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medgen 2019 · 31:8–19 Anja Weise · Kristin Mrasek · Constanze Pentzold · Thomas Liehr Institute of Human Genetics, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
Published online: 1 February 2019
© The Author(s) 2019

Chromosomes in the DNA era:

Perspectives in diagnostics and

Introduction (i) Chromosomes in genetic Chromosomes visualized by

diagnostics classical and banding cytogenetics
Chromosomal disorders have existed as
long as life has existed and will exist in To unveil the nature and role of chromo- Walter Flemming, a German anatomist,
the future—because of our genome ar- somal aberrations in syndromic disease, was the first to analyze structures and
chitecture. The latter is the fundamental banding cytogenetics is most often the processes in the interphase nucleus in
dynamic link driving technical develop- first essential part of current genetic di- a systematic way using a light micro-
ments from basic research into routine agnostics [2]. Chromosomal aberrations scope. He described the process of “mi-
diagnostics and back. Understanding the are microscopically visible large-scale ge- tosis,” and visualized and denominated
peculiarities of each available approach nomic alterations resulting in imbalances “chromatin” for the first time in 1879.
for studying the human genome can help that lead to gene dosage effects (ane- Therefore, he is recognized as the founder
to combine these techniques properly to uploidies, deletions, duplications), may of cytogenetics. In 1956, Tjio and Levan
provide the maximal diagnostic yield for cause deregulation of gene expression correctly determined that the constitu-
individual patients and affected families. by disrupting genes, leading to gene fu- tional human chromosome number is 46.
At the same time, by bringing all the data sions, position effects or a predisposi- Accordingly, from 1956 onward several
and sometimes apparently insignificant tion for larger imbalances in the next well-known clinical syndromes were as-
results together, a better understanding generation (due to translocations, inver- signed to have their underlying cause in
of higher-order genomic architecture, ge- sions). Besides, imprinting effects due aneuploidy (e. g., trisomy 21 leading to
nomic disease mechanisms, and genome to unequal parental inheritance of some Down’s syndrome). However, structural
evolution can be achieved. chromosomes or chromosomal segments aberrations were (almost) not detectable
The 2m of human nuclear DNA are can be another easily forgotten conse- until the introduction of banding cyto-
divided into 46 densely packed portions quence (uniparental disomy, UPD [3]). genetics in 1971 by Lore Zech. She also
in each cell, wound around complex, If such chromosomal aberrations affect contributed to the field of tumor cytoge-
higher-order protein structures such germ cells this may cause inherited ge- netics, where the link between abnormal
as chromosomes, which are organized nomic diseases based on microdeletions chromosomes and cancer had been es-
in a well-defined hierarchical three- and microduplications, or can lead to tablished since 1914 owing to a seminal
dimensional way. This higher-order infertility and/or abortions due to im- paper by Theodor Boveri presenting his
compaction is driven by the necessity balanced transmission of the rearrange- “chromosome theory of tumor develop-
and functionality of the nucleus and was ment to the next generation. On the other ment” [8, 9].
denominated “chromosomics” in 2005 hand, if somatic cells are affected, such The highest incidence of constitu-
[1]. To address the link between basic alterations can contribute to cancer and tional chromosomal aberrations in hu-
research and clinical diagnostics in the genetic aging [4–6]. In addition to classi- mans is found in first-trimester spon-
field of chromosome biology, we divided cal and banding cytogenetic approaches, taneous abortions. An overall rate of
the manuscript into two subparts: (i) cur- chromosomes are nowadays studied for >50% prenatal fatal abnormalities can
rent clinical applications and diagnostic diagnostic purposes in situ by molecular be seen in these abortions, and the
strategies for approaching chromosomal cytogenetics and in vitro by molecular observed spectrum of aberrations is
aberrations and (ii) integrative aspects karyotyping, next-generation sequenc- similar in natural and assisted reproduc-
of structure, function, and evolution ing, and multiple polymerase chain re- tion [10, 11]. Compared with the general
of the human genome towards a better action (PCR)-based approaches [7]. population, incidences of chromosomal
understanding of human chromosome aberrations are higher in patients with
biology. mental retardation, dysmorphic features,
pre- and postnatal growth abnormalities,

8 medizinische genetik 1 · 2019

absent/preterm puberty, infertility, and results of human genome reshuffling [6, methodology. In 1992, chromosome-
recurrent abortions. Taken together, the 14]. based comparative genomic hybridiza-
incidence of gross chromosomal abnor- In general, the prerequisites for cy- tion (CGH) was developed. CGH was
malities is estimated to be 1 in 135 live- togenetic approaches are living cells that later developed toward molecular kary-
born children, around 40% of them being still divide or may be stimulated to divide otyping (i. e., array CGH). Since 1996,
phenotypically affected [12]. A cytoge- again. The huge advantage of this tech- various multicolor FISH probe-sets have
netically unresolvable or an apparently nique is the “whole genomic view,” which been established. First, only whole chro-
balanced de novo aberration found in enables screening for any kind of nu- mosome paints were used. Afterward,
a phenotypically affected individual is merical and gross structural aberration all kind of probes such as partial chro-
the starting point for further analysis; at a single cell level; the latter is a unique mosome paints, centromeric probes and
molecular cytogenetics and/or molec- opportunity to also detect low-level mo- locus-specific probes were combined for
ular karyotyping to identify possible saicism [15]. Additionally, banding cy- subtelomeric, (peri-)centromeric and/or
causative submicroscopic imbalances, togenetic analyses can be performed at FISH-banding probe sets [7]. Since the
complex rearrangements or disrupted relative low equipment and consumables 2000s, it has become possible to apply
genes are nowadays routinely applied in costs compared with higher resolution FISH to study genomic architecture of
such cases [13]. However, if banding techniques (. Table 1). For acquired so- 3D-preserved interphase nuclei. This
cytogenetic analysis has been skipped matic clonal chromosomal abnormalities approach is still only used for research
and a chromosomal imbalance (>50 kb) in tumor cytogenetics, the result can help purposes, even though a possible impact
is detected, e. g., by CMA, it is extremely to classify the tumor type, may influence on clinical consequences was reported
important to verify the molecular kary- tumor therapy and prognosis, and can (see also part (ii) of this article).
otyping results at the chromosomal level. be used to monitor the disease course in FISH is nowadays routinely applied
This is necessary to distinguish an un- the patient. in tumor cytogenetics, including in-
balanced insertion from an unbalanced terphase-directed approaches in solid
translocation or a small supernumer- Chromosomes visualized by tumors and leukemia [6]. For consti-
ary marker chromosome from a simple molecular cytogenetics tutional genetics, it has recently been
duplication. Also, subsequent analyses shown that FISH is the only routine diag-
of the parents is necessary to estimate Molecular cytogenetics originally com- nostic approach capable of detecting the
recurrence risks. prised two approaches: primed in situ parental origin of disease-causing sub-
Furthermore, identification and char- hybridization (PRINS) and fluorescence microscopic inversions relevant for the
acterization of chromosomal aberrations in situ hybridization (FISH). Nowadays, offspring. Such submicroscopic events
play an important role in tumor cyto- PRINS is only rarely used in research may lead to microdeletion or microdu-
genetic diagnostics of leukemia, lym- as it turned out to be exclusively suit- plication in the putative progeny of such
phoma, and solid tumors. Acquired, able for repetitive regions. FISH was inversion carriers [16]. Nonetheless,
cytogenetically detectable aberrations established between 1986 and 1989 for patients with a suspected microdele-
are frequently observed in these con- human chromosomes as a single-, two- tion syndrome (including subtelomeric
ditions and can be the most complex or three-color approach. Previously, imbalances) are nowadays tested us-
ISH was only available as a radioactive ing molecular karyotyping rather than

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Abstract · Zusammenfassung

medgen 2019 · 31:8–19

© The Author(s) 2019

A. Weise · K. Mrasek · C. Pentzold · T. Liehr

Chromosomes in the DNA era: Perspectives in diagnostics and research
Chromosomes were discovered more than combination with cytogenetics. Nonetheless, chromosomes interact with each other.
130 years ago. The implementation of high-resolution DNA-focused techniques have Interestingly, in many instances research
chromosomal investigations in clinical dominated clinical diagnostics more recently, was triggered by specific clinical diagnostic
diagnostics was fueled by determining the rather than a “chromosomic view,” including cases or diseases that contributed to new
correct number of human chromosomes to be banding cytogenetics as a precondition and fascinating insights, not only into disease
46 and the development of specific banding for the application of higher resolution mechanisms but also into basic principles of
techniques. Subsequent technical impro- methods. Currently, there is a renaissance of chromosome biology. Here we review the
vements in the field of genetic diagnostics, this “chromosomic view” in research, under- role, the intrinsic value, and the perspectives
such as fluorescence in situ hybridization standing chromosomes to be an essential of chromosomes in a molecular genetics-
(FISH), chromosomal microarrays (CMA, array feature of genomic architecture, owing to the dominated human genetics diagnostic era
CGH) or next-generation sequencing (NGS) discovery of (i) higher order chromosomal and make comparison with basic research,
techniques, partially succeeded in overcoming sub-compartments, (ii) chromosomal features where these benefits are well-recognized.
limitations of banding cytogenetics. that influence genomic architecture, gene
Consequently, nowadays, higher diagnostic expression, and evolution, and (iii) 3D Keywords
yields can be achieved if new approaches and 4D chromatin organization within the Karyotyping · FISH · CMA · Fragile sites ·
such as NGS, CMA or FISH are applied in nucleus, including the complex way in which Interphase architecture

Chromosomen im DNA-Zeitalter: Perspektiven für die Diagnostik und Forschung

Vor mehr als 130 Jahren wurden Chro- die Sichtweise, die als „Chromosomics“ Einzelfälle aus der Diagnostik oder das
mosomen erstmals beschrieben. Die beschrieben wurde, d. h. unter anderem auch Studium bestimmter Erkrankungen gefördert,
Analyse menschlicher Chromosomen in der die Durchführung der Bänderungszytogenetik die nicht nur zum Verständnis beitrugen
humangenetischen Diagnostik etablierte sich als Grundvoraussetzung für die Anwendung wie Krankheiten entstehen können, sondern
rasch, nachdem die Anzahl der menschlichen von Methoden mit höherer Auflösung. Eine oftmals zu neuen und faszinierenden
Chromosomen mit 46 richtig bestimmt und gänzlich gegensätzliche Entwicklung lässt sich Einblicken in die Chromosomenbiologie
mit Einführung der Bänderungszytogenetik hingegen im Bereich der Forschung beob- führten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit betrachten
vollzogen worden war. Nachfolgende achten. Hier rücken die Chromosomen als ein wir die Rolle der Chromosomenstruktur und
technische Fortschritte der genetischen essenzieller Bestandteil der Genomarchitektur die Gründe, warum sie berücksichtigt werden
Diagnostik, wie Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridi- mehr und mehr in den Mittelpunkt, spätestens muss, sowie die Perspektiven von Chromo-
sierung (FISH), „Molekulare Karyotypisierung“ seit der Entdeckung (i) chromosomaler Sub- somenstudien/„Chromosomics“ in einem
(CMA, array CGH) oder „Next Generation Kompartimente, welche sich klar in einer diagnostikorientierten, molekulargenetisch
Sequencing“ (NGS) trugen dazu bei, einige der „höheren Ordnung“ präsentieren, (ii) von dominierten humangenetischen Umfeld und
Einschränkungen der Bänderungszytogenetik Eigenschaften der Chromosomen, welche die stellen sie der Welt der Grundlagenforschung
zu überwinden. Letztlich kann aber eine Architektur des Genoms, die Genexpression gegenüber, in der diese Aspekte den Akteuren
verbesserte Diagnostik dann erzielt werden, und die Evolution beeinflussen, sowie voll bewusst sind.
wenn die genannten neuen Ansätze wie NGS, (iii) der 3D- und 4D-Chromatinorganisation
CMA oder FISH in Kombination mit zytoge- innerhalb des Zellkerns, einschließlich der Schlüsselwörter
netischen Methoden angewandt werden. komplexen Art und Weise, wie Chromosomen Karyotypisierung · FISH · CMA · Fragile sites ·
Nichtsdestotrotz dominieren heutzutage miteinander interagieren. Interessanterweise Interphasekernarchitektur
hochauflösende DNA-fokussierte Techniken wurde die hier genannte Forschung in
die humangenetische Diagnostik und weniger vielen Fällen durch spezifische klinische

FISH. Although in the past, FISH was e. g., in the case of female infertility complex rearrangements, orientation of
used as a “prenatal quicktest” to screen and a banding cytogenetic karyotype of inserted DNA fragments and submicro-
for the most frequent second-trimester 45,X[2]/46,XX[27]/47,XXX[1], FISH in scopic deletions or duplications may be
aneuploidies, this is nowadays most buccal mucosa may confirm X-chromo- detected and characterized by FISH [7].
often examined using molecular ge- some mosaicism [7]. Another important field addressable by
netics tests via microsatellite analysis. Metaphase directed FISH is especially FISH is the characterization of hete-
However, interphase FISH performed important for the characterization of ac- rochromatic variants, which may also
in somatic tissues other than blood or quired and constitutional chromosomal be distinguished from euchromatic bal-
fibroblasts is an important tool for ruling rearrangements, not being resolvable anced rearrangements [5]. Finally, FISH
out the possibility of cryptic mosaicism, by banding cytogenetics alone. Cryptic is often used as the “second method” to

10 medizinische genetik 1 · 2019

Table 1 Comparison of currently available routine diagnostic approaches
Feature GTG banding FISH CMA NGS
Principle Monochrome-stained chromosomes DNA-specific fluorescent probes are Patient DNA is applied to a microar- Panel-specific and/or genome-wide
are screened for numerical, structurally hybridized on patient chromosomes/ ray to screen for genomic gains or detection of causal mutations in
balanced and unbalanced aberrations nuclei to resolve structural and numer- losses (and if SNP based for LOH) at monogenic disorders by high-
ical aberrations high resolution throughput sequencing techniques
Material Living cells Metaphases and interphase DNA DNA
Tissue sections, primary fixed cells
Equipment Incubator FISH probes Microarray NGS platform
Light microscope Fluorescence microscope Scanner Bioinformatic data processing
Range Genome-wide Genome-wide (M-FISH) Genome-wide Genome-wide (WGS)
Single cell level Locus- and region-specific Pool of cells Gene panel-specific
Single cell level Pool of cells
Resolution for routine diag- >5–10 Mb >50 kb >50 kb 1–300 bp
Mosaic detection (minimum Depends on the number of analyzed Depends on the number of analyzed Depends on the mosaic ratio in the Depends on the mosaic ratio in the sample and
range) cells (5–25%) cells (0.1–1%) sample (20–30%; SNP array <5%) coverage and the analysis software (>0.1% with
MuTect; >10% with HaploTyper)
Minimal turnaround time Depending on culture time: 1–15 days Depending on FISH probe type: 3 h to Depending on platform: 1–4 d Depending on platform and panel: 5–14 d
3 days
Applications First-line screening test for gross struc- Second-line test for specific rearrange- Second-line screening for genomic Second-/third-line panel-specific or
tural and numerical aberrations ments imbalances after normal GTG/FISH genome-wide screening for DNA mutations
Tumor cytogenetic Detects small mosaics Defining size of chromosomal imbal- First-line test as panel in defined clinical sub-
ances groups
(Metaphases for FISH) Verification of GTG and CMA results Verification in parents to interpret Tumor-specific targeted panels
Resolves complex rearrangements VUS in offspring Predictive testing and verification of familial
Parental screening for predisposing (CNV detection)
Tumor-specific FISH panels
Advantage Low costs for equipment and consum- Widely used for commercial probes Widely used High throughput lowers single-run/
ables -case costs
Widely used Sensitive mosaic detection ~100 × higher resolution than GTG Widely used
Detection of heterochromatic regions Predisposing rearrangements in par- CNV detection Single base resolution on genome-wide scale
ents detectable, genomic location and
orientation resolvable
Global whole genome view with CNV detection (especially deletion, Low-level mosaics detectable
information on genomic location inversion, translocation events) at
higher resolution than GTG
Verification method
Use of frozen or FFPET sections

medizinische genetik 1 · 2019


confirm a molecular karyotyping result

Heterochromatic/repetitive regions are unsatis-

(. Table 1).

GTG G-bands by trypsin using Giemsa, FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization, CMA chromosomal microarray, NGS next-generation sequencing, CGH comparative genomic hybridization, SNP single-nucleotide
polymorphism, LOH loss of heterozygosity, Mb mega base pair, kb kilo base pair, bp base pair, VUS variant of uncertain clinical significance, CNV copy number variation, FFPET formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
Short reads limit CNV and structural aberration

High rate of VUS, interpretation problems, sec-

No standards for software pipelines and data

factorily/not covered (artefact variants)
Chromosomal micro-arrays (CMA)/

Costs for equipment and consumables

Bioinformatic trained stuff is needed

molecular karyotyping
For around 10 years chromosomal mi-
croarrays (CMA), based on the original
Fidelity at low coverage

CGH method (see above), have been rou-

tinelyused toscreenforgenome-wide im-
ondary findings

balances. In addition, single-nucleotide


polymorphism (SNP)-based techniques


are used to test for loss of heterozygos-


ity (LOH). The resolution depends on

the platform used and the diagnostic in-
Location of an imbalance within the

dication and can be as low as 5–10 kb.

Costs for equipment and consum-
Balanced aberrations are not de-
Heterochromatic regions are not

CMAs and banding cytogenetics are both

genome-wide techniques, but the reso-
Low-level mosaics escape

lution of CMA is 100–1,000-fold higher.

Polyploidy detection

Thus, CMA is also referred as molecular

genome is unknown

karyotyping, even though no in situ view

High rate of VUS

on the chromosome and no information

on ploidy or heterochromatic genomic

regions are available [5]. Based on CMA,


numerous new recurrent microdeletion

and microduplication syndromes were
No commercial FISH probe for region

reported, e. g., Weise et al. [4]. At the

Small duplication events are hard to

FISH assay and lab-specific cut-offs

same time, more and more copy num-

ber variations with uncertain clinical sig-
Possible cross hybridization

High costs of FISH probes

nificance and combinatorial effects have

need to be established

been identified. As CMA utilizes DNA

from a relatively large cell pool, small
mosaics within the sample may stay un-
detected. Furthermore, CMA in routine
of interest

diagnostic settings is able to identify nei-


ther balanced aberrations (translocation,

inversion, insertion) that might have an
effect on the recurrence risk or have a po-
Small and/or rare rearrangements can

sition effect, nor DNA sequence or epige-

Viable cells and culture artefacts

netic changes including imbalances be-

Experienced staff is needed

low the specific resolution of the array

platform. Finally, the exact nature of an
imbalance cannot be resolved by CMA
alone (. Fig. 1) and needs subsequent
be overlooked
GTG banding

(molecular) cytogenetic analyses. More-


tissue, WGS whole-genome sequencing

over, the investigation of the parental or

de novo origin of a CMA-detected im-
balance can help to estimate recurrence
risks in single families [11].
Pitfalls and disadvantages

Using CMA, the highest diagnostic


yield is available in mentally retarded in-

dividuals with a normal karyotype; here,
an additional detection rate of around
20% has been reported [17]. Other
Table 1

patients with submicroscopic genomic

imbalances include individuals with

12 medizinische genetik 1 · 2019

Detected by EBM in Missed diagnosc informaon Addional diagnosc informaon

Cytogenecs • Indicaon for parental tesng to disnguish familiar DS
(GTG) from de novo, esmate recurrence risk
197 -

FISH (M-FISH) • Indicaon for parental tesng to disnguish familiar DS

from de novo, esmate recurrence risk
954 -

CMA • No differenaon between free and translocaon trisomy • When SNP-array is used addional informaon on UPD /
• Parental CMA will give normal results although one parent LOH
945 might be a carrier with increased recurrence risk • Addional clinical relevant CNVs might be detected

NGS • No CNV detecon by NGS pipeline • Addional clinical sequence mutaons might be detected
(gene panel <25kb) Æ completely missed diagnosis
2626 • CNV detecon by NGS pipeline • CNV detecon by NGS pipeline
Æ no differenaon between free or translocaon trisomy Æaddional clinical relevant CNVs might be detected
Æ Parental NGS will give normal results although one
parent might be a carrier with increased recurrence risk

Fig. 1 8 Example of a postnatal case with translocation trisomy 21 due to a rob(14;21).This example is chosen because it illus-
trates the different levels of diagnostic information for different methods and is an example where (molecular) cytogenetics
gives the highest diagnostic value.Depending on other diagnostic indications and causative mutations other techniques
might be more comprehensive. Different detection techniques are compared, along with the reimbursement by the German
health system according to the current “EBM” catalogue per case and the missed and additional diagnostic information when
each technique is used as a stand-alone.
GTG G-bands by trypsin using Giemsa, FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization, CMA chromosomal microarray,
NGS next-generation sequencing, CNV copy number variation, DS Down Syndrome, UPD uniparental disomy, LOH loss of
heterozygosity, EBM Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab

autism, epilepsy, dysmorphic features, sequencing of single genes. However, the became epidemic [20, 21]. In fact, this
developmental delay, and congenital most comprehensive strategy for finding has had drastic consequences not only
malformations, or a combination of the new causative mutations by NGS is to for individual families, insufficiently in-
aforementioned characteristics. How- run whole-genome (WGS) or whole-ex- formed about the drawbacks of the NIPT
ever, up to ~80% of infertile patients ome (WES) sequencing (ideally in family test, but also for national health systems
with a small supernumerary marker trios). Targeted gene panels are straight- [19–21].
chromosome would be missed in CMA forward for reducing time and costs for Hence, besides having a high diagnos-
[18]. the health system in routine diagnostics tic yield, NGS has limitations (. Table 1).
of defined clinical subgroups (e. g., cer- A recent retrospective study by Höch-
Nonchromosome-directed tain malformations, neurological pheno- stenbach et al. [22] nicely illustrates
molecular diagnostic strategies types, malignancies, etc.). Consequently, the spectrum of missed diagnoses when
targeted NGS-based tests have been de- WGS might be used as a “one fits all”
The main driving forces for developing veloped that can deal with very small test. At least 8.1% of GTG/FISH/CMA-
new techniques in genetic diagnostics are amounts of cell-free DNA and DNA ra- detected abnormalities are missed: 73.3%
the limitations of the established ones tio differences, as in non-invasive pre- in the premature ovarian failure due to
(. Table 1). This also holds true for PCR- natal testing (NIPT). Currently, NIPT low-level gonosomal mosaicism group,
based approaches developed over the last is applied globally as a prenatal screen- 25.6% in couples with recurrent miscar-
decades (e. g., multiplex ligation-depen- ing test focusing on trisomies 13, 18, riages because of undetected Robertso-
dent probe amplification—MLPA), and and 21, and on gonosomes [19]. This led nian translocations (. Fig. 1), and 0.35%
for the latest achievement: high-through- to the secondary phenomenon that the in mentally retarded patients. Thus, clini-
put next-generation sequencing (NGS) incidence of children born with inborn cians, clinical laboratory geneticists, and
techniques. NGS dramatically reduced disease-related copy number variations the patient/family need to be aware of
sequencing costs and time when enter- (CNVs), which were formerly picked up expected pick-up rates and the type of
ing routine diagnostics to replace Sanger by GTG banding, FISH, and/or CMA, abnormalities that can escape the applied

medizinische genetik 1 · 2019 13


diagnostic methods. Another side effect Interim conclusions for research functional substructures of the nucleus,
when new state-of-the-art techniques be- how DNA is folded into chromosomes,
come routine is the decreasing number Owing to the application of high- and how chromosomes—and the genes
of analyses of “old-fashioned” methods throughput settings and cytogenetic located on them—are functionally ar-
that might lead to fading competency in approaches in clinical diagnostics, there ranged and interact. Overall, a combina-
the neglected field [23]. Therefore, tradi- is a tremendous output of large amounts tion of DNA sequence, epigenetic modifi-
tional methods should not be bypassed of diagnostic data and metadata col- cations, chromosomal sub-compartmen-
just because newer approaches become lected in open databases. This is not talization, and spatial and chronological
available. The choice of stepwise diagnos- only fruitful for better genotype–phe- organization within the nucleus orches-
tics (e. g., from low to high resolution) notype correlation and comprehensive trates the symphony of life; this is all
maybe preferable. Anexample is the need genetic counseling, but also provides new summarized in the concept of “chromo-
for subsequent diagnostics in defining the and deeper insights into fundamental somics” [1].
type of trisomy found by CMA, which genome biology and disease mecha-
can either be a free trisomy and most nisms. One example is the identification Interphase and metaphase
likely sporadic, or arise from a (parental) of recurrent microdeletion and -dupli- architecture
translocation being connected with an cation syndromes by CMA collected in
enhanced probability of recurrence in several databases (e. g., Decipher, ISCA, The spatial and temporal fine tuning of
further offspring and a UPD risk for fu- ECRUCA) and the identification of the nuclear architecture is critical for replica-
ture pregnancies. To elucidate the under- underlying pathomechanism of non- tion, transcription, DNA repair, and cell
lying type of trisomy, only cytogenetics homologous recombination triggered cycle progression. Recent technical de-
can help (. Fig. 1). by low copy repeats. Subsequently, velopments include chromosome confor-
predisposing rearrangements such as mation capture and chromatin immuno-
Interim conclusions for diagnostics inversions were discovered in parents precipitation with subsequent sequenc-
of affected individuals and are now the ing methods (summarized in Schmitt et
In conclusion, reasonable (preferably subject of evaluation in routine FISH al. [25]), together with super resolution
stepwise) combinations of well-estab- diagnostics to estimate the recurrence microscopy (summarized in Cattoni et
lished new high-throughput methods risk for those families [16]. Even com- al. [26]). Thereby, these methods pro-
will lead to a maximum diagnostic yield bining all available standard approaches vide an alternative view into the highly
for the patients and their families, while in human genetic diagnostics may be dynamic and complex organization of the
keeping in mind methodological limi- insufficient to solve the disease-causing nucleus.
tations, advantages, and disadvantages gene. But putting all information to- The anatomy of the nucleus came into
(. Table 1). Even a simple karyotype may gether would still be helpful in terms of spotlight on the discovery that chromo-
resolve the diagnosis (. Fig. 1). On the understanding general principles such somes are not fully decondensed in the
other hand, WGS may serve as a first- as genome, chromosomal, and nuclear interphase nucleus [27] and are randomly
line test to find causative single-gene organization. For example, the recent placed but occupy a preferred area that
mutations, LOHs, CNVs, and struc- characterization of a disease mechanism is also known as chromosome territory
tural rearrangements, given that this can facilitated by a deletion acting in trans [28]. One key method for accessing the
be accompanied by a third-generation was only accessible by taking interphase nucleus architecture is sequence-specific
sequencing revolution providing long architecture into account [24]—see the multicolor FISH. Another modification
read sequence information. Neverthe- next part of this paper. for reaching a more in vivo situation was
less, karyotyping will still be helpful to perform studies in 3D-preserved in-
and necessary, as heterochromatic re- (ii) Chromosome biology as terphase nuclei. Accordingly, there is
gions are barely covered by sequencing a key to understanding genome strong evidence that defined chromoso-
approaches. architecture mal positioning is a prerequisite for the
However, all patients, in industrial correct functioning of living cells. Thus,
countries and in developing nations, de- Chromosomes are not only a bundled the comparison of the chromosomal con-
serve the best and most straightforward storage structure of the primary DNA se- stitution in healthy and disease-affected
strategies for a quick and comprehen- quence but instead present an additional human brains [29], of sperm in healthy
sive diagnosis. Therefore, clinically cus- layer of information for the living cell. and infertile individuals [30, 31] or in
tomized and cost-minimizing analyses More recently, because of the new techni- leukemic and normal bone marrow [32,
should be used before starting with novel cal developments mentioned in the first 33] can enlighten the as yet not under-
“one fits all” methods (. Fig. 1). part of this article, this basic fact tends stood pathomechanisms of many human
to be forgotten in human genetic diag- diseases. Additionally, the impact of ex-
nostics. However, at least in research the tra chromosomes on the nuclear archi-
focus is heading toward understanding tecture has been studied using this tech-
genomic architecture so as to understand nique in humans [34] and other species

14 medizinische genetik 1 · 2019

[35], in addition to the general position context and cell variability within a pop- genes distant from a given breakpoint can
of chromosomes in species other than ulation. The recently launched 4D nucle- be affected because of disturbed higher-
humans [36, 37]. ome project is aimed at overcoming that order chromatin organization (e. g., topo-
Recently, it has been confirmed that kind of limitation [40], but a strong need logically associated domains, TADs; re-
the precise order of chromosomes is for standards and guidelines is required viewed in Spielmann et al. [43]). Apart
not only restricted to the interphase to ensure data reproducibility [41]. from the structural organization of the
and prophase nucleus [38] but also nucleus and folding of chromosomes into
seems to be conserved with respect Chromosomal aberrations and local aggregates such as TADs, chromo-
to the parental origin of homologous altered “chromosome kissing” somes can directly interact with each
chromosomes down to the metaphase other. This was first observed as the “in-
stage; a functional relevance cannot be Although chromosomal aberrations can termingling” of chromosome territories
neglected any longer [39]. have a direct effect on the phenotype (by and is also referred as “chromosome kiss-
As outlined above for diagnostic chro- altered gene dosage as outlined in the ing” or “nonhomologous chromosomal
mosome analysis (in the first part of this first part of this article) a frequently dis- contacts” [44, 45]. Such interchromoso-
article), different techniques for studying cussed and barely accessible mechanism mal interactions contribute to the for-
the human genome involve specific limi- is the so-called “position effect” [42]. It mation of nuclear compartments, e. g.,
tations. This also holds true for studies in is known that genes are aligned linearly when the short arms of human acro-
3D nuclear architecture, where no single along a chromosome. Whereas the influ- centric chromosomes build up the nu-
technique is able to address all the ques- ence of enhancers or inhibitors in front cleolus, and/or form a gene expression
tions to be studied. This is mainly because of or near to a gene on its functional- regulation network with regulatory ele-
of remarkable differences in through- ity is well-accepted, close proximity to ments interacting in trans (summarized
put, resolution, and reproducibility of the a heterochromatic region or direct in- in Maass et al. [46]). The close proximity
available approaches. In addition, most teraction of genetic regions located Mbs between nonhomologous chromosomes
technical possibilities are static snapshots apart from each other (in cis) or even in facilitates not only the exchange of chro-
without temporal dynamic chromatin in- trans, has long been debated. Meanwhile, mosomal material, appearing in as many
formation, lacking information on cell it is well-known that the expression of as 1:1,000 for Robertsonian transloca-

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tions [12]butalsodrives partnerselection within families or are associated with (including the formation of new genes)
forother(partlyrecurrent)translocations certain syndromes [54]. It has become and disease, is the unifying tool for un-
[47]. This phenomenon could be tissue- evident that within common FSs, large derstanding all these different aspects of
specific, illustrated by recurrent tumor- stretches of DNA-activated replication genetics. This applies to future research
specific translocations [33, 48]. The di- origins are lacking [61]. Instead, ori- directions and to the most urgent in-
rect influence of a chromosomal aber- gin scarcity is connected to the even tegration of three-dimensional nuclear
ration on 3D nuclear architecture was greater effect of replication hindrance organization into human genetic diag-
recently shown for a HDAC4 deletion lo- on the timely replication of this region. nostics.
cated in 2q37, resulting in altered “chro- Under-replicated DNA, therefore, parts
mosome kissing” among chromosomes 2, will be left behind, somehow escaping Concluding remarks
12, and 17 [24]. check point activation before mitosis
onset, as treatment with low doses of A truism must be mentioned at the end of
Fragile sites as “drivers” of gene a potent replication inhibitor can do this perspective on chromosomes in clin-
und genome evolution [62]. During the metaphase such zones ical diagnostics and basic research—the
of incomplete replication can appear as more we learn, the less we know, and the
The common bases for acquired or con- relaxed chromosomal parts that are rem- more questions arise. Accordingly, being
stitutional chromosomal rearrangements iniscent of gaps or breaks present within called “dead,” not being of interest, and
and for chromosomal changes between each human individual. A recent study not worthy of being studied several times
species are DNA double-strand breaks. on molecular features of fine-mapped FS during the last few decades, it turns out
One specific class of cytogenetically visi- [63] revealed that these regions are in once more that an understanding of chro-
ble breaks of decondensed chromatin are general gene-poor but at the same time mosomal functions is essential to gain in-
fragile sites (FSs) that are considered as enriched in disease related and Online sights into mechanisms of constitutional
regions of chromosomal instability with Mendelian Inheritance in Man(OMIM)- and acquired genomic diseases, in addi-
overlapping signatures for breakpoints annotated genes. Additionally, they tion to the adaptability of living beings.
repeatedly observed in tumors [49–51], comprise an increased enrichment of
in constitutional rearrangements [4, 52, CNVs [64, 65], most likely mediated Corresponding address
53], and also as evolutionarily conserved by the imperfect repair of these breaks.
Dr. Anja Weise
breakpoints [54–58]. In addition, those Those CNVs include euchromatic gene-
Institute of Human Genetics,
breakage-prone regions are conserved carrying sequences, leading to copy gains Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University
beyond the mammalian linage [59] and and losses, and are therefore a substrate Am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena, Germany
seem to be a general and conserved fea- for population variability and evolution-
ture of chromosome biology. Therefore, ary processes. This could be identified
FSs are exemplary structures for focusing as an enrichment of single gene and
deeper into mechanisms of chromosome, pseudogene family members located at Compliance with ethical
gene, and genome evolution. different genomic FS regions [63]. guidelines
Fragile sites can be induced under In conclusion, FSs seem to be not only
different culture conditions inhibiting reused genomic puzzle edges in kary- Conflict of interest. A. Weise, K. Mrasek, C. Pentzold,
proper DNA replication and resulting in otype evolution but also provide the in- and T. Liehr declare that they have no competing
unreplicated stretches of DNA visible as frastructure to spread gene (copies) over interests.
chromosomal breaks or gaps on a cy- the genome as a source of evolutionary This article does not contain any studies with human
togenetic view. Up to now, more than adaptation. Collectively, this postulated participants or animals performed by any of the au-
230 different FSs have been described at model of “FS-driven gene and genome thors.
a genomic resolution of 5–10 Mb [60]. evolution” awaits further exciting insights Open Access. Thisarticleisdistributedundertheterms
So far, only few have been mapped at the into the trade-off between the risk for of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
molecular level. This is because these genomic diseases and cancer on the one License (
4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
so-called common FSs can only be ob- hand and genetic variability and flexi- and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
served in low frequencies (mostly below bility for evolutionary adaptation on the appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
0.1%) and are not linked to a specific other. source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license,
and indicate if changes were made.
DNA sequence but rather reflect regions
of enhanced breakage probability with Interim conclusions for research
variable sizes (up to several Mb). Besides and diagnostics References
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contribute to regular chromosome struc- The “chromosomic view,” including nu- 1. Claussen U (2005) Chromosomics. Cytogenet
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relevance, “rare FSs” exist, which break mosomal interactions, and FS as underly- throughput approaches are not meant to replace
at specific repeats and can segregate ing principles of chromosomal evolution

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Trachypithecus cristatus (Mammalia: Cercopithe- Präzise Veränderung des Erbguts – mit Licht
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59. Pentzold C, Shah SA, Hansen NR et al (2018) Wissenschaftler*innen aus Heidelberg und Berlin um Roland Eils haben ein
FANCD2 binding identifies conserved fragile sites Proteinkonstrukt names CASANOVA entwickelt, das die CRISPR Genschere im
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Acids Res 46:1280–1294 Dunkeln abschaltet.
60. Mrasek K, Schoder C, Teichmann AC et al (2010)
Global screening and extended nomenclature for
Casanova, ein italienischer Schriftsteller dadurch ab“, erläutert Niopek. „Trifft jedoch
230 aphidicolin-inducible fragile sites, including aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, wird aufgrund blaues Licht auf das Proteinpaar in der Zelle,
61 yet unreported ones. Int J Oncol 36:929–940 seiner zahlreichen Liebschaften mit den so hat die Romanze ein jähes Ende. Die
61. Letessier A, Millot GA, Koundrioukoff S, Lachagès
AM et al (2011) Cell-type-specific replication
Damen der Zeit noch heute im Volksmund Genschere löst sich vom Anti-CRISPR Protein
initiationprogramssetfragilityoftheFRA3B fragile zitiert. Das gleichnamige molekulare Präzi- und wird dadurch aktiv.“
site. Nature 470(7332):120–123 sionswerkzeug, das Wissenschaftler*innen
62. Koundrioukoff S, Carignon S, Técher H et al (2013)
aus Heidelberg und Berlin entwickelt Mit ihrer Methode konnten die For-
Stepwise activation of the ATR signaling pathway
upon increasing replication stress impacts fragile haben, hat auf den ersten Blick durchaus scher*innen um Niopek und Eils die
site integrity. Plos Genet 9(7):e1003643 Gemeinsamkeiten mit seinem Namensvetter. Erbgutsequenz in menschlichen Zellen durch
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Es sucht sich eine Partnerin und geht eine Beleuchtung von außen gezielt verändern.
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64. Wilson TE, Arlt MF, Park SH et al (2015) Large
Allerdings ist die Partnerin hier keine Dame, abzuschalten. Sogar die Bindungsdynamik
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and common fragile sites arising under replication sondern die programmierbare Genschere der CRISPR Genschere an ihre Zielsequenz
stress. Genome Res 25:189–200 CRISPR/Cas9, die es erlaubt, das Genom in im Erbgut lebender Zellen konnten die
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stress and mechanisms of CNV formation. Curr
Opin Genet Dev 22:204–210 Ihre Ergebnisse haben die Forscher*innen Mikroskop verfolgen. „CASANOVA ist
nun in Nature Methods veröffentlicht. nicht nur ein innovatives Werkzeug für
die Grundlagenforschung, z.B. um das
Optogenetisches Verfahren Zusammenspiel zwischen der Aktivität von
Genau gesagt, steht CASANOVA für Genen und dem Verhalten von Zellen zu
„CRISPR/Cas Aktivierung durch ein neues, studieren. Die Methode könnte in Zukunft
optogenetisches Verfahren basierend auf auch für besonders präzise Therapien
Anti-CRISPR Proteinen“. Anti-CRISPR Proteine genetischer Erkrankungen relevant
sind kleine Eiweiße aus Bakterien-infizieren- werden“, sagt Eils. „Die Vielfältigkeit und
den Viren, die in der Lage sind, die CRISPR einfache Anwendbarkeit von CASANOVA
Genschere zu binden. Im gebundenen Zu- ist dabei ein entscheidender Vorteil
stand ist die Genschere blind und nicht mehr gegenüber vorhergehenden Methoden
in der Lage, ihre Zielsequenz im Erbgut zu er- zur Kontrolle von CRISPR/Cas9“, ergänzt
reichen. Dadurch ist das virale Erbgut vor den Felix Bubeck. Gemeinsam mit Mareike
Angriffen durch die Genschere geschützt. Hoffmann, Doktorandin am Deutschen
Die Forscher*innen um Dr. Dominik Krebsforschungszentrum, hat er viele der
Niopek, Institut für Pharmazie und entscheidenden Experimente in Niopeks
Molekulare Biotechnologie/Bioquant- und Eils‘ Labor durchgeführt. Bubeck ist
Zentrum der Universität Heidelberg, Student im Masterstudiengang Molekulare
und Prof. Dr. Roland Eils, Berliner Institut Biotechnologie an der Universität Heidelberg
für Gesundheitsforschung (BIH)/Charité und Ko-Erstautor der Publikation.
Universitätsmedizin/Heidelberger Universi-
tätsklinikum, bauten Anti-CRISPR Proteine Bubeck, Hoffmann et al. (2018): Engineered
mit Hilfe gentechnischer Verfahren so um, anti-CRISPR proteins for optogenetic control
dass diese von außen an- und abgeschaltet of CRISPR/Cas9. Nature Methods. DOI:
werden können – und zwar mit Licht. 10.1038/s41592-018-0178-9
Dazu integrierten sie einen molekularen
Lichtsensor aus der Haferpflanze in ein Anti-
CRISPR Protein. Anschließend brachten die Dr. Stefanie Seltmann,
Forscher*innen das so erzeugte Hybrid – Berliner Institut für
genannt CASANOVA – zusammen mit der Gesundheitsforschung
CRISPR Genschere in humane Zellkulturen
ein. „Im Dunkeln bindet CASANOVA effizient
an die CRISPR Genschere und schaltet diese

18 medizinische genetik 1 · 2019

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