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Teacher: Patricia Quinteros Date: August 28, 2018


Complete the following sentences, using for or since.

1. We have lived in Stockton since 2005.

2. She has become very annoying since she quit smoking.
3. I haven't seen Dan for two weeks.
4. The dog hasn't had any food since 3 o'clock.
5. We stayed at the motel for 2 days.
6. I haven't received any mail for a week.
7. Edi has done a lot of work since he joined us.
8. It hasn't rained for weeks.
9. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday's breakfast.
10. He has been taking care of me since I was born.

 Since or For Exercises 1

Drag "For" or "Since" into the answers area to complete this exercise.

I haven’t seen her for two days.

Celine has changed a lot since she got promoted.
We haven’t had a severe storm since 2001.
I have been waiting for this movie for a month.
The baby has been sleeping since 8 o'clock.
My wife and I have been married since 2009.
It’s been raining for 20 minutes.
I have been working for the same company since I graduated from the university.
Sam has been running for 2 hours.
They have fixed many broken pipes since this morning.
I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.
I have driven for 6 hours.

Teacher: Patricia Quinteros Date: August 28, 2018

 Since or For Exercises 2

Drag "For" or "Since" into the answers area to complete this exercise.

Nobody has visited us for two weeks.

Andre has worked as a method engineer since 1999.
How long has it been since you got married?
I have lived in New York for 17 years now.
I haven’t heard from Christine since last week.
That café has been open since 2002.
The dog has been barking for the last 30 minutes.
Alicia has had her car since 2010.
Lucy has been a vegetarian for five years.
Nobody has lived in this house since last summer.
Things have changed since the financial crises in 2015.
I have known my wife for 20 years.

 Since or For Exercises 3

Drag "For" or "Since" for the given time expressions.

for two days

since 2003
since I fell in love with you
for 6 hours
since last week
since our wedding
for ages
since the day we met
for many years
since last summer
since the big earthquake in 1999
for a long time

Teacher: Patricia Quinteros Date: August 28, 2018

 Since or For Worksheet 1

Fill in the following sentences by using for or since.

1. They have been living in Madrid since1972.

2. He has been in prison for four years.

3. He has known about the fact for a long time.

4. Conditions have changed a lot since we were children.

5. Our teacher has been very ill since the last month.

6. I haven't eaten anything for twenty-four hours.

7. In fact he is always very rude. We have been waiting for him for half an hour.

8. I haven't seen him for three years. It is because I haven't been there since I left school.

9. I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car for hours.

10. One of my friends has been teaching in Tokyo for three years. I haven't met him since last

11. I haven't enjoyed myself for two weeks since I heard that my final exam grades were low.

12. I know that you have never seen a lion since you were born. Then now I say that we can go
to the zoo and see one.

13. The police have been looking for him for two weeks since he escaped from the prison.

14. He hasn't spoken to me even a word since the last meeting.

15. I haven't phoned him for a week.

16. He has been the principal of our high school since 1988.

17. Dean has been learning Japanese for two years.

Teacher: Patricia Quinteros Date: August 28, 2018

 Since or For Worksheet 2

Choose for or since.

1. since 2010.

2. for four hours.

3. for a long time.

4. since I met her.

5. for a week.

6. for six years.

7. since my wedding.

8. for ten minutes.

9. since yesterday.

10. for centuries.

11. for a decade.

12. since you were born.

13. since I met you.

14. since the day we argued.

15. for seven hours.

 Since or For Worksheet 3

Fill in the blanks with since or for.

1. Tina's family hasn't seen her since she got married.

2. My mother has been cooking for two hours.

Teacher: Patricia Quinteros Date: August 28, 2018

3. Laurel and Mike have been together since 2005.

4. Hank hasn't drunk anything since this afternoon.

5. Kim's son has been studying at this university for three years.

6. It hasn't rained since last July.

7. I have been waiting for the bus for 45 minutes.

8. I haven't heard from him since I was five.

9. You haven't changed since the last time I saw you.

10. I haven't seen Judy for ages


1) If I wake up late, I’m late for work.

2) If my husband cooks, he burns the food.

3) If Julie doesn’t wear a hat, she gets sunstroke.

4) If children don’t eat well, they aren’t healthy.

5) If you mix water and electricity, you get a shock.

6) If people eat too many sweets, they get fat.

7) If you smoke, you get yellow fingers.

8) If children play outside, they don’t get overweight.

9) If you heat ice, it melts.

10) If I speak to John, he gets annoyed.

11) I feel good the next day if I go to bed early.

12) Lots of people come if Jenny has a party.

13) She buys expensive clothes if she goes shopping.

Teacher: Patricia Quinteros Date: August 28, 2018

14) My daughter passes her exams if she works hard.

15) David is sick if he drinks milk.

16) The river freezes if it’s very cold.

17) I like to visit the museums if I’m in a new city.

18) I cycle to work if the weather’s fine.

19) My flatmate cleans really well if she cleans the house.

20) Everybody is grumpy if it rains a lot.


1. They will be back by 6:30 pm.

2. Will you help me?

3. When will I see you again?

4. His parents won't punish him for being late.

5. Will they sign the contract tonight?

6. It will take us three hours to get there.

7. Will this concert raise money for our school club?

8. This van won't break down with 8 people in it.

9. The meeting won't close before tomorrow morning.

10. When will she send me a copy of her essay?


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