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By Crystal Bonvillian

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Area residents are soaking up the sun and preparing to enjoy the July 4th holiday, but there
is potential danger lurking amid the fun.
Today's heat index in north Alabama is anticipated to be above 100 degrees. With those temperatures comes the
danger of dehydration and heat stroke for anyone spending a moderate to large amoun t of time in the heat.
The National Weather Service reports that a total of 155 people died of heat-related causes in 2012, including eight in
Alabama. More than half of those deaths occurred not outdoors, but inside homes with little to no air conditioning.
About 75 percent of those who died were 50 years of age or older.

According to Johns Hopkins University, children and those 60 and older are most susceptible to dehydration, which
occurs when a person loses too much of the fluid in their bodies. With that fluid, the person also loses the salts a body
needs to function properly, such as sodium, potassium, calcium bicarbonate and phosphate.
On a typical day, people lose water through everything from sweating to breathing. When exposed to high heat, the
fluid loss is exacerbated and a person can be in danger before they realize it.

Symptoms of dehydration in adults include thirst, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness and confusion. In children,
dehydration can also manifest as crying without tears, no wet diapers in three hours or longer, a sunken look to their
abdomen or facial features, listlessness and irritability.

Click here to see a complete list of symptoms in adults and children.

In cases of mild dehydration, increased fluid intake, particularly of sports drinks, can solve the problem. More serious
cases could mean a trip to the emergency room for IV fluids.

Heat stroke is even more serious, developing quickly and requiring medical treatment, Johns Hopkins says. It occurs
when a person does not sweat enough to sufficiently cool down the body, and the body temperature reaches
dangerously high levels.
Symptoms of heat stroke include a high temperature, headache, disorientation or confusion, sluggishness, flushed -
but not sweaty - skin and rapid heartbeat. Click here to see a complete list of symptoms.
Johns Hopkins has the following advice for avoiding dehydration and heat stroke:

 You should drink plenty of fluids, especially when working or playing in the sun. Water and sports drinks are
acceptable. Caffeinated tea, coffee and soda, as well as alcohol, should be avoided because they speed up dehydration.
 For infants, electrolyte-heavy fluids like Pedialyte are a good choice. Do not try to make your own mix at home.
 Both adults and children need to take in more fluid than they are losing.
 Schedule physical outdoor activities for the cooler parts of the day to avoid being exposed to the worst of the heat.
 Wear lightweight, tightly woven, loose-fitting clothing in light colors.
 Protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat, sunglasses and by using an umbrella.
 Increase time spent outdoors gradually to get your body used to the heat.
 During outdoor activities, take frequent drink breaks and mist yourself with a spray bottle to avoid becoming
 Try to spend as much time indoors as possible on very hot and humid days.
 Never leave children or pets in closed cars on warm or sunny days.
If you suspect that you or someone else is suffering from serious dehydration or heat stroke, seek medical attention

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