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trauma, instrumentation, and tumors. Chronic intractable resonance imaging (MRI) may be used for tumor evaluation
hemorrhage is associated with radiation cystitis, tumors, before and after intervention.
prostatectomy, and infiltrative disorders. Hemodynamically A transfemoral aortogram and selective arteriogram are
stable patients undergo a noninvasive diagnostic study such performed to determine the blood supply to the kidney and
as contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), before tumor. An occlusive balloon catheter may be placed within
embolization. the vessel and inflated before embolization to prevent reflux
Pelvic fractures resulting in life-threatening hemorrhage of embolic material and inadvertent nontarget embolization.
require embolization for control if resuscitation and external However, many physicians use a simple selective catheter.
pelvic fixation have been ineffective. Embolization has been Gelfoam pledgets are used for preoperative embolization
shown to be very effective at arresting hemorrhage. Using a (Figures 7–3A, B). Coils are not used because they can be dis-
transfemoral approach, the practitioner performs a nonse- lodged during surgery when the kidney is manipulated.
lective pelvic arteriogram before selective catheterization Absolute ethanol is the preferred embolic material for abla-
and embolization of the hypogastric arteries. Because of tive palliative embolization of nonresectable tumor. Bone
contralateral crossover blood supply, pelvic lesions are metastases are embolized by positioning a microcatheter in
treated by bilateral embolization. Gelfoam pledgets are fre- the vessel(s) supplying the tumor and injecting particles of
quently used. They can be deployed rapidly, are immediately polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or other embolic agents such as
effective if the patient has a normal coagulation profile, and embospheres until maximal obliteration of the angiographic
produce temporary vascular occlusion. Gelfoam sponge is tumor stain is achieved.
easily cut into pieces appropriate to the caliber of the vessel Tumor embolization is a safe procedure. Complications
to be embolized. Coils may be used with, or instead of, Gel- such as puncture-site hematoma and inadvertent nontarget
foam. However, if used, they may hamper future access to the embolization occur in <2% of patients. Almost all patients,
hypogastric artery in the event of rebleeding. Small embolic however, experience postembolization syndrome (PES). PES
materials such as Gelfoam powder or Ivalon particles are not consists of severe pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, and leu-
used to treat hemorrhage from pelvic trauma. They produce kocytosis. It is probably caused by tissue necrosis that results
very peripheral occlusion of small vessels, thereby risking from successful embolization. Transient ileus, transient
ischemia of nontarget organs. Complications specific to pel- hypertension, sepsis, and reversible renal failure have also
vic embolization are extremely uncommon. Nontarget been described. PES occurs within a few hours of the proce-
embolization is rare. dure and may last for several days. Its occurrence should not
delay surgical intervention. Tissue swelling and tissue gas for-
mation are seen on imaging studies. The severity of PES is
" Tumors related to the quantity of infarcted tissue. Analgesics and
antibiotics are used for treatment. Administration of steroids
A. Renal Cell Carcinoma
and antibiotics before embolization may reduce the severity
Primary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is treated by surgical of PES.
excision. In some cases, preoperative occlusive embolization
of the renal artery is used as an adjunct to surgery. Emboli-
B. Angiomyolipoma
zation reduces intraoperative hemorrhage and allows imme-
diate ligation of the renal vein. It is used in patients with very Selective embolization has proved to be an effective method
large tumors and also in tumors supplied by many parasit- of controlling hemorrhage from benign renal lesions while
ized vessels. Embolization accentuates cleavage planes and preserving normal parenchyma (Kothary et al, 2005). This
therefore facilitates nephrectomy. The optimal time delay technique has been used in the treatment of active bleeding
between embolization and surgery is probably 1 day. Embo- from angiomyolipoma and for the elective prevention of
lization may also favorably impact patient survival (Zielin- hemorrhage, especially if the tumors are multiple or bilat-
ski et al, 2000). A new application is to use selective eral, as in patients with tuberous sclerosis. Current guide-
embolization of a renal tumor as an adjunctive measure lines suggest electively embolizing any tumors that are
prior to radiofrequency or cryoablation of the tumor larger than 4 cm in diameter. The procedure is effective in
(Yamakado et al, 2006). decreasing tumor size and in preventing or treating hemor-
Palliation of nonresectable disease that causes pain and rhage in 85–90% of patients. CT can clearly identify the fat
hematuria can be achieved by transcatheter embolization component of the tumor and is therefore used for diagno-
(Munro et al, 2003). Patients with bilateral RCC, and those sis before intervention and for follow-up (Halpenny et al,
with RCC in a single kidney, can undergo subselective embo- 2009).
lization as an alternative to surgery, thereby sparing normal The technique for embolization is similar to that described
parenchyma. Embolization of RCC metastases to bone is per- for RCC. Through a transfemoral approach, angiography is
formed before surgical resection to decrease intraoperative used to define the arterial supply to the kidney and tumor.
blood loss (Chatziioannou et al, 2000). CT or magnetic The feeding vessels are then selectively catheterized using a

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