Racecar Aerodynamics

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Experimental and Computational Modeling of the

Aerodynamics of a Racecar
Robert E. Atkinson and Kamran Rokhsaz
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Wichita State University

Copyright © 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT Mercedes CLR separated from the track and assumed an

extreme pitch attitude leading to a catastrophic take off2. This
The aerodynamics of a typical Le Mans configuration is accident was similar to another with a Porsche GT1 at the 1998
investigated numerically and experimentally. The purpose of Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta3. These types of incidents clearly
the investigation has been to gain a better understanding of the show the unusual aerodynamic characteristics of these vehicles
aerodynamic characteristics of such configurations in extreme in off design conditions.
off-design conditions. Computational modeling is performed
with a low-order panel method, while flow visualization is Parallel with increased popularity of wind tunnel testing, over
accomplished with dye injection in a water tunnel using a 1/24- the past two decades, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has
scale model. At low angles of attack, excellent agreement is assumed a more significant role in analyzing the aerodynamics
shown between the streamline patterns observed experimentally of road vehicles4, 5. Development of low-cost robust computer
and those predicted computationally, despite the large codes along with innovations in desktop computing has made
differences in Reynolds numbers. Experimental results indicate CFD solution more accessible to the technical community.
presence of attached boundary layers over a large part of the car Examples of such low-order three-dimensional panel codes
at very high angles of attack. Furthermore, strong vortical include Personal Simulation Works (PSW) that is supported by
structures are detected around sharp edges of lower part of the AeroLogic6. These techniques have proven invaluable in
car at these extreme attitudes. It is postulated that these flow determining the effects of configuration changes quickly and
characteristics assist the catastrophic departure of these vehicles efficiently during the design phase. However, the same methods
once they separate from the track. can also be used to explore the off-design characteristics of
these configurations as well.

INTRODUCTION In the present paper, results are shown from a simple study in
which the aerodynamic characteristics of a typical racecar in
Racecar aerodynamics has evolved into an important technology extreme pitch attitude are examined. Specific attention is paid
that often makes the difference between success and failure on to the nature of the flow over the car outside of the ground
the racetrack. Today all serious racecars are tested in wind effect, especially at high angles of attacks. Attention is also
tunnels with the well-funded teams spending significant time drawn to vortical structures that develop on the lower sides of
and money in continuous development. However, due to the the car when placed at such attitudes.
highly competitive nature of the sport, individual teams closely
guard their results. Consequently, little is information is A 4,200-panel model of the typical configuration is used for
available in the open literature on such efforts. estimating the surface pressure distribution and streamline
pattern over the car. These streamline patterns are examined
As speeds have increased gradually over the years, reliance on and compared with those obtained via flow visualization in a
ground effect in maintaining traction has become the water tunnel.
cornerstone of many designs. It is not unusual to see a
configuration in which the negative lift generated by the body at
racing speeds approaches or even surpasses the vehicle weight1. METHOD OF ANALYSIS
In an effort to maximize the ground effect, little attention is paid
to off-design behavior of the configuration, especially in those Computational Method
cases where the car separates from the track. Consequently, loss
of ground effect during a race can have catastrophic The panel code used for the present analysis was originally
consequences. developed at NASA Ames Research Center under the name of
PMARC7 (Panel Method of Ames Research Center). The
In recent years, a few accidents have pointed out the necessity original code, developed in FORTRAN, lacked the flexibility of
for a closer examination of these configurations outside of their dynamic memory allocation. Therefore, the code was converted
operational envelope. During the 1999 Le Mans 24-hour race, a into C language and labeled CMARC. The new code that can
be executed on a personal computer has been supported since by
AeroLogic6 as the analysis module of the PSW.

In CMARC, the potential flow solution is obtained by modeling

the geometry with a collection of quadrilateral panels of uniform
source and doublet distributions, constituting a low-order
method. The wakes of lifting bodies are modeled with doublet
panels whose strengths are related to those on the surface
through the Kutta condition. The code allows specifying
porosity on select panels as part of the input. Therefore, inlets
and exhaust areas that constitute holes in the geometry surface
can also be modeled. From the potential flow solution, the code
can estimate the position and the shape of any surface
streamline passing through a predefined panel.

Boundary layer analysis is performed along user-specified

streamlines using momentum integral techniques. The laminar
portion of the boundary layer is modeled with a modified
Thwaites’ method. Transition points are identified through Figure 1: Grid distribution on a generic racecar.
correlation of the local Reynolds number based on momentum
thickness and the local pressure gradient. Turbulent boundary
layers are analyzed using the method of Nash and Hicks8. No EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH
action is taken in the code to modify the potential flow solution
for viscous effects. Test Facility

The viscous flow modeling employed by the code, being two- The work described here was performed in the water tunnel at
dimensional, is expected to break down in regions of severe the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR), located on
cross-flow. Such regions abound on a racecar where aspect the campus of Wichita State University (WSU). This facility is
ratios are small, the surface is composed of compound curves, a closed-loop horizontal tunnel containing approximately 3,500
and there are many fittings and sharp corners that can trip gallons of water. The clear test section, visible from five
boundary layers. Therefore, the results of the boundary layer directions, is 2-ft deep, 3-ft high, and 6-ft long. A 2.5-ft segment
analysis performed by the code can be used only qualitatively at with constant cross sectional area connects the test section to the
best. Furthermore, since this study focused on high angles of diffuser. This section can also be used as an extension of the
attack, large regions of separated boundary layers were present test section. Water speed can be varied from 0.05 ft/s to 1.0 ft/s
in the flow. Consequently, no reliable force data could be with very low levels of turbulence. However, the flow speeds of
obtained with this method. 0.2 to 0.6 ft/s result in the least amount of turbulence.

Computational Model The majority of the runs used for the current research were
made at tunnel speeds of 0.5 ft/s, corresponding to a Reynolds
A typical Le Mans category racecar was modeled for the number of approximately 50,000 per foot. The lowest level of
purpose of the present study. Figure 1 shows the configuration free stream turbulence was visually observed in the
and its grid distribution. The geometry was represented with neighborhood of this speed, which also corresponded to the
approximately 4,200 quadrilateral panels. lowest tunnel vibration levels measured with an accelerometer
in an earlier experiment. Flow visualization was performed by
The numerical model included as much detail as possible. dye injection on the surface of the model. Figure 2 shows the
Nevertheless, certain elements of the geometry had to be schematic of this facility.
approximated. These included the wheels that were modeled as
extensions of the lower surface, without any gap between the The model was mounted on a C-strut that protruded into the
tire and the car body. No attempt was made to model details flow from the top surface. The strut allowed controlling the
such as the recess at the base of the windshield, rear-view model orientation in pitch and in yaw. Pitch attitudes from –45
mirrors, and gaps in the body surface. Air intake and exhaust degrees to +60 degrees could be attained. However, only
ports could be modeled with panels of user-defined porosity. positive pitch angles were used in the present study. Yaw angle
However, such modeling was not used for the purpose of could be varied over ± 45 .
accurate comparison with the experimental results.
Water Tunnel Model
The code could account for the ground effect using the method
of images, without generating additional panels. Typical run The water tunnel model was composed of a 1/24-scale model of
times were of the order of 5 minutes on a personal computer the car. The model was fitted with 7 dye ports on the top and 6
with 128MB RAM and a 733 MHz Pentium III processor. ports on the bottom for flow visualization. The dye ports were
flush mounted and all were located symmetrically to allow
detecting any asymmetry due to unintended yaw. The model
Test Section

Figure 3: Comparison of the streamlines obtained

computationally and experimentally.

models is quite evident. Secondly, it is quite obvious from this

figure that the two flow fields agreed very well, even in those
areas containing large amounts of turbulent flow. Therefore, the
Figure 2: Schematic view of the WSU/NIAR water tunnel. computational model could be used for better understanding of
the flow field in those areas where flow visualization was not
available. Finally, it was interesting to observe that the viscous
was mounted on the tunnel C-strut and placed near the center of layer remained attached over most of the body, despite the
the test section. presence of many sharp corners that tripped the boundary layers.
No reverse flow was observed near the surface, except for
All inlet ports to the model were blocked to prevent flow regions near the very back of the car, which would indicate
through the model. Likewise, the recess at the bottom of the boundary layer separation. Nonetheless, neither method was
windscreen was filled to provide a smooth transition between capable of producing quantitative data regarding the
the hood and the glass. The wheel wells were left open and the aerodynamic coefficients. Experimentally, the low values of
suspension parts were exposed to the flow. dynamic pressure made such measurements impractical, while
the computational model could not account for the strong
Flow Visualization viscous effects. However, the authors believed that the
combination of the two methods could provide significant
For flow visualization, food coloring was injected next to the insight into the details of the flow around the configuration.
surface through the dye ports mounted on the model. The dye
lines were embedded inside the model with openings on the The influence of ground effect could only be examined
surface at specific points. Dye flow rates were maintained at a numerically. The proximity to the ground plane would not
minimum in order to avoid altering the natural boundary layer influence the streamline pattern on the model as much as it
flow over the model. In those cases where the dye ports were would affect the pressure distribution. Figure 4 shows the top
not in the desired position, dye injection was accomplished surface pressure distribution with and without the ground plane.
using an external wand. This method proved invaluable for The reader is cautioned that in this figure not all surface panels
establishing the surface streamline pattern on the model prior to are visible due to problems with the post-processing package.
installation of the dye lines inside the mode. Also, prior The model with the ground effect was characterized with much
experience had shown that the points on the model from which higher pressures on the top surface, as was expected. The
vortex filament emanate depend on angle of attack. Therefore, downward lift generated by the model without the ground effect
these flow structures were visualized only with the aid of the was only 40% of that created in the presence of the ground
wand. plane. Therefore, it was logical to expect that any loss of
contact with the track would result in a sudden decrease in
traction, and potentially unintended flight of the vehicle.
Experimental investigation indicated an absence of separated
On the one hand, the low magnitude of the Reynolds number in boundary layers on the top surface of the configuration, even at
the water tunnel was of considerable concern in accurate very large angles of attack. The sequence of Figures 5(a)
modeling of the flow. On the other hand, the solution obtained through 5(c) shows attached boundary layer flow over the model
from the panel method lacked all viscous effects. In order to at pitch attitudes reaching 30 degrees. For Figure 5(a), dye was
alleviate these concerns, streamline patterns obtained from the released from the center location on the hood. The resulting
two methods were compared, as shown in Figure 3. Several streamline remained attached until encountering the inlet duct
points are highlighted in this figure. First, the geometric above the windscreen. For Figures 5(b) and 5(c), only the dye
similarity between the computational and the experimental ports on both sides of this inlet were used (see Figure 4). At no
(a) with ground effect

(c) 30-degree pitch

Figure 5: Effect of pitch attitude on boundary layers.

on the top surface at large angles of attack. This flow was

characterized with contracting streamlines in this region
depicted in Figure 6. It is believed that the resulting strong
(b) without ground effect favorable pressure gradient in that region kept the boundary
layers attached at extreme angles of attack. Such flow fields
Figure 4: Top surface pressure distribution with and guarantee lift generation well beyond ordinary pitch attitudes.
without ground effect.
The streamline pattern shown in Figure 6 suggested the
possibility of flow wrapping around the side of the car at high
point, reversed flow near the surface, indicating boundary layer incidence angles. This type of flow pattern had the potential of
separation was observed on the model, except on a small region forming strong streamwise vortex filaments that would emanate
behind the top inlet duct. In actual operation, a considerable
from the sharp corners on the lower side of car, finding their
amount of air flows through this duct, which was plugged for ways to the top and aiding in lift generation at high angles of
the purpose of these tests. This flow relieves some of the local attack. Therefore, the streamlines pattern on the side of the
adverse pressure gradient, rendering the separated-flow region
configuration at high incidence angles was also studied. The
even smaller. case shown in Figure 7 clearly demonstrated the flow wrapping
around the lower side edge of the car at such attitude.
The persistent attached flow was deemed unusual in light of the
very low values of Reynolds number. However, computational
results indicated a region of accelerated flow near the rear side

(a) level attitude

(a) 15-degree pitch

(b) 15-degree pitch

(b) 25-degree pitch Figure 6: Effect of pitch attitude on streamline pattern.

Figure 9: A vortex filament emanating from the edge of a
sliptter plate.

this plate can act as a vortex generator, similar to aircraft

leading edge extensions. Again, the resulting streamwise vortex
filaments, if convected over the top surface, can keep the
Figure 7: Streamline pattern on the side panels at 15 degrees boundary layers attached over the body at extreme pitch
angle of attack. attitudes. Figure 9 show a typical vortex filament emanating
from a simulated splitter plate.

Expectedly, no vortex filament was modeled by the inviscid These results, however exploratory, clearly demonstrate the
flow solution, but the presence of this type of vortical flow undesirable characteristics of a well-designed racecar in off-
structure was experimentally verified, as indicated in Figure 8. design attitudes. It is evident that a configuration optimized for
In this case, because of the absence of dye ports at proper maximum aerodynamic efficiency, which includes strong
locations on the model, flow visualization was accomplished ground effect, tends to act as a wing of small aspect ratio once
with the aid of the dye wand. separated from the ground plane. For the safety, of the occupant
and of the other participants, it may be adviseable to consider
The cases shown in Figures 7 and 8 were generated without a adding active devices to destroy organized flow structures in
ground plane. It would be logical any ground effect would such events.
magnify these phenomena. Furthermore, although not observed
experimentally on this model, it is possible for some of these
vortex filaments to find their ways up over the top of the car at CONCLUSIONS
high angles of attack, as indicated by the numerical model. This
behavior would lead to persistent lift generation well past An exploratory investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics
attitudes that should result in aerodynamic stall. of a typical Le Mans class racecar was presented, in an effort to
better understand its behavior in off-design attitudes. Primary
The above situation can be aggravated further if the emphasis was placed on extreme pitch orientations outside of
configuration is equipped with a splitter plate. The model used the ground effect. Results from a combination of computational
for most of the experimental investigation reported above lacked and experimental modeling were shown. Computational
a splitter plate. However, on many racecars this device is used modeling was performed with a low-order panel method, while
to gain better ground effect. flow visualization was accomplished with dye injection in a
water tunnel using a 1/24-scale model.
Generally, the splitter plate is a relatively thin sheet mounted
under the front of the car, extending some distance ahead of the Streamline patterns obtained from the two methods agreed very
nose. If the car encounters a high incidence angle, well at small angles of attack, despite the large differences in
Reynolds numbers. Experimental results indicated the presence
of attached boundary layers over a large part of the car at very
high angles of attack. Computational results suggested this
behavior to be due to the favorable pressure gradient over the
upper surface at high incidence angles.

The computational model suggested the formation of

streamwise vortex filaments emanating from the sharp corners
of the lower sides of the car. Flow visualization confirmed
strong vortical structures around sharp edges of lower part of the
car at extreme pitch attitudes, which are believed to be even
Figure 8: Vortex filament emanating from the corner of the stronger in close proximity to the ground.
wheel well.
It was suggested that these flow patterns could assist the
catastrophic flight of the vehicle if it separated from the track. It
was recommended to consider employing active lift-destroying
devices as integral parts of these configurations.


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