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Lyle Joshua P.


The Great Debaters

The Great Debaters showcases the life of the poet and professor Melvin B. Tolson who is a
teacher at the Wiley College in 1935 Texas. Then he decided to form a group of debaters, something
that is new to the ears of those who study in that school. Eventually, he didn’t failed himself. He was
able to make a team of strong-minded, intelligent, young students and they became the first black team
to beat the Harvard’s debate champions. This was based on a true story. There were 4 students in the
team: James Farmer Jr., Samantha Booke, Henry Lowe and Hamilton Burgess but Burgess fled when he
learned that the sheriff’s eyes are on Tolson. But the rest, the three pursued their way to the top when
they won against many competitions against different institutions till they reach the chance to win
against the prestigious Harvard. The movie depicted a significant type of communication; the debate.
Debate is generally used everywhere. It is a formal discussion of a topic, which opposing arguments are
put forward. The debate is an excellent example for Motivation as a function of communication.

Debate may occur in public meetings, academic institutions and legislative assemblies. It is a
discussion of formal type, and may be with a moderator and audience as the debate participants.
Modern forms of debate occurred by the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century. Competitive
debating is where teams compete with each other then they are judged the winner by a list of criteria.
Debates enable you to be narrow-minded, look at all sides of an issue, to give a good scope and
structure to your work and to practice the art of public speaking. When you participate in this kind of
communication, you’ll learn to look on things broader, you’ll learn to think rationally and see the
importance of life and the things you never saw the worth before for debates can open the eyes of your
audience, the judges, even you about the issue you are pertaining to.

There was a part in the movie where Tolson was arrested and Dr. James Farmer Sr., the father of
Farmer Jr., made the sheriff let go of Tolson by making him see his point of view. Debate isn’t just
discussing about some kind of issue but it is also a battle of minds, intelligence, point of views as oneself,
as other person, as a mother, as a child, as a father, or as a president of a country, or anyone, ideas and
knowledge. The sides are bound to give their say about the side they chose on a topic and then give an
answer on what each other are trying to say. When one debates, he/she learns to be a wide-minded
person that sees things differently from what a normal person does. It is beautiful for one can give his
side on a communication that is taking place more fluidly and accurate for he can think of many things
about what he is pertaining to and it can make the communication, verbal or non-verbal, more colorful
and bright for the ideas coming in and out.

There is this quote in the movie, “We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to
do.” By debating, we can open people’s eyes on what we want them to realize. We have to give our best
judgment on what is given to us then we can do what we want to do, which is to give them the
knowledge about the things we want them to see. James L. Farmer Jr. once said, “Courage, after all, is
not being unafraid, but doing what needs to be done in spite of fear.” We all feel that fear to speak, to
be in front of many people and give our opinion. We are afraid to be criticized. Why is it hard to do the
right things when it is so easy to do wrong things? We only see bad doings in news and then when we
see people do right things, we are so amused. Maybe it is what people are used to since long time ago.
But we all know that with the help of God, we can overcome that fear we have and take that courage to
do the things we know are good. The judge is God. He decides who wins or loses, not the opponent.

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