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Hercules Incorporated

Aqualon Division
Hercules Plaza
1313 North Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19894-0001
(800) 345-0447

Technical Information
(Supersedes VC-622B)

AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizers

For Use in Whipping Cream
Technology Report

In order to meet the challenge of creating a better dairy whipping cream, Aqualon has developed
AeroWhip® foam stabilizers—cellulose-based ingredients also known as food gums or hydrocolloids.
These high purity food grade products are highly surface active and provide thickening as well
as stabilization.
A study was conducted at l’Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries agricoles et Alimentaires
(ENSIA) in Massy, France to determine if this product would improve the organoleptic properties and sta-
bility of whipping creams. It was found that AeroWhip foam stabilizers allow the formulation of full and
reduced fat whipping cream with excellent foam properties; the creation of well defined decorative shape;
and superior stability over a week in refrigerated storage. In addition, very low fat whipping creams, of less
than 25% fat, may be made with good foam properties and lower formulation costs. Overall, in whipped
dairy creams, AeroWhip foam stabilizers may provide:
• Outstanding foam stability
• Firm foam structure
• Improved body and mouthfeel
• Syneresis control
• Prevention of shrinkage
• Resistance to over-whipping
• Reduced fat
• Lower cost
• Processing efficiency

Understanding the Market Challenges

Dairy whipping cream is popular for both its flavor and aesthetic qualities. Whipped cream is used to
add a creamy texture and rich flavor to pastries, cakes, beverages and desserts. Whipped cream is also used
to create decorations for cakes and desserts. Traditional bakery applications typically use dairy cream con-
taining 36% fat. Although this whipped cream is stable, it will result in low overrun.

The products and related information provided by Hercules are for manufacturing use only. Hercules
makes no express, implied, or other representation, warranty, or guarantee concerning (i) the handling, use,
or application of such products, whether alone, in combination with other products, or otherwise, (ii) the
completeness, definitiveness, or adequacy of such information for user’s or other purposes, (iii) the quality
of such products, except that such products are of Hercules’ standard quality. Users are advised to make
their own tests to determine the safety and suitability of each such product or product combination for their
own purposes. Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before using this product.
Hercules does not recommend any use of its products that would violate any patent or other rights.
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For a lower fat cream, (33% fat or lower) the overrun will be higher than for a higher fat cream. In
addition, these lower fat whipping creams represent cost savings due to the reduction in the use of dairy fat.
Nevertheless, a lower fat cream is less stable and syneresis may be observed after 24 hours.
Creams below 30% fat are used mostly for cooking. Indeed it is difficult to whip a cream with less than
30% fat and it has previously not been possible with a cream below 25% fat.
The pasteurized and UHT cream markets can be divided into professional and consumer segments.

Professional Market
The professional market consists of bakeries and caterers as well as retail producers of frozen cakes
and desserts. This market requires a cream that is stable when both refrigerated and frozen. In addition,
since there is great emphasis on aesthetics, the topping must be easily formed into decorative shapes that
are stable.
Traditional whipped cream, however, has its drawbacks. For the novice, creating a good whipped
cream can be difficult—obtaining the greatest aeration while not over whipping. Once the cream is
whipped, it is susceptible to melting, drying, cracking or liquid separation.
Furthermore, much of the dairy cream available on the market is treated with ultra high temperature
(UHT). This heat treatment renders a nearly sterile product with good microbial stability. However, the
severity of the treatment damages the fat creating a product that is difficult to whip.
Because of these challenges, it is common for the professionals to use non-dairy or vegetable whipped
toppings. These products are quite stable after whipping and the foam is tolerant to conditions of warm
temperatures. Though these products may be of very good quality, non-dairy whipped toppings lack the
rich flavor of dairy cream.

Consumer Market
In the consumer market the whipped cream only needs to be stable for a short time because most
home-made desserts are consumed within a day. However, the consumer generally requires an easily
whipped cream and may also be interested in lower fat creams. Currently the only lower fat whipped
creams available to the consumer are in aerosol cans.

Meeting the Challenge

Work was conducted at ENSIA to study the impact of AeroWhip® foam stabilizers on whipping cream
at various fat levels. An experimental design was used which examined the effects of UHT treated whip-
ping cream properties such as overrun, stiffness, whipping tolerance, appearance and stability. The dimen-
sions of the study included multiple gum and fat levels. In this study a 33% fat UHT treated cream, was
diluted with skim milk to reach desired reductions in fat content. The product was incorporated by first sol-
ubilizing it in the skim milk used to dilute the cream using the “hot – cold” method (see Using AeroWhip
foam stabilizers section). Sugar was added to all creams at 5% by weight. Creams were whipped using a
Kitchen Aid mixer fitted with a wire whisk attachment. The bowls and whisks were chilled prior to whip-
ping. The end point of whipping was determined objectively as the point when the maximum foam was
created and before any signs of churning. Overrun was calculated as follows:
Overrun = Wunwhipped cream – Wwhipped cream
Wunwhipped cream
Stiffness of the whipped cream was measured using a Texture Analyzer TAX.T2 from TA-Instrument,
which was fitted with a back extrusion apparatus. Stiffness was measured in force in Newtons (N).
Appearance was observed and recorded through both laboratory notes and photos.
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Using AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizers

AeroWhip foam stabilizers are water soluble cellulosics that are insoluble above 45°C. This property
allows the gum to be dispersed in a hot aqueous medium, such as skim milk, and dissolved as the liquid cools.
Skim milk is used to dilute heavy cream to the desired fat content. This skim milk phase may be used
to introduce the AeroWhip foam stabilizers into the cream. It is recommended that the skim milk be heated
to about 60°C to ensure lump-free dispersion of the gum. The product may be added into the hot milk with
stirring. Good dispersion and dissolution of the product are essential for optimum functionality in the
cream. Continue gentle stirring as the mixture cools. Upon standing, the skim milk may show signs of sep-
aration, however, it can be easily re-mixed with no impact on the cream.
Once the gum is incorporated, the cream may be heat-treated. This product will come out of solution
with heat but will resolubilize as the product is cooled. This is normal and does not present a problem in the
finished product.

Evaluation of Whipping Cream

Cream may be whipped into a foam as a result of the partial coalescence of fat globules. Initially, whip-
ping introduces air into the cream matrix. The association between the fat globules forms a matrix, increas-
ing viscosity of the cream, which slow the movement of the air bubbles. With continued whipping, air cells
decrease in size leading to maximum stiffness and stability. Whipping may also cause unfolding of the pro-
tein increasing the protein’s foaming tendency. Some casein and whey proteins occupy the space between
the air bubbles surrounded by the fat globules along with some liquid fat, thereby, increasing the viscosity
of the serum phase. Thickening of the serum phase reduces overrun but also reduces drainage, thus increas-
ing stability.
The fat content of the cream plays an important role. Enough must be present to form the matrix of par-
tially coalesced fat to contain the air bubbles. A cream with high fat content will create a stiff, stable foam,
but a very high fat content also slows the whipping process and hampers overrun. As fat content decreases,
foams are soft and unstable. If the content is too low, no foam will be created.
Heat treatment of the cream will damage proteins as well as the crystalline structure of the fat. UHT
treatment is especially harsh. Creams that have been UHT treated are difficult to whip and the resulting
foam is not of optimal quality.
A good quality whipping cream has high overrun, is easily whipped, yet is not easily over-whipped and
is resistant to churning. Once the cream has been whipped it is sufficiently stiff to hold its shape. And
lastly, in the professional market, it is important that the cream has good stability.
From the description of what is meant by good quality, there are measurements that can be made, both
objective and subjective. These measurements are:
– Stiffness – indication of firm foam with good stability, easily shaped by the baker
– Overrun – good foaming properties
– Appearance – well defined shape after application and no cracks or liquid separation

Overrun and Stiffness

In creating a high quality whipped cream, a balance must be obtained between maximum overrun and
stiffness of the foam. As the cream is whipped, air is introduced and foam is created. Whipping also causes
merging of the fat globules, forming the fat matrix. The foam structure is the result of air bubbles sur-
rounded by a viscous matrix of partially coalesced fat globules held in place by protein. Continued whip-
ping indeed causes increased coalescence and creaming or churning. During the whipping, the stiffness of
the foam increases. Overrun is maximized and then becomes hampered and the stiffness increases further.

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Chart 1
Overrun and Stiffness vs. Whipping Time
UHT Treated Cream, 33% Fat
190 0.6

Stiffness, N
Overrun, %
170 0.4
Overrun (%)
Stiffness (N)
150 0.2

130 0
0 50 100 150 200
Whipping Time, seconds

Stiffness increases with continued whipping. Stiffness is greatest

as cream is over-whipped and begins to churn.

It is clear from Chart 1 that the optimal whipping time is a balance between the overrun and stiffness of
the foam. Continued whipping of the foam will result in creaming. This is characterized by a yellowing
appearance; decreased foam volume; and greater stiffness. A baker, or technologist experienced in the art of
whipping cream will observe this visually and stop the whipping process.
From this data it can be seen that neither the overrun nor the stiffness, may be used to judge the quality
of the cream alone. Visual appearance must be evaluated and may be the most important quality parameter
in whipping cream.

Overrun and Fat Content

Overrun is the measurement of how much air is incorporated in the foam (see page 2 for the calculation
used in this study). Although overrun does not singularly determine the quality of the foam, a light, airy
foam is attractive in decorating and a pleasure to eat.
Whipping cream requires a minimum amount of fat to create good overrun. Whipping cream is nor-
mally 33-40% fat, depending on local custom and regulations. Reducing the fat in whipping cream may
offer a variety of benefits, including cost and calorie savings. Chart 2 shows how adding AeroWhip® foam
stabilizers allow the formulation of a cream that is lower in fat while still providing excellent overrun, even
at fat levels of 22% where no whip was previously possible before the addition of AeroWhip.

Chart 2
Overrun in Dairy Whipping Cream
as a Function of Fat Content and AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizers
AeroWhip gum wt %
% Overrun


100 0.20%

15 20 25 30 35
% Fat
Cream with 22% fat cannot be whipped. Adding AeroWhip foam stabilizers allow foam creation.
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Stiffness and Fat Content

In whipped cream, foam stiffness is important in creating attractive shapes for decorating cakes
and desserts. Lower fat content creams will have lower foam stiffness after whipping. AeroWhip® foam
stabilizers increase the stiffness in whipped cream.

Chart 3
Whipped Cream Stiffness
as a Function of Fat Content and % AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizers
Fat Content:
Stiffness (N)

0.6 30%
0.2 22%

0 0.2 0.4
AeroWhip gum, wt %
AeroWhip gum increases stiffness in whipped cream foams across the range in fat content.

Whipping Time
The time required to whip cream varies according to fat content, equipment and conditions. Cream is
whipped to an end point as judged by the baker or consumer. Often the cream is whipped to a desired over-
run or to a visual end point. Experienced bakers may judge the whipping time according to the sound of the
equipment. As the cream becomes stiffer, the mixer motor may strain. In addition, lower fat creams require
longer whipping time.

Chart 4
Whipping Time vs. Overrun
Impact of AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizers

22% Fat
24% Fat
Time, 4 minutes
sec 220
26% Fat
3 minutes

120 2 minutes
30% Fat
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
AeroWhip Foam Stabilizers, wt %
Lower fat content cream required greater whipping time to maximum overrun.
AeroWhip foam stabilizers shorten whipping time in very low fat creams.

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Chart 4 depicts data on whipping times required for the maximum overrun in creams of various fat
and AeroWhip® foam stabilizers content. The gum was found to shorten the required whipping time in
lower fat creams, however, had little impact on higher fat creams.

Appearance and Foam Stability

As discussed above, overrun and stiffness are not the only indicator of a good whipped cream.
Arguably, the most important feature is that of visual appearance. In this study, creams were deposited into
rosettes using a professional pastry bag and stored at refrigerator temperatures. Aspects of these whipped
creams were documented through observation and photos. Whipped cream rosettes were judged for overall
appearance based on how well defined the shape was maintained as a rosette: liquid separation or cracks in
the rosette were noted. The whipped cream was then assigned an overall quality rating for each observed
stage over a one week storage period. Examples of creams with varying quality may be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Excellent Fair Poor

The ratings have been graphed in Chart 5. By graphing the data in this way, the impact of AeroWhip
foam stabilizers may be compared between samples of differing fat contents.
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Quality Rating System

10 - Excellent, firm texture and sharply defined shape
8 - Very good, firm and defined shape
6 - Good, firm texture, good shape
5 - Fair, firm texture, good shape, small drainage
3 - Poor, collapsing shape, weak texture, drainage
2 - Very poor, cracks, phase separation
< 1 - No foam

Chart 5
Whipped Cream Quality
AeroWhip® Foam Stabilizers, wt %:
— 0%
— 0.2%
— 0.4%
30% Fat 26% Fat

10 10
Excellent Excellent
Overall Quality Rating

Overall Quality Rating

8 8

Good Good
6 6

4 4
Fair Fair
0 Poor
Time 0 1 hour 24 hours 1 week 0
Time 0 1 hour 24 hours 1 week

24% Fat 22% Fat

10 10
Excellent Excellent
Overall Quality Rating

Overall Quality Rating

Good Good
6 6

4 Fair 4

2 2
0 0
Time 0 1 hour 24 hours 1 week Time 0 1 hour 24 hours 1 week

Whipped cream samples containing AeroWhip foam stabilizers were superior in appearance
and stability.

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In 30% fat UHT creams, AeroWhip® foam stabilizers contribute to a firm and stable foam. In fact, a
higher dosage hampers the overrun by creating too much viscosity. It is, therefore, recommended to opti-
mize the gum dose for desired stiffness as well as overrun. In 26% fat UHT creams, excellent quality
creams may be made with as low as 0.1% AeroWhip foam stabilizers. Very low fat (24%) UHT creams
with this product may be used to make good quality whipped cream for immediate use. These creams may
also be whipped sufficiently to create foams without churning. Even UHT cream with only 22% fat may be
used for whipping with added gum.

AeroWhip foam stabilizers have been shown to improve the quality of UHT treated whipping cream.
Whipped cream containing AeroWhip gum had superior stability and stiffness. Greater whipped cream sta-
bility will allow cakes and desserts to be decorated and stored without loss of quality in appearance.
With AeroWhip foam stabilizers, full and reduced fat whipping cream may be formulated. Cream with
fat content as low as 22% may be whipped to a foam of fair to good quality. AeroWhip products will also
reduce the required whipping time for reduced fat cream. As a result of lower fat content, the formulation
cost may subsequently be reduced by as much as 14%.
AeroWhip foam stabilizers used in whipping cream can greatly improve the foam quality and stability
of reduced fat cream and UHT treated cream, resulting in
• Excellent quality
• Well-defined decorative shape
• Superior shelf life

Regulatory and FDA Status

AeroWhip foam stabilizers are chemically called hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC). It is a food grade
ingredient that has approval in most food with the exception of standardized foods for which it is not
approved. It has been reviewed and accepted as a direct food additive by the US FDA with no limitation
other than use in accordance with good manufacturing practice (GMP). HPC is defined in the US Food
Chemicals Codex (FCC). HPC safety data have been reviewed and accepted by the EU SCF for the use of
HPC as a direct food additive with an ADI “not-specified.” Hydroxypropylcellulose is accepted by the
European Commission for direct addition to foods. HPC safety data have been reviewed and accepted by
the JECFA of the FAO/WHO and HPC has been assigned an ADI “not-specified” by this world-recognized
body of experts. Hydroxypropylcellulose is included in the Codex Alimentarius, General Standard for Food
Additives (GSFA) for inclusion in most foods, with no limitation other than use in accordance with GMP.
In addition to the USA and Europe many other countries e.g., Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China,
Canada, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan and Uruguay have found HPC acceptable for
direct use in foods.
This product is in compliance with the requirements of the US Food and Drug Administration for
direct addition to food for human consumption, as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21,
CFR 172. 870, subject to the limitations and requirements therein.

As an ingredient of a food product, AeroWhip foam stabilizers may be referred to as “hydroxypropyl-
cellulose” or as E463 in Europe.


© Aqualon, 2006.

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