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Why or how do students with ASD tend to For each topic, choose one digital tool (medium or

experience difficulties in this area? How is this high tech) that is discussed in the readings. The
commensurate with how you see students with tool that you choose should be new to you and not
ASD struggling in your classroom? Provide a one that you use currently. Do some additional
specific example of a way you have seen a student online research by visiting websites, trialing the
in your classroom struggle in this area. tool online, downloading accessible versions of the
tool, or watching video demonstrations online.
Provide us with a brief, one-paragraph description
of what this tool can do and how you believe it
could support one or more of your students with
students with ASD in the classroom.

Text Comprehension Text comprehension can be a very One of the resources mentioned in the
difficult skill for students with ASD, reading is Boardmaker. This is a program
specifically fictional texts. Many students that I use in my classroom on a daily
with ASD are literal thinkers, therefore basis. Recently I have further explored
they struggle to understand and Boardmaker Online and it really is a game
comprehend make-believe or far-fetched changer. Using Boardmaker Online, you
stories. Many stories that we read in are able to create paper, interactive, and
elementary school are fictional stories, online activities for students. You can
which poses great difficulties for our create these activities to do as a whole
students with ASD. The one student I class or even send specific activities to
have in my classroom really enjoys individual students. There is also an
listening to fictional stories but is often extensive online library of activities that
unable to answer questions about the have already been created by other
text after listening to it. She often educators (and they can be edited!). This
requires an adult to go through specific resource is great for all my students but
sections of the story with her prior to specifically my student with ASD. This
each question. She also utilizes the provides me with a way to modify
pictures to help her further understand fictional stories to make it more
the story. accessible for her. Adding common
symbols to our stories help her further
process the meanings of words on the
page, which in turn, helps her further
understand the meaning behind the
Handwriting Many students with ASD struggle with One of the tools mentioned in the
fine motor control and sensory aversions readings that is so simple but didn’t occur
which can cause them to struggle greatly to me is the use of a simple recording
with handwriting. My one student with device. Students that struggle with
ASD has major handwriting difficulties. handwriting often have the ideas in their
Not only does she struggle to form hand but are unable to get it written
letters, she often struggles to hold the down on paper. Using a recording device,
pencil with an effective grip. She requires my student with ASD could easily speak
hand over hand assistance or an adult to her thoughts instead of writing. This
write first with highlighter so that she would be a great way for me to assess
may trace it. She also requires the use of her knowledge on a topic, not her ability
a pencil grip to help her effectively grip to write it down. I also this she could use
the pencil. her student device and use speech-to-
text software for lengthy assignments, to
completely eliminate the need for writing
(and a human scribe). OneNote offers a
dictate function that she could easily use
to share her answers with me directly
without the frustration of typing or

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