a Partial
Assessment within 1 month as outlined in Ref. 1303.11.

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e. If a property in Good Standing (GS), Probation (PRB) or Conditions

Pending (CP) scores less than 600 in GRPA or SF, the property is
placed in a Final Cure Period (FCP) status and must be restricted
within 3 days after the failed Assessment.
i. The property remains in FCP and remains restricted until it
achieves the required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03
for properties in a Final Cure Period status

ii. The property must be reassessed within 1 month from the date
of the Assessment which placed the property in FCP. If the
required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 are not
achieved on that Assessment, the property must be terminated.

f. If a property in any status refuses an Assessment, the property is

placed in a Final Cure Period (FCP) status and must be restricted
within 3 days after refusing the Assessment. Refusing an Assessment
is treated the same way as if the hotel scored less than 600 in
i. The property remains in FCP and remains restricted until it
achieves the required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03
for properties in a Final Cure Period status

ii. The property must be reassessed within 1 month from the date
the property is placed in FCP for refusing the Assessment. If
the required passing scores outlined in Ref. 1302.03 are not
achieved on that Assessment or if the Assessment does not take
place, the property must be terminated.

5. If the BWO does not restrict the property (when required) within 3 days of
the failed Assessment, BWI will restrict the property.

6. Within two weeks of the failed Assessment that places the hotel in a FCP
status, the property must present an acceptable corrective action plan to
BWO’s Board of Directors or Senior Management. This corrective action
plan must clearly outline what the property is planning on doing to ensure
that it will achieve the required passing scores on its next Assessment.

7. If a property in FCP achieves the required passing scores outlined in Ref.

1302.03 on the one month or on the three month Assessment, the property is
placed in a Conditions Pending status and must be re-assessed within 6

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8. If a property fails to achieve the required passing scores outlined in Ref.

1302.03 on the one month or on the three month Assessment, or if the
Assessment does not take place as specified above, the property is
terminated within three days of the failed Assessment.

9. As an alternative to the 3 month cure period, a property in Final Cure Period

may choose to implement a 6 month renovation plan and cure period
(“renovation option”) subject to the following conditions:
a. This option is only applicable for properties failing GRPA and/or any
Supplemental Facility.
b. The failing Assessment must have had no more than 99 points lost for
cleanliness issues on any report.
c. The property must remain restricted until released by BWI.
d. A property renovation plan must be submitted to BWI within 1 month
of the failed Assessment.
e. A commitment from the property to complete the renovation within 6
months from the property’s placement in Final Cure Period must be
received by BWI within 2 months of the failed Assessment.
f. Purchase orders for all major renovation needs must be completed
and received by BWI within 2 months of the failed Assessment.
g. The renovation must be completed within 6 months from the date of
the Assessment which placed the property in Final Cure Period.
h. The property must achieve a passing score on all reports as outlined
in Ref. 1302.03 within 6 months of the failed Assessment.
i. Failure to meet any of these conditions will result in the immediate
termination of the property.

10.During the Final Cure Period the BWO must take whatever action is
required to terminate the property within 3 days of the end of the cure
period if the property has not achieved the required scores as outlined in
Ref. 1302.03 or if the Assessment does not take place.
11.The BWO must notify the property that they are in a Final Cure Period
status have been restricted on all Best Western distribution channels (if
applicable) and action has begun to terminate them as a Best Western
a. The BWO is to advise BWI that a decision to restrict and terminate

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the property has been made and the effective dates of the restriction
and the termination.
b. The BWO is to advise the property that it is in jeopardy of losing the
right to remain a Best Western property if the property does not pass
all reports at their next Assessment.
12.The BWO may place additional requirements on the property, such as more
frequent Assessments, correction of specified items, and/or higher scores as
a condition of the Final Cure Period.
13.In all cases, the BWO must provide the property with corrective action
assistance in one or more of the following forms:

a. Written documentation outlining the problems and offering

possible corrections.
b. Communication by telephone providing specific assistance
advising of what is expected.
c. Personal visit/consultation to review the Assessment and problems
at the property.
d. Special classes that instruct how to use the Assessment Reports
and prioritize the problems to correct the most important ones
e. Cost of this assistance may be charged to the property at the option
of the BWO.
Reference 1303.05
1. A hotel must be restricted on all Best Western reservations systems in all of
the following circumstances:
a) If a hotel is placed in a Final Cure Period status which requires that
the hotel be restricted as outlined in Ref. 1303.04.
b) If a hotel has provided notice to the BWO that it will be leaving the
brand, within 1 week of receiving the notice the BWO must request
that BWI restrict the property for all dates AFTER the hotel’s self-
termination date.
c) If a BWO restricts a hotel for non-QA related reasons, the hotel may
remain restricted in the system for a maximum of six months. After
six months, the hotel must be terminated unless a short term extension
is granted by BWI.

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2. When a property is placed in a FCP status, if the BWO does not restrict the
property as required within 3 days of the failed Assessment (or the end of
the Assessment deadline should the Assessment not occur), BWI will
restrict the property. BWI will charge the BWO for costs, if BWI has to
restrict the property.
a) When a hotel is restricted, the hotel must be deactivated on all of the brand
sponsored websites so that the hotel does not continue to show as an option
for guests since they are not able to book the hotel through the reservation

b) A property remains restricted until BWI releases the restriction.

Reference 1303.06
Termination and De-branding
1. If a property in FCP does not meet the required scores by the end of the cure
period, the property must be terminated within 3 days of the end of the cure
period. This action must be taken whether the Assessment has taken place
or not.

2. During the Final Cure Period the BWO must take whatever action is
required to terminate the property within 3 days of the end of the cure
period if the property has not achieved the required scores on all reports.

3. The property must be put on notice (upon being placed in FCP) that their
rights to display or use Best Western branding in any way will be terminated
within 3 days of the end of the Final Cure Period if they do not achieve the
required passing scores.

4. The property must remove all Best Western branding displayed on or off the
property within 1 month of the termination notice.

5. The BWO is to confirm to BWI that the property has removed all Best
Western branding and has ceased to refer to themselves as Best Western
within 2 months of the notice of termination. The BWO must use the BWI
supplied form “Property Termination De-branding Checklist”. This report is
to be completed no matter the branding status or findings at the property.

6. If the BWO does not complete these actions within the required timelines,
BWI will initiate the required actions and charge the BWO for costs. If the
property continues to represent itself as a Best Western property or displays
Best Western branding, legal action to require the property to discontinue

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representing itself as a Best Western property or displaying Best Western

branding will be required. If the BWO does not complete these de-branding
actions within the required timelines, BWI will initiate the actions and
charge the BWO for costs.
Reference 1303.07
Termination Procedures
Termination procedures will vary from country to country and the precise
procedures to be followed to terminate the right of a property to use Best Western
services and to represent themselves as a Best Western property will need to be
undertaken in accordance with a BWO’s formal rules and regulations.

Reference 1303.08
Failure to Take Appropriate Action
If the BWO fails to take appropriate and timely disciplinary (follow up) action for
a property’s violation of the Global Quality Assurance Program or fails to take the
appropriate action as specified above, BWI may restrict or suspend a property’s
services and take other action necessary to effect a termination of the property’s
continuance as a Best Western property. Any costs incurred by BWI as a result of
Best Western taking this action will be charged to the BWO.

Reference 1303.09
Assessments for Seasonal Properties

1. If a property is “Seasonal”, the property must have at least one full QA

Assessment within the calendar year.
2. “Seasonal” is defined as:
a. Closed for a minimum of two consecutive months of the year
3. If the Assessment deadlines outlined in any section of the GQA Manual will
be due at a time when the property is closed for the season:
a. The property must advise the BWO in writing of the exact dates that
property when it will be closed and reopened, a minimum of 7 days prior
to the closure date. This advance notice must occur before the
Assessment becomes past due.
b. The Assessment for the hotel must be conducted within 14 days
following the reopening of the hotel for the season.

Reference 1303.10

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

Late or “Missed” Assessments

If the Assessment deadlines outlined in any section of the GQA Manual are not
1. The BWO will be charged a Late Assessment Fee (standard fee to be set
each year by BWI).
2. BWI at its sole discretion may perform the late Assessment at the BWO’s
expense (standard fee to be set each year by BWI).
3. As an alternative, BWI may, at its sole discretion, grant permission for an
Assessment to be missed and be considered as a failed Assessment. The
property will then be placed in the next applicable Quality Assurance
Administrative Status.
a. If prior approval is granted by BWI, the Late Assessment fee will not
be charged.
b. Granting permission to miss an Assessment may be applicable for
various situations including self-terminating properties.
4. If the required deadlines are frequently not met BWI may perform late
Assessments and/or all Assessments within the BWO’s territory and charge
the BWO an Assessment fee (standard fees to be set each year by BWI).
Reference 1303.11
Partial Assessment
A Partial Assessment is an Assessment for only a Brand Identity and/or Brand
Standards. Partial Assessments allow a property to correct Brand Identity and/or
Brand Standards failures without having to have a full Assessment. The following
criteria are required:
1. Brand Identity and Brand Standards were the ONLY reports that failed
on the full Assessment.
2. Partial Assessments must be completed within 1 month of the failed
3. Partial Assessments may be on-site (a physical visit to the property) or
off-site (compelling proof of compliance is required) as per requirements
listed in “Partial Assessments - Proof of Compliance” document
available from IQA department.
4. Compelling proof of compliance may include written (such as invoice
for material and/or work done) and/or visual (such as photo)
documentation. Compelling proof must be approved by BWI

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

If clear and compelling evidence is submitted to prove that deficiencies have been
corrected, the BWO will complete the Partial Assessment for the applicable report.
The report must note the items that have been corrected, the proof of compliance
offered for the previously failing items. Any previously failing item that was not
corrected prior to the Partial Assessment must be noted as a point loss on the
Partial Assessment report. The Assessment date will be the date the proof is
recorded on the new Report. Do not revise the original Assessment report.
If the next Assessment proves the issue was not properly and fully corrected, the
Partial Assessment may be invalidated by BWI and property statuses adjusted

Reference 1303.12
Waiver Expiration – Partial Assessment
If a property has a Waiver or Waiver Extension for an item or requirement and the
item or requirement was not compliant at the time of the last Assessment, it is
required that within 30 days after the expiration of a Waiver or Extension, a
“Waiver Expiration Partial Assessment” must be conducted.
The proof required is the same as the proof required for a regular Partial
Should this Partial Assessment not be conducted within 30 days of the waiver
expiration, it is deemed a Late Assessment as per Reference 1303.10. Should the
property fail this Partial Assessment, the property will be placed into the next
applicable administrative status.

Property Completely Changing Names (same brand)

Reference 1304.01

A property when completely changing its name (not simply adding or deleting the
word “hotel” or its equivalent, or other similar generic words), but not changing its
brand, must:
1. Agree to remove all branding with the previous name and replace it with
either its new name or no name (as permitted per the Brand Identity
Manual) within 2 months of the notification date to BWI.
2. If re-branding of previous name branded items is not completed within 2
months from the date of the notification, the property is restricted.

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

3. If re-branding of previous name branded items not complete within 3

months from the date of the notification, the property is terminated.
Improper or Inadequate Administration
Reference 1305.01

The following procedures apply to actions to be followed when Best Western

Hotels & Resorts (BWI) determines the required administrative procedures are not
1. BWI will notify the BWO reminding them of their obligation to administer
the Global Quality Assurance program accurately and in a timely manner.
The notification will describe all of the administrative procedures that have
not been fulfilled and the relevant reference numbers.
2. The notification will include a requirement for follow up action and
deadlines for the actions to be taken by the BWO.
3. If the BWO response is not received by the established deadline, if the
information is incomplete, if the proposed corrective plan is not sufficient to
satisfy all the requirements within the established deadline, or the
requirements are not met within the established deadlines, BWI will take
whatever action it deems appropriate in accordance with the guidelines in
this Global Quality Assurance Manual and the Affiliation Agreement.

Property Sale/Transfer Requirements
Reference 1306.01

The following procedures are required to be followed by the BWO when a Best
Western property is sold and/or transferred within their region or authority.

1. That each BWO establish a formal written procedure and policy which is
acceptable within the legal framework of their respective country or region,
for property sales and subsequent transfers. This policy must include at
a) A document that the new owner/voting member agrees to adopt BWI
rules, standards, policies and procedures. Note that existing

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2019 Global Quality Assurance Manual Section 1300 - Administrative Procedures

contract(s) between the BWO and property/member may already meet

this requirement.
b) That the new owner/voting member be provided the previous two
quality assurance Assessment reports, plus the most current
Assessment report and property status.
c) That the new owner/voting member be provided with any new
upcoming revisions to any BWI rules, standards, policies and
The above must be completed within 1 month of the date of the property
2. That each BWO have a formal written plan of their “new owner” on-boarding
program, which consists of, at minimum:
a) Physical meeting with new owner/voting member within 1 month of
taking possession of the property.
b) Mandatory practice QA Assessment (with a certified assessor) within
2 months of taking possession.
c) If not an existing BW owner/voting member (of another property) or
with a minimum of one year of previous BW management experience,
there must be a formal new owner induction training program to
occur within 3 months of taking possession.
Both of the above documents would be required to be sent to BWI only if

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